HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 05-03-07 Public Meeting SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Thursday, May 3, 2007 6:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri~, General Mana~er Eric W. Schafer, President Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manai:- BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director .. Ma!}' Lou Mosbacher, Director . Kathleen Farrell, Director This meeting is being held to gather public input. While a quorum of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors will attend, there will be no action taking place on their behalf. The final budget is expected to be adopted at a Special Board Meeting on Saturday, May 19, at 2:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. CALL PUBLIC MEETING TO ORDER 2. 2007/08 PROPOSED BUDGET 3. COMMENTS 4. ADJOURNMENT Public participation is encouraged. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., hearing aids or other disability-related aids), please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Olive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530/544-6474 · Facsimile 530/541-(l614. www.stpud.us '.........l.... ~" SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WELCOME May 3, 2007 A SOUND DISTRICT BUDGET I................. ....':........ PROVIDES ,FINA..N. CIAL 0; ,? MEANS TO'umm ,':. $)-,- . Operate Safe and Reliable Water and Wastewater Systems . Protect Lake Tahoe's Environment . Allocate District Resources Prudently . Be Accountable to District Customers . SOUTH TAHOE P~~~Ic:UTILITY DISTRICT 2007/08 BUDGET PROPOSAL Presented by Rhonda McFarlane, CPA Chief Financial Officer '. Customer Rates ;:;::",'t,:.,,:" --.....-...-.............. '" . The Water and Wastewater Industry Have Generally Accepted Rate Setting Techniques . As a Public Entity All Rates Are Cost- Based . Equitable . Meet Revenue Requirements . Stable 1 xl SEWER ENI~RPRISE FUND , SEWER ENTERP~ISE FUND 2007/08 Budget Proposal Revenue: $20.5 million . Rate Adjustment: 4% Operating Costs: $13.8 million Depreciation: $5 million Infrastructure Projects: $8.9 million Debt Service: $2 million Wastewater Treatment Facilities - South lake Tahoe , REVENUE :::-::,. ,"<:;:" _.mm......._._._.... " SEWER BUD~_~ 2007/08 Funding Sources Gronts 2% , Service Fees 47% Diamond Valley Ranch - Alpine County I I I Property T.xeI 32% 2 ti' SEWER ENTERP~~~~F~ND Revenue . Up in Total $1.3 million . Service Charges Up $441,000 . Interest Up $301,000 . Property Taxes Up $270,000 . Capacity Fees Up $134,000 . Other Up $127,000 '''1 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND ,&:".;>,' __.~.._...m.......,......u,." Revenue . Grant Funding . State Non-Point Source Protection Grant . Upper Dressler Ditch Piping $125,000 . Indian Creek TMDL $305,000 . California Tahoe Conservancy . Best Management Practice (BMP) Grant $70,000 11 11 Capacity Fe~s . 112 Single Family Homes . Large Commercial Projects . Convention Center Building A . Marriott Timber Lodge III . Senior Housing Herbert & Pioneer 10 . ALL CUSTOMERS ;:,;;;" ..u_.' Sewer Rates . Overall Service Charges Up 4% . Change Varies by Customer Class 12 3 , lYPICAL RESIDE.~TIAL CUSTOMER Sewer Rate . $81.45 Per Quarter . Change $3.48 Per Quarter 13 12007 /08 QUARTERLY SEWER %;; ..". SERVICE FEES " '. ,,',' ' m_mm South Tahoe P.U,D. Compared to State Averages $60 $50 South Tahoe california california 15 .'"."""'.",, .,...' 2007/08 QUART" E"",R""L Y SEWER hi .,.. SERVICE FEES $70 $50 $30 $10 -$10 South Incline North Kingsbury Tahoe City Tahoe Village Tahoe Ii SEWER EN::r:E.~~~I~E FUND 2007/08 Proposed Spending Debt Service 80/0 Operations .. Maintenance 28% capital 36% Labor 28% 14 16 4 'SEWER CAP~~L PROJECTS Presented by Paul Sciuto, PE Assistant General Manager/Engineer 17 *1 SEWER EN-.r.:~~~~ISE FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $8.9 Million . WWTP Final Export Pumps $3.5 Million . WWTP TRPA Coverage Fee $225,000 . Collection System Master Plan $380,000 19 'I,Advanced As.s.~tManagement . A new approach to allocate Capital Improvement dollars more effectively . AAM minimizes the total cost of buying, operating, maintaining, replaci.ng, an9 . disposing of capital assets dUring their life cycles . Combines technology and planning to create a database to predict asset failure and establishes optimal replacement schedules to achieve service goals ,. " SEWER ENT~~~~I?E FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $8.9 Million . Luther Pass Pump Station Improvements $400,000 . Luther Pass Pump Station Transformers $100,000 . B-Line Re-vegetation $150,000 . C-Line Evaluation $60,000 20 5 '. SEWER ENTERP~~SE FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $8,9 Million . Upper Dressler Ditch $700,000 . Indian Creek TMDL $600,000 . Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Master Plan $100,000 . DVR Emergency Storage $175,000 21 'm SEWER E~I.'=.~~RISE FUND Labor Costs . Impacted by New Contract & Upcoming Salary Survey . Salaries Up $259,000 . Benefits Up $251,000 23 . SEWER ENTERPRI?EFUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $8.9 Million . Beecher Pump Station $107,000 . BMP Pump Station Erosion Control $120,000 . Engineering Staff & Expenses $933,800 22 '. SEWER EN!!=~~~I?E FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs . UP $446,000 . Power $167,000 . RDA Tax Transfer $100,000 . Building Rent $40,000 . Low Income Discount $32,000 . Rocky Point Erosion Control ($134,000) ,. 6 ;;1 SEWER ENTE~~~I.?~ FUND Debt Service . Interest $1,166,000 . Principal $794,000 . 2007 New Debt . 2004 Certificates of Participation 25 ,I SEWER E~!~~~fUSE FUND District Reserve Policy . Maintaining Reserves are for: . Future Capital Obligations . local Disasters or Catastrophic Events . Establishing Credit Worthiness . Insuring Against Significant Revenue losses . Cash Flow Requirements . Economic Uncertainties and Financial Hardships . Unfunded Mandates 27 ,I ~, , ,. SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 1999 to 2008 Operating Costs Per Million Gallons of Wastewater Excluding Depreciation III' tll' CPI 2008 2. il SEWER ENI~~~~ISE FUND Projected Reserves June 2008 . Capital Reserves $9.2 Million . Rate Stabilization Fund $5.7 Million . Operating Reserves $2.8 Million 28 7 ,I WATER E~T~RPRISE FUND 'I REVENUE ,', .',,'. ..om.".m , . ,~;~ , WATER ENTERPR.I.~EFUND 2007/08 Budget Proposal . Revenue: $11.9 million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $7.8 million . Depreciation: $2 million . Infrastructure Projects: $6.4 million . Debt Service: $1.2 million 29 30 . WATER ENT~~~R.I~E FUND 2007/08 Revenue Grants 7% \ Interest .. other '\ 13% \ Capacity Fees 8% .~ Service Fees 72% J1 J2 8 'WATER ENTERPRI~E FUND Revenue . Up $800,000 . Service Charges up $318,000 . Capacity Fees up $288,000 . Interest Income up $213,000 . Grants down $88,000 33 , ALL CUSTOMERS :.';.' ,i0' ---.--......-........ Water Rates . Overall Service Charges Up 4% . Change Varies by Customer Class 35 i' WATER ENTERP~IS~FUND Revenue . Grant Funding . County Water Agency $320,000 . Water Conservation $162,000 . Waterline Replacement $1.3 million . California Tahoe Conservancy $60,000 . Tahoe Restoration Act $268,000 34 ,'TYPICAL RE~!I:>~~,-IAL CUSTOMER Water Rates . $108.60 Per Quarter . $4,64 Change Per Quarter 36 9 ,t 2007/08 QUA~!~~L'y''vVATER SERVICE FEES $273.00 $300 Ind_ South North Tahoe City ICJnrpbury Caw Rod: Village T.... Tahoe Ii WATE~ EN!~~~~ISE FUND 2007/08 Proposed Spending Operations .. Maintenance 24% OebtService 80/0 37 Capital 41% 39 . 2007/08 QUARTE~~'y' WATER SERVICE FEES South Tahoe P.U.D. Compared to State Averages ~-------- $12\ $108.60 __ _ $l09.n__ $110, $100 $9Or $801 $70 $60: $50 South Tahoe California California WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Debt Service . Interest $408,000 . Principal $828,000 . Angora Water Co. Purchase . 2001 Refunding . 1999 LaSalle Loan 38 "" 10 1 WATER CAPITAL.~ROJECTS , More from Paul Sciuto, PE Assistant General Manager/Engineer 41 . WATER E~T~~PRISE FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $6.4 Million . Wells $1.7 million . Complete South Upper Truckee Re-drill . Arsenic Treatment System Design 43 ;1 WATER ENTERPR~?E FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $6.4 Million . Waterlines $1.8 million . Glen Road . Gardner Mountain . Tata Lane . In-house . Pipeline Evaluation $150,000 . Flagpole/Airport 42 ,I "'-- " :,:~~,;~,,:~,,: ;-.- WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $6.4 Million . Water Tanks $300,000 . Angora Tank . Country Club Tank ... 11 wi WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2007/08 Capital Outlay $6.4 Million . BMP & Re-vegetation Plant Grounds $481,500 . BMP Pump Station Erosion Control $110,000 . Erosion Control Projects $300,000 . Engineering Staff & Expenses $1,029,400 15 . WATER E~!~~~RJSE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs . O&M Up $244,000 . Power $196,000 . Water Conservation $61,000 . Pipes, Water Boxes & Fittings $50,000 . Low Income Discount $44,000 . U/R Cal Trans/City/County Improvements ($131,250) 47 ,I;. WATER ENTERP~!?~FUND Labor Costs . Impacted by New Contract, Upcoming Salary Survey, & One New Position . Salaries Up $199,000 . Benefits Up $180,000 ... WATER ENTERPRISE FUND . 1999 to 2008 Operating Costs Per Million -GiillOnsorWater Production Excluding Depreciation $9'000'000f{=' - -- $8,000,000 - "'$2;3 $7,000,000' __ $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 1... I'" CPt Adju..... 2001 48 12 '. MTBE . Recap Litigation . Settlements . Legal fees/costs . Net to District $69 million $28 million $41 million 49 . WATER EN~~~~~~SEFUND Projected Reserves June 2008 . MTBE Remediation Funds: $8 million . Capital Outlay: $14 million . Operating: $2 million . Rate Stabilization: None 51 .'", , ., OUT OF POCKET DAMAGES .." (CUMULATIVE) 18.:" ^'~ $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 2005 2006 2007 50 12007/08~~~~q?EDBUDGET Sewer & Water Combined . Revenue: $32.4 million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $21.6 million . Depreciation: $7 million . Infrastructure Projects: $15.3 million . Debt Service: $3.2 million 52 13 0,1; Thank you_. The End 53 14