HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 58 - Retired AN ORDINANCE DEOLARING THE OFFICE OF DIS, TRICT ENGINEER 0F ~0U~[ TAHOE U~I~ DI3~ICT VACANT 4, ~ IT ~OTED by the Board of Directors of ~%OU~ ~, ~BLIO U~LI~ DIS~10T, Count~ of E1 ~rado, State of 8. as follows~ 7 1. ~at ~e office of District ~g~.neer 8 P~LIC U~LI~ DISTRICT, Coun~ of E1 ~rado, State ~ Is hereby declared ~acant. 10 2. Upon adoption, this ordinance sbal! be poate~ 11 (3) public places, at least seven (?} days prlo~ 1~ of thlr~ (30) days from ~e date of its p~ssa~e, 1S~published in the L~ TAHOE N~S, a newspaper of g~neral 14~ tion, printed ~d published in the ~strlct, at least 15 days prior to %be expiration' of thir~ (30) days from its pass, age, and shall become effective upon ~- thirty (30) days from the' date of its adoption. PA~ AND A~P~D this 30th d~y of June, 1960, adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors P~LIC U~LI~ DIStrICT, by the followlnj vote: Directors PANKOST, ~OU~, WA~N and WA~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I 31 32 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: None Director GO52{INGER. ~.art~' F...p~a~_~.j~,. Clerk of ~:Be South T~ho~ ~olic Utility District and Ex-Officio Secreta~ of the Board of Directors tk~ereof. (S L) of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utllt.ty District ? 8. 10 11 12 14 1§ 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 25 27 28 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ( COUNTY OF EL DORADO) SS I, the Undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the of 80UTH~.~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIbaSIC?, County of E1 Do~a4o,$ta%e of California, and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of thereof. On the ~ day of July, 1960, I posted the or¢tina~ te wblch this certificate is attached, by posting a full, true correct copy thereof in each of the three following public placell One (1) copy at gtateline, California Post Office; on~ (1) copy at Bijou, California Post Office and one (1) copy at Tahoe Vsll,e2 California post office. IN WITNESS WHEPLEOF ii hereunto subscribe my nam, amd aff~ .tb.e seal of EOUT~ T;LHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT this %.~.~ d~y of ........, lc 6o. South Tah6e ~bllc Utility District and ~-Off~c[o Se, creta~ of the Board ~ D~rectora ~er~ 8 9 10 12 16 17 19 ~5 ~8 CEHTIFICATE OP ORDINANCE I, EARLE F. PANKOST, Clerk of tho SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, Stabe or California,, and Ex-Officio.'Secretar~ of the Board of DIPectors thereof, do hel.®b~ certify that the attached Ordinance is ~. true, full and correct copy thereof, adopted by t, he Board o£ Directors of $OUT~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIStrICT at an adjourned regular meetin~ thereof, duly held on June 3'0, 1960. Bald Or,]lnsnce was passed an4 adopted by the following vote of the. members of the Board ,of DireCtors thereof: Directors PANKOST, WAE3DiAN, SOUZA and WALL. NOE,'~: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) ~a'~.li~/~~-~~"~~~'/F~: kost, Clerk olF the - South Tahoe Public Utility District and h-Officio Seoreta~y of the Board of Di~ctors