HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 47 - Retired o~nu~ ~o. ~7 · !~ ORD~I~C~ 0F ~ 0~ ~0~ for the reoeivi~ of bl~ for work ~der Resolution of ~tention No. 1~ adopted by ~hi8 ~d on A~t ~0~ 19~9, ~d o~d btds ~ publ$o~, opened, o~ed ~d decl~d b~ ~he Clerk of ~d a~ ~00 oJolook P.M. on September 23, 19~9 at tho ~e~s place of thio ~, ~d publicly ~o~ood ~d ~opo~ed ~ ~ to t~l ~d at ltl mee~i~ ~ld at 8~ o~olo~k on September ~$, 1959 at a~d ~eti~ place. 2. Valle~ ~eers, ~o., Fresno, C~o~a, ~ve quested ~ ~lt~g ~d ~e hereb2 ~ed pe~isl~ $o ~lth~ae its bid upon the Sro~ds t~t $~o~ ~st~e, ~vertence ~d exc~able neglect said bid Il ~erial~ below the to~ ~tended b2 It ~o have been bid ~d below ~ ~o~t at ~oh c~ ~ford ~o do laid work. ~. S~d ~ hereb2 reJeo~a all of s~d p~pos~a or bads, except ~t hereafter ~ntioned, ~d he.by av~ ~ontrao~ for ~ ~ ver~ ~ ~roveaenta ~d f~l~ She ~terlall, I~pliel ~d equip~nt necesl~ theater, to the lowest relponslble bi.er, ~r~e Cons~ruotion Co. at She ~ prl~el n~d ~ i~s bid. ~. The ~resident of said ~ la he,b2 authorized to ~e ~d enter into ~ltten oontract ~2th s~d suocessf~ bidder ~d to receive ~d ~prove all bonds ~ oo~eotion ~d the Clerk la ~re~ directed to attest ~s ai~a$~ ~d affix ~he~to the ~o~orate seal of said 5. WithA~ 2~ day~ after the &doption of this Ordinance, copies hereof !~all be posted tn three public places in this Dletr2ct. I hereb2 certify that the foregoing is a true, full and correct copy of an 0rdinanoe adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at · ~eetin~ thereof dul~ held on the Z~t~ vote of the ~bers the~of~ A~, ~d ~ favo~ thereof, Dlrectorst MO~, ~re~ora~ None AFFI~tVIT OF POSTIN~ O~DI~NOB OF~WAaDOP ¢0~TRACTS SANITARY S~A~t~ PROJECT NO. 1959-1 STAT~ OF CALIF0~Lt 1 CO~I"~OF ~LDORAD0 do~soo ~d T~ I ~ a o~son of ~ho Un~tod S~a~ea ~d over ~e of ~wenty-one ~eara; t~C for and on be~lf of the Clerk and ex~ff~c~o Seo~et~ of the South T~oe Public U~I~C~ D~a~r~ot I ~aCed oop~ea of Ordln~oe of Awa~ of ConCocts, oopy of w~oh ~a he~eCo attached ~d ~de a ~Pt hereof ~ erence, In t~ee publ~o places In the D~s~riot, aa followa~ ~t sa~d post,nS was completed on the ~:...j~ of