HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 46 - Retired2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 EY ~EC~SJA~{Y TO BE RAISED B_~Y TAXATION - l~p~-60 iL, F~' ~tESOLV~D by the Board of Dirsctors off the SOUTH TAHOE [i~oLiC UYiL[TY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado Co~ty, Califo~ia, as follows: 1. It is h~reby determined that f~ds are needed to pay the annual principal of and inter~st on the bonded indebte~ess of the District aad to carry out thc objects and p~poses of the District m~ich ca.~ot b~ provided for out of revenues; and ~herefore taxes :;hall be a~d arc hereby levied thorefor; 2. Thc amount of monoy necessary to be raised by taxation for pa~cnt of said principal and intsr$s~ of bondsd indebt$~css for tho fiscal year 1959-60 is $64,&1~.OO, and the rate of taxatior for said purpose is h~reby fixed at $.38~ per $100 of assessable ~rop~rty in the District; 3. The amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for pa~nt of said operating expenses for th~ fiscal year 1959-60 Is $144,650.00, and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereb fixed at $.48~ per $100 of assessable property in the District; 4. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted within twenty- one days after the dat~ of its adoption; 5. Certified copies of thi-; Ordinance shall be fo~arded to thc County Auditor and to thc Co~ty Treasurer of E1 Dorado Cowry upon its adoption. Adopted: Ausus% 20, 19~9, by %h8 following vote: Ayes: Directors Pankost, Wall and Wak~m~ l',i o~s: Directors: I'~ one. Absent: Directors: Goeringer and Gersick Presideh~ Pro-~mpore of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Atto Jr: , Public U~ility District. ~nd Ex-offici°' Secretary ]of Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. , 4 COU,.'I'ii oF 2i, DO~:&DO ) i, thc und~r'~i~d, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk · a,~,t 2×-O~'fi¢io Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utllit[ 7 County of ~1 Dorado, State of California. On the ~/ day or ~ S~p~,~b~r, 19)9, I posted th~ ordinance to which this Certificate 9 is attached, by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in 10 ~ach of thc following thr~ public places within the district 11 boumiari~s, to wit: Ort~ copy at Statelln~ Post Offflce; on~ copy at Bijou, California Post Office; and 14 On~ copy at Taho~ Valley, California, Po~t Office. IL ~ITNESS WIIEREOF, I hav~ h~r~to subscribed my n~ and id affixed the s~al of th~ South Taho~ Public Utility District this ~7 ~day of September, 1959. ~ - ) ,, :,' ~_ -' / / Affidavit oI t'uoucatlon Lake Tahoe News LEGAL NO1 iCE AN OUDIHANCl FIXINO THI~ AMOUNT 8g IT R~OLV~ b~he Boer~ of ._r. ,_,_ L ~ ~ ~1- b-~--~-gxo-I Logo-1 '-°SE~-fi- ....................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA } County of El Dorado ss. C. F. BBANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 years and that he is not a patty to, nor lntere~tecl In the above entitled matter; that he is the printer of LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of El Dorado, in proceedings No. 8305 by decree filed July ~6. 19.56, to be a newspaper of general circulation in the ]udicial Township of Lal~ Valley .nd in the County of E1 Dorado and in the State o~ Calilorni~. That the notice annexed hereto was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper in ~ not smaller than nonpareil, preceded with words printed in black~aee Type, not smaller than nonpareil, describing or ezpre~sing in general terms the purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and said notice has been published in mmh regular and er, tire issue of said newsp~par and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: S.O:.L, terqber 17.~ ~O ............................. me this ....,-.~ ~--~-/-'---- day of / /. /) . ' F '2 ' , No~ ~b~ la ~ lot the ~un~ ~ ~ ~do, 9 lO l& 1§ 17 19' 21 CERTIFICATIO~ OF ORDINANCe STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ $~. COUNTY OF EL DO.DO I, the ~derai~ed, do hereby ce~ify ~ha: ~e above ia a ~rue and correc~ oopy of Ordinance No. ~ , Sou:h T~oe Public · tility District, en~i:led .~ Ordinance ~ixing ~he ~o~t of ~oney Necessary ~o be Raised by Taxa~ion-ig~-60-, and :hat said 0rdin~ce waa duly adopted by ~he Board of Directors of 3outh Tahoe Public U:ility District on A~ust 20, 1959, ~he original of which l~ on file in the office of Sou:h T~oe Public U~ili~y Dis~ric~. IN ~TNESS ~E~OF, I have set my hand and seal of ~he Sou~h r~oe Public Uti~ty Dis:rio: :his 2~h day of A~uat, 19~9. l~"~d N~fiolo 3ecre~ of outh T~ce ~b~c O~ty District