HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 51 $ 4 5 ? 8 10 11 12 14 15 21 2~ 24 25 26 27. 28 29 .5O 31 32 J%N ORDINANCE REGUIITING THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT]~LITY DISTRICT AND ESTA~LISHI~;G ~F~ THE.~LE.~OR AND AMENDING AND ~P~EDI~;G ORDI~ANC~ NOS. 23, 31 Ah'D 39. BE IT ~AC~D by t~he Bo~rd of Directors of South Tahoe Utility Dis.trier, County cf E1 Dorado, 5tare of Cal[forn~a, follows: 1. .PUR~SE: The purpose of this ordinance shall be equalizing the proportionate obligations, expend[tu:~es and OOat~', of oper~tion between the territory within the South Tahoe Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of Calt'~fora[a, the territory proposed to bo annexed. 16 2. A~I~ON ~%~ (New Territory): The owner of any lot, 17lparcel or piece of territory which was not petitioned for 18~c!usion in the original boundaries of the South Tahoe Public 19 Utility District a% the time of the fomat[on of said D[strlct, or the owne'.~, of any lot, parcel or piece of territory which has not been petitioned for inclusion by annexation to said District in any proc,~edinEs for a~exation to said District shall, pr~o~ to the time of annexation of such tel?Itory, ?ay to .South Tahoe Public Utili'.ty District an annex~tt!on fac cqu,.] to t~e ~ a. Per acre annexation fees: (1) If the petition for annexation Is filed with said ,District during the calen4ar year's 1960-61, , $50.00 per ac~e; (2) If the petltios for ~nnexation'ls flle~ ~Ith said Dist~!c~ durin~ the calend~ yesr~ 1962-6~3, $100.00 per acre; , (3) If the petition fo~ ~nexat!on is filed 2 $ 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 17 25 ! 3li $200.00 per acre; (~) If the petition for annexation ls filed with said District ~ter 196~, $~00.00 per acre; (~)' In the euent that the territory per acre annexation fee is le~s than $~0.00, aa comput.d In paragraphs 2a(1)through 2a(4) hereof, the minlm~ . p~rcel annexation fee shall be $50.00 during the years 1960 through 1965; an~d '(6) In the event that the territory per aove annexation fee is les~ than $1C0.00, a:~ computmd In paragraphs 2a(1) through 2a(~) hereof, the m~nlm~,: p~rce!, annexation fee shall be $100.O0 after the year ~96~. All englneerfng, legal, edmlnlstratlve and dental costs of said annexation. A sum equal to the assessment that would hawe been levied by the South Tahoe Public Utility D[str~et for the construction of the s.nltary sewerage system of a~:y improvem~'.:nt or asse~sment district which will serve said territory had the proposed territory to be annexed been Inc].uded in said assessment or improvement d~trlct ~t the time of formation of said asse~sment o~ tmpr,ovement dlztrlot. The oost of tustallatlon of a ]~teral or laterals to ~erve the individual lot, parcel or piece of terr!tory proposed to be ~nnexed. ~e assumptl, om of said lot, p~rcell or piece territo~.y~s proportionate ~bare of all the existing outstanding indebtedness of SoutY~ Tahoe ~b~tc 2 $ 4 5 10 12 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 be annexed. 3. AN~TIO.N FEE (Previously Excluded Territory): ~e owner of· anL~ lot, parcel or piece of ~e~ritory whl~ was ed ~o be included in ~ original boundaries of ~he SoG~ ~b!ic Ut~llty District ~t the t~me of fo~atlon of ~a~d Dl,tr~t and thereafter upon application by the then owner or owner's agent of said lot, parcel or piece of territory excluded from the proposed boundaries of said District, or the owner of any lot, perc~l or pi,~ce of territory which hes been petitioned for in- clusf~.on by a~:nexation to said District In any proceedings for annexation t~ said District, and thereafter e.~cluded from the proposed ann~xation upon application by the then owner or stent shall, prior to ~be annexation of said lot, p~rcel or piece of ~erritory proposed to be annexed, pay to ~ou~h Tahoe Public Utility Distzict an annexation fee equal to the sum of tbs follow-. All taxes fo~' which said lot, parcel or piece of territory proposed to be annealed wou~d have otherwise been liable from the time of the forma- tion of said District, or /'rom the time said territory would have been annexed to said Diatrlct 25 26 27 28 29" ,3O ~2 [n any annexation proceeding.~ in which ~aid terri- ~ory was petitioned for annu×n~!on, whichever ,~vent first occurred; b. Zn~ ~ ~ ~e. est upon said s~, as computed by paragraph )a hereof, at the rate of stx per cent (6%) per aoa~, compounded from the respective delinquency dates thereof; c. All engineering, legal., administrative ~nd ~nci- C~ental costs of said annexation; ~. ~ sum equal to the assessment that wou]~ b.v~ b.en for the construction of the sanitary ~ewerage system of any improvement or asse.smcnt district which will serve said territory had th, e proposed territory to be annexed been included in said improvement or assessment district at the time of formation of said improvement or assessment district,; e. The cost of the ins tallaticn of a lateral or laterals to serve the individual lot, parcel or piece of territory proposed to be annexed; f. T'be assumption of said lot, parcel or piece of territory~ proportionate share of all the exist- lng outstandinE indebtedness of tt)e South Tahoe Public Utility District at the effective date of annexation; and g, Other non-sewerage service charges for which said lot, parcel or piece of territory proposed to be annexed would otherwise have been liable. 4 · S'EPA~BILI'Ff: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or the appllcatlon thereof to any person or circumstance, is for any reason hel. d to be un- constitutional or invalid, such decision shall not a, ffect the validity of the remaining portions of this or(tined, ce or the ap- 25I plicatlon of such provision to other per.~on~ or circum.~t, anees. . , ~ ~, th ~ffeetlv~ date hereof, ,11 of the provisions Tbs Board hereby declares that they would havr ;.,ass~d this ordinance or ~ny section, subsection, ~ntence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the. fact that an) one or more sections, subsections, :~entences, clauses or phrases be declared to be unconstitutional. ~ ~i~[:~T: This Ordinance No. 51 amends and eupersecc~ 1 set forth in Ordinances Nos. 23, 31 and 39, Heretofore enacted 2 ~y tho Board of Directors ox' South Tahoe Public UtllXty $ County of E1 ~rado, State of California. 4 6. EF~:CTIVE DATE: Upon adoption, t~ls ordinance shall be 5 posted tn ~hree (3) public places at least seven (7) days prior 8 to the expiration of thirty (30) days from t,~e date of its pass- N~WS, a newspaper 7 age, and shall be published tn the L~ T~CE 8 of general circulation printed and published in the Dlstrlot, at least seven (7) days prior to thirty (30) days .from the date 10 ~ its passage and shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty 11 (~ days r~om the date of its adoption ? ~resldent of the-Board of Dlre'~to~m South Tahoe ~blic Utility Di~triet E1 Dorado County, State of California. 18 ~ O!~k of ~uf~ ahoe }ubli~ Utility : District ~nd,{~,fficio Secretary of 22~ theO~a.d. of Directors thereof. 24 ~ 2 4 5 6 7 10 I, EA!:~LE F. PA!;KOST, Clerk ~nd i~i Off[cio Sccr~t~ry of t,,~ Board o Directors of the ~OU~ TAHOE do ~ereby cer~;ify that the foregoing lsa full, true and correot copy cf a resoIut[om adopted at a regular ofD_~ ....~ors, duty and regula~-ly nc!d st toe reg'ul~r place thereof on the ~th day of February, i~o0, of wnica I and all of the members of said Board had due notice an~ at which a msJor'ity thereof was present. At said meeting said Ordinance wus !atto ~uc~d by 12 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D1rec'tor WALL, and read in f~!l ~nd w~:~ thereupon, of mot[on of ~r~-~or WA~, and seconde~] by Director ~,,E~r,, adopted by t~e following vote:. A~: DiRECTO~ GOEHINGE~, (;EP~IJK, W'AK'~'~Ah ~,r,d WALL. NC~: DIREG ~RS Nor, e A'~E]~T: DIRECTOR P~KOST That I ?;ave carefully compared the same ~It~] the ori~na% in the minutes on file of record in mI office and that said ordinance was duly entered of record in Minute Pook 2 at Page ~ and said ordinance Is s full, true and correct copy of the ~ ..i..ut~s; that ~;aid o,''~4 ' h . _ :,escin~ed since the data of its adoption a:il t,:~, t~:~ :am~ I~ now in full force and effect. WiTh~3 my hand and the offici~l ~! of s~i,:i SOUU6 Dated: February [~, 1960. /:,./ ) ... / : : 7:- Officio Secretary of Soufm Tahoe Public Utility Distr1,~t,. ,3ER~.!FIOATE O? POST] }4'2 Tahoe Pucli. c "t:?,,,ty F;i~tr~ 28 ~ I, the. underslEned., do heruby certify that ! am the Clerk 5~ and ex officlc Sec..retary of the SOU~ T~0E PUBL/; '.JI'ILI~ 8 ~ nV~'~T~~ County of E1 Dorado, State of 7 ~ day of February, 1960, I posted the ' '~ - ' true an~ correct oopy 8 ~ ue. til. lcate f~ attao~ed by posting a full, 9 ~ the-eof in each of the following "~ . ~ ~,.r~: (~) pu::l'c p:Lace~ 10~ the =,i.-.trict bo"'' to wit: One (~) copy a't ~tateline, i1~ 'Ca!i=..rniaen Post O. flce,¢ ' one (1) copy at ~[Jou, C,~]~for~Ia. . Post 12~ Office and f!,,a..y, one (l) copy ,t ':~:ce V,,l cy,, :vl~l'o~ni~ Post {~ iN ~~S ~;~HE0}, T baV() ht~l'e~nto sul:scrlb~4 my name 15 ~:i and aff~:{ed ....... th,9 se.a! of +~'.(~ SOU~H FAIiOK P:;~LI3 ~'.T.iL!~v UISTRIdT 16~ t~.;is day of February, 1900.