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Ordinance No. 40
O~D1NAN~E NO. 40 AN O~DINANC~ ~ALIING AN EL~OTION FOR THE ANN~×APION OF TEf{~ITOHY TO SOUTH Ta~lug PUBL1C UTILITY DISTRICT B~ 1T EN,~CTED BY THE BO~kD OF DIrECTOrS OF S©UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIJTHICT, COUNTY OF EL DOH,~DO, ST~'I'E OF CALIFORNIA, as follows: Section 1. An election is hereby called for the purpose of deter- mining whether the territory hereinafter described shall be annexed to SOUTH T&HOE ?UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Section 2. Said election shall be held on Tuesday, the 16th day of December, 1~58. Section ~. Said election ~hall be conducted between the hours of 1:00 P.k. and 6:00 P.M. of said day. Jectlon 4. There shall be one (1) election precinct, comprising the t~rrltory hsrein~fter desc~'ibed. The election officers shall be one (1) inspector, one (1) judge, and one (1) clerk. Section ~. Persons entitled to vo~e at said election shall be only persons who are residents of the territory proposed to be annexed and herelna£%er described who were registered as electors within said territory on %he 21th day of July, 1~58. Section 6. The proposition to be submitted to the electors shall be: "~'or ch:~nge of boundary" or "Against change of boundary". Section 7. Notice of said election shall be posted in three (3) public places within said territory proposed to be annexed and shall be published in the LAKE TAHOE NEWS for two weeks immediately preceding the election. Section 8. The territory proposed to be annexed and the election ~:reclnct for said election is described as follows: -1- ~c~_a~ ~t'h~ o:'din~:lce shall be posted in three public lplaces ,~n~n the dist~.~ct a~ leust seven (7) days prior to thirty (30) days its adoption, there being no newspaper of general circulation ~inted and publlsacd within the district. Adopted November 13, 1958, by the following vote: Ayes: Directors (Signed) Norman L. Goeringer Ayes: Directors (Signed) Earle ~. Pankost Absent: Directors ~Slgned) Rudolph Gersick (Signed) Norman L. Goeringer Presidnet of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. ,~ttest: (Signed) Earle F. Pankost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of South Tahoe Public Utility Distriot. Oescrlbtion of Annexation, 1958-1 Youth Tahoe Public Utility District ~.~ .... ~i~ ~t the point of intersection of the South shore of Lake ~ ~.o~ and the boundary line between the States of Nevada and California a~ said lines exist in 1~58, thence along said State boundary South 48° 21' East 2024.40 feet, more or less, to an angle point on the East side of ~ateline Avenue as shown on the Map of Likeside Park, filed 3, 1312 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page A of Maps; thence continuing Southeasterly along said state boundary line 635 feet more or less to the most Easterly corner of land described in deed to Clyde W. Beecher, et ux, recorded November 17, 1950 under ~ecorders Serial No. 4851; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Beecher land, 45 feet more or less to the Northeasterly line of la nd described in Parcel No. 2 in deed to Donald O. Nosker, et al, recorded March 29, 1954, in Book 340 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 84; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Eo~ker Parcel No. 2, to the Northersterly corner of said P~roel No. 2S thence continuing along the exterior boundaries of Parcels No. i and 2 of said Nosker land the following 3 courses and distances~ South io 15' East 46.95 feet, North 830 37' West 31.07 feet, North 80o 26' West 351.64 feet to a line drawn parallel to the Southeasterly line of U. S. Highway No. 50 as said Southerly line exists in 1955, and distant Southeasterly 297 feet measured at right angles from the Southeasterly line of said U. S. Highway No. 50S thence South- ~esterly along said parallel line 1800 feet, more or less, to the ~ortheasterly line of Pinewood Park, as per map filed July 19, 1926 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records Book A, Page 9 of Maps! thence Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of Block 3 in said Pinewood P~rk Subdi~isions thence Southwesterly 720 feet, more or less, to the most Southerly corner of said Pinewood Park Subdivisions thence South- westerly 174.89 feet, more or less, along the Easterly boundary of Pinewood Terrace, as per map filed March 2, 1943, in E1 Dorado County, California, Hecords, Book A, Page 30 of Maps, to the most Southerly corner of Lot 5 of Block 6, and Northeasterly side of Chlnokls Road as both are shown in said Pinewood Terrace Subdivisions thence Soatheasterly along the Northeasterly side of Chinokis Road as shown on Map of Block "A" of Tahoe Terrace, filed July 29, 1929, in E1 Dorado Coanty, California, Records, Book A, Page 12 of Maps, to a point 25 feet ~ortherly measured at right a~les from the intersection of Alder Road and said Chinik~s Roads thence continuir~ along the Northerly line of the extension of Chinokis Road, and the Easterly line of Glen Road to an angle point on the Easterly line of Lot 34 of the Lakeview Lodge Subdivision, as per map filed OcZober 8, 1956, in the N1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 67 of Maps$ thence South to the inter- section of a line ~hich boars South 89° 40' East from the center of Section 34, Townshlp 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M.~ thence Easterly along said line to the East boundary of said Section 34; thence. South 89° 50' 20" East 1308.41 feet to a points thence South to the North ~ ..... ~ Lot r2 ~[ ~uc~lon 1, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& ~., ~k~e~ce ~ast to the Noz*theast corner of Lot 22 of said Section 1S t~e~ce South to the South boundary of Lot 25 of maid Section 15 thence West along the South line of said Lot 25 and 24 of said Section to the Southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence South along the Easterly line of Lot 3 of Sectlon~, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence West to the Northeast corner of the West half of Lot 13, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MD.B & M.,; thence South 2635.41 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the West half of Lot 12, Section2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M.; thence North 89° 43' 45" West 813.56 feet, North 8° 29" East 748.57 feet, North 0° 55' 20" East 587.66 feet, South 86° 06' 30" West 471.10 feet, North 18° 15' 30" West 91.36 feet, North 770 34' 30" ~est 219.82 feet, North 540 30' 30" West 338.45 feet, North 89° 58' 15" West 425.18 feet, North 62o 13' West 242.60 feet, North ~5c 41' 30" West 394,50 feet, North 57° 13 ' West 266.28 feet, North 48° 27' West 263.35 feet, North 12° 24' 30" West 254.56 feet, North 310 34' 15" West 617.18 feet; thence North 0° 41' 15" East to a point on the South ~oundary of Lot 4 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Hangs 18 East, M.D.B.& M.; thence *est along the South boundary of said Lot 4 to the Southeast corner of Lot i of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., thence West slong the South boundary of Lot i and Lot 2 of said Section S to the intersection of a line drawn parallel to and 350 feet at right angles from the Easterly side of U. S. Highway No. 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence South- westerly on a curve to the right, which is parallel and 350 feet Easterly from the Easterly side of said U. S. Highway No. 50, to the intersection of the Northeasterly boundary of the Johnson Acres No. 2, as per map filed June 12, 19~6, in the E1 D~rado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 44 of Maps; thence ~outheaeterly along the Northeasterly line of s~id Johnson Acres No. 2 to the Southeast corner of Lot 15, Block 5, of said Subdivision;thence North 890 44' East 165.75 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3, as per map filed July 5, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 45 of Maps; ~hence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3 South 0° 25' East 1317.97 feet, more or less, to the N~rtheast corner of Lot 32, Block 57 of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. ~; thence North 89o 14' East ~20 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 38, Block 57, of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 49, Block 57, of said last mentioned subdivision; thence SouthWesterly to the most Southerly corner of Lot 49, Block 57, of the last said mentioned subdivision; thence Southwesterly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 56, of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. ~! thence South 490 38' West 2545.59 feet, more or less, to the most Southerly corner of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 5, as per map filed June 12, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 8 of Maps$ thence Northwesterly along the Southwest~rly boundary thereof and along the Southwesterly -1- ~ ~ '~3 ~[ i, ~ ~,l~.~'ra Subdivision No. 4, as per map filed March 26, li!~l In nl ~ox'udo County, California, ltecords, Book A., Page 101 of ~ps, and of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 1, as per map filed October 3~ 1945, in E1 Dorado COunty, California, Eecords, Book A, Page 33 of Maps, to a point on a line which is 350 feet Southeasterly from and at right angles to and ~.arallel with the Southeasterly side of U. S. Highway No. 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence Southwesterly along a line ~hich is 350 feet from and parallel with said U. S. Highway NO. 50 to the Easterly boundary of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2, as per map filed February 28, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 39 of Maps; thence Southerly along the Easterly bo~ndary of ~aid Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2 to the Southeast corner thereof$ ~hence South 89© 43' West 190 feet, more or less, to the Easterly boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision Addition No. 1, as per map filed September 17, 1946 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 57 of Maps; thence along the Easterly boundary of said last named subdivision South 0° 12' 30" East 1331.36 feet, more or less, to tha Southeast Corner thereof; thence along the Southerly boundary of said last named subdivision North 890 59' West 1952.44 feet, more or lees, to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South to the most Northerly Corner of the W. D. Barton Tract, as per map filed July 31, 1946 in E1 Dorado County, California, ~ecords, Book A, Page 48 of Maps; thence along the Northeasterly boundary of said W. D. Barton Tract South 26° 20' East 2115.46 feet, South 440 29' East 564.92 feet, South 41O 20' :~ast 294.94 feet, South 66° 30 ' 30" East 472.27 feet, South 14° 32' East 156.52 feet, South 23o 29' 30" West 374.56 feet to the most Southerly corner of Block 2 of said W. D. Barton Tract$ thence North 660 ~0' 30" West 440.99 feet, and North 63° 14' 30" East 63.79 feet to the intersection of the Southerly side of the Old U. S. Highway No. 50, as shown on said W. D. Barton Tract; thence Southwesterly along the South of Old Highway No. 50 to its intersection with the Easterly side of U. S. Highway Nh. ~0, as said highway exists in 1958; thence in a Northwesterly direction 200 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 20 of Block 1 of said W. D. Barton Tract; thence Southerly along ~he Westerly side of U. S. Highway No. 50 to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 4, of the aforementatloned ~. D. Barton Tract; thence N6rth 89© 55' ~est 418.59 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner ~f said Lot 6; thence Northerly along the Northwesterl$ line of Block 4 of said w. D. Barton Tract to the Southeast corner of Lot 67 of said tract; thence North 720 20' West 249 feet and North 170 40' East 259.33 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 67; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest corner of the W. D. Barton Tract No. 2, as per map filed October 21, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Hecor~s, Book B, Page l0 of ~mps; thence Northeasterly along the Northwasterly boundary of said ~. D. Barton Tract No. 2 to the intersection of the Southeasterly boundary of the Armstrong Subdivision No. 7, as per map filed · Ju~e 29, 1954, in the E1 Dorado County, California, Hecords, Book B, Page 39 of Maps; ~hence Southwesterly to the most Southerly Corner of said Armstrong Subdivision; thence North 260 20' West 2980.60 feet, more or less, to the Most Westerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivision$ thence North 63© 40' East 869.99 feet, more or less, to the most Northerly ,:,,m,,, ~':~,~ld Armstrong Subdivision; thence Northerly to the South- ~Jt ~,~ of land deso~'ibed in deed to Charles j, Fisher and Wife, reco~',icd May 28, 1947 under Hecorder,s Serial No. 2157; thence North along the ~esterly boundary of said Fisher land to the intersection of the Easterly extension of the Southerly boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision Addition No. 2, as per map filed January 15, 1~47 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A. Page 59 of Maps! thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest Corner of Block 4 of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 1, as per map filed May 27, 1952, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 7 of Maps; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Block 4 to the most Easterly corner of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 2, as per map filed December 24, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, Calif- ornia, Records, Book B, Page 15 of MAps; thence South 34° 32' West to the most Northerly Corner of Lot 56 of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 3, as per 1sap filed June 16, 1954 in E1 Dorado County, California, ~ecords, Book B, Page 37 of Maps! hence South 550 28' East 120.o0 feet, South ~40 32' West 200.00 feet, South 550 2~' East 400.84 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 65 of said Gardner ~ountain Subdivision Additioh No. 3; thence South 890 40' West to the Southwest COrner of the Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 5, as per map filed June lJ, 1956 in E1 Dorado County, California, i{ecords, Book B, at Page 65 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of said subdivision to the Northwest corner of Lot 29 of the Lukins Tract Addition No. 1, as per map filed July ~, 1947 in E1 Dorado COunty, California, Records, Book A, Page 66 of Maps! themee Northerly along the ~esterly boundary of Lots 6 and 5, Section 5, TOwnship 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., to the Northwest Corner of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary of said Lot 5 to the Southwest Corner of Lot 3, Section 5, TOwnship 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M,, ~henoe along the Westerly boundary of said Lot ~ Northerly to the intersection ~<ith the South shore of Lake Tahoe, as it exl:~ts in 1958; thence Easterly along said South shore to the Northwest corner of Lot C of Block 1 of the A1 Tahoe Subdividsion, as shown on the amended map of A1 Tahoe, filed November 21, 1917 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 3-A of ~ps! thence Continuing Easterly along said South Shore to the Northeast Corner of Lot 9 of Block 8 of said amended subdivision; thence contin- uing Easterly and Northerly along said South shore to the boundary line between the States of Nevada and California, the point of beginning. The present and existing boundaries of said South Tahoe Public Utility District as recorded in the E1 Dorado Co~nty, California, ~eoorded, Book 283, Page 315; Book 319, Page 376, Page 56! Book S96, Page 585; and Book 402, Page 353, are included in the boundaries of the above description but are not a part of the area requesting annexation. In the foregoing description the reference to Lots 3, 22 an~ 25. Section 1, Township 12 North, l{ange 18 East, M.D.B.& M.! Lots 4, 12 and lj, Section 2, Township 12 North, P, ange 18 East, MD.B. & M., Lots 1 and J Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., and Lots J, 6 and 5 Section 5, TOwnship 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., A~', .... ~own on t[~e Guvez'nm~nt Land L~urvey M~ps as filed in the office of .i~e Bureau of Land M~nagement, W~shington, D. C. The original map bei~,g liled on November 9, ~866, by L. Upson and the supplemental map which shows the actual lotting of the section filed by J. Stratton on July ~, 1875. S~ING!~ ~'~ID EXOEPTING THEREFRO~ the following described real property ~vhich has been excluded from said proposed annexation by order of the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California. ~1 that cert~in real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State :,i' C~lifornia, more particularly described as follows: i,~!~CEL r~o. 1: Allthat portion of Lot 1, Block E, ]~irst Subdivision of Lakeside t~ark, E1 Dorado County, California, as more ~,,rt~cul:~rly described ss follows: CL.~.',! i:,~;!MG ~t a point on the Southe~ly line of Poplar Street distant thereon 50 feet Northwesterly from its intersection with the Westerly line of Cedar Avenue, running thence Northwesterly along said line of Po~lar ~;treet 100 feet; thence at a right angle Southerly West l~O feet; thence at ~ right an['~le Southeasterly 100 feet; thence at a right angle ~ortheastorly l~O feet to the point of commencement. ?~,i~.:~.:L NO. 2: That certain Lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate in Lakeside l~ark, E1 Dorado County, California, and d~si~n:,ted as Lot No. West half of Lot No. 1 in Block No. E as same are delineated and so designated on a map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, Csliforni~' Which was recorded in office of County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, on October 5, 1~O9; which said parcel of land is further particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at Southwest corner of Poplar Street and Nanzanita ~,venue running thence 1~O feet Southalong East line of ~anzanita Avenue, thence 150 feet Easterly, thence l~O feet Northerly, thence 150 feet .'~esterly to the point of beginning. ~,d~Ci~L ~O. ~: All that portion of Lot 1, Block F, Lakeside Park Sub- division, as said Lot and Block are designated and nnmb~red on the map entitled "First SubAlvision of Lakesiae Park, E1 Dora~o County, California", which Map was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on October 5, 1909, more particularly described as follows: [~EGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot l, Block F, F~rst Subdivision of Lakeside Park, said corner being indentical with ~he intersection of the Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue and the Southerly line of Aspen Street; thence from said point of beginning 1OO feet along said Southerly line of Aspen Street to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot l; thence 98.5 feet Southerly slong the Westerly line of said Lot l, thence ~esterly 104 feet, more or less, to a point on ~e Easterly line of M~,nzanita Avenue, which point bears Southerly from point of beginning along said Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue, a distance of 100 feet; thence Northerly along said Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue 1OO feet to the point of beginning. ~\i~EL NO. 4: All that portion of Lot 2, Block C of Lakeside Park Sub- division, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on th~ M~p entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County California", which Map w~s recorded in the office of the County Recorde~ of E1 Dorado County, State of Cslifornia, on October 5, 1909, more ~articularly described us follows: 'i;ll;~i on th~ :;outh~u~'.~%erlj line of Fine Boulevard at the point ,'n,~z's it intcr~;~cts thc common boundary between Lots 1 and 2 of Block running t~luncc Southeasterly along said common boundary 126.6 feet; %Le~lce ~]o~thweste~ly to a point on tho common bounda=y between Lots ,~ 5 of said Block, 128.8 fee= distant ulong said line f~om the South- '~ '~,'~']2,' ~i:~e of Pine Boulevard~ thence Northwesterly along said divi~- ln~ line b~tween Lots 2 and 5 of said Block, 128.8 feet ~o the Sou~h- ~tur]y line of Pine Boulevard; thence Northeasterly along said South- e:~;terl~, line of Pine Boulevard lO0 feet to the point of oo~encement~ buin~ the ,'~esEe~l~ one-half of Lot 2, Block "C" of said Subdivision. ~',,i~C,~L NO. 5: I.ot 12 and all that portion of Lot 11 in Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, as said Lots and Block are i~.~;ignated and numbered on the ~lap *ntitled "First Subdivision of L~eside Park, E1 Dorado County, California", which Map was recorded in the office of the County ~,ccorder of E1 Dorado County, State of [>,lii'ernia, on October 5, 1909, ~,ore particularly described as follows: ', ~.'~ :~,~,~CING at the ~outhwesterly corner of said Lot NO. 11. and ruling th~nce Northerly alon~ the Westerly line of said Lot a distance of 50 feet; thence Easterly along a line equidistant from the Northerly line ~nd the Southerly line of said Lot a distance of 1~7.55 feet; thence ~outherly 50.09 fee~, more or less, to a point in ~e Southerly line of said Lot distance thereon 1~8.45 feet Easterly from the point of commencement; thence Westerly along said Southerly line 148.~5 feet to the point of commencement. ~.,i~CEL NO. 6: The E~st one-half (measured by a line drawn parallel to the East line thereof) of Lot ll, Block "C", First ~h~bdivision of Lakeside PM{K, E] Dorado County, State of California, according to the Offical ~ap ~hereof. EXOiJt'TII~G THE}Q~FI{(iI: the, following descuibed portion thereof: !~.EGI~<NING at the Northeast corner ofsaid Lot 11, said point begin situate on the Westerly boundary of Manzanita Avenue as siad point is delineated un the map of the ~'~rs~ Subdivision of Lakeside Park, said point being listant Uhereon 107f~.2 feet Southwesterly from the intersection of the .~stc~ly boundary of Manzanita Avenue and the Southerly boundary of .it,eline Avenue; thence leaving said point of beginning and ruling [~orthwesterly along the Northerly line of said Lot ll, a dist~ce of [~6.25 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with the Westerly boundary of ~:anzanita Avenue, a distance of 1).0 feet; thence Southeasterly and parallel with tko Northerly boundary of said Lot ll, to a point on tho Westerly bound~?y of said }~I~,nzanita Avcnue; thsnce Northeasterly :~lon~: the ',','e~;terly boundary of said Manzanita Avenue, a dist~ce of 15.0 feet to the point of be[,;lnnin~. :.!!CEi. ~:0. 7: !%[,;GINNING at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Park Avenue with the Westerly line of Tamarack /,venue, runniniI' thenc~ North 61~ West 385 feet; North 19* 45' Esst feet to poi~t of beginning, thence South 78° 25' East 160.78 feet; No~'th 16° 1~' E~,st ~9.65 feet; North 78~ 25' West 157.72 feet; South lr~t~i ;, i~>i-~,i~ir~ of B)ock A, ~u ~n~id Block is dulineated on that certain r.~l of t~e F~r~t h~bdlvision of Lakesi~le Park, filed October 5, 1909, it~ the ol'l'ice of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California. ~ ' ~ ~{ C [~ I' ~ 1. 0$8 ; All theft [~ortion of Lot 51 of the KaSherine ~mith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, ~, 5, 6, 7 ~d 8 of Block ~., Fi~u;t :;~b~ii. visi~n of L~keside Park, as said Lots are marked on the ~['i'icial ~!ap of said Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision, filed for r,~cord w.oth the Recorder of E1 Dorado County, on April lO, 1959, in ~ook ~ ol' ~laps, at P~.~ge 2~, particularly described as follows: :JO~,i~'?~C~G at a point in the Southerly line of s&id Lot 51 ~]outh ~,?o 15' East ~.O feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot 51; thence South 87~ 15' East 46.0 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot ~1; thence, along the ltasterly boundary of said ~t 51, North 16~ ~5' E~st 96.20 feet to the Northeast corner; thence North 85" "5' West ,~ ['eet ~iong the ~ortherly line of said Lot 51 to a point ; thence .',~utherly 97.5 feet, more or less, in a straight lise, to the point of beginning. ~kRC~L NO. 9: Lots 27, 28, ~nd 54 of Katherine S. Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, ~, 5, 6, 7, ~d 8, of Block A of the [.'irst Subdivision of L~keside ~ark, as said Lots are designated ~d numbered on the Official Nap of said Resu~ivision filed in ~he office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on April lO, 1957, in 5~ap book A, at Page 2~. ~'~CEL N~3. lO: Lot ll of "Kathering Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, ~, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block "A", First Subdivision of L~k.~.~ide Park", as said Lots are design~ted and n~bered on the Official ~ap of said Lakeside Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on ~ril lO, 1957, in Book A of ~aps, at Page 24. ~'~C~L ~O. ll: Lots 22,m~said Lot is delineated ~d designated upon that certain gap entitled Katherine Smith Hill Resub- ~ivision of Lots 2, ), ~, 5, 6, 7 ~nd 8 of Block A, Firs~ Subdivision of L~keside Park, filed April lO, 1957, in Book A of Naps, a~ Page 2~, in the Office of ~he Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California. P~'d{CEL NO. 12: Lot l~ and all that portion of Lot 1), as said Lots are delineated and so designaSed upon that certain ~p entitled "Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block "k" First Subdivision of Lakeside Park" filed AprillO, 1957, in Book A, at Page 24 of ~aps, in the office of the Co~ty Recorder of the Co~y of ~l Dorado, S~a~e of California, more particularly described as follows: CO~EMCING at the Northwest corner of said Lot 15, said point being ~ituate on thc E~s~ boundary of Greenwood Road; thence leaving ~he Eas~ boundary of Greenwood Road and running South 76' )l' East lO0.12 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 15, said poimt being situate I:~ .~:i~:'ly boun~l~r~ of Tamur:~ck Ro~d; thence along the b~a~,t~'~' of .~marack l{oad, South 16° 15' ?;est 25.00 feet; thence leav- in~ the ?,.csterly boundary of Tamarack Road and running North ~5" 56' f~O" ,~est 100.08 feet to a point on the Easterly boundary of Greenwood l!o:~d; thence along the Easterly boundary of Greenwood Road North 16° 15' East, ~.OO feet to the point of beginning. i:,dlcEL NO. 15: Lot 4, Block 22, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are desi~nated and numbered on the Official ,'A~ended ~%ap of kl Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder Of E1 Dora~lO Gounty on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at page 5. ~d{~L NO. 1~: All that portion of Section 27, 28, ~, axld ~ Township 15 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point of beginning described as follows, to-wit, commenc- ing at the point of intersection of the Southern line of park Avenue with the Easterly line of Pins Boulevard extended Southerly as said Park Avenue and Pine Boulevard are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California", filed in the office of the County Recorder of said E1 Dgrado County, October 5, 1909, and running thence Nort~h 60" 05' '~est a distance of 102.52 feet; thence South 17" 07' West, a distance of 190.6 feet to a point which is the said point of begixxning: Running thence North ~5" 00' VJest 688.5 feet; thence North 57e 55' ~!;est to the low water line of Lake Tahoe; thence Southwesterly along the said low water line of L~ke Tahoe a distance of 5570 feet, more or less, to the point where said low water line intersects a line bearing North 0° ~O' ¥~'est from a point which bears North 89" 50' VJest from and is 1569.20 feet distant from the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section ~5, Township 15 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., thence leaving said low water line of Lake Tahoe and running South ~" 50' East to said point last above described, thence South 89" ~0' East, a distance of 1569.20 feet to said Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section thence South 89~ 50' East a distance of 15~.85 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line of the County Road leading to Bijou as the same existed on or before the 9th day of October, 1928, thence along said line of said County Holed the follo¥~ing courses and distances, to-wit, North 60" 56' East, a distance of ~90.72 feet, thence North 55" ~1' East a distance of 5~6 feet$ thence North 65" 12}~' East a distance of 100 feet; thence North 66" ~2~' East a distance of 200 feet; thence North 62° 10~' East, a distance of 200 feet; thence North 59" 01~' East, a distance of 299.90 feet; thence North 55* O5~' East, a distance of 200.2 feet; thence North 56" ~1' East a distance of 99.8 feet, thence North 60° 06~' East a dist:~nce of 2OO.61 feet% thence North 59" 57' East a distance of 181.14 feet; thence leaving the Northwesterly line of said Road to Bi0ou and running North 45" 15' ?;est, a distance of 855 feet more of less to a point which bears Sou~h ~0" 28~ ?Jest, from th~) point of interseCtiOn first above mentioned, namely the point of inbersection of said Southern line of said Park Avenue with said ~;~id ~ln~ Boulew,rd ~'~t,nded ~outherly, thence North d~.;tanc~; of ~99 feet more or le~,~s to a point bearing from said point of b,l,jinning as above described, 00' ~'/est to said point of beginning. .(L,PVJIfd '['}{i~R[£F~OI..1 such portions of the land above described as have been conw;yed by "Tahoe Meadows", a corporation, and others, respectively, to the State of California, by Deed or Deeds hereto fore recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County of E1 Dorado, since Jar, uury 1, 1927. I',',!I~:EL ~O. 15: Lots 18, 19, 20, and 21, in Block 16, of A1 Tahoe, as ssid I,ots and Block are designated and numbered on the ofi'lc~a] Amended ~iup ~f A1 Tahoe filed in the office of the County [~ec~,rder of E1 Dorado County, Novemb~.r 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at i~/.i;;::l l~O. lb: I,ots ]5, 1~, 1), lb, and 17, in Block 16, of A1 Tahoe, as mid Lots and Block are designated and numbered on thc Of I'ici~l Amended ~lap of A1 Tahoe filed in the office of the County I<eoorder of E1 Dorado County, NuWember 21, 1917, in Nap Book A, at !',~!{3~'~I, NO. 17: Lots ~0, "1 and 42 of Bijou Pines, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the Sounay of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page l~. !' !:C[~L NO. 18: All that portion of Lot ~, Section ~, Township 15 North, Range 18 East, ~.D.B.& ~., more particularly Je:~cribed as [~ollows: ~,i.:CIN~INC at a point in a curve to the right on the Northerly side of the California State Highway, U.S. Route 50, from which point the '.~outhwest corner of Section 5~, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, ~..D.B.& M., bears the following courses and distances; South 07~ 16' .~O" .~,st, 150.19 feet and South 22° l~' ~O" West 25~2.1 feet, thence from :~aid point of beginning along the Northerly side of the said State Highway along said curve to the ri~';ht with a radius of 15~O.00 feet, the chord of which bears South 80° 13' lo" East 10~.60 feet; thence le;~ving said State Hi[,'hway and running North O7~ 16' 50" West 52.~0 feet to a point in a fence line, thence along said fence line .;oath 77° 57' OO" West lOO.~l feetl thence leaving said fence line an~ running South lO~ 16' 50" East 12.76 feet to the point of beginning and containin[~ an ares of 0.075 acres, more or lees. P.I{~;L NO. 19: A portion of Lot 4, Section ~5, Township 1~ North, Range lB East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: t%l.:c,I!:Nl~l(; at the Southwest corner, Identical with the Southeast corner the l~nd of John Meyn and Wife, a pipe, i inch in diameter, ~ feet long, ~t~mq~ed on cap "JM2" and set 5-~/4 feet deep in the ground; from -5- ',;~ch thc ;]~u~hw~::~ eot'nor of' re,id ~;{~ction j~, Township l~ North, ~ ~.ce 18 ~t~st, ~[.D.B.~ ~., bears Sou~h 24° 00' JO" West 2~1~.7 feet; thence i~'~,st 75.95 feet to ~he Southeast corner identical with the J~uth~',.est Corner of the East half of ~he residual tract fO~erly bolor~Si~g Zo ~s. Fannie E. Barton and Flora T. Dickey, a point in the · irate ~fighway; thence North 5~ lO' ','lest ~59.7 feet to the Northeast cornier Ll~mtical wish the Northwest corner of said East half of said ~osidu;~l tract, a point on the approximate high water line of Lake ,'abes, from which ~ iron pipe 5/4 inches in di~eter 3 inches above '~round, the Northeast corner of said East half of said residual tract, Ocars [~orth 05~ ~6' East 106.95 fee~; thence South 65e ~6' West 106.95 feet to the Northwest corner, a galvanized pipe, l~ inches in di~eter % feeZ long st~ped "JNS" and set ~ feet deep in the greed, on the ~t~f:roxlmute high water line of Lake Tahoe; thence South 7· 16' 50" East 51,~.~ f'eet to the Southwes~ corner the poin~ of begl~ing, containing 678/1000 acres, more or less. ,L~V]I~d A!ID ~:,XCi'JPTIN[] TiIIC;~i.JFt(O~I all that portion of the above described prof:erty lying Southerly of the Northerly line of U.S. Highway No. 50. i'~tf(CEL NO. 20: A portion of Lot ~, [~ection 5~, Township l) North Range 18 East, ~.D.B.& ~., described as follows: :~:',~:~;~Ji~;G ,~ the Southwest corner, a point on the State HighwayS from ~','~ich the Sou~heas$ corner of the t~act of land hereto fore deeded by f.Mnnie ~. I{~rton and Flora T. Dickey ~o Jo~ Meyn, a pipe, 1 inch ~J~e~er, 4 feet long, st~ped on cap "JNr", and set ~ 5/~ feet deep In She g~ound, bears '.'/es~, 75.95 feet; and ~he Sou~hwes~ corner of said .~ecDio:~ 53, Township 15 North, ~{ange 18 East, E.D.B.& M., bears South 29° 58' ,,'est 2~6.5 feet, ~hen E~s~, 75.93 feet to the Southeast corner, :~ p~int in She said S~ate Highway; ~hence North, at 58.~9 feet, a ,F,lc.nized pipe, 2 feet lone, 3/4 inch die,meter se~ full leith in ~he ground on the Northerly boundary of said S~ate Highway; from vhi( the concrete monumen~ on the Northerly bounday of said State f~i~.jh,.~y, opposite Sra. 185 + 42.7 bears Sou~h 78" 04' East 50.8 feet; lTl.~l feet to a pipe, 3/4 inch diameter, 4 inches above greed, a~ ~he ',~o~thwes~ Corner of ~he Land heretofore deeded by W.D. R~tz ~o J.g. Jewell, as of record in Book 102 of Deeds, Page 2~6, Recordsof ~1 D~.r~do County, California, thence, alonf,~ the Westerly bo~dary of :;aid land of said J.E. Jewell, North 0~ 02' East, 2~5.0 feet to u t~ipe, 5/4 inch di~eter, 3 inches above ground at approximate high w~ter line of Lake Tahoe; ~;hence South 6~° 46' West 106.9~ feet to the N~'.rthwe~:t corner; from which a galvanized pipe, 1){ inches in di~eter 5 i'cet lon~:, stamf~ed "Jla5,, and set ~ feet deep in the ground at the aI.proxim~te high water line of said L:-,ke bec, rs South 65" 46' West 106.95 f'cet; thence South~ lO' East 559.7 feet to the Southwest corner, the f~l~ce of bogi~ing, containing 760/1OOO acre. ~I:;O the following: All that portion of said Lot 4, Section 5~, Town- .~hip 13 North, Range 19 Er~s;t, M.D.B.& M., lying North of the above de~:cribed t~ct, and bounded upon the East by the East boundary of ~;~id tract projected North O° 02' East from its Northeast corner ~d --6-- ,~t ~ou:~.t~ry ~f .';aid t'.'~ct p~'oj 'shed North 5° 10' West from the ..~:;b co£'ner thereof, e.ch reat~ecbively to lbs intersection wiDh the .t.~r line of Lake Tahoe; ,:~d boanded upom the North by the low line of said Lake. Parcel no. 1: Lot 57 and the North half of Lot 36, of the Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, ~, ~, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block A, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, Calif- ornia, accordin[. to the Official Map of said Resubdivision filed in the office of the County Recorder of said E1 Dorado County, California, on April lO, 1957 in Book A of Maps, at Page 2~ thereof. Parcel no. 2: Portion of Lot 5~, as said Lot is shown on the Map of "Katherine Smith Hill ~esubdivision of Lots 2, 5, ~, ~, 6, 7 and 8, of Block A Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado Oounty, California", f~led April lO, 19)7, in Book A of Maps, Page 2~, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, described as follows: BEGINNING u~ a point on the Southeastern line of said Lot 5#, distant thereon North 19~ ~5' East 217.80 feet from the most Southern corner of said Lots and running thence along the Southeastern line of said Lot 54, North 19° ~5' East 72.60 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct line lO1 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northwestern line of said Lot, distant thereon North 19~ #5' East 268.1~ feet from the most Western corner of said Lot 54; thence along said No:thwestern line South 19~ ~5' West 67.O~ feet; and thence Southeasterly in a direct line 10() feet, mo~e or less, to the point of beginning. PA:QCEL NO. 22; "All that portion of Lot 5, Block D of Lakeside P~rk Subdivision, as said Lot and Block are designated and m~rked on the Map entitled, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, t~l [mrado County, California, which Map was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California", October 5, 1909, more particularly de~;cribed as follows: COM!.iENCING at a point in the Northerly boundary line of Poplar Avenue, distant 100 feet from the intersection of said Northerly line of Poplar Avenue and the Westerly line of Cedar Avenue, 100 feet; thence along said Northerly line of Poplar Avenue and parallel with the Northerly boundary of said Lot 5, 50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line of Poplar Avenue and parallel with the Easterly boundary of said Lot 5, and Northwesterly 150 feet to a p~int on the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 5, thence along said Northerly boundary Southeasterly 50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly boundary line of Lot 5, and parallell with Easterly boundary of Lot 5, Southwesterly 150 feet to the point of beginning. -7- "~ '.l[k~ ;~t th~ Northerner corner of Poplar Street and Manzanita ,~w~aue, ~s shown on that c~ train map entitled, "~ap of First Subdivi~ ~[,n of L~ke~ide Par~, E1 Dorado County, California"; thence Easterly and ~on~" the North line of said Poplar Street 150 feet; thence Northerly l~?O feet; thence /~esterly 150 feet to the East line of said Nanzanita ~venue, thence Southerly and along the East line of said ~anzanita .venue 150 feet to the place of beginning, and being the West half ~f Lot 5, Block D, of ~aid Lakeside Park. .'~C:~L !~O. 25: The Easterly half of Lot 15 of First Subdivision of Lakeside park, as designated and numbered on the ~f;~ei~l ~k~p if said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Dalifornia, on ~ay 8, 1912. ~.~I!~:L !~O. 2~: The Southerly 50 feet of the Westerly half of Lot 10, Block "B" of the First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, ~,s ~;~,id Lot 10 and Block "B" are designated and numbered on the Official ~mp of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County ltecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of ~m~lifornla, on October 5, 1909. ['..!{CEL NO. 25: CON5%ENCING on the Southeasterly line of Tamarack Avenue at its point of intersection with the line dividing Lots 9 and l0 of Block B in First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, running thence Southeasterly along said dividing line 125 feet, thence at a r~i~ht angle Northeasterly 50 feet, thence at a right angle Northwesterly 125 feet to said line to Tamarack Avenue, thence Southwesterly ,~lon~ said line of Tamarack Avenue 50 feet to the point of commencement. ~,~i~C~L L~O. 26: East half of Lot 2, Block "B" of ~"irst Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lot and Block are designated ~:~d numbered on the Official Map of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the Office of the County }lecorder of the County of [~1 Dor~do, :~tate of California on October 5, 1909. ?,,!{Ci~L NO. 27: The Northerly ball of Lot 2, Block G, of First Subdivi- sion of Lakeside Park, as said Lot and Block are desi~nated and numbered on the Official Map of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on October 5, 1909, more particularly de~cribed as follows: CO~f~!~iNCING at a point on the Southerly line of Willow Street, located Easterly ll~.5 feet from the intersection of the Easterly line of ~anzaait~ Avenue with the Southerly line of Willow Street; running thence Easterly 11~.5 feet along the Southerly line of said Willow .]treet and the Northerly line of said Lot 2; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence Southerly 89.1 feet along the Easterly line of said Lot 2 to a point; thence Westerly ll2 feet to a point, on the /Jest line of said Lot 2, located Southerly 7~.1 feet from the Northwest cerner of said Lot 2; thence Northerly 7~.1 feet along the Westerly il*Il; ~)I :;,,id l,c) t i:, to the point oI' hunt, inning. }'&i<~]~,l. [iC. 28: Lot 1, Block G, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on bh~ O£1'lclal Map o£ said First Subdivision of Lakesie Park, filed in ~he office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of C~li£ornia, on October 5, 1909. P~k~CEL II0. 29: Lot 7 of Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and n~mbered on the Official ~lap of said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder or the County of E1 Dorado, Sta~e of California, on August 7, 19~5, in ~ap Book A, at Page I',,~CEL NO. ~0: Lot 14, in Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official ~ap of s~,id Lakeside Lod~e Subdivision, riled in She office of the County Recorder of ~he County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 19~5, in ~ap Book A, at Page 31. i~RCEL NO. 51: Lot 16, in Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Nap of :~aid Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in ~he office of the County ~ecorde~ of the Co~aty of E1 Dorado, Sta~e of California, on ~ugus~ 7, 1945, in ~ap Book "A", at Page 31. ~.~:{CEL NO. 52: Lot 19, Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official ~ap of said ~d~eside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder or the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 19~5, in Map Book A, at rage 51. PAiiCEL NO. 5~: Lo~s 5, 6, 7 and 26, as said Lots are delineated and so designated upon that certain map entitled "Katherin~ ~:mi~h Itill ltesubdivision,, of Lots 2, }, ~, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Block "A" Firs~ Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed April 10, 19}7, in Book A of Maps, at Page 2~, in the office of the County Recorder of ~l Dorado County, State of Californa. P,llCiiL NO. ~: Lot 22 as said Lot is delineated and designated upon -9- ~l t ~: :'taJn mu:p entitled Katherine Smith }{ill Resubdivision of Lots 2, ~., ~, b, 6, '/ ~na ~ of Block ~l, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed t~...il tO, 1J57 in Book A of ~,laps, Pa~,e 24, in the office of the County .{~3~or.~er of the County of Sl Dorado, State of California. ~,'~.:.][~;L ~;0. ~5: Lots 15 and 16 as said Lots are delineated and designated upon that certain map entitled "Katherine ]:~ith Hill ~esubdivision" of Lots 2, ~, ~, 5, 6, 7, 8~ of Block "A" ?i~'st Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed for record on April 10, 1957, in Book A of ~aps, at Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Galiforn~. t~M{/]I~]L NO. 56: Lot 7 in Block 5 of Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official ~ap of said Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on June 12, 19~6, in ~ap Book A, at Page ~. P,\I~CEL NO. ~7: Lots 1, 6, 8, 9, O, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 2~, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 50, ~2, 55, 5~, ~5, 56, 58, 59, 42, ~5, ~, ~7, 50, 51, 52, 53, 5~, 5D, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 6~, ~:~7, 68, 69, A and B, in County Cross Roads Village Subdivision as s~ld Lots are designated and numbered on the O£ficial gap of said Sounty Cross Roads Village Subdivision, filed in the Office of the i]ounty }{ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on July 2, 1956, in ~p Book B, at Page 6~. !'~,}{CEL NO. 58: All that portion of Lot 12 of Section ~, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, ~.D.B.& ~., described as follows: BEGIN?~ING at the most Northerly corner of Lot ~9 of County Cross Roads Village Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official ~ap of said Crountry Cross Roads Village Subdivision, filed in the office of the County l{ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, ,crate of California, on July 2, 1956, in Nap Book B, at Page 6~, said point also being on the Southeasterly line of Cascade Street as shown on said Subdivision r!ap, running thence along said Southeasterly line, ~Iorth 49° 58' East 150 feet, more or less to the Southwesterly line of E1 Dorado Avenue as shown on said Subdivision Nap; thence along the s~ld []outhwesterly line, ~]outh 24~ 20' East, 26~.18 feet to the NorUhwe:~terly line of Ponderosa Street as shown on said Subdivision ~ap; thence along the Northwesterly line of Ponderosa Street, South ~9° 58' West 8~ fe.~t, more or less, to the most Easterly corner of lot 40 of said Subdivision, thence along the Northeasterly line of Lots 40 and ~9 of said Subdivision, 25~.9 feet to the point of beginning. !',~!~C!~iL IlO. 59: That portion of Lot 12, Section 4, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, ~.D.B.& ~., described as follows: ~i~]~!! I~G at the Northeast corner of the tract herein described, a one inch diameter capped pipe from which the Northeast corner of said Lot 1~~, b~rs No~th 89~ 2~' ~O" East, 5~1.67 feet; thence from the [~int of beginning South 55~ ~2' East 596.56 feet to the Southeast -10- rnc~' t,m..rcoi' in tnu North b,.,und~ry of llighw~y No. 50; thence along ., i.l buund~,ry South ~9° 58' '.','est, 454.05 feet to a ~/~ inch diameter pipe st the Southwest corner thereof and in the East line of E1 Dorado Arenas of Coantry Cross ~oads Village Subdivision; thence along said line North 2~-° 20'WEst 850.95 feet to a similar pipe at the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 89~ 28' ~0" East 5~8.~2 feet to the point of beginning. ~A~C~.;L NO. 40: All that portion of the Northeast quarter of the North- west quarter of Section ~, Township 1~ North, Range 18 East, ~.D.B.& M., described as follows: BE(;IN.~ING ~t a point on the Southeasterly line of the State Highway leadinl'~ to Bijou where same is intersected by the Southerly line of i. ake~lde Lodge property extended Easterly, said point bearing South ~,4° 15' East a distance of 88.70 feet from the most Southerly corner of :;aid L~keside Lodge property and runnin~ thence So~th ~4' 15' East a distance of gl.101 feet to the Westerly line of Lincoln Highway; thence South 27~ 23' West alon[!; said last named line a distance of 2~2.76 feet; thence North ~5° 56' West a distance of 162.96 feet to a point on the Southeasterly line of said highway leading to Bijou, m~id line of highway being on a curve having a radius of 2240 feet concave to the Northwest and tangent to a line passing through the k~st named point which line bears North 56~ 56' East; thence along said curve in a Northeasterly direction through an angle of 5~ 54' 50" ~ d~stance of 217.96 feet to the point of beginning, and point of begin- nln~i bearing Soath ~o lg' East 40.08 feet from Engineer's Station 252+. ~8.00 feet as shown in the lpans of Road District III, E1 Dorado County, Route ll, Section K, State Righway Layout Number 871 of the Oepart:~,cnt of Public ',¥orks Division of Highways, said parcelof land containln~ 0.~3 acres, more or less. The bearings of this description are based on the plans of the above State Hi~hway Layout Number 871. :.'.>:m ~'~I~; 'J~Y portion of the above described land which may lie within the exterior boandaries of the present State Highway. i,~q]i..k NO. ~l: Lot ll Bolck 8~, Lots 9 and 10, Block 55, aa said Lots and Blocks are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended ~ap of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in gap Book A, at Page $. t',ti~C~L NO. 42: Lots 1 and 2, Block 26, A1 Tahoe, as the said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "amended ~iap of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County ~{ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, Sta~;e of California, on November 21, 191'~, in ~lap Book A, at Page 5. ./~I,~;.,I. !I~. ~5: i.ot ~, Block 8~, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated a~d numbered on the Official "kmended" ''.'.", ~'~l,~,l in the office of the County Recorder of tls ....... ~,,, t,I,, of C~,lifornia, on November 21, 1917, in -11- FAE;~L NO. 44: Ail of Lot 4, in Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Offlcls~l "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 45: The East 2 feet of Lot 3, in Block 86 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the Co%puty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, being the exception in that certain deed dated August 9, 1948, recorder August 13, 1948, in Book 256 of Official Records of B1 Dorado County, at Page 374, executed Dan A. Nevts, to Fred Perrott, Jr., and Clairedene E. PerA'ott, his wife. Y,~CEL NO. 46~ The Westerly 4 fe~t of Lot 5, in Block 86 of A1 £ahoe as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, said 4 feet measured along the Northerly and Southerly lines of said Lot and Easterly from the West- erly boundary thereof. PARCEL NO. 47~ Lot 5, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended M~p of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, STate of California, On November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. SAVING; AND gXCEPTING' the Westerly 4 feet of Lot 5, in Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, said 4 feet measured along the Northerly and Southerly lines of s~id Lot and Easterly from the Westerly boux~lary thereof, as conveyed by the deed dated October 27, 1947, recorder November 12, 1947, in Book 249 of Official Recordm of E1 D~rado County, at Page 192, excuted by Aram Harootunian and Stalls Harootunian, Husband and Wife, to Luella M. Nevis, a married woman. ALSO SAVING AND ~XC~PTING THE~F~{OM all that portion of Lot 5, Block 86 of A1 Tahoe, describing as~ CO~NCING at ~he Northeast corner of said Lot 5, said -olnt being the intersection of the Southerly boundary of Capistrano avenue with the Westerly boundary of Oakland Avenue; thence leaving said point of beginning and running South 82° 55' Jest 90.9 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein des- cribed; thence South 7° 05' East 60 feet to a point on the Southerly boundary of suid Lot 5; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 5, North 82o 55' East 83.5 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5S thence along the Westerly boundary of Oakland Avenue, North 60.45 feet to the point of beginning. PA~{CEL NO. 48~ Lot 6, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended" -12- M~p of ,,1 Tahoe, filed in the office of the Comnty Recorder of the Country of ,'.'1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in ~lap Book A, at Page 3. 2/~V1NG A~iD £,~C~PTING THEi(EFHOM all that portion of Lot 6, Block 86, of ~1 T~,hoe, a~, described as: CO~',SNCING at the NortheasZ corner of ~ld Lot 6, on the ~esterly boundary of Oakland Avenue and running along tl~e Northerly boundary of said Lot 6, South 820 South 55' West 83.5 feet, thence South 7o 05' East 60.0 feet to a point on the Southerly boundary o:' aa.i~ Lot 6; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 6 North 82© 55' ,'.'asr 76.1 feet to the Southeast co~ner of said Lot 6; thence alo~g ~he ~esterly boundary of Oakland Avenue, North 60.45 feet ~o the point of beginning. PA~o.~L NO. 49: Lot 7, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as the said Lo~ and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "amt. nd~d fla~ of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of ~hs Couz~ty of E1 Dorado, State of C~lifornia, on November 21, 1917, in Mu{~ Bo~.k A, at Page 3. P.,,~O~L ~0. 50: Lot 3 and 14, Block 39, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amende~i hap of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the Couz~ty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Eap Book A, at Page ~. P~HC~L NO. 51: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, and ll, Block 27, A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of said A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County ~leoorder of the County of ~1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1~17, in Map Book A, at Page 3. £~A~CEL f~O. 52: Lot 4, Block 16, of A1 Tai.oe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended' ~ap of A1 Tahoe", filed in the ofllce of the County Recorder of the Cou~%y of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in ~iap Book A, at Page 3. t,,~o~L No. 53: Lots 5, 6, 11, and 12, Block 2, of A1 Tahoe Subdivision as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in thu office cf the C~y Heoorder of E1 Dorado County, on November 21, 1~17, in Map Book A, ~m~ P~ge 3. ~C.~I'i'I~G iH~E~FdOM that portion of said Lots ll and 12 include within the bound:Aries of the so-called "Fred Irwin Low ry Lot", said Lot dss- crl~ed ~s follows: That certain lot and tract of land situated in Lake Valley in the County of E1 Dorado on the Southern shore of Lake Blgler, sometimes called Lake Tahoe, being a portion of Section 32, Township 15 North, Eange 18 Zast, M.D.B.& H., more particularly des- cribed as follows: C~IN~ at two t~'ees, .tanding near together, and each being about 12 inches in diameter, upon the edge of the bluff banks of said Lake about 50 or 60 feet in the Northeasterly direction from a small frame house ~uilt by and b~longing to s~j~arty ~ the first part, that is ,~,~ ~t'~, ul' the two mentioned, which stands next to the ,.t b~'f bank, running thence along the chore of cald Lake in ..... ion a little North of Eact 100 feet; thence at right angles with general courue of the shore of the Lake, at tha~ point Southerly feet, thence at right angles Easterly in a line parallel to the general Course of the shore of the Lake 100 feet, and thence ina iirect line 150 feet to the place of beginning. ~&aC~L NO. 54~ Lot 4, Block 42, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official 'A~ended ~1a$~ of A1 Tahoe.,, filed in the office of the County ~ecorder of County of £1 Dorado, State of California, on November £~p Book A, at Page 3. ~,~RC~L NO. 55: Lots 1, 2 and 16, in Block 10 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are de~lgnated and numbered on the of~'ical "Amended ~.~p of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the 0ounty ~eoo~'der sf the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in ~mp Book A, at Page 3. ~,~L NU. 56~ All that portion of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 ~act, M.D.B.a M., described as followc~ C~m.~NCING at the Southeast cO~ner, apoint on the Northerl~ of the State Highway, Route II, E1 Dorado County, California, at a point from which the East quarter corner of Section 33, Township North, Range 18 East, M.D.B,& M., bears South 800 50' East, 1743.4 fee~ distant ~nd the Southeast corner of ths masonry fence post at the Southeast Corner of the tract bears North O,1 feet distant. Thence, along the North boundary of said highway, curving to the right with radius of 2960 feet, 252.4 feet to ~he concrete highway monument on the NOrth side of said highway opposite Sra. 206 plus 22.8 of the Center- line survey thereof; which said monument bears South 660 45' 30" West 252.4 feet from sal~ Southeast ocher of said tract. Thence, contin- uing along said highway, South 690 12' West 778.0 feet ~o the South- west corner, a galvanized pipe, 2.4 inch diameter 2-~ feet lon~, set full length in the ground, with cap marked "M-l"; from which the Southwest Corner of the masonry g~te post on the West side of the ~ee[erly entrance to said ~ract bears North 230 40' West 1/94 feet distant. Thence leuving s~id highway, North 22o 00' Wect 14.0 feet to a cimllar pipe, marked "M-2"; thence from wich which a yellow pine, 2 feet diameter bears North 2c 08' East 10.5 feet dlatant marked "M-2BT", thence North 15o 00' 30" East 112,5 feet to a similar cst to a depth of 2 inches below the surface and stamped "COR 9"S from which a yellow pine, 2.4 feet diameter bearc South 20o 51' East 53.5 feet and a yellow pine, 2 feet diameter bears South 71o 59' East 71.75 feet distant each blazed and scribed "COR 9BT"; thence North 00 06' East 181.0 fee~ to a large spike, set 6 inches below the e~aoe of the ~round. Thence North 0° 39' Wect 384.7 feet to a galvanized pipe square, with cap marked eith a cross, and set on the approximate high water line of Lake Tahoe, said post being a "'itnees corner to the Northwest corner of said tract herein described; and Northwest C~ner being located North -14- 0© 39' West 50 feet, more or less from s~ld witness corner, on the low- w~,ter line of s~ld L~lke. Thence, fz~om euid witness Corner North 56O 49' East 925.5 feet to a galvanized pipe, 3/4 inches di~eter, six inches above gz'ound, on the approximate high-water like of said I~ke, ~et in the ground in the East boundary fence of said tract for a witne~ Corner to the Northerner corner thereof, located on tho low- water line of said Lake, and which bears North 0° 08' West 60 feet, mo~e or less, from said witness corner. Thence from said witness corner, following said fence line, Somth 0° 08' East 105.7 feet to a white st~ke, 1 inch Squ~re, 6 inches abo~e the ground, at the point of inter- ~ction of said fence extending Easterly. Thence, along said fence, I~oz, th 8v© 44' East 161.7 feet to a galvanized pipe 3/4 inches above the ground, set in the ground atthe intersection of said fence and a fence extending Southerly. Thence, along said fence, South 0° 13' 30" East 712.9 feet to the Southeast corner, the place of beginning, con- tinuing 10.806 acres, more or less, measured within the monuments above ~le~cribed, ~esides the area of the beach of said Lake Tahoe, betwee~ the ~lgh-water and low-wu%s~, lines thereof. ~'A~CZL NO. 57: Being a portion of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: ~GINNiNG a~ the Southeast Corner of the tract herein described, marke~ on the ground by a galvanized pipe from which the East quarter corner of Section 3~, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& m., bears Sou~h 89° 28' East 2656.40 feets thence North 0o 10' East 181.O0 feet the the Northeast Corner thereof, an iron spike set below the s~rfaoe in the Old Public Highway; themes along the Old Public Highway Somth ~5° 19' ~est, 214.90 feet to the Northwest Corner, marked on the groun8 by a pipe; thence South ~14.30 feet to tt~e Southwest corner! thence North 760 37' East 219.64 feet to the Southeast corner the place of commencement. Containing 0.99 of an acre or 4~.124 square feet, more o~ less. P.~tO~L NO. 58: Being a portion of beation 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows~ o;:GINN1NG at the Northeast corner of the parsel herein described, a galvanized pipe set 21 inches below the surface of the ground with cap stamped Corner 9, from which the East quarter corner of said Section 33 bears South 890 28' Eat 2656.40 feet; thence from thepoint of beginning South 150 00' 30" West 112.50 feet to a 3/4 inch diameter capped iron pipe, 30 inches l~r~, set 29 inches deep in the grou~, with cap marked M-2, from which a yellow pine 2 feet in diameter, blazed and scribed "h-2-BT" bears North 20 08' East 10.5 feet distant; thence South 220 O0' ~ast 14.00 feet to the Southeast Corner of the parcel herein des- cribed, located in the Northerly boundary of Highway No. 50, a similar pipe set full lenght in the ground marked on cap M-l, from which the Southwest Corner of the masonry gate post on the West side of the entr~Ance ~ Lake Land Village bears North 230 ~O' West 1.94 feet; thence along the Northerly boundary of said Highway South 690 23' West 202.76 feet (recorder South 690 12' West) to the Southwest corner thereof, a -15- ..... ~ pi|~e; 1.b~:~oe l~uv~ the North bound~ry of said highway North ~4~.~0 Iect to ~ ~lmilar pipe ~ theNo~thwest £orner thereof; thence i~.t~ 76° ~7' East ~i19.64 feet to the point of beginning, c~ntaining 0.585 aox'es, or 25,407.50 square feet, more or less. ~,.z~ChL N~. 59~ T~e ~e~t one-half of that certain parcel of real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, S~ate ~f C~liforDla, particularly described as follows, to-wlt~ OO~*~NCING at the Southeast corner, a point on the East boundary of Lot 4, Section 33, ~ownahip 13 North, Hangs 18 East, M.D.B.& M., from ~ch the ~outheast corner of said Lot 4 bears South 891.34 feets thence North 255.56 feet to the Northeast corner, a buried cobble stone, identical with the Southeast corner of the tract deed by W.D. Ramtz to J.E. Jewell, May 19, 1925, as of record in Book 102 of Deeds, at Page 246, Records of E1 Dorado County, thence alor~ the Southerly boun.~,~ry of said Jewell land, South 66° 59' West 201.39 feet to the Northwest corner, identical with the Southwest corner of said Jewell [~,nd, an iron pipe, ~/4 inch in diameter; thence South 176.82 feet to ~he Southwest corner, located on the North boundary of the tract of land he~'etofore deeded by Fannie M. Bm:ton et al to Wilton R. Young, et al, November 8, 1928, as of reco~,d in Book ll0 of Deeds, at P~e 319, ~ecords of E1 Dorado, from which the Southeast corner of the l~nd heretofore deeded by Flora T. Dickey st al to John Meyn st mx Amg~ot 13, 1928, a~ of reco~.d in Book 109 of Deeds, at Page 409, Records of E1 Dorado County, bea~s West 145.52 feet$ thence East 185.36 feet to t~e Southeast corner, the point of beginning, containing 46/100 of an acre, more or lees. P~C~L ~0. 60~ Lots 8, 9 and the East half of Lot 10 in Block 11, A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and n~mbersd on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office o~ ~he County ~eoorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 2i, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PA~{CEL NO. 61~ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; the Wes~ 20 fee~ of Lot 7 and the West 15 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 28 of A1 T~hoe, as said Lots and Block arc designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1~17, in Map Book A, at Page 3. ?.~HCEL ~IO. b2: Lot 220 of Bijou Pines Subdivision, as said Lot is desigmated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of ~l Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13. ?.d~CEL NO. 63~ All that portion of Lot 1 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows~ -16- ,;~ .... ~ ~[ ~ 5/4 l~ch iron p~i~e on Bijou Park Boulevard, from which [~u f~u~'th~ ~.~t corner of ~eotion 2, Township 1J, North, ...D.~.~. M., 0..~rs North 150 34~' ~ast, 1097.9 feet distant; thence .;o.~zh 2,3° 50' ~ast 3>0 fe~t; thence '~;outh 60o 18' West 660 fee~s thence ~;o~'th 2.3° 50' West, JSO feet; thence North 60o 18' East, 660 feet to the place of beginning, contulnl~ 5 acres, more or less. .AI~CZL NO. 64: Lot 1, Block 54, A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "A~ended ..~p of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Reo~rder of the ~ounty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in ~.lap Book A, at Page 3. ~'.,~dEL NO. 65: Lot 4 and the We~terly 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 91 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated .~d numbered on the Official "Amended ~MAp of A1 Tahoe", filed in the ~fflce of the County of E1 D,~rado, S.~ate of California, on November .?1, 1~17, in Map Book A, at £age 3. ~'A~CEL NO. 66~ Lot 15, Lakeview Heights Subdivision, as said Lot is design~ted and numbered on the Official Map of said l,.~keview Heights Subdivision, filed in the office of the County ,~ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Calif©rnia on September 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 75. ?A!{C~L NO. 67: Lots 143 and 144 of Bijou Pines Subdivision, as said Lots are designated and numbered o$ the Official ~,,=p of said Bijou Pines Subdivision, filed in the office of the Co~aty Eecorder of the County of ~l Dorado, State of California, on .3~tember 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13. ~',~O~L £I0. b8: Lot 17, in Lakeview Heights Subdivision, as said Lot is designated ~nd numbered on the Official Map of said [,~Hcview Heights Subdivision filed in the office of the County ~e- c~rder of the County of N1 Dorado, Sta%e of California, on September 3, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 70. FAH~L NO. 69~ Lot 16, in Lakeview Heights Subdivision, aa said Lot is design~ted and numbered on the Official ~p of said Lakeview Heights Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Eecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, Sta~e of California on September 3, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 70. ~'AEC~L NO. 70~ Lots 7 and 8 in Block 4; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Block 13~ Lots 7, 8, 9, lC, ll, 12, and 13 in Slock 20; Lots 5 through 16, both inclusive, in Block 29! Lots 9 and 10 in Block 50; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 55; Lots i to 16 both inclusive, in Block ~6; Block 375 Lots 9 and 10 in Block 425 Lo~s 2, 1, 3, 16 and the West 40 feet of Lot 15 in Block 44; Lots 1, 2 and 16 in Slock 46; Lots l, 2, 3, ~, 14, 15, and 16 in Block 55 all as designated -17- ~md numbed'ed on the Official "Amended Map of A1 T~hoe", filed in the oifxcs of the County i~eoo.~der of the County of E1 Dorado, State of O~lifornla, on ~ovemoer 21, 1917, in Plap Book A, at Page 3. .... (C~L N0. 71: All That po:'tion of the N~rth one-half of Section 11, Township 12 North, ~ange 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more }:~rticularly de.'cslbed a~ follows~ o=GIN~ING at a 2" x Z" square white painted stake on the West bank of the ditch runnl~ ~long the ~ster!y side of Cold Creek, from whence the North~est corner of ~ection ll, Township 12 North, R-rigs 18 East, O~s North 59o 31' 53" ~est 3176.04 feet; thence from said point of oegln~ir~, South 69° 59' 42' East 264.89 feet to a similar stake; thence South l0° 54' 24" East 176.41 feet; thence South 14° 16' 25" ~st 588.84 feet to a similar stuke$ thence crossing Cold Creek South 40o 50' 34" West 202.88 feet to a simtl~r stake; thence North 82o 05' 54" west 99.80 feet to a similar stake; thence North 12° ~7' 17" West 557.~7 feet to a similar sta~e; thence ~;~rth 440 20' 24" ~est 166.93 f~% to a eimila~ e~,ke$ thence North 260 04' 24" West 111.28 feet to a simialr stake; thence North 830 02' 06" East 141.79 feet to thepolnt of begim~ing, con:aini:~ an at'es of 4.525 acres, more or less. PA~CZL NO. 72: A po:tion of San Jose Avenue, formerly known as Freel ;treat, a~ said Avenue is design~ted on the Official ~e~de~ Pl~t of A1 Tahoe ~ubdivision filed in the office of the J~nty aecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on ~ov~mber 21~ 1~17, in ~p Book A, at Page 3, more particularly l~c~.lbed as follows~ ~hat portion of San Jose Avenue lying between Lots 9 and lC, Bloc~ 20 on the North and Lots 7 and 8, Block 8, Block 29 on the South, and ~est of the West line of Sacramento Avenue ~tended across Ban Jose Avenue, and East of the West line of Lot 10, Block 20 extended Bouth ~c~.ose San Jose Avenue and bei~ a ~roel of land 40 feet by 100 feet. ~:~:~d~L NO. 73: All that portion of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 40, A_l Tahoe Subdivision, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more p~rticularly de:~cribed as follows; ~GI~INING at the Southeast corner of said Block 40, identical with the Southeast corner of the herein described parcel of land, a I inch capped iron Dipe; thence from point of beginning and along the East line of said Block 40, N~rth 55.50 feet, the Northeast corner of the herein described parcel of land, a 1 inch capped iron pipe; thence [e~ving said ~a~t line of Block 40, South 830 22' West, 116.95 feet, a i inch capped iron pipe; thence continuing South 830 22' West, 47.63, the Northwest corner, a 1 inch capped iron pipe set in ~ the West line of said Lot 9; thence along said line South 70 05' East, 56.37 feet, the Southwest corner cf said Lot 95 thence along the Southline of said Lots 7, 8 and 9, North 820 55' East 157.72 feet to a point of beginning, conraining 0.207 of an acre, more or less. NO. 74: Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15 in Block 45, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official -18- '.~...~,l. I , ~ u£ A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County l~ecorder .~f t~e C,,~nty of ~l Dorado, Jtate of California, on November 21, 1917, ia M~p Book a, ,~t lags J. ~.;~FTiNG from said Lots 9 and l0 the foklowing described portions thereof ~ kll that portion of Block 45, of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of Zhe County of E1 Dorado, State of California, ae said Block ie designated and numbered on the Official "~mended Map of A1 Tahoe", on ~vember 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, more part- icularly described as follows~ ~O£,H~iENCING at a point on the N~rtherly line of San Francisco Avenue and the intersection of the Westerly line of Sacramento Avenue, thence ~eot~rly along the N~rtherly line of said San Francisco Avenue, 100 feet to the Southwest corner of ~he parcel herein described; thence leaving the Northerly boundary of said San Francisco Avenue, Northerly ~t right angles for a distance of 50 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence Easterly at right a~glee and p.~rallel with said San Francisco Aw~nue a distance of 100 feet to the Northeast corner of the Parcel herein described, thence Southerly on %he Westerly line of Sacramento Avenue for a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. ~',RCZL NO. 75~ Lot 16 in Block 45 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended" ~ap of A1 Tahoe," filed in the office of the County Of E1 Dorado, ~%ate of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, EaC.~PTING THEHE~'~(OM the Ngrtherly 30 feet thereof. ~LSO ~XC~PTING THM~F,(OM the following described portion thereof~ That certain parcel of real Property 20' · 40' in area upon which is situate a certain pit type well, 5' · 5' square, being a portion of Lot 16, Block 45 of "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of ~he County Recorder of E1 Dorado County on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A at Page 3. I'Ai~CZL NO. 76~ All that portion of Alameda Street lying between the South line of Block 29, the North line of Block 36, ~he ~est line of Sacramento Street and the East line of Nevada Street, as said Blocks and Streets are designated on the Official #Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of ~he County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, a~ Page 3. i~C~L NO. 77: Lot 11 in Block 18 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of al Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. ?A~CEL NO. 78~ Lot numbered 217 of "Bijou Pines", according to the Official Plat thereof recorder in the office of the ~ecorder of the said County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on -19- ,~:~ ~ ,,~, ~' 12, 19~9, l~l Book "A" of Pl~ps, at Page NO. 13. ~'A~,~.~L NO. 79: Lots 40 and 41 in Keller Park Subdivision, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of e;xld Keller Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County i(ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, Sta~e of California, on July 19, 1951, in Map Book A, at Page 102. £~RCgL NO. 80: Lots 60, 61, 62, 63, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85 of BiJom Park Subdivision, as said Lots are designated on the Official Mac of said Bijou Pines Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of ml Dorado, State of California, on September 2, 1927, in M~p Book A, at Page 10. f~GmL NO. 81: Lo~s 68 and 69 of Bijou Pines, as said Lo~s are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said l~lOou Pines, filed in the office of ~he County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September S2, 1929, in Map Book A, ~t Page 13. P,~z~CEL NO. 82: Lot 11 and the West half of Lot 10, in Block 11, of A1 Tahoe, as ~he said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "~mended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the ofz~lce of the County Recorder of the Oounty of E1 Dorado, Sta~e of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. P,~CML NO. 83: Lots 1 and 2, and the West 10 feet of Lot 3, in Block 21, of A1 Tahoe, as designated and numbered on the Offici~l "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the Office of the County ~ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, S~ate of California, on November 21, l~17, in Map Book A, at Page 3. P~C~L ~i0. 84: Lot 3, Block 10, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said "Amended P~p of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of ~ne County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in ~p Book A, at Page 3. PAhCEL NO. 85: Lo~ 3, Block 72; Lots 11 and 12, Block 80, of A1 Tahoe as said Lots and Blocks are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the CounZy of E1 Dorado, Stats of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. ~'.~,~EL NO. 86: Lot 1, Block 3 in Johnson Acres Subdivision , No. 2, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Pmp of said Johnson Acres Subdivision No,2, filed in the office of ~he County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on June 12, 1946, in Map Book A, a~ Page 44. NO. 87~ Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 16 of -20- ~ ~.l J~ , B~J~u t'~k &~'es, ~s ~'~ald Lots and Tract are designated and ~mbe~'ed on t~e OfFicial Map oF said Bijou Park Acres, filed in the ~ of the County ~corder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of · ~ornia, on May 15, 1951, in Map Book A, at Page 96. ~3(C£L NO. 88: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 11, of A1 Tahoe as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page ~. i~ECML NO. 89: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of Section 27, Town- ship 13 NOrth, R~nge 18 East, M.D.S.& M., thence Westerly on a line with The South Boundary line of said :]ection extended a distance of 259 feet; thence South 38° 35' West 400 feet; thence South 42° 03' West 400 feet; thence South 46° 27' West 600 feet to the point of commencement of the herein described lot$ thence South 46o 27' West 100 feet; thence South 57o 27' East 195 feets thence North 46o 27' ~a~t 100 feets thence North 570 27' West 195 feet to the point of commencement. ~'.,~CZL NO. 90: COI,LMENCING at a point of commencement described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of the .;outheast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 1~ North, ~nge 18 East, M.D.S.& M., and running thence South 89o 30' East a distance of 154.85 feet to the Northwest line of the County ~oad leading to Bijou, thence North 60o 56' East alor~ s~id last named li~e a distance of 390.72 feets thence North 55° 41' East a distance of 346.00 feet; thence North 63° 12~'East 100 feet; thence North 66° East 211 feet; thence North 62° lO~' East 200 feet thence North 590 Old' East 299.91 feet; thence North 55° 03~' East 200.2 feets thence North 56o 22~' East 327.80 feet; thence South 44° 15' East 290.74 feets thence North 44° 15' West, 290.74 feet more or less to the point of commencements thence from point of beginning South 560 22~' West 154.0 feet more or less; thence North 33° 37~' West, 145.0 feet more or less, to the :;outheasterly boundary line of the land described in that certain deed from John H. Kimbell, et al, to Renira Butler dated October lC, 1928, and recorder October ?2, 1928, in the office of City Recorder of said City of Placerville, in Book llO of Deeds, at Page 182, Records of E1 Dorado County, thence along said boundary and the direct projection therein North 56o 22~' East, 127.60 fee~ more or less to a line drawn North 44o 15' ~est from said point of beginnings thence South 44° 15' East, 148.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. l~i~CgL NO. 91~ All that real property situate in Sections 27 and 34, Township 13 North, R~nge 18 East, M.D.S.& M., containing a portion of the property known as Lakeside Park, Lake Tahoe, E1 Dorado Co~ty, California, described as follows~ B,~GINN~NG at the Northeasterly corner of "Pinewood Park" tract as said tricot is shown and delineated on the certain map entitled "Map of ~'lf~wood P~rk, I~ake Tahoe, Stateline, E1 Dorado County, California", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, on -21- 9, 21 Do~'~do County ~ecord~, ~nd ruzmir4~ thence North 290 ~t 487.05 feet, thence South 60o ~ast lu05.56 feet; thence South 300 00' ~eet 270.42 feets thence South 6° 22' West 284.61 feets thence South 42o 00' East 543.00 feet; thence South 38o 12' West 168.31 feet; thence North 81° 41' West 794.32 feet to point of tangency on a curve conc~ve to the left whose radius is 225 feet; thence along said curve a distance of 64.27 feet to point of tangency with a line which bears South 81° 57' West; thence along e~id last named line a distance of 175.79 feet to point of ta~ency with a curve concave to the right whose radius is 175 feet; thence alcr~ said curve a distance of 47.59 feet to point of tangency with a line which bears North 82° 28' Wests thence ~long said last named line a distance of 150.41 feet to the point of tangency with a curve concave to the right whose radius is 175 feets thence along s~id curve a distance of 24.94 feets to ~he point of tnagency with a line which beare North 74° 18' Wes~S thence along said li:~e ~ distance of 65.57 feet to point of tmngency .~ith a curve concave to tae right whose radius is 175 feets thence along said curve a distance of 100.94 feet to point ef tmngency with a line which bemre North 41° 15' ~est; thence along said line a distance of 64.76 feet to point of t~ngency with curve concmve to the left whose radius is 225 feets thence along said curve a distance cf 103.14 feet to poin~ of tangency with a line which bea~s North 67o 31' Wests thence alo~ said line a distance of 97.80 feet to point of tangency with a curve concave to the the right whose radius is 175 feet; thence alo~ said eurvea distance of 46.83 feet to an intersection with a line which bears North 30o 48' Easts thence North 30o 48' East along said last named line a distance of 174.55 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Pinewood Park; thence North 29° 28' East along the Easterly boundary of Pinewood Park, a distance of 720.00 feet ~o the point of beginning, containing 36.62 acres, more or lees. P~ECEL NO. 92: follows: All that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section Township 13 North, Eange 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described Ill,INNING at a point which be~rs successively South 30° 02' 40" 348.12 feet, South 5l° 40' ~ast 1395.63 feet, North 38o 12' E~st 168.31 feet from t~e most Southerly corner of Pinewood Park, as said tract is shown and delineated on the certain map entitled "M~p of Pinewood Park, Lake Tahoe, Stateline., ~l Dorado County, California,", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, on the 19th dau of July, 1926, and recorder in Book 'A" of Maps, at Pa~:e 9, ~l Dorado County ~ecords, said point of beginning is also the most Easterly corner of that certain ~arcel of land described in that agre- ement of sale entered into between John H. Kimball and Louis Bartlett, parties of the first part, and M~bel Winter, party of the second part, on January l, 1930, thence from the above described point of commencement, a long the Northeasterly line of the Last mentione~ parcel of land, North 42o 00' West 543.00 feet; thence North 6° 22' East 284.61 feets themce North 30o 00' East 337.37 feet; thence South 9o 27' 45" East 992.05 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.77 acres, moz'e or less. -22- ~ .~. ~*~'. 9J: Ail th=t portion o£ tbs Nurthsast quarter of Bectlon 34, Township 12 ~orth, Bat~e 18 East, M.D.B.& M., d~c~.i~ed as follows: B~GI~i!iNG at a polnt which ~ears Eorth 29o 28' East 487.05 fee~ from the most Northeasterly corner of Pinewood Park, as said tract is shown and delineated on that certain map entitled "~p of Pinewood Park, Lake Tahoe, Statellne, ~l Dorado County, California," filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, on the 19th day of Jmly, 1926, and recorded in Book "A" of Maps, at Page 9, E1 Dorado County ~ecords, thence from %he sbove described point of beginning, North 29o 28' East 8~.55 feet; thence South 59o lO' East 1005.60 feet; thence South 30° 00' West 66.95 feet to the Easterly end of that certain course described ~s "South 60o 00' East 1307.75 feet" in that certain ~greement of sale entered into between the above mentioned parties on the lth day of January, 1930; thence along last mentioned line, North 60° O0' West 1005.56 feet to the point of beginning, oontai~ing 1.71 acres, more or lee~. ~'~:~C~L NO. 94: Blocks 4, 9 and 10 of Pinewood Park Subdivision, as said Blocks are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Pinewood Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California on July 19, 1926, in ~p Book A, at Page 9. ~ARCEL NO. 952 Lots 1 and 16, Block 7, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Offical "Amended l~p of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 96: Lots 51, 54, 55, 56, 58, 57, 59, 112, 127 and 128 of Bijou Park Subdivision, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the 0ffical ~p of said Bijou Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, S;ate of California, on September 2, 1927, in Map Book A, at Page 10. PAkC~L NO. 97: B~Gi~NiNG at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 33, thence North 0° 41' JO" WeSt 1~9.4 feet t~ the Northeast corner of the parcel herein deseribed on ;he shore of Lake Tahoe; thence along the shore of said Lake Tahoe South 520 09' 30" West 208.00 feet to the Northwest corner of the rea~ herein described; thence leaving said Lake shore and running South 00 54' 30" West 365.05 feet to the Southwest corner of ~he realty herein described said point being the Northwest cor:~er of Lot 262 of Bijou Park Subdivision as said Lot is delineated and designated on the Official Map of ~aid Bijou Park Sub- division, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 24, 1927, in Map Book A, at Page 10, thence along the Northeasterly boundary of said Sub- division, N'rth 57° 03' 30" East, 208.35 feet to the Southeast corner -23- ~,~ ~'~Jty h~'~]~J d~ o~'ib~dk$ thence along the Westerly Bound~Lry of ~l .h~bdi. vi~on North 0° 41' ~0" W~st, 240.56 feet %o the point of ~'2.tC~L NO. 98: All that portion of Lot 2, Section 33, Township 13 North, ~ange 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly lescribed in deeds from V,H.Beneon and Wife to Na~n A. Swingle and Margaret Sater in Book 118 of Offical Records of E1 Dorado .]ounty, at Page 287 and 288. PA~C£L NO. 99: The following eight parcels: DESCRIPTION ,,11 that certain real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more particulary described as follows~ ~'AECEL NO. 1~ Lot 8 of Section 2 and the East half of Lot 11 of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East , M.D.B.& M., EXCEPTING THEHEPi(OM all that portion of said Lot 11 which lies within the exterior boundaries of Meadow Heights Subdivision as per nmp filed in Book "B" of Maps at Page 54, E1 Doraod County Records. PARCEL NO. 2: Lot 9 and the West half of Lot 10 of Section 2, and the East half of Lot l0 of Section $, Tpwnshlp 12 North ~nge 18 East, M.D.B,& M. ,.~,;~'TING TiiEHgPROM all that portion of said Lot 10, which ]~e~ within the exterior bound~riee of Meadow Heights Subdivision as per map filed in Book "B" of Maps at Page 54, E1 Dorado County Records. ~',~C~L NO. 3~ Lots 6 and 7 and the West half of 5, 12, and 13 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Rar~e 18 East, M.D.B.& M. ~AC~PTING TH~(~F~(0M all that portion there of which lies within the exterior boundaries of land described in deed to Charles G. Johnston et al, recorded June 30, 1953, in Book 327 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at ~age 378, as follows~ BEGINNING at a capped iron pipe 1 inch in diameter, from which the Southwest corner of Lot 5, of said Section 2 bears North 88° lC' 20" ~e~, 969.50 feets thence from the point of beginning South 12° 24' 30" East 254.56 feet to a similar pipes South 480 27' East, 265.35 feet :~ a simialr pipe; South 57o 13' East, 266.28 feet to a similar pipe~ South ~5° 41' 30" E~st, 394.50 feet to a similar pipes South 620 13' g~et 242.60 feet to a simialr pipe South 890 58' 15" East, 425.18 feet to a similar pipe; South 54o 30' ~0" East, 338.45 feet to a similar ~ipe; South 77o 34' 30" East, 219.82 feet to a simila~ pipes South 180 15' 30" East, 91.36 feet to a similar pipes North 86° 06' 30" Emst ~t $43.16 feet a similar pipe, 471.10 feet to a point in the centerline of Pioneer Trail from which a 3/4 inch capped iron pipe ~ears North 86° 06' 30" mast, 30.11 feet; thence alo~ the centerline of said road (Continued) ~.. ~ 29' ,~[ ~o.5'/ l~:,~t, cua p~*l:~% in the centerline of ~ ~,~. O~ 55' 20" .,,~t 5~V.66 [~t to a point in the centerline of said ~'~ .rs,, which a ~/4 inch c~pped iron p~pe bears North 800 14' ~.s~, 3~.49 f~e~; thence continue alon~ the centerline of said road ~t~ 8o 29' We~t 748.57 feet to a point in the centerline of said road on ~h~ S~u~ boundary of Lot 12, of said Section 2; thence alor~ the Jo.x~h ooundary of Lot 12, South 89° 43' ~5" ~ast, at 30.31 feet, a 3/4 inch o~pped iron pipe ~13.56 feet to a 3/4 inch capped iron pipe at the 5ca,beast corner of the ~eet half of said Lot 12, from which the South- east corner of said Lot 12 bears South 89o 43' 45" East, 13~4.41 feet$ ~hence North 0° 21' West, ~635.41 feet to a 3/4 inch capped iroa pipe at the Northeast corner of the ~est half of Lot 13 on the South boundary of the Keller Tracts; thence along the South boundary of the Keller Tracts South 890 49' 05" West, 596.89 feet to a 1/2 inch capped iron pipe on tbs Easterly side of Pioneer Trail; thence crossing Pioneer Trail North 89° 59' 30" West, 62 feet (recorded North 89° 57' 35" ,%st, 6z.33 fee~) to a 3/4 inch capped iron pipe; thence North 890 59' ~es~, 669.5~ feet; (recorded No~th 890 57' 35" W;st, 669.55 feet) thence North 890 59' West, 271.16 feet (recorded North 89o 57' 26" West 271.00 feet) to a ~/4 inch capped iron pipe; thence North 89° 59' West, 720.7~ feet,(recorded North 89o 57' 26" West, 720.46 feet) to a 3/4 inch capped iron pipe; thence North 89° 59' West, 339.32 feet (recorded North 89o 57(' 26" ~est, 3~9.20 feet;) to a 2 inch diameter capped iron pipe; thence North 0° 08' lC" West, 142.34 feet, (recorded North 0° 07' 02.5" West, 142.27 feet) to a 5/4 inch capped iron pipe; thence North 0° 08' 10" ~e~t, 4~5.37 feet (recorded North 0° 07' 02.5" feet Wes~ 435.23 feet) to a 3/4 inch capped iron pipe; thence North 0° 08' lO" West 65.98 feet (recorded North 0° 07' 02.5" West 65.96 feet) to a 3/4 inch % capped iron pipe ; thence North 0° 08' lC" West, 662.84 feet (recorded North 0° ~7' 02.5" West 662.82 feet) to all 1/4 inch capped iron plpe$ thence North 88° 41' 30" West 662.35 feet to ali inch capped iron pipe; %hence South 0° 41' 50" West, 812.42 feet to a i inch diameter capped iron pipe; thence South 31° 34' 15" East, 617.18 feet to th~ point of beginning. PARCEL NO. 4~ Lot i of Section 3 and West half of Lot 4 of Section 2, Township 12 North, ~ange 18 East, M.D.S.& M. azA~ZPTING TH~EFEOM all that portion of said Lot i described in that certain deed dated August 28, 1956, recorded September 14, 1956, in Book 389 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 478, from Stella ~an Dyke Johnson, a widow to Norman M. Hodkin, a married man, described aa followe~ All %hat ~ortion o£ Lot l, Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East M.D.S.& M., particularly described as followe~ BzGiN~ING at a point in Township line between Townships 12 and 15, E~nge 15 ~ast, ~.D.]~.~ ~., from which point the Section corner of the Township line b~tween Deotiune 2 and 3, Township 12 North, Eange 18 East, M.D.B.& M., marked by a l~ inch diameter iron pipe set in the ground, bears South 89o 54' East, a distance of 278.0 feet and running ~hence South 89° 31' 30" West, 1043.89 feet along town- ship line to ~he Northwest corner of tract; thence South 00 24' ~ast, 1099.63 feet to the Southwest corner of tr~ot, on Lot line between Lots (Continued) ~ ' ' ~'lh (,3o 4.*' .... ~t, 604.51 feL,~t to t~e Southeast co~ner of tract~ ~ ~h ~,~ ~t the ,~esterly edge of the old loggl~ railroad emban~ent; t~.eac~ N.rth '~1° 18' ~ast 1186.7 feet to the point of beginning and containing 20 acres, more or less. ~L~]0 E,(~EI'TING TI~i(ZFI~OH all that portion of Lot 1, Section 3, Town- ~hip 12 North, Hangs 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which bears S~uth 270 34' 30" West of the Northeast corner of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.&M., a distance of 803.50 feet; thence South llo 51' West a dlst~noe of 486.33 feet; thence North 68° 29' ~est a distance of ?13,14 feet; thence North 21° 3~' East a distance of 475.64 feet; thence South 70° 09' East a distance of 130.40 feet tO the point of beginning, cont~,i~ng 1.90 ~cres, mo~'e or less. ~',~C~L NO. 5: The East ball of Lots 5 and 6, and the West half of Lots 12 and 13 of Section 3, Township 12, North, Range 18 East, i,~.D.B.< M., ~Ad~PT1NG Ttf~i~F~;M all that portion of Lots 5 and 6 described in 0ced to Phil Davis and Frances Oavis, husOand and wife, recorded ~ugust 8, 1946, in Book 230 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, At Page 337, as follows: BEGINNING at a 1 inch iron pipe stamped P.D.S.W.L.S. 2217 and set .t the intersection of the West line of the ~st quarter of said Lot 6 ~nd the North line of U.S. Highway 50 running from Mays 'y" to the California-Nevada State line, thence Narth 20 30' West 356.62 feet along the West line of the East half of said Lot 6 and to a si~zllar pipe stamped P.D.L.S. 2217 thence North 0° 36' East 1310.4 feet along the ~est line of theEast half of said Lot 5 a similar pipe stamped P.D.N..~.L.S. 2217 thence North 8~° kS' ~aet 787.50 feet to a similar ,ips ~tamped P.D.N.~.L.S. 2217 in the Westerly line of said U.S. ~ighway 50; thence Southwesterly following the Northwe~terly line of siad U.S. Highway 50 curvin~ to the right on the arc of a 4960 foot r~dius curve arc being sub~ended ~y a chord ehich bears South 250 07' 24" West 1851.37 feet to the point of beginning, containing 17.852 ~cres, more or less. The meridian of thole survey is referenced to the centerline of e~id U.S. Highway 50. ',I.SO E~'gPTING THdREFROM all that portion thereof lying within the exterior boundaries of Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, as per map recorded in Map Book A, at Page 44, E1 Dorado County Records. FARCEL NO. 6: Lot 14 and the East half of Lots 12 and 13 of Section 3, Township 12 North, Ha:lEe 18 East, M.D.B.& M. PAH;~L NO. 7: All that portion of Lot 3 and She Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter and West h~lf of Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 15 North, ~ange 18 East, M.D.B.& M., lying South of a line described ~s follows: (Continued) · i ~ ~, ~ ; ,~xxx, e ~'~t:~ on t~'e W~st line of said Lot 3, ~3 rods (b.l.~..~ f~ei~) ~,~ox-e or le~,s ~su%h of N~rthwest corner of said Lot 31 t~e~ce runais~ ~a;~t 120 rods (1980 feet) to a granite rock on a EAst bounda~'y of ~e~t half of Northwest quarter of said Southeast quarter of Sec%ion 33, and 37 rods (610.5 feet) more or lees South of the Northeast corner of said ~est half of Northwest quarter of said Southeast quarter of ~eetion 3~. 3~<VING AND ZAoE'TING, all that portion of the 5outheast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, ~mmge 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more part- icularly described in Deed to Karl A. Hess and Marian G. Hess, recorded March 30, 1956, in Book 279 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 116, as follows: B;~GINNING at the Southeasterly corner of the herein described parcel, a 2 inch cai)pod iron pipe, identical with t hm Southwesterly corner of Lot 56, of Ra,~cho Bijou Subdivision; thence from point of beginning North 89° 26' 30" West, 52.O1 feet; the Southwesterly corners thence North 400 17' 30" EaSt, 67.16 feet, the Northeasterly corners thence South 9° 25' East 52.44 feet to the point of beginning, con- taining 0.0'51 of an acre, more or less. AISC SAVING AND ~&CZ?TING all that protion which INs within the ex%crier boundaries of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as the same in shown on the Official Ma~ of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the offiee of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, St,ts of California on July l, 1953, in Map Book B, at page 20. ALSO S~VING AND EXcePTING therefrom all thatportion which lies within the exterior boundaries of Johnson Acres Subdivision, as the same is shown on the 0fficial ~up of Johnson Acres Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the 0ounty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on August 22, 1941, in Map Book A, at Page 28. PARCEL NO. 8: All that portion of the East half of Lo% 4, of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly de~cribed as follows: B~.,GINMING at the South quarter corner of SeCtion 33 of Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., thence along the North line of said Lot 4, South 89o 26' 30" E"st 353.24 feet; thence leaving said line South 400 17' 30" West, 52.01 feet; thence North 890 26' 30" West 320.27 feet; thence South 46o 03' 40" West 358.15 feets thence North 0° 12' West 290.50 feet, a l~ inch capped iron pipe, the Northwest corner of the East half of said Lot 4; thence along the North line thereOf South 89o 3~' 30" East 259.58 feet to the point of be~ln~ng. Containing 1.292 acres, more or lees. , .,,:., ,d. lOC: All tna~ portion of Lot 4 of Sec%ion 53, Township 15 North, Rar~e 18 ~ust, M.D.B.& M., described ae B~GINNING at %he Southwest corner of the land herein described, located on the Northerly boundary of the State Highway, a galvanized pipe, 3 feet long, 5/4 inch diameter, st~mped on cap "J ~ I" and set full length in tne ground; from which ~hs Southwest corner of said Section 33 bears South 19° 49' 20" WeSt 24~7.4 f~et; a yellow pine, 15 inches diameter b~rs North 51° 02' ~cst 5.79 feet; a ~allow pins, 9 inches diameter, Dears South 81° ~5' E~st 13.26 feet, each blazed and scribed "J I BT", and ~he concrete monument on t~e South side of said Highway opposite Station 181-38.6 E.C. Road III E.D. II K bears South 50° 41' East 160.1 feet; thence North 7° 16' 50" W~st 158.~5 feet to a galvanized pipe, 1 inch in diameter, 3 feet long, st~mped on cap "J X 2" and set 2.7 feet in ~he ground at the appromlmate highwater line ~ L~ks Tahoe, Thence North 70 16' )O" Woet 50 f~et, more or less, to thelow water line of said Lake, ~hence along the low water line of said Lake, Easterly, 30 feet more or lees, to ~ne Northwest corner of the land of John Meyn; ~ence along ~he Westerly boundary of said land of Jonh heyn, South 7° 16' 30" East, 50 feet more or less, to a galvanized pipe, l~ inches die,meter, ~ feet lo~, stamped on cap "~ M 4" and set 2~ feet deep xn the ground at the approximute ~igh water line of said L~ke; from which said pipe stamped "J x 2" Dears South 71° 22' West 50.61 feets thence along the Westerly boundary of said land of said John Meyn, South 7o 16' 30" East 172.5 feet to the Southeast corner, located on the Northerly boundary of said State Highway; a galvanized pipe 3/4 inch diameter, 3 feet long, stamped on cap "J X 4" and set full length in the gz'ound from which the Southwest co£ner of said land of said Joh~u Meyn bears South 7o 16' 30" ~st 150.6 feet; thence curving to the left with radius of 1540 feet to the Southwest corner which bears North 82o 42' 30" West 31.00 feet, and is t~e point of beginning. 'A~C£L NO. 101: Lot 15 of Trout Creek Tr,.ct, as said Lot is designated and numbered on ~he Official Mmp of said Trout Creek Tract, filed in ~ne office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, S~ate of California, on September ~2, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 72. F~{d~L :~. 102: Lots 2, 7, 10, a:~ 19, Johnson Acres, as said Lots are deelgn~te~ and numbered on the Official ~p of ~,id Johnson ~tcYes, filed in the office of the County Eeoorder o~ the County of E1 Dorado, State of Cali£ornia, on August 22~ 1941, in ~p Book A, at Page 28. P~:~C~L 1~0. 103: LoSo 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12~ Block 1; Lo~s i and 3, Block 2S Lots 2, 6, 8, 9 and ll, Block %; Lots 1,2 and 17, Block 4, Lots l, 9 end ll, Block 5 of Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, as euid Lots and Blocks are designated and numbere~ on the Official ~p of Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the Cou.uty of E1 Dorado, -24- ~ ~ . d,ll£o~nia, on June 1J, 1W4O, in F~np Book A, at ~ge 44. ~C.i. NO. 104: Lot 45 of Rancho B~jou, as said Lot ie designated and numbered on ~he Official ~mo of said Rancho Bijou, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dordo, State of California, on July 1, 1955, in Map Book B, at Page 20. P,~kCEh NO. 105: Lot 27, Block 57, Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3~ as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on tee Official ;~p of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3, filed ~n the office of ~he County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, St~te of California, on July 31, 1~57, in Map Book B, at ~age 77. ~ ~CdL EO. 106~ All that portion of Lot 12, Section 4, Township 12 North, Range lB ~st, M.D.S.& M., described ss B,~[N~:ING ~ a point on the North line of said Lot 12 which point b~:a£s North 89o 12' 30" East 195 feet from the Northwest coDzler of said Section 12, said point also being Northeast corner of land distributed to Knox Van Dyke Johnson, under Paragraph 5 in the Decree of ~ruliminary Distribution entered July 18, 1958, in the M~ter of ~he Zstute of Stella Van Dyke Jihnson, deceased, Probate Cass No. 3919 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of E1 Dorado, a certified copy of which Dcerae was recorded July 18, 1958, in Book 438 of Official Records of E1 Dorado 0cunty, at Page 415; thence along the Northeasterly line of said Knox Johnson l~nd South 360 23' 30" East, 507,38 feet; thence South 55e 28' 55" West 2.40 I'eet to ~ p~,int on the Northeasterly line of Sunset Drive ~s said drive is shown on the Map of Country Cross Roads Village Sub- division on file in l,~p Book "B" at Page 64, E1 Dorado Ootuuty Rscorde$ thence along the exterior b~undaries of said Suodivision the ~llowing courses ~na distances: South 360 31' 05" East 412.32 feet$ North 49° 58' East 672 feet; North 40o 21' 20" West 412,52 feet to the North line of said Lot 12; thence Wes~crly ~long said North line 791.17 feet more or less to the point of beginning. P,d(CEL ~0. 107: Lot 11, East h~If of Lot 20 and Wes~ half of Lot 19, Section 25, Townsh~ 12 North, ~angs 18 East, M.D.B.& M. ],~:~CzL NO. 108: Lot 23, Block 4, Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. l, as said Lot and olock are designated and ~]umbered on ~he Official Map of said Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. l, filed in the office of the County Eeccrder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on May 27, 1952, in Map Book B, at Page 6. P~i(C~L NO. 109: A portion of Lot 7, Section ~, Township 12 North Range 18 East, M.D.S.& M., mora particularly des- cribed as follows: i,c~,~,~,~ ,1 o[Ln the ~o.~,the~st corne~' of ~id Lot 7, one-inch capped ~,~ ~ipe st~ml,ed "6;13/7:12 ~E3863:"; thence from said point of b,~gir~tng, Somth 57o 43' West 1134.71 feet; thence South 45° 07' 30" ~est, 381.~0 feet; thence South 460 35' 30" East 340.69 feet; thence So~th 82o 22' 30" East 1064.14 ~eet; thence continuin~ South 820 ,:2' 30" gaet 105.48 feet to the Southeast co~,ner of the parcel herein le:~cribed; thence North 0° ll' 30" West 704 feet to the point of beginning, containing 17.397 acres, more or lees. -26- C~aT1FICaT~ oF POJTING SS. I, the u~dersiga~d, do hereby certify that I am Clerk and 0~ricio Secretary of SOUTR TAtiOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, Cottnty of E1 Dorado, State of California, On ~he 4 day of Daoember, 1958, I !)o~ted the ordinance to which this certificate ia attached, by posting in full, true and correct copy thereof in each of the followi~ three public places within the district boundaries, to witl 0Bcopy to Staleline, California, Post Office. One copy at Bijou, California, Post Office. One copy at Bijou, California, 2irehouse. IN WITNESS ~H~iiEOP, I have hereunto subscribed ~y name and affixed the seal of S0tJTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT this 4 day of December, 1958. (Signed) Earle 2. Pankoet EAPJ~E 2. PANKOST, Cleak and Ex - Officio Secretary, South Tahoe Public Utility District. ! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 l'i,t, t,,,llll~L; t, lao~ withll~ said election precinct ia hereby J~sl~aatoa a~ tat Aa~IGAN L~GION ~LL, 'located approximately one-2alf ~[le ~.t of the A1 Tahoe Postoffioe on the south side of U. S. highway ~o. 50. The Board of O~rectors of SOU~ T~OE PUBLIC UTILI~ DISTHICT s~ll meet on ~onday, t~e 22nd day of December, 1958, at the usual ~eeting place, at 2~00 o~clocX P. ~. and publicly canvass the I~ WI~SS W~AEHEOF, we have hereunt~ set cur hands this 13th ~ay of November, 1958. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2'7 $0 31 Members of 'the Board of Directors of ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District, ATI~f.T~ Clc'rk and kX-0fficl0"Secretary of South Tahoe Public UtilXty Dlatr~ct. /~.,