HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 57 - Retired2 4 2]. given fo~ rece~vinE of blds fo~ ~ork fo~ constmctio~ of a .~'.::S't~2xOn ~:o'. ~ ~o ~eatm~;t Pi~, and Port,on of Main ~,:~O,.:.gO~n~.n ~oa~; and .aid bid~ ~ere publiely ~ened were c6~.~dereS.':'.by'satd Board at ~ adJour:~e~ ~e~l~ ~eet~ ' ~;:"_'S'aid 'Boar~ ~ereby rejects all o.f ea~d propo~alm contract., fo~. doin~ .work and ~pro~e~ents, and furni~h~ ihl, r,~sponslble'.bXdder, to wXt, M. P. VAN VAL~N~RO~,$~r~te,~ 3. ~'e President of said Board l~ hereby authorized make and enter into a written contract ~i~ said sueceaa~.l and to)receive ~.d approve all bonds in cotmect[on therewXth,. t~e Clerk is hereby directed to at,est his signature and affJ~x thereto ~e co~orate seal of said ~st:,Ict. '4. Upon adoption, t2is ordlnanco ah.all be posted In 'three (3) publ~.c .places, at least seven (7) days prio~ ~o ~e ex~ 0f t~irt~:'(30)~"d~Y~ from t~e date of ~t~ p,,~aage, a~ shall be published in ~e I~ T~OE N~'~, a news~pap, er of general ~n, printed and published in ~e District;, at 1,,asr severn its .pasl~ge,::,:and,:'sb&il become effeotlve upan the expiration of ~:,: 't~ts 23~d'day of g~te a~ ~ adJou~ed q ol-e~tn ieF~ of the Board of Direotorl of Bouth Tahoe Public UtXl~ty Dis tri c t. ...:.. ..... ~,~ A.~ ~,.. ... ,, ./ .! _.~ ;:~'.. :.' .:' ' , /~'.~.',-:' ~1," ~. . t ~_.~ ~ ~: ' - "...' ' , ", ~- ?'~..b.f ..~ .... ~.~' ,,,~.~. ;~. ::<~:Z~-., .~-,.:, .-~~-. ~ - )':.::::,': l~l.]Sc,u%h.- Tah'~e(~blic.:'-~tllity :(:( :': .' :'~. ' .... ~-Dts.tr[Ot::.'.'and:~-Officlo ~ecreta~ '"' '17 thereof. i..of -hhe::B°a~d of-Directors 2O 2~ '7 10 ll 17 18. 19 20 ~2, CERTIFIGATE OP ORDINANCE I, EARLE F. PANKOST, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utllity,.Distrlot, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, md E~-Offto~o'.Seoretary of the Board of Directore thereof, do ~ereby certify tb'at the attached Ordinance is a true, full and correct copy thereof, adopted by the Board of Dtrectore of ~outho ?aboe Pnblic.Utllity District at an adjourned regular meeting thel, eof, duly held on June 23, 1960. ~ald Ordinance was peaced and adopte( by the following vote of the memberm of tbs Board of Dlreetora 'i;bereof: AYES: Directors PANKOST, GOERINGFJ:~, SOUZA, WAKE)(AN and WALL NOES: None ABSENT: l~c)ne. South Tat'~e ]~blle Utility and F~-Officlo Secretary of tbe Board of Dir~ctor, thereof. 2O '.: ..... 21 23 STAX 0F CALIFOR~IA} I, the undersigned, do hereby cert~Lfy that I am t~e 01erk of SOU~ T~0E ~IB5IC U~LI~ DIST~CT, County of E1 ~rado, Sta%e of California, and ~-Offlc~o ~ecretar7 of the Board of thereof. ~ the _~day of July, 1960, I l:,Oste~{ the or~lnanoe w~:i. ch this certificate is attached, by posting a fulX, correut copy thereof in e,mc~ of ~e ~hx~ee following public pla~ell One (1) copy at Stateline, Oallfornla Pos~: Office{ one (1) at Bijou, C~Ifornia Post Office ~d one (1) copy at T~oe California post Office. I~ ~~S ~~' I hereunto I~ubscribe ~ nl~e and affix t~ict and Ex-Offici~. Secretary ~he Board of Directors thereof. (SEAL) 24 25 26 27