HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 109 - Retired/ AlU ORDINANCE OF. THE SOSTH TAHOE PUSI,IC UTILITY DISTRICT"STATING THJ~ PUR~SE FOR AI~....NEG~SARY~ FI~NG T~ ~OU~ OF M~NE~ NEG~- SA'R~tT~...BE RAISED. BY TAXATION~ F1X~NG OF RATE OF:'::~ ~':: AND. ADDING 'TO. ~D' ~KING ~ ~PART OF Ti~:,;A~U~,:ASSESS~NT :LEVIED '~N THE i, AND U~N WHICH:::S~{' ~ERVICE WAS' USED AND Ct~RGES TH~- FOR UNPAID AT THE TI~ OF FI~NG TH~ ~TE OF ' .TA~S - 196~-1965 ~SGAL BE':IT ~AC?ED by the Board of Directors of SO~H 'PUBLIC UTILITY DIST~CT, Gouty of E1 Dorado, [qtate of Califo~a~ s follows: 2. It is hereby uetermined that revenues of SOUTH PUB!,IC UTILITY DISTI~ICT during the fiseal year' 1964-1965 are inadequate to pay the principal or interest on the bonded deb~; of said District incurred Jn the years 1959-196C aurJ. ng oa~d year, and that the'interest and sinking f~d payments for said ~ ffisca2 year 'ca'mot be met out of s~rplus earnings for ~aJd year 'for the pub!i~'..~iiity; er p~blic' utility work for ~d~i~ 'bonds were'f~Su~.d,'a~,q~a% saJ. d paj~ents cannot be met out Of the [monies of the:general fun'd off said District, '~ppropriated or transferred t'~-'the s~nkl~g- fund of the public utility for .~s. aid bonds were is~,ued, and, therefore, taxes sh~].l be levi,d 'such purposes to pay the a~ual interest on sa~d bonds, ~o pay t :~ueh part of the prin~i[..ai as ~f~]l~"'11~, due in th~. fiscal year 90,+ - 1965 and to provide i'or sinking Ih~n,i [:ayrr.~r:ts cf the next succeeding fi:seal yea:'. ...... e,, by The amount of money necessary t,:,. lc ,'~¢~ ,~ ' ,~,,-~',,- the fiscal year .1964 - 1965 for the payment of sa taxation ..... ~.,,.~, amnua! interest on said bonded debt incurred durlmg the years 1959 -1960 for said fiscal, year- and for the payment of such part of the principal as ',,,ill ""~ ~,,.,~i due during sain fiscal year~ and to provide for the s:n~.~n,~ fm¥:] payments of the next succeeding fiscal year is One ;fundred ]:'or%y-eight Thousa~:d Two .Hundrod Poll~ 1 ,:' rS~'~..\.':. %-% :. '.'2',.\'~:': ,'.'.:'L',..'-. ;:.%.--'? i'., 10: · 'i:J-v ' " · -',, ;" i=.,'12 :"'; '; 1.4- · L.:.,' ..': '; - :)'-:'-:' .";'1.5 ;7'"' ;:--;;'-, i'5... (.' ::- ', .' :. the n~-.~ber of cents upon each One Hundred DoZlars ($1OO.OO} value ,eT pro!ratty' assessed, by the K1 Dorado Cnunt¥ ],sseaaor and returned 't'o ~ho Board 'dr..Supervisors of said Co~ty by the Auditor of said '~County is hereby, fixed by the ' ~ ' Boarc of.Dlrectors el said Di~trl¢g Let ~ ~ ,~C.39 and 'the~'efore levied at $0.39 per said One }t~dred Do~a ..-(.v!Oc.vo} assessed value of said property ~dthin said Distrlct. 3. It is hereby determined that revenues of SOUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC b~ILITY DISTb~ during the fiscal year 1964 - 196~ are ~'"'4~' ...... ~ pay the principal or interest on the bonded debt of said District incurred in the years 1951 1952 '~ - uu, x:,g said ftscal .year', and tha~ the interes¢ and sinking f~d payments for said fiscal .year cannot bo met out of'surplus earnings for said year for the public utility or public Utility work for which sa~d b~n,.~,* .... were oued~ and that said payments cannot be met out of tho ....~.%~4~,,~., of the g~,~ra~._,? _ f,~nd of said District approCriated, or t~,~r,~4~'~,,.,~,-~ to the sinking f~nd of the pub!Sc utility for said bonds were issued, and~ thereY'ore~ taxes shall be levied for S'~,'~ purposes to r~ay the annua] interest on said bonds, to pay . - p,~,'¢ of the princip:~l as wm]i fall due in the l~scal year - ,~v5 an~ to r:rov~de fnr sinking fund r.~,_r,t~ of the next ¢:::::.:.~./,,.-:i..:..:~ ~ ~9~ l.~r ould ~.~c~l ye~. a, td ~of the p~)~t:.nt .Jr 2uch ~rt :.::!':.:.,'?';:':z~7~5'f the p,'qncipai ~s ~,~ll ¢at~ due durin~ said fisc:,' and .,.:.:.,:..~, ~_ r.,o,~.,~ ~r the s..nK~n~ ~un,~ ~a:ments the next .4ucceedJng : '.:: :. ~,~]. :.'f,. ~ ' 4. The amount of ,.mo_n,;y necess:,,.7 t.:, b.:, :'::i ::ed by .:. year. 2.. . - 19o5 ,..'",- ''-",-,,~- ;.',yme;:t el' said ' ~,"~':'ezt or, said ~, 4m.q · - the n,&~zber o-"" cents uIcn each One Htmdred Dct2;~r,= (."j:Of,.O~,) value of property asseSSed by th.e E1-D0rado/CountY-Assessor and returned fis~.~=-' year. -~ s Thirteen "'~h~u.-~and-' Five Hunare :]' ' Twentv-e i ght. Dollars ~t'"~,p~.:',?~'~'e,~, ,,"..0), and'the rate o£ taz,:ation £~.'~. said purpose based on County is hereby fixed by the Board o~' l)f.~'ecto:-:; of said Di~trlC~ · :~.~ anti-.therefore levied at $0.03 per aa:'d One Hundr~xi '($I00.00 assessed value oi' said property ~dta~n said 5. It is f'urther determined that funds for ~in~enance"_ and operation of SOUTH TAHOE PWHLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during the d'isca! year i964 - i965 are needed to car~T out the objects ~ ~" -~ wl~ich said f'~s cannot be provided o~t purpose~ cf said D~=t,_ct, of revenues of said District during said fiscal year. 6. .The amount o~ money necessalV to be raised for taxation during the fi- , . ~ca~_ year 1964 - !965 for the mainte:mnce o~eration of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT needed to cut the objects and -~ ...... ,~,, " , ?~,r~,,~s ol said District, whirl said funds cannot be provided out of revenues of sald District, during' ~a _ ca~ yea is Two Hundred Six Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollal · ~,-~ ....... ,,~ :'and the ~=~e oS taxation for aaid purposes based the n~bar, of cants upon eack One H~dred Doliar~ ($100.00} value of ~,~opertM. a ....... d by Dorado County A~se~aor and retumed ..... ~eo~e the El ' " scars :'of Superwsors of said County by t}}o Auditor of said County cs. hereby l~ix~d by the Board of Direc'tors of oOUT.{ TAHOE ~ T~ d .... ,~UDL_'b bFiL!TY DI'STFJCT a~ ,~o.)}, and, therefore, levied at property witkin said District. "~ It ~s hereby declared that at t:,e time of' fJxirl~ the rate o£' taxes for said fiscal yesr 1964 - ;I~~. by tho L;OUT}I TAHOE PU~]L.i"' UTILITYJ'DISTRICT, sewer service was furnished to, and used on certain parce.!s of' land upon which the annual assessment Is, by this said ordinarce J. evied: and charges there,-:~' unpaid as of the t<m~ the rate of taxes for said fiscal y~ar was ~'Jxed, the E1 ~.~,,~.,,~ County Assessor's [:az'ce.] number, the I',,-::"so:-, o'~ing, contrzlJ, ingcr in possess:~or: of said certain paru,~'i.s of land, and the ~d' 6~r~-s-at. the :[t!me:-'O~.::fi~,:this Said rate.-'Of taxes are set £orth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated ' J herein as though set forth in full.. ,It is further declared sai~ certain Parcels of land are owned, controlled or in the possession~ of the ~ame. persOn.who o~ned, controlled or was in possession of it during %he time such service charges were incurred, or if transfers were made of the property since the date such charges were incurred,, such transfers have been made by gift, descent, bequest or devise. 8. It is further declared that said unpaid charges set ,": ):,x' L& ~-~ ~; · ... ::j~j~,~O. levied upon S~d certain ~rcels of land. ~ ~;, .-,, ,, . ,:? ~?~ ,lc forth in Exhibit A are added to and made a part of Uhe annual assessment levied upon said certain parcels of land therein rei'e:-red to and shall become a lien 'upon said parcels of lanc. It is f~ther declared that the unoaid charges nmy be addea to and become a p~rt of the first installment of the annual assessment time. lO. ~ certified copy of this Ordinance ~hall be trans- tted to the County Auditor of the County of El Do~do, and to the County Treasurer of the Co[~ty of E1 Dorado, upon its adoption. 9. This Ordinance shall take effect August 31, 1964. ~'fJ~;il.' 17 least one (1) week before August 31, 196~, copies of said ~/,~,: ,1,, · 'C.~':, 18 O.-wtinance shall be posted by the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public : · -',,~- lg Utility District at three (3) public places in said District, ar~ ~0 a~ ieast one {1} week before August, 31~ 196/,, th~s Or~tinance shall -'~i)[':.i' 21 be published in the TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE~ a newspaper of general _~..: ~ c!rculation~ printed and published in the said District, one 1 29 PASSED AND ADOPTED et a reEular meetin~ of the o£ Directors-:of South Tahoe.Public U~ility District on July 16, 196~,'.by the £ollow~ng vote: AYES: Donald L. Clarke, Robert Wakeman, Thomas A. Stewart, Robert Fesler and Donald H. Korte- NOES: .None ~SENT: _None Board 'of Directors of SOUTH TA4'OE PUBLIC ~"~ILITY DISTRI CT '.~}4y D./.~.r~l-ey, Acting Clerk/~T -- 5outh ~h_o? '[Public Utility Dfstrict and ex offi6io Secretary o£.the Board of DirectOrs thereof' (SEAL) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF CALLFO~NIA County of El. Dorado ,'I, 'the Undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Ac ting Clerk ol' she South.Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California. On the ~t day of August , 1964, I posted the ordinance to which this certificate is a~tachea by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of ~he foll~ lng Lhree (3)~ublic places within ~he Dis~ric~ boundaries, to wi~: One copy at Stateline, California Post Office; · One 'copy a~ Bijou, California Pos~ Office; and One copy at Tahoe Valley, California Post Office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the South Tahoe PlAblic Utility District, %his 21~%daY.of August , 196&. of S~h Tahoe Public O~Klit~ District and ex officic Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of E1.Dorad CERTIFICA ~TE O_~F ORDINANCE I, the Undersigned, do 'hereby: certlfSy that the above is a true and c°rrect';c0Py 'of'Ordinance No' 109, South Tahoe Public' Utility District;' entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PU~LI0 UFILITY DI'$TRIOT:'.STATING', TH~'PURPOSE'-FOR WHICH TAXES ARE NECESSARY. FIXING THE AMOUNT".OF~MONEY' NECESSARY.To BE ~/ISED BY TAXATION, FIXING OF RATE. OF TAxES, AND' ADDING TO"AND MAKING A PART OF THE %NN[IAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND UPON WHICH SE1WER SERVICE WAS JSED AND CHARGES THER?.FOR UNPAID AT T}IE TIME OF FIXING THE RATE OF 196&'1965 TAXES - FISCAL. YEARS,. and that said ordinance was duly ~ ldopted by the BOard of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility ... )istrict on July 16, 1964, the original of which is on file in the ~' )fi'ice of South Tahoe Public Utility' District. IN ~[TNESS ~{EREOF, I have set my hand and the seal of ;he South Tmhoe Public Utility District, this 16th day of July, ~ta~y D. }~[r~ley, Ac,t, ing Clerk o~. th~ South T~oe Public Uti!ity D~lErict and ex office' 'o Secretary of the~oard of Directors ~ereof