HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 59 - Retired2 $ 4 5 POR ~ OENERKL I~AOER O~ ~E T~OE PU~IC UTI~ ~S~CT BE IT ~AC~ by the Board of D~rectors of SOU~ TAHOE ~BLIC. U~LI~ DIS~I~T, Ooun~ of E1 ~adoj Brats of Oal~LffoP~l~ as follows ~ 1'.'..~ ~at the general managor, aa an officer of ~OU~i ~0~ ~BLIC U~LI~ 'D~ICT, shall receive as compensation for office-the s~ of~GH~ ~fD~D ~,~ ~A~ ($811.00) pep fifteen (15) working days vacation for each full ye~ of sent by said.~strict, which said vacation shall not be lated, and~one (1) Working day per month sick leave for each month of emplo~ent by the District, whic~ said sick leave e~ accumulated to a maximum of sixty (60) working days. 2~ .~e hours and da~s of emplo~ent shall be eight '16]' working hours per day, five, (5) working day, per week, National and State holidays excepted. 3. The General Manager shall execute an official bond ~ the s~ of T~ ~OU~ ~L~ ($3,000.00), slttd bond ahall be in the substance and form of the official bond requ~ed to be filed by a director of a public utility district, ~ch sa[.~ bond shall be recorded tn the Office of the County Recorder of the 2~ County of Ei Dorado, State of Cali:fo~la and t~ereafter filed wXtb 24~ the Clerk of SOU~ ~0E ~BLIC U~[LI~ DISTRICT, County of ~ 25~ Dorado, State of California. h. Upon adoption, this ordinance shall be poste~ In three (3) public places, at least seven (7) days prior to the e~'.[ratlo~ of ~irty (30) days from the date of its passage, ~nd a~l be published in ~e ~ TAFOE ~, a newspaper ~f general circula- tion, printed and published in the District, at le.aat aeven (7} days prior to t~e e~ira?.~on of ~irty (30) days from the date of its pa~sa~e, and shall becom~ effective u~on the e:~iratlen of 1 ,¢ ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 1'! 19 I 22 23 20 28" 2~ thirty (30) days from'the date of its adc, ptlon. PA~ AND ADOPTED this 30th day of June, 1960, at adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY District, by the following v.mte~ A .YE3~ Directors PANKOST, SOUZA, W~N a,~d WALL. NOE~ None AB3ENT~ Dir-ctor GOERIN~V~. Datedt June m3, 1960. Sou%h Tab ~ Utility. Dl s~ric ~!/amd:.EX-OfftCio Sec re tary of the Boa~d'~of Directors thereof. of the Board of !)irectore ef 3curb Tahoe Public UtXlit2 District. 1 2 4 ? ].7 28, ' J'~ t bJm - . GER~[FICATE OP 0RDINAM3E I,..EARLE P. PA~KOST, Clerk of the SOUTH ~tBOE PUBL]:O UTILITTDIST~ICT, County of E~ Dorado, State of certi~'that the attached Ordinate ts a true, .h~ll and ec.rreot copy thereof,adopted by the Board of Dlrector~ of SOU~ TAHO~ ~BLI~ .u~LI~ DIS~ICT at an adjourned re~lar ~eetl~ tbe~eof~ duly held on June 30, 1960. Said ord[mance was pa~ed by the following vote of the members of the Board of AYES: Directors PANKOST, SOIrZE, WAK]~A~! and WALL NOES: None ABSENT: GOERINGER. · ~OU'th Tahoe~Pub, lic Utility Dlst,'ict and Ex=Of fleXo S,,c. ret&l,y of the Board of Directors th®l'®of (SEAL) 1 2 :-,:' 4 5 6 STATE OF CALIFOt~NIA/ COUNTY OF EL DOi~DO) GERTIFIOATE OP POSTIII] SS I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I a~ the Clerk of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and Ex-Officio Secretary of tt~e Board of Direetorm 8 I thereof. On the .t~2.~'day of July, 1960, I post,d the Ordlnan,~e to 10I which this certificate is attached, by posting a full, tl-~e 11i correct copy thereof in each of the three following publle places! 12I One (1) copy at Sta%eline, California Post Office; one (1) copy 1~. at BiJoa, California Post Office ~d one (1) copy at Tahoe Valley, 14~ Califo~ia Post Office. 15t IN ~S~ %~EREOF I hereunto eubscrlbe my name and affix 16~ the seal of SOU~ T~OE ~BLIC UTILI~ DIS~ICT ~ls /~-'da ' .n.,, 17 t .~ A;'--~-',.-' ~ South Tahoa Public Ottltt! Dis- trict and Ex-Offteto ~eeretary the Board of Directors thereof.