HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 422, 3 4 5 6 ? lo 11 12 14 lO 17 20 21 22 2~ 2"[ AA TI JL .: 1 (~) l.istrlct ia t~ SOUT~ TAHOL PU~IC U~LI~ DI~TRIC~ Jlcrk i~ th~ clerk an~ ~x-offiolo a~r~t~y of ~hu .~::~,~, ~:~,~cl~lon, ~ private, p~blic or ~Clp~ corpoPation, t~.~ ~,,:lt .... C,.t~ of A~,rlc~, th~ S~at~ of CalXfo~la, districts ~n all ~.:litlca[ ~ub~lvi~ion~, ~ov~r~:cntal a~le~ ~ (f) ~ ~r~ct li~c tu ~ overhead l~ prowl~ln6 tlon t,o publl~: utr~ts tn t~ District. (~) r~bli9 ztroute ~ state ~waya ~ cowry roads ,~itnin tn~ blutrl~t. (h) S~rvi~,d 1,n~ ~e those 1~ ly~ wit~ ~e ,i~tri~t ~d abuttinb upon a ~uolic street upon w~oh at~eet li, tlnf i~ ~,A'i'ur~,~A by thc District. ~c~. 1.~2 ffurpos~.. Tn~ p~pOae of t~a or~ce ia to f~-o~i~e, ~ ~:~,u~ul~ of n~nti~y ch~a for street ll~t~ ~:~, 1.~. ~,~rt tltl,,. This ordnance a~ll be ~o~ aa , I L~ 8 Cicn PrinCes and publl~,.~u In ~ ~'~0~1o~ a~ l~al~ 9 ~ayl price to thlr~y {DO) ~,~ya fro~ tho ~%0 of Itl palla~e ~d ]0 ~hall tm,,~ urroct on tL~ expiration of thlx,~2 aaTi f~ 12~ r~ icc. 1.O~. ~: tz'dln~ce ~o. 36, ~ ail othe~ 14 15 ,~.~ [ TI JL L I I 16 ~ ~c. ;~.C1. ~ci~ltlon oi: ~oat~ It is hereby dete~ne~ 18 ,., ' ': ~ ?liL[lc ~tr~,.t within ~h~ Di~t~lct t$ ~fO A~ 0~ 19, .,. (;-.Ji~) i;~r l~on~k ~cr 1~1 roo~ of a~rvicod 21; ~c. 2.02. ~~ Zn~ o~m of aervice4l~m 22 24 27 ii. Lt;~ ~, o:io hu:icr~ {100) f~c~, w~cbovor 1S ~e 28 c. E.c~. ~ i~illln~. Ltat,men~l of O~ges fo~ Street 29 ii ,.ii:., S.rvloc.~ to b~ r*nu.~r~ ~Ay be a~lle~ at the ~0 ._: ~ ~ tiiltn,. ~riod, -i;l~,, ai.~ll be not ~o ~xco~ qU~te~l~. , , :. L'.~:~. ~ ~ta~zit~ ~loh ~vo not be~ 2 1 2 4 5 6 ? 14 20~ 21 2~ 24 2§ 26 27 28 29 50 ~2 " -~-~;,~s shall be delinqaent. ..... -' ~.. L. ~.' c~u charges are not pa~d on o~ L.~.~, t.~:~ b,;, oho ~linquont. on tho ~at day of s~/l b~.~ ~,~a~.Iat~ d~ and Payable. L.c. 2.06. ~ t~ ~ ~ ~tion ~y be b~o~t by t~ ~o~c 02 the ~linq.~nt c~ea ~d all ~ltlea of collection, lnclu~in.d ~aSonable atto~ey~l ~euep tO :.~l~nqa,n~ c~cca ~Y b~ collected on the t~ roll ~ ~ onu~al ta::,:~ o1' t~, ~l~tz'Ic~ az.~ collected ~ tho ~e~ p~o- ~Aoun~ oi' ~IA~ c4~,~;~ and Penalties wi~ch ~Ve aoo~ed wi,l~4 ~iiaii aocl.ub thereon ~o ~1~ n~xt SuCceedl~ April 20, ~d roil. aaa h~ si.ali poet tii~ a~;o~ Lily,eof ~ the oo1~ on ~ho ~ ~ Joll,,ctton. Tll~ ~o~ta oo poated ~,~ ~i.,, c~_~ ~r~vl~lon~ l'oi- ~m~pt/on ~d sale fo~ non.pa~t ..... 2.0J. ~ o~ ;~t'oc~au~e~ ~h~ p~ocod~em P~dod 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 27 50 .%~12I ~L ~ III ...... ~.,,:. ,:~ ...... blil'~. If ~7 ~tiole, section, b<. c~c!~.', ~ Lc, b~ ~x~o;~tltutional. ~ealde~t of the Boa~ Of 'Dl~-ectOre Or of th~' to~tl~ £nho~ t'ublic Utility Di.tricf,. 4 5 8 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 18 17 18 ii 19 20 Zl 22 24 25 28 27 29 5O 51 ;~d ~ .'. ~ ~ ) I. t . ........ . .i, ~..~ ,by ¢~:'ttfy that I e~a ti~s ~lerk :~-, : 'i~ l~, , :.' ~rj of tn, ~SUTH TAHOE PU~IC UTILI~ On~.~ ~:c..y at Ztat~lln~, J~ifornla~ Po~K Off~c~j (,ne ~opy at Bijou, J~lifo~n~a, Poit Off~oo$ ~d On~, c:~.y at T~hoc V~ll~,y, Califorr~a, Post ~ff~ce. fl'i-to t~.c ~al of th~ S~'.UTH TA;iO~: PU~IC UT~I~ DISTRIJT t~ Clerk Secretary. Affidavit Publication Lake Tahoe News C. F. BBANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizeo of the United States over the age of 21 years and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled mattt~r; ti,at }m is the printer o~ LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general cireulatiou, duly adjudicated by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of E1 Dorado, in proceedings No. 8~05 by decree filed July 2~, 195~, to be a newspaper of general circulation in the ]udleial Township of Lake Valley and in the County of El Dorado and in the State of California. That thc notice annexed hereto was printed and pub- lislned in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil, preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller · . . . terms the than nonpareil, describing or expressing m general pm'pose or character of the notice intended to be given, and said notice has been published in each regular and entire issoe of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: d:l.'. 1', 1{'!50 ............................................ .d_~.~..~: ',~,. 1. Y,! ............................................... Subscribed and Sworn to before ~//~ me this ~.~ .. :5 ...... day of ../~ .................... mi:q:. -- :~. ,' > _;/1 ~olify Public lu au~ ibm Couuty ot ~1 State of California