HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 55 - Retired .:.,... ORDINANOE NO. · " '' .;'... AN ORDINANCE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT -d' . .. SANITARY SEWERAGE 'PROJECT N0 1~0-1 /, "-'- ~. ". ~ . - , ' ."~':'~;' ~.-:. · Tahoe Publi'c'.Uti!lty District, Ei Dorado County, Call~o~la, ..l'.','~ ;Pursuant to order og this Board, notice w~a duly for the receiving of bids fo~ ~o~ under Re~olutlon o~ Intent No. 173 adO};edJ'by this Board on ~rch 17 1960, and saXd did dulY.";Convene'"at the time and place specified in said notic and all' ~t~ers..were duly considered by ~ald Boa~ ard all wer~ publ.ic~y opened, e~mined and declared. 2'.-..~'aid"Boa~ hereby rejects all of ~aiA p~oponal~ o~ ~oid~, excepg those, hereinafter mentioned and hereby award~ the contrac-~fo~'"dOin~ tho wo~k and ImpPovements and rurnlsh~g ~teriais:,'..supplies and equlp~ng '~ocessary theperor, go lowest [~respon:~ibl~ bidder, to wit: flEdGE E. M~t CONSTRUCTION ~.;:-~' - .... at the unit;'/arI.ces~ed )n its bld,~ ~ .3;,':.:~The.President of said B~rd is hereby ~.uthorized ~ke end cuter Into a written contracg with aaid successful and to receive and approve all bonds in connection therewith, and the Clerk is .hereby directed to attest his s!:Enature and affix thereto the corporate ~;eal of said District. 4 Within :>3 days after the adoptlo:~ ct this O~Ml~mnce, copie~ hereof shall D.P posted in three public places In thl~ /' Fresident of ~outh Tal[oe PublI~T~~ ) . ~ ~ .'~ /._./ ,. . ., .... {~," ,. /' ~.. d ',~ ~',-' I '?I.~he~eby.Ce~ti~ that the'foregoing, correc¢.'cO~y',.of an Ordinance adopted by ~he ~a~d og th'e, 9U~h-.Tahoe Public Utility Diagrl~t du],~ h~!.~:~6~:(ehe'<'19eh day of M~, i960, AYES,-and in favor ~hereof,. Dlrectorz. ~'.i~'~ ~ooei~inzer~. Pankoat:, Wakeman, Wal! 'NOES,~ Directors: None ABSF2~, Directorz: None the South Tahoe ~bl District