HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 44 - RetiredOF ~OOTB T~HO~ PUBLIC UTILITY_ DISTHIOT e BE IT E~ACTEB BY THE BOJ~D OF DIHEOTOH$ OF SOUTH 7 P~C UTI~T~ DIST~CT, Co~y of ~1 Dorad% 8~a~e of 8 as ~oll~e~ 9 Section ~. A special elect~on ~8 ~reby call~ for ~he 10 p~pose of dete~n~n~ ~e~her the Board of Ditchers of 11 District should bo increased from ~hroo to f~ve members, lg to Section 1~972 of tho Public ~i~ie8 Code of ~he 3~ate 1~ California. 14 Section ~. 8aid elec~ioa ~all be held on T~ea~y, ~he 15 day of ~rch, 19~9. Section ~. ~id election ~all be conducted be~weea ~he 17 hours of 1~ ~. M. ~d 6:~ P. ~. of said day, ~d shall be held 18 as pr~ided for holding elections ~ this District. 19 Section ~. There shall be one election precook, ooapri~g 20 the ~ire Sou~h T~oe P~b~o ~ility Dis=rict, The election Sl officers ~all be one Inapec~or~ one J~dge, and one Clerk. ~ec~iom ~. The ~erio~ ~on ~all, A1 T~e, Califo~ia, ~ is deai~ated as the polliag place for said election. ~ec~ion ~. Motice of s~d electioa ~all be ~sted ~ ~hree 25 pubic places within the district and ~all be ~bliahed la ~he 2e ~e T~oe News, a newspaper of general publioa~ien, ~in~ed ~d 27~bli~ed ~thin ~he distriet, at least ten days before the date 28~set for ~he election. Section ~. The proposi~ion ~o be s~b~ed ~o ~he electors SO~all be~ "Shall the n~ber of ~he Board of Directors of 31 T~oe Public U~ility Distric~ ~e ~oreased fr~ ~ee (3) to ~ve 32 (~) membera?- 1 Sec~io~ ~. The special election hereby called shall he and is hereby consolidated with the Special B~nd Election to be held in ~he South T~oe Public ~ili~y Diltric~ ~s~ to Or~n~ce ~o. $~ ~aaed ~d ado~ed ~he 2~h ~y of Feb~ry, 19~9, a~ a reeler aeet~g of the Board of Directors of So~h T~oe Public Utility Distriot. ' ~ ~. The election ~ecincts, poll~g places ~d officials of election for ~he special election hereby called 9 shall be the same as those es designated by the Board of 10 Directors of said Bouth Tahoe Public Utility District. il ~-~ 10. Only one for~ of ballot shall be used at said 12 Special Bond Election and the election hereby consolidated herewi 13 on which shall appear the follo~ing: 14 15 ~ ~Ancrease of ~ " of Directers of South Tahoe 17 ! Public Utility District be ~ is ' increased from three (3~ to ~ ' five (~) aethers? 20 ~ ~. Each q~ifie~ elector of a~d South T~oe 21 P~lic U~ility District shall be eligible to vo~e at said election. ~ ~. The Beard of Directors of said Sou~h T~oe 23 Public Utility District shall nsec on ~roh 30, 1~, aC its 24 usual nesting place at the he~ cf ~ otcloek p. ~. ~d publicly 25 c~vaaa ~he election. ~ ~. Each voter ~o vote for said proposition 27 hereby subleted for increasing the n~ber of Directors of South 28 r~oe Public Utility Dist~c~ free three (3) to five (~) oe~ fo~h 29 in said Pro~sition, ~all s~p a ~osa ~l) in ~he bl~k a~ce 30 opposite the word w~S, on the ballot ~o the rl~ of ~id ~d to vo~e againe~ said Pro~siCion ~d aga~s~ ~ said n~ber of Directors, ~all a~p a cross 7 8 9 lO 11 12 14 16 17 ~8 19 2O 21 22 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 3O $1 32 blank space oppoe2te the word "NO. on the ballot to thc right of ~he Proposition. Section iA. The terms of said election shall be directed to the Secretary of enid District and shall be l~aediately delivered by the Inspector, or soae other safe and reepoaebile carrier deeignateA by enid Iaepecter, to enid Secretar~ and the ballots shall be kept ~nopeaed for at least six 16) months. Section 1~. The Secretary of ~o~th Tahoe P~blic Utility District is hereby directed ~pon the paesa&e and adoptioa of this Ordinance to publish the same once a week for two (2) conlecltive weeks in the Lake Tahoe #ewe, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, pablished and circulated in said district. ~aid Secretary is f~rther directed to poet copies of said Ordinance at three (3) public places in said District at least one week before the ezpiration of thirty {3~daye after the passage of this Ordinance. No other notice of this election hereby celled need by given. ~ection 15. This Ordinance shall take effect as an Ordinance thirty (30) days after its passage bnt prior thereto shall constitute notice of said Special Electiom hereby called. Passed and Adored February 20, 1~, at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of 8~th Tahoe l~ablic Utility District by the following Ayes: Directors Goerin~er and Pankost Noes~ Nome Abeent~ Director Gersick of So~th Tahoe Public Utility ~le~k and ~o~.ficio Secretary, S6~tk Tahoe ~li~ ~ili~y Dia~ri~. 10 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $1 ,J~;J;bjw 2139-L 6/5/59 SECRETARY'S CERTIFICAT~ OF POSTING STATE OF CALIFORNIA I SS. COUNTY OF EL DORADO I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe P~blic UtilitM District, County of E1 Dorado, Stats of California. That on the 2d day of March, 19~9, I posted the Ordinance to which this certificate is attached: AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR AN ELECTIO~ O~ THE ISSUE OF INCREASING THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLI0 UTILITY DISTRICT by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of the following three {3) public places within the District boundaries, wit: 1 copy at the Bijou, California Post Office 1 copy at the Stateline, California Post Office, and 1 copy at the Tahoe Valley, California Post Office. IN ~TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and official seal of the South Tahoe Public Utility District this ~st day of .,,.~a~ ....... 19~9. Ea~I~?2 Pank~st, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. (SEAL) Affidavit of Publication Lake Tahoe News TATE OF CALIFORNIA C. F. BBANDI, being duly sworn ~ecordlng to b.w, ~ udn~: THAT he Is and at tll times herela mentioned was · dt~.~n of the United S~ ~ t~ age of ~. ye~s and that he t~ not& party to, nor tnteteeted tnthe above ent~tle~ by ~he Superl~ Court of the State of ~ in and dele ~led July ~, 19~, to be a newsl~per of general dreuhtt~on ia ~he Judtc~d Township of ~ V~/aad In the County of El Dontdo and In the $~te of Callfonda. That th~ notice snn~xed hereto wa~ printed and pub- than nonpanfll, describing o~ expretslng In general t~ms t]~ said notice ha~ been publish~l ~n tach regular and entire Issue of s~d newspaper and not tn thy supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: · l,iarch i~v_XAL.~) ..... Subscribed and Sworn to befo~ m e this .._..~_ ....... d~y of Notary PubHe tn and for the County o~ ~1 Dorado, 8tare o~ Cal~ornla SAMPLE BALLOT No. 123456 MARK C~,~SES (+) ON IALLOT ONLY WITH lUlIER STAMP~ NEVFI WITH I14 01 PENCIL (A~NTff IAU. OTS MAY IE MAIB MTH rE_N ~._.~ ~N~ OR ~ (~d ballot to W~s p~fon~d Ih~, leaving top nmrgia Ix~sid)' OFFICIAL BALLOT Consolidated Special Bond Election and Election for Increase of Number of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIUTY DISTRICT .El Dorado County, Callfomta TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1959 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTRRSr To vote on any meal- ure, stump o cross ('l'! Iff tho voting square after the word "YES" or after the word. "NC)'. All marks, except the cross (,~) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks er erasure are ~orbldden and make tho ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it lo tho Mspedor of Election and obtain anothor."On absent vo~ ballots mark o cross'(.l.) with pon or pondL MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS MEASURE A: Shill the South Tit. (lmprovemeflto! hoe PubliQ Utility nfl, in the prlnoipll YES three (3) t~ I~ve (5) member~p NO