HomeMy WebLinkAboutfr_3247_5-23-23_tls'$7( -2%12 352-(&7 /2&$7,21 2:1(5 &2175$&725 :($7+(5 7(03 ƒ) DW $0 ƒ) DW30 35(6(17$76,7( 6LHUUD0DQRU'ULYH6XLWH 5HQR 1HYDGD SKRQH   ID[   FIELD REPORT 7+()2//2:,1*:$6127(' 5HSRUW1R ,1+286(5287(72 (0$,/ -$'BBB Submitted by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outh Lake Tahoe, CA South Tahoe Public Utility District White Rock Construction Adrian Combes SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Sunny Trent Schoppe 7 40 64 07:45 16:00 JVL____ Based and native In front of driveway for 1315 Brunswick 1 3”BFG 2 FG 124.0 115.4 6.9 Trevor Coolidge STPUD George, Les, and crew White Rock Construction 11.7 7.9 11.3 129.5 118.0 97 96 95 90 1 Side of driveway after meter 1317 Troxler 3430 19738 09/20/22 Direct 1622 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6 Density 611Moisture DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB DATE JOB NO.3DJHRI PROJECT LOCATION OWNER CONTRACTOR WEATHER TEMP ° F at °F at PRESENT AT SITE 6LHUUD0DQRU'ULYH6XLWH Reno, Nevada 89511 phone (775) 851-8205 fax (775) 851-8593 ),(/'5(3257 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED Report No. IN HOUSE ROUTE TO: EMAIL: JAD___ Submitted by 05/23/23 3247 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 South Lake Tahoe, CA South Tahoe Public Utility District White Rock Construction Adrian Combes SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Sunny Trevor Coolidge STPUD Trent Schoppe 7 40 64 Les, and crew White Rock Construction I arrived onsite and met with Les. Crew began backfilling with base in traffic areas and native outside traffic areas the remainder of the trench. I performed a density test on base in front of driveway 1315 wildwood dr and compaction was acceptable. Crew then began compacting sand and replacing pavers in walkway and replacing all landscaping plants at 1315. I performed density testing of native after meter for 1317 wildwood dr over trench between fence and driveway. Compaction was acceptable. Crew then returned landscaping at 1317 placing gravel in disturbed area. Crew then placed concrete for collars around service lids. Asphalt for 1315 scheduled for Thursday. Crew worked on returning landscaping at 1305. Drain rock along driveway and wood chips along side of house. White rock crew: Les, Edwardo, Steven, German, Trey, Alex, Jake, and Richard. Equipment onsite: Cat 305 ex, Cat 928 loader, IR Air Co press or 250, 10 wheel dump truck, 1 ton truck, 1 ton truck, 4 trench plates, 4 shores. JVL____ 07:45 AM PM16:00 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJH RI PROJECT 05/23/23 3247 73 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Backfilling with base to BFG Backfilling service at 1315 Backfilling service at 1315 Backfilling service at 1315 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJH RI PROJECT 05/23/23 3247 74 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Prepping for concrete collar Compacting base Compacting native fill Performing density tests DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJH RI PROJECT 05/23/23 3247 75 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Concrete collars acceptable per approved drawings Concrete collars acceptable per approved drawings Placing casting water line tape in trench Returning landscaping at 1305 wild wood ave DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJH RI PROJECT 05/23/23 3247 76 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 Returning landscaping at 1305 wild wood ave Returning landscaping at 1305 wild wood ave Returning landscaping at 1315 wildwood dr Returning landscaping at 1317 wild wood dr DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB 3+2726 ,QLWLDO DATE JOB NO.3DJH RI PROJECT 05/15/23 3247 77 STPUD 2023 INSPECTIONS & TESTING SERVICES - TASK ORDER NO. 21 1317 wildwood dr Removing equipment Cleaning up area DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F0E4089-B180-4FF5-98AF-D268C3DEF4BB