HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 53 - RetiredORDINANCE NO. O AN ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS ~ :,-~L,.,' SECOND SALE, - $138,O00 ..~,':-~.;ENAc[~D by the.~ard o~ Director~ of %he South T . .:;,~ '<~..>::' :..,?. :-...., . this I~ard+on..Augumt 20, 1959, and its Resolution c'alling for on the second;sale of b~nds~ notice of said sale ham been d~ly given,"~d'~'.~h~s.'.I~ the time and place fixed there!n bids fox,:.~ ~ase of said bonds, and said bids have been ;.. '. ,,<,~,:.:: .... , < - ,. calved .ah'~:..pcbliCly Opened, examined and declared by this ~a.rd, .2...-..A~! ~wz~l~gen bid~ received for the purchase except!ng.the:.bid'he~ein stated, be, and they are :~ereby, r~Jec~e~ and.:s'~id:-~0'i{~.be'~ and they are hereby, ordered sold las' the'~high'~St'responsible/- bidder therefor, said sale to be sub-' '.' ~' ',,- l. Ject' t.o:.all .of .ghe 'terms and conditions set forth :tn the N~tl¢O oX,  Sa!e and'.in:~ald accepted bid ~ ... ~.ha~'~ ~' the Clerk '~e, and he ls t~ereby, Ulrected to have pr~t. ~ /'orth~./lth, and that the ~ :!~,:ned, sealed and delivered to said bl[idcr .~ a,,.~uz~ therei"o'l' as abc, ye stated, and up::p t,h~; :.~:,: :,r.~mnce >f the z....~ cants!nod in saia wPitten o..~... ~. That the inte;~es~ rate of saL,~" !' is hereby, £lxed r,t tile rate slated in 3ai:u. b!a. .... ?.~ .,, .,.~,~ ,(~,.:~'. . ,, _ -. ~fornla}',., a.t~'.~'"~eeting"tI~ereaf 'dUly` held on the 19~h~ day of " 1960, bT~ .tne'-"follow.~ng vote: Al .~ES,'!'~r~d in favor thereof, Directo:'s: .-... OOeri~!;er, Pankost, Wakeman, Wall ~OES, Directors: None Directors: None aTl~t ex- STATE OF.': cALIFORNIA County' of:. E1/-Dorado · . .. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING -.~..::,. ~ORDINANCE AWARDIN0 ~ALE OF BONDS ...... SECOND SALE - $138, O00 ' ~'"'~"' SANITARY SE~f~AGE PROJECT NO 1959-1 depose~ an~!. s'~y~: , bel:lE first duly That for and on behalf of the Ci~rk an~ ex-officio 3ecre~ of the'..S~uth~Tahoe Public Utility District affiant posted cos ,of Ordinance· No..~'~ Awarding Sale of Bond~ -. Second Sale $0~,000, In form attached h~reto and by reference ~de a part h.sreof" in:three public .places In the District, es follows: 1 '.-~'-~. _~ .:.% ..~. That):Said.L. postlns was completed ~n the _ '.~J;~ day ~f ~y, !{SuO~ribed and sworn to be£ore me Unls ,~ d~.ty o~(~rL , 1960. J '" '" --/'" f z--~:. -- ~./;:~ .~:-~..~' ~or El l~3rado, State of California. .!