HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.02.01 District Board Agenda for 2-1-24 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California David Peterson, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Director Nick Haven, Director Shane Romsos, Vice President Nick Exline, Director Paul Hughes, General Manager Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than four individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Potential adoption of alternative bidding procedures authorized by the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (“UPCCAA”) (Keith Collins, General Counsel) b. Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power and Al Tahoe Well Rehab (Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager) (1) Approve the attached scope of work for design and bidding services related to the Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power and Al Tahoe Well Rehab Project; and (2) Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to Task Order #14B with Kennedy Jenks Consultants in an amount to be determined prior to the Board meeting. c. 2024 Apache Waterline Relocation Project (Taylor Jaime, Staff Engineer) Approve and enter into a Construction and Funding Agreement with the County of El Dorado to provide for relocation of a waterline in an amount not to exceed $1,495,875. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 1, 2024 PAGE – 2 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Legislative Update (Shelly Thompson, Director of Public and Legislative Affairs) b. State of the Groundwater Basin Water Year 2023 (Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager) 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Staffing Update 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 1/18/2024 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District Future Meetings/Events 2/12/2024 - 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 2/14/2024 – 10:00 a.m. El Dorado Water Agency Meeting 2/15/2024 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 12. ITEMS FOR CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed – three minute limit.) a. Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)/Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation regarding El Dorado County Superior Court Case 23CV1396, Scott Gabler vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. b. Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators regarding Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes, General Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. c. Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators regarding Memorandum of Understanding with the Management Group. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes/General Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; and Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 1, 2024 PAGE – 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR Thursday, February 1, 2024 ITEMS FOR CONSENT a. WINTER STORMS EMERGENCY RESPONSE (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continue the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. b. AL TAHOE SEWER PUMP STATION/SPARE 90hp PUMP (Jeremy Rutherdale, Field Operations Supervisor) 1) Approve the District Exception No. 2 to Formal Competitive Solicitation: When the item is required or is economically preferable to match or be compatible with other furnishings, materials, or equipment presently on hand, and the purchase is made from the manufacturer or supplier who supplied other such furnishings, materials, or equipment; 2) Approve the purchase of a 90hp Flyte Submersible Pump to be used as a spare pump; and 3) Authorize the purchase from Xylem in the amount of $ 77,632.20, plus sales tax and shipping. c. 2024 TANK COATINGS TOUCHUP PROJECT (Megan Colvey, Senior Engineer) Authorize staff to advertise for bids. d. 2023 BLACK BART WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer) 1) Approve Final Balancing Contract Change Order No. 2 to Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. in the credit amount of <$162,821.50>; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to approve and execute the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Vinciguerra Construction Inc. for the 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project. e. PIONEER TRAIL WATERLINE UPGRADE AND IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT LOAN FROM THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING LOAN FUND (Donielle Morse, Grant Coordinator) Adopt Reimbursement Resolution and Authorizing Resolution to Apply for Pioneer Trail Waterline Upgrades and Improvements Project Construction Loan from the State Water Resources Control Board Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund. f. SEPTEMBER 30, 2023 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer) Receive and file the September 30, 2023 Income Statement and Balance Sheet Reports. g. RECEIVE AND FILE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (Greg Dupree, Accounting Manager) Receive and file Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,621,386.82. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 1, 2024 PAGE – 4 h. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 18, 2024 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve January 18, 2024, Minutes. BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Winter Storms Emergency Response REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continue the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. DISCUSSION: The Board declared the Winter Storms Emergency Response as an emergency on March 16, 2023. District staff will provide an update to the Board regarding the status of the emergency. Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) requires the Board to review the emergency action at every Board meeting thereafter until the emergency action is terminated. The Board must determine by a 4/5 vote that there is a need to continue the emergency action. District staff is requesting that the Board continue the emergency action for the response to the Winter Storms Emergency. As you may recall, on March 9th, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency throughout California to support the recent winter storm events that hit the state. These storms caused widespread damage and disruption with heavy snow, freezing temperatures, and strong winds causing avalanches, debris flow, and flooding across the state. The emergency proclamation provides critical support for emergency relief efforts, including assistance for local response efforts to address the impacts of the winter storms. The District has proactively tracked its storm-related expenses, including labor, parts, fuel, materials, and contractor assistance. Given the significant costs associated with responding to, and recovering from, these events, the District will be seeking reimbursement for eligible expenses through the Cal-OES Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program. Under this program, eligible costs may be reimbursed at a 75 percent state, and 25 percent local, cost share. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Paul Hughes February 1, 2024 Page 2 SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: $1,400,000 ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3242-23 ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO Type text here BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jeremy M. Rutherdale, Field Operations Supervisor MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Station/Spare 90hp Pump REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Authorize Exception No. 2 to the District’s Purchasing Policy for formal competitive solicitation; 2) Approve the purchase of a 90hp Flyte Submersible Pump to be used as a spare pump; and 3) Authorize the purchase from Xylem in the amount of $ 77,632.20, plus sales tax and shipping. DISCUSSION: The Al Tahoe Sewer Pump is the District's largest pump station that pumps to the treatment plant. It brings in sewer flows from thirty-one lift stations and sees flows from 1.5 to 5 million gallons a day (MGD). Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Station is currently outfitted with three 90hp Flyte Submersible Pumps. With Lake Tahoe being such a sensitive environment, the Pump Station must always be running perfectly to avoid any failures that may result in a spill. The Pumps Department has found it necessary for a spare pump to be on hand so the crew can continually have three Flyte Submersible Pumps operational while one is out for repair or maintenance. A Flyte Pump of this size can only be purchased through Xylem Corporation, Flyte's parent company. Xylem has discounted the pump quote by 10%. Exception No. 2 to the District’s Purchasing Policy for formal competitive solicitation exists when the item is required or is economically preferable to match or be compatible with other equipment presently on hand, and the purchase is made from the manufacturer or supplier who supplied other such equipment. Staff is requesting the Board authorize this exception. This item was reviewed by the District Puchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: 24-28 weeks after receipt of the order. COSTS$: $ 77,632.20, plus tax and shipping. ACCOUNT NO: 10.26.8316 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $90,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Xylem Quote and sole source confirmation ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Page 1 of 4 January 22, 2024 SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTLTY DIST 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE CA 96150-7401 Quote # 2024-FFB-0030 Project Name: South Tahoe PUD Job Name: 12MGD @230FT TDH Flygt, a Xylem brand, is pleased to provide a quote for the following equipment. Equipment Qty Part Number Description Disc.% Unit Price Extended Price 1 00323161500000 Flygt NP 3231, 63-680, 410 mm Intended for semi permanent wet installation, guiding claw included other installation components to be ordered individually Hard iron impeller and insert ring Drive Unit: 615 6 pole, 90 hp, 460 V, Std motor Approval: FM Ex Cooling jacket for direct media cooling Insulated support bearing Cables Power: 30M SUBCAB 3X50+2G35/2+S(2X0.5) 36MM Cable Grip included. Pilot: 30M SUBCAB ctrl screened S 12x1.5 Cable Grip included. Material Shaft: AISI 431 Stainless steel Supervision FLS, leakage detector, in junction box FLS, leakage detector, in stator housing PT-100 in one stator winding PT-100 in lower bearing Pump memory 10.00 $ 77,632.20 $ 77,632.20 Services Qty Part Number Description Disc.% Unit Price Extended Price Total Price $ 77,632.20 Freight Charge $ 3,778.00 Total Price $ 81,410.20 Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Flygt Products 790-A Chadbourne Rd Fairfield, CA 94534 Tel (707) 422-9894 Fax (707) 422-9808 Page 2 of 4 NOTES: -Quote is for Al Tahoe PS spare pump Terms & Conditions This order is subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale – Xylem Americas effective on the date the order is accepted which terms are available at http://www.xyleminc.com/en-us/Pages/terms- conditions-of-sale.aspx and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the agreement between the parties. Purchase Orders: Please make purchase orders out to: Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Freight Terms: 3 DAP - Delivered At Place 08 - Jobsite (per IncoTerms 2020) See Freight Payment (Delivery Terms) below. Taxes: State, local and other applicable taxes are not included in this quotation. Back Charges: Buyer shall not make purchases nor shall Buyer incur any labor that would result in a back charge to Seller without prior written consent of an authorized employee of Seller. Shortages: Xylem will not be responsible for apparent shipment shortages or damages incurred in shipment that are not reported within two weeks from delivery to the jobsite. Damages should be noted on the receiving slip and the truck driver advised of the damages. Please contact our office as soon as possible to report damages or shortages so that replacement items can be shipped and the appropriate claims made. Time of delivery: Please consult your local Flygt Branch Office to get fabrication and delivery lead times. Terms of delivery: PP/Add Order Position Terms of payment: 100% Net 30 days following shipment date. Schedule: Please consult your local Flygt Branch Office to get fabrication and delivery lead times. Validity: This Quote is valid for thirty (30) days. Please note that this pricing is valid for 30 days and contingent upon final approval of submittals and release to fabrication by (within 90 days of bid date). This quotation is subject to change if any changes to the specifications or plans are made that alter the scope of supply. We thank you for your interest in Flygt equipment from Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc., and look forward to being of service to you in the near future. Sincerely, Adrian Gutierrez Page 3 of 4 Sales Representative Phone: 508-274-4643 adrian.gutierrez@xylem.com Page 4 of 4 Customer Acceptance This order is subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale – Xylem Americas effective on the date the order is accepted which terms are available at http://www.xyleminc.com/en-us/Pages/terms- conditions-of-sale.aspx and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the agreement between the parties. A signed copy of this Quote is acceptable as a binding contract. Purchase Orders: Please make purchase orders out to: Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Quote #: 2024-FFB-0030 Customer Name: SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTLTY DIST Job Name: 12MGD @230FT TDH Total Amount: $ 77,632.20 (excluding freight) Signature: _______________________________ Name:_______________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) Company/Utility:___________________________ PO:_________________________________________ Address:_________________________________ Date:________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Fax:_________________________________________ Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Flygt Products Introducing the Xylem Preventative Maintenance Agreement Don’t forget to protect your new assets Thank you for considering Xylem for your pumping equipment needs. We appreciate the significance of your purchase decision and want to ensure you get the most out of your investment. The most cost-effective way to do this is to sign-up for a preventative maintenance agreement (PMA) that we tailor to your specific requirements and budget. A Xylem PMA offers a proven method to extend your equipment life, prevent expensive repairs and minimize unplanned failures. It’s also ensures you remain in compliance with environmental, health and other government regulations – critical to maximizing operation uptime. Our Flygt Gold PMA Includes: • One scheduled preventative maintenance service visit with multi-point inspection, 12 months after purchase and discounted access to Xylem's rental fleet • An additional 12-month warranty when purchased with your new or replacement Flygt pump(s) • The option to renew annually or on a multi-year basis following the first service visit • Priority service on repairs and field service calls * Flat-Rate Pricing is available for new and replacement Flygt models 3069, 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171, 3202, 3301 & 3315 starting at $500 per pump. Multi-year PMA packages are available as well. Contact your Xylem Sales Representative today for more information. Visit our PMA site for more info WARRANTY Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Ver. 12 -120312 For the period defined, Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. offers a commercial warranty to the original End Purchaser against defects in workmanship and material on Flygt Products. Warranty covers Flygt parts and labor as outlined in ADDENDUM – A. COVERAGE: Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. will pay the cost of parts and labor during the warranty period, provided that the Flygt product, with cable attached, is returned prepaid to a Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Authorized Service Facility for Flygt Product repairs. Coverage for Flygt parts and labor will be provided for the period shown in ADDENDUM - A. The warranty period will begin from date of shipment or date of a valid Start-up (For permanently installed pumps only). In cases where the Start-up date is used as the beginning of the warranty on a permanently installed Flygt pump, a Start-up Report completed by an approved service technician from a Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Authorized Service Facility for Flygt products must be received by the Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Area Service Manager for Flygt Products within thirty (30) days of the initial onset of the unit placed into service. If not received, the beginning of the warranty coverage will default to the Flygt product ship date. A Start-up for a permanently installed Flygt pump must occur within one (1) year from the date of shipment from a Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. authorized facility for Flygt Products or warranty will automatically default to ship date as start of warranty. (See STORAGE section) When using the start-up date as the beginning of the warranty, a copy of the Start-up Report will be required to support any Warranty Claims. Warranty on Flygt Dewatering pumps will begin with ship date only. No other date on Flygt Dewatering pumps will be considered. Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s sole obligation under this Warranty for Flygt Products shall be to replace, repair or grant credit for Flygt Products upon Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s exclusive determination that the Flygt Product does not conform to the above warranty. In the event that the Flygt product is replaced, warranty on the replacement product will be equal to the balance remaining on the original product or ninety (90) days, which ever is greater. MISUSE: This Warranty shall not apply to any Flygt product or part of Flygt product which (i) has been subjected to misuse, misapplication, accident, alteration, neglect, or physical damage (ii) has been installed, operated, used and/or maintained in a manner which is in an application that is contrary to Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s printed instructions as it pertains to installation, operation and maintenance of Flygt Products, including but without limitation to (iii) operation of equipment without being connected to monitoring devices supplied with specific products for protection; or (iv) damaged due to a defective power supply, improper electrical protection, faulty installation or repair, ordinary wear and tear, corrosion or chemical attack, an act of God, an act of war or by an act of terrorism; or (v) has been damaged resulting from the use of accessory equipment not sold by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. or not approved by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. in connection with Flygt products. WEAR PARTS: This warranty does not cover costs for standard and/or scheduled maintenance performed, nor does it cover Flygt parts that, by virtue of their operation, require replacement through normal wear (aka: Wear Parts), unless a defect in material or workmanship can be determined by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.. Wear Parts are defined as Cutters, Cutting Plates, Impellers, Agitators, Diffusers, Wear Rings (Stationary or Rotating), Volutes (when used in an abrasive environment), oil, grease, cooling fluids and/or any items deemed necessary to perform and meet the requirements of normal maintenance on all Flygt equipment. WARRANTY Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Ver. 12 -120312 DISCLAIMERS: (i) Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s warranties are null and void when Flygt Products are exported outside of the United States of America without the knowledge and written consent of Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.; (ii) Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. makes no independent warranty or representation with respect to parts or products manufactured by others and provided by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. (however, Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. will extend to the Purchaser any warranty received from Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s supplier for such parts or products). LIMITATIONS: XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. NEITHER ASSUMES, NOR AUTHORIZES ANY PERSON OR COMPANY TO ASSUME FOR XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC., ANY OTHER OBLIGATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ITS FLYGT EQUIPMENT. ANY ENLARGEMENT OR MODIFICATION OF THIS WARRANTY BY A FLYGT PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR, OR OTHER SELLING AGENT SHALL BECOME THE EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY OF SUCH ENTITY. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS OR TERMS OF WHATEVER NATURE RELATING TO FLYGT PRODUCT(S), INCLUDING AND WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED. PURCHASER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC.’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF ANY OF THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES IS LIMITED TO REPAIRING OR REPLACING FLYGT PRODUCTS AND SHALL IN ALL CASES BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE PURCHASER HEREUNDER. IN NO EVENT IS XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER FORM OF DAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, LIQUIDATED, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED SAVINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PRODUCTION, LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY OR LOSS OF REPUTATION. XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES, RENTED EQUIPMENT, OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR'S FEES, OR ANY EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH A FLYGT PRODUCT REPAIR SHOP NOT AUTHORIZED BY XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. U.S.A., INC. REIMBURSEMENT COSTS FOR CRANES AND/OR ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT USED IN CONJUNCTION FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR REINSTALLATION OF ANY FLYGT EQUIPMENT IS NOT COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY. ANY UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATIONS TO SUPPLIED FLYGT EQUIPMENT USED WITHOUT XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. SUPPLIED FLYGT BRAND CABLE OR CONTROLS WILL NOT BE COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY, UNLESS IT CAN BE PROVEN SUCH ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT IS SUITABLE FOR THE PURPOSE AND EQUAL TO XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. SUPPLIED FLYGT BRAND CABLES OR CONTROLS THAT WOULD ORIGINALLY HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT IN USE. REQUIREMENTS: A copy of Electrical System Schematics of the Control used (including a Control’s Bill of Material) could be required to support a Warranty Claim when a non Flygt Brand Control is used. In addition, a written record, hereby known as “the log”, will be associated with each unit serial number and must be maintained by the organization having product maintenance responsibility. The log must record each preventative maintenance activity and any repair activity during the life of the warranty or verification that a Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. authorized Service Contract for Flygt Products is in force and must be available for review and/or auditing. Failure to meet these conditions could render this warrant null and void. Such logs could be required to determine warranty coverage. WARRANTY Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Ver. 12 -120312 STORAGE: Should a delay occur between ship date and the date of start-up, maintenance as outlined in Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s Care & Maintenance Manual for Flygt Products must be performed by the “CONTRACTOR” and/or “OWNER” during any such period of storage. Documentation providing proof and outlining what maintenance was performed must be provided to Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. or its Flygt Products representative within thirty (30) days of said maintenance, or the Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. warranty for Flygt Products could be considered void. CONTROLS: Warranty coverage for permanently installed controls will start for the end purchaser on the date of shipment. This warranty does not apply to controls that have been damaged due to a defective and/or improper input power supply, improper electrical protection, accidental damage, improper or unauthorized installation and/or repair, unauthorized alteration, negligence, environmental corrosion or chemical attack, improper maintenance or storage of control, any act of God, an act of war, an act of terrorism or damage resulting from the use of accessory equipment not approved by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.. Further, this warranty does not apply in the event an adjustment is found to correct the alleged defect. Solid state devices will be covered for a period of one (1) year except in the Flygt Standard Control Panel (FSCP) where the solid state devices will be covered for the full warranty period of the control panel. Electrical control panels containing controllers, PLC’s, drives, soft starts, and other computerized equipment will require Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS) protection in order to satisfy the requirements of this warranty. The protection equipment associated with the control must be kept in working condition during the life of the warranty. Auxiliary equipment supplied with the control (air-conditioners etc.) is limited by the respective original equipment manufacturer’s warranty offered. Consumable items such as: light bulbs, fuses, and relays are covered under normal operating conditions. Electrical surges experienced during startups and/or during normal operating use of the control panel will cause the consumable items not to be covered under this warranty policy. Components not supplied by Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. will not covered by this warranty. TOP (The Optimum Pump Station) Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. will warrant the Flygt TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station components against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of start-up or eighteen (18) months from date of shipment and is valid only to the original owner of the station. Warranty shall cover the cost of labor and materials required to correct any warrantable defect, excluding any removal and reinstallation costs, FOB Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.’s authorized warranty service location for Flygt’s TOP. Flygt Products contained within a TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station will carry the standard Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. warranty for Flygt products and/or accessories installed in the TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station. All Flygt Product restrictions and/or limitations as outlined and described within the context of this warranty are germane to all sections of this Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Warranty document. Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. National Quality Assurance - US Corporate WARRANTY Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. Ver. 12 -120312 ADDENDUM – WARRANTY COVERAGE BY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT SERIES AND CONFIGURATION Months Months Months Months Months 1 - 12 13 - 18 19 - 36 37 - 39 40 - 60 Axial Flow/ Mixed Flow/ Centrifugal Pumps & Mixers 3000 Series (CP, NP, DP, CT, NT, CZ, NZ, LL) 4000 Series (SR, PP) 7000 Series (PL) 100% 50% 25% Flygt Standard Control Panels (FSCP) Standard Control Panels (FSCP – permanently installed) 100% (From Ship Date) ETO Electrical Control Panels Engineered to Order, Xylem Manufactured Control Panels (permanently installed) - 3 Years 100% - 1 YR LIMITED - 2 - YR Abrasion/Corrosion Resistant & Chopper/ Grinder Pumps 3000 Series (MP, MF, MH, FP, FS, FT, HP, HS) 5000 Series (HP, HS) 8000.280 Series (DP, DZ, DT, DS, DF) 100% Dewatering Pumps 2000 Series (BS, KS) 3000 Series (CS, NS, DS) 8000.280 Series (DS, DF) 100% (From Ship Date) TOPS Fiberglass Pump Station 100% (From Ship Date) Accessories Permanent / Portable 100% (From Ship Date) Hydro ejectors/ Aerators HE, JA 100% Portable Pump Controls TOPS Control Panels Control Boxes (Nolta, MSHA etc.) TOPS control panels (permanently installed) 100% (From Ship Date) Small Pumps 3045, 3057, SX 100% (From Ship Date) Parts - * All new Flygt parts (mechanical & electrical) 100% (From Ship Date) * - Parts that fail where used in a repair are warranted for one (1) year from the date of the repair for the failed part only – no labor; This Includes Flygt pump controllers, Flygt supervision equipment, Flygt submersible level transducers, etc. Flygt Products 3105 Ramco Street, West Sacramento, CA Tel +1.707.430.0183 Fax +1.707.422.9808 January 23, 2024 South Tahoe PUD Attn: Jeremy Rutherdale 2566 Fountain Ave South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Sole Source Purchasing of Flygt Products Jeremy, Xylem Water Solutions USA Inc. (“Xylem”), the manufacturer of Flygt Products, is the only authorized supplier for Flygt equipment used in municipal applications within El Dorado County. Xylem is also your only authorized source for replacement and/or spare parts as well as repair services. Direct, sole source sales by Xylem (previously ITT Industries) to municipal customers within the Northern California counties have been in place since July 1995. In other territories and markets, Xylem has established authorized channel partners (Representatives and Distributors) who sell the FLYGT products. The contract terms and conditions defining the territories and markets within which those resellers may sell are strictly enforced. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. You may also contact your direct salesperson, Adrian Gutierrez at the Flygt West Sacramento, CA Office who may be reached at 508-274-4643. Sincerely, Paul Forsthoefel Regional Sales Manager (West) BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Megan Colvey, Senior Engineer Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2024 Tank Coatings Touchup Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids. DISCUSSION: Between the water distribution system, wastewater treatment plant and recycled water system, the District owns and maintains 22 storage tanks. All these tanks have interior and exterior protective coating systems which need periodic maintenance to extend the time between full tank recoating. The Engineering and Pumps Departments have collaboratively developed a program for tank coating system maintenance which is in line with industry-standard asset management practices for this type of infrastructure facility. The program follows a cycle to remove each tank from service once every five years to perform maintenance, cleaning, and touchup of the protective coatings. Tanks were prioritized in the maintenance program based on the condition data collected during dive inspections. Since initiating the program in 2021, two contracts, which included six (6) tanks have been issued and completed under the maintenance program. The 2024 Tank Coatings Touchup Project will be the third contract issued for the implementation of the maintenance program. Under this contract, the following tanks will be drained, cleaned, and receive spot repairs and/or partial recoating of the interior and, if needed, exterior: Gardner Mountain 2, Christmas Valley, and Cold Creek. With Board approval, Staff anticipates the project will proceed as follows: • Advertise for Bids: February 23, 2024 • Bid Opening: March 19, 2024 • Bid Award: April 4, 2024 • Notice to Proceed: April 22, 2024 • Work Complete: October 15, 2024 The Engineer’s Estimate for completion of this contract is $410,000. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Megan Colvey Page 2 February 1, 2024 SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $410,000 ACCOUNT NO: 20.30.8484 (Gardner Mountain 2); TBD (Christmas Valley and Cold Creek) BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $37,000 (FY 23/24); $373,000 (FY 24/25) ATTACHMENTS: None ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Final Balancing Contract Change Order No. 2 to Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. in the credit amount of <$162,821.50>; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to approve and execute the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Vinciguerra Construction Inc., for the 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project. DISCUSSION: The Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project completed the installation of 9,902 linear feet of new 8-inch diameter watermain, 17 fire hydrants, and 150 water services, prior to final paving. The contractor has a limited punchlist and fully demobilized in December 2023. The final change order includes added paving costs for work within the Black Bart area, which were offset by cost underruns on Ham Lane work and no billings to as-directed work line items. The Board previously awarded Change Order No. 1 to Vinciguerra Construction to add waterline work on Black Bart Avenue to fully replace both old and undersized watermains within the project area. The District previously filed the project notice of completion and did not receive any stop notices during the filing period. Staff recommends that the Board approve Final Balancing Contract Change Order No. 2 with Vinciguerra Construction Inc., reducing the final contract amount by <$162,821.50>; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to approve and execute the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Vinciguerra Construction Inc., for the 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Trevor Coolidge Page 2 of 2 February 1, 2024 SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Final Contract Balancing Change Order No.2, Closeout Agreement & Release of Claims ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO Change Order #: 2 Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Date: Purchase Order No. : 2023-491 Contractor: Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. Dollar Amounts $3,425,176.00 292 $657,751.00 77 $4,082,927.00 369 ($162,821.50)36 $494,929.50 113 $3,920,105.50 405 Accepted by Contractor: Date: Reviewed by STPUD Project Manager: Date: Authorized by STPUD General Manager: Date: THIS CHANGE ORDER Total Change Orders to Date New Contract Total Contract Times Original Contract Previous Change Orders Current Contract 2/1/2024 \\LLAMA\Engineering\Projects\Water\2023 Black Bart Pipeline Replacement Project\C ‐ Contract  Administration\C.3 ‐ Contract Docs\C.3.4 ‐ Change Orders\CO#02 Spreadsheet‐Final [Summary]1/24/2024 Change Order #: 2A Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule A Date:2/1/2024 Contractor: Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. Dollar Amounts $2,796,951.00 $657,751.00 $3,454,702.00 $181,523.50 $839,274.50 $3,636,225.50 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 2A.1 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.1 (22,225.00)$ 2A.2 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.2 ($16,000.00) 2A.3 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.3 (80,000.00)$ Amend Bid Item 6 to reflect a 127 unit decrease in the number of 8-Inch C900 DR 18 Water Main, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $175.00 per LF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $22,225.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 8 to reflect a 4 unit decrease in the number of 1-Inch Single Service on New Main, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $4,000.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $16,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Original Bid Schedule Subtotal Previous Change Orders Current Bid Schedule Subtotal THIS CHANGE ORDER Total Change Orders to Date Amend Bid Item 9 to reflect a 20 unit decrease in the number of 3/4-Inch Single Service on Existing Main, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $4,000.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $80,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. New Bid Schedule Subtotal Change Order #: 2A Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule A 2A.4 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.4 (500.00)$ 2A.5 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.5 (4,500.00)$ 2A.6 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.6 (16,000.00)$ 2A.7 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.7 (18,000.00)$ 2A.8 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.8 (900.00)$ 2A.9 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.9 1,000.00$ Amend Bid Item 11 to reflect a 1 unit decrease in the number of 3/4-Inch Base Meter Installation, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $4,500.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $4,500.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 27 to reflect a 20 unit decrease in the number of Repair Damaged 4" Sewer Lateral, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $900.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $18,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 28 to reflect a 9 unit decrease in the number of Non-Excavatable Rock Removal, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $100.00 per CY, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $900.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 29 to reflect a 10 unit increase in the number of Replace Concrete Valley Gutter (add 10 SF for north tie-in location). At the contract rate of $100.00 per SF, the additional cost to the District is $1,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 14 to reflect a 1 unit decrease in the number of Fire Hydrant Installation on Existing Main (1 hydrant on Martin at Black Bart), for work not performed. At the contract rate of $16,000.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $16000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 10 to reflect a 10 unit decrease in the number of As-Directed Pothole, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $50.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $500.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Change Order #: 2A Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule A 2A.10 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.10 101,750.00$ 2A.11 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.11 (106,875.00)$ 2A.12 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.12 67,860.00$ 2A.13 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.13 72,000.00$ 2A.14 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.14 203,913.50$ 2A.15 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2A.15 $0.00 Amend Bid Item 32 to reflect a 3393 unit increase in the number of 3-Inch Miscellaneous Patch Paving (Includes 2320.5 SF on Blackbart, 2872 SF remainder of Project). At the contract rate of $20.00 per SF, the additional cost to the District is $67,860.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Add bid item 2A.13 "Black Bart Avenue added Hydrants", total of 4 EA. At a negotiated contract rate of $18,000.00 per EA, the additional cost to the District is $72,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Add Bid Item 2A.14 "Black Bart Avenue Added Full Depth Paving Replacement & Patching", total of 14063 SF. At a negotiated contract rate of $14.50 per SF, the additional cost to the District is $203,913.50. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend the Contract Time to add an additional 36 consecutive calendar days to account for the added paving work on Black Bart Avenue and actual demobilization date following added cleanup and restoration, resulting in a project completion date of December 6, 2023 at no cost to the District. Amend Bid Item 30 to reflect a 9250 unit increase in the number of 4-Inch Trench Patch (PG64-28) (increased per VCI area calcs, increased EDC DOT patch limits). At the contract rate of $11.00 per SF, the additional cost to the District is $101,750.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 31 to reflect a 28500 unit decrease in the number of 2-Inch Mill and Overlay (PG64-28 PM) (quantity balanced re. price negotiation, areas/work changed to 3-inch), for work not performed. At the contract rate of $3.75.00 per SF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $106,875.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Change Order #: 2B Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule A Date:2/1/2024 Contractor: Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. Dollar Amounts $200,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $ (200,000.00) ($200,000.00) $0.00 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 2B.1 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2B.1 (100,000.00)$ 2B.2 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2B.2 (100,000.00)$ Total Change Orders to Date New Bid Schedule Subtotal Amend Bid Item 33, As-Needed Water System Improvements, for work not performed to $0.00. The reduction in the Contract quantitymount results in a credit to the District in the amount of $100,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 34, As-Needed Sewer System Improvements, for work not performed to $0.00. The reduction in the Contract amount results in a credit to the District in the amount of $100,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Original Bid Schedule Subtotal Previous Change Orders Current Bid Schedule Subtotal THIS CHANGE ORDER Change Order #: 2C Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule C Date:2/1/2024 Contractor: Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. Dollar Amounts $428,225.00 $0.00 $428,225.00 ($144,345.00) ($144,345.00) $283,880.00 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 2C.1 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.1 (55,400.00)$ 2C.2 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.2 (7,200.00)$ 2C.3 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.3 (15,000.00)$ THIS CHANGE ORDER Original Bid Schedule Subtotal Previous Change Orders Current Bid Schedule Subtotal Total Change Orders to Date New Bid Schedule Subtotal Amend Bid Item 41 to reflect a 277 unit decrease in the number of 8-inch Restrained C900 DR14 Water Main, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $200.00 per LF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $55,400.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 42 to reflect a 2 unit decrease in the number of 3/4-Inch Single Service on New Main, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $3600.00 per EA, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $7,200.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 48 to reflect a 1 unit decrease in the number of Tie-In #2 – Ham/Glenwood (Sheet P19), for work not performed. At the contract rate of $15,000.00 per LS, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $15,000.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Change Order #: 2C Project: 2023 Black Bart Waterline Replacement Project Bid Schedule: Bid Schedule C 2C.4 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.4 (16,500.00)$ 2C.5 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.5 (25,125.00)$ 2C.6 TOTAL FOR ITEM 2C.6 (25,120.00)$ Amend Bid Item 51 to reflect a 6700 unit decrease in the number of 2-Inch Mill and Overlay (PG64-28 PM), for work not performed. At the contract rate of $3.75.00 per SF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $25,125.00.There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 52 to reflect a 1256 unit decrease in the number of 3-Inch Miscellaneous Patch Paving, for work not performed. At the contract rate of $20.00 per SF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $25120.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. Amend Bid Item 50 to reflect a 1500 unit decrease in the number of 4-Inch Trench Patch (PG64-28), for work not performed. At the contract rate of $11.00 per SF, the reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount of $16500.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Donielle Morse, Grant Coordinator MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Pioneer Trail Waterline Upgrades and Improvements Construction Project Loan from the State Water Resources Control Board Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Reimbursement Resolution and Authorizing Resolution to Apply for Pioneer Trail Waterline Upgrades and Improvements Project Construction Loan from the State Water Resources Control Board Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund. DISCUSSION: STPUD staff is preparing the submission of an application for a Drinking Water State Revolving Loan, not to exceed $7,500,000. for the Pioneer Trail Waterline Upgrades and Improvements Project. The attached Resolutions: Reimbursement Resolution and Authorizing Resolution are a requirement of the application package. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3265-24 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION FOR THE PIONEER TRAIL WATERLINE UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the "Agency") desires to finance the costs of constructing and/or reconstructing certain public facilities and improvements relating to its water and wastewater system, including certain treatment facilities, pipelines, and other infrastructure (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Agency intends to finance the construction and/or reconstruction of the Project or portions of the Project with monies ("Project Funds") provided by the State of California, acting by and through the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board); and WHEREAS, the State Water Board may fund the Project Funds with proceeds from the sale of obligations, the interest upon which is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes (the "Obligations"), and WHEREAS, prior to either the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by the State Water Board of the Project Funds, the Agency desires to incur certain capital expenditures (the "Expenditures") with respect to the Project from available monies of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that those monies to be advanced on and after the date hereof to pay the Expenditures are available only for a temporary period, and it is necessary to reimburse the Agency for the Expenditures from the proceeds of the Obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, THE AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, ORDER AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Agency hereby states its intention and reasonably expects to reimburse Expenditures paid prior to the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by the State Water Board of the Project Funds. SECTION 2. The reasonably expected maximum principal amount of the Project Funds is $7,500,000. SECTION 3. This resolution is being adopted no later than 60 days after the date on which the Agency will expend monies for the portion of the Project costs to be reimbursed with Project Funds. SECTION 4. Each Agency expenditure will be of a type properly chargeable to a capital account under general federal income tax principles. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 5. To the best of our knowledge, this Agency is not aware of the previous adoption of official intents by the Agency that has been made as a matter of course for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures and for which tax- exempt obligations have not been issued. SECTION 6. This resolution is adopted as the official intent of the Agency in order to comply with Treasury Regulation §1.150-2 and any other regulations of the Internal Revenue Service relating to the qualification for reimbursement of Project costs. SECTION 7. All the recitals in this Resolution are true and correct, and this Agency so finds, determines, and represents. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District held on the 1st day of February, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _________________________________ David Peterson, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: _____________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board/ Executive Services Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 3265-24 Page 2 February 1, 2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3266-24 AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PIONEER TRAIL WATERLINE UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, a determination has been made to seek funding to implement a drinking water improvement project, RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the “Entity”), as follows: The General Manager and/or the Chief Financial Officer (the “Authorized Representative”) or designee is hereby authorized and directed to sign and file, for and on behalf of the Entity, a Financial Assistance Application for a financing agreement from the State Water Resources Control Board for the planning, design, and construction of the Pioneer Trail Waterline Upgrades & Improvement Project (the “Project”). This Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to provide the assurances, certifications, and commitments required for the financial assistance application, including executing a financial assistance agreement from the State Water Resources Control Board and any amendments or changes thereto. The Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to represent the Entity in carrying out the Entity’s responsibilities under the financing agreement, including certifying disbursement requests on behalf of the Entity and compliance with applicable state and federal laws. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held on the 1st day of February, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _________________________________ David Peterson, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST: ______________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board/ Executive Services Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 3266-24 Page 2 February 1, 2024 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: September 30, 2023 Fiscal Year to Date Financial Statements REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Receive and file the September 30, 2023 Income Statement and Balance Sheet Reports DISCUSSION: The District auditors Mann, Urrutia, Nelson CPA’s and Associates recommend that the District’s quarterly financial statements be placed on the Board meeting Agenda for receipt and file by the Board of Directors. Attached are the September 30, 2023, fiscal year to date income statements and balance sheet for the water and sewer funds. Revenue Water and sewer service charge revenues through first quarter ending September 30, 2023, are at 28% and 25% of budget. Sewer charges are right on budget while water service charges are slightly over budget due to the increased consumption for irrigation during the summer. As consumption decreases throughout the winter months, total water service charges are expected to be at or near budget. Other revenues included in the category “Charges for Sales and Services” include capacity fees and permit fees, the majority of which are collected at either the beginning or end of the fiscal year, during construction season. Water and sewer connection and service fees are at 28% and 14% of budget at September 30, 2023. Combined water and sewer tax revenue is at approximately 2.3% of budget due to tax revenue distributions primarily occurring in December and April. As in past years, total investment earnings through September 30, 2023, are currently well over budget due to the reversal of year-end fair market value adjustments. Grant revenues are currently negative due to the reversal of year-end accrual adjustments. This will normalize throughout the year as grant revenue is recognized. Combined other operating and nonoperating revenues are at 36.3% of budget. These revenues are received sporadically throughout the year unlike service charges and as such they are not expected to be at 25% of the budget at the end of September. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Andrea Salazar February 1, 2024 Page 2 Expense Analysis Water and sewer operating expenses through September 30, 2023, are at 22% and 23% of budget. Both funds are currently below budget, but it is too early in the year to project whether this trend will continue through the year. It is important to note that fourth quarter year-end payroll and other accrual entries can erase savings recorded early in the year. Debt service payments are recorded on specific due dates, not evenly distributed throughout the year, so the percentage of budget spent is not a relevant statistic until all payments for the year have been made. Water and sewer capital outlay spending through September 30, 2023, is $3.8 million and $1.6 million representing 23% and 8% of budget. The majority of these expenditures are incurred at the beginning and end of the fiscal year, during construction season. At the end of the fiscal year an analysis is performed to determine the status of projects and the potential need to roll budgeted funds into the next year for incomplete projects, or to increase capital reserves for future use. Recommendation District staff recommends the Board receive and file the attached September 30, 2023, income statements and balance sheet as presented. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: September 30, 2023 Income Statement and Balance Sheet ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO Fund Category Proprietary Funds Fund Type Enterprise Funds Fund 10 - Sewer Fund Operating Revenue Charges for sales and services Service charges 18,033,500.00 1,509,478.63 4,517,625.00 13,515,875.00 25 16,655,398.80 Connection and service fees 824,227.00 48,105.11 119,188.51 705,038.49 14 722,871.74 Other operating income 484,750.00 20,470.65 197,847.23 286,902.77 41 356,086.65 Charges for sales and services Totals $19,342,477.00 $1,578,054.39 $4,834,660.74 $14,507,816.26 25%$17,734,357.19 Operating Revenue Totals $19,342,477.00 $1,578,054.39 $4,834,660.74 $14,507,816.26 25%$17,734,357.19 Non Operating Revenue Tax revenue 7,828,100.00 231,953.62 240,209.67 7,587,890.33 3 8,808,823.33 Investment earnings 305,000.00 327.84 630,144.94 (325,144.94)207 358,595.97 Aid from governmental agencies 1,029,000.00 311,945.31 (923,394.14)1,952,394.14 (90)795,803.13 Other nonoperating income 32,000.00 6,199.63 10,977.81 21,022.19 34 71,889.47 Non Operating Revenue Totals $9,194,100.00 $550,426.40 ($42,061.72)$9,236,161.72 0%$10,035,111.90 Operating Expenses Wages Full Time 8,402,170.00 1,168,295.95 1,938,812.14 6,463,357.86 23 7,141,549.56 Wages Part-Time 170,300.00 17,514.08 42,993.50 127,306.50 25 61,937.39 Benefits 4,395,164.00 347,360.61 834,299.63 3,560,864.37 19 4,374,498.28 Depreciation and amortization 5,643,000.00 475,752.72 1,427,257.50 4,215,742.50 25 5,762,984.50 Utilities 3,031,030.00 295,204.79 674,808.58 2,356,221.42 22 3,035,856.95 Repairs and maintenance 1,392,559.00 156,296.55 415,799.65 976,759.35 30 1,694,539.49 Other operating expenses 3,848,796.00 465,165.45 881,656.40 2,967,139.60 23 4,504,100.71 Operating Expenses Totals $26,883,019.00 $2,925,590.15 $6,215,627.40 $20,667,391.60 23%$26,575,466.88 Nonoperating Expenses Debt Service - Net 2,806,220.00 .00 .00 2,806,220.00 0 .00 Interest expense 428,115.00 1,814.50 (49,455.85)477,570.85 (12)510,224.03 Other expense 746,556.00 14,242.03 18,947.34 727,608.66 3 788,640.45 Nonoperating Expenses Totals $3,980,891.00 $16,056.53 ($30,508.51)$4,011,399.51 (1%)$1,298,864.48 Capital Outlay Expenditures 21,540,788.00 966,843.45 1,626,670.78 19,914,117.22 8 (1.00) Fund 10 - Sewer Fund Totals REVENUE TOTALS 28,536,577.00 2,128,480.79 4,792,599.02 23,743,977.98 17%27,769,469.09 EXPENSE TOTALS 52,404,698.00 3,908,490.13 7,811,789.67 44,592,908.33 15%27,874,330.36 Fund 10 - Sewer Fund Net Gain (Loss)($23,868,121.00)($1,780,009.34)($3,019,190.65)$20,848,930.35 13%($104,861.27) Page 1 of 3Run by Andrea Salazar on 01/12/2024 14:37:50 PM Income Statement Through 09/30/23 Summary Listing Annual MTD YTD Budget Less % of Prior Year Budget Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount YTD Actual Budget Total ActualClassification Fund Category Proprietary Funds Fund Type Enterprise Funds Fund 20 - Water Fund Operating Revenue Charges for sales and services Service charges 15,248,000.00 1,340,147.55 4,282,450.50 10,965,549.50 28 13,758,694.67 Connection and service fees 671,000.00 136,958.50 191,182.20 479,817.80 28 1,380,222.65 Other operating income 225,000.00 34,074.12 102,566.02 122,433.98 46 268,517.71 Charges for sales and services Totals $16,144,000.00 $1,511,180.17 $4,576,198.72 $11,567,801.28 28%$15,407,435.03 Operating Revenue Totals $16,144,000.00 $1,511,180.17 $4,576,198.72 $11,567,801.28 28%$15,407,435.03 Non Operating Revenue Tax revenue 3,354,900.00 20,417.75 20,417.75 3,334,482.25 1 2,601,965.98 Investment earnings 80,000.00 41.59 294,183.40 (214,183.40)368 102,240.17 Aid from governmental agencies 4,245,787.00 21,867.81 (431,985.97)4,677,772.97 (10)331,287.32 Other nonoperating income 266,000.00 48,421.64 54,449.82 211,550.18 20 303,472.88 Non Operating Revenue Totals $7,946,687.00 $90,748.79 ($62,935.00)$8,009,622.00 (1%)$3,338,966.35 Operating Expenses Wages Full Time 5,577,004.00 785,733.51 1,276,951.48 4,300,052.52 23 4,222,721.34 Wages Part-Time 249,500.00 36,882.60 105,116.73 144,383.27 42 116,748.08 Benefits 2,799,169.00 216,676.07 524,890.95 2,274,278.05 19 2,557,694.80 Depreciation and amortization 4,711,000.00 392,760.76 1,178,281.69 3,532,718.31 25 4,690,299.81 Utilities 1,358,780.00 127,859.73 307,062.57 1,051,717.43 23 1,037,708.78 Repairs and maintenance 2,418,701.00 230,537.70 793,312.13 1,625,388.87 33 2,090,194.68 Other operating expenses 3,908,267.00 194,295.50 442,437.99 3,465,829.01 11 1,793,928.59 Operating Expenses Totals $21,022,421.00 $1,984,745.87 $4,628,053.54 $16,394,367.46 22%$16,509,296.08 Nonoperating Expenses Debt Service - Net 927,974.00 .00 .00 927,974.00 0 .00 Interest expense 311,530.00 .00 (35,156.58)346,686.58 (11)322,967.47 Other expense 47,530.00 17,914.40 18,992.34 28,537.66 40 53,063.73 Nonoperating Expenses Totals $1,287,034.00 $17,914.40 ($16,164.24)$1,303,198.24 (1%)$376,031.20 Capital Outlay Expenditures 16,750,473.00 1,858,633.84 3,796,582.52 12,953,890.48 23 3.00 Fund 20 - Water Fund Totals REVENUE TOTALS 24,090,687.00 1,601,928.96 4,513,263.72 19,577,423.28 19%18,746,401.38 EXPENSE TOTALS 39,059,928.00 3,861,294.11 8,408,471.82 30,651,456.18 22%16,885,330.28 Fund 20 - Water Fund Net Gain (Loss)($14,969,241.00)($2,259,365.15)($3,895,208.10)$11,074,032.90 26%$1,861,071.10 Fund Type Enterprise Funds Totals REVENUE TOTALS 52,627,264.00 3,730,409.75 9,305,862.74 43,321,401.26 18%46,515,870.47 EXPENSE TOTALS 91,464,626.00 7,769,784.24 16,220,261.49 75,244,364.51 18%44,759,660.64 Page 2 of 3Run by Andrea Salazar on 01/12/2024 14:37:50 PM Income Statement Through 09/30/23 Summary Listing Annual MTD YTD Budget Less % of Prior Year Budget Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount YTD Actual Budget Total ActualClassification Fund Category Proprietary Funds Fund Type Enterprise Funds Net Gain (Loss)($38,837,362.00)($4,039,374.49)($6,914,398.75)$31,922,963.25 18%$1,756,209.83 Fund Category Proprietary Funds Totals REVENUE TOTALS 52,627,264.00 3,730,409.75 9,305,862.74 43,321,401.26 18%46,515,870.47 EXPENSE TOTALS 91,464,626.00 7,769,784.24 16,220,261.49 75,244,364.51 18%44,759,660.64 Fund Category Proprietary Funds Net Gain (Loss)($38,837,362.00)($4,039,374.49)($6,914,398.75)$31,922,963.25 18%$1,756,209.83 Grand Totals REVENUE TOTALS 52,627,264.00 3,730,409.75 9,305,862.74 43,321,401.26 18%46,515,870.47 EXPENSE TOTALS 91,464,626.00 7,769,784.24 16,220,261.49 75,244,364.51 18%44,759,660.64 Grand Total Net Gain (Loss)($38,837,362.00)($4,039,374.49)($6,914,398.75)$31,922,963.25 18%$1,756,209.83 Page 3 of 3Run by Andrea Salazar on 01/12/2024 14:37:50 PM Income Statement Through 09/30/23 Summary Listing Annual MTD YTD Budget Less % of Prior Year Budget Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount YTD Actual Budget Total ActualClassification Current YTD Prior Year Classification Balance Total Actual Net Change Change % Fund Category Proprietary Funds Fund Type Enterprise Funds ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,911,949.28 11,424,786.58 (7,512,837.30)(65.76) Investments 1,840,858.07 1,801,341.55 39,516.52 2.19 Accounts Receivable 3,619,882.51 3,296,500.90 323,381.61 9.81 Current Lease Receivable 77,682.00 77,682.00 .00 .00 Due From Governmental Agencies 291,482.05 2,566,243.62 (2,274,761.57)(88.64) Property Tax Receivable .00 10,775,917.00 (10,775,917.00)(100.00) Interest Receivable 15,300.90 205,572.47 (190,271.57)(92.56) Other Current Assets 1,441,061.44 1,380,044.28 61,017.16 4.42 Current Assets Totals $11,198,216.25 $31,528,088.40 ($20,329,872.15)(64.48%) Noncurrent Assets Restricted Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents 117,177.39 117,092.83 84.56 .07 Certificate of Deposit 165,000.00 165,000.00 .00 .00 Restricted Assets Totals $282,177.39 $282,092.83 $84.56 0.03% Long-Term Accounts Receivable 729,096.96 739,191.40 (10,094.44)(1.37) Long Term Lease Receivable 1,694,535.44 1,694,535.44 .00 .00 Subscription Assets 58,890.00 58,890.00 .00 .00 Due From Other Governmental Agencies 146,040.00 146,040.00 .00 .00 Investments 26,269,731.91 25,449,021.02 820,710.89 3.22 Capital Assets 218,324,860.34 220,930,399.53 (2,605,539.19)(1.18) Construction in Progress 20,620,819.69 20,620,819.69 .00 .00 Noncurrent Assets Totals $268,126,151.73 $269,920,989.91 ($1,794,838.18)(0.66%) Deferred Outflows of Resources Refunding Loan Costs 73,656.29 80,028.89 (6,372.60)(7.96) Changes in the Pension Liability 7,267,704.00 7,267,704.00 .00 .00 Deferred Outflows of Resources Totals $7,341,360.29 $7,347,732.89 ($6,372.60)(0.09%) ASSETS TOTALS $286,665,728.27 $308,796,811.20 ($22,131,082.93)(7.17%) LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities 1,712,358.73 3,686,947.06 (1,974,588.33)(53.56) Unearned Revenue 17,337.00 11,005.00 6,332.00 57.54 Accrued Expenses 949,088.53 1,509,625.66 (560,537.13)(37.13) Accrued Interest Payable .00 313,185.76 (313,185.76)(100.00) Compensated Absences 1,933,550.89 1,924,305.89 9,245.00 .48 Long Term Liabilities - Current Portion 3,473,237.63 3,473,237.63 .00 .00 Page 1 of 2Run by Andrea Salazar on 01/12/2024 14:29:12 PM Balance Sheet Through 09/30/23 Consolidated Summary Listing Current YTD Prior Year Classification Balance Total Actual Net Change Change % Fund Category Proprietary Funds Fund Type Enterprise Funds LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Subscription Liabilities 13,630.00 13,630.00 .00 .00 Current Liabilities Totals $8,099,202.78 $10,931,937.00 ($2,832,734.22)(25.91%) Noncurrent Liabilities Compensated Absences - Long Term Portion 935,154.23 873,854.37 61,299.86 7.01 Long Term Liabilities - Long Term Portion 46,206,151.65 47,711,061.62 (1,504,909.97)(3.15) Net Pension Liability 14,442,141.00 14,442,141.00 .00 .00 Noncurrent Liabilities Totals $61,583,446.88 $63,027,056.99 ($1,443,610.11)(2.29%) Deferred Inflows of Resources Property Tax Receivable .00 10,775,917.00 (10,775,917.00)(100.00) Lease Receivable 1,702,908.20 1,702,908.20 .00 .00 Changes in Net Pension Liabilty 470,114.00 470,114.00 .00 .00 Deferred Inflows of Resources Totals $2,173,022.20 $12,948,939.20 ($10,775,917.00)(83.22%) LIABILITIES TOTALS $71,855,671.86 $86,907,933.19 ($15,052,261.33)(17.32%) FUND EQUITY Restricted for capital asset purchases 115,549,857.33 115,549,857.33 .00 .00 Unrestricted 104,582,810.85 104,582,810.85 .00 .00 FUND EQUITY TOTALS Prior to Current Year Changes $220,132,668.18 $220,132,668.18 $0.00 0.00% Prior Year Fund Equity Adjustment (1,756,209.83) Fund Revenues (9,141,439.89) Fund Expenses 16,220,261.49 FUND EQUITY TOTALS $214,810,056.41 $220,132,668.18 ($5,322,611.77)(2.42%) LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $286,665,728.27 $307,040,601.37 ($20,374,873.10)(6.64%) Fund Type Enterprise Funds Totals $0.00 $1,756,209.83 ($1,756,209.83)(100.00%) Fund Category Proprietary Funds Totals $0.00 $1,756,209.83 ($1,756,209.83)(100.00%) Grand Totals $0.00 $1,756,209.83 ($1,756,209.83)(100.00%) Page 2 of 2Run by Andrea Salazar on 01/12/2024 14:29:12 PM Balance Sheet Through 09/30/23 Consolidated Summary Listing PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 661,960.82 Total Payroll 661,960.82 Ameritas - Insurance Payments 2,664.80 Total Vendor EFT 2,664.80 Weekly Approved Check Batches Water Sewer Total 433,095.75 544,914.93 978,010.68 Wednesday, January 17, 2024 197,533.30 615,331.32 812,864.62 Wednesday, January 24, 2024 70,445.76 94,995.14 165,440.90 Checks, Voids and Reissues 222.50 222.50 445.00 Total Accounts Payable Checks 1,956,761.20 Grand Total $2,621,386.82 Payroll EFTs & Checks 1/23/2024 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 31,126.40 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 153,473.82 EFT CalPERS Contributions 89,049.39 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 24,545.98 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,987.14 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)5,217.18 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 307,980.30 CHK Employee Garnishments 159.23 CHK Employee Paychecks 47,421.38 Total 661,960.82 FOR APPROVAL February 1, 2024 1/23/24 Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 43721 - ACWA/JPIA 0701466 ACWA Medical/Vision Insurance Payable Paid by EFT #178 12/01/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 229,622.68 2nd Qtr 23/24 Workers Comp Insurance Payable Paid by EFT #178 01/10/2024 01/17/2024 12/31/2023 01/17/2024 59,059.46 Vendor 43721 - ACWA/JPIA Totals Invoices 2 $288,682.14 Vendor 48790 - ADS LLC INV-SFW6195 Sewer Flow Meters Paid by EFT #179 12/27/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 9,560.00 Vendor 48790 - ADS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $9,560.00 Vendor 48605 - AIRGAS USA LLC 9144985613 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by EFT #85 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 791.09 9145163968 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by EFT #232 12/18/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 263.64 Vendor 48605 - AIRGAS USA LLC Totals Invoices 2 $1,054.73 Vendor 50111 - SUSAN ALARCON 3122104 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by EFT #86 01/08/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50111 - SUSAN ALARCON Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE ROASTING CO 235794 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 111.25 235795 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 64.25 235975 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 111.25 235976 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 64.25 236129 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 111.25 236130 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #87 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 64.25 236283 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #180 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 111.25 236284 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #180 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 64.25 236406 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #180 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 111.25 236407 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #180 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 64.25 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE ROASTING CO Totals Invoices 10 $877.50 Vendor 43521 - ALPINE SEPTIC & PUMPING 120823 Other Supplies Paid by EFT #88 12/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,000.00 Vendor 43521 - ALPINE SEPTIC & PUMPING Totals Invoices 1 $1,000.00 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. 1647-6PGF-46NY Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #181 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 241.84 1C9C-64QK-73RW Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #181 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 119.97 1HYW-3GL3-CPX4 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #181 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 583.39 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. Totals Invoices 3 $945.20 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 5980159557 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 89.99 5980159558 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 81.83 5980159559 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 81.44 5980159560 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 50.74 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 1 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 5980159561 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 81.13 5980159562 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.36 5980159563 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 107.38 5980159564 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 37.40 5980159565 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 4.64 5980159566 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 13.03 5980159567 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 15.14 5980159568 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 17.84 5980159569 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.33 5980161493 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 86.40 5980161494 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 61.83 5980161495 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 81.44 5980161496 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 50.74 5980161497 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 77.86 5980161498 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.36 5980161499 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 107.38 5980161500 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 55.06 5980161501 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 4.64 5980161502 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 13.03 5980161503 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 15.14 5980161504 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 17.84 5980161505 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.33 5980163385 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 65.63 5980163386 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 61.22 5980163387 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 81.44 5980163388 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 50.74 5980163389 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 77.86 5980163390 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.36 5980163391 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 107.38 5980163392 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 36.58 5980163393 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 4.64 5980163394 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 13.03 5980163395 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 15.14 5980163396 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 17.84 5980163397 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.33 5980165346 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 66.61 5980165347 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 61.83 5980165348 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 90.84 5980165349 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 75.28 5980165350 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 77.86 5980165351 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.36 5980165352 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 103.30 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 2 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 5980165353 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 36.58 5980165354 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 4.64 5980165355 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 13.03 5980165356 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 15.14 5980165357 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 17.84 5980165358 Uniform Payable Paid by EFT #233 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.33 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Totals Invoices 52 $2,441.13 Vendor 44027 - ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING 111323 Incentive & Recognition Program Paid by EFT #89 11/13/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 333.86 Vendor 44027 - ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING Totals Invoices 1 $333.86 Vendor 50110 - STEVE ASHCRAFT 3370201 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by EFT #90 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50110 - STEVE ASHCRAFT Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 40521 - AT&T 088 080-5493 124 Telephone Paid by EFT #182 12/28/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 200.00 Vendor 40521 - AT&T Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY 287306407514 D23 Telephone Paid by EFT #183 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 3,805.57 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY Totals Invoices 1 $3,805.57 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 000021047478 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26.82 000021047480 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26.82 000021052680 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,730.56 000021079024 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/07/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26.82 000021079025 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/07/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26.82 000021079026 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/07/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 32.62 000021079027 Telephone Paid by EFT #184 01/07/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 34.17 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 Totals Invoices 7 $1,904.63 Vendor 48612 - AUTOMATION DIRECT 15984332 Pump Stations Paid by EFT #185 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 304.50 Vendor 48612 - AUTOMATION DIRECT Totals Invoices 1 $304.50 Vendor 11551 - AXELSON IRON SHOP LLC 0265492 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by EFT #186 11/30/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 54.38 Vendor 11551 - AXELSON IRON SHOP LLC Totals Invoices 1 $54.38 Vendor 50103 - AZUL ELECTRIC SUPPLY LLC 001402 Small Tools Paid by EFT #91 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 273.11 001424 Buildings Paid by EFT #91 12/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 42.20 001498 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #91 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 295.96 001528 Buildings Paid by EFT #91 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 114.60 001710 Buildings Paid by EFT #187 01/12/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 37.38 Vendor 50103 - AZUL ELECTRIC SUPPLY LLC Totals Invoices 5 $763.25 Vendor 49890 - AZURE TAHOE RESORTS LLC Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 3 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 240112 Incentive & Recognition Program Paid by EFT #188 01/12/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 301.24 Vendor 49890 - AZURE TAHOE RESORTS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $301.24 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 153-82716 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #92 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,002.42 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Totals Invoices 1 $1,002.42 Vendor 49339 - BASEFORM INC 12262023-227 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #189 12/26/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 2,430.00 12262023-228 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #189 12/26/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 2,349.00 Vendor 49339 - BASEFORM INC Totals Invoices 2 $4,779.00 Vendor 44109 - BB&H BENEFIT DESIGNS 102214 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #190 12/04/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 242.00 Vendor 44109 - BB&H BENEFIT DESIGNS Totals Invoices 1 $242.00 Vendor 49419 - BEND GENETICS LLC ST2311 Monitoring Paid by EFT #93 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 250.00 ST2401 Monitoring Paid by EFT #191 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 275.00 Vendor 49419 - BEND GENETICS LLC Totals Invoices 2 $525.00 Vendor 49773 - LAUREN BENEFIELD BENEFIELD100423 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #234 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 21.00 BENEFIELD111623 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #234 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 22.00 Vendor 49773 - LAUREN BENEFIELD Totals Invoices 2 $43.00 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY RANCH 211042 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by EFT #94 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 658.65 211076 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by EFT #192 12/22/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 904.20 211096 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by EFT #94 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,200.90 211124 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by EFT #94 01/05/2024 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,252.05 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY RANCH Totals Invoices 4 $4,015.80 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 979601 Legal-Special Projects & Regular Paid by EFT #95 11/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 3,441.00 979603 Legal-Special Projects Paid by EFT #95 11/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,701.00 982657 Legal-Special Projects & Regular Paid by EFT #95 12/05/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 3,446.50 985440 Personnel Legal Paid by EFT #193 01/11/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 111.00 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP Totals Invoices 4 $9,699.50 Vendor 50112 - DAREK BORBA 2242178 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by EFT #96 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50112 - DAREK BORBA Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 48995 - BRENLYN BORLEY Education #4 Tuition & Reimbursement Program Paid by EFT #97 01/05/2024 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 364.97 Vendor 48995 - BRENLYN BORLEY Totals Invoices 1 $364.97 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 4 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 42978 - BROWNSTEIN HYATT 970460 Legal Services December 2023 Paid by EFT #231 01/18/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 47,092.16 Vendor 42978 - BROWNSTEIN HYATT Totals Invoices 1 $47,092.16 Vendor 12890 - CA DEPT OF TAX & FEE ADM 4th Qtr 2023 A 4th Qtr Use Tax - City of SLT Paid by EFT #84 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 769.00 Vendor 12890 - CA DEPT OF TAX & FEE ADM Totals Invoices 1 $769.00 Vendor 50090 - CAD DESIGNING SOLUTIONS 101 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #194 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 20,000.00 Vendor 50090 - CAD DESIGNING SOLUTIONS Totals Invoices 1 $20,000.00 Vendor 48681 - CADENCE TEAM INC 4088 Virtual Server/Host Paid by EFT #98 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 172,153.89 4127 Water Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Paid by EFT #195 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 650.00 4128 Water Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Paid by EFT #195 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 650.00 Vendor 48681 - CADENCE TEAM INC Totals Invoices 3 $173,453.89 Vendor 48767 - CALIFORNIA LAB SERVICE 3120458 RAS Building Rehab Paid by EFT #99 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 670.00 3120939 Monitoring Paid by EFT #99 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 128.00 3121149 Monitoring Paid by EFT #99 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 128.00 Vendor 48767 - CALIFORNIA LAB SERVICE Totals Invoices 3 $926.00 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE 5408967 Propane Paid by EFT #196 12/22/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 336.39 5442719 Propane Paid by EFT #196 12/22/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 666.65 5442721 Propane Paid by EFT #196 12/22/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 406.02 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE Totals Invoices 3 $1,409.06 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS FB43549 SCADA Historian Upgrades Paid by EFT #100 11/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 5,236.50 FB43861 RAS Building Rehab Paid by EFT #100 11/10/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 17,342.00 FB44178 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #100 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 5,131.75 FB45097 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #197 12/12/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 4,514.50 FB45249 RAS Building Rehab Paid by EFT #100 12/13/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 18,861.73 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS Totals Invoices 5 $51,086.48 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP NK65567 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #101 12/05/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 9,313.75 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP Totals Invoices 1 $9,313.75 Vendor 48406 - CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 176157701010124 Telephone Paid by EFT #198 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 149.98 Vendor 48406 - CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $149.98 Vendor 49756 - CINDERLITE TRUCKING CORP 424632 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #102 11/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 213.89 424831 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #102 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 231.40 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 5 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 425089 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #102 12/04/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 235.39 425194 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #102 12/05/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 233.60 425291 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #102 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 234.59 Vendor 49756 - CINDERLITE TRUCKING CORP Totals Invoices 5 $1,148.87 Vendor 12535 - CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AR197544 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #199 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 20,412.00 Vendor 12535 - CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $20,412.00 Vendor 48654 - D&H BROADCASTING LLC 4566 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #103 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,120.00 Vendor 48654 - D&H BROADCASTING LLC Totals Invoices 1 $1,120.00 Vendor 49694 - DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC 4492 Telephone Paid by EFT #104 01/01/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 295.00 Vendor 49694 - DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC Totals Invoices 1 $295.00 Vendor 43649 - DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 2804359 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #200 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 21.88 Vendor 43649 - DOUGLAS DISPOSAL Totals Invoices 1 $21.88 Vendor 49909 - JAMES DROWN 1263310 REIMB Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #105 11/21/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 285.12 Vendor 49909 - JAMES DROWN Totals Invoices 1 $285.12 Vendor 49959 - DUDEK 202311009 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by EFT #106 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 19,965.00 Vendor 49959 - DUDEK Totals Invoices 1 $19,965.00 Vendor 48169 - ECS IMAGING INC 18342 Laserfiche Upgrade Paid by EFT #107 11/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 10,295.00 Vendor 48169 - ECS IMAGING INC Totals Invoices 1 $10,295.00 Vendor 40421 - EL DORADO COUNTY RECORDER 2712315 Supplies Paid by Check #114452 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 15.00 NOE 036-581-001 SUT Well and Motor Casing Paid by EFT #108 01/04/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 50.00 Vendor 40421 - EL DORADO COUNTY RECORDER Totals Invoices 2 $65.00 Vendor 14683 - EL DORADO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPT Encroachment Per Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by EFT #109 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 112.00 Vendor 14683 - EL DORADO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPT Totals Invoices 1 $112.00 Vendor 49973 - ENDURO COMPOSITES INC 1006230 Secondary Clarifier #2 Rehab Paid by EFT #201 12/27/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 4,995.16 Vendor 49973 - ENDURO COMPOSITES INC Totals Invoices 1 $4,995.16 Vendor 44263 - ENS RESOURCES INC 3489 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #202 12/31/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 2,522.83 Vendor 44263 - ENS RESOURCES INC Totals Invoices 1 $2,522.83 Vendor 44032 - ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS 1000767470 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #203 12/21/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 559.51 1000767814 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #203 12/27/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,761.75 Vendor 44032 - ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS Totals Invoices 2 $2,321.26 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 6 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 47898 - ETS 9565 Monitoring Paid by EFT #110 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,370.00 Vendor 47898 - ETS Totals Invoices 1 $1,370.00 Vendor 49573 - EUROFINS TESTAMERICA 3800033396 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 09/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 240.00 8100074652 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 11/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 225.00 3800038674 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 105.00 3800039160 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 12/05/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 35.00 3800040158 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 40.00 3800040697 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 12/21/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 80.00 3800041325 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 40.00 3800041326 Monitoring Paid by EFT #111 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 120.00 3800041532 Monitoring Paid by EFT #204 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 35.00 3800041621 Monitoring Paid by EFT #204 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 80.00 3800041799 Monitoring Paid by EFT #204 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 870.00 3800041975 Monitoring Paid by EFT #204 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 50.00 3800042051 Monitoring Paid by EFT #204 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 40.00 Vendor 49573 - EUROFINS TESTAMERICA Totals Invoices 13 $1,960.00 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 906211405 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #112 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 136.86 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Totals Invoices 1 $136.86 Vendor 48571 - EYEZONE TAHOE 264895 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #113 12/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 155.00 Vendor 48571 - EYEZONE TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $155.00 Vendor 47960 - FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC R4079.1365.01-8 Keller Heavenly Water System Improvement Paid by EFT #114 09/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 720.00 Vendor 47960 - FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC Totals Invoices 1 $720.00 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX 8-270-44387 A Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 11/07/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 72.67 8-334-68356 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 43.16 8-340-93832 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 12/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 159.06 8-348-27718 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 158.56 8-355-87623 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 100.73 8-363-80677 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #115 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 11.63 8-369-54233 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #205 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 35.88 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX Totals Invoices 7 $581.69 Vendor 41263 - FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC 4751599 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by EFT #116 12/07/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 314.93 4752931 Secondary Equipment Paid by EFT #116 12/07/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 29.93 1833140 Fire Hydrants & Parts Paid by EFT #206 12/15/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 456.78 4802154 Buildings Paid by EFT #206 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 87.66 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 7 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 41263 - FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC Totals Invoices 4 $889.30 Vendor 15000 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC 8141907 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #117 11/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 67.22 Vendor 15000 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC Totals Invoices 1 $67.22 Vendor 48715 - FLEETCREW -ANELLE MGMT SRV 52255 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #207 12/20/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 810.00 Vendor 48715 - FLEETCREW -ANELLE MGMT SRV Totals Invoices 1 $810.00 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC 23-985253 Oil & Lubricants Paid by EFT #208 12/13/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 533.41 23-992428 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Inventory Paid by EFT #118 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 6,632.86 23-994977 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by EFT #118 12/26/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,126.73 23-997413 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Inventory Paid by EFT #208 12/29/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 4,647.76 24-000176 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by EFT #208 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 929.64 24-001567 Diesel Fuel Inventory Paid by EFT #208 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,111.28 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC Totals Invoices 6 $15,981.68 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 5306942753 124 Telephone Paid by EFT #209 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 412.73 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $412.73 Vendor 21116 - RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL Gannett Nevada/Utah LocaliQ 0006047910 Herbert Walkup Waterline Paid by EFT #119 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 402.60 Invoices 1 $402.60Vendor 21116 - RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL Gannett Nevada/Utah LocaliQ Totals Vendor 49575 - JOEL GOLIGOSKI UNR7-R98V3T REIM Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #120 12/11/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 86.50 173329197 REIMB Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #120 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 17.25 2890 REIMB Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #120 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 75.00 Vendor 49575 - JOEL GOLIGOSKI Totals Invoices 3 $178.75 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER 9898046702 Buildings Paid by EFT #121 11/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 79.00 9933697931 Buildings Paid by EFT #121 12/13/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 167.15 9935011065 Buildings Paid by EFT #121 12/13/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,463.92 9942570376 Buildings Paid by EFT #121 12/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,274.47 9946250066 Buildings Paid by EFT #210 12/27/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 586.33 9946444388 Buildings Paid by EFT #210 12/27/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 18.85 9951094391 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #210 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 270.02 9953893105 Small Tools Paid by EFT #210 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 166.40 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER Totals Invoices 8 $4,026.14 Vendor 43403 - GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 2626861 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #122 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 4,023.39 Vendor 43403 - GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO Totals Invoices 1 $4,023.39 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 8 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 15800 - HACH CO 13852688 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #211 12/15/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 487.47 13852698 Secondary Equipment Paid by EFT #211 12/15/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 337.13 13859711 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #211 12/21/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 546.87 Vendor 15800 - HACH CO Totals Invoices 3 $1,371.47 Vendor 49122 - HAEN CONSTRUCTORS 23-04A Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by Check #114453 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26,750.00 23-04AR Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Retainage Paid by Check #114453 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 44,077.65 23-04BR Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Retainage Paid by Check #114453 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 7,374.61 Vendor 49122 - HAEN CONSTRUCTORS Totals Invoices 3 $78,202.26 Vendor 49110 - HATCHBACK CREATIVE 3315 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #123 12/02/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,353.75 3418 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #235 01/05/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 5,605.00 Vendor 49110 - HATCHBACK CREATIVE Totals Invoices 2 $6,958.75 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200580267 Advisory Paid by EFT #124 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 3,625.00 1200588718 Advisory Paid by EFT #236 01/12/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 13,695.00 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC Totals Invoices 2 $17,320.00 Vendor 44430 - HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 135783 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #125 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 695.40 135952 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #125 12/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 43.17 136071 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #212 12/19/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 462.19 136264 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #212 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 76.58 136320 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #212 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 555.61 Vendor 44430 - HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS Totals Invoices 5 $1,832.95 Vendor 50091 - CHRISTOPHER HOGG 2817117-2 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by EFT #126 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 100.00 Vendor 50091 - CHRISTOPHER HOGG Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 49604 - HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES 7098 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #237 12/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 800.00 Vendor 49604 - HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 1 $800.00 Vendor 48832 - NANCY HUSSMANN Jan 2024 Personnel Expense Paid by EFT #127 01/01/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 449.15 Vendor 48832 - NANCY HUSSMANN Totals Invoices 1 $449.15 Vendor 49984 - IBIS SCIENTIFIC LLC IN066837 Laboratory Equipment Paid by EFT #128 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,490.96 IN067485 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #213 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 472.76 Vendor 49984 - IBIS SCIENTIFIC LLC Totals Invoices 2 $1,963.72 Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC 254013 Printing & Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #238 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 10,963.02 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 9 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC Totals Invoices 1 $10,963.02 Vendor 44110 - J&L PRO KLEEN INC 29733 Janitorial Services Paid by EFT #129 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 4,666.20 Vendor 44110 - J&L PRO KLEEN INC Totals Invoices 1 $4,666.20 Vendor 50024 - JONES MAYER 120189 Legal Services December 2023 Paid by EFT #239 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 7,236.10 Vendor 50024 - JONES MAYER Totals Invoices 1 $7,236.10 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 168003 Al Tahoe Well Rehab & Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power Paid by EFT #130 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 61,954.10 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY JENKS CONSULTANTS INC Totals Invoices 1 $61,954.10 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST 101684602 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #131 11/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 711.39 101762371 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #131 12/26/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 394.11 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST Totals Invoices 2 $1,105.50 Vendor 44945 - KUMAR & GERCHICK 12735 Legal-Regular Paid by EFT #240 11/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 93.75 Vendor 44945 - KUMAR & GERCHICK Totals Invoices 1 $93.75 Vendor 43257 - LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP 2023/2000061965 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #214 12/20/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 332.78 Vendor 43257 - LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP Totals Invoices 1 $332.78 Vendor 49725 - LAKESIDE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL 013771380 Buildings Paid by EFT #132 12/21/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 150.00 Vendor 49725 - LAKESIDE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL Totals Invoices 1 $150.00 Vendor 22200 - LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE Dec 23 Stmt Buildings & Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #215 12/31/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 786.06 Vendor 22200 - LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $786.06 Vendor 49591 - JUDY LEONG Jan 2024 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #133 01/01/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 20.00 Vendor 49591 - JUDY LEONG Totals Invoices 1 $20.00 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES 200008904043 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 925.38 200008904969 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 7,739.00 200008909059 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,671.87 200008909570 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,754.55 200008919538 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 36.00 200008919603 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 384.44 200008919819 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 3,627.01 200008919900 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 4,986.30 200008923563 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 5,749.34 200008928133 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,398.50 200008932168 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 7,134.26 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 10 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 200008932457 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 23.58 200008932648 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 183.42 200008932747 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 50.18 200008932903 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 5,452.46 200008913515 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 14,115.26 200008928406 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 572.38 200008928927 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 78.12 200008932747 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 59.22 200008895654 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 361.86 200008895761 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,231.89 200008923639 923 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 117,883.00 200008923795 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 389.64 200008928927 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 291.68 200008932648 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 115.62 200008932747 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #134 12/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 70.57 200008904522 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 12/29/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 156.23 200008909059 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 12/29/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 721.88 200008928406 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 12/29/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 700.53 200008899235 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 25.15 200008899565 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 55.58 200008899730 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 23.93 200008899847 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 19.34 200008909455 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 27.16 200008909679 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/02/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 27.16 200008895548 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 26.19 200008895761 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 662.45 200008899961 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 209.30 200008919769 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/03/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 872.61 200008898336 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,174.50 200008904613 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 322.20 200008909570 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,280.48 200008919819 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,471.01 200008928224 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 136.09 200008928497 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/05/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 920.20 200008909356 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 380.22 200008909950 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,004.65 200008913051 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 128.73 200008913150 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 218.90 200008913226 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 924.86 200008913713 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 327.82 200008913796 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 96.94 200008923399 O23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 4,344.50 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 11 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 200008932168 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 3,585.78 200008932457 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 23.58 200008937415 N23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 16.91 200008898161 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 181.26 200008899078 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 34.05 200008899391 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 110.80 200008899649 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 268.32 200008913424 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 773.84 200008913887 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 158.68 200008919025 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 528.29 200008937027 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 39.31 200009089042 D23 Electricity Paid by EFT #216 01/09/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 39.94 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES Totals Invoices 65 $199,304.90 Vendor 47903 - LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC 39919362 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #135 12/09/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 32.57 40118244 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #135 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 582.29 40132633 Buildings Paid by EFT #241 12/22/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 66.90 40351800 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #241 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 24.90 40405224 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #241 01/05/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 299.61 40420456 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #241 01/06/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 30.47 40455344 Small Tools Paid by EFT #241 01/10/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 358.88 Vendor 47903 - LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC Totals Invoices 7 $1,395.62 Vendor 49519 - MARTIN RAHBECK PE 20.061-1 Engineering Office Upgrades Paid by EFT #136 11/07/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 950.00 Vendor 49519 - MARTIN RAHBECK PE Totals Invoices 1 $950.00 Vendor 48984 - MAVERICK NETWORKS INC 2401031 District Computer Supplies Paid by EFT #242 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,327.72 Vendor 48984 - MAVERICK NETWORKS INC Totals Invoices 1 $1,327.72 Vendor 21701 - THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC 224783 Herbert Walkup Waterline & Ads- Legal Notices Paid by EFT #137 11/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,508.36 Vendor 21701 - THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC Totals Invoices 1 $1,508.36 Vendor 18150 - MEEKS LUMBER & HARDWARE Dec 23 Stmt Buildings & Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #217 12/31/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 795.92 Vendor 18150 - MEEKS LUMBER & HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $795.92 Vendor 49208 - NEVADA NEWS GROUP 38867 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by EFT #138 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,130.00 Vendor 49208 - NEVADA NEWS GROUP Totals Invoices 1 $1,130.00 Vendor 40124 - NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIP 53133410 Small Tools Paid by EFT #218 12/30/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 106.58 Vendor 40124 - NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIP Totals Invoices 1 $106.58 Vendor 43796 - NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 12 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 30304 Baldwin Beach Gravity Rehab/Replacement Paid by EFT #139 10/18/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,997.50 30371 Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Paid by EFT #243 11/08/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 435.00 30375 Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by EFT #139 11/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 7,395.00 30467 Baldwin Beach Gravity Rehab/Replacement & Pump Station Paid by EFT #139 11/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 20,646.49 30526 Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Paid by EFT #243 12/08/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 290.00 30527 Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by EFT #139 12/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,740.00 30614 Baldwin Beach Gravity Rehab/Replacement & Pump Station Paid by EFT #139 12/18/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 21,217.18 30712 Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Paid by EFT #243 01/11/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 435.00 Vendor 43796 - NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC Totals Invoices 8 $54,156.17 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Dec 23 Stmt Automotive & Small Tools Paid by EFT #219 12/28/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 118.92 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Totals Invoices 1 $118.92 Vendor 44607 - OLIN PIONEER AMERICAS LLC 900362049 Hypochlorite Paid by EFT #220 12/21/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 12,968.22 Vendor 44607 - OLIN PIONEER AMERICAS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $12,968.22 Vendor 50115 - VANESSA OROZCO 2540113 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by EFT #140 01/08/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50115 - VANESSA OROZCO Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49806 - OUTSIDE INTERACTIVE INC 38441 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #141 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,011.00 Vendor 49806 - OUTSIDE INTERACTIVE INC Totals Invoices 1 $2,011.00 Vendor 48567 - PERISCOPE INTERMEDIATE INC SI-9443 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #244 12/01/2023 01/24/2024 02/29/2024 01/24/2024 630.00 Vendor 48567 - PERISCOPE INTERMEDIATE INC Totals Invoices 1 $630.00 Vendor 50116 - MATHEW PIERCE SWRCB T3 2024 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by EFT #245 01/09/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 150.00 Vendor 50116 - MATHEW PIERCE Totals Invoices 1 $150.00 Vendor 49579 - POLLARDWATER 0252352 Water Meters & Parts Paid by EFT #221 12/14/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,744.17 Vendor 49579 - POLLARDWATER Totals Invoices 1 $1,744.17 Vendor 49550 - PRISM 24400899 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #246 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,110.90 Vendor 49550 - PRISM Totals Invoices 1 $1,110.90 Vendor 49826 - QUADIENT LEASING USA INC Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 13 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Q1112371 Equipment Rental- Lease Paid by EFT #142 12/17/2023 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 1,061.83 Vendor 49826 - QUADIENT LEASING USA INC Totals Invoices 1 $1,061.83 Vendor 43332 - RED WING SHOE STORE 812-1-126636 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by EFT #143 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 237.58 Vendor 43332 - RED WING SHOE STORE Totals Invoices 1 $237.58 Vendor 47803 - REDWOOD PRINTING 34624 Office Supplies Paid by EFT #144 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 132.44 Vendor 47803 - REDWOOD PRINTING Totals Invoices 1 $132.44 Vendor 49497 - REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE LLC STPUD1223 Advisory Paid by EFT #145 12/17/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 827.63 Vendor 49497 - REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE LLC Totals Invoices 1 $827.63 Vendor 49732 - REINTECH LLC 24350 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #222 12/03/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 250.00 Vendor 49732 - REINTECH LLC Totals Invoices 1 $250.00 Vendor 48144 - RELIANCE STANDARD JAN2024 Voluntary Life Payable Paid by EFT #223 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 463.70 JAN24A LTD/Life Insurance Management Paid by EFT #223 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 2,762.93 JAN24B LTD/Life Insurance Union/Board Payable Paid by EFT #223 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 3,399.66 Vendor 48144 - RELIANCE STANDARD Totals Invoices 3 $6,626.29 Vendor 50076 - LAURA RICHARDS 2905306-1 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by EFT #146 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50076 - LAURA RICHARDS Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49911 - SEARCHPROS STAFFING LLC 23121233 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #147 12/12/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,332.28 23121931 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #147 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,219.06 23122627 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #147 12/26/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,388.89 24010227 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #247 01/02/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 521.28 24010929 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #247 01/09/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,084.69 Vendor 49911 - SEARCHPROS STAFFING LLC Totals Invoices 5 $5,546.20 Vendor 48911 - JOHN SHERIDAN WEF/CWEAReimb23 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by EFT #148 11/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 202.00 Vendor 48911 - JOHN SHERIDAN Totals Invoices 1 $202.00 Vendor 43552 - SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 9717-1 Buildings Paid by EFT #149 11/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 283.29 Vendor 43552 - SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Totals Invoices 1 $283.29 Vendor 47832 - SHRED-IT 8005400884 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #150 11/25/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 67.00 Vendor 47832 - SHRED-IT Totals Invoices 1 $67.00 Vendor 49303 - CHRIS SIANO Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 14 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount SWRCB G2 2024 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by EFT #151 01/04/2024 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 49303 - CHRIS SIANO Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 48622 - SIERRA ECOTONE SOLUTIONS 1169 Waterline, Black Bart Paid by EFT #152 10/23/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,740.00 1174 FLL ES 1-3 & Stanford Camp Rehab Paid by EFT #152 12/04/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,400.00 Vendor 48622 - SIERRA ECOTONE SOLUTIONS Totals Invoices 2 $5,140.00 Vendor 22620 - SIERRA SPRINGS 5152426 121623 Supplies Paid by EFT #153 12/16/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 15.03 Vendor 22620 - SIERRA SPRINGS Totals Invoices 1 $15.03 Vendor 22731 - SIGNS OF TAHOE 231243 Grounds & Maintenance + Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #154 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 704.70 Vendor 22731 - SIGNS OF TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $704.70 Vendor 48735 - SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB LV308173 Monitoring Paid by EFT #155 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 258.00 LV309045 Monitoring Paid by EFT #155 12/19/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 258.00 Vendor 48735 - SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB Totals Invoices 2 $516.00 Vendor 48944 - CHRIS SKELLY SKELLY01252024 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #248 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 21.00 Vendor 48944 - CHRIS SKELLY Totals Invoices 1 $21.00 Vendor 48172 - SNAP ON TOOLS 12132361864 Small Tools Paid by EFT #156 12/13/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 118.54 Vendor 48172 - SNAP ON TOOLS Totals Invoices 1 $118.54 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC 231222-45 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #249 12/22/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 49.00 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC Totals Invoices 1 $49.00 Vendor 48628 - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ACE HARDWARE 072362 Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by EFT #157 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 11.95 Vendor 48628 - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ACE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $11.95 Vendor 23100 - SOUTH SHORE GLASS & DOOR INC 43512 Buildings Paid by EFT #224 11/22/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 384.55 Vendor 23100 - SOUTH SHORE GLASS & DOOR INC Totals Invoices 1 $384.55 Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE 2808749 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #225 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,275.00 2808778 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #225 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 637.50 2808793 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #225 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,700.00 2808989 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #225 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 637.50 2809993 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #225 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,275.00 Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Totals Invoices 5 $5,525.00 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 15 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS 910000426082 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/18/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 139.51 910000421501 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,373.95 910000421502 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,667.36 910000429959 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 313.35 910000429960 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 22,407.06 910000175574 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,118.27 910000175902 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 296.28 910000865770 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #158 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 229.84 910000416224 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #226 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 100.32 910000657163 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #226 01/04/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 139.07 910000040369 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #226 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 1,056.15 910000041349 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #226 01/08/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 12.54 910000041350 D23 Natural Gas Paid by EFT #226 01/10/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 376.47 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS Totals Invoices 13 $31,230.17 Vendor 48856 - CHRIS STANLEY CWEA G3 23 Reimb Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by EFT #159 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 108.00 Vendor 48856 - CHRIS STANLEY Totals Invoices 1 $108.00 Vendor 49064 - STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3551238295 Office Supplies Paid by EFT #227 10/28/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 877.36 3555914714 Office Supplies Paid by EFT #227 12/30/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 103.98 3555914716 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #250 12/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,878.42 3555914718 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #250 12/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 (45.12) 3555914720 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #250 12/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 45.12 3555914722 Office Supply Issues Paid by EFT #250 12/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 258.61 3555914724 Office Supplies Paid by EFT #227 12/30/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 (91.52) Vendor 49064 - STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Totals Invoices 7 $3,026.85 Vendor 49888 - NICHOLAS SUAREZ MILEAGE 122323 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #160 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 82.53 T3EXAM REIMB Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by EFT #251 01/09/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 100.00 Vendor 49888 - NICHOLAS SUAREZ Totals Invoices 2 $182.53 Vendor 48218 - SUSAN LINDSTROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL 12152023 Contractual Services Paid by EFT #161 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 850.00 Vendor 48218 - SUSAN LINDSTROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL Totals Invoices 1 $850.00 Vendor 48481 - SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE WD-0262278 Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by EFT #162 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 308.00 WD-0262313 Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by EFT #162 12/15/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 399.00 LW-1042718 Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by EFT #162 12/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 64,114.40 Vendor 48481 - SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE Totals Invoices 3 $64,821.40 Vendor 49528 - SYN-TECH SYSTEMS INC Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 16 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 277844 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #163 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 1,175.00 Vendor 49528 - SYN-TECH SYSTEMS INC Totals Invoices 1 $1,175.00 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 2810363 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by EFT #228 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 127,130.96 2810364 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #228 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 260.00 2810376 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #228 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 32.50 2810392 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #228 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 30.00 2810516 Refuse Disposal Paid by EFT #228 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 38.00 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Totals Invoices 5 $127,491.46 Vendor 24100 - TAHOE BLUEPRINT 054217 FLL ES 1-3 & Stanford Camp Rehab Paid by EFT #252 11/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 125.52 054323 Herbert Walkup Waterline Paid by EFT #164 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 336.20 054353 Secondary Clarifier #1 Rehab Paid by EFT #252 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 478.84 054356 Bijou PS Rehab Paid by EFT #252 01/05/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 285.84 Vendor 24100 - TAHOE BLUEPRINT Totals Invoices 4 $1,226.40 Vendor 48229 - TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE IN123427 Public Relations Expense Paid by EFT #253 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 767.00 IN123428 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by EFT #253 12/31/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 749.50 Vendor 48229 - TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE Totals Invoices 2 $1,516.50 Vendor 50040 - TAHOE FLEET SERVICE 157 Automotive Paid by EFT #165 11/03/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,178.00 158 Automotive Paid by EFT #165 11/03/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,178.00 180 Automotive Paid by EFT #165 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 65.00 181 Automotive Paid by EFT #165 12/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 65.00 183 Automotive Paid by EFT #254 12/29/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 880.37 184 Automotive Paid by EFT #254 12/29/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 831.43 Vendor 50040 - TAHOE FLEET SERVICE Totals Invoices 6 $4,197.80 Vendor 24325 - TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL Dec 23 Stmt Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #229 01/01/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 11,133.47 Vendor 24325 - TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL Totals Invoices 1 $11,133.47 Vendor 24450 - TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5130841 Wells Paid by EFT #166 12/07/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 71.12 Vendor 24450 - TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $71.12 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE 1058 Standby Accommodations Paid by EFT #230 11/01/2023 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 2,625.00 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE Totals Invoices 1 $2,625.00 Vendor 49420 - THATCHER COMPANY OF NEVADA INC 2023400116980 Hypochlorite Paid by EFT #255 12/12/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 7,020.00 Vendor 49420 - THATCHER COMPANY OF NEVADA INC Totals Invoices 1 $7,020.00 Vendor 48477 - THOMAS SCIENTIFIC 3173357 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #256 01/02/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 133.09 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 17 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48477 - THOMAS SCIENTIFIC Totals Invoices 1 $133.09 Vendor 48877 - SHELLY THOMSEN MILEAGE 101923 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #167 12/01/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 153.93 THOMSEN10042024 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by EFT #257 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 21.00 Vendor 48877 - SHELLY THOMSEN Totals Invoices 2 $174.93 Vendor 24676 - TRANSCAT 2127769 Small Tools Paid by EFT #258 12/06/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 244.09 2128375 Gauge Compactor/Pressure Calibrator Paid by EFT #258 12/07/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 5,060.19 Vendor 24676 - TRANSCAT Totals Invoices 2 $5,304.28 Vendor 44519 - UNITED RENTALS INC 227670057-001 Safety Programs Paid by EFT #168 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 6,825.00 227670094-001 Safety Programs Paid by EFT #168 11/29/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 6,240.00 Vendor 44519 - UNITED RENTALS INC Totals Invoices 2 $13,065.00 Vendor 48262 - UPS FREIGHT 0000966628523 Postage Expenses Paid by EFT #169 12/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 550.00 Vendor 48262 - UPS FREIGHT Totals Invoices 1 $550.00 Vendor 47973 - US BANK CORPORATE ARCE1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 764.20 ASCHENBACH1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,834.26 BARTLETTB1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 4,193.11 BARTLETTC1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,028.25 BAUGH1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 122.24 BORLEY1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 641.70 BUCKMAN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,912.12 CASWELL1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 402.44 COLVEY1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 477.33 COMBES1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 273.15 CULLEN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 297.55 DUPREE1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,456.12 FRANCO1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 89.35 GLAZE1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 510.12 GUTTRY1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 395.45 HUGHES1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,041.48 JONES1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 10.00 KAUFFMAN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 3,985.51 LEER1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,329.68 MORSE1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 111.64 RUIZ1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 178.00 RUTHERDALE1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,246.96 RYAN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 2,292.57 SCHRAUBEN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,775.06 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 18 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount SEELOS1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 430.00 SIANO1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,257.73 SKELLY1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,644.97 THOMSEN1123 Nov 23 Stms Paid by EFT #170 11/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 885.80 Vendor 47973 - US BANK CORPORATE Totals Invoices 28 $32,586.79 Vendor 49947 - USABLUEBOOK INV00229894 Laboratory Supplies Paid by EFT #259 12/26/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,220.36 INV00237704 Flow Meter for Tata Booster Paid by EFT #259 01/05/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,240.72 Vendor 49947 - USABLUEBOOK Totals Invoices 2 $2,461.08 Vendor 43009 - VERIBANC INC 122723004 Subscription Expense Paid by EFT #260 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 540.00 Vendor 43009 - VERIBANC INC Totals Invoices 1 $540.00 Vendor 48586 - VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION INC 21-25A Tanks Backup Power Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 35,000.00 21-25AR Tanks Backup Power Retainage Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 45,250.00 21-25B Sewer Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 30,000.00 21-25BR Sewer Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Retainage Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 7,529.64 21-25C Water Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 30,000.00 21-25CR Water Field Communication Upgrades Phase 2 Retainage Paid by Check #114454 01/17/2024 01/17/2024 01/31/2024 01/17/2024 7,216.30 Vendor 48586 - VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION INC Totals Invoices 6 $154,995.94 Vendor 49540 - WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 8514 Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Paid by EFT #171 09/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 54,757.15 8586 Misc Emergency Incident Expenses Paid by EFT #171 10/31/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 74,724.86 8737 Bijou PS Rehab Paid by EFT #261 11/30/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 5,690.40 Vendor 49540 - WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC Totals Invoices 3 $135,172.41 Vendor 48405 - WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 82121146 Janitorial Supplies Inventory Paid by EFT #172 11/20/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,153.20 Vendor 48405 - WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $1,153.20 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC S100059323.001 Buildings Paid by EFT #262 12/06/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,256.51 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC Totals Invoices 1 $1,256.51 Vendor 50113 - ERMA WELLS 2613931 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by EFT #173 01/03/2024 01/10/2024 01/31/2024 01/10/2024 200.00 Vendor 50113 - ERMA WELLS Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 48417 - WEST YOST ASSOCIATES INC 2055627 SCADA Historian Upgrades Paid by EFT #174 09/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 11,956.00 2056050 SCADA Historian Upgrades Paid by EFT #174 10/31/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 8,076.50 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 19 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48417 - WEST YOST ASSOCIATES INC Totals Invoices 2 $20,032.50 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 39609719 Buildings Paid by EFT #175 11/28/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,065.75 11054191 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by EFT #175 12/04/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 5,505.23 11054897 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #175 12/04/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 1,769.91 11055898 Buildings Paid by EFT #175 12/04/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 277.38 31060627 Water Meters & Parts Paid by EFT #175 12/05/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 73.07 CM31050221 Secondary Equipment Paid by EFT #175 12/06/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 (1,808.12) 31057897 Secondary Equipment Paid by EFT #175 12/08/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 560.54 11070961 Small Tools Paid by EFT #175 12/14/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 424.13 11077723 Water Meters & Parts Paid by EFT #263 12/20/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,268.42 11029422 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 7,114.86 11029427 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 5,836.29 11043800-1 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 733.15 11060902-1 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 1,221.92 11060904-1 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 49.00 11077563 Water Meters & Parts Paid by EFT #263 12/27/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 444.58 31084752 Pump Stations Paid by EFT #175 12/27/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 72.08 11056117 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 9,915.35 11085214 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by EFT #263 12/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 2,050.48 31085949 Small Tools & Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #263 12/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 174.12 31086566 Buildings Paid by EFT #263 12/28/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 217.28 31089065 Shop Supplies Paid by EFT #263 01/02/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 63.64 11056117-1 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by EFT #263 01/03/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 5,045.83 11058756 Paloma Well Rehabilitation 2021 Paid by EFT #263 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 7,019.62 31089123 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by EFT #263 01/04/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 308.27 31096900 Buildings Paid by EFT #263 01/09/2024 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 28.05 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Totals Invoices 25 $49,430.83 Vendor 47918 - WINDSHIELD PROS OF TAHOE IOT006908 Automotive Paid by EFT #176 12/22/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 325.00 Vendor 47918 - WINDSHIELD PROS OF TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $325.00 Vendor 43555 - WONDERWARE CALIFORNIA 433053 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #177 11/30/2023 01/10/2024 12/31/2023 01/10/2024 45,150.00 Vendor 43555 - WONDERWARE CALIFORNIA Totals Invoices 1 $45,150.00 Vendor 48781 - WORLD OIL REFINING I500-01007729 Service Contracts Paid by EFT #264 12/21/2023 01/24/2024 01/31/2024 01/24/2024 100.00 Vendor 48781 - WORLD OIL REFINING Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Grand Totals Invoices 486 $1,956,316.20 Run by Erika Franco on 01/24/2024 08:39:34 AM Page 20 of 20 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 01/10/24 - 01/24/24 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David Peterson, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Director Nick Haven, Director Shane Romsos, Vice President Nick Exline, Director Paul Hughes, General Manager Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 18, 2024 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Peterson, Directors Haven, Romsos, Sheehan, Exline Staff: Paul Hughes, Andrea Salazar, Keith Collins, Shannon Chandler, Shelly Thomsen, Lauren Benefield, Liz Kauffman, Ryan Lee, Jennifer Marshall, and Bren Borley. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 2. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: None 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: Closed Session was renumbered from Item 11 to Item 4 on the agenda. President Peterson recused himself from Closed Session due to a potential conflict of interest as he has two nephews in the Stationary Engineers Local 39 bargaining unit. 4. BREAK AND ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: President Peterson adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 2:02 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 3:16 p.m. a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes, General Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. No reportable Board Action b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with the Management Group. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes/General REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 18, 2024 PAGE – 2 Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; and Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. No reportable Board Action. 5. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Exline/Second Sheehan/Peterson Yes/Haven Yes/Romsos Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. WINTER STORMS EMERGENCY RESPONSE (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continued the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. b. SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REHABILITATION PROJECT (Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager) (1) Authorized an exception to competitive bidding procedure due to special circumstances, as allowed for in the Purchasing Policy; (2) Approved the proposed Scope of Work from Carson Pump to provide rehabilitation services for South Upper Truckee Well No. 3; and (3) Authorized staff to execute a Purchase Order with Carson Pump in the amount of $76,540. c. RECEIVE AND FILE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (Greg Dupree, Accounting Manager) Received and filed Payment of Claims in the amount of $3,347,852.93. d. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: December 2, 2023 and December 21, 2023 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved December 2, 2023, and December 21, 2023, Minutes 6. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION: None 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS: Director Exline provided a summary of the System Efficiency and Sustainability Committee meeting on 1/17/24 which focused on influx and infiltration (I&I), solar projects, and grant possibilities. He commended Ross Cole for his presentation on I&I. Twenty-two manholes were raised this last year. Directors Haven and Romsos provided a summary of the Operations Committee meeting on 1/16/24. At the meeting Frank Abbondandolo provided a year-end report highlighting 41 new fire hydrant installations and 10 replacements, as well as leak repairs and valve replacements. Paul Hughes stated several more hydrants will be installed this summer, funded by El Dorado Water Agency. This work is a big deal for the community and people appreciate it. President Peterson reported the El Dorado Water Agency meeting on 1/10/24 focused mainly on budget adjustments. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Exline complimented the staff who manage the leak reporting system as a leak was detected at his home while he was on vacation and it prevented a bigger problem. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 18, 2024 PAGE – 3 9. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Lauren Benefield, Water Conservation Specialist, provided an end-of-year update on Water Conservation programs and outreach. She responded to questions from the Board and the Board held a discussion regarding California’s new water use regulations. 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: No report. 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS ADJOURNMENT: 3:56 p.m. _______________________________________ David Peterson, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ______________________________________________ Shannon Chandler, Assistant Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Keith Collins, General Counsel Paul Hughes, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Potential adoption of alternative bidding procedures authorized by the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (“UPCCAA”) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Provide direction to staff to prepare the necessary documents for the District to elect to become subject to the streamlined bidding procedures authorized by the UPCCAA DISCUSSION: At the January 17, 2024 CIP workshop, several board members expressed an interest in using the District’s own forces to perform minor public works projects. The potential of adopting the more streamlined bidding requirements available under the UPCCAA was discussed and staff now seeks direction on whether to prepare the documents necessary to adopt the UPCCAA. Public Contract Code Section 20201, which is applicable to public utility districts, requires that public works projects that exceed $15,000 must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. However, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act, codified at Public Contract Code Section 22000 et seq, establishes a streamlined bidding procedure that allows a public agency to use its own forces for projects that do not exceed $60,000 and an informal bidding procedure for projects that do not exceed $200,000 (PCC 22032). Projects valued over $200,000 will be subject to formal bidding procedures. The process of becoming subject to the UPCCAA involves adopting a resolution electing to become subject to the UPCCAA (PCC 22030) and adopting an ordinance establishing informal bidding procedures (PCC 22034). Staff would also need to make corresponding revisions to the District’s purchasing policy for consistency and bring those back to the Board for approval. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Keith Collins/Paul Hughes February 1, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Staff recommends that the Board direct staff to prepare: 1. A resolution electing to become subject to the UPCCAA; 2. An ordinance establishing informal bidding procedures; and 3. Revisions to the District’s purchasing policy to ensure consistency with the UPCAA. Electing to become subject to the UPCCAA will allow district forces to perform minor public works projects that do not exceed $60,000 and use informal bidding procedures for projects that do not exceed $200,000. Such streamlined procedures will result in significant cost savings to the District. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power and Al Tahoe Well Rehab REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve the attached scope of work for design and bidding services related to the Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power and Al Tahoe Well Rehab Project; and (2) Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to Task Order #14B with Kennedy Jenks Consultants in an amount to be determined on or before 12:00pm on January 31, 2024. DISCUSSION: In 2021, the District submitted an application to the FEMA DR-4558 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program requesting $1.27 million to design and construct an emergency generator and backup power conveyance system for Al Tahoe and Bayview wells. Since 2022, the District has been working with Kennedy Jenks under Task Order 14 for the design of the Al Tahoe/Bayview Backup Power and Al Tahoe Well Rehab Project (Project). The Project was taken to 90% design and was scheduled to bid in March 2024. In December 2023, the District was notified by CalOES that the FEMA application for this project was in final review and the award is pending. Commencing any work on components of the Project included in the FEMA application would disqualify the District’s application. Thus, staff propose separating the project into two phases, with Phase 1 including all work not included in the FEMA grant application. This will allow an additional year to receive a response from FEMA/CalOES. The proposed amendment to Task Order #14B with Kennedy Jenks includes (1) separating the Project into two phases, (2) 95% design sets for Phase 1 and Phase 2, and (3) preparation of construction and bid documents for Phase 1. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Mark Seelos February 1, 2024 Page 2 SCHEDULE: 2/1/2024 – 5/1/2024 COSTS: TBD ACCOUNT NO: 20.30.8371/ATWRHB, 20.30.8372/ATWPWR BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: 1) Draft Scope of Work; and 2) Cost Proposal to be provided prior to and at the Board meeting. ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 22 January 2024 Mark Seelos Water Resources Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Subject: DRAFT Proposal to Provide Additional Engineering Services for the Al Tahoe Well Rehabilitation and Al Tahoe/Bayview Emergency Power Project Dear Mr. Seelos: Per discussions on 14 December 2023 during the 90% Submittal meeting and on 11 January 2024, attached is a scope of work, budget, and schedule to provide additional engineering services for the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) project to provide backup power at the Bayview and Al Tahoe #2 wells that have arisen during the execution of Task 1 Project Management, Tasks 3.1 – 3.5 and Tasks 7 and 8. This attachment serves to document additional scope items including: · Additional design scope items that have been included as part of the 90% submittal as well as environmental support items. · Separation of the 90% design documents into two bid packages as follows– o Phase 1 to prepare a 95% submittal and construction documents that focus on electrical, instrumentation and control improvements at Bayview Well and the Al Tahoe Well mechanical improvements only. o Phase 2 to prepare a 95% submittal only for the civil, architectural, electrical, and backup power improvements at Al Tahoe, the electrical duct bank between the Al Tahoe and Bayview sites, as well as the Luther Pass Pump Station Fuel Tank replacement project. A future authorization will be needed to prepare Phase 2 construction documents once grant funding is confirmed. We appreciate the opportunity to provide further services to the District. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact Sachi at 650-852-2817 or Josh Diebert at 559-349-3063. Very truly yours, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Sachiko Itagaki, P.E. Spencer T. Archer, P.E., BCEE Principal-in-Charge Project Manager Attachment A: Tasks and Deliverables Attachment B: Labor Effort and Fee Estimate Table SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 1 - ATTACHMENT A: TASKS AND DELIVERABLES This attachment serves to document additional scope items that have arisen during the preparation of the 90% submittal for Task 1 Project Management, Tasks 3.5 and 7, as well as scope changes that include separating the 90% submittal of 61 sheets into two stand alone bid packages as requested by the District. The Task 4 Construction Documents which will be submitted as separate 95% submittals for o Phase 1 focusing on electrical, instrumentation, and control improvements at Bayview Well and the Al Tahoe Well mechanical improvements, o Phase 2 for the architectural, civil, electrical, and backup power improvements at Al Tahoe, the electrical duct bank between the Al Tahoe and Bayview sites, as well as the Luther Pass Pump Station Fuel Tank replacement project. Construction documents will be prepared for Phase 1 only anticipating that Phase 1 will be bid in spring of 2024. Additional effort to revise environmental document/compliance permits to align with Phase 1 and Phase 2 are also included. Task 1 – Project Management As scope items have been added, additional project management is requested for these additional items for both internal coordination as well as for quality assurance/quality control review. 1.1 Management KJ will provide additional project management services for the additional scope of work, including general task management, invoicing, activity coordination, schedule management, and subcontractor management throughout the completion of the task order. In addition to task specific meetings, KJ will organize and attend bi-weekly check in calls as requested by the District on project progress during Task 4 & 5. 1.2 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) KJ will prepare and implement a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) plan and perform a review of all Task 4 deliverables prior to delivery in accordance with the plan. The internal reviews will focus on completeness, consistency, thoroughness, and conformance to the scope of services. Budget has been divided for the following activities: · 90% Deliverable preparation which included additional project management (e.g. coordination calls with District operations and maintenance staff, internal coordination, etc) for a time period that was longer than budgeted for earlier, additional QA/QC effort by structural, electrical, instrumentation and control, mechanical, and civil engineering disciplines as well as interdisciplinary review · Phase 1 and Phase 2 95% Deliverable submittals · Phase 1 Construction Documents and bid services Task 2 – Data Collection, Review and Analysis 2.1 Kickoff Meeting - complete 2.2 Data Collection & Review - complete 2.3 Alternatives Analysis - complete 2.4 Task 2 Optional Services - budget has been reallocated. Task 3 – Design – to 90% Submittal - The additional effort for this task is described in the subtasks below. 3.1 Topographic Surveying and Mapping - complete 3.2 Geotechnical Analysis – complete 3.3 Design Memorandum - complete 3.4 90% Design - complete 3.4.1 Design Development – complete 3.4.2 Design Review Meeting - complete 3.5 Environmental Documentation/Compliance – Additional Scope Since Task Order 14B in February 2023 additional effort to prepare a cultural resources report with an archaeologists evaluation and biological resources amendment for the Al Tahoe/Bayview sites and duct bank in between the two sites was requested by the District to support the environmental documents. These services were provided by specialty subconsultants that had prepared previous documents for the District. Further analysis was performed of pre and post construction land coverage at all three project sites for TRPA requirements. Task 3 Deliverable(s): Electronic only unless specified below: · Cultural resources report · Biological resources amendment Task 4 – 95% Design, Construction Documents and Additional Environmental Documentation/Compliance Task 4 includes separation of the 90% design submittal into two packages as described earlier, and preparation of 95% submittal for both phases, construction documents for Phase 1, and updates to environmental documents/compliance permit applications to reflect the phases. 4A Phase 1 95% Design This task includes: · Identifying design drawings and technical specifications needed to construct Phase 1 improvements by structural, electrical, instrumentation and control, mechanical, and civil SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 2 - engineering disciplines, · Preparing design drawings updates include revisions to title blocks, addressing District comments/changes such as additional security measures, incorporating water efficiency upgrades, fiber communication improvements, and addressing internal QA/QC comments, · Updating technical specifications to reflect Phase 1, · Reviewing and incorporating District front-end (Division 0 and 1) specifications, · Preparing work restrictions and construction sequencing specifications, · District review meeting for Phase 1 95% submittal. 4B Phase 2 95% Design This task includes: · Identifying design drawings and technical specifications needed to construct Phase 2 improvements by structural, electrical, instrumentation and control, mechanical, and civil engineering disciplines, · Preparing design drawings updates include revisions to title blocks, addressing District comments/changes such as demolition of Al Tahoe Well 1, additional security measures, communication improvements and addressing internal QA/QC comments, · Updating technical specifications to reflect Phase 2, · Incorporating District front-end (Division 0 and 1) specifications, · Separate District review meeting for 95% submittal. 4C Phase 1 Construction Documents This task includes: · Incorporating District comments on 95% design drawings and specifications, · Updated opinion of probable construction costs, · Address internal QA/QC comments, · District review meeting for construction documents. 4D Environmental Documentation/Compliance for Phases 1 and 2 This task includes: · Separating the Mitigated Negative Declaration/ TRPA Environmental Document prepared under the previous task order into 1) Phase 1: Categorical Exemption Document for Phase 1 including project description and TRPA Qualified Exemption document for in accordance with the Public Works Memorandum of Understanding Attachment B 2) TRPA Permit for Phase 2 3) Updating the MND/TRPA Environmental Document to include the addition of 6,000 gallons of fuel storage at LPPS including updated coverage calculations Task 3 and 4 Assumptions 1. A single bid package is assumed for Phase 1 Al Tahoe Well Rehab and Bayview Backup Power. 2. Funding for Phase 1 construction does not require federal or state revolving fund specifications and requirements. Div 0 and Div 1 specifications will be District Standard. 3. No additional archaeological/cultural resources/biological studies are required for LPPS. 4. Each deliverable will receive one round of consolidated District comments for response and update in the following deliverable. The District will review deliverables in a timely manner (approximately 10 working days). 5. District will provide hardcopies of the environmental documents/permits and notify the appropriate parties. Task 5 – Bidding Services for Phase 1 Bidding services include: · Pre-bid conference; KJ will attend a pre-bid conference and job walk. Meeting notes will be provided. · Responses to Bidder’s Questions; Written responses to 3 (three) bidders’ questions will be provided. It is assumed that KJ will respond to technical questions pertinent to the project design. · Addendum preparation; Budget is included to produce 1 (one) bid addendum, if required. Task 5 Deliverable(s): · Meeting notes from pre-bid conference (pdf) · Responses to questions (pdf) · One addendum, if required (pdf) Task 6 – Optional Services Optional services could include: · Engineer Services During Construction for Phase 1 · Bayview Temporary Generator and Transformer Plans and Specifications · Luther Pass Pump Station Temporary Fuel Storage Plans and Specifications · Air Board and City of SLT Building Permit Support · Liberty Utilities Application Coordination SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 3 - · Al Tahoe Well Inspection - Video/Cleaning · Additional archaeological/cultural resources/biological studies are required for LPPS. · Acoustic Analysis An initial budget of $25,000 is provided for optional services. Task 7 – Luther Pass Pump Station Fuel Tank Replacement Design In Task Order 14B, KJ was originally scoped to prepare 90% design drawings and specifications to upsize the 6,000-gallon fuel tank at the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS) to a 12,000- gallon fuel tank and a improve the retaining wall as necessary to accommodate the increased tank size. Since the issuance of the Task Order, an analysis of temporary fuel storage to be provided during construction was conducted at the request of the District. This information will be incorporated into Task 7.1 LPPS Fuel Tank Design Memorandum, that is under preparation. There is no change to the remainder of Task 7 authorized under TO 14B. Task 7 Assumptions: 1. No additional survey is needed. 2. Geotechnical assumptions will be based on design parameters used in the 2007 Luther Pass Pump Station Generator design. 3. KJ estimated workshops with the District to review information would last up to 2 hours with key staff in attendance both in-person and virtually. 4. Each draft deliverable will receive one round of consolidated District comments for response and update in the final draft. The District will review deliverables in a timely manner (approximately 10 working days). Task 8: Al Tahoe Battery Backup Evaluation no change from February 2023 authorization SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 4 - ATTACHMENT B: LABOR EFFORT AND FEE ESTIMATE TABLE The tables found on the following pages show a summary of the previous authorization, the unauthorized work and the proposed budget augmentation as well as a more detailed estimate of the required hours for the project by task as outlined above. The initial hour projection identifies key project team members by billing classification and estimated hours for each project team member on a per task and total project basis. The fee is based on the KJ 1 July 2023 rate schedule as attached. BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Taylor Jaime, Staff Engineer MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2024 Apache Waterline Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve and enter into a Construction and Funding Agreement with the County of El Dorado to provide for relocation of a waterline in an amount not to exceed $1,495,875. DISCUSSION: The County of El Dorado (County) is installing improvements on Apache Ave. between E. San Bernardino Ave. and US Highway 50 for the Apache Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity Project which will include the construction of a new shared use path, storm drain lines, inlets, and curb and gutter conveyances. The purpose of this funding agreement is to replace water services made of thin-walled plastic pipe material attached to the mainline with hose clamps, upsize pipelines to increase fire flow capacity by replacing 4-inch pipe with 8-inch pipe, and relocate facilities to accommodate the new County storm drainage facilities. The District has been proactive in seeking opportunities to take advantage of coordinating the construction of improvements whenever the County and City of South Lake Tahoe (City) build projects that will result in the repaving of streets. Coordinating District waterline improvement projects to be built concurrently with County and City repaving projects reduces the District’s costs to repave the roadways. Additionally, the District is reducing the risk of having to cut the newly constructed pavement surface to conduct waterline and/or water service repairs in the future. The District and the County worked together to identify utility conflicts during design and discovered that conflicts exist that require the relocation of existing District facilities. One of the purposes of this funding agreement is to relocate those facilities to accommodate the new storm drainage facilities. The main conflict is that the County’s new storm drain channel on the northeast side of Apache Ave. is proposed to be installed at the edge of the existing roadway and conflicts with the location of the General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline Taylor Jaime January 23, 2024 Page 2 of 2 existing waterline in some locations because of storm and drinking water pipe separation requirements. The District’s existing waterline will not meet the minimum separation distance of 4 feet from the edge of the storm drain channel once the new storm drain is constructed. To resolve this conflict, the proposed solution is to replace the waterline on Apache Ave. so that it is at least 4 feet away from the proposed storm drain alignment. Under California law, unless the District can demonstrate its facilities were in place before County roads, the District is responsible for relocation necessitated by “road improvements,” including drainage improvements. Staff recommends that the Board enter into an Agreement with the County of El Dorado in the amount of $1,495,875, for the County to perform the work on the District’s water system, including constructing 2500 linear feet of C900 pipe, installation of 35 services and four (4) fire hydrants. This amount is based on an Engineer’s Estimate of $1,196,700 plus a contingency of 25%. The total value of the Agreement will be deposited into an escrow account prior to bidding, adjusted to reflect actual bid price plus contingency after bidding, and then withdrawn by the County from the account during construction pending approval by District staff of progress payment requests. SCHEDULE: Upon Approval COSTS: $1,495,875 ACCOUNT NO: 20.30.8282 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Construction and Funding Agreement ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 01/16/2024 Construction and Funding Agreement Between County of El Dorado & South Tahoe Public Utility District This Construction and Funding Agreement (“Agreement”), is entered into on _________________________, 2024, by and between the County of El Dorado, a political subdivision of the State of California, referred to as “COUNTY,” and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California public utility district, referred to as “DISTRICT” at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: Recitals 1. COUNTY secured funding, prepared contract documents, will advertise, and intends to award and administer a construction contract for the approved work, to be completed by the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for installation of improvements for the Apache Ave Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity Project, Contract No. 7922, CIP 36107021, referred to herein as “PROJECT.” 2. DISTRICT owns and maintains potable water utility facilities within the limits of the PROJECT which DISTRICT will need to relocate due to accommodate the new storm drain system being installed. 3. DISTRICT prepared plans and specifications titled, “2024 Apache Waterline Replacement Project” for upgrade and relocation of the existing water main that is in conflict with a proposed storm drain to be installed with the PROJECT. The installation of DISTRICT water system facilities will be included as part of the PROJECT (referred to as “DISTRICT WORK.). 4. DISTRICT acknowledges that it has reviewed the PROJECT plans and specifications for DISTRICT WORK and agrees in principle to the construction in the manner proposed. 5. COUNTY acknowledges that it has reviewed DISTRICT WORK plans and specifications and agrees in principle to the construction in the manner proposed. 6. DISTRICT agrees to pay COUNTY for the approved DISTRICT WORK: a. On the basis of identified bid items for the PROJECT at actual bid prices from the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, as determined solely by COUNTY, which are incorporated by this reference into this Agreement; b. For required extra work or additional work related to or caused by DISTRICT’s facilities. 7. The parties define below the terms and conditions under which DISTRICT WORK is to be financed, constructed, and owned. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: I. COUNTY Agrees: 1. On its behalf by a licensed contractor, to perform DISTRICT WORK in accordance with the PROJECT plans and specifications in order to achieve its intended purpose. 2. DISTRICT WORK performed by COUNTY on its behalf by a licensed contractor, shall be monitored for compliance with the PROJECT plans and specifications by DISTRICT personnel or designated representative; however, COUNTY will provide overarching project management. 3. To permit DISTRICT personnel to monitor, participate, and perform any additional quality assurance measures as deemed necessary for compliance of DISTRICT WORK with DISTRICT standards and practices for DISTRICT WORK that COUNTY’S licensed contractor is performing for DISTRICT. 2 01/16/2024 4. For each pay period and upon completion of DISTRICT WORK, and all work incidental thereto, to furnish DISTRICT with a detailed statement of construction costs, the basis of which is identified bid items or change order work for the PROJECT subject to payment from DISTRICT. 5. To the extent that the guarantees or bonds required by COUNTY’s contracts for the PROJECT that pertain to DISTRICT WORK, COUNTY agrees to enforce its rights thereunder in order to protect DISTRICT’S interests in the potable water utility facilities. 6. After completion of DISTRICT WORK, COUNTY agrees to enforce any contractor or product manufacturer warranties or guarantees for the portion of DISTRICT WORK that COUNTY is performing for DISTRICT for the benefit of DISTRICT. 7. To indemnify, defend and hold harmless DISTRICT, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's and expert witness fees and other expenses of litigation) and causes of action of whatsoever character on account of loss or damage to DISTRICT’S water utility facilities that are relocated or modified pursuant to this Agreement and as part of the PROJECT and loss of use thereof, or for bodily injury to or death of any persons (including, without limitation, property, employees, subcontractors, agents, and invitees of each party hereto) arising out of or in any way connected with the PROJECT, and arising from any cause whatsoever. The exception to this indemnity is liability, claims, suits, damages, or expenses that are proximately caused by, and in direct proportion to, the active negligence or willful acts of DISTRICT, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents; any claims, suits, damages, or expenses that are proximately caused by or related to the reasonableness of the design of DISTRICT WORK; or as expressly prescribed by statute. II. DISTRICT Agrees: 1. To open an account with the California Asset Management Program (“CAMP”) and deposit an amount equal to the Maximum Authorized Payment Amount set forth in Section 6, below, and to increase the amount of the deposit if the parties mutually agree to an increase in the cost of DISTRICT WORK. 2. To pay COUNTY for DISTRICT WORK performed, as shown on the PROJECT plans and specifications and any additional work or change order work to DISTRICT’S potable water utility systems that is found necessary during construction that is first approved in writing by DISTRICT. 3. To review each detailed statement of construction costs from COUNTY and authorize payment to COUNTY from the CAMP account within 30 days of receipt of each detailed statement of construction costs for DISTRICT WORK; subsequent to acceptance of each detailed statement of construction of DISTRICT WORK by DISTRICT and payment for DISTRICT WORK by COUNTY to its contractor. 4. To provide inspection and construction field management of DISTRICT improvements. 5. To perform, at no cost to COUNTY, any additional quality assurance measures as DISTRICT deems necessary, beyond that which is currently scheduled for and identified in the PROJECT plans and specifications. DISTRICT will be solely responsible for all additional costs incurred by COUNTY or COUNTY’S licensed contractor if DISTRICT requires quality assurance measures or other work not specified in DISTRICT’S or COUNTY’S plans or specifications. 6. To accept ownership of the completed DISTRICT WORK. Upon acceptance of DISTRICT WORK as complete, DISTRICT will become the sole owner of DISTRICT WORK and COUNTY has no responsibility to maintain or repair DISTRICT WORK. 7. To defend, indemnify, and hold COUNTY and its officers, agents, employees and representatives harmless against and from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, and liability for damages of every name, kind, and description, including attorneys' fees and costs incurred, brought for, or on account of, 3 01/16/2024 injuries to, or death of, any person, including but not limited to workers, COUNTY employees, and the public, or damage to property, or any economic or consequential losses, which are claimed to, or in any way arise out of, or are connected with DISTRICTS's services, operations or performance hereunder, regardless of the existence or degree of fault or negligence on the part of COUNTY, DISTRICT, subcontractor(s) and employee(s) of any of these, except for the sole, or active negligence of COUNTY, its officers, agents, employees and representatives, or as expressly provided by statute. This duty of DISTRICT to indemnify and save COUNTY harmless includes the duties to defend set forth in California Civil Code Section 2778. III. Mutually Agreed: 1. DISTRICT may review the lowest responsible, responsive bidder’s documents and may provide recommendations, if any, to COUNTY within five business days of bid opening. Notwithstanding that review, COUNTY shall have sole authority to reject any or all construction bids, resolve any bid protests, or to award the construction contract for the entire work. 2. If the PROJECT is canceled or modified, COUNTY will notify DISTRICT in writing and either party may then terminate this Agreement. DISTRICT shall pay COUNTY for any portion of DISTRICT WORK completed prior to termination. 3. COUNTY and DISTRICT agree that each entity shall be responsible for one-hundred percent (100%) of the actual costs associated with construction, improvement, or modification of COUNTY roadways or DISTRICT facilities improvements. 4. COUNTY agrees to pay its licensed contractor for work completed on the identified bid items, which are incorporated by this reference as DISTRICT WORK, subject to payment from DISTRICT as provided above. Any changes in quantities of the bid items shall be agreed to by both COUNTY and DISTRICT. 5. That the parties will be relieved of their respective duties and obligations hereunder if performance of this Agreement is prevented by the elements, natural disaster or acts of God, or if they are ordered or enjoined from performing hereunder by any court or regulatory agency having jurisdiction. Either party may discontinue performance of its duties and obligations hereunder if, after notice from the non-breaching party that the other party has breached any term or condition of this Agreement, and the breaching party has not commenced to timely cure the breach. 6. That the PROJECT bid items (by No.) representing DISTRICT WORK are listed below. The unit prices shown are DISTRICT estimates of cost and do not reflect bid prices submitted by the lowest responsive, responsible bidder as determined by COUNTY. The unit prices shown below will be replaced by the actual bid prices submitted by the lowest responsive, responsible bidder as determined by COUNTY, and DISTRICT agrees to reimburse COUNTY for payment based on the aforementioned actual bid prices. Item No. Bid Item Description Units Est. Qty Unit Price % for Payment Amount 43 Mobilization and Demobilization specific to Additive Alternate Bid – Schedule B LS 1 $ 100,000.00 100% $ 100,000 44 Erosion Control specific to Additive Alternate Bid – Schedule B LS 1 $10,000 100% $ 10,000 45 Groundwater Dewatering LS 1 $ 50,000.00 100% $ 50,000 46 Traffic Control specific to Additive Alternate Bid – Schedule B LS 1 $15,000 100% $ 15,000 47 Potholing LS 1 $ 50,000.00 100% $ 50,000 48 8-inch C900 Water Main LF 2500 $ 200.00 100% $ 500,000 49 3/4-Inch Service EA 32 $ 6,000.00 100% $ 192,000 4 01/16/2024 50 1-inch Service EA 3 $ 7,000.00 100% $ 21,000 51 Fire Hydrants EA 4 $ 16,500.00 100% $ 66,000 52 Tie-In #1 - Apache/SB (8" C900 Westside) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 53 Tie-In #2 - Apache/SB (6" AC Eastside) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 54 Tie-In #3 - Apache/SB (6" AC School Service) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 55 Tie-In #4 - Sioux 4"AC LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 56 Tie-In #5 - Tomahawk Ln 4" STL LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 57 Tie-In #6 - Pueblo St 4" AC LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 58 Tie-In #7 - Arrowhead Ave (4" AC Eastside) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 59 Tie-In #8 - Arrowhead Ave (4" AC Westside) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 60 Tie-In #9 - Apache (8" C900 Southend) LS 1 $ 15,000.00 100% $ 15,000 61 Demo/Salvage Fire Hydrants EA 4 $ 4,000.00 100% $ 16,000 62 Cut, Cap and Abandon in place water mains and valves EA 9 $ 2,000.00 100% $ 18,000 63 3-Inch Miscellaneous Patch Paving SF 750 $ 30.00 100% $ 22,500 64 Additional 1-foot depth of excavation, backfill and vertical pipe and fittings LF 60 $ 20.00 100% $ 1,200 SUBTOTAL Payment $ 1,196,700 Contingency for changes in quantities (25%) $299,175 Estimated Cost of DISTRICT WORK (pre-bid) $ 1,495,875 That in addition to the direct cost of construction of DISTRICT facilities, DISTRICT shall reimburse COUNTY for DISTRICT’s portion of construction administration costs, which includes COUNTY’s construction management costs (which include Contract administration, soils testing, inspection, and staking of DISTRICT work) for the modification or improvement of DISTRICT’s facilities by COUNTY’s contractor. All the above-listed costs will be billed monthly using established COUNTY hourly rates for the Fiscal Year in which the work occurred. 7. That it is understood that time is of the essence and that COUNTY would be harmed by delays to a project. In order to avoid delays, COUNTY and DISTRICT agree that COUNTY will maintain administrative control of the project. To protect COUNTY from unnecessary project delays arising from DISTRICT work, COUNTY and DISTRICT agree that changes to DISTRICT work on the project will be handled in the following manner: a. Extra Work Required: For purposes of this Agreement, “extra work” means work that is not foreseen at the time the Project is bid, and is not anticipated in the bid documents, but must necessarily be performed to address conflicts, changed or differing conditions, or otherwise necessary in order to complete the project. DISTRICT will be responsible for designing and inspecting all facets of any extra work on, related to, or caused by DISTRICT’s facilities. If a contract change order (CCO) is required, COUNTY will notify DISTRICT on the next calendar day from notification from COUNTY’s contractor, and within five (5) calendar days will prepare a CCO. DISTRICT will then have five (5) calendar days to review, approve, and return the CCO to COUNTY or return it to COUNTY for modification. If DISTRICT fails to return the submitted CCO to COUNTY as approved herein within five (5) calendar days, then COUNTY will take one of the following actions: i. The CCO will be executed by COUNTY per the terms, conditions, and price shown on the CCO that had been submitted to DISTRICT. DISTRICT will be required to reimburse COUNTY for DISTRICT’s share of the cost of the CCO. ii. COUNTY will direct the contractor to perform the work on a force account basis. For extra work to DISTRICT facilities performed on force account, DISTRICT shall be responsible for inspecting the extra work and tracking the time that the contractor's 5 01/16/2024 forces spend pursuing the extra work. On each day that extra work to DISTRICT facilities is performed on force account, a DISTRICT inspector will prepare and sign a work report that details the labor, equipment, and materials that were used during that day's force account work. DISTRICT shall provide those reports to COUNTY Resident Engineer for payment processing. DISTRICT will be required to reimburse COUNTY for its share of the cost of the force account work. iii. COUNTY will direct the contractor to stop work on the contract only to the extent reasonably deemed necessary by COUNTY. DISTRICT will then be responsible for reasonable delay costs associated with Project delay arising from DISTRICT extra work. For purposes of this Agreement, “delay costs” means any costs that the Contractor incurs as a result of additional working days or other delay due to the extra work, including, but not limited to, right of way delays, extended Contractor overhead, additional water pollution control costs due to a project extending into winter, or equipment rental. DISTRICT will be required to reimburse COUNTY, for all said delay costs arising from DISTRICT work. It is agreed that all increases or decreases in justified costs associated with CCOs related to DISTRICT’s work may include but are not limited to direct construction costs, extended contractor overhead, additional water pollution control costs due to CCOs extending a project into winter, dust control, or equipment rental. b. Additional Work: For purposes of this Agreement, “additional work” means work that is not foreseen at the time a project is bid, and is not extra work but may be desirable for the benefit of DISTRICT facilities. Any and all additional work requested by DISTRICT shall be at DISTRICT’s sole expense. DISTRICT, at its sole expense, will be further responsible for designing and inspecting all facets of any additional work requested by DISTRICT. In the event that DISTRICT desires additional work to be performed by COUNTY’s contractor, DISTRICT shall address its request to COUNTY. If a price for additional work can be directly negotiated between DISTRICT and COUNTY’s contractor, then the additional work may be incorporated into the contract via a CCO for the negotiated cost per section (i) above. If COUNTY’s contractor and DISTRICT cannot agree to a negotiated price, DISTRICT may request that the work be performed on a force account basis as listed in section (ii) above. It is agreed that all increases or decreases in justified costs associated with CCOs related to additional DISTRICT work may include, but are not limited to, direct construction costs, extended contractor overhead, additional water pollution control costs due to CCOs extending the project into winter, dust control, or equipment rental. DISTRICT will then be responsible for reasonable delay costs associated with Project delay arising from DISTRICT additional work. c. DISTRICT Forces: DISTRICT may alternatively request of COUNTY that DISTRICT use its own forces to perform additional work, as that term is defined hereinabove. The determination of whether to allow the additional work to be done by DISTRICT forces shall be within COUNTY’s sole discretion. In these circumstances DISTRICT shall comply with all conditions of County’s standard encroachment permit, inclusive of indemnity and insurance, and shall provide proof of insurance meeting those requirements in advance of the commencement of the work. All additional work performed by DISTRICT shall comply with the requirements of this Agreement, with the project construction schedule and be coordinated with COUNTY’s contractor work. In order to coordinate DISTRICT’s work with the work of COUNTY’s contractor, COUNTY may require that DISTRICT perform its work within an agreed-upon window of time. Any and all of COUNTY’s contractor justified extra work, claims or delay costs arising from or caused by DISTRICT’s force work shall be DISTRICT’s sole 6 01/16/2024 responsibility. COUNTY and DISTRICT will determine in advance of COUNTY’s approval whether any Project cost savings arise from DISTRICT’s proposed force work and will mutually agree to whom said cost savings, if any, shall be credited. If the parties cannot reach agreement, COUNTY may decline to allow DISTRICT force work. IV General Provisions 1. Notices. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and either served personally or sent prepaid, first class mail. Any such notice shall be addressed to the other party at the address set forth below. Notice shall be deemed communicated within 48 hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. 2. If to COUNTY: John Kahling Deputy Director of Transportation County of El Dorado 2441 Headington Road Placerville, CA 95667 Provide a copy to: County Counsel County of El Dorado 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 If to DISTRICT South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Paul Hughes, General Manager 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Provide a copy to: Keith Collins Jones Mayer 6349 Auburn Boulevard Citrus Heights, CA 95621 3. No Waiver. Waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision under this Agreement. 4. Dispute Resolution. The parties to this Agreement agree that their respective staffs shall meet and confer in good faith for the purposes of resolving any dispute under this Agreement. If the meet and confer between staff is unsuccessful to resolve the dispute, COUNTY Chief Administrative Officer and DISTRICT General Manager shall then meet and confer in attempt to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is still not resolved, either party may file an action in court. 5. Controlling Law Venue. This Agreement and all matters relating to it shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall be held exclusively in the Superior Courts in the County of El Dorado, South Lake Tahoe Division. 6. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both DISTRICT and COUNTY and approved as to form by COUNTY Counsel. 7. Severability. If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of Agreement 7 01/16/2024 between DISTRICT and COUNTY. All prior written and oral communications, including correspondence, drafts, memoranda, and representations, are superseded in total by this Agreement. 9. Execution. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall become binding upon the parties when at least one copy hereof shall have been signed by both parties hereto. In approving this Agreement, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 10. Authority to Enter Agreement. COUNTY and DISTRICT have all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the WORK defined in this Agreement. Each party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and to bind each respective party. 11. No Third party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon any individual or entity which is not a party to this Agreement and the parties expressly disclaim any such third-party benefit. Requesting Department Concurrence: By: ________________________________ Rafael Martinez, Director Department of Transportation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date first written above. - - C O U N T Y O F E L D O R A D O - - By: _____________________________ Board of Supervisors “County” Attest: Kim Dawson Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By: _____________________________ Deputy Clerk 8 01/16/2024 - - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - - David Peterson, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Attest: ___________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board State of the Tahoe Valley South Groundwater Basin (WY 2023) Mark Seelos Water Resources Manager 2/1/2024 1 Outline 2 1.SGMA Refresher 2.Groundwater Supply and Demand 3.Basin Management Objectives 4.WY 2023 Accomplishments 5.Goals for WY 2024 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) 3 •Goal: achieve groundwater sustainability through local control. •Basin Management Objectives to avoid “undesirable results.” •Implementation plan to achieve BMOs Tahoe Valley South Subbasin 4 Precipitation: WY 2023 5 •Hagans Meadow SNOTEL used for WY Classification •55.7” in WY 2023 Groundwater Recharge 6 Model Estimate: •29,069 acre-feet (AF) of Groundwater Recharge in WY 2023 •Average production ~7,500 AF (all water systems) Groundwater Elevations 7 •2x annual groundwater level monitoring (October and May) •90% of monitoring wells were above their historical median groundwater elevation. •Average increase of 1.6 feet in the last 5 years. •98% of wells are remaining constant or increasing. Groundwater Extraction 8 13,200 AF 7,440 AF WY 2023: 5,851 Extraction vs.Consumption 9 Use Type Volume, AF Single Family 2,225 Multi-Family 728 Commercial 1,460 Mutual Aid 0.01 Losses 516 Total 4,928 District Losses: ~10% Groundwater Supply for WY 2024 10 Groundwater Supply is water in storage minus storage threshold. Model Estimate: •47,407 AF of available storage. •Average production ~7,500 AFY Basin Management Objectives 11 BMO Description Status 1 Maintain a sustainable long-term groundwater supply. Met Thresholds 2 Maintain and protect groundwater quality.Met Thresholds 3 Strengthen collaborative relationships [...]In Progress 4 Integrate groundwater quality protection into local land use planning activities.In Progress 5 Assess the interaction of water supply activities with environmental conditions. Met Thresholds 6 Convene an ongoing Stakeholder’s Advisory Group (SAG) [...]Achieved 7 Conduct technical studies […]In Progress 8 Identify and obtain funding […]In Progress WY 2023 Accomplishments 1.Met DWR reporting requirements (WY 2022 Annual Report) 2.Hired new plan manager 3.Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (June 2023) 4.Executed contracts for multiple groundwater management projects. Management Goals: WY 2024 12 Monitoring and Reporting •Submit WY 23 Annual Report to DWR •Complete 2x-annual well monitoring •BMO Data Collection and Evaluation •Pilot GDE Monitoring Plan Interagency Coordination and Public Outreach •Monitor New Regulations •Develop N-7-22 Policy •Implement Public Database Technical Work •Finalize GDE Monitoring Plan •Preliminary work for Model Update •Planning of Additional Monitoring Wells Funding •Propose cost share projects to EDCWA. •Identify additional funding sources. Questions? 13 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 12a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: El Dorado County Superior Court Case 23CV1396, Scott Gabler vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline BOARD AGENDA ITEM 12b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, General Manager Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Closed Session – Union Memorandum of Understanding Contract Negotiations REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes, General Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline BOARD AGENDA ITEM 12c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, General Manager Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: February 1, 2024 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Closed Session –Management Group Memorandum of Understanding Contract Negotiations REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Paul Hughes, General Manager; Andrea Salazar, Chief Financial Officer; Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors Nick Haven Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline