HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.10.05 District Board Agenda Packet 10-5-23 50VTH TAHOF Se tet, AEI M'er 1950 ' 44a 6��c t1TILITY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California David Peterson, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Director Nick Haven, Director Shane Romsos, Vice President Nick Exline, Director Paul Hughes, General Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than four individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION 6. PRESENTATION: Award Government Finance Officers Certificate of Achievement of Excellence in Financial Reporting (President Peterson) 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Recycled Water Strategic Plan (Stephen Caswell, Principal Engineer) 1) Approve proposal from Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $425,367 for engineering services for the Recycled Water Strategic Plan Phase 2; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 31 to the Master Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. b. Water Meter Installation Project- Property Corner Restoration (Trevor Coolidge,Senior Engineer) (1) Approve the proposed Scope of Work from Lumos & Associates for professional surveying services to replace property corners disturbed by water meter projects; and (2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 18 in an amount not to exceed $359,380. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- October 5, 2023 PAGE-2 C. Storage System Upgrade (Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager) 1) Waive formal bidding procedures as allowed for in the District's Purchasing Policy when an item is economically preferable to match or be compatible with other equipment presently on hand and the purchase is made from the supplier who supplied such equipment; and 2) Authorize the purchase of a new Nimble SAN and compatible server and switching infrastructure from Cadence Team in the total amount (includes tax) of $189,084.84. 8. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Website Redesign (Shelly Thomsen, Director of Public and Legislative Affairs) 11 . GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Staffing Update b. September 12, 2023 El Dorado Water Agency Meeting 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 09/07/2023—2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 09/13/2023— 10:00 a.m. El Dorado Water Agency Meeting in Placerville 09/19/2023—8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting (Exline Representing) Future Meetings/Events 10/1 1/2023— 10:00 a.m. El Dorado Water Agency Meeting at the District 10/16/2023—3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 10/19/2023 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, October 19,2023,at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month.A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear.Designated times are for particular items only.Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged.Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered.Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;"however,action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed,please contact the Clerk of the Board at(530) 544-6474,extension 6203.All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- October 5, 2023 PAGE -3 SOUTH rAHOF AGe _ e `,C r 1950 UTILITY D SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR Thursday, October 5, 2023 ITEMS FOR CONSENT a. WINTER STORMS EMERGENCY RESPONSE (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continue the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. b. FLEET TRUCK PURCHASES (Cliff Bartlett, Fleet Equipment Supervisor) Authorize purchases of up to 6 light- and heavy-duty trucks through the National Auto Fleet Group competitively bid Sourcewell Contracts, in an amount not to exceed $430,000 including estimated tax, registration and delivery charges. c. BLACK BART WATERLINE PROJECT (Trevor Coolidge,Senior Engineer) Authorize General Manager to approve Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the Black Bart Waterline Project. d. KELLER HEAVENLY WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 2 PROJECT (Trevor Coolidge,Senior Engineer) Authorize General Manager to approve Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements, Phase 2 Project. e. WATERSMART CONTRACT RENEWAL (Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager and Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager) 1) Waive formal bidding procedures as allowed for in the District's Purchasing Policy when purchasing special services; and 2) Authorize staff to renew the WaterSmart platform contract established in 2017 for an additional three-year term in the amount of $80,746.67. t. 2023 FLAGPOLE 2 - IROQUOIS 2 TANKS RECOATING PROJECT (Megan Colvey,Senior Engineer and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) 1) Approve Change Order No. 2 to Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Development Group (RDC) in the amount $63,572.00; 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 2; and 3) Authorize the General Manager to sign the Notice of Completion to be filed with El Dorado County Clerk for the 2023 Flagpole 2- Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project. g. BARTON VALVE INSTALLATION PROJECT (Adrian Combes,Senior Engineer) 1) Approve Change Order No. 1 to Haen Constructors in the amount of $72,827.88 and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 1. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- October 5, 2023 PAGE-4 h. 2023 LUTHER PASS AND HEAVENLY TANKS REHAB PROJECT (Brent Goligoski,Associate Engineer) 1) Approve Change Order No. 1 to Farr Construction dba Resource Development Company, in the amount of $18,600.00; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 . L PALOMA WELL REHABILITATION PROJECT- REBID (Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager) 1) Approve Change Order No. 4 to Zim Industries, adding 124 days at no cost; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 4. j. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT (Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorize TNT Auction of Nevada, Inc. to auction South Tahoe Public Utility District surplus at public on-line sale. k. LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECEIVED FROM LACHLAN RICHARDS (Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager) Reject the Claim against South Tahoe Public Utility District for losses allegedly sustained by Lachlan Richards and request the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) to resolve the Claim. I. LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECEIVED FROM BRYAN ROSNER (Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager) Reject the Claim against South Tahoe Public Utility District for losses allegedly sustained by Bryan Rosner and request the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) to resolve the Claim. m. RECEIVE AND FILE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (Greg Dupree,Accounting Manager) Receive and file Payment of Claims in the amount of $6,794,732.01 . n. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 7, 2023 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve September 7, 2023, Minutes General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ��e� h'8ter 5outh Tahoe NicK Haven Shane'Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District KellY$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, General Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Winter Storms Emergency Response REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continue the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. DISCUSSION: The Board declared the Winter Storms Emergency Response as an emergency on March 16, 2023. District staff will provide an update to the Board regarding the status of the emergency. Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) requires the Board to review the emergency action at every Board meeting thereafter until the emergency action is terminated. The Board must determine by a 4/5 vote that there is a need to continue the emergency action. District staff is requesting that the Board continue the emergency action for the response to the Winter Storms Emergency. As you may recall, on March 9th, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency throughout California to support the recent winter storm events that hit the state. These storms caused widespread damage and disruption with heavy snow, freezing temperatures, and strong winds causing avalanches, debris flow, and flooding across the state. The emergency proclamation provides critical support for emergency relief efforts, including assistance for local response efforts to address the impacts of the winter storms. The District has proactively tracked its storm-related expenses, including labor, parts, fuel, materials, and contractor assistance. Given the significant costs associated with responding to, and recovering from, these events, the District will be seeking reimbursement for eligible expenses through the Cal-OES Hazard Mitigation Assistance Paul Hughes October 5, 2023 Page 2 Program. Under this program, eligible costs may be reimbursed at a 75 percent state, and 25 percent local, cost share. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: $1,400,000 ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3242-23 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: . CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO Interim General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ��e� h'8ter 5outh Tahoe Nici<Haven Shane'Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kelly$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Cliff Bartlett, Fleet Equipment Supervisor MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Fleet Truck Purchases REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize purchases of up to 6 light- and heavy-duty trucks through the National Auto Fleet Group competitively bid Sourcewell Contracts, in an amount not to exceed $430,000 including estimated tax, registration and delivery charges. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board of Directors authorize and approve the purchase of up to six budgeted, light- and heavy-duty pickups and utility trucks, when they become available. In recent years obtaining these vehicles has been challenging due to production line quantities. When these vehicles become available, they are only in limited supply to a limited number of dealers and sell very quickly - usually before we can bring an item before the Board. Staff requests that the Board authorize and approve the purchase of these vehicles in advance, so that when they do become available, we are able to provide a purchase order immediately. All vehicles identified below are budgeted. Some were budgeted in the previous fiscal years but purchase was postponed for various reasons, including lack of availability. Trucks to be replaced include Pump Runs Department Trucks #16 and #17 - both 1/4 ton pickups; Electric Department Truck #2 - a 1-ton utility box truck; Heavy Maintenance Department Truck #14 - a 2-ton welding/repair truck with boom; Equipment Repair Department Truck #33 - a 1.5 ton utility box truck; and U/R Water Department Truck #77- a 1.5 ton utility box truck. Purchase of these vehicles will occur by using the competitively awarded contracts through Sourcewell. As stated in the District's Purchasing Policy, participating in a "purchasing coalition contract, which has recently been competitively awarded, qualifies as having met the formal public competitive requirement." This has been reviewed and approved by the District's Purchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: ASAP COSTS: NTE $430,000 Sewer/Water ACCOUNT NO: 10.28.8070 $55,000; 20.28/8070 $60,000; 10.28/8380 $40,000; 10.28/8382 $140,000; 20.28/8390 $45,000; 20.28/8458 $50,000 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $390,000 ATTACHMENTS: N/A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES ` NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors �g5p W NicK Haven 8te� 5outh Tahoe ShaneR,omsos David Peterson _ Kelly Sheehan Public Utility District NicKExline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Black Bart Waterline Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize General Manager to approve Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the Black Bart Waterline Project. DISCUSSION: District staff has inspected the Black Bart Waterline Project (Project) and has found that Vinciguerra Construction, Inc., has substantially met all the Contract requirements, effective September 22, 2023. The Project constructed approximately 10,000 feet of new 8" water line, transferred over 100 water services, abandoned old 2" mains, installed new fire hydrants, and replaced an undersized main that required frequent repairs on Ham Lane. Staff requests approval to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Recorder, which will initiate the Stop Notice filing period. Staff will bring a Closeout Agreement and Final Pay Estimate to the Board separately as a future item, following the end of the 30-day Stop Notice filing period. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: Contract: $3,425,176.00, total pending final CCO. ACCOUNT NO: BLKBRT BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: , CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES- NO General Manager Paul Hughes Directors is5o W NicK Haven 8te� 5outh Tahoe ShaneR,omsos David Peterson _ Kelly Sheehan Public Utility District NicKExline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Keller Heavenly Water System Improvements, Phase 2 Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize General Manager to approve Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements, Phase 2 Project. DISCUSSION: District staff has inspected the second phase of the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project (Project) and has found that White Rock Construction, Inc., has substantially met all the Contract requirements, effective September 22, 2023. The Project constructed a new 150,000-gallon water tank on the Keller Tank site off of Sherman Way adjacent to the Heavenly ski resort. The tank is currently in use and has successfully passed all coating, water loss, and water quality tests. Staff requests approval to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Recorder, which will initiate the Stop Notice filing period. Staff will bring a Closeout Agreement and Final Pay Estimate to the Board separately as a future item, following the end of the 30-day Stop Notice filing period. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: $553,282.87; $5.9 million for total Project ACCOUNT NO: 2030-7022/15WO07 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES / t NO General Manager Paul Hughes e( r 1950 ■ w8t Directors NiCK Haven South Tahoe ShaneR,omsos - David Peterson public Utility District Kelly Sheehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest[)rive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474■Fax 530 541-0614•www otpud.uo BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: WaterSmart Contract Renewal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Waive formal bidding procedures as allowed for in the District's Purchasing Policy when purchasing special services; and 2) authorize staff to renew the WaterSmart platform contract established in 2017 for an additional three-year term in the amount of $80,746.67. DISCUSSION: The District and its customers have been utilizing the WaterSmart platform consistently since its adoption in 2017. The District has invested time and resources in promoting the adoption of the platform in the community for better insight into personal water use, leak alerting, and data integrations with District enterprise systems for a full- featured experience. Many District staff and departments have come to heavily utilize the District's side of the of the WaterSmart platform for easy water consumption data analytics, troubleshooting water use questions, and regulatory reporting. If authorized by the Board, this contract renewal will be reimbursed from a current grant (Water Efficiency/Water Loss Data System project from the California Department of Water Resources IRWM Grant in the drought program) to pay for the contract and utilize all the terms and conditions the District and WaterSmart (now VertexOne) agreed upon in the original contract for a new term of 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026. SCHEDULE: Contract Term 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026 COSTS: $80,746.67 ACCOUNT NO: 20.56.6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $95,679.50 ATTACHMENTS: WaterSmart Quote CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YESr. NO i � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO vertexone TM 1321 Upland Dr.Suite 8389 Houston,TX 77043 United States ORDER FORM Prepared By: Eric Thompson Email: eric.thompson@vertexone.net Phone: Client Name: South Tahoe Public Utilities District,CA Offer Valid Through: 10/11/2023 Contact Name: Chris Skelly Effective Date: 10/1/2023 Email: csketty@stpud.us Contract Term (months): 36 Phone: (530) 543-6281 Contract End Date: 9/30/2026 Payment Frequency: Annually in Advance Payment Terms: Net 30 Discount: Year 1 QuantityServices WaterSmart Platform 18,660.00 $1.40 $26,124.00 TOTAL: $26,124.00 Year 2 [Services Quantity Sales Price Total Price WaterSmart Platform 18,660.00 $1.44 $26,907.72 TOTAL: $26,907.72 Year 3 Quantity Sales Price Total Price WaterSmart Platform 18,660.00 $1.49 $27,714.95 TOTAL: $27,714.95 ORDER TOTAL $80,746.67 Terms and Conditions Introduction This legally binding Quote will be governed by the Agreement dated 7/3/2017 made between WaterSmart Software Inc and South Tahoe Public Utilities District, CA ("Client"). Fees and further information for invoicing will be incuded in an Order Form as part of the Agreement. VertexOne pricing is presented in USD. VertexOne will provide an Order Form during contracting. Page 1 of 2 vertexone TM 1321 Upland Dr.Suite 8389 Houston,TX 77043 United States Transactional Fees Transactional Fees include, Composition Fee, Document Archival, SMS Pass Through and Print Pass Through. The Annual Pricing detailed in this Quote are based on average usage, actual pricing will be based on Client usage on a monthly basis. Transactional Fees are calculated by the volume of Services consumed.Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Transactional Fees are not cancelable, and Fees paid are not refundable. Payment Terms The pricing quote may include payment terms, which are non-binding and subject to change at any time without notice. You are responsible for paying all fees and charges associated with the products or services provided by VertexOne. Liability We are not liable for any loss or damage, including but not limited to, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising out of or in connection with the use of the pricing quote. Confidentiality All information contained in the pricing quote is confidential and may not be disclosed to any third party without our prior written consent. Signatures VertexOne Client Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: Signature: Signature: Page 2 of 2 General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ` '�� Tahoe NicK Haven 5u Shane'12,omsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District KellY$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prce•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpu,i.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM M TO: Board of Directors FROM: Megan Colvey, Senior Engineer Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: 2023 Flagpole 2- Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Change Order No. 2 to Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Development Group (RDC) in the amount $63,572.00; 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 2; and 3) Authorize the General Manager to sign the Notice of Completion to be filed with El Dorado County Clerk for the 2023 Flagpole 2- Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project. DISCUSSION: This project includes recoating work on two (2) water storage tanks- Flagpole 2 and Iroquois 2-over the 2023 summer season. Change Order No. 2 increases the Contract Price by $63,572.00 to cover additional labor, material, and equipment required to remove the existing coating. During the abrasive blasting and surface preparation work at Iroquois 2, it was discovered that the existing coating thickness was two times (2x) more than anticipated. The existing coating thickness exceeded 60 mils at over 75% of the interior shell and floor surfaces, which required additional labor, materials, and equipment to remove. RDC's original bid included eight (8) days in the schedule for abrasive blasting and cleanup for the interior shell and floor. The actual time required to remove the existing coating, prepare the surface, and cleanup was 20 days. Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to RDC. RDC is nearing completion of recoating work at both tanks, which are expected to be cleaned, disinfected, refilled, tested for water quality, and placed back into service by October 22. With Board approval and upon completion of the Contractor's on-site work, District staff will work with the General Manager to prepare, sign, and file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the 2023 Flagpole 2- Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project. This filing will initiate the Stop Notice filing period for the work under this contract. Staff will return following the Stop Notice filing period for the Board to consider a Closeout Agreement for the Project and, if needed, a final balancing Change Order. Megan Colvey Page 2 October 5, 2023 SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: $63,572.00 (IR2CTG) ACCOUNT NO: 2030-8483 (IR2CTG) BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $0- Requires the use of reserves ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES- NO 50UTH TAIIOF Change Order #: 2 AG seer 1950 tl'1a'e, 6�IC UTILITY 0 Project: 2023 Flagpole 2/Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project Date: 9/18/2023 Purchase Order No. : 2023-1212 Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Development Contractor: Company Dollar Amounts Contract Times Original Contract $446,900.00 Calendar Days Previous Change Orders $33,843.00 Calendar Days Current Contract $480,743.00 154 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $63,572.00 Calendar Days Total Change Orders to Date $97,415.00 5 Calendar Days New Contract Total $544,315.00 159 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Authorized by STPUD General Manager: Date: Accepted by Contractor: Date: 9/27/23 Reviewed by STPUD Project Manager Date: 9/18/2023 yOVTH TANOF Change Order M �seWer 195U e��C UTILITY O� Project: 2023 Flagpole 2/Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project Bid Schedule: A: Flagpole 2 Potable Water Tank Date: 9/18/2023 Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Contractor: Development Company fDollar Amounts Original Bid Schedule Subtotal $242,200.00 Previous Change Orders $16,336.00 Current Bid Schedule Subtotal $258,536.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $0.00 Total Change Orders to Date $16,336.00 New Bid Schedule Subtotal $258,536.00 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: y�%3T4 TAHOF _- Change Order#: �SeWer 1950 e<�unuTv o� P Project: 2023 Flagpole 2/Iroquois 2 Tanks Recoating Project Bid Schedule: B: Iroquois 2 Potable Water Tank Date: 9/1 812 0 2 3 Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Contractor: Development Company Dollar Amounts Original Bid Schedule Subtotal $204,700.00 Previous Change Orders $17,507.00 Current Bid Schedule Subtotal $222,207.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $63,572.00 Total Change Orders to Date $81,079.00 New Bid Schedule Subtotal $285,779.00 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 213.1 Increase Bid Item 5B by$39,870 to cover additional labor, material, and equipment costs for blasting due to the existing coating thickness being more than 2x anticipated (existing thickness exceeded 60 mils in over 75% of shell and floor).The original bid was based on 8 days required for blasting and cleaning; however, actual work took 20 days. Contract time to complete interior coating work at Iroquois has been extended by 5 days- Interior coating must be complete by October 5; demobilization complete by October 15. TOTAL FOR ITEM 2B.1 IS: $39,870.00 213.2 Increase Bid Item 5C by$23,702 to cover additional labor, material, and equipment costs for blasting due to the existing coating thickness being more than 2x anticipated (existing thickness exceeded 60 mils in over 75% of shell and floor).The original bid was based on 8 days required for blasting and cleaning; however, actual work took 20 days. Contract time to complete interior coating work at Iroquois has been extended by 5 days- Interior coating must be complete by October 5; demobilization complete by October 15. TOTAL FOR ITEM 26.2 IS: $23,702.00 General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ��e� h'8ter 5outh Tahoe Nici<Haven Shane'Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kelly$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Directors FROM: Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Barton Valve Installation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Change Order No. 1 to Haen Constructors in the amount of $72,827.88 and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 1. DISCUSSION: Change Order No. 1 includes four items which include one reduction in work, two items of additional work and a one item extending the contract time. Item 1 A.1 is a credit to the District documented in DCM #1 based on the result of potholing leading to a smaller size insertion valve and type due to availability. The change results in a credit to the District of $4,941 . Item 1 A.2 is an additional bid item to install both 3/4" and 1" services to facilitate the abandonment of undocumented dead-end waterlines in the system found during the project as documented in DCM #2. A total of eight services needed to be transferred to existing lines at a cost of $6,030 per service resulting in an increase of $48,240 to the Contract. The actual abandonment of the waterlines will be documented and paid for using T&M due to the unknowns associated with how they are currently tied into the system. Item 1 A.3 is an additional bid item to install a manhole on an existing line in the Bal Bijou Center per DCM #3. The installation of this manhole was originally added on the Rocky 1 Pipeline replacement project under As-Needed Sewer Improvements; however, the contractor was not able to install the manhole prior to the early snow season. To close the Rocky 1 project, the material for the manhole was purchased from the contractor and the installation was cancelled. This is the same contractor and they have agreed to hold their price from last year and complete the installation under this contract for a lump sum price of $29,528.88. Item 1 A.4 is to add additional contract time to allow for the extra work added to the Adrian Combes October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 contract to be complete. This item adds 120 calendar days to the contract, effectively extending the contract date to October 31, 2023. Change Order No. 1 results in an increase to the contract of $72,827.88 from $440,973 to $513,800.88 and increases the contract time to 180 calendar days ending on October 31, 2023. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: $72,827.88 ACCOUNT NO: 20.30.7004, 20.30.8348 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $351,000 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO y0Or 14 TAHOF Change Order #: S@ r t AGe`,C UTILITY Q��`G� Project: Barton Area Valve Installation Project Date: 10/5/2023 Purchase Order No. : 2023-1262 Contractor: Haen Constructors Dollar Amounts Contract Times Original Contract $440,973.00 60 Calendar Days Previous Change Orders $0.00 0 Calendar Days Current Contract $440,973.00 60 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $72,827.88 Calendar Days Total Change Orders to Date $72,827.88 120 Calendar Days New Contract Total $513,800.88 180 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual descriptionls►. Accepted by Contractor: Date: Reviewed by STPUD Project Manager: Date: Authorized by STPUD General Manager: Date: YOUTH TAHOF Change Order #: 1950 e�1C UTILITY 0 Project: Barton Area Valve Installation Project Bid Schedule: Barton Valve Installation Project Date: 10/5/2023 Contractor: Haen Constructors Dollar Amounts Original Bid Schedule Subtotal $440,973.00 Previous Change Orders $0.00 Current Bid Schedule Subtotal $440,973.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $72,827.88 Total Change Orders to Date $72,827.88 New Bid Schedule Subtotal $513,800.88 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: Amend Bid Item 10 to reflect a decrease in cost due to a change in size of insertion valve from 8-inch to 6-inch and a change in type of insertion valve approved based on availability per DCM#1. The change results in a credit to the District of$4,941.00. There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM 1A.1 IS: ($4,941.00) 1A.2 Add Bid Item 16 to reflect additional work to install both 3/4" and 1" services as directed in DCM #2 to facilitate the abandonment of undocumented mains discovered in the project area. The unit price was agreed upon as $6,030 per service. There were (8) eight services installed under this directive resuling in additional cost to the District of$48,240. There is an increase to the Contract Time related to this change in work as well as item 1A.3 of an additonal 120 contract days. TOTAL FOR ITEM 1A.2 IS: $48,240.00 YOUTH TAHOF Change Order #: 1950 e�1C UTILITY 0 Project: Barton Area Valve Installation Project Bid Schedule: Barton Valve Installation Project 1 A.3 Add Bid Item 17 to reflect additional work to install a manhole at the Bal Bijou Center as directed in DCM #3. The lump sum price was agreed upon as $29,528.88 reflecting the cost originally negotiated in 2022 under a seperate contract minus the material which the District has already paid for. There is an increase to the Contract Time related to this change in work as well as item 1A.2 of an additonal 120 contract days. TOTAL FOR ITEM 1A.3 IS: $29,528.88 1 A.4 Amend the Contract Time to add an additional 120 consecutive calendar days to allow the additional work to be performed by the contractor identified in DCM #2 and DCM #3. This additional time moves the contract end date from July 3rd, 2023 to October 31, 2023. TOTAL FOR ITEM 1A.4 IS: $0.00 General Manager Paul Hughes �g5p rectors ` '�� Tahoe NicK Haven 5u Shane Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kellysheehan NICK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4h TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: 2023 Luther Pass and Heavenly Tanks Rehab Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Change Order No. 1 to Farr Construction dba Resource Development Company, in the amount of $18,600.00; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 1. DISCUSSION: Change Order #1 amends the contract amount and contract time to provide for one item of additional work to install a French Drain adjacent to the Luther Pass Pump Station Tank #1 as directed by District Staff. During the course of mobilization to rehabilitate the recycled water storage tank, significant ground water was found ponded adjacent to the tank. This water was deeper than the concrete stem wall and intruding beneath the tank floor. A French Drain was designed and constructed to alleviate this flooding both to support construction activities and protect the steel tank from this water intruding below the tank floor and causing further corrosion. Resource Development Company (RDC) provided a lump sum cost proposal in the amount of $18,600.00 to perform this work. RDC also requested a 5-day contract time extension associated with this delay. Change Order #1 amends the contract amount and contract time accordingly for this additional work. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: $18,600.00 ACCOUNT NO: LPTNKS/10.30.7057 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $735,193 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order #1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES %A— NO Type text here 5OoTH T,gNO� Change Order #: see� �se IC UTILITY Project: 2023 Luther Pass and Heavenly Tanks Rehab Project Date: 10/5/2023 Purchase Order No. : 2023-1188 Contractor: Farr Construction dba Resource Development Company Dollar Amounts Contract Times Original Contract $1,178,000.00 210 Calendar Days Previous Change Orders $0.00 0 Calendar Days Current Contract $171787000.00 210 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $18,600.00 Calendar Days Total Change Orders to Date $187600.00 5 Calendar Days New Contract Total $1,1967600.00 215 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Accepted by Contractor: Date: Reviewed by STPUD Project Manager: Date: Authorized by STPUD General Manager: Date: y0UTH TpH()� Change Order#: ewer• tsso a G A��C UTILITY q` P� Project: 2023 Luther Pass and Heavenly Tanks Rehab Project Bid Schedule: Luther Pass Tank 1 Date: 10/5/2023 Contractor: Farr Construction dba Resource Development Company Dollar Amounts Original Bid Schedule Subtotal $970,600.00 Previous Change Orders $0.00 Current Bid Schedule Subtotal $970,600.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $18,600.00 Total Change Orders to Date $18,600.00 New Bid Schedule Subtotal $989,200.00 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 1 Add an additional Bid Item in the amount of$18,600.00 to perform work as directed in Design Construction Memorandum #1, dated June 7, 2023. This additional work is to install a french drain infiltration trench around a portion of Luther Pass Tank#1. The lump sum cost proposal is provided by Resource Development Company as Contract Change Request#1. Five days are added to the Contract Time and Intermediate Milestone#2 related to this change in work . TOTAL FOR ITEM 1A.1 IS: $18,600.00 General Manager Paul Hughes • 195d W Directors NICK Haven 5outh Tahoe ShaneRomsos - - David Peterson Public Utility District Kelly Sheehan NICK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•5outh Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.uF, BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4i TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Paloma Well Rehabilitation Project - Rebid REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Change Order No. 4 to Zim Industries, adding 124 days at no cost; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 4. DISCUSSION: Substantial unexpected supply chain and permitting delays prohibited completion of the project by the current contract end date of August 30, 2023. Disruptions to the Contractor's pump supplier extended lead times for manufacture of the pump bowl assembly. Flooding impacts in the Upper Truckee Marsh following the storms of Winter 2023 have extended the time for California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) to consider re-issuing the temporary license agreement for the project, allowing well testing to proceed. CTC property in the marsh is the planned discharge site for the well pumping tests, which are the final step of the Paloma Well Rehabilitation Project. After negotiation between District staff and CTC, CTC has agreed to renew the license agreement to permit the discharge to the Upper Truckee Marsh as planned. With this contract time extension, Paloma Well is expected to be back in service by November 17, 2023. No compensation is to be paid for this change in contract time. Approval of Change Order No. 4 will extend the contract time by 124 days. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $0 ACCOUNT NO: 20.30.7009 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 4 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO hOOTH TaN�F CHANGE ORDER NUMBER NO. 4 Project: PALOMA WELL REHABILITATION PROJECT — REBID AGeewer 195V`keG� Contractor: Zim Industries, Inc. UTILITY O�S� Date: 10.05.2023 PO #: 2022-594 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 1) Add 124 contract days to the Contract Time to change the current contract completion date from August 30, 2023 to December 31 , 2023. The added contract time is to account for substantial unexpected delays prohibiting completion of the project by August 30, 2023. An updated Construction Schedule supporting this request will be accepted as Submittal No. 19 Schedule for Test Pump Testing. No compensation is to be paid for this change in contract time. Total Item 1 is $0.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 4: $0.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 4, ITEMS 1 IS: $0.00 Dollar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $566,347.00 297 Calendar Days Previous Change Order $35,108 410 Calendar Days Current Contract $6013455.00 707 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $0 124 Calendar Days New Contract Total $601.455.00 831 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By X:\Projects\Water\2020 Paloma Well Casing Liner Pump Rplcmnt\2nd Bid Period REBID\03 Change Orders\CO 4 Contract Time Extension-III 1 General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ��e� h'8ter 5outh Tahoe Nici<Haven Shane'Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kelly$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4j TO: Board of Directors FROM: Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Surplus Equipment REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize TNT Auction of Nevada, Inc. to auction South Tahoe Public Utility District surplus at public on-line sale. DISCUSSION: TNT Auction of Nevada, Inc. (TNT) specializes in municipal and fleet auctions. They will be holding an on-line auction in October for all non-titled items, and another auction in November for titled items. The District will be piggybacking off the State of Nevada contract and will have the surplus picked up from our site by the buyers to avoid transportation costs. The following surplus items will be listed on the on-line auction in November: (1) 2006 Caterpillar 252B skid steer (Equipment #81). Vehicle runs but no longer meets District needs. Estimated value of this item is approximately $4,500. (2) Erskin snow blower attachment model ES2000 (skid steer type). This attachment needs repair. Estimated value is $500. (3) Caterpillar backhoe attachment BH30 (skid steer type). This attachment is in good condition and operable. Does not fit any District equipment. Estimated value is $1,500. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES z4L NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Paul Hughes �g5p rectors ` '�� Tahoe NicK Haven 5u Shane Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kellysheehan NICK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4k TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Liability Claim Against South Tahoe Public Utility District Received from Lachlan Richards REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject the Claim against South Tahoe Public Utility District for losses allegedly sustained by Lachlan Richards and request the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) to resolve the Claim. DISCUSSION: The Claimant, Lachlan Richards, filed a Claim against the District on September 22, 2023, for alleged damages related to flood damage at his home. The Claimant alleges that several weirs and a culvert designed to drain the Truckee Marsh have not been properly maintained and did not function as designed in the spring of 2023. The Claim alleges that the nonfunctioning culvert and weirs prevented the marsh from draining, causing flood damage to the Claimant's property. The Claim alleges damages in the amount of $5,470.00 for the remediation of flood damage to the Claimant's home. The Claim alleges that the District may be responsible for maintaining the blocked culverts and weirs around the Truckee Marsh, and thus liable for the flood damage to the Claimant's property. The JPIA has reviewed this Claim and recommends that the District reject the Claim on the grounds that the District has not ever owned or maintained the culvert and weirs described in the Claim, and has no responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of these structures. The District can reject a Claim, allow a Claim, reject or allow a Claim in part, or compromise a Claim. If the District does not take action on the Claim within the six- month timeframe, the Claim is deemed rejected on the last day of that period. Once the Claim is deemed rejected, the Claimants may file a lawsuit. If written notice is not given that the Claim was rejected or deemed rejected, a two-year statute of limitations applies to the Claim. In contrast, rejection of the Claim coupled with a notice of rejection triggers a shorter six-month limitations period in which to file a lawsuit. Ryan Lee October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Staff recommends that the District reject the Claim and request the JPIA to resolve the Claim. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Recommendations COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Richards Claim for Damages CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water/Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO Lachlan M. Richards September 18, 2023 Mr. Paul Hughes6L ODD Generel Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District S E P 2 2 2023 1275 Meadow Crest Drive Q South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 BY •r•==� R:....... ChiefFinancialOfficerTdstoud.us Mr. Hughes and all concerned: I am a homeowner at S. Lake Tahoe. In late March and April this year my home and garage were flooded by the overflowing of the Truckee Marsh due to lack of any maintenance whatsoever of at least the following two man-made structures meant to drain the marsh: 1)the culvert under Pope Beach Road; and 2)the weirs at the Lake Tahoe's edge near Tahoe Keys Lighthouse Shores )see attached aerial photo). My family has owned this home since the 1940s and this is the second time in recent history that our property has flooded. The purpose of this letter is to:i)seek reimbursement for damages to my property; and ii)to place responsible parties on notice that any further such flooding in future years will likely be met with legal action. I attach photos of the fully blocked culvert under Pope Beach Road, which drains the Jameson Beach portion of the Truckee Marsh eastward out toward at least two outlets-one at Lighthouse Shores and another at 15"& Venice )note map),which in turn ultimately drain into Tahoe. I also attach photos of the weir system near Lighthouse Shores. When the flood occurred, both the Pope Beach Rd culvert and the Lighthouse Shores weirs were blocked and completely non-functional. The Jameson Beach Property Owner's association, at our expense, had to hire Ebright, Inc. to excavate all the sand covering the weirs to avoid even more severe and prolonged flooding.The weir photos shown are post excavation. The root cause of this problem lies with the environmental disaster caused by the destruction of natural wetlands in order to build Tahoe Keys. Before the Keys development was built,water would drain naturally from the Truckee Marsh into the Upper Truckee River and into Lake Tahoe.When the Keys was built, a system of weirs was installed which were supposed to control the water level of the Truckee Marsh. At this time it appears no governmental agency Is monitoring, maintaining, or controlling the weirs/culverts, which represents gross negligence on behalf of the various agencies responsible. As the USDA Forest Service controls Pope Beach and Pope Beach Road, and the property is within the County of El Dorado,with additional jurisdiction by the TRPA, I am seeking redress from and providing notice to all such agencies,as well as those listed below. I attach receipts for just some of the expenses I incurred in remediating the flood damage at 3071 Jameson Beach Rd, as summarized here: • Replace carpeting: $2,042 • Replace drywall: $2,700 • Replace dishwasher: $ 527 • Misc. clean-up & repair supplies $ 201 TOTAL BEING CLAIMED: $Sp70.00 Please either: 1)remit the total damages to me at 2) if you claim no responsibility for maintenance of either the culvert orthe weirs,please inform me who, in your view, is responsible for such maintenance; or 3) provide me further instructions on recouping these damages. Sincerely, ds Cc: Mr. Erick Walker USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit 35 College Drive So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 ewalkerPfs.fed.us Cc: Clerk of the Board County of El Dorado 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 edc.cobPedc og v_us cc: Lahontan Water District 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd. So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 cc:Tahoe Regional Planning Agency(TRPA) PO Box 5310 Stateline, NV 89449 r wry. t ..fir I•M - Mr lb r�r RW �� r i j _ 1• ii .J a.s ri r RLO AW co co co ji s � '•� �. � �..A1'�71� •���. .� �,. � •'�— "fit 1 a—.'.-.•r� r�� .r L � -� L .w, �a - r �•� r�w.s"' 'e'er- � _ ��•�. -�-` ,- .. _ ,�► _ "-rya'"..•t--, s . ; �f � - �.�►,,..�-_ �� • ~ .� Try �F _-, _ _ �: - _ ,.._ 7��i'� 3 •1 Gl; 111 Ae/ , 1 l K, p F : l' r �ted� '2�"�ye-Kr�rD/3 PROJECT QUOTE (•k/: Opp oaaoment craned. oeolsozs SareSPUM Caalle, Pnlhony 1 1 11 4 I • Ella Smith Etlesmith LOWE'SOF CARSON CITY,NV #1024 city R VO9701-50 Carson MM city,NV89701-5304 (776) 881-2460 rcarpel al Project Quote:12' Carpet Quote - 780 sgft [CQj #749409 Product Telel 91,067.00 Labor Price $850.90 PROvider Measurement(Deduction) IS 0.0T i Delivery Fees 990,00 O= Tax (Est.) 96.53 Total Price $ 2�042.42 This QW.0 rayaetl Wit WMIM23.This Ie an BrlMele My.This ommale Cass net include lee,s0edel ins la,a.,Whlla GondsTa.l,or dalWny Chmgea.aY'yary N all maledeb Where!In ffinro limam are subject to a raeawily From the m9eaaclI asap,tann Ihomour it be vleadmpWena,BpeWilts sprelaMaxacaisdbawbeenaedllaieriy aceepMFlultlombnl dbl NiaeNar WJlae'acetlaaarrip bllbee aeralgea(bnaanl la nonmluntleMe, vap,nr �r� wtL Rn.—�.cPa ll FUN To A&C REMODELING Paymentterms Due upon recelpt lnaaicc# 160 Date 06/10/2023 Demlpdon lbtal Hall house- $Z700.00 Rfmc and rePlacellaad damagedrytnll4amfrart reem.helksy peniry,l:I:chen andwallat the leaving roan 2 Teet nlgn a0om 1 W linear het aatnmomramm part atcealing and 4 feat hlght on walls replete with newdrywall and texture (lpt ..�) ea.l c2,700.00 Taal $Z70o.00 r 1\ �7Lp 'r- comello Rarigel Lock Pothers House snvzy530 vM Pioneer Appliance Repair, Inc. 530-544-3090; pioneerappliencerepaircom -- next time, book your job on-line — RICHARD 6/19/23, 0131172 DISHWASHER, MAYTAG MDB49498HZO, F93467639 wash motor lolled. part is 259.99. total will be S525.09. 3-5 days shipping. 1 pump&Wor 259.99 by Jared R Page Total 259,99 i.afw 124.95 e.an 119.00 sales iaa 22.78 Total Tlclrat 526,69 G'lh V[v1ae:1MN>'+=F��'1 Yaarq>a.f L•N'MOPe•%R!<I' +Natol:'a%Nay. 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Bill To: Susie Richards ' • Susie Richards ALE A4NBrde A 19149143SI4 C+N IVT ECG NB 102'A4S9 1,00 EACH S 521.99 1 SEIM Paint Rmmry fat Ot - 1,U: EACH D MSG N TOILET SEAT EL PL NC NN - /57b80f ' 1.00 EAU B 932.09 1 SACtistal: BEES!;;� e MA - State TeX; $4.81 A„AT U - Tax &Wt: EMS IS;t/ TOTAL: SSD.03 ,,y4tr BIFt: MAI Sry,..aJ• ' VISA: $32.61 CXIIP4E: 50.00 SOYER AGREES iD PAT TOTAL MOUNT ABOVE ACVMIM IS CARONEDER 4 AUREENENi NI IN ISSUER A0Provei:EFVN9N-S527 . ULtt:GIfT-asoAPaAsrwx�E3 .YMIE:ACEVYALDELINI OA7T:27.41 SAL: 50,00 U) Au7trlRtl 519MNre VISA CREDIT too *** Ao.D406 7 APPaOVAL:01438D - UpP .NoV A1D: AC300000 IOI0 ARaC C37319DBBAC20AM CO 1ERNINAL: OE'10720 DOOEVAGE0 VALIDATION: none PAYMENT SERVICE: 07 , NAME: CaRaMOL9ERN19A ME $32.69 (R1 � I THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT ,. DIY NYE CENTER LANE TAHOE 1875 LANE TAHOE BLVD. ' SDH'N LANE TME, CA. 96150 ' 3 = (6301 541.4349 06/04/23 10:26AN 3940 352 SALE .._.__.--------------------__._._-____ 156205 1 EA N31,341EA C R-13 15"X32'XRFT ROLLIBMI284 831.34 ' • SIJ8-TOTAL:3 31.34 TAN: N 2.74 TOTAL: S 34,08 6C ANT: 0 34,08 ' 6K CARDo: XXXXXXNXIWIX0480 HIO:yf0aar1996 1I0 M5579 AUTH: 089510 ANT: 8 �34,09 Host mferama N47213D Bata ANthorizina Notwrk: VISA contactleas CARD TYPE:VISA EXPR: XNXX ' AID : ACOMODO031010 TYR : 0000090000 IAD : 060212MAODDOU ARC : 00 HOGE : Issuer CVN : No CVH Naaa : CHASE VISA ATC :0D34 AC : 6657452COSMAEOE WID/ValCado: 573901 Bank card USDS 34,C8 pI II�IINIIIIIIIIIN�llllll _+> JRNLA 672130/21 MT N0:43W IHANA YOU VISA CARDHOLDER FOR YOUR PATRONAGE A^tt SEHION CITIZEN DISCOUNT Custamor C" YOU SAV6J 8 1.65 BY SHOPPING AT OlY HJNE CENTER LAKE TAHOE 0INMI J H0MB�'cpN`T1mI 1VANK YOU FCA SHIIPPIAO At DIV OF CENTER LANE TMQF 1875 LATE TAHOE BLVO. Mild LAKE MOE, CA. 96150 L530) 941-4349 DV28/23 12:OOPR 1222 335 RALF 479426•..-.......:.I.to 66.ZAC P:HT ALLR KIT 3/BX9" 3PC 10814 1 EA E35.091EA C SAT.ACRV.VTNT-EXT.H/HI06 HHi .0 67,n ADF0 ,65_Iq q y.+3,nn FAINT STEWARONF' FEE • GALL 0 A1t"3.65 41G554 1 EA t" .391EA C SUPER PRO FLAT DAL.NHT.BASE 630,39 ' - NOFO 1 FA .65 EA + PAINT STECABOSHIP FEE - GALLO t,65 SUB-TOTAL;t 75.5 TAX: t 6.64 TOM t 02.49 BC ANT: t 62.49 BX CARCN: XXKX.XXXX.XXXX0488 HID:ryrrr+c#fg26 rTO;r416579 A:1TH: 004820 ANT: E 62.49 H59t referenCa N:6116955 Bath Authorizing Nsuork: VISA Contactless CARO IYPE:VISA EXPR: XX.XX AID : AODW000031013 IAD : 06021203AOW00 TST ARC ; 00 NNE Is%zH- CVB ; No CVH NOW : CHASE VISA AID :OL99 M : 2B66B6003ECA051f TsnID/VB ICOde: 542917 Burk Card LWS 02.41 illli�!IIVI 'lillalllfllll!fCa _=» JRNLN 086985/�1 COST 14J:130D IHAN7. YOU VISA CARDHOLOER Fro •e..10 .t.apryynr:c General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ` '�� Tahoe NicK Haven 5u Shane'12,omsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District KellY$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 41 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ryan Lee, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Liability Claim Against South Tahoe Public Utility District Received from Bryan Rosner REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject the Claim against South Tahoe Public Utility District for losses allegedly sustained by Bryan Rosner and request the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) to resolve the Claim. DISCUSSION: The Claimant, Bryan Rosner, filed a Claim against the District on September 14, 2023, for alleged damages related to a leaking kitchen faucet. Mr. Rosner initially contacted the District on September 12 and said that his tenants reported hearing a bubbling sound in their toilet and that the kitchen sink faucet started leaking around the same time. District staff responded to Mr. Rosner's property and confirmed that the bubbling in the toilet was due to the District hydrocleaning the sewer main line that serves his property. Mr. Rosner's Claim alleges that the District's sewer main cleaning resulted in pressure fluctuations that caused his kitchen faucet to leak. The Claim alleges damages in the amount of $406.69 to reimburse the cost of hiring a plumber to repair the leaking kitchen faucet. The JPIA has reviewed this Claim and recommends that the District reject the Claim on the grounds that the District's sewer main cleaning does not affect the water distribution system and could not have caused pressure fluctuations in the water system resulting in damage to the Claimant's faucet. In addition, Section 3.1 .2 of the District's Administrative Code states: "The District will exercise reasonable care and diligence to deliver to its customers a continuous and sufficient supply of potable water at a proper pressure and to avoid shortages or interruptions in service. The District, however, shall not be liable for interruptions, shortages, or insufficient supplies, fluctuations or variations in pressure, or any related losses or damage." Ryan Lee October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 The District can reject a Claim, allow a Claim, reject or allow a Claim in part, or compromise a Claim. If the District does not take action on the Claim within the six- month timeframe, the Claim is deemed rejected on the last day of that period. Once the Claim is deemed rejected, the Claimants may file a lawsuit. If written notice is not given that the Claim was rejected or deemed rejected, a two-year statute of limitations applies to the Claim. In contrast, rejection of the Claim coupled with a notice of rejection triggers a shorter six-month limitations period in which to file a lawsuit. Staff recommends that the District reject the Claim and request the JPIA to resolve the Claim. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Recommendations COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Rosner Claim for Damages CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YESr NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO u � C4 ei4 Y � Claim Form (A claim shall be presented by the claimant or by a person acting on his behalf. ) NAME OF DISTRICT: South Tahoe Public Utility District Type text here .� Claimant name, address (nuillng address if different), phone number, social security number, e-mail address, and date of birth. Effective January t, 2010, the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (Federal Lew) requires the Dist►icYApency to report all claims involving peymnts for bodily inj �e ury end/or medical treatments to Medicare. As such, r,` you are seeking medical damages we MUST have both your Social Security Number and your date of birth. Nerve: '� Q V\ � 0 � � � �` Phone Number: AddneSs(es): rA eL � � ton Social Security No.: Date of Birth: E-mail: 2 List name, address, and phone number of any witnesses. F : 1 e � � h� � e � -t-e � aress: e Number. 3 List the deb, time, plooe, and other oiraumshnoes of the occurrence or transaction, which gave rise to the claim asserted. %b Date: 40P l 3 Time: A& o ( N r iJ Place: Tell What Happened (dive complete information): 4C 4 )Lyle4�Q 4e 4e ff 4 re 509 CJ c� ireu .( e, P NOTE: Attach any photographs you may have regarding this claim. 4 Give a general desuiption of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage, or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim. ST�u !� t? CA4/Q � cs� af c,�� d � y cemooe Give the name or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, if known. �( r () %D w 9 WE s The amount claimed if it totals less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as of the date of presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. If the amount claimed exceeds ton thousand dollars ($ 10,000), no dollar amount shall be included in the claim. However, it shall indicate whether the claim would be a limited civil case. Date: .� L Time: l I a I've Signature: If ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. OMITTING INFORMATION COULD MAKE YOUR CLAIM LEGALLY INSUFFICIENTI Revised —July 2019 All Seasons Plumbing $ Heating P. O. Box 9435 1. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 P�PLUMBIS GNS 530-577-9039 HEATING owner@allseasonsplumbingtahoe .com (530) 577-9039 Ousrnr YOU C4" rn,u i INVOICE BILL TO INVOICE # Bryan Rosner DATE 09/13/2023 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 JOB NAME JOB LOCATION Kitchen faucet. DESCRIPTION OTY RATE AMOUNT 9 :34- 11 :00 Shut the water off to the building , removed and replaced bad water supply stops . Turned water back on & checked for leaks. Removed leaking old kitchen faucet with side sprayer. Replaced it with a new pull out sprayer faucet and covered the sprayer hole with a sink hole cover. Hooked up the faucet and checked for leaks. Tenant called back & said new faucet would not work with their portable wash machine connection . 11 :49- 12 :22 Picked up new faucet. Returned & removed faucet, replaced it with a regular single handle chrome kitchen faucet. Checked for leaks. Cleveland single handle kitchen faucet. 1 118.56 118 .56T Water supply stop valve. 2 17.40 34.80T Water supply flex connector. 2 9. 50 19.00T Sink hole cover. 1 8.50 8 .50T Subtotal : 180 .86 Hrs. Labor - Carlos 1 .50 140.00 210 . 00 Thank your SUBTOTAL 390. 86 TAX (0.0875) 15. 83 TOTAL 406. 69 BALANCE DUE $406m69 Gmail Bryan Ross 1142 O ' Malley Dr. Elena Stevens <estevens@stpud . us > Tue, Sep 12 at 2043 PM To : Cc : Richard Jones IV <rjones@stpud . us>, CSR <CustomerServiceReps@stpud .dst .ca . us> Hi Bryan, See attached for the requested Claim Form. Per our conversation I did ex lain that our Underground Sewer Dept, was out in the Sierra Tract neighborhood near your residence at doing routine maintenance to keep the mains clean . This process is also referred to as Hydro cleaning Sewer Lines . It is very normal for the toilets to bubble and make gurgling noises. A solution to this would be to have a Backwater Device . South Tahoe Public Utility District would pay to have this device installed . This would be installed on your Sewer Lateral and would be your responsibility as the homeowner to maintenance. I did find out a little more about the maintenance that would be required by you as the homeowner. It is very minimal maintenance, roughly every 1 -2 years. There is a vent style filter that you would lift out of the ground and hose off. Then simply replace it once cleaned , and that 's it. If you would like any additional information on the maintenance required, our Sewer Supervisor IV Jones, would be more than happy to answer your questions. I have cc 'd him in this email . Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with . Have a great day! `�J Elena Stevens Customer Service Representative South Tahoe Public Utility District 530 - 543. 6224 Direct Phone 1530 . 541 .. 0614 Fax I stpud - logo- blue 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 -7401 Confidentiality Notice: This e- mail message , including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recEpie nt (s) and may contain confidential and privileged information . Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited . If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e- mail or calling 530- 543 - 6224 and destroy all copies of the original message This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. claim Form .pdf PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL October 5, 2023 Payroll 9/5/23 611,918.45 Payroll 9/19/23 597,626.18 Total Payroll 1,209,544.63 ADP & Insight eTools 573.59 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 252.30 BNY Mellon 580,400.00 CalPERS -other 700.00 Cal Bank&Trust fiscal agent fees 45.00 PNC Bank 851,548.83 California SWRCB SRF loan payments 295,161.87 Ameritas - Insurance Payments 13,227.02 Total Vendor EFT 1,741,908.61 Weekly Approved Check Batches Water Sewer Total Wednesday, September 6, 2023 155,258.61 219,829.85 375,088.46 Wednesday, September 13, 2023 331,601.27 369,619.42 701,220.69 Wednesday, September 20, 2024 105,826.43 212,192.82 318,019.25 Wednesday, September 27, 2025 1,464,007.82 972,266.84 2,436,274.66 Checks, Voids and Reissues -134.77 -161.40 -296.17 Total Accounts Payable Checks 3,830,306.89 Utility Management Refunds 12,971.88 Total Utility Management Checks 12,971.88 Grand Total $6,794,732.01 Payroll EFTs & Checks 9/5/2023 9/19/2023 EFT CA Employment Taxes &W/H 25,680.43 25,456.06 EFT Federal Employment Taxes &W/H 131,295.15 128,803.01 EFT CalPERS Contributions 86,953.75 86,231.13 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 25,273.06 25,273.06 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,759.25 2,789.79 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA) 4,258.48 4,110.98 EFT Retirement Health Savings 15,955.44 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 10.00 10.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 319,573.66 324,792.92 CHK Employee Garnishments 159.23 159.23 Total 611,918.45 597,626.18 S0U-T " TA Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 t Report By Vendor - Invoice 00, 0" r - 195a s��'�G� Summary Listing UTILITY D Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 50044-DONALD ABICHT 2369324 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check#113567 09/22/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 200.00 Vendor 50044-DONALD ABICHT Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 44199-ACME CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY S4347469.001 Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113371 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 420.75 Inventory Vendor 44199-ACME CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $420.75 Vendor 49165-MARK ACRI 2223212 Water Use Reduction Rebates Paid by Check#113431 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 85.91 Vendor 49165-MARK ACRI Totals Invoices 1 $85.91 Vendor 43721-ACWA/]PIA 0700382 ACWA Medical/Vision Insurance Paid by Check#113432 08/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 202,004.26 Payable Vendor 43721-ACWA/]PIA Totals Invoices 1 $202,004.26 Vendor 44039-AFLAC 327020 Insurance Supplement Payable Paid by Check#113568 09/01/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 928.48 Vendor 44039-AFLAC Totals Invoices 1 $928.48 Vendor 48605-AIRGAS USA LLC 9141253017 Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113372 08/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 729.46 Inventory 9141303947 Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113372 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 574.87 Inventory Vendor 48605-AIRGAS USA LLC Totals Invoices 2 $1,304.33 Vendor 43949-ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE ROASTING CO 233637 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113373 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 111.25 233638 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113373 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 61.00 233812 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113433 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 111.25 233813 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113433 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 64.25 233936 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113510 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 111.25 233937 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113510 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 64.25 234080 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113569 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 111.25 234081 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check#113569 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 64.25 Vendor 43949-ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE ROASTING CO Totals Invoices 8 $698.75 Vendor 10954-ALPINE METALS 47335 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113434 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 32.20 47411 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113511 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 18.75 Vendor 10954-ALPINE METALS Totals Invoices 2 $50.95 Vendor 49337-AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. 16FY-T1RN-6LYQ Automotive Paid by Check#113435 08/14/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 68.84 1XH3-QXXL-GGJG Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113435 08/15/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,410.05 1GJ7-TQXV-JLTH Buildings Paid by Check#113435 08/29/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 199.75 1KK7-W79G-T69G Grounds&Maintenance Paid by Check#113435 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 156.66 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 1 of 25 " TA"OF Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 19 so Report By Vendor - Invoice e�M U Summary Listing Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 1X64-GMPW-WQVY Grounds&Maintenance Paid by Check#113570 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 362.95 19GW-VR9M-CVWM Small Tools Paid by Check#113435 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,466.96 1FR7-CRF4-FHKV Small Tools Paid by Check#113570 09/01/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 147.47 1VMN-13RG-13WN Grounds&Maintenance Paid by Check#113570 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 483.77 Vendor 49337-AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC.Totals Invoices 8 $4,296.45 Vendor 50006-AMS.NET INC 0069606 Access Control/Surveillance Paid by Check#113436 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 45,416.64 Vendor 50006-AMS.NET INC Totals Invoices 1 $45,416.64 Vendor 47919-AQUATIC INFORMATICS INC 105813 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113374 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 147.00 105991 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113571 09/11/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 120.00 Vendor 47919-AQUATIC INFORMATICS INC Totals Invoices 2 $267.00 Vendor 44580-ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 5980128112 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 67.01 5980128113 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 63.68 5980128114 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 84.40 5980128115 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 50.21 5980128116 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 90.67 5980128117 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 97.44 5980128118 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 21.64 5980128119 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 36.58 5980128120 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 4.64 5980128121 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 13.03 5980128122 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 15.14 5980128123 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 17.84 5980128124 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 24.33 5980130042 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 65.79 5980130043 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 83.68 5980130044 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 84.40 5980130045 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 50.21 5980130046 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 93.58 5980130048 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 23.00 5980130049 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 37.40 5980130050 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 4.64 5980130051 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 13.03 5980130052 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 15.14 5980130053 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 17.84 5980130054 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113437 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 24.33 5980131915 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 96.71 5980131917 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 73.68 5980131921 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 84.40 5980131925 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 49.39 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 2 of 25 " TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice �' 1950 .Na`�`G� Summary Listing UTILITY Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 5980131931 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 93.42 5980131937 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 95.58 5980131940 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 23.00 5980131942 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 37.40 5980131944 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 4.64 5980131945 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 13.03 5980131946 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 15.14 5980131949 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 17.84 5980131951 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 24.33 5980134204 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 64.78 5980134205 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 63.68 5980134206 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 84.40 5980134207 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 146.49 5980134208 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 122.40 5980134209 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 95.85 5980134210 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 23.00 5980134211 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 37.40 5980134212 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 4.64 5980134213 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 13.03 5980134214 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 15.14 5980134215 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 17.84 5980134216 Uniform Payable Paid by Check#113572 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 24.33 Vendor 44580-ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Totals Invoices 51 $2,441.19 Vendor 47961-ARETE SYSTEMS 10703323 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113573 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 3,750.00 Vendor 47961-ARETE SYSTEMS Totals Invoices 1 $3,750.00 Vendor 49951-ARIAT INTERNATIONAL INC 906342168 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113375 05/12/2023 06/21/2023 06/30/2023 09/06/2023 269.54 906742543 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113375 07/06/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 (73.91) 907223543 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113574 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,217.32 Vendor 49951-ARIAT INTERNATIONAL INC Totals Invoices 3 $1,412.95 Vendor 40521-AT&T 088 080-5493 923 Telephone Paid by Check#113438 08/28/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 200.00 Vendor 40521-AT&T Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 45202-AT&T MOBILITY 287306407514 823 Telephone Paid by Check#113439 09/02/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,723.87 Vendor 45202-AT&T MOBILITY Totals Invoices 1 $3,723.87 Vendor 48000-AT&T/CALNET 3 000020461685 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 26.14 000020461687 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 26.14 000020466887 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,716.57 000020491282 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 26.20 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 3 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 000020491283 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 26.20 000020491284 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 32.00 000020491285 Telephone Paid by Check#113440 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 33.55 000020539543 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 24.77 000020539544 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 24.73 000020560260 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 24.69 000020560262 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 541.74 000020560263 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 97.01 000020560469 Telephone Paid by Check#113575 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 158.49 000020560516 Signal Charges Paid by Check#113575 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 31.43 Vendor 48000-AT&T/CALNET 3 Totals Invoices 14 $2,789.66 Vendor 48612-AUTOMATION DIRECT 15503220 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113376 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,810.69 Vendor 48612-AUTOMATION DIRECT Totals Invoices 1 $1,810.69 Vendor 50033-MICHAEL AYALA 3470409 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by Check#113441 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 199.00 Vendor 50033-MICHAEL AYALA Totals Invoices 1 $199.00 Vendor 49890-AZURE TAHOE RESORTS LLC 100 Incentive&Recognition Program Paid by Check#113442 08/29/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 2,512.50 Vendor 49890-AZURE TAHOE RESORTS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $2,512.50 Vendor 50045-KENT BAER 2614315 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113576 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 750.00 Vendor 50045-KENT BAER Totals Invoices 1 $750.00 Vendor 11800-BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 150-82716 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113443 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 936.84 Vendor 11800- BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Totals Invoices 1 $936.84 Vendor 49339-BASEFORM INC 07252023-203 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113444 07/25/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 2,349.00 08282023-207 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113444 08/28/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 2,430.00 08282023-208 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113444 08/28/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 2,349.00 Vendor 49339-BASEFORM INC Totals Invoices 3 $7,128.00 Vendor 50029-TERRYL BAUGHMAN 2363413 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by Check#113377 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 100.00 Vendor 50029-TERRYL BAUGHMAN Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 44591-BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS E08041 Forest Mountain Tank Coating Paid by Check#113378 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 6,567.00 E08042 Iroquois No. 2 Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113378 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 15,901.98 E08045 Flagpole Tank 2 Coating Paid by Check#113378 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 21,786.36 E08051 Echo View Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113378 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 11,057.58 Vendor 44591-BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS Totals Invoices 4 $55,312.92 Vendor 49419-BEND GENETICS LLC ST2307 Monitoring Paid by Check#113379 08/08/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 250.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 4 of 25 S0U-T " TA Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 - Report By Vendor - Invoice t 00, 0" r - 195a s��'�G� Summary Listing UTILITY 0 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount ST2308 Monitoring Paid by Check#113512 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 250.00 Vendor 49419-BEND GENETICS LLC Totals Invoices 2 $500.00 Vendor 49773-LAUREN BENEFIELD MILEAGE 090623 Travel-Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113445 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 156.09 Vendor 49773-LAUREN BENEFIELD Totals Invoices 1 $156.09 Vendor 45009-BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS 210452 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113380 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,480.95 210467 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113380 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,040.60 210488 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113380 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,504.05 210529 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113446 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,579.20 210555 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113513 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,462.35 210583 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check#113577 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,204.65 Vendor 45009- BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Totals Invoices 6 $9,271.80 Vendor 48291-BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP 974298 Personnel Legal Paid by Check#113447 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 629.00 Vendor 48291-BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP Totals Invoices 1 $629.00 Vendor 50030-CHAD BROWN 2937226 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by Check#113381 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 74.50 Vendor 50030-CHAD BROWN Totals Invoices 1 $74.50 Vendor 42978-BROWNSTEIN HYATT 953779 Legal Services August 2023 Paid by EFT#79 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 18,473.60 Vendor 42978-BROWNSTEIN HYATT Totals Invoices 1 $18,473.60 Vendor 44730-BSK ASSOCIATES AG20419 Monitoring Paid by Check#113382 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,935.00 AG20420 Monitoring Paid by Check#113382 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,228.00 Vendor 44730-BSK ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 2 $3,163.00 Vendor 48681-CADENCE TEAM INC 3893 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113383 07/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 11,510.00 Vendor 48681-CADENCE TEAM INC Totals Invoices 1 $11,510.00 Vendor 48482-CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL E 1991432 SA Buildings Paid by Check#113578 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 225.00 Vendor 48482-CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL Totals Invoices 1 $225.00 Vendor 48767-CALIFORNIA LAB SERVICE 3080642 Monitoring Paid by Check#113384 08/14/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 256.00 3080778 Monitoring Paid by Check#113384 08/16/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 126.00 3090335 Monitoring Paid by Check#113514 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 256.00 Vendor 48767-CALIFORNIA LAB SERVICE Totals Invoices 3 $638.00 Vendor 13230-CAROLLO ENGINEERS FB39935 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113448 08/09/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 16,851.50 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 5 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount FB40196 Secondary Clarifier#2 Rehab Paid by Check#113448 08/10/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 13,419.00 Vendor 13230-CAROLLO ENGINEERS Totals Invoices 2 $30,270.50 Vendor 42328-CDW-G CORP LG94877 District Computer Supplies Paid by Check#113385 08/11/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 151.64 U85765 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113385 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/06/2023 140.44 LN96583 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113449 08/26/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,900.76 LR30323 Computer Purchases Paid by Check#113449 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 3,517.97 LSO4460 Computer Purchases Paid by Check#113449 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 760.28 Vendor 42328-CDW-G CORP Totals Invoices 5 $8,471.09 Vendor 48406-CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 176157701090123 Telephone Paid by Check#113450 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 149.98 Vendor 48406-CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $149.98 Vendor 40343-CHEMSEARCH INC 8358817 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113386 08/20/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 401.09 Vendor 40343-CHEMSEARCH INC Totals Invoices 1 $401.09 Vendor 49756-CINDERLITE TRUCKING CORP 414677 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/04/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 457.25 416627 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 463.41 416760 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 898.46 416953 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,608.50 417093 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 470.67 417320 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113387 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 226.13 418306 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113579 09/11/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 236.78 418440 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113579 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 235.19 418567 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113579 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 663.76 418680 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113579 09/14/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 234.19 418802 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113579 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 477.55 Vendor 49756-CINDERLITE TRUCKING CORP Totals Invoices 11 $5,971.89 Vendor 48672-CINTAS CORP 5174682054 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113451 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 602.32 Vendor 48672-CINTAS CORP Totals Invoices 1 $602.32 Vendor 12535-CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AR196023 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113452 08/11/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/13/2023 45,927.00 Vendor 12535-CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $45,927.00 Vendor 13557-CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 9353863063 Safety Programs Paid by Check#113388 08/08/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 234.82 Vendor 13557-CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS INC Totals Invoices 1 $234.82 Vendor 40512-CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY S008106087.003 Misc Sewer Motor Rebuilds(TBD) Paid by Check#113453 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,227.95 S008138676.002 Misc Motor Rebuilds,Water Paid by Check#113515 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 32.56 S008221917.001 Primary Equipment Paid by Check#113580 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,555.25 Vendor 40512-CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 3 $2,815.76 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 6 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48181-CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC 14404 Tahoe Keys Sewer PS Rehab Paid by Check#113454 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,350.00 14424 Secondary Clarifier#2 Rehab Paid by Check#113454 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 280.00 Vendor 48181-CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC Totals Invoices 2 $1,630.00 Vendor 49070-JOSEPH CONTI 1084341 REIMB Travel-Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113389 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 153.25 Vendor 49070-JOSEPH CONTI Totals Invoices 1 $153.25 Vendor 48281-CRYSTAL DAIRY FOODS 57904 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113581 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 49.92 Vendor 48281-CRYSTAL DAIRY FOODS Totals Invoices 1 $49.92 Vendor 42897-CWEA LYNCH LA II 24 Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113582 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 103.00 Certification ROSS CSM III 24 Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113582 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 108.00 Certification GOODALE CSM1 APP Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113516 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 413.00 Certification WHITE CSM2 APP Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113516 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 207.00 Certification WHITE MT1 APP Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113516 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 192.00 Certification DIRIDONI CSMI AP Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113582 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 413.00 Certification Vendor 42897-CWEA Totals Invoices 6 $1,436.00 Vendor 48654-D&H BROADCASTING LLC 4497 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113390 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,120.00 4516 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113455 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,120.00 Vendor 48654-D&H BROADCASTING LLC Totals Invoices 2 $2,240.00 Vendor 49989-DAVID DENNIS 3342309-2 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113583 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,664.00 Vendor 49989-DAVID DENNIS Totals Invoices 1 $2,664.00 Vendor 48289-DIY HOME CENTER Aug 23 Stmt Shop Supplies&Small Tools Paid by Check#113456 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,125.86 Vendor 48289-DIY HOME CENTER Totals Invoices 1 $1,125.86 Vendor 48852-ANDREW DORMAN OPEXAMGIREIMB23 Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113517 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 120.00 Certification Vendor 48852-ANDREW DORMAN Totals Invoices 1 $120.00 Vendor 43649-DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 2748254 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113457 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 21.88 Vendor 43649-DOUGLAS DISPOSAL Totals Invoices 1 $21.88 Vendor 49909-JAMES DROWN REIMB-EYEWEAR 24 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113584 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 202.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 7 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49909-JAMES DROWN Totals Invoices 1 $202.00 Vendor 49746-GREGORY DUPREE MILEAGE072723 Travel-Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113391 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 237.11 Vendor 49746-GREGORY DUPREE Totals Invoices 1 $237.11 Vendor 48819-PAULA DURAN 3453104 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113458 09/11/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,000.00 Vendor 48819-PAULA DURAN Totals Invoices 1 $3,000.00 Vendor 45115-EBIX INC 635357 Subscription Expense Paid by Check#113392 08/09/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 224.32 Vendor 45115-EBIX INC Totals Invoices 1 $224.32 Vendor 45227-EMPIRE SAFETY&SUPPLY 0120219-IN Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113459 06/15/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/13/2023 520.25 Inventory 0120634-IN Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113459 07/20/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 733.97 Inventory 0120842-IN Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113459 08/07/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 534.77 Inventory Vendor 45227- EMPIRE SAFETY&SUPPLY Totals Invoices 3 $1,788.99 Vendor 44263-ENS RESOURCES INC 3411 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113460 09/04/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 5,038.46 Vendor 44263-ENS RESOURCES INC Totals Invoices 1 $5,038.46 Vendor 44032-ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS 1000752843 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113393 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 664.65 Vendor 44032-ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS Totals Invoices 1 $664.65 Vendor 42100-ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO 052048 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113461 08/24/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 179.78 Vendor 42100-ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO Totals Invoices 1 $179.78 Vendor 18550-EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL LLC 3800018818 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 02/27/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 30.00 3800028423 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 07/26/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 30.00 3800028493 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 07/27/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 420.00 3800028495 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 07/27/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 735.00 3800028618 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 07/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 295.00 3800028960 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/02/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 240.00 3800028971 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/02/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,095.00 3800029566 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/09/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 270.00 3800029567 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/09/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 300.00 3800030226 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 975.00 3800030227 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 975.00 3800030505 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 35.00 3800030582 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 270.00 3800030804 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 40.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 8 of 25 " TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice .o�IeCw�, 1950 .Na`�`G� Summary Listing UTILITY Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 3800030810 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,355.00 3800031084 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 320.00 3800031086 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 165.00 3800031087 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 90.00 3800031192 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 230.00 3800031193 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 240.00 3800031194 Monitoring Paid by Check#113394 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 80.00 3800031604 Monitoring Paid by Check#113462 09/04/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 60.00 3800031608 Monitoring Paid by Check#113462 09/04/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 200.00 3800031612 Monitoring Paid by Check#113462 09/04/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 300.00 3800031758 Monitoring Paid by Check#113462 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 165.00 3800031966 Monitoring Paid by Check#113462 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,695.00 3800032313 Monitoring Paid by Check#113518 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,530.00 3800032319 Monitoring Paid by Check#113518 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 240.00 3800032325 Monitoring Paid by Check#113518 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 290.00 Vendor 18550-EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL LLC Totals Invoices 29 $13,670.00 Vendor 47836-EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 906026527 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113463 08/10/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 420.17 906064430 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113463 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 136.86 Vendor 47836- EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Totals Invoices 2 $557.03 Vendor 48571-EYEZONE TAHOE DROWN24 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113585 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 125.00 Vendor 48571-EYEZONE TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $125.00 Vendor 41696-FARR CONSTRUCTION 23-03A Luther Pass PS Tanks Rehab Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 132,469.50 23-03AR Luther Pass PS Tanks Rehab Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (6,623.47) Retainage 23-03B Heavenly Tank Rehabilitation Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 99,135.00 23-03BR Heavenly Tank Rehabilitation Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (4,956.75) Retainage 23/02A Flagpole Tank 2 Coating Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 109,195.40 23/02AR Flagpole Tank 2 Coating Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (5,459.76) Retainage 23/02B Iroquois No. 2 Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 138,035.00 23/02BR Iroquois No. 2 Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113586 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (6,901.75) Retainage Vendor 41696-FARR CONSTRUCTION Totals Invoices 8 $454,893.17 Vendor 14890-FEDEX 8-234-93679 Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113395 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 438.59 8-241-82156 Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113395 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 132.47 8-249-36504 Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113464 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 122.44 8-255-69552 Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113519 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 158.56 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 9 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 14890-FEDEX Totals Invoices 4 $852.06 Vendor 41263-FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC 0776150 Small Tools Paid by Check#113396 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 146.93 0784524 Secondary Equipment Paid by Check#113396 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 111.90 0787344 Buildings Paid by Check#113587 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 40.08 0793078 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113465 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 13.70 0794471 Buildings Paid by Check#113465 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,546.77 0811102 Buildings Paid by Check#113587 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 302.71 Vendor 41263-FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC Totals Invoices 6 $2,162.09 Vendor 15000-FISHER SCIENTIFIC 5623800 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113397 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 258.41 Vendor 15000-FISHER SCIENTIFIC Totals Invoices 1 $258.41 Vendor 48402-FLYERS ENERGY LLC 23-901680 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113398 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,337.68 23-901743 Oil&Lubricants Paid by Check#113398 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,689.53 23-903975 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113398 08/26/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,592.96 23-907799 Gasoline&Diesel Expense Paid by Check#113466 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 2,360.63 23-915301 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113520 09/02/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,465.01 23-910757 Diesel Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113466 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 9,500.91 23-919949 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113520 09/16/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 5,473.52 23-924284 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check#113588 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,806.85 Vendor 48402-FLYERS ENERGY LLC Totals Invoices 8 $30,227.09 Vendor 49053-ERIKA FRANCO FRANCO100123 Travel-Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113589 08/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 248.00 Vendor 49053-ERIKA FRANCO Totals Invoices 1 $248.00 Vendor 48288-FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 5306942753 923 Telephone Paid by Check#113521 09/01/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 338.65 Vendor 48288-FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $338.65 Vendor 50046-JAMES GALLANTY 8016101 Water Use Reduction Rebates Paid by Check#113590 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 100.00 Vendor 50046-JAMES GALLANTY Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 44684-GEA WESTFALIA GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT US 3586502635 Primary Equipment Paid by Check#113467 02/14/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/13/2023 487.42 Vendor 44684-GEA WESTFALIA GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT US Totals Invoices 1 $487.42 Vendor 49910-DAVID GERHARDT Final Check Final Check Paid by Check#113591 09/27/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,765.75 Vendor 49910-DAVID GERHARDT Totals Invoices 1 $1,765.75 Vendor 15600-GRAINGER 9820068816 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113468 08/28/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,156.20 9823340691 Generators Paid by Check#113468 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 13.63 9823340709 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113468 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 627.61 9823489621 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113468 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 267.37 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 10 of 25 " TA"OF Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice .o�IeCw�, 1950 .Na`�`G� Summary Listing UTILITY Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 9823710471 Automotive Paid by Check#113468 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 690.49 9823759387 Generators Paid by Check#113468 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 57.68 9824693288 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113468 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 333.98 9818552540 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113468 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,170.43 9818552557 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113468 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 (1,156.20) 9827845000 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113468 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,165.90 9818543135 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113468 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,181.86 9818543143 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113468 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 (1,165.90) 9829322628 Biosolids Equipment-Building Paid by Check#113522 09/06/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,749.53 9829322636 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113468 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 135.51 9829836163 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113522 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 997.65 9830062908 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113522 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,189.86 9830283124 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113522 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 41.82 9834255193 Automotive Paid by Check#113592 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 749.30 9842482060 Buildings Paid by Check#113592 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 147.13 Vendor 15600-GRAINGER Totals Invoices 19 $11,353.85 Vendor 43403-GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 2554430 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113469 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 3,831.42 Vendor 43403-GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO Totals Invoices 1 $3,831.42 Vendor 48233-GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC 9333621145 Buildings Paid by Check#113593 08/24/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 707.35 9333763950 Buildings Paid by Check#113593 09/05/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,593.26 Vendor 48233-GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Totals Invoices 2 $3,300.61 Vendor 15800-HACH CO 13676856 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113470 07/28/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 156.60 Vendor 15800-HACH CO Totals Invoices 1 $156.60 Vendor 44430-HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 133968 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113471 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 789.10 134024 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113471 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 44.89 Vendor 44430-HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS Totals Invoices 2 $833.99 Vendor 49604-HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES 6893 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113399 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 800.00 Vendor 49604-HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 1 $800.00 Vendor 48832-NANCY HUSSMANN Sept2023 Personnel Expense Paid by Check#113400 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 09/30/2023 09/06/2023 454.45 Vendor 48832-NANCY HUSSMANN Totals Invoices 1 $454.45 Vendor 10103-IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP 3135483623 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113401 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 58.94 3136260847 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113472 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,768.61 Vendor 10103-IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP Totals Invoices 2 $3,827.55 Vendor 48056-INFOSEND INC 246523 Printing&Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113594 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 11,081.20 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 11 of 25 S0U-T " TA Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 - Report By Vendor - Invoice t 00, 0" r - 195o s��'�G� Summary Listing UTILITY D Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48056-INFOSEND INC Totals Invoices 1 $11,081.20 Vendor 13235-INSTROTEK INC PS-INVI42900 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113402 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 377.87 Vendor 13235-INSTROTEK INC Totals Invoices 1 $377.87 Vendor 48193-INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY CORP 22483 Leak Listening Device Paid by Check#113595 02/24/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 6,133.50 Vendor 48193-INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY CORP Totals Invoices 1 $6,133.50 Vendor 44110-J&L PRO KLEEN INC 29649 Janitorial Services Paid by Check#113523 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 4,666.20 Vendor 44110-J&L PRO KLEEN INC Totals Invoices 1 $4,666.20 Vendor 49782-JOE BENIGNO TREE SERVICE 8408 Grounds&Maintenance Paid by Check#113524 09/01/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 13,030.90 Vendor 49782-JOE BENIGNO TREE SERVICE Totals Invoices 1 $13,030.90 Vendor 50024-JONES MAYER 118205 Legal Services August 2023 Paid by Check#113596 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 8,584.72 Vendor 50024-JONES MAYER Totals Invoices 1 $8,584.72 Vendor 43694-KIMBALL MIDWEST 101362737 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113403 08/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 503.07 101393556 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113473 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 223.53 101405096 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113473 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 670.43 101410067 Small Tools Paid by Check#113525 09/05/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,313.21 101411697 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113597 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,382.19 101433584 Small Tools Paid by Check#113525 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 656.67 Vendor 43694-KIMBALL MIDWEST Totals Invoices 6 $4,749.10 Vendor 44945-KUMAR&GERCHICK 12674 Auditing Paid by Check#113598 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 210.00 Vendor 44945-KUMAR&GERCHICK Totals Invoices 1 $210.00 Vendor 44209-LA PERKS PLUMBING&HEAT INC 882654 District Computer Supplies Paid by Check#113474 07/21/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 950.00 Vendor 44209-L A PERKS PLUMBING&HEAT INC Totals Invoices 1 $950.00 Vendor 49725-LAKESIDE TERMITE&PEST CONTROL 016239909 Buildings Paid by Check#113475 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 95.00 013771377 Buildings Paid by Check#113599 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 150.00 Vendor 49725-LAKESIDE TERMITE&PEST CONTROL Totals Invoices 2 $245.00 Vendor 22200-LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE C352555 Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113476 08/03/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 260.48 Inventory Aug 23 Stmt Shop Supplies&Small Tools Paid by Check#113476 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,284.97 Vendor 22200-LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 2 $1,545.45 Vendor 49591-JUDY LEONG Sept 2023 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113404 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 09/30/2023 09/06/2023 20.00 Vendor 49591-JUDY LEONG Totals Invoices 1 $20.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 12 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 45135-LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 66100477512 Automotive Paid by Check#113405 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,466.14 66100479474 Automotive Paid by Check#113526 09/08/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 526.76 Vendor 45135-LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Totals Invoices 2 $1,992.90 Vendor 22550-LIBERTY UTILITIES 6982011 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/14/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 23.20 6984519 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/15/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 131,286.73 6984520 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 7,749.13 6984521 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 81.79 6992094 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 18,134.47 6992101 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 5,965.51 7001122 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 650.70 7001203 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 23.58 7001204 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 120.03 7001205 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 73.78 7001220 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 37.85 7001312 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 399.99 7001332 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 5,814.00 7003608 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 61.03 7004040 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 87.89 7004043 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 89.41 7004298 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 560.19 7004440 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,144.87 7004504 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 52.47 7005707 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 153,393.81 7008037 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 8,793.95 7006164 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 3,837.37 7006646 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 23.20 7007191 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 3,954.41 7007408 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 48.84 7008078 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 55.58 7008088 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 493.07 7008205 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 27.16 7008207 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 27.16 7008303 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 257.53 7008322 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 27.48 7008362 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 7,787.60 7008561 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 117.48 7008923 Electricity Paid by Check#113406 09/05/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 814.44 7016832 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/05/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,622.68 7010975 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 855.13 7011017 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 898.53 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 13 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 7011496 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 61.63 7011560 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,739.61 7011947 Electricity Paid by Check#113477 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 897.12 7016896 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/06/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,883.48 7013598 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 26.04 7013756 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 155.02 7013960 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,573.72 7014653 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 145.25 7014657 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 224.57 7016984 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/08/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 5,511.04 7020153 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 2,619.10 7020957 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 203.52 7022370 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 71.73 7022375 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 218.47 7022505 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 169.96 7022580 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 175.13 7022585 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 164.45 7022587 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 224.88 7022597 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 230.66 7022640 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 8,114.78 7024154 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 66.82 7024155 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 39.67 7024156 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 328.60 7024157 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 163.24 7024160 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 31.74 7024162 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 45.15 7024192 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 760.31 7024328 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 34.79 7024329 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 34.20 7024332 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 33.88 7024334 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 71.73 7024558 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 23.20 7024866 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 114.13 7025172 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 334.73 7025173 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,684.40 7025188 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 97.64 7028931 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/13/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 123,909.82 7027277 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 6,592.05 7027329 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 11,931.80 7027339 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 351.47 7027571 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 634.01 7029104 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 34.20 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 14 of 25 " TA Payment of Claims _ MEL. Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice iOtieA°"or 1950 �'a��►�°� Summary Listing UTILITY p15� Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 7029834 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,050.83 7030013 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 416.46 7030069 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 173.31 7030426 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/15/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 345.38 7032055 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/18/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 303.91 7032743 Electricity Paid by Check#113527 09/18/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 7,724.06 7034393 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 8,720.83 7034394 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 111.06 7034720 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,420.55 7035043 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 25.94 7035386 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,395.67 7037237 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 26.54 7040501 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 279.47 7040590 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 67.42 7040783 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 27.48 7043757 Electricity Paid by Check#113600 09/22/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 597.12 Vendor 22550-LIBERTY UTILITIES Totals Invoices 95 $558,805.81 Vendor 47903-LINDE GAS&EQUIPMENT INC 37780172 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113407 08/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 66.45 37840907 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113478 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 232.91 38060267 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113407 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 64.11 Vendor 47903-LINDE GAS&EQUIPMENT INC Totals Invoices 3 $363.47 Vendor 45059-LUMOS&ASSOCIATES 119334 Waterline Replacements Paid by Check#113601 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 25,190.00 Consulting 119335 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113601 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,365.00 Vendor 45059-LUMOS&ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 2 $26,555.00 Vendor 49840-MACKER TEK LTD 1605 District Computer Supplies Paid by Check#113602 08/29/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 911.98 Vendor 49840- MACKER TEK LTD Totals Invoices 1 $911.98 Vendor 19248-MALLORY SAFETY&SUPPLY LLC 5702744 Field,Shop&Safety Supplies Paid by Check#113408 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 228.29 Inventory Vendor 19248-MALLORY SAFETY&SUPPLY LLC Totals Invoices 1 $228.29 Vendor 17900-MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 13581332 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113479 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 599.40 13968551 Mobile Equipment Paid by Check#113528 09/08/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 342.49 13989844 Automotive Paid by Check#113479 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,249.48 14294835 Small Tools Paid by Check#113603 09/14/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 453.09 14359915 Small Tools Paid by Check#113603 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 168.81 14666883 Wells Paid by Check#113603 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 139.04 Vendor 17900-MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 6 $3,952.31 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 15 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49076-BUCK McLELLAND 1084338 REIMB Travel -Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113409 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 143.25 Vendor 49076-BUCK McLELLAND Totals Invoices 1 $143.25 Vendor 18150-MEEKS LUMBER&HARDWARE Aug 23 Stmt Shop Supplies&Buildings Paid by Check#113480 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,325.45 Vendor 18150-MEEKS LUMBER&HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $2,325.45 Vendor 43889-MME MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE 012463 Automotive Paid by Check#113481 08/10/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,070.86 012869 Automotive Paid by Check#113481 08/23/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 737.43 013104 Automotive Paid by Check#113529 08/29/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 475.54 013169 Automotive Paid by Check#113604 08/30/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 194.68 013222 Automotive Paid by Check#113481 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 116.18 Vendor 43889-MME MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE Totals Invoices 5 $2,594.69 Vendor 50047-BRUCE MOON 2214118 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113605 09/14/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 450.00 Vendor 50047- BRUCE MOON Totals Invoices 1 $450.00 Vendor 50048-JIM MRAZEK 2233111 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113606 09/07/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 450.00 Vendor 50048-JIM MRAZEK Totals Invoices 1 $450.00 Vendor 43123-MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 76900877 Pressure Reducing Valves Paid by Check#113607 09/11/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,873.20 Vendor 43123-MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 1 $1,873.20 Vendor 49765-NAPA AUTO PARTS Aug 23 Stmt Automotive&Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113482 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 5,857.71 Vendor 49765-NAPA AUTO PARTS Totals Invoices 1 $5,857.71 Vendor 40124-NORTHERN TOOL&EQUIP 52581280 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113483 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 337.13 52625246 Small Tools Paid by Check#113608 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 125.05 Vendor 40124-NORTHERN TOOL&EQUIP Totals Invoices 2 $462.18 Vendor 48315-O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Aug 23 Stmt Automotive&Small Tools Paid by Check#113484 08/28/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 253.31 Vendor 48315-O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Totals Invoices 1 $253.31 Vendor 44607-OLIN PIONEER AMERICAS LLC 900316002 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113410 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 13,607.74 900320029 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113485 09/04/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 12,389.18 900324397 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113609 09/14/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 13,984.53 Vendor 44607-OLIN PIONEER AMERICAS LLC Totals Invoices 3 $39,981.45 Vendor 49806-OUTSIDE INTERACTIVE INC 34747 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113411 06/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/06/2023 2,011.00 35033 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113411 07/13/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,011.00 35667 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113411 08/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,011.00 Vendor 49806-OUTSIDE INTERACTIVE INC Totals Invoices 3 $6,033.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 16 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 41272-PAC MACHINE CO 91852 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113486 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 795.75 91962 Bellevue#2 Pump/Motor Paid by Check#113610 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 9,365.36 91963 Bellevue#2 Pump/Motor Paid by Check#113610 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 7,793.88 Vendor 41272- PAC MACHINE CO Totals Invoices 3 $17,954.99 Vendor 49997-PACIFIC STEEL&RECYCLING 8478218 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113487 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,791.86 8483795 Buildings Paid by Check#113487 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 190.31 8488175 Mobile Equipment Paid by Check#113530 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 246.99 Vendor 49997-PACIFIC STEEL&RECYCLING Totals Invoices 3 $2,229.16 Vendor 49945-PAPE MACHINERY INC 14741497 Automotive Paid by Check#113488 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,380.06 Vendor 49945- PAPE MACHINERY INC Totals Invoices 1 $3,380.06 Vendor 50041-JACK PHILLIPS REIMB-BOOTS 24 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113611 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 100.00 Vendor 50041-JACK PHILLIPS Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 50049-SUZANNE PLATTNER 3366108 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check#113612 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 200.00 Vendor 50049-SUZANNE PLATTNER Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 48591-POTABLE DIVERS INC 23152 Repair-Maintenance Water Paid by Check#113412 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,500.00 Tanks 23153 Repair-Maintenance Water Paid by Check#113412 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,900.00 Tanks 23154 Repair-Maintenance Water Paid by Check#113412 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,600.00 Tanks 23155 Repair-Maintenance Water Paid by Check#113412 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,600.00 Tanks 23156 Repair-Maintenance Water Paid by Check#113412 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,100.00 Tanks Vendor 48591-POTABLE DIVERS INC Totals Invoices 5 $8,700.00 Vendor 50050-GREG POULEN 2555209 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by Check#113613 09/22/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 300.00 Vendor 50050-GREG POULEN Totals Invoices 1 $300.00 Vendor 49923-QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC 09/03/23 Postage prepaid Paid by Check#113489 09/03/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,000.00 Vendor 49923-QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Totals Invoices 1 $3,000.00 Vendor 48553-RAUCH COMMUNICATION 08-2023-01 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113413 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 206.25 Vendor 48553-RAUCH COMMUNICATION Totals Invoices 1 $206.25 Vendor 43332-RED WING SHOE STORE 121410 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113614 09/07/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 237.58 Vendor 43332-RED WING SHOE STORE Totals Invoices 1 $237.58 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 17 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 47803-REDWOOD PRINTING 34315 Office Supplies Paid by Check#113615 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 132.44 Vendor 47803-REDWOOD PRINTING Totals Invoices 1 $132.44 Vendor 48144-RELIANCE STANDARD SEP23 Voluntary Life Payable Paid by Check#113490 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 325.74 SEP23A LTD/Life Insurance Union/Board Paid by Check#113490 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,354.49 Payable SEP23B LTD/Life Insurance Management Paid by Check#113490 09/01/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,423.28 Vendor 48144-RELIANCE STANDARD Totals Invoices 3 $6,103.51 Vendor 48684-RS 9018290867 Secondary Equipment Paid by Check#113414 08/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,361.28 Vendor 48684-RS Totals Invoices 1 $2,361.28 Vendor 44581-SCP SCIENCE IN0000368545 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113491 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 120.36 Vendor 44581-SCP SCIENCE Totals Invoices 1 $120.36 Vendor 49911-SEARCHPROS STAFFING LLC 23082234 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113415 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,473.80 23082934 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113415 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,502.11 23090536 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113492 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,511.54 23091938 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113616 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,511.54 Vendor 49911-SEARCHPROS STAFFING LLC Totals Invoices 4 $5,998.99 Vendor 49965-SEMITORR GRP LLC dba EWS 5571361 Secondary Equipment Paid by Check#113617 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,738.22 Vendor 49965-SEMITORR GRP LLC dba EWS Totals Invoices 1 $2,738.22 Vendor 43552-SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 0172-6 Buildings Paid by Check#113416 08/16/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 472.89 0183-3 Buildings Paid by Check#113416 08/16/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 147.21 0187-4 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113416 08/16/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 415.91 0258-3 Buildings Paid by Check#113416 08/17/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 467.52 0557-8 Buildings Paid by Check#113416 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 214.48 0230-2 Buildings Paid by Check#113531 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 363.52 0308-6 Buildings Paid by Check#113618 09/11/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 350.12 1220-2 Belleview Buildings Paid by Check#113618 09/11/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 60.15 0550-3 Buildings Paid by Check#113618 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 112.75 Vendor 43552-SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Totals Invoices 9 $2,604.55 Vendor 22620-SIERRA SPRINGS 5152426 082623 Supplies Paid by Check#113417 08/26/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 15.03 Vendor 22620-SIERRA SPRINGS Totals Invoices 1 $15.03 Vendor 48735-SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB LV304810 Monitoring Paid by Check#113493 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 258.00 LV304811 Monitoring Paid by Check#113493 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 258.00 Vendor 48735-SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB Totals Invoices 2 $516.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 18 of 25 11 TA"0R Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 40233-SILVER STATE INT'L INC X201116719:01 Automotive Paid by Check#113494 07/14/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 287.73 Vendor 40233-SILVER STATE INT'L INC Totals Invoices 1 $287.73 Vendor 48944-CHRIS SKELLY PER DIEM 092323 Travel -Meetings-Education Paid by Check#113532 07/24/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 94.00 Vendor 48944-CHRIS SKELLY Totals Invoices 1 $94.00 Vendor 44577-SOUNDPROS INC 230822-47 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113495 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 49.00 Vendor 44577-SOUNDPROS INC Totals Invoices 1 $49.00 Vendor 48628-SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ACE HARDWARE 071620 Buildings Paid by Check#113533 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 48.46 Vendor 48628-SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ACE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $48.46 Vendor 47876-SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER 1113 Dues-Memberships- Paid by Check#113619 10/01/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 75.00 Certification Vendor 47876-SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER Totals Invoices 1 $75.00 Vendor 23400-SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2506132-001 0823 Water&Other Utilities Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,449.56 2612107-001 0823 Water Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 100.92 2718021-001 0823 Water Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 152.24 3102034-001 0823 Water Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 250.90 3103021-001 0823 Water Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 152.24 3122506-001 0823 Water&Other Utilities Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 94.78 3221118-001 0823 Other Utilities Paid by Check#113534 08/31/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 35.06 Vendor 23400-SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Totals Invoices 7 $2,235.70 Vendor 23450-SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE 2752379 Grounds&Maintenance Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 77.55 2752402 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,147.50 2752425 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 170.00 2752439 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 170.00 2752440 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 510.00 2752457 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,700.00 2752660 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 510.00 2752819 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 85.00 2753701 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113418 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,020.00 Vendor 23450-SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Totals Invoices 9 $5,390.05 Vendor 50019-SOUTHERN TIRE MART LLC 7590017537 Automotive Paid by Check#113620 08/30/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 4,537.39 7590017539 Automotive Paid by Check#113496 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,235.94 7590017799 Automotive Paid by Check#113620 08/30/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,930.75 Vendor 50019-SOUTHERN TIRE MART LLC Totals Invoices 3 $7,704.08 Vendor 45168-SOUTHWEST GAS Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 19 of 25 " TA"OF Payment of Claims _ MEL. Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice iOtieA°"�r '950 �'a��►�°� Summary Listing UTILITY p15� Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 910000183539 723 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 07/18/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 11.00 910000426082 723 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 07/19/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 15.63 910000639911 723 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 07/21/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 11.00 910000192416 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/23/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 11.00 910000421501 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 168.78 910000421502 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 297.25 910000429959 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 39.13 910000429960 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,793.92 910000175574 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 14.14 910000175902 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 11.00 910000865770 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113419 08/28/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 15.69 910000416224 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 11.00 910000657163 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 08/30/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 14.14 910000040369 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 26.65 910000041349 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113497 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 12.57 910000041350 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113535 09/08/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 11.00 910000665034 823 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113535 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 11.00 910000183539 923 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113621 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 11.00 910000426082 923 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113621 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 15.61 910000175915 923 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113621 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 11.00 910000639911 923 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113621 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 12.53 910000416139 923 Natural Gas Paid by Check#113621 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 34.13 Vendor 45168-SOUTHWEST GAS Totals Invoices 22 $2,559.17 Vendor 48617-STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM STP083123 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113420 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 184.86 STP091223 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113536 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 244.63 Vendor 48617-STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM Totals Invoices 2 $429.49 Vendor 50035-KENJI SUGIYAMA 5141 REIMB Miscellaneous Liability Claims Paid by Check#113498 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 350.00 Vendor 50035-KENJI SUGIYAMA Totals Invoices 1 $350.00 Vendor 47798-T&S CONSTRUCTION CO INC 22-15A Tahoe Keys Sewer PS Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 156,600.00 22-15AR Tahoe Keys Sewer PS Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (15,660.00) Retainage 23-03A Upper Truckee Sewer PS Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 40,000.00 23-03AR Upper Truckee Sewer PS Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (2,000.00) Retainage 23/04A Secondary Clarifier#2 Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 498,400.00 23/04AR Secondary Clarifier#2 Rehab Paid by Check#113622 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (49,840.00) Retainage Vendor 47798-T&S CONSTRUCTION CO INC Totals Invoices 6 $627,500.00 Vendor 24050-TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 20 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 2753993 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113421 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 260.00 2754002 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113421 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 32.50 2754018 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113421 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 30.00 2754144 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check#113421 09/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 38.00 Vendor 24050-TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Totals Invoices 4 $360.50 Vendor 24100-TAHOE BLUEPRINT 053786 Contractual Services Paid by Check#113422 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 54.77 Vendor 24100-TAHOE BLUEPRINT Totals Invoices 1 $54.77 Vendor 48229-TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE IN107427 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check#113423 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 523.65 IN107428 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check#113423 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 744.50 Vendor 48229-TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE Totals Invoices 2 $1,268.15 Vendor 24325-TAHOE SAND&GRAVEL Aug 23 Stmt Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113499 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 20,194.65 Vendor 24325-TAHOE SAND&GRAVEL Totals Invoices 1 $20,194.65 Vendor 24450-TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5126114 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113424 08/14/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 783.00 Vendor 24450-TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $783.00 Vendor 48927-TAHOE VALLEY LODGE 1057 Standby Accommodations Paid by Check#113500 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,015.00 Vendor 48927-TAHOE VALLEY LODGE Totals Invoices 1 $1,015.00 Vendor 49420-THATCHER COMPANY OF NEVADA INC 2023400114485 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113501 06/29/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,944.35 2023400114838 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113501 06/29/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 06/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,026.80 2023400114525 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113501 08/16/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 3,252.78 2023400114526 Hypochlorite Paid by Check#113501 08/16/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,834.33 Vendor 49420-THATCHER COMPANY OF NEVADA INC Totals Invoices 4 $10,058.26 Vendor 48465-THOLL FENCE INC 2743 Access Control/Surveillance Paid by Check#113425 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 14,198.00 Vendor 48465-THOLL FENCE INC Totals Invoices 1 $14,198.00 Vendor 48477-THOMAS SCIENTIFIC 3040156 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113426 08/07/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 356.75 3055585 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check#113426 08/22/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 168.33 Vendor 48477-THOMAS SCIENTIFIC Totals Invoices 2 $525.08 Vendor 40114-TRPA 0004452 Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by Check#113427 08/07/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 4,120.00 Vendor 40114-TRPA Totals Invoices 1 $4,120.00 Vendor 49743-JANET E TURK 23456 REIMB Meter Installations Final Phase Paid by Check#113428 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 2,000.00 Vendor 49743-JANET E TURK Totals Invoices 1 $2,000.00 Vendor 50038-RUBY TURNER 8014601 Turf Buy-Back Program Paid by Check#113537 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,185.00 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 21 of 25 " TA"OF Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 " "� Report By Vendor - Invoice i00&°"c'r ysso ��� � Summary Listing ��UTILIT'Y D�� Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 50038-RUBY TURNER Totals Invoices 1 $1,185.00 Vendor 49976-UNIFIED FIELD SERVICES CORP 23-02A Echo View Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113502 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 95,402.22 23-02AR Echo View Tank Coatings Paid by Check#113502 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 (4,770.11) Retainage 23-02B Forest Mountain Tank Coating Paid by Check#113502 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 69,327.20 23-02BR Forest Mountain Tank Coating Paid by Check#113502 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 (3,466.36) Retainage Vendor 49976-UNIFIED FIELD SERVICES CORP Totals Invoices 4 $156,492.95 Vendor 48262-UPS FREIGHT 0000966628373 Postage Expenses Paid by Check#113623 09/16/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 500.00 Vendor 48262-UPS FREIGHT Totals Invoices 1 $500.00 Vendor 47973-US BANK CORPORATE ARCE0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,513.94 ASCHENBACH0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 687.14 BARTLETTB0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 4,107.07 BARTLETTC0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 217.69 BUCKMAN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 60.62 CASWELL0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 566.31 COLVEY0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 144.33 COOLIDGE0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 400.00 CULLEN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 178.79 FRANCO0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 449.00 GLAZE0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 696.48 GOLIGOSKI0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 122.00 GUTTRY0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 227.39 HUGHES0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 553.33 IONES0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 450.32 KAUFFMAN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 301.81 LEE0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 872.80 RUTHERDALE0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 35.00 RYAN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 2,890.59 SCHRAUBEN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 804.80 SEELOS0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 395.39 SIAN00823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 22.29 SKELLY0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 657.75 STANLEY0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 57.30 THOMSEN0823 Aug 23 Stmt Paid by Check#113503 08/22/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 486.28 Vendor 47973-US BANK CORPORATE Totals Invoices 25 $16,898.42 Vendor 49947-USABLUEBOOK INVO0124593 Luther Pass Pump Station Paid by Check#113504 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 426.95 INVO0124708 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113624 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 5,705.71 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 22 of 25 " TA"OF Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice �' 1950 .Na`�`G� Summary Listing UTILITY Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount INVO0130920 Pump Stations Paid by Check#113538 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 3,118.84 INVO0131341 Safety Equipment-Physicals Paid by Check#113624 09/12/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 426.95 INVO0137125 Biosolids Equipment-Building Paid by Check#113624 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 3,643.18 Vendor 49947-USABLUEBOOK Totals Invoices 5 $13,321.63 Vendor 50032-JENNIFER VAN GILDER 2540219 Water Use Reduction Rebates Paid by Check#113505 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 500.00 Vendor 50032-JENNIFER VAN GILDER Totals Invoices 1 $500.00 Vendor 45243-VELOCITY VEHICLE GROUP XA261114068:01 Automotive Paid by Check#113539 09/08/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 237.23 XA261114512:01 Automotive Paid by Check#113625 09/15/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 3,459.14 XA261114867:01 Automotive Paid by Check#113625 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 71.70 XA261114917:01 Automotive Paid by Check#113625 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 71.30 Vendor 45243-VELOCITY VEHICLE GROUP Totals Invoices 4 $3,839.37 Vendor 49296-VERIZON WIRELESS 9944026867 Telephone Paid by Check#113626 09/09/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 548.32 Vendor 49296-VERIZON WIRELESS Totals Invoices 1 $548.32 Vendor 48586-VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION INC 23/08A Waterline, Black Bart Paid by Check#113627 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 807,875.25 23/08AR Waterline, Black Bart Retainage Paid by Check#113627 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (40,393.76) Vendor 48586-VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION INC Totals Invoices 2 $767,481.49 Vendor 25700-WEDCO INC S100038131.001 Buildings Paid by Check#113506 08/17/2023 09/13/2023 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 1,044.74 S100039572.001 Buildings Paid by Check#113540 09/07/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,429.94 Vendor 25700-WEDCO INC Totals Invoices 2 $2,474.68 Vendor 48408-WELCOME'S AUTO BODY&TOWING 66862 Automotive Paid by Check#113429 07/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 200.00 66125 Automotive Paid by Check#113429 08/01/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 200.00 Vendor 48408-WELCOME'S AUTO BODY&TOWING Totals Invoices 2 $400.00 Vendor 25850-WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 19868568 Storm Drain Relocates Paid by Check#113430 07/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 681.76 39891981 Secondary Clarifier#2 Rehab Paid by Check#113430 08/11/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 400.57 19908786 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113430 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 678.51 19908827 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113430 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,299.04 19908832 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113430 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,102.36 39911071 Small Tools Paid by Check#113430 08/24/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 28.00 39906339 Biosolids Equipment-Building Paid by Check#113430 08/25/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 160.95 19840566-1 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113430 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,180.85 39916625 Couplings Omni Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113430 08/29/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 299.19 19916526 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113430 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,409.86 Inventory 39836165 Force Mains Paid by Check#113430 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 8,689.63 39875507 Couplings Omni Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113430 08/30/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 376.23 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 23 of 25 " TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 Report By Vendor - Invoice AGe�M r 1950 �N `G� Summary Listing UTILITY D Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 19917451 Fire Hydrants&Parts Paid by Check#113430 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 08/31/2023 09/06/2023 1,152.40 19909256 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 508.88 19920213 Water Meters&Parts Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 4,181.21 19922193 Pipe Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 531.35 19922199 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 4,069.99 19922208 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 735.20 19922602 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,972.75 Inventory 19922605 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 964.56 Inventory 19922611 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,562.52 19922612 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 334.80 19922614 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113507 09/05/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 463.76 19840566-2 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/06/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 259.43 39925937 Small Tools Paid by Check#113628 09/06/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 44.50 19922199-1 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 4,506.36 19925305 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 1,167.26 39916621 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/08/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 246.73 19922208-1 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113507 09/11/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 142.30 19929087 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113507 09/11/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 3,703.46 Inventory 39919386 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113541 09/11/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 197.84 19840566-3 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 713.44 19922208-2 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 121.20 39934954 Small Tools Paid by Check#113541 09/12/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 257.41 19922185 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113541 09/13/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,344.80 19922211 Couplings Omni Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 4,992.15 19938195 Pipe Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 1,744.35 19938199 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 4,757.51 19938203 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 700.98 19938208 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 7,450.54 Inventory 19938211 Small Brass Parts Inventory Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 435.86 19938219 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113541 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 301.24 19907000 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 7,263.67 Inventory 19908786-1 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,865.91 19916677 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 3,413.10 19917425 Fire Hydrants&Parts Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,743.98 19922185-1 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 2,998.54 19938208-1 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113628 09/18/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 572.24 Inventory 39767103 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113541 09/18/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 219.54 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 24 of 25 11 TA Payment of Claims _ Payment Date Range 08/30/23 - 09/27/23 m Report By Vendor - Invoice 1950 �� Summary Listing UTILITY D1 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 19917361 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113628 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 3,298.56 19917425-1 Fire Hydrants&Parts Paid by Check#113628 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,728.60 19943945 Valves Elbows Ts Flanges Paid by Check#113628 09/19/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,007.08 Inventory 19927041 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113628 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 1,073.36 39937557 Biosolids Equipment-Building Paid by Check#113628 09/20/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 4,998.66 19947842 Saddles&Fittings Inventory Paid by Check#113628 09/21/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 750.38 19922611-1 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check#113628 09/25/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 716.19 19950216 Pipe-Covers &Manholes Paid by Check#113628 09/25/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 877.61 Vendor 25850-WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Totals Invoices 57 $103,399.15 Vendor 42323-WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION 22-04A Keller Heavenly Water System Paid by Check#113629 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 112,500.00 Improvement 22-04AR Keller Heavenly Water System Paid by Check#113629 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (5,625.00) Improvement Retainage 23-09A Keller Heavenly Water System Paid by Check#113629 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 171,842.50 Improvement 23-09AR Keller Heavenly Water System Paid by Check#113629 08/31/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 (8,592.13) Improvement Retainage Vendor 42323-WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION Totals Invoices 4 $270,125.37 Vendor 40298-WILLIAMS INDUSTRIAL SALES CO 2023-303362-00 Shop Supplies Paid by Check#113508 09/07/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 339.29 Vendor 40298-WILLIAMS INDUSTRIAL SALES CO Totals Invoices 1 $339.29 Vendor 48781-WORLD OIL REFINING I500-00964439 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113509 08/31/2023 09/13/2023 09/30/2023 09/13/2023 100.00 Vendor 48781-WORLD OIL REFINING Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 50052-ALLEN ZALKIND 3529614 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check#113630 09/22/2023 09/27/2023 09/30/2023 09/27/2023 200.00 Vendor 50052-ALLEN ZALKIND Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49917-ZTEC SERVICES INC 1085 Service Contracts Paid by Check#113542 09/14/2023 09/20/2023 09/30/2023 09/20/2023 525.00 Vendor 49917-ZTEC SERVICES INC Totals Invoices 1 $525.00 Grand Totals Invoices 653 $3,830,603.06 Branded Screen Printing void chk# 113061 (588.03} Branded Screen Printing chic# 1133TO 588.03 Ariat void chl 112649 (269.64) Southb"Jest Gast void ch4, 113042 (26.63) 10.+05.+23 P.O.C. Total $ 3,830,306.89 Run by Erika Franco on 09/27/2023 12:38:02 PM Page 25 of 25 yOVTH TA s a A(/ ek,ef 1950 UTILITY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David Peterson, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Director Nick Haven, Director Shane Romsos, Vice President Nick Exline, Director Paul Hughes, General Manager REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 7, 2023 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:01 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: Vice President Romsos, Directors Haven, Sheehan, Exline Absent: President Peterson Staff: Paul Hughes, Keith Collins, Melonie Guttry, Julie Ryan, Trevor Coolidge, Donielle Morse, Greg Dupree, Dan Arce, Mark Seelos, Brent Goligoski, Heidi Baugh, Adrian Combes, Megan Colvey, Bren Borley, Shannon Chandler, Chris Skelly, Ryan Lee, Stephen Caswell, Lauren Benefield, Cliff Bartlett Guests: Rob Brueck, Hauge Brueck Associates LLP (HBA) 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 2. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: None 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Haven/Second Sheehan/Peterson Absent/Haven Yes/Romsos Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. WINTER STORMS EMERGENCY RESPONSE (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), continued the emergency action to respond to the Winter Storms Emergency pursuant to Resolution No. 3242-23. b. WATER AND SEWER RATE STUDIES (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Approved the proposal from HDR Engineering to conduct comprehensive water and sewer rate studies at the estimated cost of $59,825. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 7, 2023 PAGE -2 c. JUNE 30, 2023 PRELIMINARY FISCAL YEAR END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Paul Hughes, General Manager) Received and filed the June 30, 2023 Preliminary Income Statement and Balance Sheet Reports. d. 2023 FLAGPOLE 2- IROQUOIS 2 TANKS RECOATING PROJECT (Megan Colvey,Senior Engineer and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorized the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 to Farr Construction Corporation, dba Resource Development Group, in the amount $33,843. e. RAS PUMP STATION BUILDING REHABILITATION PROJECT (Megan Colvey,Senior Engineer) 1) Approved the proposed Scope of Work from Carollo Engineers, Inc., for engineering design services for the RAS Pump Station Building Rehabilitation Project; and 2) Authorized the General Manger to execute Task Order No. 30 to the Master Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $62,789. f. 2023 FILTERS NO. 3 AND NO. 4 REHABILITATION PROJECT (Megan Colvey,Senior Engineer) Authorized staff to advertise for Bids for the 2023 Filters No. 3 and No. 4 Rehabilitation Project. g. REBID 2023-2024 TANK COATINGS TOUCHUP PROJECT (Megan Colvey,Senior Engineer and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorized the General Manger to sign Notice of Completion to be filed with the El Dorado County Clerk for the REBID 2023-2024 Tank Coatings Touchup Project. h. CALPERS REQUIRED PAY LISTING BY POSITION (Greg Dupree,Accounting Manager) Adopted Resolution No. 3256-23 which incorporates the Pay Listing by Position for the pay listing effective August 31, 2023. i. KELLER-HEAVENLY WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 3 (Trevor Coolidge,Senior Engineer) 1) Approved DOWL's Proposal for continued permitting support on the Lookout Tank Access Road Project, in addition to construction and as-built services for the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project; and 2) Authorized the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 2 in an amount not to exceed $20,935. j. PURCHASE OF TWO 2023 PLUG-IN HYBRID SUV'S (Cliff Bartlett, Fleet/Equipment Supervisor) Approved the purchase of two new plug-in hybrid SUV's for the Engineering and Information Technology Departments through the State of California Department of General Services Contract in the total amount of approximately $82,570 including tax. k. PURCHASING POLICY UPDATE (Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Adopted Purchasing Policy Update I. RECEIVE AND FILE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (Greg Dupree, Accounting Manager) Received and filed Payment of Claims in the amount of $3,603,104.76. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 7, 2023 PAGE -3 m. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: August 17, 2023 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved August 17, 2023, Minutes 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION: None 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: a. Secondary Clarifier No. 1 Rehabilitation Project (Stephen Caswell, Principal Engineer) -Vice President Romsos opened the Public Hearing at 2:01 p.m. to receive public comments regarding the Secondary Clarifier No. 1 Rehabilition Project. Stephen Caswell provided details regarding the Secondary Clarifier No. 1 Rehabilitation Project and addressed questions from the Board. This project is considered substantially complex due to: 1) two or more different trades or subcontractors are anticipated to be involved in the construction of this project; 2) the project involves instrumentation, controls and/or mechanical equipment; 3) the construction schedule is a significant concern because of the compressed construction season within the Lake Thoe Basin. No public comments were received, and the Public Hearing was closed at 2:05 p.m. Moved Sheehan/Second Exline/Peterson Absent/Haven Yes/Romsos Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to pursuant to the facts, find the Project substantially complex and require a 10% retention limit; and authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for this Project. b. Wastewater Treatment Plant 1.339MW Solar Array (Julie Ryan, Engineering Department Manager)— Vice President Romsos opened the Public Hearing at 2:06 p.m. to receive public comments regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. Julie Ryan provided details regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant 1.339MW Solar Array and addressed questions from the Board. Rob Brueck with HBA provided information regarding the results of the environmental document. No public comments were received, and the Public Hearing was closed at 2:19 p.m. Moved Exline/Second Romsos/Peterson Absent/Haven Yes/Romsos Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; and, authorize the filing of a Notice of Determination with the El Dorado County Clerk. c. City of South Lake Tahoe - Barton Avenue and 2nd Street Drainage Project (Adrian Combes,Senior Engineer) -Adrian Combes provided information regarding the City of South Lake Tahoe - Barton Avenue and 2nd Street Drainage Project and addressed questions form the Board. Moved Haven/Second Romsos/Peterson Absent/Haven Yes/Romsos Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to authorize staff to reimburse the City of South Lake Tahoe up to $165,000 for relocation of District facilities. 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS: Vice President Romsos provide details regarding a Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) tour he attended with District staff and Congressman Kevin Kiley on August 31, 2023. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Haven reported that he received a call from an owner of multiple local laundry mats expressing his appreciation of the recent District policy change affecting commercial washer rates and the positive impact it has had on his business. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 7, 2023 PAGE -4 9. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Shelly Thomsen provided a legislative update including details from a tour with Congressman Kiley last week at DVR. Vice President Romsos thanked Trevor Coolidge, Shelly Thomsen and Paul Hughes for their excellent representation of the District throughout the tour. Shelly Thomsen further reported on progress made regarding the state's water budget and the issues involving seasonal population. The state has invited the District to be a presenter at one of their public hearings in October. Director Haven offered his assistance regarding collaboration with other agencies experiencing issues with regulation related to seasonal population. Dan Arce provided information regarding the Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) cyanobacteria bloom issue and addressed questions from the Board. This is a worldwide problem and not native to ICR. 10. INTERIM GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Paul Hughes reported on several items: • Provided a staffing update and introduced Donielle Morse, Grants Coordinator • Reviewed the list of General Manager goals that he had previously emailed to the Board 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS ADJOURNMENT: 3:05 p.m. Shane Romsos, Board Vice President South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/ Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Paul Hughes Yg5p Directors ��e� h'8ter 5outh Tahoe Nici<Haven Shane'Romsos _ David Peterson Public, Utility District Kelly$heehan NicK Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Stephen Caswell, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Recycled Water Strategic Plan REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve proposal from Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $425,367 for engineering services for the Recycled Water Strategic Plan Phase 2; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 31 to the Master Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. DISCUSSION: In October 2021, the Board authorized Phase 1 of the Recycled Water Strategic Plan with Carollo Engineers after District staff conducted a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The RFP requested identification of potential alternatives and a high-level feasibility screening of each of these alternatives as well as a detailed analysis of the most feasible alternatives. Because of the inherent difficulty in predicting how many alternatives will be deemed feasible, District staff and Carollo agreed to split the project into two phases. Phase 1 is currently wrapping up and will be finalized this fall. Phase 2 will be an in-depth evaluation of the current practices and 6 distinct alternatives. In addition, five system modifications that could apply to any alternative will be evaluated. Implementation plans will be developed for each alternative to outline the steps and approximate timeline the District would need to take to implement any alternative. Public outreach efforts will continue with both a stakeholder advisory group and public workshops to receive feedback from the community. A final Strategic Plan will be developed from the efforts of both phases. The Alternatives Evaluation is anticipated to be complete by May 2024, with the Strategic Plan finalized in September 2024. To continue seamless progress on the project, staff is requesting that the Board approve the proposal from Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $425,367 for engineering services for the Recycled Water Strategic Plan Phase 2 and authorize the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 31 to the Master Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. Stephen Caswell October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE: October 2023 -September 2024 COSTS: $425,367 ACCOUNT NO: 1030-4405/RECWMP BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $284,000 in 2023/24; $141,000 in 2024/25 ATTACHMENTS: Carollo Scope of Services and Fee Estimate CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES_ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 2880 Gateway Oaks Drive,Suite 300 Sacramento,California 95833 P 916-565-4888 arcaff &AVIV carollo.com September 27, 2023 Mr. Stephen Caswell, PE, Principal Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District(District) 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: STPUD Recycled Water Strategic Plan— Phase 2 Engineering Services Final Scope of Work Phase 2 — Engineering Services Scope of Work The STPUD Recycled Water Strategic Plan will provide a technically defensible strategy for the end use of the District's treated recycled water. This scope of work builds off the work completed in Phase 1. The Phase 2 tasks include Task 6 (Alternatives Evaluation), Task 7 (Public Outreach), Task 8 (Strategic Plan) and Task 9 (Project Management). Task 6: Alternatives Evaluation Task 6.1 — Develop more detailed analysis of the most feasible alternatives identified in Phase 1.The detailed analysis will consist of conceptual design of each of the feasible alternatives and will involve analysis of treatment and infrastructure as well as relevant physical conditions (water resources, hydrogeology, and geology). While not standalone alternatives,the system modifications will also be assessed as part of the alternatives evaluation. In addition, the detailed analysis will outline the regulatory and environmental elements of the project.The regulatory, environmental, and geotechnical subconsultants will contribute to the analyses.The alternatives will be compared to a "No Project" alternative and will include an evaluation of energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) production of each alternative. Task 6.2— Develop recommendations for improvements necessary to implement each alternative and applicable system modifications. Task 6.3— Develop planning level life-cycle costs and identify potential funding opportunities for each alternative and applicable system modifications. Costing should incorporate the value of the District's existing property and subtract any anticipated costs that might be avoided with replacement of current operations. Task 6.4—Develop an implementation plan for each alternative and applicable system modifications. Task 6.5—Compile findings from Tasks 6.1 through 6.4 for a stakeholder advisory group (SAG)workshop.The findings will include recommendations on the preferred strategy (developed in coordination with the District). The analysis and compilation of findings will include contributions from the regulatory, environmental, and geotechnical subconsultants. Task 6.6—Prepare Draft Technical Memorandum No. 3 summarizing the alternatives and system modifications evaluations and all relevant assumptions.The Draft Technical Memorandum No. 3 will incorporate input received from the SAG, the District, and the general public. Task 6.7—Hold a workshop with the District to review Draft Technical Memorandum No. 3. Task 6.8—Prepare Final Technical Memorandum No. 3 based on comments received in District workshop. 00030084 STP011 I STPUDRWStrategicPlanPh2SOW-LP0923(003).docx .a'r/1' it<;t•-' v. , , , _ . .. , ;..... � Mr. Stephen Caswell, PE South Tahoe Public Utility District September 27, 2023 Page 2 Deliverables: ■ Draft Technical Memorandum No. 3—Alternatives Evaluation ■ Final Technical Memorandum No. 3 —Alternatives Evaluation Assumptions: ■ Up to six alternatives (in addition to the "No Project" alternative)will be evaluated as part of this task.There is a range of effort associated with the analysis of these alternatives based on the complexity of the alternative, with Alternatives 2 and 3 as generally less complex in comparison to Alternatives 4, 6A, 613, and 7B.These alternatives include: Alternative 2—Expanded Secondary 23 Recycled Water Reuse in Alpine County-Analysis will include assessment of reuse expansion, relying primarily on existing treatment and infrastructure. Alternative 3—Expanded Reuse via Disinfected Tertiary Recycled Water Reuse in Alpine County-Analysis will include treatment upgrades and additional conveyance infrastructure. » Alternative 4—Discharge to West Fork Carson River:Analysis will require coordination with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board(LRWQCB), Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP), NV State Engineer, Carson Water Subconservancy District, determination of potential permit conditions given the West Fork Vision Project, and assessment of treatment upgrades to meet anticipated permit requirements. » Alternative 6A —Expanded Reuse in Nevada via discharge to Indian Creek:Analysis will require coordination with LRWQCB, NDEP, and NV State Engineer, determination of potential permit conditions (and potential flexibility in governing water quality objectives), and assessment of treatment upgrades to meet anticipated permit requirements. » Alternative 6B—Expanded Reuse in Nevada via discharge to Mud Lake:Analysis will require coordination with NDEP and NV State Engineer, and determination of potential permit conditions for an unclassified waterbody, assessment of treatment upgrades to meet anticipated permit requirements, and evaluation of conveyance infrastructure. Alternative 7B—Conveyance to Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority(DCLTSA) and Reuse in NV- Analysis will require coordination with NDEP and DCLTSA, determination of potential permit conditions, assessment of treatment upgrades to meet anticipated permit requirements, and evaluation of conveyance infrastructure. ■ Up to 5 system modifications, associated with several of the alternatives, will be included in this task.These modifications include: Export System Energy Recovery- This analysis will rely primarily on Carollo's 2072 analysis of the hydroelectric facility and potential energy recovery opportunities. » Urban Fire Protection— This analysis will be relatively limited and will primarily include documentation of the assessment that has already been completed in the Phase 1 scope. » Tunneling— This analysis will include assessing opportunities for trenchless tunneling along new or existing pipeline alignments. The concept of a regional tunnel will be addressed at a high level, including the assessment of subsurface conditions and associated potential impacts on tunneling feasibility. » Split Treatment— The concept of split treatment will be incorporated as an option for the alternatives that include requirements for treatment upgrades. Mr. Stephen Caswell, PE South Tahoe Public Utility District September 27, 2023 Page 3 Constructed Wetlands— The analysis of constructed wetlands will be considered as part of any alternatives that involve conveyance of effluent into Alpine County. The concepts of treatment wetlands and/or a wetlands mitigation bank will be evaluated. ■ The implementation plan will include conceptual layouts for the six alternatives (in addition to the existing system alternative) with rough footprint and rough infrastructure alignments. ■ Level 5 planning-level cost estimates will be based on previous projects and flow scaling. High-level operations and maintenance (O&M) costs will be based on similar projects. The energy and GHG analysis will focus on comparing the major differences between the alternatives and will not reflect a complete analysis of operational energy consumption and GHG emissions. ■ Selection of the preferred strategy will be based on established evaluation criteria developed in collaboration with the District team. ■ In addition to cost, energy, and GHG emissions, the evaluation criteria will also include the suite of criteria used for the screening analysis (technical, legal [based on Phase 1 analysis], regulatory, financial, sustainability, natural resources, political considerations, and public acceptance, etc.). ■ The District workshop will be virtual. ■ The budget for the SAG Workshop is included in Task 7. Task 7: Public Outreach Task 7.1 —Conduct one SAG workshop to present task findings and receive feedback. Task 7.2—Conduct one public workshop to present task findings and receive feedback. Task 7.3—Additional coordination meetings with NDEP, NV State Engineer(water rights), Carson Water Subconservancy District, DCLTSA, and LRWQCB. Deliverables: ■ SAG workshop presentation materials, set-up, sign-in, meeting notes, and comment/response log. ■ Public workshop presentation materials, set-up, sign-in, meeting notes, and comment/response log. ■ Coordination meeting materials and notes. Assumptions: ■ The SAG workshop will be conducted as an in-person workshop (with option for virtual participation). ■ The public workshop will be conducted as an in-person workshop (with option for virtual participation). ■ District facilities will be used to provide virtual participation in the workshops, as needed. ■ One additional meeting with each of the following agencies: NDEP, NV State Engineer (water rights), Carson Water Subconservancy District, DCLTSA, and LRWQCB. Task 8: Strategic Plan Task 8.1 — Prepare Draft Recycled Water Strategic Plan detailing project objectives; alternatives considered; process for identification, screening, and evaluation of alternatives; and final recommendations for District action. Mr. Stephen Caswell, PE South Tahoe Public Utility District September 27, 2023 Page 4 Task 8.2—Conduct a workshop with the District to review the Draft Recycled Water Strategic Plan. Task 8.3— Prepare Final Recycled Water Strategic Plan, based on District comments received in District workshop. Task 8.4— Present findings to the District's Board. Deliverables: ■ Draft Recycled Water Strategic Plan. ■ Final Recycled Water Strategic Plan. ■ District Board presentation materials. Assumptions: ■ The Recycled Water Strategic Plan will consist of a summary report that compiles the findings of the technical memorandums developed in Tasks 1 through 4, 6 and 7, with the original technical memorandums included as appendices. Public and SAG meeting materials and minutes will also be included as appendices. ■ The Recycled Water Strategic Plan will include the recommended alternatives, along with any system modifications, and a decision matrix or flow chart that identifies key points of flexibility if conditions or drivers change. ■ The District workshop will be virtual. ■ The Board presentation will be in-person. It is assumed that the Board presentation will be open to the public. Task 9: Project Management Task 9.1 —Conduct monthly calls to coordinate with the District on project tasks and deliverables. Task 9.2— Prepare invoices and monthly progress reports. Schedule The proposed schedule assumes a notice to proceed on October1, 2023, with completion no later than September 30, 2024.Approximately timeframes for key deliverables include: ■ May 2024—TM 3 Alternatives Evaluation. ■ August 2024— Recycled Water Strategic Plan. Budget The proposed budget for the Phase 2 scope of work is $425,367 (see attachment A). Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. �"_ � % Elisa Garvey, PhD, PE Beverly Hann, PE Project Manager Principal-in-Charge Attachment A 00030084 STP011 I STPUDRWStrategicPlanPh2SOW-LP0923(003).docx .a'ril' it<;t•.. - ". �, ...,..:.::::.. - - STPUD Recycled Water Strategic Plan Phase 2 Fee Estimate Permitting,Environmental Assessment, Carollo Public Outreach Geotech and dro eolo Energy/Emissions ODCs Total Technical- Misc Costs Treatment Technical- Technical- Document Total Labor+ Total Total Total Total Total Total Subs and Tech Advisors PIC PM PE Processes Infrastructure EnergyGIS Graphics ProcessingHours Labor PECE PECE Hours labor Geotech H droGeo Hours Labor Hours Labor Total Subs MarkupPrintingMiles Mileage Total ODCs C E H m O O O Cr O q Y L N 'O Y O E E E? 9 O E 1= xo a` - uo c a` m ae m` z W a 2023 Rates $347 $ 347 $301 $301 $272 $254 $ 272 $ 301 $ 272 $ 347 $ 208 $149 $ 157 $ 139 $ 14 $95 $95 $ 130 $ 255 $ 235 $325 $ 225 $ 150 5.0D% 0.56 2024 Escalated Rates $368 $ 368 $319 $319 $289 $270 $ 289 $ 319 $ 289 $ 368 $ 220 $153 $ 166 $ 147 PHASE/TASK/SUBTASK PHASE 2 Task 6 Alternatives Evaluation 6.10etailed analysis 0 0 0 0 30 24 16 12 20 16 36 0 0 0 154 $ 40,700 $ 2,156 $ 42,856 4 4 0 8 $ 760 24 24 48 $11,760 6 16 120 142 $ 23,550 $ 36,070 $ 1,804 $ 0 $ - $ 1,804 $ 80,730 6.2 Recommended Improvements 0 0 1 8 0 1 4 24 16 1 12 20 16 36 24 0 0 160 $ 39,492 $ 2,240 $ 41,7321 0 0 1 0 0 $ 8 4 12 $ 2,980 0 0 0 0 $ $ 2,980 $ 149 $ 0 $ - $ 149 $ 44,861 6.3 Planning level cost estimates 0 0 0 0 16 20 16 8 12 0 40 4 0 0 116 $ 30,080 $ 1,624 $ 31,704 0 0 0 0 $ 8 24 32 $ 7,680 0 0 0 0 $ $ 7,680 $ 384 $ 0 $ - $ 384 $ 39,768 6.4 Implementation Plan 0 0 8 0 28 16 20 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 112 1$ 30,888 1$ 1,568 $ 32,456 0 0 0 0 $ 8 4 12 $ Z980 2 8 12 22 $ 4,250 $ 7,230 $ 362 $ 0 $ - $ 362 $ 40,048 6.5 Compile recommendations for SAG& 2 2 2 4 8 18 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 48 $ 13,750 $ 672 $ 14,422 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 2 8 20 30 $ 5,450 $ 5,450 $ 273 $ 0 $ - $ 273 $ 20,145 6.6 Draft Memo#3 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 22 1 8 0 0 0 20 8 12 12 88 $ 19,426 $ 1,232 $ 20,658 1 0 0 0 0 $ 6 6 12 $ 2,940 0 0 0 0 $ $ 2,940 $ 147 $ 0 $ - $ 147 $ 23,745 6.7 Alternatives Evaluation Workshop with District 0 0 0 2 4 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 $ 5,650 $ 280 $ 5,930 1 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 5,930 6.8 Final Memo#3 0 0 0 0 2 12 4 1 0 0 0 10 4 4 8 1 44 $ 9,626 $ 616 $ 10,242 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 10,242 Task Total 2 2 18 8 96 146 92 40 60 32 170 40 16 20 742 $ 189,612 $ 10,388 $ 200,000 4 4 0 8 $ 760 54 62 116 $28,340 10 32 152 194 $ 33,250 $ 62,350 $ 3,118 0 0 $ - $ 3,118 $ 265,468 Task 7 Public Outreach 7.1 SAG Worksho 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 6 10 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 23 $ 6,148 $ 322 $ 6,470 30 20 2 1 52 $ 5,010 0 0 0 1$ 0 4 0 4 $ 900 $ 5,910 $ 296 $ 285 $ 160 $ 455 $ 12,835 7.2 Publ is Workshop 1 0 0 0 2 6 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 23 $ 6,148 $ 322 $ 6,470 104 80 6 190 $18,260 1 0 0 0 $ 0 2 0 2 $ 450 $ 18,710 $ 936 $ 285 $ 160 $ 1,095 $ 26,275 7.35 edfic SAG Meet!n s 5 0 0 0 0 24 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 64 $ 17,736 $ 896 $ 18,632 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 18,632 Task Total 0 0 0 4 36 60 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 110 $ 30,032 $ 1,540 $ 31,572 134 100 8 242 $23,270 0 0 0 $ 0 6 0 6 $ 1,3S0 $ 24,620 $ 1,231 0 570 $ 319 $ 1,550 $ 57,742 Task 8Strategic Plan 8.1 Draft Strategic Plan 0 0 0 0 32 60 20 0 1 0 0 40 0 0 12 164 $ 41,792 $ 2,296 $ 44,088 8 1 8 1 4 20 $ 2,040 0 0 0 1$ 4 8 12 24 $ 4,900 $ 6,940 1$ 347 $ 0 $ - $ 347 $ 51,375 8.2 Strategic Plan Review Workshop with District 0 0 0 2 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 $ 6,190 $ 308 $ 6,498 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 6,498 8.3 Final Strategic Plan 0 0 1 0 0 16 20 8 0 0 0 20 0 0 8 72 $ 17,912 $ 1,008 $ 18,920 2 2 0 4 $ 380 0 0 0 $ 2 4 1 4 10 $ 2,150 $ 2,530 $ 127 1$ 0 $ - $ 127 $ 21,577 8.4 Presentation to Board 0 0 0 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 16 0 52 $ 11,668 $ 728 $ 12,396 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 1 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 12,396 Task Total 0 0 0 10 72 92 28 0 0 0 60 12 16 20 310 $ 77,562 1$ 4,340 $ 81,902 10 10 4 24 $ 2,420 0 0 0 $ 6 12 16 34 $ 7,050 $ 9,470 $ 474 0 0 $ - $ 474 $ 91,846 Task 9 Project Manan ement 9.1 Monthly Calls 0 0 0 0 10 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 $ 6,530 $ 350 $ 6,880 0 0 0 0 1$ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 6,880 9.2 Progress Reporting 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 $ 3,264 $ 168 $ 3,432 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ - $ $ 3,432 Task Total 0 t 0 0 0 22 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 $ 9,794 $ 518 $ 10,312 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ 0 0 $ - $ $ 10,312 Phase 2Total 2 2 18 22 226 313 124 40 60 32 230 52 38 40 1199 $ 307,000 $ 16,786 $ 323,786 148 114 12 274 $26.450 54 62 116 $28,340 16 50 168 234 $ 41,650 $ 96,4401$ 4,9221 0 570 1$ 319 $ 5,141 $ 425,367 00030084 STP011 I STPUDRWStrategicPlanPh2SOW-LP0923(003).docx r,. General Manager Paul Hughes Directors 1 19510 Water NICK Haven uf a h ShaneRomsos V �� David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Public, Utility District NicKExline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-0474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Water Meter Installation Project- Property Corner Restoration REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve the proposed Scope of Work from Lumos & Associates for professional surveying services to replace property corners disturbed by water meter projects; and (2) Authorize the General Manager to execute Task Order No. 18 in an amount not to exceed $359,380. DISCUSSION: The District has invested over$21,000,000 to install approximately 10,000 water meters on meter installation projects over the past 10 years to meet the State's metering mandates and to promote water conservation. Meters are typically installed adjacent to the existing water service valve (curb stop), located at the property line of a customer's parcel. In some instances, the meter installation work results in a property corner survey marker being disturbed during the course of excavation. In California, replacement of a survey marker must be completed and documented by a licensed surveyor for recording with the County Surveyor's office. The District has compiled a list of 158 property markers that require restoration. In 2021, Lumos & Associates (Lumos), a regional surveying and engineering consultant, submitted a statement of qualifications and scored highly for their experience in the Tahoe Basin. The District awarded a small task order to Lumos to replace 5 property markers to evaluate how to best contract for the larger remaining list of survey markers. The District and Lumos found that the level of effort for a given survey marker was highly variable depending on available records and nearby reference markers, making the work most effectively performed on a time and materials basis. Lumos was efficient in the restoration of pins in 2021 and the work was well received by the County Surveyor. Due to the meter installation projects being largely complete, and the missing markers being a source of complaints from both customers and surveyors, Staff recommends award of a task order to complete the restoration of the Coolidge Page 2 October 5, 2023 remaining property markers throughout the District's water service area that were disturbed by the meter projects. The work will be performed by Lumos & Associates on a time & materials basis as Task Order No. 18 under the current Master Services Agreement for Consulting Services. Attached are a proposal and fee estimate from Lumos not to exceed $359,380. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: $359,380.00 ACCOUNT NO: 2030-8079 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: Lumos Proposal and Fee Estimate CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES_ / NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO L Carson City El Dorado Hills Fallon Lake Tahoe Reno www.LumosInc.com Lake Tahoe 312 Dorla Court, Suite 202 1 PO Box 890 LUMOS Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448 775.588.6490 August 30, 2023 LA23.756 Mr. Trevor Coolidge, PE South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Via email: tcoolidge@stpud.dst.ca.us Subject; REVISED 2023 Land Survey Proposal for Property Corner Replacements South Tahoe Public Utility District, South Lake Tahoe, CA Dear Trevor: Lumos and Associates, Inc. (LUMOS) is pleased to provide you with this proposal for land surveying services to replace multiple property corner monuments that have been disturbed or removed by the District's water meter project. Project Understanding The proposed project is within the service area of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) in the South Lake Tahoe area of El Dorado County, California. It is our understanding that the scope of work for this project will be to ultimately replace as many as 158 such property corners currently identified by STPUD as needing replacement. Project History In October of 2021, LUMOS contracted with STPUD to replace an initial set of corners along Skyline Drive in Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 14. These initial corners had been identified to serve as a "pilot" project for the replacement of these specific corners only. The work was completed and a Record of Survey was filed with El Dorado County in March of 2022 in Book 38 of Surveys at Page 22. The intent with pursuing a "pilot" project was to allow both LUMOS and STPUD to evaluate the cost and the procedures involved for the purpose of addressing additional work. The contract amount was $4,000 plus review and recording fees. The actual billable time for the work performed by LUMOS was $7,857, which equates to $1,571 for each of the five corners set. STPUD was only billed for the contract amount. The efforts of the "pilot" project were well received by the El Dorado County Surveyor's office as a professional effort to replace and document the missing corners lost to the water meter project. As a result of the above information, we propose the Scope of Services for the project found on the following page. August 30, 2023 Page 2 Project Scope — Property Corner Replacement LUMOS will perform field surveys sufficient to replace each of the designated 158 remaining property corners listed on the spreadsheet data provided by the District. Each property corner will be replaced and monumented in accordance with the requirements of the California Land Surveyors Act. Upon completion of the field work for each corner, a determination will be made as to whether a single Corner Record will prepared for each corner, or whether a Record of Survey drawing will be prepared for a group of corners as was done in the 2021 "pilot" project. Corner Records can only be utilized when the location of the re-established corner is substantially consistent with the existing public record information for the subject property. If material discrepancies are found between the existing adjoining property corners and the information found in the public record, a Record of Survey will be required. A Record of Survey may also be considered as a preferred option to individual Corner Records when a group of re-established property corners can be combined into one exhibit, as was done in the 2021 'pilot" project. Both Corner Records and Record of Surveys are reviewed by the El Dorado County Surveyor. The Corner Records are indexed and kept by the County Surveyor, and the Record of Surveys are filed with the County Recorder. All review and recording fees will be paid by the District. Estimated Hourly Fees, For Each Corner: Calculations (Pre & Post Initial Survey) 2hr @ $135/hr $270.00 Field Survey (Control & Set Corner— 2 visits) Or @ $330/hr** 1,320.00 Prepare Corner Record 2hr @ $135/hr 270.00 Supervision 390.00 Total $2,250.00 ** Indicates the hourly rate for a two-person crew required to satisfy CA DIR prevailing wage rates for El Dorado County. The above fees are simply estimates. Work will be billed strictly on an hourly basis. Hourly rates are inclusive of vehicle, equipment, and any other incidental charges. The hourly rates for the anticipated contract period are shown on the attached fee calculator spreadsheet. There will be opportunities for savings when corners are grouped in close proximity to one another. It is our anticipation that we will work on setting multiple corners concurrently within specific neighborhoods. There will obviously be times when conflicting evidence between adjoining corners will require greater effort, and therefore, more time for each corner. Invoices will be generated monthly for work completed during that billing period. Lumos will provide information relating to the number of points set, records completed, and work in progress during each billing cycle. August 30, 2023 Page 3 Ell Dorado County Fees LUMOS will pay the El Dorado County review fees, and pass those costs to STPUD with a 15% processing fee added to the actual fee amounts. Those fees, not including the 15%, are as follows: Corner Record Review $17 for each record Record of Survey Review $135 for a 1-sheet map Recording fee for Record of Survey $94 for a 1-sheet map Schedule — LUMOS will be able to begin the field surveys, immediately upon approval of a contract. We will work on the project, in conjunction with our other previously committed contracts, until significant snowfall this fall. Work will resume upon snowmelt in the spring of 2024. It is anticipated that all 158 corners can be set before significant snowfall in the fall of 2024. Corner Records or Record of Survey drawings will be submitted to El Dorado County upon completion of the field work for each corner, or set of corners. Supervision &Certification All work will be performed under the direction of a California licensed Professional Land Surveyor, license number L-9129. Field work will be scheduled and supervised by Michael Craven, PLS CA L-9685, from the Tahoe office. Thank you for allowing Lumos and Associates to provide you with this proposal. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rick Byrem, PLS CA L-9129 Survey Project Manager Cc: Greg Phillips, PLS,WRS, Director-Surveying Division Michael Craven, PLS, Survey Project Manager-Tahoe Office Page 1 LA23.756 Fee Estimate Spreadsheet Project Name: 2023 South Tahoe Public Utility District Property Corner Replacement Proposal/Job No: LA23.756 Date: 30-Aug-23 By: Rick Byrem FEE SCHEDULE: Contract Rates through 12/31/2024 PW is 2 man rate set per El Dorado County Prevaling Wage Rates Control: *County Fees include 15%processing mark-up 2 Man Crew COUNTY Task Survey Tech 3 Project Manager PW FEES* Grand Total 135 $/hr 210$/hr 330$/hr Office/ Prep 316 hr Field Work 632 hr Documentation 316 hr Supervision 290 hr Total Hours 632 hr 290 hr 632 hr 1,554 hi TOTALS $85,320.00 $60,900.00 $208,560.00 $4,600.00 $359,380.OL See letter proposal dated 813012023 for project assumptions and details. L:\Marketing\Proposals\2023 Proposals\LA23.756-STPUD 2023 Corner Rep l ace ments\LA23.756 Fee Estimate Spreadsheet General Manager Paul Hughes South Tahoe Directors e( w8t Nici<Haven Shaneltomsos David Peterson public Utility District Kelly$heehan Nick Exline 1275 Meadow Crest Prive•South Lake Tahoe■CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www otpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager MEETING DATE: October 5, 2023 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Storage System Upgrade REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Waive formal bidding procedures as allowed for in the District's Purchasing Policy when an item is economically preferable to match or be compatible with other equipment presently on hand and the purchase is made from the supplier who supplied such equipment; and 2) Authorize the purchase of a new Nimble SAN and compatible server and switching infrastructure from Cadence Team in the total amount (includes tax) of $189,084.84. DISCUSSION: The Information Technology (IT) Department is requesting the Board recognize the purchase of a new Nimble SAN and server infrastructure as exempt from formal bidding procedures and authorize the purchase of the quoted storage upgrades from Cadence Team (Cadence). This purchase will allow IT to continue to use the District's existing Nimble in order to better support disaster recovery plans; support business continuity goals; provide additional storage space for projects like the sewer pipe inspection efforts; and continue to have the low cost of ownership that has been proven by Nimble in the past. In respect to staff time in managing and troubleshooting the current Nimble, the cost of ownership has been effectively zero. Nimble has the best customer service experience on the market because they keep constant contact with each system, monitoring for space, failed drives, configuration issues, virtual machine issues and more. When an issue is detected, Nimble automatically opens a case, and in the event of a failed drive, automatically ships the drive to the District, calls to confirm the drive has arrived and offers over the phone assistance replacing the failed drive. This could happen in the middle of the night and the drive could be shipped out before the IT Department notices the failed drive in the morning. It is because of this experience with Nimble, IT staff has been able to focus on other projects instead of being stuck managing and operating a more complex storage solution saving time and money. Keeping with the Nimble SAN product line will allow us to leverage our existing infrastructure to improve our Disaster Recovery processes. Purchasing a new Nimble Chris Skelly October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 SAN will allow the current Nimble and requested Nimble to replicate data between each other automatically. The current Nimble can be moved to Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) where the IT Department can replicate existing mission critical servers and data to DVR. The District would need to purchase two storage units from another manufacturer to get this some functionality. This same technology will allow the migration our 34 Terabytes (1 TB = 1000 GB) of data to the new Nimble SAN effortlessly as the current SAN and new SAN can be configured to do this transfer automatically and without downtime for District staff or overtime for the IT department. Authorizing the purchase to Cadence Team will provide the District with the best price and because Cadence has been hired by the District in the past for complex network design and implementation, the intimate existing knowledge Cadence has of the District's network infrastructure, virtual infrastructure, and security policies, will allow the installation to proceed without the need to retrain a vendor. In the technology market, vendors can use a purchasing avenue called a "deal registration." Typically, hardware manufacturers will only grant one deal registration per customer per project to a vendor and Cadence has that deal registration for the District's SAN Upgrade project. This deal registration provides Cadence (a certified small business) the ability to compete with bigger resellers and transfer some additional savings to the District. In summary, staff feels this purchase is exempt from the formal competitive solicitation process due to item #2 in the District's purchasing policy "when the item is required or is economically preferable to match or be compatible with other furnishings, materials, or equipment presently on hand, and the purchase is made from the manufacturer or supplier who supplied other such furnishings, materials or equipment." The new SAN is required to be compatible with the District's current SAN in order to have robust backup recovery and business continuity infrastructure. It would also save staff time because of the familiar interface, current knowledge of the hardware and proven track record of being easy to manage and fast to repair. This item has been reviewed by the District's Purchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: Placed into production before June 30, 2024 COSTS: $189,084.40 ACCOUNT NO: 20.56.8251, 20.56.8411, 10.56.8325 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $190,000 ATTACHMENTS: Quote CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YESt NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES_ NO Cadence Team,Inc Phone:844.934.8326 Remittance Address: cence. Fax:844.923.5878 4010 Foothills Blvd,Ste 103 PMB205 TEAM '^�'^w.cadence.team Roseville,CA 95747 Company: STPUD Date: 9/19/2023 Expiration: 10/19/2023 Attn: Chris Skelly Shipping Method: NA Sales Rep: Jeremy Caudill Project: DHCI Est.Delivery: TBD Direct: 916.710.8264 Contract#: NASPO#AR2882 Terms: NET30 Email: jeremy@cadence.team Part Number Description Qty. List Price Unit Price Extended Tx Disc Server Hardware UCID:5134605663-02 DHCI Solution 1 0% Refer to BOM HIDE ProLiant DL360 Gent 8SFF INC Configure-to-order 3 $52,843.00 $7,398.02 $22,194.06 T 86 Server Server Support 5 Years HIRE 5Y Tech Care Essential SVC 3 $9,557.00 $7,645.60 $22,936.80 N 20 ToR Switches Aruba 8360-16Y2C v2 Power to Port Airflow 3 Fans 2 Power 2 $29,955.00 $9,585.60 $19,171.20 T 68 Supply Units HPE Attached Bundle J9996A Aruba 2-port 40GbE QSFP+v3 z12 Module 2 $9,649.00 $4,824.50 $9,649.00 T 50 JH235A HPE X242 40G QSFP+to QSFP+3m DAC Cable 4 $661.00 $330.50 $1,322.00 T 50 Switch Support 5 Years HPE Aruba 8360 12/16/24p Support 2 $24,211.00 $19,368.80 $38,737.60 N 20% Cables Cables 1 $20,649.00 $6,607.68 $6,607.68 T 68% Storage HPE Nimble Storage c1HCI with Alletra 5010 Configure-to-order 1 $176,331.81 $22,923.14 $22,923.14 T 87 Base Array Storage Support 5 Years HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential Service 1 $56,230.00 $44,984.00 $44,984.00 N 20 Professional Services HPE Technical Installation Startup SVC 1 $16,792.00 $8,396.00 $8,396.00 N 50% 1-1 Cadence Team-Installation and Configuration 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 N 0 Credit 1 ($20,000.00) -$20,000.00 -$20,000.00 C 0% Sub Total: $81,867.08 Non Taxable: $120,054.40 Tax: $7,163.37 Credit: -$20,000.00 Freight: $0.00 Total: $189,084.84 Tax Rate: 8.750 Attachment to Board Agenda Item 10a you-rH TA110 AGe`,C UTILITY South Tahoe Public Utility District NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attn: Bren Borley, 530.543.6285 SOLICITATION NUMBER: RFP-23-24-IT01 SOLICITATION RELEASE DATE: October 5, 2023 PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: November 2, 2023,AT 2:00 p.m. (PST) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is seeking proposals for the redesign of our organization's website, https://stpud.us/. Respondents must FIRST register online to access all solicitation documents related to this Request for Proposals (RFP). As a registered vendor within the District's vendor database, you will be automatically notified of Q & A alerts, updates and addenda. The PlanetBid-Portal Button provided on the District's 'Request for Proposals' web page (link provided below) is the entry to the Registration/Vendor Profile and Bid Opportunities modules. Registration is free and immediate. Table of Contents NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.........................................................................................................1 ELECTRONIC (E-BID) SUBMITTALS.................................................................................................................2 NEW VENDOR REGISTRATION .........................................................................................................2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPLOADING PROPOSALS ELECTRONICALLY....................................................3 PLACINGan eBID..............................................................................................................................3 SECTION 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................5 SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................................................................5 SECTION 3. PROJECT SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................9 SECTION 4. PROJECT BUDGET......................................................................................................................9 SECTION 5. PROJECT SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION AND REQUIREMENTS....................................................9 SECTION 6. SELECTION CRITERIA AND AWARD PROCESS...........................................................................11 SECTION 7. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER........................................................................................21 SECTION 8. DISTRICT PROVIDED FORMS ....................................................................................................22 EXHIBIT B - COST PROPOSAL FORM..................................................................................22 Exhibit D- Notice of"No Proposal Submittal"..................................................................23 EXHIBIT E - RESPONDENT SIGNATURE/COVER PAGE......................................................24 EXHIBIT H— NONCOLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED........................................25 EXHIBIT I—CERTIFICATION OF INSURABILITY...................................................................26 EXHIBIT J - BIDDER DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS.................................................................27 EXHIBIT K—CLIENT REFERENCES ......................................................................................28 EXHIBIT L- DEVIATIONS and/or EXCEPTIONS FORM........................................................30 EXHIBIT M —SUBCONTRACTOR STATEMENT....................................................................31 EXHIBIT N—MASTER AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES .....................................32 1 ELECTRONIC (E-BID) SUBMITTALS All questions, inquiries and comments regarding this solicitation must be submitted in writing via the PlanetBids (PBTM) online system no later than Friday, October 19th, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at https://stpud.us using the"Questions and Answer"tab.Answers provided by the District will be answered using the PBTM online system. Respondents are responsible for obtaining the solicitation and any attachments from the District's PlanetBidsTM online system linked at https://stpud.us. Respondents are required to review the entire solicitation package before submitting questions. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Respondent to verify issuance of any addenda and to check all avenues of document availability prior to the opening date and time. By submitting a proposal,the Respondent shall be deemed to have received all addendums and to have incorporated them into its proposal.All such addenda shall become a part of the resulting contract and all Respondents shall be bound by such addenda whether or not received by the Respondent. Solicitation Release Date:OCTOBER 5,2023 NEW VENDOR REGISTRATION To ensure successful vendor registration,follow these steps: 1. Go to the District's official website https://stpud.us 2. Choose the Doing Businesses banner. Choose Request for Proposals option. https://stpud.us/doing-business/request-for-consultant-proposals/ 3. Choose titled, [South Tahoe Public Utility District Vendor Portal]. You will have entered into the PlanetBids Vendor Portal. New Vendor Registration Bid Opportunities 46 rs ]i News&Events X- 4. Choose [New Vendor Registration]. Create your own username/password. When completing your company profile, choose as many commodity codes that are representative of the products and services your company offers.The database only allows one (1) email address. If your company has a common group email address, it is recommended a company (group) email address be used instead of an individual's email address to ensure all company sales and/or procurement staff are automatically notified by the system (based on the commodity codes chosen) that the District is seeking bids or proposals. Otherwise, be sure to share the email address used with co-workers. Download the Vendor Portal User Guide for instructions on editing a vendor profile and/or view a Bid Detail. 2 Note: Vendors will not be able to access the BID OPPORTUNITIES module until successful vendor registration has been completed. INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPLOADING PROPOSALS ELECTRONICALLY 1. On the Vendor Portal page, log into the system (lower right hand corner of screen) with your assigned user name and password. (You must be registered in order to download documents and submit a bid proposal.) Choose [Bid Opportunities] and then on the Bid/Invitation Number and Description that you wish to bid on. The selected bid will open to allow you to access all tabs, documents and the pricing sheet, if applicable. 2. Choose the [Documents&Attachments]tab to be sure you have downloaded all documents that are part of this bid. NOTE: If you have not already downloaded all bid documents,you must download them now, in order to submit your bid.The screen will indicate which documents you've already downloaded. 3. Choose the tab [Addenda&Emails]to be sure you have read and acknowledged all addenda that have been issued for this bid. NOTE: The screen will display "yes" or "no" next to each addendum (if applicable) to indicate whether you have viewed and acknowledged it. If you have not previously acknowledged an addendum, do so now by clicking on the addendum to open and read it, then click on the [Acknowledge] button on the lower left hand corner of screen. PLACING an eBID 4. On the Bid Detail Page, the bid will state if the response format is Electronic, Electronic & Paper or Paper only. To place/upload a bid proposal electronically, click on [Place eBid] on the lower right corner of the screen. The bid "Terms and Conditions" will pop up with a button for you to click [Accept]to acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the bid. 5. Enter the Respondent information on the [Detail] tab. 6. Go to the [Attachments] tab and click the [ATTACH] button to upload your bid proposal. The District will provide a Response File to be used to submit a response (proposal) in a separate file. The District may add-on or allows General Attachments (often renamed to specifically request certain type(s) of information, i.e., cost proposal, marketing materials, etc.) Note: If only one Response File is offered, all requested information must be uploaded as one (1) document. It is not necessary to use all General Attachments that may be offered. 7. When you have finished uploading(eBid)your proposal,choose the[Save]button.This saves your bid proposal as a draft for you to review or revise as needed anytime up to the bid submittal deadline. When you are ready to submit your bid proposal, choose the [Submit] button. You will receive a confirming message that looks like this: Bid Successfully Submitted Thank You! Your bid has been successfully submitted to South Tahoe Public Utility District. Bid Confirmation#nnnnn (Date and Time) Your eBid can be edited or withdrawn at any time prior to bid Closing. [Summary] [OK] NOTE: E-Bids are sealed and cannot be viewed by the District until the closing date and time.As noted above, if you need to withdraw your bid, you may do so any time before the bid 3 deadline by going back into the system and selecting [withdraw]. Please enter your bid proposal in sufficient time to complete and submit it prior to the stated deadline. The official closing time for the bid is determined, and controlled, by the electronic clock in the bid management system. Once the deadline is reached, the system will not allow any bids to be submitted, and any in processes that are not completed will be rejected. The amount of time required to enter and submit your bid depends on the complexity of the bid and the processing speed of your server and internet connections. Technical Support In the event you encounter technical difficulties during the uploading process, please contact the PlanetBids, Bids Online system team as shown below Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. support@planetbids.com or call (818) 992-1771 Ext. 0 - Monday - Friday, between 7am and Spm (Pacific), excluding statutory U.S. holidays. Bid prices must be entered and required documents uploaded to the PlanetBids system no later than the date and time indicated on the cover sheet of the Solicitation. No late bids will be accepted. No other method of bid submittal will be accepted. 4 SECTION 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW The South Tahoe Public Utility District(District) is seeking proposals for the redesign of our organization's website, https://stpud.us/. The purpose of this project is to create a more user-friendly, modern, and functional website that aligns with our organization's objectives and state regulations. The proposed solution should encompass various design and functional enhancements, integrations with specific platforms, and improved content management. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Overview. Contractor to provide the following for the https://stpud.us/website, including but not limited to website hosting, website development, and regular website maintenance. 2. Web Hosting. Contractor shall be responsible for the secure hosting of the https://stpud.us/ website based on the following standards: a) Contractor shall host a website with the complex traffic levels of https://stpud.us/. Contractor shall provide STPUD with uptime of 99.99 percent and has sufficient bandwidth and storage to support STPUD's needs. Additionally, website shall be scalable to support future needs. b) The Contractor shall be responsible for the migration of all content and structure on the STPUD website, in collaboration with District staff. Additionally, the Contractor should actively seek feedback from District staff to incorporate any 'ease of access' recommendations during the migration process. c) Physical location of hosting servers shall be within the continental United States at a tier II data center with 24/7/365 system monitoring. d) Contractor shall offer nightly auto backups of website files and provide a safeguard against file loss.Additionally,all backups of website files shall be saved for up to thirty (30) days and be Geographically redundant backups. Backups to be stored within the continental United States. e) Contractor's hosting solution shall have the capacity to accommodate the following: • Up to 250,000 monthly site visits; • Up to 1,000,000 monthly page view; 3.Website Maintenance. Contractor shall perform website maintenance to provide ongoing maintenance and support, emergency site recovery, back-up site implementation, and special projects. Maintenance services shall include, but are not limited to: a) Regularly scheduled Maintenance: Contractor shall review the site's pages and coding on a scheduled basis to fix any detriments to the site that might cause failure or threaten the stability of the site. This includes, but is not limited to, bad coding, system updates, plugin updates, and patches that no longer function correctly. Contractor shall also verify that ongoing back-ups are working properly and readily available shall STPUD need them. The schedule for regular maintenance, including the total hours allocated for this task, shall be mutually agreed upon by both the Contractor and the District before the commencement of work. b) Responding to Issues: Contractor shall troubleshoot site issues and maintain the integrity of the site.Contractor shall provide emergency site recovery(within 2 hours) in the event the website becomes unresponsive. Contractor shall have an established protocol for site backups and disaster recovery in place. Contractor shall provide a 5 description of established response and resolution times for site outages, bug fixes, updates, requested changes, or other potential site events or requests, in the management of the site. c) Site Security: Contractor shall help ensure the security and integrity of the site by ensuring site software is updated to the latest software security levels and provide the ability to limit administrator logon IP addresses. Contractor shall monitor for new security updates and patches and install necessary updates.Contractor shall maintain site security including updates and monitoring of site software for security, patches, and other updates needed to maintain security. d) ADA Accessibility: Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring stpud.us remains accessible for ADA site readers and meets all federal and California State ADA regulations today and in the future for ADA compliance and provide documentation of compliance. e) Language Assistance: Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the website's language translation feature for people with limited English proficiency is maintained. Contractor shall avoid use of graphics or other content features that contain text that is not translatable. f) Site Analytics: Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring website pages and usage are tracked and monitored through programs such as, Google Analytics (or a similar platform), to provide metrics and insights about the use and effectiveness of site design, content, and search optimization. g) Content Links: Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring links and ensuring any broken links are identified and quickly reestablished. h) Optional Tasks: Optional tasks may be necessary to support larger maintenance or updates which shall improve the overall functionality, add new features, and/or stability of the STPUD website. The total hours that shall be allowed for these tasks shall be approved by STPUD's Project Manager prior to commencement of work. i) Site Backup and Recovery: Contractor shall outline the approach for backups and disaster recovery, as well as the test schedule that Contractor adheres to. Full site restoration shall be completed within an agreed upon time frame (please include standard and priority full restore time in response to RFP and any associated costs for restore time contract options). Contractor shall act as the emergency contact in the event the site is compromised, to review the coding and any other back-end processes, to find the symptom of the failure and remedy it, as soon as possible. Contractor shall be available to respond and begin work on the issue within two (1) hours of being contacted by STPUD. Emergency site recovery approach shall be approved by STPUD's Project Manager and prior to Contactor's commencement of work. 4. Minimum Feature Requests. a) Azure SSO:Ability to integrate with Azure to authenticate internal website editors. b) Out-of-the-Box Website Designer and Editor: Implement an intuitive and user- friendly website builder/editor for District staff that empowers administrators and content creators to easily design, modify, and manage website content without technical expertise. c) Live Streaming Option: Integrate a seamless live streaming feature that enables real- time broadcasting of events, webinars, and other interactive sessions directly on the 6 website. d) Granular Permissions Management: Develop sophisticated user permission sets allowing administrators to assign precise editing permissions to individual District Staff, restricting them to editing only their designated pages. Allow system administrators to establish levels of rights for staff to update/manage/access content based upon roles. e) Change Approval Process: Establish a workflow that mandates approval for changes made by specific District Staff before they go live on the website, ensuring content quality and accuracy. f) Application Integration: Integrate with internal document management system to enable seamless uploading and sharing of documents and forms on the website. g) ESRI GIS Integration: Integrate ESRI's GIS technology to leverage location-based services and interactive mapping features, enhancing the website's functionality and user/customer engagement. h) Automatic Retention and Unpublishing: Develop a system that automatically archives or unpublishes posts and documents after a predetermined period or when their relevance expires. This feature should also prevent archived items from being searchable on search engines. Set dates for content to automatically publish and expire. i) Alerts for Annual Postings: Implement a notification system that alerts administrators to renew or update annual postings and announcements, ensuring timely updates of time-sensitive content. j) Seamless Navigation: Design a user-centric navigation structure for the customer with a maximum of two clicks to access any page, enhancing the user experience for the customer and ensuring quick access to desired information. k) Calendar: Update/publish calendars for departments/categories with a main calendar to display all events. 1) Bill Calculator:Built in feature for customers to calculate their monthly bills and allow the tool's calculations to be easily updated by District web admins when District rates are changed. m) Responsive Web Design: Fully mobile responsive design - site adjusts to the screen size of all devices it's being viewed on, includes forms, calendars, etc. n) Social Media Plugin Integration: Integrate social media plugins that allow District Staff to easily share website content across various social media platforms,expanding the website's reach and engagement. o) Chatbot or Al Functionality: Implement a chatbot or AI-powered assistant that can engage with customers, answer common queries, and provide assistance, enhancing customer interaction and support. p) Notification Banner: Configurable site-wide banner with options to customize color and text. q) Short URL Generator: Short URL generator built into solution with reporting capabilities. r) Agenda Posting: Upload existing, create new, categorize, approve, and manage agendas as well complies with CA laws that apply to Special Districts and their websites (ADA, S13272, the one click agenda). Allow last three years of agendas to be 7 displayed and remove those that age out. s) Archival of Recurring Documents: Store agendas, minutes, newsletters, and other documents t) RFP/RFQ/Bid Posting: Create an integration with our bid service, PlanetBids. u) Document Storage: Upload/download capability for files 1GB and larger, back-end ability to search within published and unpublished documents. v) Modern Visual Design: Incorporate modern design elements, such as clean aesthetics, ample white space, and visually appealing graphics, aligning with current design trends. w) Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the website's structure and content for search engines to ensure higher visibility and better organic search rankings. x) Analytics and Reporting: Integrate robust analytics tools to track user/customer behavior, website performance, and engagement metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making. y) Accessibility Compliance: Ensure the website meets accessibility standards to accommodate website users with disabilities and provide an inclusive online experience. z) Security Measures: Implement robust security measures, including SSL certificates, firewall protection, and regular security audits, to safeguard user data and maintain website integrity. aa) Backup and Recovery: Set up automated and regular backup processes to prevent data loss and facilitate quick recovery in case of technical issues. bb) Content Versioning:Enable content version control,allowing administrators to revert to previous versions of pages or documents if needed. cc) Multilingual Support: Using Google Translate or similar. dd) Printable Pages: Print-friendly function. ee) E-Notifications: Electronic subscription, scheduled notifications for email and SMS ff) Retain or Exceed Existing Functionality: The proposed solution must include or exceed all existing website functionality, features, and capabilities that are currently operational. The vendor shall ensure that the new solution retains or exceeds the same level of functionality as the existing website, without any compromise or omission. 5. Project Management and Implementation a) The scope of work outlined in this RFP is non-negotiable and shall be performed by the selected contractor team without any deviations, unless explicitly agreed upon in writing by both parties. b) No changes in the project team will be made without explicit permission from the District for the life of the project. c) The chosen vendor will supply a professional project team to oversee and provide the implementation services needed for a successful implementation of the District's new website. The vendor's project team shall be responsible for developing a comprehensive project management plan to include outlining methods of communication for implementation, supplying a detailed project timeline, and identifying tasks and deliverables for both District staff and vendor's staff. d) The selected vendor is responsible for the complete and accurate migration of all data and documents as on the current website (stpud.us). The vendor shall ensure the 8 seamless transition of data and documents from the existing systems to the new solution, with no loss or corruption of data. e) It is expected for the vendor to provide at least three (3) website mockup examples for the District before a final design or format is selected. 6.Technical Support and training. a) Technical Support — The vendor shall provide U.S.-based, live technical support, including emergency support after business hours. Technical support shall be available through multiple communication channels, including phone, email, and chat. b) Self-service training (video tutorials, documents, or webpages) shall be available for district staff to access at any time. c) Provide comprehensive training for administrators and District Staff on using the new website features effectively. Offer ongoing technical support to address any issues that may arise post-launch. d) The Contractor shall provide general end-user documentation for managing the website internally. SECTION 3. PROJECT SCHEDULE Preliminary Schedule Tasks October 5, 2023 • RFP Opportunity Announcement October 19, 2023 @ 4:00 • End of Vendor Q&A Period October 26, 2023 • District Response to Questions November 2, 2023 • Proposal Due Date December 7, 2023 • Award Date December 2024 • Project Start Date May 2024 • Anticipated Website Launch SECTION 4. PROJECT BUDGET Include a detailed, proposed budget based on the scope of work provided.The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive responsible bidder. A billing schedule will be determined during contract negotiations with the selected consultant. SECTION 5. PROJECT SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION AND REQUIREMENTS Proposals shall be submitted in any easy-to-read format. Each section of the proposal shall be tabbed in accordance with the below numbering system as to aid in expedient location of information and provide for consistent proposal organization: a) Tab 1: Cover Letter. Identify the proposal by the RFP title. Provide a summary emphasizing the distinguishing factors that highlight Proposer's ability to perform the services described herein. It should be brief (two (2) pages maximum), and include all contact information inclusive of the name, address, telephone number, title, and 9 signature of the contact person for this procurement.The signatory shall also be a person with the official authority to bind the Proposer. b) Tab 2: Qualifications and Experience. Provide a summary of proposed team's background, skills and experience in the subject-matter and overall performance of services associated with the Scope of work. Provide a detailed list of key personnel in the proposed team, their titles, and tasks to be assigned relative to the services identified in the Scope of work. Proposers must demonstrate successfully migrating and hosting sites with a similar profile to STPUD's. Provide any examples that showcase experience. c) Tab 3: Past Performance (references). Describe specifically Proposer's experience in providing services listed in the Scope of work similar in scope,magnitude,and complexity. This should include references from past and current projects (including with STPUD, if applicable).This should also include relevant past performance from the proposed team, including Proposer and its subcontractors. d) Tab 4:Technical Approach. Provide a narrative illustrating the approach to providing the deliverables for each task, which shall include but is not limited to: quality assurance methods, proposed schedule/timelines with milestones, roles and responsibilities, capabilities and capacities, and administrative approach. If any items/requirements cannot be met, please list proposed workarounds, development efforts, and/or other recommendations for those items/requirements. Any such licenses needed by STPUD shall be issued in STPUD's name and associated costs shall be listed in the Price Proposal. e) Tab 5: Required Submittal Documents. Complete and sign all attachments to the RFP. f) Tab 6: Price Proposal. Include price proposal and any other pertinent cost information. Separate Document-Complete Proposal Pricing—Exhibit B: Cost Proposal Form See instructions on Page 26. The District-provided MS Excel Spreadsheet must be submitted with Respondent's proposal. For evaluation, the District shall assume specification items left blank will not be furnished and shall be automatically interpreted as a "NO" for that particular item. Bidders are to itemize any and all additional charges to furnish and deliver services bid. Proposal price alone will not be the sole determining factor in the selection of the contractor for this work. The District will consider the proposal costs for all proposal items identified herein together with the selection criteria defined herein. Enter unit prices for Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District. Pricing shall be firm fixed price and shall include all costs in accordance with all contract requirements, including but not limited to fully-burdened labor, payroll and other taxes, fringes, licenses and permits, insurance, workforce productivity, coordination, transportation, field overhead, general and administrative overhead, and profit. The respondent shall submit a cost proposal containing all costs to the District. Non-disclosure of all costs during the RFP process may result in disqualification. Optional or supplemental pricing will not be considered as part of the evaluation process. DOWNLOAD THE EXCEL PRICING FILE: Respondents can access and download Excel Pricing File for this Request for Proposal by logging into PlanetBids'"" with your username and password. Once you have located the RFP project, double click on the appropriate line to open the bid. All bid related information is located within the different tabs of the bid details. Only applicable tabs will be available within the Bid. Go to the Documents/Attachments tab which allows you to view and/or download RFP documents 10 associated with the project. Select the document titled,Exhibit B—Cost Proposal Form by double clicking on the title or click the"Download" button on the lower, left corner of the Electronic Attachments section. The Proposal shall be valid for 120 calendar days from the date stipulated in the RFP for receipt of Proposals. If this offer is accepted within that time period,the Proposer agrees to furnish all services and items as stipulated in the RFP and any accompanying addenda. The Proposer shall submit a Firm Fixed Price for performing all Work specified in the Scope of Services. The Pricing Proposal must be complete and address all components in the Scope of Work/Services or the proposal will be deemed as non- responsive at the District's discretion. SECTION 6. SELECTION CRITERIA AND AWARD PROCESS This solicitation has been developed in the Request for Proposals (RFP)format.Accordingly, firms should take note that multiple factors as identified in the RFP will be considered by the Evaluation Committee to determine which proposal best meets the requirements set forth in the RFP document. The District reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of any resulting contract. An Evaluation Committee, using the following evaluation criteria for this RFP, will evaluate all responsive proposals to this RFP. The Evaluation Committee may request, if desired by District, formal presentations/interviews from short listed firms at a future date of which the format and presentation evaluation criteria shall be provided at the time to short listing. Participation in any phase of this RFP process, including the interview phase if conducted, is at the sole expense of the firms replying to this RFP.The District shall NOT be responsible for any costs incurred by any firm in response to,or participation in, this RFP. Best Value is the expected outcome, in the District's estimation, which provides the greatest overall benefit response to this RFP. The award decision is based on the evaluation factors that are tailored to this acquisition. Evaluation factors represent the key areas of importance and emphasis that will be considered in the award decision and support meaningful comparison and discrimination between and among competing proposals. The evaluation factors that apply to this acquisition and their relative importance are within the discretion of acquisition officials, include, but are not limited to subject to the following requirements: 1. Price or cost to the District shall be evaluated in every source selection. 2. The quality of the product or service shall be addressed in every source selection through consideration of one or more non-cost evaluation factors such as past performance, compliance with solicitation requirements, technical excellence, management capability, personnel qualifications, and prior experience. All factors other than cost or price, when combined, are "significantly more important than cost or price", "approximately equal to cost or price", or "significantly less than cost or price". Selection Criteria and Scoring Criteria Maximum Score 11 Company experience during the past 5 years in providing Website Hosting, migration, 25 Points and Design services • Past Performance and Experience based on responses from Maximum Client References and proposal response (25 points maximum) Proposer's ability to perform the services as reflected by technical employee training and education, knowledge of governing safety standards, general and specific experience in providing the required services, and the qualifications and abilities of personnel proposed to be assigned to perform the services. 20 Points • Key Personnel Resumes—experience of key staff on comparable projects, or in Maximum performing comparable services(10 points maximum) • Adequate proof of required staff certifications to include dates acquired and dates of expiration. (10 points maximum) Cost Proposal. Determination whether proposed costs are realistic, complete and 25 Points reasonable in relation to the RFP requirements. Maximum (See District-provided Exhibit B—Cost Proposal Form—provided in separate document) Technical Approach to Work (migration, implementation, and training plans). 30 Points Demonstrate the company's ability to deliver the requirements of this RFP. The overall Maximum quality of the proposed plan for performing the required services and the demonstration of a clear understanding of the project. TOTAL POINTS MAXIMUM 100 The District may also contact and evaluate the Respondent's references;contact any Respondent to clarify any response; contact any current users of a Respondent's services;solicit information from any available source concerning any aspect of a proposal;and seek and review any other information deemed pertinent to the evaluation process. The District shall not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but shall make an award in the best interests of the District. PRIOR DISTRICT WORK: If your firm has prior experience working with the District, DO NOT assume this prior work is known to the evaluation committee. To be fair to all respondents, the evaluation process may consider only information that is included in the respondent's bid proposal. Therefore, all respondents must fully respond to the requirements of the RFP, regardless of their previous history with the District. The District reserves the right to make an award to a Respondent whose proposal it judges to be the best value and most advantageous to the District based on the evaluation criteria,without conducting written or oral discussions with any Respondent and without soliciting BAFOs. Best and Final Offers(BAFO) When desired,the District reserves the right to seek a best and Final Offer from one or more Respondents who have been"short-listed"during the evaluation process. Respondents chosen to submit Best and Final Offers will be given instructions on preparing their Best and Final Offer including an indication of which areas of the RFP must be addressed. Best and Final Offers will be evaluated as an adjustment to the scores already awarded by the Evaluation Committee. After receiving best and Final Offers, the Procurement Officer may conduct additional discussion with Respondents. If a Respondent does not submit a Best and Final Offer, its immediate previous offer will be considered as its Best and Final Offer. 12 Unsolicited Best and Final Offers from Respondents will not be considered. Each Respondent in the competitive range may be afforded the opportunity to amend its proposal and make one BAFO. The request for BAFOs will include the following: 1. Notice that this is the opportunity to submit a written BAFO. 2. A common date and time for submission of a BAFO by each Respondent in the competitive range, allowing a reasonable opportunity to prepare BAFOs. 3. Notice that if any modification to a BAFO is submitted, it must be received by the date and time specified for receipt of BAFOs. 4. Notice to Respondents that do not submit a notice of withdrawal or a BAFO that their immediately previous proposal will be construed as their BAFO. The District will evaluate BAFOs based on the same requirements and criteria applicable to initial proposals. Based on the criteria defined in this RFP document, the District will then perform final scoring and prepare final rankings.The Evaluation Committee will recommend the proposal that is the best value and most advantageous to the District based on the evaluation criteria.The results of the evaluation and the selection of a Respondent for any award will be documented in the procurement file. Contract Award It is understood that the District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to re- solicit for proposals, as it shall deem to be in the best interests of the District. Receipt and consideration of any proposals shall under no circumstances obligate the District to accept any proposals.The award of a contract shall be made to the responsible vendor or firm whose proposal is determined to be the best evaluated offer, taking into consideration demonstrated competence, qualifications and response to the Scope of Services and/or Work to perform the work and/or service solicited and specified criteria, etc. in accordance with South Tahoe Public Utility District's Purchasing Policy. The District reserves the right to award a contract to multiple Vendors or to a single Vendor,or to make no award, whichever is in the best interest of the District. District Authorized Representative. After award of this contract, the Finance Manager, or his/her designee, shall be the District's authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the administration of the terms and conditions of the resulting contract and to whom all notices must be sent.The successful Respondent's contract manager shall be responsible for coordinating all matters pertaining to the resultant contract with the District's Finance Manager and/or designee. STANDARD CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) Definitions of Key Words Used in the Solicitation. Shall, Will, Must: Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet these mandatory requirements may result in the rejection of proposal as non-responsive. Should: Indicates something that is recommended but not mandatory. If the Respondent fails to provide recommended information, the District may, at its sole option, ask the Respondent to provide the information or evaluate the offer without the information. 13 May: Indicates something that is not mandatory but permissible. II) Business License. Respondent's business license must be submitted with their proposal response. Business licenses must be made in the official name of the firm or the individual under which business is conducted (showing the official business addresses) and must be signed. III) Exceptions to Solicitation and/or Contract for Services Provisions. Any exceptions to the specifications and requirements stated in this RFP and/or terms and provisions of the Master Agreement for Consulting Services (Exhibit N) shall be clearly identified including the specific objection(s) and/or exceptions on the District provided Deviations and/or Exceptions Form (Exhibit Q. The District will consider any deviations and/or exceptions indicated in its award decisions. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses based on any deviation and/or exception indicated on this form. Respondents are cautioned that by taking any exception they may be materially deviating from the RFP. Proposals including supplemental terms and conditions will be considered, but supplemental conditions that conflict with those contained in this RFP, or that diminish the District's rights under any contract resulting from the RFP, will be considered null and void. The District is not responsible for identifying conflicting supplemental terms and conditions before issuing a contract award.After award of contract: a. If conflict arises between a supplemental term or condition included in the proposal and a term or condition of the RFP,the term or condition of the RFP will prevail; and b. If the District's rights would be diminished as a result of application of a supplemental term or condition included in the proposal,the supplemental term or condition will be considered null and void. Failure to list an exception or objection shall preclude a request for changes to the Contract.The proposed form of contract is included as a part of this Solicitation. In your Offer you must include a statement that you have reviewed the contract and list any objections to them. Any objections to the form contract will be considered and included in District's evaluation of your offer. If you fail to list any objections to the form of contract, you will not be allowed to raise any objections later if you are selected for award. An offer that takes exception to a material requirement of any part of the Solicitation or Contract may be rejected as non-responsive. To ensure compliance with this bid proposal document, Respondent should forward this Solicitation and the Model Contract for Services to their attorney prior to bid proposal submittal. D. Subcontractors. If subcontracting is proposed, the contractor is required to state the name and address of each subcontractor who will perform work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (1%) of the total contract price and the portion of the work that each subcontractor will do. In the event of subcontracting, the sole responsibility for fulfillment of all terms and conditions of the resulting contract rests with the successful contractor. Both, successful contractor and subcontractors must meet the District's insurance requirements. Complete Exhibit M—Subcontractor Statement. 14 E. Change Orders. No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the terms, conditions or specifications stated in the resulting contract. All change orders to the contract shall be made in writing. F. Bid Proposal Prices and/or Fee Schedules. Bid Proposal Prices and/or Fee Schedules must remain firm for the first full contract period. The District will not add clauses or provisions pertaining to economic price adjustments into this solicitation. Should the District exercise its right and option to extend the term of the resulting contract for additional year periods, the following set forth conditions for price adjustments in option period(s): Conditions for Price Adjustments in Option Periods The Contractor may apply for a cost adjustment after first full contract period. In order for the rate adjustment to be considered by the DISTRICT, the Contractor shall be in full compliance with all of the performance standards as established by this Contract. The rate may be adjusted by the Contractor as provide herein solely on the basis of the change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)for the Los Angeles, Riverside,Orange County, provided, however,that those adjustments in rates based solely on the change in CPI-U will not exceed five (5) percent per annum.The Contractor assumes all risks associated with increased costs of service not reflected in the rate adjustments. The Contractor shall use the CPI-U for the most recent twelve month period prior to the contract's anniversary date. Changes in Davis-Bacon wage determinations issued under the Service Contract Act,or from amendments changing the minimum wage required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. G. Invoicing.The selected contractor shall provide itemized billing for each invoice. Each invoice shall include: • Invoice Date • Reference the Agreement Number and/or Purchase Order Number • Indication of District department, division, or employee that ordered the service • Basic description of service • Total cost for labor • Description and total cost for parts and materials • Total costs for other items such as equipment rental,fuel charges, etc., if applicable Mail invoices to: South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTN: Accounts Payable 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Email invoices to: AccountsPayable@stpud.dst.ca.us Payments to the Contractor pursuant to this Contract shall be made no later than 45 days after the District's receipt of a proper invoice from the Vendor. Discounts for Prompt Payment Discounts for prompt payment will not be considered in the evaluation of bids. However, if a prompt payment discount is offered, the discount period shall be computed from the date of the invoice. If the 15 Contractor has not placed a date on the invoice,the discount period shall be calculated from the date the Accounts Payable office receives a proper invoice, provided the Accounts Payable office annotates such invoice with the date of receipt. For the purpose of computing the discount earned, payment shall be considered to have been made on the date that appears on the payment check or,for an electronic funds transfer, if authorized, the specified date of payment. When the discount period ends on a Saturday, Sunday, or District observed holiday, such period shall be deemed extended until the following business day. H. Overlapping Contract Items The products and/or services included in this solicitation may be available for other DISTRICT contracts and/or other contracts made available for the District's use. The existence of these contracts containing like or similar products and/or services could be either known or unknown to the DISTRICT at the time this Request for Proposals(RFP)has been published. Unless otherwise stated in this contract,the DISTRICT may acquire these products and/or services from any available source.The DISTRICT will make purchases from sources that are deemed to be in the best interest of the DISTRICT. I. Health and Safety All items or services to be supplied hereunder by Respondent shall conform in all respects to the requirements of applicable and government health and safety regulations, including regulations administered by OSHA. J. Prevailing Wage For all proposals over$15,000, the proposer is required to abide by all applicable provisions of the Labor Code, including payment of the minimum prevailing wage rate (if applicable) as determined by the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). INSTRUCTIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR BIDDING A. No Response. If your company does not intend to submit an offer, complete Exhibit D-Notice of "No Proposal Submittal". Submit the form prior to the closing date and time as shown on the Notice for Request for Proposals. B. Receipt and Preparation of the Proposal Response. 1. Facsimile or Non-PlanetBidslm Electronic Mail Offers. Offers may NOT be submitted in facsimile or electronically outside the District's PlanetBidsT"' Bid Management Database. Sealed Bid Proposal (Paper Submission & Media Device—Option 2) "Media Device"—Compact Disc (CD), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), or Flash Drive The South Tahoe Public Utility District's Information Technology Department will receive sealed proposals until the date and time specified in the Notice—Request for Proposals. Respondents choosing Option 2— Paper Submission, must submit one (1) unbound original and three (3) copies) in a sealed envelope or package.The original proposal must be clearly marked and contain original signatures and must be easily reproducible on a standard copying machine 16 2. Labeling of Bid Proposal Envelope& Media Device:The signed bid and copies should be returned in the same sealed envelope or package, addressed as directed on the (Notice of Request for Proposals (Page 1). Proposals forwarded to the District via express or overnight delivery services must be plainly marked on the outside of the delivery package "SEALED PROPOSAL FOR "PROPOSAL NO. RFP-20-21-IT01 Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District" "SPECIAL NOTE" - The U.S. Postal Service DOES NOT deliver any mail (U.S. Postal, Express Mail, Certified, Priority, Overnight, etc.) to any District physical address(es) on Weekends (Saturday and Sunday).The District's office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. 3. Respondents are responsible for making certain proposals are delivered to the Information Technology Department. Mailing of a proposal does not insure that the proposal will be delivered on time or delivered at all. If Respondent does not hand deliver proposal, it is suggested that he/she use some sort of delivery service that provides a receipt. 4. Proposals must be signed by an official who has the legal authority to commit the firm to a contractual agreement.An offer may be withdrawn any time before the solicitation due date and time. The signer of the proposal, guaranteeing authentic, must initial any interlineations, alteration, or erasure made before this deadline. An Offer may not be amended or withdrawn after the Offer due date and time except as otherwise provided by applicable law. 5. Omissions. At the time of the opening of bid or proposals each Respondent will be presumed to have read and to be thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the RFP.The failure or omission of any Respondent to examine any form, instrument or contract document shall in no way relieve any Respondent from any obligation in respect to their proposal response. 6. To minimize the size of proposals submitted, Respondents are instructed to only return pages of the proposal packet that require written responses with their proposal response. C. Solicitation Questions,Answers and Addenda Respondents are responsible for obtaining the solicitation and any attachments from the District's PB" online system at https://stpud.us. Respondents are required to review the entire solicitation package before submitting questions. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Respondent to verify issuance of any District responses to questions and addenda and to check all avenues of document availability prior to the proposal due date and time. By submitting a proposal, the Respondent shall be deemed to have received all District responses to questions and/or addendums, if applicable, and to have incorporated them into its proposal. All such District responses and addenda shall become a part of the resulting contract and all Respondents shall be bound by such District responses and addenda whether or not received by the Respondent. D. No Contact Policy The District has attempted to provide all information available. It is the responsibility of each Respondent to review, evaluate, and, where necessary, request any clarification prior to submission of a proposal. Respondents are not to contact other District personnel with any questions or clarifications concerning this Request for Proposal (RFP). The District's Information Technology Department contact set out on Page 1 will provide all official communication concerning this RFP. Any District response relevant to this 17 RFP other than through or approved by District's Information Technology Department is unauthorized and will be considered invalid. After release of this Solicitation, no officer, employee, agent or representative of the Respondent shall have any contact or discussion, verbal or written, with any members of the District Council, District staff or District's consultants, or directly or indirectly through others, seek to influence any District Council members, District staff, or District's consultants regarding any matters pertaining to this Solicitation, except as herein provided. Respondents are specifically directed not to contact any other District personnel for meetings, conferences or technical discussions related to this Request for Proposals. Failure to adhere to this policy may be grounds for rejection of the Respondent's proposal. E. Proposals from Related Parties/Multiple Proposals Received From One Respondent. When two(2)or more related parties each submit a proposal or multiple proposals are received from one (1) Respondent, for any contract, such proposals shall be judged non-responsive and will not be considered. Related parties mean Respondents or the principles thereof, which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another company for the same contract or in which a parent company or the principles thereof of one(1) company have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another company for the same contract. F. Conflict of Interest.The District reserves the right to disqualify a Respondent on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest that is disclosed by the proposal submitted or any other data available to the District. This disqualification is at the sole discretion of the District. Any Respondent submitting a proposal herein waves any right to object now or at any future time, before ay body or agency, including but not limited to, the District Council of the South Tahoe Public Utility District or any court. G. Collusion. The Respondent, by affixing its signature to this Bid Proposal, certifies that its Bid Proposal is made without previous understanding, agreement, or connection either with any persons,or entities offering a bid proposal for the same items and/or services,or with the District. The Respondent also certifies that its Bid Proposal is in all respects fair, without outside control, collusion,fraud,or otherwise illegal action.To insure integrity of the District's public procurement process, all Respondents are hereby placed on notice that any and all Respondents who falsify the certifications required in conjunction with this section may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Affidavit of Non-Collusion and Non-Discrimination.The Respondent shall submit Exhibit H -Affidavit of Non-Collusion & Non Discrimination. By signing and submitting the offered proposal, the Respondent certifies that: 1. The Respondent did not engage in collusion or other anti-competitive practices in connection with the preparation or submission of its proposal; and 2. The Respondent does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or person to whom it provides services because of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability, and that it complies with all applicable Federal, state and local laws and executive orders regarding employment. 18 3. The Respondent understands that the Respondent will be responsible for and shall pay all sales, consumer, use, and other taxes. When equipment, materials or supplies generally taxable to the Respondent are eligible for a tax exemption due to the nature of the item, Respondent shall assist DISTRICT in applying for and obtaining such tax credits and exemptions which shall be paid or credited to DISTRICT. It shall be understood and agreed that Bid Proposals submitted by persons and entities are done so independent of any other offers, and that Respondents will not knowingly participate in solicitations where there exists a conflict of interest with their entity and a member of District staff or their immediate family. H. Expenses Incurred.All expenses incurred in the preparation and submission in response to this solicitation shall be borne by the Respondent. I. Examination of Documents and Requirements. 1. Each Respondent shall carefully examine all RFP documents and thoroughly familiarize itself with all requirements prior to submitting a bid proposal to ensure that the goods or services being bid meet the intent of these specifications. 2. Before submitting a bid proposal, each Respondent shall be responsible for making all investigations and examinations that are necessary to ascertain conditions and requirements affecting the requirements of this Request for Proposals. Failure to make such investigations and examinations shall not relieve the bidder from obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the Request for Proposals. J. California Public Records Act. Proposals are not to be marked as confidential or proprietary. Proposals received will become the property of the District. All proposals, tabulations, if applicable, and any subsequent contracts will be subject to public disclosure per the "California Public Records Act," California Government Code, sections 6250 — 6270, once the District has awarded the contract resulting from this solicitation. The District reserves the right to make use of any information or ideas in the proposals submitted. Regardless of any identification otherwise, including marking some or all pages as "confidential" or "proprietary," information in proposals shall become a part of the public record and subject to disclosure without any further notice to the Respondent.The District shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such records. Procedure to Protect Disclosure of Trade Secrets or Proprietary Information - In order for trade secrets or proprietary information to be protected from disclosure, the vendor must comply with the following procedure: • Protection must be timely invoked -The vendor must invoke the protections of this section prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials to the District, and must designate the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. Designation must be valid - If a vendor identifies all materials as a trade secret or as proprietary information, the procuring department or Information Technology Department may contact the vendor 19 and request that the vendor further explain in writing why all of the materials are, in fact, trade secrets or proprietary information. K. Protest. 1. All protest regarding the solicitation process must be submitted in writing to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Information Technology Department. This includes all protests relating to advertising of invitation to bid notices, deadlines, bid proposal opening, as well as any protest relating to alleged improprieties with the solicitation process. The protest must specify the grounds upon which the protest is based.Avalid protest must(1)come from an actual respondent for the contract, and (2) who claim to be the rightful awardee. That is, protest is not valid if filed by a respondent who cannot show they would be awarded the contract if their protest were accepted. No protest shall lie to challenge the terms and conditions of the request for proposals. No protest shall lie for a claim that the selected Respondent is not a responsible Bidder. 2. FAILURE TO PROTEST WITHIN THE TIME ALLOTTED SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF ANY PROTEST. South Tahoe Public Utility District is aware of the time and effort you expend in preparing and submitting bids to South Tahoe Public Utility District. Please let us know of any bid requirement causing you difficulty in responding to our Invitation for Bid. We want to facilitate your participation so that all responsible vendors can compete for South Tahoe Public Utility District business.Awards should be made approximately two to four weeks after the opening date. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Information Technology Department shall reject any protest that is either untimely received or fails to state the basis for the protest and the relief sought. However, the Information Technology Department may, in its discretion, consider any protest that is untimely, and may grant any remedy if the protest is determined to be meritorious and the remedy granted is determined to be in the best interests of the District. 3. Respondents who have submitted a bid proposal are permitted to challenge the District's intent to award a contract.A Respondent shall have five(5)calendar days after the issuance of the Intent to Award to file a protest.A protest must include: q. The name, address and telephone number of the protester; r. The signature of the protester or its representative; s. Identification of the project and the solicitation or contract number; t. A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest including copies of relevant documents; and u. The form of relief requested. 4. The Information Technology Department shall issue a response to the protest within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the protest. The response shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for either denying or upholding the protest. The decision of the Information Technology Department shall be final unless the protesting vendor appeals within three (3) business days of receipt of the response. L. Debarment Disclosure. If the firm, business or person submitting this bid proposal has been debarred, suspended or otherwise lawfully precluded from participating in any public procurement activity, including being disapproved as a subcontractor with any Federal, state or local government, or if any such preclusion from participation from any public procurement 20 activity is currently pending, the Respondent shall fully explain the circumstances relating to the preclusion or proposed preclusion in the offer.The Respondent shall include a letter with its offer setting forth the name and address of the governmental entity, the effective date of this suspension or debarment, the duration of the suspension or debarment, and the relevant circumstances relating to the suspension or debarment. If suspension or debarment is currently pending, a detailed description of all relevant circumstances including the details enumerated above shall be provided. See Exhibit J—Bidder Disclosure Statements. M. Offer Acceptance Period. All bid proposals shall remain open for 120 days after the day of the opening of bid proposals, but the District may, at its sole discretion, release any Respondent and return the security(as applicable) prior to that date. No Respondent may withdraw his/her offer during this period without written permission to the District. Should any Respondent refuse to enter into a contract, under the terms and conditions of the procurement,the District may retain the security (as applicable), not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. N. Proposal Ambiguity.Any ambiguity in the proposal as a result of omission,error,and lack of clarity or non-compliance by the Respondent with the specifications, instructions, and all conditions of proposing shall be construed in the favor of the District. O. Notice of Intent to Award. After the completion of the evaluation and scoring process, the District's Information Technology Department will issue and post a written Notice of Intent to Award using the PB'" Bid Management online system to all known prospective bidders. The Notice of Intent to Award will indicate the name of the successful and unsuccessful bidder(s). When cost/price is the only evaluation factor in determining contract award, the bid tabulation will be included as an attachment to the Notice of Intent to Award. If you have any questions, or would like further information about an intended award, contact the Buyer immediately. Any protest must be submitted to the Information Technology Department no later than five (5) calendar days from the date of issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award. SECTION 7. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER This RFP does not commit the District to enter into a contract, nor does it obligate the District to pay for any costs incurred in preparation and submission of proposals or in anticipation of a contract.The District reserves the right to: • Submissions which, in the sole judgment of DISTRICT,fail to meet the requirements of the RFP or which are in any way conditional, incomplete, obscure, contain additions or deletions from requested information, or contain errors may be rejected. Conditional proposals will not be considered. • Make the selection based on its sole discretion; • Reject any and all proposals; • Issue subsequent Request for Proposals; • Postpone opening proposals for its own convenience; 21 • Remedy errors in the Request for Proposals process; • Negotiate with any, all or none of the Respondents; • Accept other than the lowest offer; • Waive informalities and irregularities in the proposals; and/or • Enter into an agreement with another Respondent in the event the originally selected Respondent defaults or fails to execute an agreement with the District. Respondents will not be reimbursed for any cost associated with the preparation of their proposal for the Plan. Upon submittal, all documents will become the property of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and as such, shall be public information. Proposals and attachments will not be returned to proposing firms. The District reserves the right to reject any or all requests for proposals to waive technicalities or informalities, and to accept any request for proposal deeded to be in the best interest of the District. SECTION 8. DISTRICT PROVIDED FORMS (To be completed and returned with proposal) See Pages 18 through 32 EXHIBIT B - COST PROPOSAL FORM RFP No. RFP-23-24-IT01 Title: Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District Cost or price information shall not be included in any other part of the bid proposal unless specifically requested. For evaluation, the District shall assume specification items left blank will not be furnished and shall be automatically interpreted as a "NO"for that particular item.Any deviations from the written specification as shown in this RFP shall be noted on the District provided form, Exhibit L- Deviations and Exceptions Form. Respondents are to itemize any and all additional charges to furnish and deliver services bid. Proposal price alone will not be the sole determining factor in the selection of the contractor for this work.The District will consider the proposal costs for all proposal items identified herein together with the evaluation criteria stated herein to form the basis for its decision. Enter unit prices for Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District and other support services. Pricing shall be firm fixed price and shall include all costs in accordance with all contract requirements, including but not limited to fully-burdened labor, payroll and other taxes, fringes, licenses and permits, insurance,workforce productivity, coordination,transportation,field overhead,general and administrative overhead, and profit. The respondent shall submit a cost proposal containing all costs to the District. DOWNLOAD THE EXCEL PRICING FILE: Bidders can access and download Excel Pricing File for this Request for Proposal by logging into PlanetBids"' with your username and password. Once you have located the RFP project, double click on the appropriate line to open the bid. All bid related information is located within the different tabs of the bid details. Only applicable tabs will be available within the Bid. Go to the Documents/Attachments tab which allows you to view and/or download RFP documents associated with 22 the project. Select the document titled, Exhibit B—Cost Proposal Form by double clicking on the title or click the "Download" button on the lower, left corner of the Electronic Attachments section. Exhibit B — Minimum Specifications & Cost Proposal Form Is provided in a separate document UNAPPROVED ALTERATIONS TO EXCEL PRICING FILE: Bidders who materially alter the original content of the Excel pricing file (e.g. specifications, formulas, etc.) issued by the DISTRICT may be found non- responsive and ineligible for award of this Request for Proposals. Exhibit D - Notice of "No Proposal Submittal" Receipt of this completed form will assist us in calling for future solicitations. Please state the reasons why you are not proposing an offer or bidding. Complete and submit this form prior to the closing date and time as shown on the Notice of Request for Proposals. RFP No. RFP- 23-24-IT01 Title:Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District A Proposal is not being submitted for the following reason(s): Request for Proposal (RFP [ ] Insufficient time to prepare quote/bid/proposal [ ] We are unable to competitively quote/bid/propose at this time [ ] Insufficient information to prepare quote/bid/proposal [ ] Current client commitments, too busy to respond [ ] The timeframe was too short for us to be able to adequately respond [ ] The complexity of the RFP makes a response unreasonable [ ] Is there something in the RFP which prevents interest? [ ] If the District has stated a budget,the estimated District budget requirements within the RFP were unrealistic. Please state why: [ ] Specifications are not sufficiently defined [ ] Cannot obtain raw materials/goods in time to meet delivery requirements [ ] Other reasons or additional comments(please explain below) 23 Comments: Company Name: DBA: Address: Telephone: Email: EXHIBIT E - RESPONDENT SIGNATURE / COVER PAGE RFP No. RFP- 23-24-IT01 Title: Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District 3. RESPONDENT Firm Name: Contact Name: Principal Address: Local Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Structure: [ ] Sole Proprietor [ ] Partnership [ ] Corporation [ ] Joint Venture Tax ID No: California Contractor License No: 4. Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Registration No. Registration Date: Expiration Date: Registration Date: Expiration Date: Registration Date: Expiration Date: Note: Public works contractors are now able to register for one, two, or three fiscal years (July 1-June 30)to ensure there is no period of lapse during project/contract term. 5. Prices: A. Prices shall be F.O.B. Destination or for the service rendered. 24 B. Payment Terms: Net 45 C. Proposers shall honor proposal prices for one hundred twenty (120) days or for the stated contract period whichever is longer. THIS PROPOSAL IS BEING SUBMITTED BY.- The undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods or services at the price(s)entered herein subject to the terms and conditions attached hereto. I CERTIFY that (1)the proposal document has been read and understood and that all of the conditions contained therein are acceptable, (2) 1 have thoroughly examined and become familiar with the specifications and/or scope of services outlined in this solicitation and further, to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this bid proposal is accurate and complete and that(3) 1 have the legal authority to commit this firm to a contractual agreement. Printed Name: Title: Signature: Date: EXHIBIT H -NONCOLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID The undersigned declares: I am the (Position) of (Firm), the party making the foregoing bid. The bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The bid is genuine and not collusive or sham. The bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid. The bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder. All statements contained in the bid are true. The bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid, and will not pay, any person or entity for such purpose. Any person executing this declaration on behalf of a bidder that is a corporation, partnership,joint venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other entity, hereby represents that he or she has full power to execute, and does execute, this declaration on behalf of the bidder. 25 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on [date], at [city], [state]. Signature of Declarer Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 Signature of Notary Public in and for the County of State of EXHIBIT I - CERTIFICATION OF INSURABILITY I hereby swear (or affirm) under the penalty of perjury: As an authorized representative of the proposing company,should our Company be determined to be the Successful Proposer,our Company will promptly provide such proof of insurance to the District within five (5) business days in reply to the District's Notice of Intent to Award.The DISTRICT will remind the Apparent Successful Proposer in the Notice of Intent to Award letter. Proof of insurance requirements may be submitted electronically to the email address below with the RFP Number and Title referenced in the Subject field: To: cskelly@stpud.us Contracts will not be executed until formal proof of all required insurance(s) pursuant to Exhibit N — Master Agreement for Consulting Services for Proposal No. RFP- 23-24-IT01 Title:Website Redesign for South Tahoe Public Utility District have been received and approved by the DISTRICT. It is agreed that the Apparent Successful Proposer shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of the engagement all policy or policies of insurance. If the DISTRICT requires corrections (i.e., limits, endorsements) the Successful Proposer has five (5) days from such request to complete all corrections. Failure to meet these deadlines will allow the DISTRICT the right to reject the Proposer's proposal as non-responsive and proceed to the next finalist. I hereby assure South Tahoe Public Utility District that the company has or is able to procure the insurance coverage(s) required should the Company be awarded the Contract and shall maintain all the insurance requirements by the submission of this offer. 26 Proposer Company Name Signature of Authorized Representative signing on behalf on Proposer Print Name of Authorized Representative of Proposer Company Date EXHIBIT J - BIDDER DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS The Bidder must provide a declarative (yes/no) answer regarding the following questions. If any answer is affirmative, the Bidder must provide full details about the matter. While not an automatic cause for disqualification, an affirmative answer may result in an evaluation of the Bidder's responsibility. A decision will then be made based on the seriousness of the matter, the matter's possible impact on the performance of the contract, and the best interests of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Within the past five (5)years: ITEM DISCLOSURE STATEMENT YES NO A. Has the Bidder and/or subject company had a contract terminated for default or cause? B. Has the Bidder and/or subject company been assessed any penalties, including liquidated damages, under any of its existing or past contracts with any organization or governmental entity? C. Has the Bidder and/or subject company been the subject of any governmental action limiting the right of the Bidder and/or subject company to do business with that entity or any other governmental entity? D. Has trading in the stock of the subject company ever been suspended? Give date and explanation. E. Has the Bidder and/or subject company previously operated as a like-kind business under any other business name and/or taxpayer identification number? F. Has the Bidder and/or subject company, any company officer,or any owner of a twenty (20%) percent interest or greater in the subject company, filed bankruptcy, reorganization, a debt arrangement, moratorium, or any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, or any dissolution or liquidation proceeding? 27 G. Has the Bidder and/or subject company, any company officer,or any owner of a twenty (20%) percent interest or greater in the company, been convicted of a felony or is currently under indictment on any felony charge? By the signature affixed to Exhibit E—Offer Signature/Cover Page of this Solicitation, Respondent hereby certifies that the above information is true and accurate. This completed form must be returned as part of the bid response. Failure to complete this page may deem your bid not responsive. EXHIBIT K— CLIENT REFERENCES The following is a list of four (4) references that most closely reflect similar projects to the scope of services/work of the South Tahoe Public Utility District within the past three (3)years. References will be asked to complete a questionnaire and asked to return it to the Information Technology Department directly by a designated date and time. It is the Respondent's responsibility to ensure that Reference Contacts are willing to provide a reference. To expedite the evaluation process the District requests accurate email and/or fax number information be provided. Reference#1 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reference#2 Name of Organization: 28 Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reference#3 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reference#4 Name of Organization: Address: 29 Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: EXHIBIT L - DEVIATIONS and/or EXCEPTIONS FORM [ ]Specifications and/or Requirements [ ] Contract for Services Provisions (No exceptions and/or deviations to insurance requirements allowed) All deviations and/or exceptions to the requirements of this solicitation or provisions in the Master Agreement for Consulting Services must be noted below. The District will consider any deviations and/or exceptions indicated in its award decisions. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses based on any deviation and/or exception indicated on this form. Respondents are cautioned that by taking any exception they may be materially deviating from the RFP. Please do not attach a company letterhead in lieu of any entry on the section below. In the absence of any entry on the section below, the bidder assures the District of their full compliance with the specification and conditions as listed in this solicitation. The page number, paragraph, and item number should be referenced when deviating from the specification and must be included. The District reserves the right to reject any or all cost proposals as a result of this RFP and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid proposal received and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective cost proposals received, and to accept or further negotiate cost, terms, or conditions of any cost proposal determined by the District to be in the best interest of the District even though not the lowest bid.This form may be duplicated if additional pages are needed. Reference No. Description 30 Company Name Printed Name and Title Authorized Signature EXHIBIT M - SUBCONTRACTOR STATEMENT (IMPORTANT NOTE: This form MUST be returned with Respondent's bid proposal) (This form may be duplicated to provide additional subcontractor information) The Prime Contractor is required to state the name and address of each subcontractor who will perform work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the total contract price and the portion of the work that each subcontractor will do.The undersigned submits herewith this list of subcontractors whom they propose to employ on the work, with the proper firm name and business address of each and a statement of work or proposed item that will be done by each subcontractor. Check if Subcontractor will be used: Yes [ ] No [ ] The following person(s)will be [ ] or [ ] have been contracted to furnish labor and/or materials for this project: Subcontractor Company Name: DIR Contractor Registration Number: Federal ID Number: Street Address: District, State, Zip: Office Phone: Fax Number: 31 Primary Contact&Title: Email Address: Contract Amount: Type of work: [ ] Brickwork/ Masonry [ ] Carpentry/ Millwork [ ] Concrete [ ] Electrical—Access Control [ ] Electrical—Fire Alarm [ ] Electrical—Telecommunications [ ] Elevator [ ] Excavation—Grading [ ] Excavation—Grading (Site Utilities) [ ] Fire Protection [ ] Flooring [ ] Heavy Construction [ ] HVAC—Controls [ ] HVAC—Duckwork [ ] HVAC—Hydronic [ ] Landscaping [ ] Painting [ ] Paving [ ] Plumbing [ ] Roofing/Siding/ [ ] Windows/Curtainwall Sheet Metal [ ] Wrecking/Demolition [ ] Material Supplier Only [ ] Other: Specify Comments: Authorized Signature: Printed Name/Title: EXHIBIT N - MASTER AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Provided in separate document 32