HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 06-07-07SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Eric W. Schafer, President Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri•, General Mana er Thursday, June 7, 2007 2:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS Mar Lou Mosbacher, Director Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana er James R. Jones, Vice President Kathleen Farrell, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING — PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non - agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five - minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. South Upper Truckee Well No. 3 Controls Pg. 55 Building /Corrosion Control Treatment Facility Project and Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrade (Ivo Bergsohn, Julie Ryan) Award the Contract to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results to be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting) b. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg. 59 $2,041,363.79 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 7, 2007 PAGE-2 c. 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING Pg. 77 Bayview Well Control Buildings Facility (Ivo Bergsohn) (1) Hold a Public Hearing to Take Public Comments on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration of Environ- mental Impact; and (2) Certify the Negative Declaration of Environment Impact 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones 1 Farrell) b. Finance Committee (Wallace 1 Schafer) c. Executive Committee (Schafer 1 Jones) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher 1 Schafer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Federal Section 219 Grant Program b. Lake Tahoe Waste Water Infrastructure Partnership c. Arsenic Reporting Requirements 12. STAFF REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Legislative Update (Dennis Cocking) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 05/17107 - Lakeside Park Water Company Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 05/18/07 - Executive Committee Meeting 05/19/07 - Special Board Meeting 05/25/07 - Executive Committee Meeting 05/31/07 - Executive Committee Meeting 06/04/07 - Operations Committee Meeting 06/06/07 - EI Dorado County Water Agency Meeting 06/07107 - Finance Committee Meeting Future Meetinas I Events 06/12/07 - 10:00 a.m. - STPUDIAlpine Co. Contracts Commission Meeting in Markleeville 06/13/07 - 10:00 a.m. - Federal Grant Program Section 219 Meeting at Tahoe City PUD 06/18/07 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 06/19/07 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 06/20/07 - Noon - Employee Recognition Event at District Office 06/21/07 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District Office 06/27107 - 8:00 a.m. - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting at District Office (Director Mosbacher is Board representative) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 7, 2007 PAGE-3 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 79 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.81 Anticipated Litigation (Two Cases) c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.83 STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et aI., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957/Public Employee Evaluation Pg. 85 Title: General Manager 15. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, June 21,2007,2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (Le., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR JUNE 7, 2007 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Collection System Spot Repairs Pg.1 (Linda Brown, Mike Adams) b. Fencing Pg.3 (Kyle Schrauben) c. Temporary Help for Underground Repair Water Pg. 5 (Chris Stanley) d. Annual Software Support Costs for Utility Billing Pg.7 (Carol Swain) e. Remit Processing/Electronic Deposit Software Pg 17 System (Swain, Coyner, Gray) f. Sewer Enterprise 2007-08 Appropriations Subject Pg. 29 to Limitation (Debbie Henderson) g. Amendment to Settlement Agreement with Pg. 33 Lakeside Park Association (Rhonda McFarlane) (1) Make a Finding that the Bid Specifications were Incomplete; (2) Reject all Bids; and (3) Authorize Re-bid with Additional Language Award Bid to the Lowest Respon- sive, Responsible Bidder, Tahoe Fence Company, Inc., in the Amount of $22,840 Approve Contract with Substitute Personnel for Two Temporary Employees, in the Estimated Amount of $50,000 Approve Payment to Spring brook Software, Inc., for Software Support in the Amount of $18,107.35 (1) Authorize Exception to the Bidding Procedure as Outlined in the District's Purchasing Policy for Sole BrandlSole Source Purchases; and (2) Authorize Staff to Purchase AudioTel Remit Plus Software and Related Scanning Equipment, in the Amount of $14,632, Plus Tax Adopt Resolution No. 2832-07 Setting the Limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Authorize Execution of the Amend- ment to Settlement Agreement REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 7, 2007 PAGE-3 h. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg.41 April 19, 2007 (Kathy Sharp) i. Pg.47 j. Pg.51 Approve Minutes Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2007 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes Public Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2007 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District GonoNtMllr'lfll"" RlchantH..... 0Ire0t:4n KathIoetl fMnJI ",*,,-Ii'.. JonH MarylDu ~ ~w.-. ~ ScMfer 1275~en.tOriw.SouthLakeTahoe.CA 96100-1401 f'ttor1f530544-&414*'Fax5!O 541-0014- www~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent Mike Adams, Underground Repair Sewer Supervisor MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Collection System Spot Repairs 2007 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Make a finding that the bid specifications were incomplete; (2) Reject all bids; and (3) Authorize re-bid with additional language. DISCUSSION: Bids were opened May 8,2007, with two bidders responding (Hydrotech at $ 41,520 and J.F Pacific Liners, Inc. at $ 61,645). The low bidder, Hydrotech recently purchased equipment that will cure their product by a new ultraviolet method. Staff does not recommend a new installation method until the durability of the end product can be proven. Unfortunately, the bid documents did not specify the "ambient" cured-in-place process that staff is familiar with, and which is proven reliable in the field. Although staff asked for and received references of three (3) or more years of experience, which implied requesting their past proven method of installation, Hydrotech is unwilling to guarantee that is the method they intend to use. Staff asks that the Board make a finding that the bid specifications are incomplete, and reject all bids, so that bid verbiage can be added to the bid documents and re-bid. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2007 - December 31, 2007 COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 1001-6055 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $75,000 (FY 2008) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~J.l.l CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~~ CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -1 RklhMtH. ..." South Tahoe Public Utility District DInlctclre ~Ieett FamiI ~ R. JciIle6 Mal)' Lou MoM>acher Duan.s WdlIo&I EI1c &hllftr : , 1275 MadowCntst Otive - South I..at.e Tahoe*CA 96150-1401 f'f1ons 530544 647<4- Fax 530 541-0014.www.5tpUtI.u& BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Kyle Schrauben, Heavy Maintenance Supervisor MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Fencing REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidd,er, Tahoe Fence Company, Inc., in the amount of $22,840. DISCUSSION: On April 19, 2007, the Board authorized staff to advertise for bids for replacement of approximately 700 feet of fence along the Lower Shop Road (south end of plant). Bids were opened on May 29,2007, with two bidders responding: Tahoe Fence Company, Inc. Crusader Fence Co., Inc. $22,840 $25,970 SCHEDULE: Work to begin prior to July 1, 2007 COSTS: $22,840 ACCOUNT NO: 1004-8505 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $29,922 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES,{L }j..J CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -3- ~~4"" ~It..... South Tahoe Public Utility District 0IreGt0rt ~ FlImlI ,.,...,. It J/:lIW M../ylDU ~ ~ w...c, Eric: ~ 1215 MadowCrest t::IrMt -South Lake TaIw.CA 96150-7401 f'hontt 530 54+6414.Psx 530 541-0614*www.eI:p.Id.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Stanley, Underground Repair Water Supervisor MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Temporary Help for Underground Repair Water REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve contract with Substitute Personnel for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of $50,000. DISCUSSION: These temporary employees were added to the crew from May 21st_ Oct 12th to help with the workload in the water department. The funds were transferred from regular salary budget and added to budget code 2001- 4405, which is for Substitute Personnel. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $50,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2001- 4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $20,429 (FY 2007) $40,000 (FY 2008) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES_~ _ ~_ NO CATEGORY: Water ~ lI'Ilm"ll" ............. South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ ~ F.tmllI JMw It ./(lIld M.ryLou ~ DwlnI w.a.c. &fc;~ 127!5 MeadowCmst DrivlIt-5cM;h Lake Tahoe -CA 96150-7401 f'I1one 530544-6474.FJIx 530 f541..0614.www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Annual Software Support Costs for Utility Billing Software REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment to Springbrook Software, Inc., for software support in the amount of $18,107.35. DISCUSSION: The District's annual software support costs for the Utility Billing software application and its peripheral components is 20% of the original software purchase price, plus a 3% CPI factor added each year. The results of this formula is $18,107.35 for the fiscal year of 7/1/07 - 6/30108. These services are needed for daily phone support to resolve issues and for updates to fix any problems that maybe encountered, as well as minor new releases. Staff requests that the Board approve renewal of the support contract with Spring brook Software, Inc. for the upcoming fiscal year 2007-08. SCHEDULE: 7/1/07 - 6/30108 COSTS: $18,107 ACCOUNT NO: 1037-6030 and 2037-6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $86,650 (FY 2008) ATTACHMENTS: Maintenance contract, Invoice copies CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES dt1l../ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES-"ht< CATEGORY: Sewer & Water NO NO -7- f{t~ringbrook 111 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2900, Portland, OR 97204 03/1212007 0006920 J;ILl'I~) South Tahoe PUD 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Tahoe, CA 96150 _ 07/01/2007 I DLSClUl'lIU\! QU.\:,'I1'1 't RXI L .\[\j()U:\ r Annual Software Maintenance: 7/01/2007 - 6/30/2008: 3.00% CPI on Maintenance Fees Custom: Billing Statement Custom: Aging Report Custom Barcode to Stmt App Server Maintenance Bi-Tech Maintenance Central Cash Maintenance GIS Maintenance Postal Link Maintenance Progress Maintenance: 5 User Report Writer Maintenance Meter Interface Maintenance UB Maintenance 480.94 231.75 309.00 154.50 1,082.12 541.06 2,380.66 649.27 1,595.00 708.13 257.50 649.27 9,068.15 480.94 231.75 309.00 154.50 1,082.12 541.06 2,380.66 649.27 1,595.00 708.13 257.50 649.27 9,068.15 PLEASE DETACH BOITOM PORTION & REMIT WITH YOUR PAYMENT For questions please contact us at 503.820.2200 Customer Name: South Tahoe PUD Customer No: 002221 Account No: 0002221 07/01/2007 0006920 Please remit payment by the due date to: SPRINGBROOK SOF'IW ARE 111 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 2900 Portland, OR 97204 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $18,107.35 AMOUNT PAID: -9- 1)J ',U\l!' 1 ll)'., l2l),\~, 1 11 ) I~.\'J] ,\.\ll)[ ,,', j li'\\llj( 1 ;\\10U>:1 DUI: :.,I~',1:.~..~5 PLEASE DETACH B01l0M PORTION & REMIT WITH YOUR PAYMENT For questions please contact us at 503.820.2200 Customer Name: South Tahoe PUD Customer No: 002221 Account No: 0002221 ~ Please remit payment by the due date to: SPRlNGBROOK SOFTWARE 111 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 2900 Portland, OR 97204 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $18,107.35 AMOUNT J.>AID: -10- SPRJNGB~ SO.FTWAR.E' ,.... . ; SPRING BROOK SOFIW ARE . SOFfW ARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PARTIES: . ,.,' SPRlNGBROOK: Springbrook Software, Inc., an Oregon corporation 720 S.W. Washington Street, Suite 330 PortJand, OR 97205 .... Ph. (503) 973-7750 Fax (503) 973-7760 Email: info@springbrooksoftware.com CUSTOMER: . South Tahoe PubUc Udlity District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530-544-6474, EFFECTIVE DATE: Springbrook has licensed its proprietary software products and programs ("Software") to the Customer, and Customer wishes to have Springbrook maintain and support the use of the Software. Springbrook and Customer therefore agree as follows: 1. Definitions. a. "Software" has that meaning assigned to it pursuant to the Software License Agreement executed by the parties in conjunction with this Agreement (the "License Agreement"). b. ''Enhancement" means any modification or addition that, when made or added to the Software, materially changes its utility, efficiency, functional capability, or application, but that does not constitute solely an Error Correction. Springbrook may designate Enhancements as minor or major, depending on its assessment of their value and of the function added to the Software. c. "Error" means any failure of the Software to conform in any material respect to its published specifications. d. "Error Correction" means either a modification or addition that, when made or added to the Software, brings the Software into material conformity with its SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEf'vfENT Page ! 00 -11- published specifiCations, or a.procedure or routine that, when observed in the regular operation of the Software, avoids the practical adverse effect of such nonconformity. . e. "Major EnhanCement" means either the total rewrite oc'an application andlor additional functionality benefiting only certain entities, not all customers as'a whole, and requiring these enhancements to be packaged as a separate Module. f. "Releases" means new versions of the Software, which may include Error Corrections andlor Enhancements. g. "Temporary Fix" means an initial correction or cefix" to a problem in the software prior to the release of an error correction. 2. Term: Automatic Renewal: Termination. The initial term of this Agreement shall be from the Effective Date to the end of Customer's fiscal year, subject to renewal thereafter. During this Agreement's first term, Customer shall pay for maintenance for each module licensed pro rata as determined by the number of months from one month following start of first training session to the end of Customer's fiscal year. Springbrook shall bill and Customer shall pay for maintenance provided under this . Agreement on an annual basis, payment due as of the start of each maintenance term. This Agreement shall automatically renew after the initial term for subsequent terms of one (1) year each unless and until either party gives the other no less than thirty (30) days' written notice of termination in advance of the termination of the then- current term. This Agreement shall terminate upon Customer's failure to pay any fees due hereunder when due, or to pay any fees owing to Springbrook pursuant to any License Agreement or Service Agreement between the parties, or pursuant to any other tenn of this Agreement, after 30 days' prior written notice to Customer from Springbrook. Should Customer cancel this Agreement and wish to renew at a later date, back maintenance must be paid in full or applications re-purchased. 3. Scope of Maintenance. During the term oftbis Agreement, Springbrook agrees to provide Basic Maintenance services in support oftbe Software. Basic maintenance services shall consist of: a. Error Correction. Springbrook will use all reasonable diligence to correct verifiable and reproducible Errors within a reasonable time period after reported to Springbrook. The Error Correction, when completed, may be provided in the fonn of a "temporary fix," consisting of suffic~ent programming and operating instructions to implement the Error Correction. b. TelephoneIModem Support. Springbrook shall maintain a telephone and modem support line, or DSL Internet connection, or Tl connection to the. . Internet during normal business hours (6AM to 5 PM PacificTime) that permits Customer to 'report Errors in the Software and to receive assistance in SOFTWARE MA1NTENANCE AGREE~1.ENT P3ge 2 of? South Tahoe pun J~y2002 -12- cases of operator error. Customer agrees to provide and maintain a modem, or . DSL Internet connection, orTlIntemet'connection, PC Anywher~, and dedicated modem line on Customer's NT server and allow Spring brook to maintain and support Springbrook's application software via one of the above stated options with full a.dmini$'ative permissions to 1hedrive where the application resides: NOTE: In order to serve you properly, Spring brook must require that the modem be located physically in the server, not in a . . workstation on your network. Spring brook reserves the right to bill hourly (following Customers approval) for maintenance incases ofrepe~ted operator erro!;" where a single operator error results in extensive Spring brook time to resolve .the probl~. ,Any South Tahoe Public Utility District information that ~ Springbrook obtains through Internet connection is considered confidential. ' Co Changes in State and Federal Regulations. Springbrook will provide updates needed to conform to state and federal regulations, including changes to tax tables and routine fonns before changes become effective. Maintenance services under this A.greement do not include updates to conform. to any changes in local governmental regulations, including without limitation changes in utility billing rates, reports or methods. d. Routine Releases. Springbrook may, from time to time, issue routine Releases of the Software, containing Error Corrections and minor Enhancements to customers who have maintenance agreements in effect. Installation of routine releases is provided at no charge to customer if completed over the modem. Installation of routine releases and updates by Spring brook at Customer's site will be billed to Customer at the then current hourly rate except in cases where Springbrook is solely responsible for the inability to provide modem support. e. Discounts on Major Enhancement Releases. Springbrook may, from time to time, offer major Enhancements to Customer, genera1Jy for an additional charge. To the extent Springbrook offers such Enhancements, it shall permit l Customer to obtain one copy of each major Enhancement for each copy of the Software being maintained under this Agreement at the discount then specified by Springbrook. 4. Exceptions. The following matters are not covered by Basic Maintenance, and are outside the scope of services provided pursuant to this Agreement: a. On-site support by employees or agents of Springbrook; b. Training users in the proper operation of the Software; c. Any problem resulting from Customer's misuse, iniproper use, alteration, or damage of the Software, unless approved by Spring brook in writing; SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT South Tahoe PlJD July 1002 r3ge 3 of7 -13- d. Support of operating s)tsteins; suppc)l1 of non-8pringbrook software, . including but not limited to spreadsheets, word processors, and geJlera1 office 'software; ., . e. Installation, implementation, data conversion and Implementation Management Services. . f. Training ~d consulting required on an individual Customer basis for upgrades. . g. Set up and assistance with test databases. h. Set up, support for and maintenance of additional production databases. 5. Coopention of Customer. Customer agrees to notify Spring brook promptly following the discovery of any Error~ Further, upon discovery of an Error, Customer agrees, if requested by Spring brook, to submit to Springbrook a listing of output and any other data that Spring brook may require in order to reproduce the Error and the operating conditions under which the Error occurred or was discovered. Springbrook shall treat any such data as confidential. 6. Fees and Expenses. The initial Maintenance Fee will be as invoiced to Customer as per con~tions under Section 2. Maintenance Fees are due and payable at the beginning of the initial and each renewal term hereunder. Maintenance fees will apply to all licensed products and to any inodifi&tions made to those products if those modifications require support and/or additional programming services during upgrades to new releases. Maintenance fees are based on a percentage of the then current retail value of the licensed products. Maintenance Fees do not include travel (including travel time) and living expenses for installation and training; on-site support, installation or training; file and data conversion costs; consulting services; shipping charges; Implementation Management Services or the costs of any recommended hardware. Customer agrees to pay such fees and costs, when and as the services are rendered and the expenses incurred, as approved by Customer and invoiced by Springbrook. SpriBgbrookshall provide supporting documentation for all expenses upon customer request. . Springbrook reserves the right to require . prepayment or advance deposit for such additional charges or expenses in some instances. Customer is also responsible for sales or use taxes and state or local property or excise taxes associated with licensing, possession, or use of the Software or any associated services. The Maintenance percentage and/or resulting fee may change for renewals, provided that Springbrook gives Customer written notice of the change no less than thirty (30) days prior to the automatic renewal date set forth in Section 2. All fees paid hereunder are nonrefundable and will be forfeited in the event of tennination or cancellation except as specifically provided in Sections 10 and 11. SOFTW ARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Smith Tahoe pun July 1002 . -14- Page 4 of 7 7. " Work Orders. Customer may from time to time request from Spring brook services, " "s~ch as software modific~tions or additional training. Springbrookshall ~e a "" reasonable and good faith effort to comply with such requests but shall rewn the sole right to decide whether such services are executed. The Customer shall receive :from Spring brook an estimate of the cost of requested services. Spring brook shall receive for all approved Customer requests a signed work order from the CUstomer and a deposit equal to fifty percent of the estimated cost of the service. 8. BUlinl!. All invoices from Springbrook to the Customer for any product or service are due upon receipt. Invoices are past due 30 days after the date of invoice. Springbrook"may, at its option, charge all invoices 30 days and older an interest at a rate of one and one-nalfpercent (1 ~%) per month (eighteen percent (18%) per annum) or, if less, the highest rate allowed by applicable law from the date such fee or charge first became past due. Invoices are delinquent 60 days after the date of invoice. A delinquent invoice may cause Spring brook, at its option, to put the Customer's account .on hold Accounts on hold may receive no product, service, or support from Spring brook until all past due and delinquent invoices are paid in full. 9. Use and Restrictions. The Customer's rights and obligations concerning the use of any Error Corrections, Enhancements, or Releases (or any other programnrlng 'provided by Springbrook, regardless of its form or purpose) shall be as provided in the License Agreement. Springbrook shall have sole and exclusive ownership of all right, title and interest in and to such works (including ownership of all copyrights and other intellectual property rights pertaining thereto), subject only to the license expressly granted to customer therein. 10. Limited Remedv and Liability: Exclusion of Consequential Damae-es. The cumulative liability of Spring brook to Customer for all claims relating to any services rendered hereunder, in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall not exceed the tobil amount of the Maintenance Fee paid to Springbrook pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Springbrook be liable to Customer for any consequential, indirect, special, or incidental damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business intenuption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss), even if Springbrook has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. The foregoing limitation of liability and exclusion of certain damages shall apply regardless of the successor effectiveness of other remedies, and shall apply to all claims under the warranty described in Section 11. Springbrook's liability for breach of warranty exists only during the warranty period set forth in Section 11. 11. Limited Warranty and Exclusions. SPRINGBROOK WARRANTS THAT IT WILL RENDER ITS SERVICES HEREUNDER IN A GOOD AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. DURlNG THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT AND FOR A PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS THEREAFTER SPRlNGBROOK, AT SPRlNGBROOK'S SOLE COST, SHALL CORRECf ANY FAILURE TO RENDER ITS SERVICES HEREUNDER IN A GOOD AND WORKMANLIKE " SOFTWi\.RE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 5 on South TahOt: pun .Tuly2001 -15- MANNER. ANY CLAlM BASED. ON THE FOREGOING WARRANTY MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO SPRINGBROOK. .CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ~PRINGBROOKAND SPRINGBROOK I;>ISCLAIMS ALL OTHER W ARRANrIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLffiD, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED .W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR ADEQUACY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, QUALITY OR PRODUCfIVENESS, OR CAPACITY, OR THAT THE . SERVICES RENDERED HEREUNDER WILL BE ERROR-FREE. NO ACTION AGAINST SPRING BROOK FOR BREACH OF TIllS LIMITED W ARRANrY MAY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN 90 DAYS AFfER EXPlRATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD STATED IN TIllS SECTION II. 12. Govemin2 Law: Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Venue for any action brought by Licensor against Licensee, and for any counterclaims or cross claims thereto, shall only be in the Federal District Court in the State of California, or any state court in the State of California. Venue for any action brought by the Licensee and for any counterclaims or cross claims thereto, shall only be in the Federal District Court in the State of Oregon, or any state court in the State of Oregon. 13. Entire A2reement: Modification. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the maintenance agreement between Springbrook and Customer and supercedes all prior and contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, proposals and understandings, oral, written or implied, including those involving any agent of either party, relating to the subject matter herein. No representations or statements made by either party <>r either party's agents not expressly stated herein are binding on either party. The terms of this Agreement may only be modified, expanded or added to by a written agreement executed by the parties. No oral communication between the parties or their agents before or after execution of this Agreement shall be binding upon either party unless the parties expressly agree in writing to the tenns of such communication. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by its duly authorized officer or representative. SPRlNGBROOK CUSTOMER SOFTWARE MAiNTENANCE AGREEI\.1ENT Somb Tahoe PUD July 2002 .Page (1 of 7 -16- UlIRW'W'" IV ..,....H...... South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ ~_faml J*'W It JoIW .....I)'lou ~ Ilu.1Ilv w..a.o. EI'fc;~ 1Z15 ~c.n.tDrive.South r.aar., Tahoe.CA 96150-1401 f'ht.1nt!530544 64~. Fax530541-0614.www~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager, Lisa Coyner, Customer Service Manager, Sandy Gray, Customer Service Supervisor MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Remit Processing/Electronic Deposit Software System REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Authorize exception to the bidding procedures as outlined in the District's Purchasing Policy for Sole BrandlSole Source Purchases; and (2) Authorize staff to purchase AudioTel Remit Plus software and related scanning equipment, in the amount of $14,632, plus tax. DISCUSSION: Implementation of an automated remittance processing system will likely save the District a significant amount of time in processing daily payments for our billings as well as improve the accuracy of payment postings due to the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature of the software. The system can process up to 180 items per minute. Currently, customer service representatives need to spend approximately 4 to 5 hours daily, processing 400 to 500 items at the end of the billing quarter. Also, utilizing this new process, the checks can be electronically deposited after they are scanned which effectively improves cash flow for the District. In addition, the scanned checks along with the corresponding bill-stubs can be searched on-line by eight customizable search fields. Our utility billing software provider, Springbrook Software, has partnered with AudioTel to create an integrated automated interface to the billed accounts in order to post the customers' payments. This is a feature unique to AudioTel's remittance processing software. For this reason, staff recommends that this vendor's product be considered to qualify as a Sole BrandlSole Source product within the definitions and requirements of the District's Purchasing Policy. In addition, AudioTel is currently building an interface with Laserfiche Software, which is the District's enterprise-wide scanning and indexing standard software solution. The District's Purchasing Agent has reviewed this item. -17- Swain/Coyner/Gray June 7, 2007 Page 2 SCHEDULE: June 8, 2007 for contractual obligation COSTS: $14,632 plus tax ACCOUNT NO: 1037-7528,1037-4405 and 2037-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $14,000, $30,671 and $25,930 ATTACHMENTS: AudioTel quote, Sole Brand/Sole Source document, Software feature list and summary. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water -18- Audio.rel RenlitPlus n('mitfancc and Locli Bo:\ Jlroduct ])roposal/Onh~r l~'onn Srhnluk A OFFER MADE TO: 30 DAY OFFER: b/25/2001 South Tahoe Public Utility District Carol Swain 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA E-mail: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Account Manager: sgray@stpud.dst.ca.us (530)544-6474 Roslyn Brown AudloTel Licensed Software: Annual License up to - 200,000 ItemslYr RemltPlus 7 AudloTel Computer: Dell P4 3.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Network Card, DVD-ROM, 17" lCD Monitor. 3 Years (Parts & Labor) $1,455 Type of Scanner: (see note below) Canon CR-180 1 $3,602 $3.602 Ink Cart. & 1st Year's Maint. Incl., subsequent year's fees available from equip vendo Software Interface to Capture Device: ScanFonn (no charge) Additional Options: Bar Code License (per scanner) $250 CheckMate Jogger (Single) 1 $480 $480 ACH Deposit (transaction fees additional) 1 $1,500 $300 $1,500 ($0.12 ACH Personal, $0.15-$0.35 IRD Check 21 Fees) Additional Jobs $2,500 CARlLAR - Character Recognition Module Paid Annually 1 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Optional Microsoft SOL Interface $1,500 Flat Rate On Site Installation Fee Plus Expenses $1,400 $1 ,400 Flat Rate RemotelWebEx Installation Fee $700 Tenns: Balance due upon Completed Installation Annual Fees beginning 2nd Year Grand Total: $2,790 $14,632 Estimated Lease Cost with $1.00 Buy-Out 60 Months 48 Months 36 Months 24 Months Monthly Payment-- $34 7 .22 $407.21 $510.07 $719.02 First Year Annual Fees Waived ~ Initials CUSTOMER SIGNATURE Sian and Return this "Order Fonn" with Deposit to place your order: Officer & Title: Date: Ver. 02105 SO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AudloTel Corporation 15510 Wright Brothers Dr. Addls2~'9T1C 75001 Phone(800)250~6 Fax (972) 239-4511 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Sole Brand/Source Sole Justification/Approval 1. The District follows legal requirements to obtain competition whenever possible. Competitive purchases are easy to justify in regards to price and also encourage suppliers to remain competitive in price and service. At times however, it may be necessary or economically preferable to purchase products or services on a sole brand or sole source basis. Since sole brand/sole source purchasing is an exception to the normal procurement function, it must be objectively justified. Completion of this form should facilitate that process and provide a written record of the basis used in sole procurement decisions. 2. Criteria that may be considered in determining sole brand includes (but is not limited to): unique features availability size limitations service & support reliability operational familiarity repair ease part interchangeability programming ease 3. The purchase of products or services often requires research of the market and District needs regardless if the purchase will result in a competitive solicitation later. The research is an internal process. Departments are requested to use discretion in their discussion with vendors so as not to compromise any competitive advantage the buyer may have, regardless of the acceptance or rejection of the sole brand/source justification. Staff is also asked to anticipate future needs and research products/services prior to any substantial investment to avoid being committed to certain products without recognizing and comparing all variables. Supplier Name: AudioTel Corporation Street Address: 15510 WriQht Brothers Dr. Cltyl Addison, TX 75001 StatelZlP: Contact, Phone: Roslvn Brown (800) 250-4486 General Description of Commodity or Service reauested to be Purchased and Its function: Remittance Processing Systeml Electronic Deposit System to use with Springbrook utility billing and check payments to customer accounts. INSTRUCTIONS: Please initial all entries below that apply to the proposed purchase. Attach additional information or support documentation if needed. More than one entry will apply to all sole source justifications. SOLE BRAND JUSTIFICATION ITEM INITIALS JUSTIFICATION 1 J This is the only known product or service that will meet the minimum essential needs of this department or perform the necessary intended function. If this item is initialed please explain below. -20- Explanation (Include the unique performance features of required functions and why they are necessary): Our Utility billing software provider, Spring brook Software, has partnered with AudioTel Corporation to build an integrated automatic interface to our billing/cash receipting software to post all payments. What methods were utilized to find other sources - be specific (e.g. Internet search engines, sourcing sites, other users, the competition): Springbrook User Group Conference and vendor show, plus other users. List the other vendors that were researched. Detail why their product/service was rejected. Credltron: no automatic interface to Spring brook is available. West Coast Bank: no automatic interface to Springbrook is available, and must have a bank account at this Oregon bank. 2 Product or service has been previously standardized (documentation attached). It is not due for review, and it is not interchangeable with a similar product/service from another manufacturer. Comments: 3 Staff wishes to add the product or service to the standardization list. If this item is initialed describe in detail below. Explanation: SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION 4 Purchase is to be made from the orioinal manufacturer or orovider. 5 Purchase must be made through the manufacturer - the manufacturer is the exclusive distributor. 6 Purchase must be made th rough the only area distributor of the product or only authorized service provider. 7 ~ None of the above 6 items apply. A detailed justification for this sole source purchase is orovided below: Detailed Justification: Utilizing the established partnership between AudioTel and Springbrook Software would save additional costs of programming which may be substantial (minimum estimation - $5,000). AudioTel is also building an automatic interface to Laserfiche software which is the District's enterprise-wide imaging and indexing software standard. Describe what you have done to ensure that the product brand or service costs recommended are reasonable: I have gotten quotes from the two other companies listed above. Other explanation/justification: (e.g. history of previous like purchases) Suggested review date: Next purchase of similar product On the basis of the above, I recommend that competitive procurement be waived and that the product or service indicated be purchased on a sole brand and sole source basis. -21- I have made a diligent effort to review comparable products or services. I feel confident that the sole brand/sole source purchase is justified and feel confident in explaining the justification to the general public. I also understand that I may be required to provide a detailed cost analysis/estimate since price reasonableness may not be established through the competitive process. EMPLOYEE NAME & DEPARTMENT Carol Swain, Information Systems DATE 5/30/07 MANAGER NAME (If different) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Based on the above statements and justification, I hereby agree with the purchase of this product or service on a sole brand/source basis. DATE Other approvals may be required up to and Including Board of Director approval. -22- AudioTel Remittance Processing Read what our customers are saying: We were bringing our lockbox operations in- house; and frankly, we were dreading it. Long hours of training, hiring new personnel, expensive equipment, high maintenance fees — we expected all of this and more. After 11 years of in -house processing with our RemitPlus system, we couldn't be happier. This system is easy -to -learn and easy -to -use; we were up and running in a few days and we didn't need to hire new personnel. No expensive equipment or high maintenance fees — RemitPlus offered us competitive pricing and economical solutions, and we've saved $35,000 a year by eliminating our third -party lockbox provider. Scott Lehrer First Mortgage Taoringbrook Remit Plus Feature List • Customizable System — We'll Create the Ideal Flow for Your Processing Needs • High Speed Scanning and Image Capture • CAR/LAR (Courtesy Amount and Legal Amount Recognition) • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) • Barcode Recognition • MICR Encoding • Transaction Balancing • Amount acceptance and rejection • Optional Double Key Entry • Simultaneous Processing at Multiple Stations • Multiple Payment Types Payment Types Single Payments Full/partial payments consisting of a single document and a single check • Multiple Jobs with Multiple Databases • Front -End Editing with Image Display • Stand -Alone Processing • Numerous Runs on the Same Job During a Single Day • Automated Check Endorsements • Customer & Account Association • Reliable Audit Trail • Data Consolidation • Customized Extraction File • GUI Project Builder — Add New Jobs, Design Sort Patterns, and More • ARC to ACH Conversion or X9.37 Cash Letter Non Scannable or No Document The check is not accompanied by a scannable document, such as a non -profit organization • Electronic Deposit • Electronic Reports • Automatic Posting to Host • Image Archive and Retrieval • Browser Based Research with a Powerful Search Engine .. • Easy Archive to CD • One or Two -pass Processing Modes • Automatic Reversal for Return Items • Compatible with Numerous Scanners, including Canon, Panini, NCR, Unisys, Kleindienst, CTS, and Seac • Accepts any combination of scanners • Multiple Remote Capture and /or Processing Sites Multiple Payments Full/partial payments consisting of a single document and multiple checks, or multiple documents and single checks S3 AudioTel Remittance Processing Read what our customers are saying: We used to have 4 full time people that spent 8 hours per day to process payments. After installing the AudioTel Remit Plus software, 1 person can do the same job in about 2 to 3 hours. Patti Hollis City of McKinney cg9 AudioTel www audioteLcom 15510 Wright Brothers Drive Addison, Texas 75001 1 -800- 250-4486 Do you have account receivables of more than 50 checks per day? If you answered "yes" to this question, then you are well aware of the time, effort, and resources necessary to process, and post the payments to your accounting software. AudioTel has an affordable, easy -to -use solution AudioTel Corporation has been solving check processing problems for hundreds of community banks for many years, and we now have an inexpensive, automated payment processing solution that will drastically reduce the time and cost of manual, payment posting for small businesses. AudioTel's Remit Plus solution is an affordable, turnkey, automated check- posting system that provides companies just like yours with the ability to capture images of checks that have been submitted for payment and credit the payments to your customers' accounts without manual key entry. AudioTel's "CAR/LAR" technology actually "reads" the handwritten amounts of checks, and creates a posting file to export into your billing system. We can even convert the checks to an ACH transaction so that your deposits can be sent electronically to your bank for faster credit. If you have one, or more employees that spend over 1 hour per day posting payments to your billing system, let us show you how we can save you money. Our package solution has drastically improved payment posting efficiency to companies such as: City of Grapevine, TX City of Carson, CA City of Sachse, TX Olan Mills First Mortgage Corporation DiMark Group(SmartPay) City of Killeen, TX FSB Arlington Direct Mail Processors Palmdale Water McDonald Data Services Republic Bank of Insurances City of Sherman, TX City of Coppell, TX Peace River Electrical Power Association Horry Electrical Power Association Lirin Electrical Power Association N AudioTel Streamline Your Operations ~~lI:l'lO't.iH'~t'< v'e ~iU~ ~"~.~> p H ~ ~,W.l< J ~".~ ,c' !'" J ::;I! Bring the Power of Imaging to Your Payment Processing The Remittance Plus Series provides you with a comprehensive solution for all your payment processing needs. With a fully scalable environment, Remittance Plus can perform in a variety of payment processing situations from largest lock box provider to the smallest nonprofit organization. · Simultaneous processing at multiple stations · CAR/LAR locates, reads, and captures the check amount · Reliable MICR, Barcodes, and OCR capture · Images are immediately available for any needed adjustments and balancing · Intuitive system provides checks and balances · Balanced and unbalanced transactions are clearly defined And You'll Reap the Benefits Remittance Plus will automate every aspect of payment processing, saving you time and improving your operations. · Maximizes processing speed . Eliminates the labor-intensive "read and key" of each check . Does away with incorrect manual entries or filing errors · Eliminates time consuming hand-stamping of checks . Reduces paper handling Reliable - Robust - Affordable AudioTel Remittance Plus Discover the Operational Benefits of Remittance Plus With an easy-to-use interface, Remittance Plus Series offers you the benefits of automated processing without the high cost of other systems. . Easy-to-use interface allows quick training of personnel . With the help of color-coded functions, operators are directed to the next step in the process . Operators can retrieve, view, and e-mail images directly from their desktop . Quick retrieval of checks allows most customer inquiries to be promptly handled over the phone . Easily create CD-ROMs for backup security and disaster recovery Call us today for a free demonstration 1.800.250.4486 AudioTel's Complete Suite of Products includes: The Right Solution for Today and Tomorrow The AudioTel Remittance Plus is a versatile, comprehensive system that will fit your needs today and tomorrow. . GUI Project Builder lets you easily and quickly create new jobs or define changing parameters, such as additional characters that have been added to a scan line Proof of Deposit Balancing Check Archiving Signature Authorization Report Archiving Remittance Microfilm Replacement Document Imaging Internet Banking Voice Response . Compatible with numerous scanners, including Canon, NCR, Unisys, Kleindienst, CTS, and Seac . Accepts any combination of scanners; for example, you could use a Canon as well as an NCR ~. t ~ i: Step 1: Open the Mail '~ )~ Step 2: Manual Update to AIR Operators enter customer account number and amount into accounts receivable Step 3: Endorse Checks Operators hand stamp checks with endorsement Step 4: Balance the Stubs and Checks . Create adding machine tape of coupons . Create adding machine tape of checks Step 5: Balance Totals Compare AIR totals with adding machine totals Step 6: Archive Checks Microfilm or photocopy the coupons and checks Step 7: Create Deposit Total checks, create bank deposit and send checks to bank . Time Consuming; 10 to 30 items posted per minute . Labor Intensive; with as few as 2000 items, work hours can equal 32 hours a day . Increased errors RemitPlus SOFTWARE ,'.', [11'.llG..IG'~ OF i'.L.C-ICT:L 1-800-250-4486 -27- Automated Method Step 1: Open the Mail Step 2: Scan the Coupons and Checks r t Feeds and reads at 180 items per minute . CAR/LAR captures check amount . OCR captures data from billing stub or coupon Balances transactions Endorses Checks Captures Images ~ Step 3: Handle any Exceptions Exceptions stop and the operator keys in the amount of the check Step 4: Automated Update to Accounts Receivable Step 5: Electronic Deposit of Receivables ARC (Accounts Receivable Checks) are ~ converted to ACH Debits or X9 Cash Letter so payments can be electronically debited from the consumers' account. i, . Time Saving; up to 180 items posted per minute . Automated; reduces work hours by as much as 90% . Fewer errors; eliminates nearly all manual steps and subsequent errors ({(~ringbrook South Tahoe Public Utility District ~-_-.- .. ........H....... t:lIrec::tcn ~F.tmllI ......It Jorw MaryLou~ ~w.a.c. I!!ttc;~ 12?5 u.dowo.tOrfvft-,9out;h L.ake TaIw. CA 96150-1401 ~530544-&474.Fax5:50 541..()614. www..,...us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise 2007-08 Appropriations Subject To Limitation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2832-07 setting the limitation on appropriations for fiscal year 2007-08. DISCUSSION: This is the District's annual resolution called for by Constitutional Amendment XIIIB. The limitation on Appropriations for fiscal year 2007-08 is $52,796,832. The Sewer Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2007-08 appropriates $31,329,875. As such, the District is $21.466,957 below the state mandated spending Ii m it. SCHEDULE: Adopt resolution June 7, 2007 COSTS: NIA ACCOUNT NO: NIA BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2832-07; Calculation of the permitted appropriation growth rate. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEs-tJ:J 1 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ' Me..... CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -29- WHEREAS, on May 19,2007, such documentation was made public: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the South 19 Tahoe Public Utility District does find and declare that the appropriations subject to 20 limitation for Fiscal Year 2007-08 are: $24,520,076; and that for Fiscal Year 2007-08, the proceeds of taxes are defined in the enabling statues are: $6,612,001; and that the 22 increase in proceeds of taxes over the appropriations subject to limitations is: $-0. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the th day of June, 2007, by the 24 following vote: 25 AYES: NOES: 27 ABSENT: 28 11I11I11I/111/111I 29 11I11I11I/111I11I 30 /1/111I/1/111I/1 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2832-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION AND PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have elected to approve 7 Constitutional Amendment XIIB, and the Legislature of the State of California has voted 8 to adopt Senate Bill No. 1352, which implements Constitutional Amendment XIIB, 9 setting the method of computing annual appropriations subject to limitation of local non- 10 residential construction and population; and WHEREAS, the Directors selected the change in per capita personal income; 6 11 and 12 WHEREAS, such legislation sets the base year for this computation as Fiscal 13 Year 1978-79; and 14 WHEREAS, such legislation required documentation setting such appropriation 15 limitations shall be available to the public fifteen days prior to the adoption of this 16 resolution; and 17 18 21 23 26 -31- 1 Resolution No. 2832-07 2 June 7, 2007 Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATTEST: 10 11 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -32- Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Permitted Growth Rate in Appropriations for 2007-08 Appropriation Limitation 2006-07 $49,987,533 Increase In CA Per Capita Personal Income 4.42 + 100.00= 100 1.0442 Increase In Population EI Dorado County 1.15 + 100.00= 100 1.0115 Change Ratio 1.0442 x 1.0115 x 1.0562 Appropriations Limitation for 2007-08 Actual Appropriations 2007-08 Limitation Exceeding Actual Appropriations 2007-08 $52,796,832 $31,329,875 $21,466,957 Historical Appropriations Limitations & Proceeds Of Taxes I ~ Appropriation Limitation - Actual Appropriations I $60 $50 ~ $40 o ~ $30 ~ E $20 $10 $0 988-8 1990-9 1992-9 1994-9 1996-9 1998-9 200IHI 2002-0 2004-0 2006-0 1989-90 1991-92 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 200H)2 2003-04 2005-06 2007- 08 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Actual Appropriations: Cash Expenditures $26,366,875 Depreciation d4,963,OOO Total Expenditures 31,329,875 -33- UllItWW... 4" ~H.~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Olractr:n t::.tn:f11M1 FMnlI .u.nw lit...IOnH ....rylDu ~ DuMt, WdtI>> EIt: 5c:Mfw 1215 MeadowCrtst Drive -South L#B Tahoe-CA 961e()..1401 f'ttone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-OO14.www.5CpJd.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Amendment to Settlement Agreement with Lakeside Park Association (LPA) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of the Amendment to Settlement Agreement. DISCUSSION: Both the District and Lakeside Park Association (LPA) provide water service to the Lakeside Park subdivision. After a customer dispute and litigation, the District entered into a Settlement Agreement with LPA dated May 11,2004 (the 2004 Settlement Agreement). The 2004 Settlement Agreement provides for compensation between the two water providers when a customer chooses to change water service providers. In addition, the 2004 Settlement Agreement envisioned one service provider to the Redevelopment Project 3 (RP3). The RP3 Developer, Lake Tahoe Development, would like both the District and LPA to serve their project. This Amendment documents that both water service providers will serve RP3 and that neither party will provide any compensation to the other for resulting customer changes. In addition, the District will suspend payments from LPA on the 2004 Settlement Agreement amount July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2012 as recommended by the Board of Directors Ad Hoc committee. SCHEDULE: Sign agreement June 7, 2007 COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING ATTACHMENTS: Amendment to Settlement Agreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES me: CATEGORY: Water NO NO -35- AMENDMENT TO SETILEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement is by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District (District), a public corporation and Lakeside Park Association (LP A), a California Corporation, entered into this 7 day of June, 2007 at South Lake Tahoe, California. RECITALS A. The District owns and operates a public water system and provides water service to residential and commercial customers situated in the City of South Lake Tahoe, and portions ofEI Dorado County, California. B. LP A, a mutual water company, provides water service to residential and commercial customers situated in an area circumscribed by US Highway 50, the Califomia/Nevada border, Stateline Avenue, Lake Tahoe and Park Avenue in EI Dorado County, California. C. Lake Tahoe Development Co., LLC (Developer) is the redevelopment company that will establish a convention-hotel retail outlet development within the circumscribed area defined in Exhibit A attached hereto; said area is hereby referred to as "Project 3". D. Both the District and LPA cUrrently serve the area known as Project 3. Currently the District serves approximately six (6) parcels within Project 3 and LPA serves approximately eighteen (18) parcels. E. As a result of litigation between the District and LP A, said parties entered into a Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release dated May 11, 2004 (herein after referred to as "the May II th Agreement"), wherein said parties resolved their dispute and defined their futme relationship within the subdivision commonly known as Lakeside Park Association. F. As part of the May 11th Agreement, said parties sought to define their relationship concerning any redevelopment projects that might occur within the Lakeside Park subdivision. G. Developer has elected to have both LP A and the District serve portions of Project 3. H. This Amendment is to modify certain aspects of the May II th Agreement to be consistent with the parties' anticipated service of Project 3. CONDITIONS This Amendment is subject to the District's actual provision of water to the Phase "A" and Phase "B" portions of Project 3. In the event that the District is unable to serve either Phase "A" or Phase "B", as such service is described fmther in this Amendment, or if Developer does not apply for service as outlined in section 9(f) (ii) and 9(f)(iii), this Amendment shall be void. This Amendment is subject to LPA's actual provision ofwater to Phase"B" portion of Project 3. In the event that LPA is unable to serve Phase "B", as such service is described further in this Amendment, or if Developer does not apply for service as outlined in section 9(t) (ii), this Amendment AMENDMENT TO SEITLEMENT AGREEMENT - 3 7- shall be void. TERMS Now therefore, the parties agree to the following: Article 3 Section 3(b) is replaced in its entirety by the following: Installment Pavments. LP A shall pay the District the remaining sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars (1150,000) in quarterly installments at One Thousand 1Wo Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) per quarter to be paid over 30 years. The quarterly payments will be due on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each year commencing with the first quarterly payment due on March 31, 2004. However, LPA 's payment obligatton shall be suspendedfor the period of July 1,2007 thruJuly 1,2012. Payments shall resume on September 30, 2012 and end with the final quarterly payment due on March 31, 2039. Section 3(c) is deleted. Article 9 New Section 9(f) is added in its entirety as follows: (0 Proieet 3 Phases " A" and "8". Sections 9( a) thm (e) shall apply only to that area known as Project 3 Phase "C." As to Project 3 Phase "A" and Project 3 Phase "B", as defined herein, the parties agree to the following: (i) The Dis1riet shall provide water service to lots 3 and 4 of Project 3 (herein referred to as Phase "A"), and LP A will service lot 2 (herein referred to as Phase "B"). It is anticipated that the Developer will use well-water for lot 1. (ii) It is anticipated that the District will be providing water service to approximately 477 "lock out units" in Phase "A", and LPA will be serving approximately 123 "lock out units" in Phase "B". (ill) The District shall provide water for fire protection for all of Project 3, Phases "A" and "B". (iv) The parties herein agree that the details of the services and benefits that are being separately provided by the District and LP A respectively, to the Developer shall be further defined in separate agreements among each party and the Developer. AMENDMENT TO SEITLEMENT AGREEMENT - 3 8- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first stated above. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By: President of Board of Directors AITEST: By: Clerk of the BoardlExecutive Services Manager Approved as to form: By: Hatch & Parent, Attorneys for South Tahoe Public Utility District LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION: By: Zan Barker, President ArrEST: By: LP A Secretary Approved as to form: By: Bruce P. Grego, Attorney at Law Attorney for Lakeside Park Association AMENDMENT TO SETILEMENT AGREEMENT - 3 9- --A~~ ~-r.(t. \" ~~ :'''~, I'(!>, ,'.~. '." ,:) -~ ~t:~~ '~:::~::j:;~ '\~~ d~f,\'~. ".~.. ~'t; 'i\~'< \\ \> .,~. ~~;~:i~ \~~ ';.:".'~'''' '" 1'>~ ."'':'~ ".. ..... <c;, .<i}:)i';~" Ijf . "". J:/) (j .fiv:~// /!J II!> ~j~D:Z~7,~,~, . ~ :,..1 ~~~.:: U~ ~,;- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbrig, General Mana~er Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~er James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 19, 2007 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 19, 2007, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, Ca. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer; Directors Wallace, Jones, Farrell, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, McFarlane, Curtis, Bartlett, Carrion, Van Gorden, Schrauben, Cocking, M. Gray, Brown, Bergsohn, Donovan, Ryan, Attorney Herrema GUESTS: Eric GrahamlMaxwell Research, Ernie Claudio, John Adamski Consent Item a. (Collection System Spot Repairs) was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Farrell 1 Second Mosbacher 1 Passed Unanimouslv to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. See Consent Items Brought Forward; b. Weed Management Group Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Authorized execution of the Alpine County IUpper Carson River Watershed (California/Nevada) Weed Management Group MOU; -41- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2007 PAGE - 2 c. Roof Maintenance - Authorized staff to advertise for bids to replace the wastewater treatment plant, maintenance shop roof; d. Fencing - Authorized staff to advertise for bids to replace the wastewater treatment plant fencing; e. 2008 Waterline Replacement Projects - Approved Task Order No.6 to Auerbach Engineering Corporation to provide field surveying in the amount of $15,575; f. Upper Dressler Ditch Phase 1 Project - Approved Task Order No.5 to Auerbach Engineering Corporation for providing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and construction services in the amount of $28,000; g. New Water Operations Truck - Awarded bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, South Shore Motors, in the amount of $20,565.33; h. New Plant Operations Truck - (1) Rejected low bid due to exception to bid specifications; (2) Authorized withdrawal of second low bid; and (3) A warded bid to the third lowest respon- sive, responsible bidder, South Shore Motors, in the amount of $25,369.09; I. South Upper Truckee Well No.3 Controls Buildingl Corrosion Control Treatment Facility Project and Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrade Project - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for construc- tion of the proposed well controls buildinglcorrosion control treatment facility at 3140 Egret Way, and complete structural upgrades to the pump station building at the Luther Pass Pump Station to meet building code requirements for seismic stability of an essential facility; j. South Upper Truckee Well No.3 Controls Building 1 Corrosion Control Treatment Facility Project - Approved proposal from Entrix, Inc. to complete California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) re- quirements, in the estimated not-to-exceed amount of $23,886; k. Bayview Well Controls Building Facility - (1) Approved Change Order No.4 to K.G. Walters Construction Co. Inc., in the amount of $21,607.79; and (2) Approved 185-day time extension to complete Change Order No.4 Items #2 and #3; -42- CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) REGULAR SOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2007 PAGE - 3 I. Adopted Resolution No. 2828-07 authorizing an amendment to the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) contract and dis- closure of future annual cost of providing the 2.7% at age 55 benefit formula. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION COLLECTION SYSTEM SPOT REPAIRS (Consent Item a.) Moved Mosbacher 1 Second Farrell 1 Passed Unanimouslv to authorize staff to advertise for bids to perform spot repairs on collection system. Director Mosbacher received clarification that liners are installed by contractors and are not done in-house. ITEM FOR BOARD ACTION Paul Sciuto reported eight contractors attended the pre-bid for this project. Four bids were received at the April 17 bid opening. Moved Jones 1 Second Mosbacher 1 Passed Unanimously to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Marv McQueary Excavating, Inc., in the amount of $1,274,638. Randy Curtis reported the State of California is going to purchase the property located at the corner of Highway 50 and Apache, which currently houses the California Conservation Corp., as a permanent residence for this organization. Documents have revealed that when the District purchased the Tahoe Paradise Water Company in 1987, it included some surface water rights to these parcels and also gave the District the right to extract groundwater (a negative easement was also included to preclude anyone else from extracting groundwater). The negative easement would not be quit- claimed since it is in the public's best interest that no one ever drills in that area due to the proximity of the MTBE plume and drilling could cause cross contamination of aquitards by drilling through them. After some research, and meeting with the District's General Counsel, staff made the following determinations: . The surface water rights have never been used or acted upon by either Tahoe Paradise or the District; . The surface water rights were originally put into place in the 1950s, but the golf course has subsequently diverted the runoff; . The District has no future plans to utilize these rights; . The rights are located in the area of a MTBE plume which restricts drilling on that property; -43- 2007 GLEN ROAD AND GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATERLINE REPLACE- MENT PROJECT SURFACE WATER RIGHTS ON PARCELS: APN 034-270-58 AND APN 034-270-59 RE:GULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2007 PAGE - 4 . Due to the conditions of the fully developed parcels and groundwater climate, the rights are not something the District would want to use. Staff recommended it is in the best interest of the public to sign the quitclaim to expedite the sale of the property to the State of California. Moved Farrell I Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimouslv that based on the findings made above, to authorize execution of Quitclaim Deed for Surface Water Rights to the State of California, Department of General Services. SURFACE WATER RIGHTS ON PARCELS: APN 034-270-58 AND APN 034-270-59 (continued) Ivo Bergsohn reported two proposals were received for INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR this project. The scope of work will entail providing TMDL MITIGATION PROJECT survey data and preparing plans and specifications for system permitting and design of the hypolimnetic oxygenation facility. Moved Farrell I Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimouslv to approve the proposal received from Brown and Caldwell to provide civil engineering services in general accordance with the District Request for Qualifications dated 03/16/07. Director Wallace noted the District received funding assistance for this project. The District's share is over $200,000. Moved Wallace / Second Farrell I Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $768,438.03. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 16. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Richard Solbrig reported he attended the last Water Agency Board meeting. The main topic was SMUD and the Joint Water Power Authority. There was also a presentation regarding the agency's efforts to become independent and split from EI Dorado County. Dennis Cocking reported the District would make a presentation regarding the erosion control utility relocation issues taking place with EI Dorado County DOT on May 2. Director Mosbacher received clarification from Rhonda McFarlane regarding funding status of the new Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory facility. -44- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19,2007 PAGE - 5 Director Farrell commended Dennis Cocking for the positive article in the Mountain News regarding things the District is doing to "go green." Director Jones reported on the workshop he attended that was set up for contractors to be able ask questions of local agencies, including the District. General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported on two GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS items: 1) The District's Washington D.C. representatives will assist with the utility relocation language in the Lake Tahoe ~estoration Act that the USFS has misinterpreted. 2) The firm, Koff and Associates, was hired to perform a formal salary survey for non-exempt employees. They have developed a list of similar agencies that will be used to compare the District's job descriptions, salaries, benefits, etc. to. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on the notification requirements that resulted from Prop. 218 (the "Bighorn Decision"). 3:30 - 3:45 P.M. MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION 4:00 P.M. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. 5-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -45- '::oil " ':/ It . '41 ;.,. ,rIJ I "; , 4) .".: . '..jI '. ,if.(,7 . A1J ..;1 ,I" T J.fI. ,~ ti:4d'~;t IJ . ~ 'llJ AI~ ~iJJ' . III SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbrig, General Manager Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manai:. James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 3, 2007 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 3, 2007, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, Ca. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Vice-President Jones; Directors Wallace, Farrell, Mosbacher Director Schafer was excused for District business. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Whalen, Sciuto, McFarlane, Cocking, Hoggatt, Ryan, Bergsohn, Donovan, R. Johnson, Schrauben, Theisen, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Dave Backman I K. G. Walters Construction, Ernesto Claudio, Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government. Consent Item d. (2007 Glen Road and Gardner Mountain) was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Farrel!l Second Mosbacher I Schafer Excused I Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. 2007 Water Meter Inventory - (1) Waived bidding procedures, as outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for standardized equipment to be purchased from the sole area supplier; and (2) Authorized purchase of water meters and parts from Western Nevada Supply, in the amount of $44,795.03; -47- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2007 PAGE-2 b. Arsenic Treatment Facility - Approved proposal from Carollo Engineers in the amount of $52,984 to complete Phase III - predesign for the Arrowhead Well Arsenic Treatment Facility; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) c. ICR TMDL Mitigation Project - (1) Approved proposal from Brown and Caldwell to complete Phase I (to include Task Nos. 1, 2, and 3) as outlined in their revised Scope of Work and Budget, in the amount of $75,083.56; and (2) Approved Task Order for Alex Horne Associates to provide technical review and direction, in the amount of $10,000; d. See Consent Items Brought Forward; e. B-Line Phase 3: Revegetation Inspection and Monitoring - Approved proposal from Western Botanical Services, Inc., to provide four years of follow-up inspection and vegetation monitoring, in the amount of $43,308.26; f. November 6, 2007 Consolidated Districts Election - Adopted Resolution No. 2829-07 for EI Dorado County declaring an election be held in its jurisdiction consolidated with other Districts requesting election services; g. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2007. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Director Jones requested clarification/explanation of the new fees the City will be imposing and how it applies to District projects. Staff indicated to the Board they currently are meeting with City staff to determine the fees for planned projects and will keep the Board informed as the information is provided and interpreted. 2007 GLEN ROAD AND GARDNER MOUNTAIN (Consent Item d.) Moved Mosbacher I Second Farrell I Schafer Excused I Passed to approve payment to the City of South Lake Tahoe for the encroachment permit fee, in the amount of $19,119.57. ITEM FOR BOARD ACTION Dave Backman, Senior Vice-President for K. G. Walters FINAL I SECONDARY EFFLUENT Construction addressed the Board concerning the PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT company's recent bid for the project. District Senior Engineer Julie Ryan reported there was only one bid submitted. This bid was 45% over the engineer's estimate. -48- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2007 PAGE-3 She requested the Board continued this item for two (2) weeks to allow staff time to consider the bid, and further negotiate with the lone bidder, K. G. Walters Construction. No Board action. FINAL I SECONDARY EFFLUENT PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT (continued) Moved Farrell I Second Wallace I Schafer Excused I PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Passed to approve payment in the amount of $876,310.30. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The STANDING COMMITTEE committee met April 30. Minutes of the meeting are REPORTS available upon request. Director Mosbacher reported she attended the annual BOARD MEMBER REPORTS fish meeting in Alpine County. Consensus of the group indicates they are pleased with Indian Creek Reservoir and the fishing climate. Also discussed were the increased sightings of mountain lions and the reports in missing domestic animals. She requested staff in Alpine be alerted to this information. Director Jones reported on his attendance at the last ECC meeting held at the District. Director Wallace reported on a Cap-to-Cap trip (Sacramento to Washington D. C.) he attended representing the water agency on April 21- 25. General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported on two items: (1) Lake Tahoe Restoration Act Grant Funding - Staff previously requested the USFS clarify their language interpretation regarding reimbursement for utility relocations. The USFS did respond by letter and will now include costs accrued by the District for the plan- ning stages of erosion control projects. These now include potholing and participation in the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) meetings. Staff will be resubmitting the current grant application for 2007. (2) EI Dorado County Water Agency - He, along with Dennis Cocking, attended their meeting on May 2, 2007, and gave a PowerPoint presentation concerning the utility relocation reimbursement issue. The water agency Board now has a better understanding of the situation and problems the District is encountering with this issue. District Information Office: Dennis Cocking reported a new bill, AB1260, is going to be introduced that will clean up legislation to the Big Horn Decision. This bill will address how customers, whether they are the property owners or rental clients, will receive notification of rate changes and protest notices. Issues regarding this bill are currently being debated, and staff will keep _~e_ Board updated. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE REPORT GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2007 PAGE-4 Attorney Kvistad requested a Closed Session item be added to the agenda to allow for discussion of an anticipated litigation issue that was received subsequent to the regular Board meeting agenda being posted. Moved Wallace I Second Jones / Schafer Excused I Passed to add an additional Closed Session item to the agenda. 3:00 - 3: 10 P.M. 3:22 P.M. ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA: ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (ONE CASE) MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 3:22 P.M. ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District By: Chris Whalen, Assistant Board Clerk -50- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation One Case ADJOURNMENT TO PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING AT 6:00 P.M. Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District .c1" ~ ~c,~;t~~~v:J ~ "..\<,u\.l .d. "1: ~~ \."h ~ .. ~\I-~' 'f, .,~' ~ ,\", ',".,\ ',' ," ,', i'< ~:f\~t\~J.o1Il'~' ' ~~\"i2~.\<{ ~t. ~ t k 'l.\,,'t "\} ~~:;\i}~~fU~ ' .!It , ;~j." !I !lit J f~;~~~t(tj) '::'~;I,~" ~ ,,"".' ~ ,.~~ '11 i/J:/j ii~?~z:,~:{ ~ i:.' ,. ...,"::~~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones,Vice Pr~ident Kathleen Farrell, Director Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 3, 2007 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met for a Public Meeting on May 3,2007,6:00 p.m., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Directors Farrell, Mosbacher, Wallace, Jones. Director Schafer was excused. ROLL CALL STAFF: Mary Alsbury, Dennis Cocking, Lisa Coyner, Randy Curtis, Debbie Henderson, Rhonda McFarlane, Susan Rasmussen, Paul Sciuto, Richard Solbrig. GUESTS: John Cefalu, Ernie Claudio, Candace Curtis, Pat Martin, Mike Phillips, John Runnels, Jaymee Willison, Rhonda McFarlane and Paul Sciuto gave a Power- Point presentation of 2007/08 Fiscal Year Budgets for the Sewer and Water Enterprise Funds, both of which include a rate increase of 4%. 2007/08 FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS: SewER ENTERPRISE FUND AND WATER ENTERPRISE FUND -51- PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2007 Staff and Board members answered questions from the audience after the presentation: PAGE-2 PUBLIC COMMENTS John Runnels and John Cefalu asked for clarification on labor costs and employee insurance coverage, . District-wide water metering, and the budgeted revenue increase. Runnels questioned the Customer Service Facility building costs, the status of the Alpine County litigation, other agencies' rate increases, and water capital improve- ment projects' contribution to the water ~upply. Ernie Claudio asked for explanation of the Porter-Cologne Act and requirements for basin agencies, includ1ng how the export system works and C-line power generating capabilities. Mike Phillips received clarification on the proposed low- income discount program and was directed to the District's web site for audited financial statements, budget summaries, and the District's annual report. He also questioned creating a one-time special assessment for infrastructure projects instead of a rate increase. Pat Martin questioned capacity fee increases, employee health and other benefit increases, and the new preventive wellness program. Director Mosbacher suggested he meet with Human Resources to review the status of the program after this first year. Director Jones reiterated that no action was being taken BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS at this meeting; the budget will be adopted on Saturd~y, May 19, at a special board meeting open to the public. Questions can be put in writing in advance for the Board to address. He thanked the audience for their comments and attendance. Director Wallace emphasized the importance of having reasonable rate increases to Invest in infrastructure and capital projects and the responsibility to the community to provide an adequate water supply and fire protectionl suppression. No Board action was taken. 8:10 p.m. ADJOURNMENT -52- PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3,2007 PAGE-3 Eric Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District By: Susan Rasmussen Finance Administrative Assistant -53- South Tahoe Public Utility Distrlct ....,H.~ ~ ~ ,... .-.. It ...Ionoe ~tDu~ Du.ne~ E.ltc ~ 1Zl5 ~Cnr:st.DrW.&uth... TahoB-CA9615CJ..1401 Phone 5a:>544-6414- Fax 530 541..oe14-wwwstpur.lu5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: South Upper Truckee Well No.3 Controls Building/Corrosion Control Treatment Facility Project and Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrade Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: On May 15,2007, five California-licensed Class A General Contractors and three subcontractors attended the mandatory pre-bid conference. Bids were opened on June 5,2007. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: June 2007 through June 2008 COSTS: South Upper Truckee Portion of Project: $2,115,480 (Engineer's Estimate); Luther Pass Pump Station Portion of Project: $371,200 (Engineer's Estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8463/RWSUTR; 1029-8720/LPPSEV BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$81,005>; $210,948 (FY 2007) and $2,205,000; $400,000 (FY 2008) ATTACHMENTS: To be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. Budget Analysis for 2029-8463 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES_~vY\C. NO -55- CATEGORY: Water & Sewer SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELL NO.3 Account 2029~3 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: Spent to Date Outstanding Purchase Orders- Boyle Engineering Entrix Inc. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Inc Wise Consulting & Training Total Encumbrance Total Spent & Encumbered Budget Under (Over) Budget Financial Plan Estimate 2008 Under (OVer) Financial Plan 2006/07 All Years 157,274 545,491 107,637 23,886 5,947 261 137,731 295,005 214,000 (81,005) 300,000 218,995 107,637 23,886 5,947 261 137,731 683,222 602,217 (81,005) 300,000 218.995 -57- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-4319 A s--e", l '1 kVV\ (p ~ ~-7 -07 ~Uh,AWl) --..-----......-... ~'fIVV\ Memorandum Date: June 6, 2007 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: South Upper Truckee Well No.3 and Corrosion Control Treatment and Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrade Project At 4:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, June 5, we received and opened three (3) sealed bids for the above-referenced project. Bids ranged from $2,091,455 to $2,710,341. The engineer's estimate was $2,486,680. A careful review and analysis of each bid showed a couple deviations to the bids. See attached spreadsheet for full breakdown of each bid and description of deviations. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. is the apparent low bidder. Thomas Haen Company Inc.'s bid has one minor deviation regarding item 8 which is described in more detail on the attached Bid Summary. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 447064 is current and active and expires 10/31/07. The company is a corporation. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. holds a Class A - General Engineering license. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 Item Description Engineer's Est. TNT Industrial Contractors Thomas Haen Company, Inc. KG Walters Construction Unit QTY Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount 1 Mobilization and demobilization LS 1 $90,000.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 75,000.00 $75,000.00 $44,000.00 $44,000.00 2 Provide, install, maintain erosion control measures LS 1 $18,000.00 $18,166.00 $18,166.00 10,900.00 $10,900.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 3 Excavation and over - excavation incl. Slope stabilization, dewatering, handling, stockpiling and disposal LS 1 $42,000.00 $13,311.00 $13,311.00 32,000.00 $32,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Install and maintain shoring and soil stabilization LS 1 $6,000.00 $2,615.00 $2,615.00 500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 5 Provide traffic control LS 1 $6,000.00 $5,559.00 $5,559.00 1,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 6 Furnish all labor and equipment for site grading, etc. LS 1 $36,000.00 $36,332.00 $36,332.00 21,600.00 $21,600.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 7 Sawcut asphalt roadway, remove and replace street pavement etc SF 2850 $48,000.00 —21.66 $61,722.00 9.70 $27,645.00 $11.00 $31,350.00 8 Furnish and install crushed rock surfacing TON 40 $14,400.00 — 335.92 $13,437.00 10.00 $400.00 $85.00 $3,400.00 9 Furnish and install water piping, valving, flowmeters, fittings and appurtenances on site & w /in bldg LS 1 $300,000.00 $165,304.00 $165,304.00 192,800.00 $192,800.00 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 10 Furnish and install two Lowry DB86 Deep Bubble Aeration Units LS 1 $212,400.00 $280,851.00 $280,851.00 208,200.00 $208,200.00 $205,000.00 $205,000.00 11 Furnish and install submersible pump and motor LS 1 $63,360.00 $107,040.00 $107,040.00 78,900.00 $78,900.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 12 Furnish and install horizontal booster pump and motor LS 1 $30,720.00 $44,288.00 $44,288.00 26,000.00 $26,000.00 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 13 Furnish and install fire hydrant, valve, and piping LS 1 $9,000.00 $11,264.00 $11,264.00 6,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 14 Furnish and install building drain system PVC Cl.200 drainage piping, valving, cleanouts, precast vaults, fittings, etc LS 1 $24,000.00 $21,231.00 $21,231.00 24,900.00 $24,900.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 15 Construct well building etc LS 1 $426,000.00 $1,010,475.00 $1,010,475.00 575,710.00 $575,710.00 $791,000.00 $791,000.00 16 Furnish and install sodium hypochlorite storage tank LS 1 $7,200.00 $9,805.00 $9,805.00 16,700.00 $16,700.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 17 Furnish all labor and equipment for all electrical facilities LS 1 $543,600.00 $436,125.00 $436,125.00 281,000.00 $281,000.00 $315,000.00 $315,000.00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELL NO. 3 and CORROSION CONTROL TREATMENT and LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SEISMIC UPGRADE PROJECT BID SUMMARY 1 Item Description Engineer's Est. TNT Industrial Contractors Thomas Haen Company, Inc. KG Walters Construction Unit QTY Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount 18 Furnish all labor and equipment for all instrumentation facilities LS 1 $150,000.00 $94,375.00 $94,375.00 135,000.00 $135,000.00 $145,000.00 $145,000.00 19 Relocate and install 250kW emergency standby generator complete LS 1 $12,000.00 $9,050.00 $9,050.00 11,500.00 $11,500.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 20 Furnish and install irrigation system LS 1 $14,400.00 $19,091.00 $19,091.00 3,200.00 $3,200.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 21 Furnish and install landscaping LS 1 $18,000.00 $19,925.00 $19,925.00 12,100.00 $12,100.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 22 Furnish and install snowplow rails LS 1 $14,400.00 $17,973.00 $17,973.00 3,800.00 $3,800.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 23 Furnish and install all other misc items incl plumbing, floor drains, utility concrete pads, hose bibbs, eyewash station, removable bollards, etc. LS 1 $30,000.00 $35,365.00 $35,365.00 39,000.00 $39,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 Subtotal / SoUpperTruckee Well 3 Portion: $2,115,480.00 $2,485,304.00 $1,784,355.00 $2,006,750.00 LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SEISMIC UPGRADE 24 Furnish and install seismic upgrades complete and in place LS 1 $371,200.00 $218,475.00 $218,475.00 303,500.00 $303,500.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00 Subtotal / LPPS Seismic Upgrade Portion: $371,200.00 $218,475.00 $303,500.00 $ 90,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL: $2,486,680.00 $2,703,779.00 $2,087,855.00 $2,096,750.00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELL NO. 3 and CORROSION CONTROL TREATMENT and LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SEISMIC UPGRADE PROJECT During a close review of the bids, the following deviations were noted: TNT Industrial Contractors. Inc.: 1) Did not list unit prices for bid items 7 and 8. 2) TNT's written bid total is $6,562 higher than their hand -written item totals calculate out at. TNT's written bid is $2,710,341, actual items total $2,703,779. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. 1) For bid item 8, Thomas Haen Company listed the unit price at $10 for 40 units, and wrote extended price at $4000 (instead of $400). The written bid total includes the $4000 item price, for a bid total of $2,091,455. BID SUMMARY 2 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL June 7, 2007 Payroll 5/23/07 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company FirstTier/Cost Containment-health care pmts LaSalle Bank Hatch & Parent-legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks-Grant Fund Total Accounts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT CHK CHK EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions John Hancock Pension Loan Pmts Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions CA State Disbursement Unit CA State Franchise Tax Board Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments T otaf -59- 5/23/07 477.54 13,566.74 79,438.09 46,904.60 2,910.87 15,506.44 1,915.07 91.00 780.92 42.62 173,881.93 17,351.21 0.00 352,867.03 352,867.03 352,867.03 868,592.03 92,560.30 156,572.80 14,372.86 1,132,097.99 370,878.63 168,196.83 17,323.31 0.00 556,398.77 2,041,363.79 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; I r- eo a- ~ - C"I .... -g, II'l \0 eo eo eo eo a- a- a- a- a- a- .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... <"l <"l <"l \0 \0 \0 \0 :g \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 '" \0 '" \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,... ~ C') ;j!; 0 0 N 0 ~I 0 I~ ..... 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III 0 W z 5 0:: f/') f/') >- >- 0:: 0 f/') f/') w z z z z z z f/') z Z :J Z Z 0 0 z z z z z f/') ~ ~ ~ 0:: ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z CII 0 0 0 w 0 0 0:: 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 c( c( c( :::iE c( c( Cl c( c( :::iE c( c( c( ;:: 0 0:: f/') f/') ~ cd cd cd t- cd cd W cd cd 0:: 0:: cd 0.. cd cd cd cd 0.. Z Z Z f/') Z Z 0 Z Z 0 0 z :::iE z z z z :::iE w w w W :J W W Z W W U. U. W :J W W W W :J 0.. Cl Cl Cl () Cl Cl :J Cl Cl ~ ~ Cl 0.. Cl Cl Cl Cl 0.. 0 >- >- f/') z ~ c( f/') t- o.. 0.. u: :::iE :::iE w w 0 N 0 0 ~ >- Z >1 () () 0:: w w w w co rJl W ~ W W f/') f/') w u. u. 0:: w ~ u. ~ :::iE :J >- f/') 0 () () 0 0:: Z 0 U ~ ~ ~ 0 () >- >- 0 3: ...J ~ <( f-o' 0:: ~ ~ 0:: 0:: u. 0.. <n i~ :J. ...J c( ~ ~ z 0 :::iE 0 ~ :; <3 0 >- ...J W U. ~I () f/') c( 0:: 0:: :J ...J t- j:: \tJ III :::iE ~ ~ 0 ..., w w ~ > ~ 0 z z 0 ~ z w w w en 0:: en en 0:: 0:: :I: ~ ~ 0 () 0 ~ :I: :I: :I: ~ () 0 z z ~6i- c( z ~ ~ ~ ;.: 1: 0 () 0 ~ :5 Cl w w :::iE w :J :J t- .. ...J 0.. 0.. ~ f/') ~ 0.. f/') f/') cd cd all .. c c ..... ..... ~ ;J J: ~ .{ .{ ~ ~ ~ ...J ...J ...J ...J ~ ~ f/') ~ ~ ~ ~ c( c( c( c( c( c( Vendor Name AT &T/MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T /MCI AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM i BEN�LY AGROWDYNAMICS BI STATE PROPANE BI STATE PROPANE BING MATERIALS BING MATERIALS BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP BRAGG & ASSO INC,GREGORY B BRAGG & ASSO INC,GREGORY B BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN PUMPS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - UPPER DRESSLER ENGINEERING - WTRLN, TATA UNDERGROUND REP OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS OPERATIONS PUMPS PUMPS DIAMOND VLY RNCH UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Page: 2 DRSSLR DTCH,UPR WTRLN, TATA LN SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY SAFETY /EQUIP/PHY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY SLUDGE DISPOSAL GROUNDS & MNTC GROUNDS & MNTC METERS- SNOWSHOE PIPE/CVRS /MHLS SUT WELL REDRILL SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS COLL SYS MST PLN Acct# / Proi Code Amour* Check Num Type 1037 - 6310 82.63 1038 - 6310 7.41 2000 - 6310 15.21 2002 - 6310 17.14 2037 - 6310 82.63 2038 - 6310 7.41 Check Total: 267.20 AP -00066397 MW 1029 - 7062 - DRSSLR 3,274.39 2029 - 8866 - TATAWL 3,858.00 Check Total: 7,132.39 AP -00066399 MW 1001 - 6075 217.42 1006 - 6075 217.42 2001 - 6075 164.00 2002 - 6075 302.42 Check Total: 901.26 AP -00066400 MW MW 1006 - 6652 1002-6042 2002-6042 1028 - 7517 2001 - 6052 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 1022 - 6079 2022 - 6079 3,179.32 Check Total: 3,179.32 AP -00066401 10.51 10.50 Check Total: 21.01 AP -00066402 MW 727.31 7,618.95 Check Total: 8346.26 AP -00066403 MW 21,041.56 Check Total: 21,041.56 AP -00066404 MW 486.79 486.79 Check Total: 973.58 AP -00066405 MW 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 30,447.32 Check Total: 30,447.32 AP -00066406 MW Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR ENGINEERING DUES /MEMB /CERT 1029 - 6250 62.50 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR ENGINEERING DUES /MEMB /CERT 2029 - 6250 62.50 Check Total: 125.00 AP- 00066407 MW CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD OPERATIONS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1006 - 6250 95.00 Check Total: 95.00 AP -00066408 MW CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD PUMPS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1002 - 6250 170.00 Check Total: 170.00 AP -00066409 MW CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT LABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 - INDIAN 14.50 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 27.25 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT ENGINEERING - UPPER DRESSLER DRSSLR DTCH,UPR 1029 - 7062 - DRSSLR 4.00 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007 - 4810 99.75 Check Total: 145.50 AP -00066410 MW CALLIAN, JERALEE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1038 - 6200 47.59 CALLIAN, JERALEE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2038 - 6200 47.58 i Check Total: 95.17 AP -00066411 MW rn CARDINALE EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 83.64 CARDINALE EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 83.64 Check Total: 167.28 AP -00066412 MW CDW - G CORP INFORMATION SYS NTWK EQ/IMP 2037 - 8742 5,061.45 Check Total: 5,061.45 AP- 00066413 MW CENTERPOINT CONCRETE PUMPING DIAMOND VLY RNCH METERS - SNOWSHOE 1028 - 7517 443.75 Check Total: 443.75 AP -00066414 MW COCKING, DENNIS DIO TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1027 - 6200 241.58 COCKING, DENNIS DIO TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2027 - 6200 241.57 Check Total: 483.15 AP -00066415 MW CONEXIS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 61.60 CONEXIS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022 - 4405 61.60 Check Total: 123.20 AP -00066416 MW CONSUMER REPORTS ON HEALTH ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 19.50 CONSUMER REPORTS ON HEALTH ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 19.50 User: THERESA Page: 3 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 Vendor Name CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA D &L FOUNDRY & SUPPLY DELCv1ARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DICK'S FULLER - DICK'S FULLER - DOHNANSKY JR, MILAN DOUGLAS DISPOSAL DRIVE PRODUCTS INC. EICHAR, PETER User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS D escription LABORATORY - ALP CO MTBE CONT MONITORING LABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP MONITORING LABORATORY - BEACON CONTAM MONITORING LABORATORY - BKRFLD TRTMT EXP MONITORING LABORATORY - HERBST MONITORING UNDERGROUND REP DUES /MEMB /CERT HEAVY MAINT DUES /MEMB /CERT LABORATORY DUES /MEMB /CERT UNDERGROUND REP DUES /MEMB /CERT LABORATORY DUES /MEMB /CERT UNDERGROUND REP - REDEV, PH III PIPE/CVRS /MHLS INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS INFORMATION SYS REPL WKSTN,ENG INFORMATION SYS REPL WKSTN,ENG PUMPS BUILDINGS HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCN7 WTR CONS EXPENSE GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICAL SHOP Page: 4 REFUSE DISPOSAL PUMP STATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCN7 WTR CONS EXPENSE Acct# / Prol Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 39.00 AP -00066417 MW 1007 - 6110 - ACMTBE 190.00 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP 265.00 2007 - 6110 - BEACON 180.00 2007 - 6110 - BKRFLD 445.00 2007 - 6110 - HERBST 710.00 Check Total: 1,790.00 AP -00066418 MW 1001 - 6250 275.00 1004 - 6250 270.00 1007 - 6250 144.00 2001 - 6250 161.00 2007 - 6250 144.00 Check Total: 1001 - 6052 - REDID Check Total: 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 8785 2037 - 8786 1002 -6041 1004 - 6042 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 1000 - 6370 1003-6051 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV Check Total: Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 994.00 AP -00066419 MW 927.03 927.03 AP -00066420 MW 1,149.42 1,149.44 3,996.85 3,996.80 Check Total: 10,292.51 AP -00066421 MW 14.71 951.40 966.11 AP -00066422 MW 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP -00066423 MW 19.08 Check Total: 19.08 AP- 00066424 MW 468.75 Check Total: 468.75 AP -00066425 MW 250.00 Vendor Name EIMCO WATER TECHNOLOGIES EL DORADO COUNTY ENS RESOURCES INC ENS RESOURCES INC ENTRIX INC ENTRIX INC ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS FERqUSON ENTERPRISES INC. rn FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name HEAVY MAINT ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL DIO DIO ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING - WELL, BAYVIEW LABORATORY LABORATORY PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS SELF FUNDED INS SELF FUNDED INS LABORATORY LABORATORY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description PRIMARY EQUIP SUT WELL REDRILL Page: 5 CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE SUT WELL REDRILL WELL, BAYVIEW LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIP SECONDARY EQUIP SHOP SUPPLIES BIOSOL EQUP /BLDG PIPE /CVRS/MHLS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES ADMIN FEE PPO FEE LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES Acct# / Proi Code 1004 - 6021 2029 - 8463 - 2029 - 8574 - 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1002 -6051 1002 - 6071 1004 - 6021 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6653 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6073 2002 - 6071 3000 - 6741 3000 - 6742 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 RWSUTR BAYWEL Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 Amount Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066426 MW 7,826.67 Check Total: 7,826.67 AP- 00066427 MW 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 204.00 Check Total: 204.00 AP- 00066428 MW 1027 - 4405 2,812.00 2027 - 4405 2,812.00 Check Total: 5,624.00 AP -00066429 MW 2,111.20 1,289.60 3,400.80 AP- 00066430 MW 277.02 214.50 Check Total: 491.52 AP -00066431 MW 312.52 105.13 88.12 58.70 150.88 58.72 1,588.32 211.80 105.12 Check Total: 2,679.31 AP -00066432 MW 1,959.24 655.20 Check Total: 2,614.44 AP -00066433 MW 39.82 58.54 98.36 AP -00066434 MW Vendor Name FOXGROVER, MICHAEL FRIENDS OF ALPINE CO. LIBRARY FRIENDS OF ALPINE CO. LIBRARY GARCIA EXCAVATING & PAVING,DON UNDERGROUND REP GBC SCIENTIFIC EQUIP INC GBC SCIENTIFIC EQUIP INC GEOTRANS INC GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GES$FORD MFT MAC, PAUL GES!FORD MFT MAC, PAUL GFOA GFOA GFS CHEMICAL GFS CHEMICAL GRAINGER GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC HABERMAN, KATHLEEN HACH - GLI International User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Department / Prof Name Description CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY LABORATORY INFORMATION SYS - GIS SOFTWARE GIS IMPL SELF FUNDED INS HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE FINANCE LABORATORY LABORATORY HEAVY MAINT ELECTRICAL SHOP OPERATIONS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 6 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RADIO- RPRS/RPLCM LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES EXCESS INSURANCE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE DUES/MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIP PUMP STATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE FURNACE EQUIP Acct# / Proi Code 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV Check Total: 1021 - 6520 2021 - 6520 2001-6056 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 Check Total: 1037 - 8638 - GISSFT Check Total: 3000 - 6744 1022 - 4405 2022 - 4405 1039 - 6250 2039 - 6250 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 350.00 AP -00066435 MW 121.22 121.22 Check Total: 242.44 AP -00066436 MW 1,580.00 Check Total: 1,580.00 AP -00066437 MW 198.60 181.50 Check Total: 14,708.87 AP- 00066440 MW 210.00 210.00 Check Total: 420.00 AP -00066441 MW 27.50 27.50 Check Total: 55.00 AP -00066442 MW 45.35 63.13 Check Total: 108.48 AP -00066443 MW 1004 - 6021 651.16 Check Total: 651.16 AP -00066444 MW 1003 -6051 1,839.25 Check Total: 1.839.25 AP -00066445 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 75.00 Check Total: 75.00 AP -00066446 MW 1006 - 6024 856.00 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 Amount Check Num IYPQ 350.00 380.10 AP-00066438 MW 8,988.02 8,988.02 AP -00066439 MW 14,708.87 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Prol Code Amount Check Num Tvpe HACH - GLI International OPERATIONS LABORATORY EQUIP 1006 - 6025 - 754.25 HACH - GLI International LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 45.65 HACH - GLI International LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 30.60 Check Total: 178.00 AP -00066447 MW HELPING HANDS OUTREACH GEN & ADMIN H2O PY DED 1000 - 2524 495.00 Check Total: 495.00 AP -00066448 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 1021 - 6030 22.51 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 2021 - 6030 22.51 Check Total: 45.02 AP- 00066449 MW HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HEAVY MAINT OFFICE SUPPLIES 1004 - 4820 9.64 Check Total: 9.64 AP- 00066450 MW HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 1022 - 6200 30.32 HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 2022 - 6200 30.31 Check Total: 60.63 AP -00066451 MW INSTY- PRINTS INC LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 1007 - 4820 294.52 rn INST64PRINTS INC HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1022 - 4820 122.34 1 INSTY- PRINTS INC HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2022 - 4820 122.34 Check Total: 539.20 AP -00066452 MW INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 53.64 INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000 - 0425 118.61 Check Total: 172.25 AP -00066453 MW J &L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039 - 6074 1,603.50 J &L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039 - 6074 1,603.50 Check Total: 3,207.00 AP -00066454 MW JONES, J R BOARD OF DIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 1019 - 6200 52.63 JONES, J R BOARD OF DIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 2019 - 6200 52.62 Check Total: 105.25 AP -00066455 MW KIMBALL MIDWEST EQUIPMENT REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1005 - 6071 47.84 Check Total: 47.84 AP -00066456 MW KOSCIOLEK, LINDA HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 1022 - 6200 76.96 User: THERESA Page: 7 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type KOSCIOLEK, LINDA HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 2022 - 6200 76.95 Check Total: 153.91 AP- 00066457 MW KRLT & KOWL RADIO DIO - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2027 - 6660 - WCPROG 6,333.00 Check Total: 6,333.00 AP -00066458 MW LAB SAFETY SUPPLY LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1007 - 6075 26.60 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY LABORATORY SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 2007 - 6075 58.09 Check Total: 84.69 AP -00066459 MW LAKE TAHOE SOUTH SHORE ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 50.00 LAKE TAHOE SOUTH SHORE ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 50.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP -00066460 MW LARSON, ERIK CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066461 MW LYONS, GREG CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 75.00 Check Total: 75.00 AP -00066462 MW MAINPRICE CO, C E ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 87.25 rn MAIIRICE CO, C E ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 66.82 Check Total: 154.07 AP -00066463 MW MARKSON LAB SALES LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 39.67 MARKSON LAB SALES LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 28.34 Check Total: 68.01 AP -00066464 MW MARSHALL, REX B INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 43.10 MARSHALL, REX B INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 43.10 MARSHALL, VANCE MC FARLANE, RHONDA MC FARLANE, RHONDA MC MANUS MANON Check Total: 86.20 AP -00066465 MW CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP -00066466 MW FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 53.00 FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039 - 6200 53.00 Check Total: 106.00 AP -00066467 MW CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066468 MW User: THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 Vendor Name MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MCINTYRE, DEBBIE METROCALL MOYNIHAN, KEVIN MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY 9FFICE PRODUCTS MY aFICE PRODUCTS NEVADA SOCIETY OF CPA'S NEVADA SOCIETY OF CPA'S NEWMAN, ELLYN NEWMAN, ELLYN NEWMAN, ELLYN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT NUROCK, DOUG OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT PUMPS PUMPS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE HEAVY MAINT CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE GEN & ADMIN FINANCE GEN & ADMIN FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN - Time & Materials HEAVY MAINT OPERATIONS GEN & ADMIN ADMINISTRATION Page: 9 TELEPHONE Description SHOP SUPPLIES BEECHER PS UPGR BIOSOL EQUPBLDG PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT PERMIT FEE REV NEW SERV / ADMIN MISC INCOME SHOP SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES Acct# / Proi Code 1002 - 6071 1002 - 8630 1004 - 6653 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6071 Amount Check Num Tvoe 929.93 258.44 146.91 618.76 455.83 Check Total: 2,409.87 AP -00066470 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066471 MW 1004 - 6310 4.31 Check Total: 4.31 AP -00066472 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 1000 - 4820 1039 - 4820 2000 - 4820 2039 - 4820 1039 - 6250 2039 - 6250 1000 - 3301 2000 - 3530 2000 - 3540 - TMCB Check Total: 1,465.00 AP -00066476 MW 1004 - 6071 153.33 1006-6200 1000 - 0428 1021 -4820 Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066473 MW 129.00 78.83 129.05 78.83 Check Total: 415.71 AP -00066474 MW 37.50 37.50 Check Total: 75.00 AP -00066475 MW 50.00 415.00 1,000.00 Check Total: 153.33 AP -00066477 MW Check Total: 247.25 AP -00066478 MW 65.73 77.79 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 247.25 Vendor Name OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX PARKER, VERN PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC, L A PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC, L A PETTY CASH PETt' CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PINKEL,MICHELE PINKEL,MICHELE User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE - HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - UPPER DRESSLER FINANCE PUMPS PUMPS ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING FINANCE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE Page: 10 CONTRACT SERVICE GROUNDS & MNTC SMALL TOOLS STANDBY ACCOMODA OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS PERSONNEL EXPENS OFFICE SUPPLIES DRSSLR DTCH,UPR TRAVEUMEETINGS SMALL TOOLS STANDBY ACCOMODA TRAVEUMEETINGS PERSONNEL EXPENS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS Acct# / Prol Code Amount Check Num Type 1029 - 4820 10.71 1038 - 4820 78.63 1039 - 4820 24.72 2021 - 4820 77.77 2029 - 4820 10.71 2037 - 4820 10.90 2038 - 4820 78.63 2039 - 4820 24.71 Check Total: 460.30 AP- 00066479 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 1004 - 4405 1004 - 6042 1002 - 6073 1002 - 6083 1004 - 4820 1021 - 6200 1022 - 6670 1029 - 4820 1029 - 7062 - DRSSLR 1039 - 6200 2002 - 6073 2002 - 6083 2021 - 6200 2022 - 6670 2029 - 4820 2039 - 6200 1029 - 6200 2029 - 6200 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP- 00066480 MW 1,320.00 1,028.00 Check Total: 2,348.00 AP -00066481 MW 4.82 17.50 17.00 9.27 2.50 8.23 50.00 5.79 4.82 17.49 9.26 2.50 8.23 5.79 Check Total: 163.20 AP -00066482 MW 141.61 141.61 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current TIme: 15:28:17 Vendor Name PIONEER AMERICAS LLC PIONEER AMERICAS LLC User: THERESA PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / Proi Name Description OPERATIONS HYPOCHLORITE 1006 - 4755 OPERATIONS CATHODIC PROT 1006 - 8800 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Lin Check Total: 283.22 AP -00066483 MW Check Total: Page: 11 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 2,917.51 956.56 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 53.19 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 399.67 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 438.72 PRAXAIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 66.18 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 53.18 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 438.70 RENO DRAIN OIL SERVICE HEAVY MAINT CONTRACT SERVICE 1004 - 4405 206.50 Check Total: RIBBACH, MARK CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 3,874.07 AP -00066484 MW Check Total: 1,449.64 AP- 00066485 MW 206.50 AP -00066486 MW Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066487 MW RIEGR, TIMOTHY J ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 24.00 1 RIEGER, TIMOTHY J ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 24.00 Check Total: 48.00 AP -00066488 MW RISE CONST/EXCAVATION, DALE CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 1038 - 4520 510.00 RISE CONST/EXCAVATION, DALE CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 2038 - 4520 510.00 Check Total: 1,020.00 AP -00066489 MW RUTHERDALE, JEREMY UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001 - 6200 194.49 RUTHERDALE, JEREMY PUMPS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2002 - 6200 50.00 Check Total: 244.49 AP -00066490 MW SACRAMENTO BEE, THE ENGINEERING - LPPS SEISMIC UPG LPPS IMPRVMNTS 1029 - 8720 - LPSEIS 461.71 SACRAMENTO BEE, THE ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 461.70 Check Total: 923.41 AP -00066491 MW SAFETY KLEEN CORP. PUMPS OIL & LUBE 1002 - 4630 116.00 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. LABORATORY OTHER SUPPLIES 1007 - 4790 115.44 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. PUMPS OIL & LUBE 2002 - 4630 116.00 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prof Name Description Acct# / Prol Code Amoun* Check Num SAFETY KLEEN CORP. LABORATORY OTHER SUPPLIES 2007 - 4790 127.45 Check Total: 474.89 AP- 00066492 MW SAUNDERS, MARLA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP- 00066493 MW SCHAFER, ERIC BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019 - 6200 291.34 SCHAFER, ERIC BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2019 - 6200 291.34 Check Total: 582.68 AP- 00066494 MW SHARP, KATHY ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1021 - 6200 30.07 SHARP, KATHY ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2021 - 6200 30.07 Check Total: 60.14 AP -00066495 MW SHEPPARD MULLIN HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 110.25 SHEPPARD MULLIN HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022 - 4405 110.25 Check Total: 220.50 AP -00066496 MW SHERMAN, KENNETH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 2 Check Total: 250.00 AP- 00066497 MW SHERMAN, THERESA FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 45.10 SHERMAN, THERESA FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039 - 6200 45.10 Check Total: 90.20 AP -00066498 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO PUMPS HYPOCHLORITE 2002 - 4755 1,982.39 Check Total: 1,982.39 AP -00066499 MW SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY LABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007 - 6110 - INDIAN 195.00 Check Total: 195.00 AP -00066500 MW SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 - 6052 66.92 SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS HEAVY MAINT FENCING, PL GRND 1004 - 8505 77.88 SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS HUMAN RESOURCES ADS /LGL NOTICES 1022 - 4930 1,648.67 SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS HUMAN RESOURCES ADS /LGL NOTICES 2022 - 4930 1,648.66 SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 156.93 Check Total: 3,599.06 AP -00066501 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 71,202.36 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000 - 6740 8.57 User: THERESA Page: 12 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvoe SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 37,287.12 Check Total: 108,498.05 AP -00066502 MW SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037 - 6200 43.50 SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 43.50 Check Total: 87.00 AP -00066503 MW SLOANE JOHN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP -00066504 MW SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. DIO SUBSCRIPTIONS 1027 - 4830 49.00 SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. DIO SUBSCRIPTIONS 2027 - 4830 49.00 Check Total: 98.00 AP -00066505 MW SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 50.00 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 50.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP- 00066506 MW SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF DIO - PR EXP-GOVT'L PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREGOV 2,500.00 SOU 'rH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF DIO - PR EXP - GOVT'L PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREGOV 2,500.00 N Check Total: 5,000.00 AP -00066507 MW i SOUTH SHORE MOTORS EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 42.73 SOUTH SHORE MOTORS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 12.37 Check Total: 55.10 AP -00066508 MW SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTILITY DIST GEN & ADMIN - Time & Materials MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 2,000.00 Check Total: 2,000.00 AP -00066509 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 2,581.72 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS GROUNDS & MNTC 1002 - 6042 11.43 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000 - 6370 397.68 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS GROUNDS & MNTC 2002 - 6042 2.07 Check Total: 2,992.90 AP -00066510 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 117.98 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 114.57 Check Total: 232.55 AP -00066511 MW STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY GEN & ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000 - 2531 1,475.24 User: THERESA Page: 13 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 Vendor Name STANTEC CONSULTING INC STOCKDALE, RICHARD STROBEL, LARRY SWAIN, CAROL SWAIN, CAROL TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune Tandf Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TIKHOMIROVA, OLGA User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name Description ENGINEERING - DVR EIR DIAM VLY MP/EIR CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN OPERATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - WTR CONS PROG CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE PUMPS HEAVY MAINT DIAMOND VLY RNCH PUMPS DIO - WTR CONS PROG ELECTRICAL SHOP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CNSRV INCNT WTR CONS EXPENSE Page: 14 TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS REFUSE DISPOSAL SLUDGE DISPOSAL PRINTING PRINTING PUB RELATIONS WTR CONS EXPENSE PRINTING PRINTING SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY GROUNDS & MNTC SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY WTR CONS EXPENSE BUILDINGS Acct# / Proi Code 1029 - 8725 - DVREIR Check Total: 31,773.44 AP- 00066513 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 75.00 75.00 AP- 00066514 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 75.00 75.00 AP- 00066515 MW 1037 - 6200 111.90 2037 - 6200 111.89 223.79 AP- 00066516 MW 1000 - 6370 1,595.39 1006 - 6652 7,100.00 8,695.39 AP -00066517 MW 1038 - 4920 1039 - 4920 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6660 - WCPROG 2038 - 4920 2039 - 4920 1002 - 6075 1004 - 6042 1028 - 6075 2002 - 6075 Check Total: Check Total: 2027 - 6660 - WCPROG An_gna Check Num DM Check Total: 1,475.24 AP- 00066512 MW Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 31,773.44 636.75 212.20 1,360.50 1,888.00 636.75 212.20 Check Total: 4,946.40 AP- 00066518 MW 65.83 548.00 123.00 65.82 802.65 AP -00066519 MW 500.00 Check Total: 500.00 AP- 00066520 MW 1003 - 6041 196.73 Check Total: 196.73 AP- 00066521 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCNCTV 250.00 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department 1 Proi Name Description Acct / Proi Code Amount Check Num TvPe Check Total: 250.00 AP- 00066522 MW TNT ENTERPRISES UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001 - 6200 - 885.00 TNT ENTERPRISES ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 - 147.50 TNT ENTERPRISES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1038 - 6200 - 442.50 TNT ENTERPRISES UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 - 1,770.00 TNT ENTERPRISES ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 - 147.50 TNT ENTERPRISES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038 - 6200 - 44 2.50 REVERSED Check Total: - 3,835.00 AP -00066370 RV TNT ENTERPRISES UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001 - 6200 885.00 TNT ENTERPRISES ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 147.50 TNT ENTERPRISES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1038 - 6200 295.00 TNT ENTERPRISES UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 1,770.00 TNT ENTERPRISES ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 147.50 TNT ENTERPRISES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038 - 6200 295.00 Check Total: 3,540.00 AP- 00066386 MW TRU OTT, WILLIAM GEN & ADMIN - Time & Materials MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 1,500.00 I Check Total: 1,500.00 AP -00066523 MW USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS PUMP,BCHR SPS 1002 - 7527 2,082.62 Check Total: 2,082.62 AP -00066524 MW VERIZON DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 206.81 Check Total: 206.81 AP -00066525 MW VWR CORPORATION LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 464.85 VWR CORPORATION LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 417.88 Check Total: 882.73 AP -00066526 MW WEDCO INC PUMPS TKPS UPGRADE 1002 - 8711 1,861.57 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PRIMARY EQUIP 1003 - 6021 456.39 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 412.93 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 425.07 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003 - 6073 111.02 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6071 202.75 User: THERESA Page: 15 Current Date: 05/31/2007 Report OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Current Time: 15:28:17 Vendor Name WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WEV NEVADA SUPPLY WES NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN TRUCK SCHOOL WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_V2 Department / Proi Name GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT LABORATORY ENGINEERING - UPPER DRESSLER UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL ENGINEERING - LPPS EVALUATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 16 Description GASOLINE INV DIESEL INVENTORY AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MONITORING MONITORING DRSSLR DTCH,UPR SMALL TOOLS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES PIPE/CVRS /MHLS SMALL TOOLS PUMP STATIONS WATER METERS TRAVEUMEETINGS REP EXP PUMPS LPPS IMPRVMNTS Acct# / Proi Code Check Num Type 3,469.73 AP- 00066527 MW 1000 -0415 9,712.12 1000 - 0416 7,443.34 1005 - 6011 548.18 2005 - 6011 548.18 Check Total: 18,251.82 AP- 00066528 MW 1007 - 6110 - INDIAN 90.00 1007 - 6110 210.00 1029 - 7062 - DRSSLR 90.00 Check Total: 390.00 AP -00066529 MW 1001 - 6073 76.55 1002 - 6051 1,196.94 1004 - 6071 41.24 2001 - 6052 9,709.51 2001 - 6073 33.12 2002 - 6051 117.92 2038 - 6045 25,610.59 Check Total: 36,785.87 AP -00066530 MW 1001 - 6200 2,200.00 Check Total: 2,200.00 AP -00066531 MW 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 113,685.74 1029 - 8720 - LPPSEV 15,634.36 Check Total: Grand Total: Check Total: Current Date: 05/31/2007 Current Time: 15:28:17 Amount 129,320.10 AP -00066532 MW 556,398.77 South Tahoe Public Utility District Ii:ItlfuInI H....... ~ ~ F.,..,. ..J.1mwle ft Jon<<; M.ry Lou MoeNc:tlM' D\lancl w.-. Erfo Sd\Ilfer 1215 ~CnJ6tDri\.1:. 5out'h Laks Taf1f>>-CA 96150-1401 f'hone 550 544-6414* Fax 5ao 541-0014-wwwstpudJ.l& BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Bayview Well Control Buildings Facility 2:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Hold a Public Hearing to take public comments on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; and (2) Certify the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. DISCUSSION: At 2:30 p.m. open the meeting to receive public input on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the South Tahoe Public Utility District Bayview Well Project. After the close of hearing and response to comments by the staff, the Board may certify the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the Bayview Well project. SCHEDULE: COSTS: NIA . ACCOUNT NO: 2029-857 4/BA YWEL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $120,607 ATTACHMENTS: Negative Declaration of Envjronmentallmpact, Notice of Determination have been provided to Board members. Due to its length, additional copies can be requested from the Board Clerk. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES If(.M CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESf<r'y"'\C- CATEGORY: Water NO NO -77- CHNIIW... ..... RIllhMfH....... South Tahoe . Public Utility District ~ ~F~ ....It Jorw ....ry lDu ~ DwIN w.Iac':I frtc; ~ 1275 Meadowa.t,[)rM,-5out;h l.akB Tahoe.CA 96U50-7401 f'hon6530544 6414.Fax530541-OO14-www.etpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OI;=FICER: YES R~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -79- ~""l'lI'l'" ......H...... South Tahoe Public Utility District 0IrIIi:.ItlIlnJ lYnlhbln FM'dI ~ItJoNf Mal)'lou ~ ~NdwIe Eft: &htider 1276 ~er.tf:>rive. South l,.ab, Tahoct.CA 9&1eO-1401 """,53054+&474-FaK530 !541-0614ewww.stpullt. BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (two cases) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES rfUt J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEsR~ NO CATEGORY: -81- South Tahoe Public Utility District CIenerIltMM 'v ......H...... ~ ~ f4llmll """',It ,.,... ~ryLau~ DwtN w..1.ttt:. EI1c; &twftr 1215 MeadowCre8t 0rIve. South LabJ Tahoe.CA 96100-7401 I'hon6 530544-6474.r=ax 530 541..0614-www.stpud.Ul!I BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et aI., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO:' BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: -83- CMWlII MIll ..... Rll'NntH.8IIIt1J South Tahoe Public Utility Di5trict ~ ~ FMnlI .um..1t JoIW Mary Lou Moeb.... DtI.tM W...,. Er1c &NIfer 1275 MeadowCneetDrM.5out;h... T..-CA 96100-1401 f'11on6 53054.lf1 6414- Fax 530 Mt.0614-www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Executive Committee (Schafer I Jones) MEETING DATE: June 7, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Public Employee Evaluation - General Manager REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Conduct Evaluation DISCUSSION: Pursuant to section 54957 of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding contract negotiations for unrepresented employee position. Unrepresented Employee Position: General Manager Agency Negotiators: Executive Committee, Board of Directors SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 12AfJ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEs.R~ CATEGORY: General NO NO -85- - ", \ L/) C. /1 ".,.....C' ,.: , / V-"[ \ r::::::' ,_ ''>', ',... South Tahoe Public Utility District Bayview Well Controls Building Facility Project Draft Initial Study and Environmental Checklist, April 30, 2007 Final Draft Staff Review Comments Section # 8. Description of Project 10. Other Public agencies VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Page # 1 3 14 14 20 ppgh. - line 3 -5 4 -1 Explanation Explanation Explanation Suggested Edits /Revisions Add: The Biological Analysis of potential impacts from operation of the well is provided in Appendix E. Remove: " The City of South Lake determined that the ....Number 05 -43." Remove: " With recharge, the declines would be approximately one half the projected decline." Change to: Mitigation Measure: Connection to the STPUD water system and compensation for loss of groundwater for private wells through connection fee exemption and reimbursement of construction costs. Change to: Mitigation included in the project for the depletion of groundwater is connection to the STPUD water system and compensation for loss of groundwater for private wells through connection fee exemption and reimbursement of construction costs. Reason Required to make the document complete. The South Tahoe Public Utility District determined that the Bayview Well Project is categorically exempt from CEQA Section 15302 and /or Section 15303 and filed a Notice of Exemption (Jan 27, 2006). The City of South Lake Tahoe did not make a CEQA determination for this project. Declines in adjoining private wells would be Tess if recharge was considered in the model simulations. However, the amount these declines would be reduced was not evaluated. The Declining Groundwater Code referenced in the draft IS /ND is no longer effective. A revised ordinance is currently being developed. The Declining Groundwater Code referenced in the draft IS /ND is no longer effective. A revised ordinance is currently being developed. draft ISND revisions IB.xls 1 5/31/2007