HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 49 - Superseded · I .;' ..'CCD fY/ '2~23 II...2L~ OY DII~CTOR2; OF TI~ SOL~II T~IO~ ~IC
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.L~,.Li~.~ 1, T[.~ 0F ~INGS, Lc~ular meetings of the Board
, ~ ~ .Joath T~huu ~blic Utility ~istrict, County oF 21 Dorad% State of U~llforni~,
~ ',ll he held on tho first l~nd third Thuradays of eve~ month~ co~m~enci~ at S:O0
,~:locL P.[i.; provided~ h,o~,'eve,r~ that any ~uch ~y fall upon a legal holiday~ then
~.,id coting sh~ll be held at the sm.m time on the ne~ (~y thereafter ensui~ which
Cocti,m 2. ALJCI< '~ ~]TIU.iS. The l]oard c~y adjo~'n a~ re~lar~ adjourned
2 ~ ~ ~;puch~l~ o~' ,~djou{'ned ~i)ecial ;~cciin:~ to a tine and place specified in thc
~' ,'. ~dj~,~uu~,u~t. I_c~ th~m ~ ~tuor~m~ ~(9 adjourn from time to time. Ir ~11
',, c., ~.~ ;,;,;~c~,t fro.~ .~:0 rciTular ~et[.,% the ClerIm~ or ~ecl'eta~ of the ~oard
' I ~'c U~c m~ct[u; ~dj~um~,~3 to a .~t',~Ccd tine ;~ll(1 place~ and he ~hall cause
, ~-~ ,~oLi~ ~f~ thc ;~jo~:u.~c~t (. h~ ,:[ven in the s~m~e ~m~er am provided in
. ' ', ,,i' -z',liluu[Cu {5 i'or ~imciz:l ' cc[ill~j~} unless ~uch notice
~ ,i ~ for %l,eci,~l ~leet[,~,~. C,,l)J' of the order or notice of adjoun~nent s]~ll
, i :~, =;.~c~}a] m' mljourn,~d .I:CCL~I ~'~ct{ Z ~ms held within t~ent[-four (2,t) hours
,:l' ,[ <! c '.~,,n' apc~liicl Yof lc.;,il,a' ..z~cbil:;~ b3: Lhis Ordiance.
. ,1i, ~ tilit~ Li,,trlcL ~i, ti.~ 1JLi, day of Jul) m 1059~ and in pa[tlcul~l' ~ection 3
T~hoe ~Bllc utility District.
~ ~ .... PO~TIHG
iv ~1~: u.l,~'r~,[~aod, do herelO' certify that I am the Clerk
,~nd ~.-,;l':icio ~c~l'~ba~' of b;:e Soubh Tahoe ~tblic Utility Biatrict)
County of 21 ~or~do, StaLe of California. On the ~ ~y of
,~ttachcd bi i~o~tio/; ,~ full~ ti'nc ~nd correct co~ thereof in each
~f tho Follo%~'in; Cu'ec (3) public places within the Distric~ BountY-
One copI a~ Statclin~ California Pos% Office;
9nc rppy ~t Dijou~ California Post Office; and
One copy a~ T~hoo Wiley, California Po~t Office.
l'l ,'ITI[~2 '.F,~OF~ I have hereunto subscribed ~ ~e and
,.~'~'[..,;,1 th~ 5cul of th~ 3outh Tuh~ Public Utility District, this
Ex-Officio Secretary~ South Tahoe
~u])lic Utility District.