HomeMy WebLinkAboutTahoe Tribune AffidavitNEVADA COUNTY
South Lake Tahoe, CA
HOE AILYfibDu ne
Customer Account #:
Reference: 8CD06 Bid Invitation Upper Truckee Pump Stn.
Legal Account
County of El Dorado, State of California. The undersigned,
Deona Deselms ,
being the principal clerk of the Nevada County Publishing
Co. declares that the Nevada County Publishing Co. now is,
and during all times herein named, was a corporation duly
organized and existing under the laws of the State of
California, and now is, and during all times herein named was
the printer of Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general
circulation, as defined by section 6000 of the Government
Code of the State of California, printed and published daily
(Sundays excepted) in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County
of El Dorado, State of California, and that affiant is the
principal clerk of said Nevada County Publishing Co.
That the printed advertisement hereto annexed was published
in the said Tahoe Daily Tribune, for the full required period of 1
time(s) commencing on 14 Oct 2022, and ending on 14 Oct
2022, all days inclusive.
I certify, under penalty of perjury, the forgoing is true and
correct. ,,0,��'
Signed: .Dma Dez
Legals Advertising Clerk
Proof and Statement of
Ad #: 244510
See Proof on Next Page
8CD06 Bid Invitation Upper Truckee Pump Stn. - Page 1 of 2
and federal contract rules and regulations including
The South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD)
requirements for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) and American Iron and Steel (AIS) as detailed in
invites sealed bids by electronic submission only for
the construction of the Upper Truckee Pump Station
Sections007400and 007500ofthe Specifications .The
Rehabilitation Project.
prime contractor is required to provide documentation
that the local U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Electronic Bids will be received until 2:00 11
and/or the Minority Business Development Agency
ill of the U_S_ Department of Commerce were
Wednesday, November 30,2022. Hard copy original
Bid Bond (or other acceptable form of bid security)
notified of the contracting opportunity at least thirty (30)
MUST be delivered to District in advance of Bid_
calendar days prier to the bid opening date. A bid will
be considered non -responsive unless it includes the
Bids submitted after this time will not be accepted by
the electronic bidding system. All bids that have been
forms required in Section 00 75 00 to be completed
timely received will be publicly opened and the content
and submitted with the Bid.
read aloud atthe STPUD offices, Board Room, located
1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe,
A mandatory Are -Bid Conference will be held at the
ia. All interested parties are invited attend.
outh Tahoe Public Utility District, Board Room,
1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe.
Bids shall valid for ecalendar days afterer the bid
opening date, as requiredd in the Bid Form.
California on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 10:00
am. Any bidder absent from the Pre -Bid Conference
The site of the work is located on DISTRICT property
shall have their bid disqualified as non -responsive.
A tour of the site of work will be conducted as part
(All 031-020-34), near the Upper Truckee River
of the Pre -Bid Conference.
meadow, north of the Lake Tahoe Airport, in the City
of South Lake Tahoe, in the County of El Dorado,
1n accordance with the provisions of California Public
Contract Code section 3300, the South Tahoe Public
The work to be performed under this Contract
Utility District has determined that the bidder shall
possess a valid class A contractor license at the
includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools,
and equipment for the Upper Truckee Pump Station
time of bid opening, the Contract is awarded and for
Rehabilitation Project. The work generally consists
the duration of the Contract_ Failure to possess the
specified license shall render the bid as no n-responsive
of the following_ Demolition of the existing pumps,
discharge piping, valves, electrical equipment and
and shall act as a bar to awarding the contract to any,
instrumentation control systems. Construction of three
bidder not possessing said license at the time of award.
dry -pit submersible chopper pumps, flow meters,
valves, piping, bridge crane, electrical equipment,
instrumentation and control systems, ventilation fans,
access ladder, site improvements, and structural
All work associated with this contract shall include, but Published: October 14, 2022
notbe limited tom obilization/demobilization ; excavation;
sheeting, sharing, and bracing of excavation;
construction of pumps, valves, instrumentation, and
piping; erosion and sediment control; cleaning; debris
removal and disposal ; verification of existing conditions
and measurements, sewer flow control; furnishing and
installing pipe, providing bypass pumping, temporary
piping, temporary electrical and controls equipment;
final connections; inspection and testing; permitting;
site restoration; and such other items or details that are
required by the Contract Specifications and Plans to be
performed, placed, constructed, or installed.
In order to download the Contract Documents and
receive addendums and notifications when issued,
Bidders must register as a vendor at the District's
Vender Ill
cfm?CompanylD 21516
Electronic bids will also be submitted through this
website. Paper bids wilt not be accepted.
Contract Documents are available for free download
on the District's Vendor Portal. For assistance in
downloading these documents or registering as a
vendor contact Star Glaze, Contracts Administrator at
(530) 543-6205.
All bids are to be submitted electronically as required
in Section 00 20 00 Instructions for Procurement.
After electronic bidding, each bidder shall submit their
original Bid Forms to South Tahoe Public Utility District
at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe,
California by 2:00 P.M on Friday, December 2, 2022.
Questions or comments regarding this project must
be submitted electronically via our electronic bidding
system and must be received by the District no later
than 4:00 pm, on Monday, November 21, 2022.
Questions received after the date indicated will not
be accepted. Phone Calls, Email and taxes will not
be accepted. Responses from the District will be
communicated via the electronic bidding system.
This project is being funded, in part, by the California
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program.
The Contractor will be required to comply with State
81 Bid Invitation Upper Truckee Pump Stn. - Page 2 of 2