HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 38 - Retired 3 4 § 6 9 iO ].3 18 19 20 2]. 30 I , .,.JTLO by thc [~oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Ii ii,iii ty ~Ji~trlct, :~1 13orado County, California, as follows [. it, i~ aereby determined that ~lnds are needed to pay th~ ~.~,~ul p~'kn,~Lpal of and interest on tho bonded indebtedness of the ~h;~,i,[, t ~,~,l to ca~u,y out tk~ obj~,~cts ~d purposes of the District uha][1 ~ a~d al', il~.,l'uby lcvlod a. ti'il,; amount of monc~ n~.cossapy to bo raised by relation 1'o[~ pa~n~ht of said prlIlcipa] and in,croat of bonded lndcbtc~css for the fiscal y~al~ 19~8-59 ~s ¥].3,031~.00, arid the rate of taxa- tion for said purpose is [lercby fixed at ~.~0 per ~100 of assessable prop(~rty In ti~ uistrict; 3. Thc ~nount of money nucem]ary to be raised by taxation for p:~unt of said operatini~ enponses rot the rlscal ycap 1955-~9 is ~J]5,Yjd.oo, and the rate of taxation fo~ said purpose Is horoOy l'i,~ed at q;.4.~ pc~. ~;1OO of assessable property in the District; l~. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted within twenty- ohe days aftc~, thc date of its adoption; ~. Cci'tilled copies of this Ordinance shall co forwarded to the County /,u~tor told to the County Treasu~e~ of Sl Dorado County upon its adoption. ~doptcd: Au~,:ust g~ 19~, bi tko following vote: Ay'us: Diu~ctors Goerlngcr, ~ and Pankost. i~ocs: l)ir~c tots: None. Absent: uiuectors: ~c::c. <;.~. b,~ k South Tahoe ~bllo Utility Dist~,I%t. l 4 5 7 $ 9 ~0 ~2 14 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~8 2O 21 22 2~ 24 25 27 2~ 2~ 5O ~2 l~'~ Z~uth ?aitoe f~bltc Utility District. ORDINANCE ',OUNTt 01,' l~L l>oli,\bo ) i, tho un,.ier:~;;ncd, do ll~,cby coz'tli'y that the abovo is a ;~.uo and co:u, ect copy of ordinance No. ~O, South Tahoe Public 0t/].Ity District, entib]od "An O~'dl~ancc Fixing the Amount of ~ion<~y ~h~ccs~ary to o~ H~iaod by Taxation - 1958-~9", ~d that :~aid Ordinance was dul~ adopted by ~he Board of Directors of ~,~h Tahoe Puolic Utility Oisgrlct on August 21, 19~6, thc ori~,]lnal oP w~lch is on file in the office of South Tahoe Public (~ bility bls ~ric t. IN WiT~S WH:~i~OF, I have sot my hand and Seal of South ~hoe Public Utility District this 21sb day of August, 19~8. . L~cM~ a~-OTTi~e~;~y, South Tahoe Public Utility Dlst~ict. 1 4 § 0 8 11 18 17 18 ~0 pOSTING k SS. 1, ti,~, und~rn] >~cd, do hereby certify t[~at I ~ tko Clerk a~d ~:~-Ol'~'icJo 5~crotary of thc SOU'~i T~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DiSTi~ICT, Ccunt~ of ~[ Dorado, State of Califo~ia. On the _~. da) of August, 19~5, I posted the ordinance to which this certificate Is attached, by posting a full, true and correC c~py th,~'~of in c~ch of thc following three public places within l,i~u: dlstrlct bu~a~la~'[~:~, to wit: One: co~y ~t Statelinc Postoffice; On~ copy ~t t'ijo~ postofflco; One cop~ at ;sljs:u Fire House. ][ii \d£'£'[~;SS WiLEi(~OF, I ~ave hereunto subscribed my n~o an< .~.t tn~; sca] of thc sOUTH 'i'AHOI~ PUBLIC UTiLI'i~f DISTHICT this ~ay of Auy, ust, 19[{5. fx-0rficio ~cretarl. 23 25 28 27 28 29 $0 $1