HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuick Log_UTSPSRSTPUD QUICK LOG Day & Date: Tue 082223 Transcribe: Yes No Project: Upper Truckee Pump Station Rehabilitation Contractor: T&S Construction Inspector: Mendoza Today’s Weather Forecast: Chance of Precipitation: 30% Showers and T-Storms after 2pm. Mostly Sunny High 69° S.E. winds 5-10 mph Crews and Equipment on site: 1 Foreman Joe __ Operator 2 Laborer: John, Devon __ Truck Driver __ Electrician Equipment: 1 Work Truck – 1 Ton 1 John Deere Mini Ex Contractor Requests (shutdowns, pours, etc.): Tests Performed: Service/Utility Hits: Potential Change Order Items/T&M: Work Completed Today: Pothole, excavated, exposed and confirmed outside diameter of existing sewer force main exiting pump station. This work is in preparation of having Tap Master perform the line stop. Started installation of the silt fence and other BMPs Notes: (Visitors, Incidents, Accidents):