HomeMy WebLinkAbout587-23 Schedule of Units for Sewer Service Charges (Amend Admin Code 4.5.6)ORDINANCE NO.587-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTION 4.5.6 REGARDING THE SCHEDULE OF UNITS FOR SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION I - POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt certain changes to the Administrative Code amending the schedule of units for sewer service charges. SECTION II — DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Ordinance, the terms used herein are defined as follows: A. The District — The South Tahoe Public Utility District. B. The Board — The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. C. Administrative Code — The compilation and codification of all of the Administrative, Water and Sewer Ordinances of the District, which establish the authority and the principles for the decisions of the District, and provide the public with guidelines applicable to District operations. D. Sewer Unit — An estimated measurement of quantity and strength of wastewater discharged to the sewer system. A sewer unit represents incremental capacity rights in the form of fixtures or facilities causing actual or potential sewage discharge to the sewer system. A sewer unit is used for the purposes of determining sewer service charges. SECTION III — FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. The Board passed and adopted Ordinance No. 34 in March 1958, which included a Schedule of Units for sewer service charges stating that laundromats are to be charged for two sewer units per washing machine. 2. The District's current Administrative Code still includes the same Schedule of Units in regard to laundromats, but states that most other commercial establishments are to be billed one Sewer Unit per five fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. 3. Modern commercial clothes washing machines are significantly more efficient and discharge a lower quantity and strength wastewater than washing machines available in 1958. 4. The 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code specifically defines a number of fixture units associated with washing machines for public use. 5. The Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the District and its customers to amend the Schedule of Units to base laundromat sewer units on the fixture units as defined by the Uniform Plumbing Code. SECTION IV — SCHEDULE OF UNITS Administrative Code Section 4.5.6 shall be amended in its entirety as follows: 4.5.6 Schedule of Units. The following is a schedule of the number of units to be applied to each type of connection to the sewer system of the District: a) Homes and Apartments: A minimum of three (3) units for each home or each apartment plus an additional unit for each bath or half -bath in excess of two baths, except that the minimum for a home or apartment having only one bath and only one bedroom, which is equipped with low water -use fixtures, or for a studio apartment, is two (2) units. b) Motels/Hotels/Timeshares: Each bath with shower and/or standard bathtub with less than seventy-five (75) gallon overflow capacity, one (1) unit. Bathtubs with overflow capacity equal to or greater than seventy-five (75) gallons shall require one (1) additional unit. Each kitchen, one (1) unit. c) Restaurant: One (1) unit per restroom; five (5) units for the first twenty (20) seats, whether indoor seats or outdoor seats, plus one (1) additional unit for every twenty (20) indoor seats or fraction over twenty (20). The first twenty (20) seats of outdoor seating shall not require any units; outdoor seating in excess of the first twenty (20) seats shall require one-half (.5) units per twenty (20) seats; one (1) additional unit for every forty (40) outdoor seats or fraction over forty (40). For the purpose of this Section, where a bar is operated in connection with a restaurant, bar stools will be counted as seats. Commercial establishments that sell food, but which have no eating or seating on the property shall be counted as other commercial in sub- paragraph (i). d) Service Stations: Five (5) units, one (1) unit per RV dump. e) Mobile Home/Trailer Parks, Campgrounds: Three (3) units per trailer space that will accommodate a trailer in excess of forty (40) feet in length and twelve (12) feet in width with a sewer connection provided; one (1) unit per trailer space for all other trailer spaces with a sewer connection provided. One (1) unit per two trailer spaces without a sewer connection provided. f) Swimming Pools, hot tubs, used in connection with a commercial establishment: Two (2) units per swimming pool and hot tub. g) Taverns without food facilities: Five (5) units, plus one (1) unit per restroom. h) Meeting Rooms, Banquet/Ballroom Facilities: One (1) unit per 100-person of maximum room capacity, or fraction thereof, as designed by the Fire Chief with authority in the jurisdiction. i) All other commercial establishments: One (1) sewer unit per five (5) fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. SECTION V — SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION VI — EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance amending the above referenced section of the Administrative Code shall take effect thirty days after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 6th day of July, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: Haven, Romsos, Peterson, Sheehan, Exline NOES: ABSENT: David Peterson, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Melonie Guttry, Clerk of thel3oard South Tahoe Public Utility District •ter �•■r■• vvv•�• ■ PUBLISHING COMPANY South Lake Tahoe, CA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION123 RGE oAlilriburge Customer Account #:124020 Reference: STPUD Notice of Amended Ordinance Legal Account Shannon Chandler 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. Proof and Statement of Publication County of El Dorado, State of California. The undersigned, Deona Deselms being the principal clerk of the Nevada County Publishing Co. declares that the Nevada County Publishing Co. now is, and during all times herein named, was a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, and now is, and during all times herein named was the printer of Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, as defined by section 6000 of the Government Code of the State of California, printed and published daily (Sundays excepted) in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, i State of California, and that affiant is the principal clerk of said Nevada County Publishing Co. That the printed advertisement hereto annexed was published in the said Tahoe Daily Tribune, for the full required period of 1 time(s) commencing on 21 Jul 2023, and ending on 21 Jul 2023, all days inclusive. certify, under jjpeenal-ty of perjury, the forgoing is true and correct. D_ Signed:. Deddk. Legals Advertising Clerk Ad #: 284006 See Proof on Next Page STPUD Notice of Amended Ordinance - Page 1 of 3 Nekivspaper page size: Width: 10.00 in., Height: 14.00 in,. ORDINANCE NO. 587-23 AN ORDINANCE. OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ADMIN1STRATI►r£ CODEe. SECTIO\ 4.5.6 REGARDING THE SCHEDULE OF UNITS FOR SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County ofEl Dorado, State of California, as followtS SECTION i- POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt certain changes to the Administrative Code amending the schedule of units for sewer servieel charges. SECTION 11 — DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this 0"nancc, the terms used herein are dciitied as fatlows A. The District — The South Tahoe Public utility District. B. The Board — The Board of Directors of the Soudm Tahoe Public Utility Dtsinct. C. Adr i iv - The compilation and codiilcation of all of the Administrative. venter and Sewer Ordinances of die District, which e�tablrsh the auihoniv and the principles for the decisions of the District, and provide the public with guidelines appIicublc S(m Dislrict operations. ❑_ Sewer Unil — An estimated measurement of quantity and strength of wastewater discharged to the scorer system. A sewer unit ruP(cscnts incremental capacity rights in the form of mixtures or facililies causing actual or poi enIial we age dischuge to the sewer system. A sewcr unit is used for the purposes or determining sewer Service charges. SECTION Ii1 —FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. The Board passed and adopted Ordinance No. 34 in March 1958, which included a Schedule of Units I'or seiner service chmges slating that laundromats are to be charged formwa sewer units per washing machine. 2. The District's current Administrnivc Code still includes the same Schedule of Units to regard to laundranmats, but states that toast other commercial establishments arc to be billed one Sever Unit per five fixture units as dciined is the Uniform Plumbing Coda 3. Modern commercial clothes uwhmng machines tyre significantly [pore efficient and dsscharge a lower quantity and strength wwgewascr than washing machines available in 1958 4. The 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code specifically defines a number of fixture units associated with waishin>_ machines for public use 5. The Board has determined drat it is in the best interest of the District and its customers to amend the Schedule of Units to base lnundromat sewer units on the fixture units as defined by the Uniform Plumbing Code. SECTION iV — SCHEDULE OF UNITS gdministrativc Code Section 4.5.6 shall be amended in its entirety as fellows: 4.3.6 5chcdutc of Unit&_ The following is a schedutc of the number of units lobe applied to each type of connection to the sewer system of the District: it Hnrnes and Apartments. A minimum of three (3) units for each home or each apartment plus an additional unit t'or each bath or half -bath in exccei: (if two baths. except that the trim ntum for a hams or apartment havirtg only one bath and only one bedroom, w'hiell is a quipped with law water -use fixtures, or for a studio apanmwmt, is Iwo (2) units b I Motels, i"iomclsTimesharez: Each bath with shower andior standard bathtub with less than se" ell n••five (75) gallon overflow opacity. one ( I ) unit. Bathtubs with overflow capacity equal to or s [cater than sevcn(wlive (75) gallort_s sbull require one t I ) additional unit Fach kitchen, one I11 unit. c) Restaurant' One ( t a unit per rCstroom: [Five (5) units for the first twenty (20) seats. whether indoor scats or outdoor stars, plus one 11) additional unit for every twenty f20) indoor sears or !merlon over Iwenty (20). The first twenty (201 scats of outdoor seating shall not require any units: outdoor seating in excess of the first twenty (20) seats she11 require one-half (.5) units per twenty (20) scats: one ( I 1 additional unit ror every forty (40) outdoor seats or fraclion over Pony (40), For the purpose of this Section, where a bar is operated in connection with a restaurant, bar stools will be counted as scats. Commsrciul establishments that sell fond, but which have no eating or seating on the property shall be counted as other commercial in sub- paragraph (i). d) Service Stations: Five 15) units, one (I ) unit per RV dump. el Mobile Homerl-railer Parks, Campgmunds Three (3) units per uailer space that will accommodate a trailer in excess of Forty (40) feel in length and twelve (12) feet in width with a sewer connection providers. one (I 1 unit per trailer space for all other trailer spates with a sewer connection provided. Onc (1) unit per two trailer spaces without a sewer connection provided. f) Swiinining Pools, hot tubs. used in connection with a commercial ";iblishIII nl Two (2) units per swimming pool and hot tub. g) lave ms without foul facililit..c- T'ive (5) units. plus one (1) unit Per rest room, hi ldtxting Rooms. 13anquetlBallroom Facilities: one (1) unit per 10Q-person of maximum room capacity. or fraction mhercof, as designed by the Fire.Chief with authonty in the jurisdiction. i) All other commercial establishments: One (1) sewer unit per five (5) fixture units as defined in die Uniform Plumbing Code. SECTION V— S E V E RABI LI TY if any Section. subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase orthis Ordinance and its fmplementing rules and regulations is for env reason hctd to be unconssitwional or invalid, such decision shall not erred the validity ofthe remaining puttions of this Ordinance or tho. Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and detemaries that STPUD Notice of Amended Ordinance - Page ,2 of 3 Newspaper page size: Width: 10.00 in., Height: 14.00 in. it would have passed section, iubseetion, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereofof this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code urespcetive orthe fact that any one or more sections. subsections, 5uhdivisions, paragraphs, s,;ntenees, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unamsntunonal or invalid. SECTION VI — EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance amending the above referenced section of the Administrative Code shall take ef7%1ct thirty days after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 6th day of July 2023, by the following vote: AYES: Romsos, Peterson, Sheehan, Haven, Exline Published: July 21, 2023 STPUD Notice of Amended Ordinance - Page 3 of 3