HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 371 4 5 6 AIl (.~U ~ N m~CE DECLA[{INC ~NTENTION OF I~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ANNEX ADDITIONAL TERJ(ITO[{Y '[10 THE DISTRICT 7 8 9 11 ~2 15 14 15 17 18 19 20 2l 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 ~0 ~j'~ ~iLI'rY DISTRICT, f Llo~ s'- IT E.~CTED BY TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC COUNTY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF CALIFOMIIA, as ~oard. California ARTICLE I Gencr~]~ Provisions b~c. 1.Oi. D~finitions. U~lloss the context specifically ndicates other~ise, th~ meaning of the terms used in this ~rdinance stall be as follows: (A) Di:~trict is the South T~%oe Public Utility Distric Board is the Board of Directors of said District. Cler.____~k is the Clork and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Co~tl is the County of E1 Dorado, State of Sec. 1.02. purpo~.~. The purpose of this Ordinance is to .cclare the intention of the District to annex certain territory, ~inafter described, to the District, and ~o provide for notice of the time a~d place of a public hearing upon said proposed ~xation. Sec. 1.03. :~bor_~tTitl____q. This Ordinance shall be knovm as .he ,'South T~oe Public utility District 1958-1 Annexation ~rdinance." AI~TICLE I1 Findin~ Sec. 2.01. p__r_esentatiO~n of ~etition. The Board finds that petition signed by not less th~ fifteen per c~nt (15%) of the ualificd electors (as said term is defined in Section 1~505 of thc ublic utilities Code of the State of california) residing in tho 1 2 3 4 § 7 8 9 10 12 ~3 ~5 16 17 ~8 .[9 20 21 24 25 2~ 27 28 29 30 terr~ .', ,~ ,~ , ,,~ ~-~'u.i~after described, and requesting that proc~,dJ~: ~, L,~ u',k. ~ i'~,r blue ~nnexa~ion of said territory, has been fil~ ,,izn ~n~ ~lu~k, as aZ~ested by ~he signa~e of the Clerk S~c. 2.Oz. l~cnefit to ~istrict ~d ~ ~erritory. The Board finds ~ha~ the ~nexation of said territory as proposed will facilitate ~he acquisition ~d construction of sewage works of the District, will be for the adv~tage of the District, ~d that said Zerritory will be benefited by annexation to the District. ~cc. ~.O3. '['~rm:~ ~d Conditions of Annexation. The Board finds ~hat ~he tcr~*itory to be ~nexed should ass~e, as a condition of annexations, a pro-rata ~are of ~he existing indebted. ness of the District, in the proportion that the assessed valuatio of ~he propor~y subjec~ to taxation by the District in the said U~rri~ory d~inC each fiscal year beginning with ~he fiscal year 1756-1959 be~s to thc assessed valuation of all property in the District (including the assessed valuation of said property in said ~crri~ory) subject ~o t~ation by the District. Sec. 2.04. Territory ~roposed to be ~nexed. The Board finds tha~ ~he ~erritory proposed to be ~nexed is that certain rual property situate in the Co~zy of E1 Dorado, SZate of Calif- ernia, d~crib~d a~: BEGIN~I~G aC tho point oi' iatersection of the South Shore of Lake T~]oe and the bo~da~y lin~ b~tween States of Nevada and California~ as said lines exist in 195S, thence along said state bo~dary South ~8o 21, Eas~ 3024.40 foet~ moru or less~ to an ~gle point on th~ East sid~ of Stat~lin~ Avenue, as sho~ on tho Map of Lakeside Pa~k, filed ~Iay 8, 1912 in E1 Dorado Co~ty, California, R~cords, Book A, page A of thence continuing Southeasterly along said stat~ boundary line 635 feet, more or less, to the most Easterly cornur of land d~scrib~d in deed to Clyde Beech,r, et ~, ~ecorded November 17, 1950 Recorder,s Serial No. 4851; thenc~ Southwesterly along ~h~ Southeasterly lin8 of said Be~cher l~d ~) feet, mor~ or less, to the Northeasterly lin~ of l~d described in Parcel No. 2 in deed to Donald O. Nosker, et al, rocorded March 29, 195& in Book 3~0 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, California, at page 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~0 ~2 .......... .,a.,L,:rly along the Northeasterly line of ~[d i~,~skcr Parcel No. 2 to the Northeasterly corner of s~id Parcel No. 2; thence continuing along the ex~rior boundaries of Parcels No. 1 and 2 of said Nestler land the following thre~ courses and distances: South 1° 15' East 46.95 feet, North 8~o 3?' West ~1.07 feet, and North 80° 26' West ~51.6~ feet to a line drawn parallel to the Southeasterly line of U. Highway No. 50 as said Southerly line exists in 958 and distant Southeasterly 297 feet measured at right angles from the Southeasterly line of said U. S. High,ay No. )0; thence Southwesterly along said parallel line 1800 feet, more or less, to the North- ~asterly line of Pinewood Park, as per map filed July [9, 1926 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, i~ook A, Page 9 of Maps; thence Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of Block ~ in said Pinewood Park Subdivision; thence Southwesterly ?20 feet, more or l~ss, to the most Southerly corner of said Pinewood Park Subdivision; thence Southwesterly 17&.89 feet, more or less, along the Easterly boundary of Pinewood Terr;lcu, as p~r m:lp filed March ii, 1943, in E1 Dorado ~O ~hu lllOOt Southerly corner of LOt ) Of Block O and ~he northeasterly side of Chinokis Road, as both are shown in said Pinewood Terrace Subdivision; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly side of Chinokis Road as shown on map of Block "A" of Tahoe Terrace, filed July 29, 1929 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, page 12 of Maps, to a point 25 feet Northerly measured at right angles from the intersec- tion of Alder Road and said Chinokls Road; thence continuing along the Northerly line of the extention of Chinokis Road, and the Easterly line of Glen ~oad, to an angle point on the Easterly line of Lot 3~ of the Lakeview Lodge Subdivision, as per map filed October 8, 1956, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, page 67 of Maps; thence South to the inter- section of a line which bears South 89° &O, East from the center of Section )&, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M.; thence Easterly along said line to the East boundary of said Section 3~; thence South 890 50' 20" East 1308.41 feet to a point; thence South to the North line of Lo~ 22 of Section 1, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M.; thence East to ~he Northeast corner of Lot 22 of sa~id Section 1; ~hence South to the South boundary of Lot 25 of said Section 1; thence West along the South line of said lot 25 and Lot 24 of said Section to the Southwest corner of said Lo% 2&; thence ~outh along the Easterly line of Lot 3 of Section 1, iownship 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence West to the Northeast corner of the West half of Lot 13, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M.; thence South 2635.&1 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the West half of Lot 12, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M.: thence North 890 43' &5" West 813.56 feet, North 86 29' East 748.57 feet, North 0° 55' 20', East 587.66 feet, South 86° 06' 30" West feet, North 18° 1)' 30" West 91.36 feet, North 77° 30" West 219.82 feet, North )&o 30' )O" West 338.45 2 3 ¢ 5 8 Ao 11 t§ 18 2o 21 24 25 2e 2? 28 $o : ., , .,~.h ~;," :_;, 15" ,~est 425.18 feet, North o.:~ l.,' ~, 24;;.60 feet, North 35° $1t 30" West 394.)0 feet, i~orch 57° 13' West 266.28 feet, North 48o 27' West 263.35 feet, North 12o 24' 30" West 254.56 feet~ North 31o 34' 15" West 617.18 feet; thence .~orth OO 41' 15" East to a point on the South boun of Lot 4 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range ~ dary East, ~l. D. B. & M.; thence West along the South boundary of said Lot 4 to the Southeast corner of Lot i of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, ~. D. B. & M.; thence West along the South boundary of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of said Section 3 to the intersec- tion of a line drawn parallel to and 350 feet at right angles from the Easterly side of U. S. Highway No. 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence South- westerly on a curve to the right, which is parallel :~nd 350 feet Easterly from the Easterly side of s~id U. S. Hig~way No. 50, to the intersection of one ~ortheasterly boundary of the Johnson Acres No. 2, as per map filed J~e 12, 1946 in the E1 Dor~do County, C~lifor~i~, Records, Book A, page 44 of Maps; thence Southeasterly along the ~ortheaeterly line of ~aid Johnson Acres No. 2 to the Southeast comer of ~ot 15, lock 5, of said subdivision, th n 89° ' E , e ce North $4 asr 165.75 feet, more or less, to the North- east corner of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3, as per map filed July 5, 1946 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, page $5 of maps; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3 South OO 25' East 1317.97 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 32, Block 57, of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3; thence North 89° 1~' East 320 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 38, Block of said T~hoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3; thenceS~utherly to ~he Southeast corner of Lot 49, Block 57, of said last mentioned subdivision; thence Southwesterly to the most Southerly corner of Lot $9, Block 57 of said last mentioned subdivision; thence Southwesterly to ~he most Easterly corner of Lot l, Block 56, of said Tahoe Sierra Su~division No. 3; thence South 49° 38' West 2545.59 feet, more or less, to the most Southerly corner of T~oe Sierra Subdivision No. 5, as per map filed June 12, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, ~ecords, Book B, Page 8 of Maps; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly boundary thereof and along the Southwesterly boundary of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 4, as per map filed ~arch 26, 1951 in E1 Dorado County, Califon~ia, Records, Book A, page lO1 of Maps, and of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. l, as per map filed October 3, 1945 in E1 Dorado County, California, records, Book A, page 33 of Maps, to a point on a line which is 350 feet Southeasterly from and at right angles to and parallel with the Southeasterly side of U. S. Highway No. 50, as said Highway exists in 1958; thence Southwesterly along a line which is 350 feet from and parallel with said U. S. Highway No. 50 to the Easterly boundary of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2, as per map filed February 28, 1946 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, page 39 of Maps; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 89° 43' West 190 feet, more or 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 lO 11 1§ 16 17 18 19 2O 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 ~o 32 Lux.. ~ ,I,~ Earful'iv ooundary of the Tamarack Sub- ion No~ 1, as per map filed September divi~,~o~ Add%b ...... ,v C~lifornia, Records~ 17. 1946 in E1 Dor~a~ ~.~..~ ~lon~ the Easterzy boundary oz sa~9 ±= --^ n~ ~ss to the corner thereoz; ~n~-V~.~ ~,~ RQO 59' West said last named subdlvlszOn ~u~. ...... to the Southwest corner thereof; feet, more or les~, ..... +~=~lv corner of the W. D. thenCO South to t~e mos~ ~¥~.. ~1 1946 in E1 s er ma ii~e~ ~m; · , f Barton Tract, a~ ~.. ~- Records Book A, page 48 o MapS; ~ ~ - ~ ~. +~ o6o 20' E~t 2115.~ W. D. Bar~on Tract ._u~- 64.92 feet, South 41° 20' East South 44° 29' East ~6o 30' 30" Bast ~72.27 feet, South 294.94 feet, South 14° 32' Ea~m 56.~2 feet, South 23° 29' 30" We, 37~.56 fee~ to th ~st outherly corner of Block 2 or same W. D. Barton Tract; thence North 66° 30' 30" West 440.99 feet, and North 63° 14' 30" East 63.79 fee~ to the intersection of the Southerly side of the o O. as shown on said W. D. Barton S. Hi way N · 5 . uth side of U. . ~gh e Southwesterly along ~e So~ Tract, thenc_. ~n *~ ~ta intersec~zon wAu- VU-,,~ ~ Old Highwa~No%~ ~ -~hwav No. 50, as same n+gn-=~ 200 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 20 of Block i of said W. D. Barton Tract; thence South- erly along the Westerly side of U. S. Highway No. 50 to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 4, of the aforementioned W. D. Barton Tract; thence North 89° 55' West ~18.59 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence ~ortherly along the Northwesterly line of Block ~,of said W. D. Barton Tract to the Southeast corner'°f Lot 67 of said tract; thence North 72° 20' West 2&9 feet and North 17° 40' East 259.33 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 67; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest corner of the W. D. Barton Tract No. 2, as per map filed October 21, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, page l0 of MapS; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly boundary of said W. D. Barton Tract No. 2 to'the intersection of the Southeasterly boundary of the Armstrong Subdivision No. 7, as per map filed June 29, 1954 in the E1 Dorado County, ds Book B, page 39 of Maps; thence California, Recor~, ~ ~n,,therlv corner of said~ Southwesterly.~o.%~}s m°~,~-Nort~ 26° 20' West 290 Armstrong SUDGlVlslOn; or ess, to the most Westerly corner of said feet, more ..... ~-~ion~ thence North 63° $O,.Ea~t .... er Armstrong ou~-~ ~ ~ t~o most Nortnerzy ~" 869.00 feet, more or ±ess, u ..... Northerly to the aid Armstrong Subdivision; thence ~u~hwest corner of land described in deed to Charles , d Wife, recorded May 28, 19~7 under j. Fisher an , _ ~ ~.. thence North along the Recorder'S Serial No. zz~f, 1 boundary of said Fisher land to the inter- Wester Y ..... ~- ~ ns on of the Southerly section of the ~assermy ~..e i Addition No boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision ' as per map filed January 13, 1947 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, page 59 of ~apS; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest corner of Block 4 of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 1, 2 $ 4 5 e 7 ~o 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 25 2~ ~o ~ · . .... i ~ ~d ~.,~y ~:?, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, C~£~ia, ~eco~'ds, Book B, page 7 of Maps; thence No~'thwosterly along ~he Southwesterly line of said Block ~ the most Easterly corner of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 2, as per map filed December 24, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, page 13 of Maps; thence South 34° 32' West to the most Northerly corner of Lot 56 of the Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 3, as per map filed June 16, 1954 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, page 37 of Ma~s; ~hence South 55° 28' East 120.OO feet, South 3& 32 West 200.00 feet, South 55° 28' East 4OO.8~ feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 65 of said Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 3; thence South 89° 40' West to the Southwest core,er of the Gar~er Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 5, as per map filed June 13, 1956 in E1 Dorado County, Califor~ia, Records, Book B, at,age 63 of ~aps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of said subdivision to the Northwest corner of Lot 29 of the Lukins Tract Addition No. l, as per map filed July 3, 1947 in E1 Dorado County, California, ~ecords, Book A, page 66 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of Lots 6 and 5, Section 5, Towuship 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., to the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary of said Lot 5 ~o the Southwest corner of lot 3, Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. ~ M.; thence along the Westerly boundary of said Lot 3 Northerly to the intersection with the South shore of Lake Tahoe, as it exists in 1958; thence Easterly along said South shore to ohe Northwest corner of Lot C of Block 1 of the A1 Tahoe Subdivision, as shown on the amended Map of A1 Tahoe, filed November 21, 1917 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 3-A of Maps; thence continuing Easterly along said South shore to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 of Block 8 of said amended subdivision; thence continuing Easterly and Northerly along said South shore to the boundary line between the States of Nevada and California, the point of beginning. The present and existing boundaries of said South Tahoe Public Utility District as recorded in the E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book 283, page 313; Book 319, page 85; Book 376, page 56, Book 396, page 585, and Book 402, page 353, are included in the boundaries of the above description but are not a part of the area requesting annexation. In the foregoing description the reference to Lots 3, 22 a~d 25, Section l, T12N, R18E, M. D. B. & M; Lots 4, 12 and 13, Section 2, T12N, R18 E, M. D. B. & M; Lots 1 and 2~ Section 3, T12N, R18E, M. D. B. & M. ~d Lots 3, 6 and 5, Section 5, T12N, R18E, M. D. B. & M, are as shown on the Government Land Survey Maps as filed in the office of the Bureau of L~d Managm~ent, Washington D. C. The original map being filed on November 9, 1866 by L. Upson and the supplemental map which shows the actual lotting of the Sections filed by J. Stratton on July 8, 1875. ARTICLE III 10 1.1 ~.§ 18 ~0 ~8 ~0 ::,:¢. J.:l. '~.i,.,% ~Ad Place. A public hearing upon the o~ the ~J ~day of .. ~ ~ , 1958, at the ho~ of ~ec. 3.02. No,ice of aearin~. The Clerk is directed ~o prepare a notice of the ~ime ~d place of hearing ~d notifying all per~ons interested in or who may be ~fected by ~he proposed annexation of ~crri~ory within the district to appe~ a~ the mee~g and show cause in writing, if ~y they have, why ~erri~ory or any of i~ should not be annexed as proposed in ~he Sec. ~.03. Publication and Pos~inE. The Clerk is directed bo publish this ordinance and said no~ice one ~ime only in the Lake T~oe News, a newspaper of general circulation prin~ed ~d published wighin ~he County, ~here being no newspaper of general circulation printed ~d published within the District. The Clerk is further directed to post a copy of this Ordin~ce and of said notice in at least ~hree public places in the ~erri~ory proposed to be annexed, a~ leas~ ~hirty (~O) days before the da~e se~ for ~aid hearing. This Ordinance shall also be posted in ~hree public :Places within the District a~ leas~ one week before the expiration of thirty (~0) days afger ~he dage of passage of ~his Ordinance, ~here being no newopaper of general circulation pringed and pub- lished in the Di~ric~. The Clerk is further directed ~o file a opy of this Ordinance, duly certified by him, ~d a copy of said ~obice, duly certified by him, with ~he Secretary of the District. Adopted ~.~. ~ ~ .~. ~ .... , 1958, by the following rose: Ayes: Directors .'/ ~: Direc%ors 3 4 5 ? 9 10 ~2 ~3 ~4 k5 ~6 ~7 20 22 23 25 27 30 o~'~sident of the Boara of Director4' ~ South Tahoe Public Utility Disiri~ of th~ South Tahoe Public Utility District. ~0 1¢ 1§ 17 18 ~0 ~0 ~d 2*-Of~'lcko Decrotaw~ of Soubt~ Tahoe Public Utility District, Jom~ty of ~l 3oi'~Jo, State of Califo~,nia. On the ]~ day of July, 19~)g, I posted tl~e O~'dlnanco to ~[~ich this Certificate ~ttache~, Dy postin~ a full, truo and co~oct copy tl~ereof In of th~ fol .owin;~ bi,cue i,ublic places within the District Ooundar- to wit: O*~c copy at btatcline Posit Office; One copy at Bijou Post Office; and 0~,¢ copy at ~],ijou 1,'i~e On the ___~_day of July, 1955, I posted the Ordinance to ~.lcl~ b~z.tz: Coetificabo la attacl~cd, by posting a full, true and correct copy th.~m~of in t~ach of tile fol]owinZ t~roe public places ~iti~ln t~c torz. ito~,y thopoln descpl0cd as the territory proposed to be anhcxed: One copy at A1 Tahoe Post Office; Uno copy at '1'al~oe Valley Post Office; and O~e copy at Tahoe Valley Fire House. I2'~ UiT~ES3 Wll~i~O~,', I [~ave t~erounto subscribed my n~e and ~ffixed tl~e seal of Boutl~ Tal~oe ~bllc Utility District tI~is l~ay of Ju]y, 1955. --~~~Cle fk and Ex-Officio Secrotary of South Tm~oe ~blic UtZlity District. · petition, sl~ned by not less than lift.eh per c.~t ~ ,f the qaalified .lectors (as aa~d t.~ ~a dl~aed ~ ~.ct~o~ e 15~0~ of the P~bllc Utt~tlea Code of the State of CIllf~la~, ? res~tng ~ t~e territory t~ereia ~eacrl~e~, aa~ r~meat~ t~at proceedings ~e t~ for the ~exatioa ef e~e te~i~e~ t~erela ~escrl~, having ~eea flle~ ~ t~e ~ecre~ar2 cf t~e ~ T~og P~LIC ~ILIT~ DI~I~ em A he~tag a~n a~d petition ~11 be held by ~e Be~ of the ~ T~Og P~C ~I~T~ DISTRI~ om ~e day of.~. ~ 1 ' ~~~8','t ~°'clock ~. X , Ail Perloao ~tereot~ iA, or ~o ~7 be ~fe~ by' ~e . to a~ at said moet~g ud ~ eause in ~lting, If ~7 ~he7 have, ~y the t~ritory or ~7 ~rt of it ~o~ld aot be aa Pro~sed ~ the Petition. Refer~ce ~8 hereby ~de to ~ ?~Og P~C O~IN~GE i0.~, ~he ~ ~Og P~LIC DI3T~ 19~8-1 ~l~iOI O~ZI~ ~er ~her laclading a deacri~ioa of the ~ te ~e ~. 12 X4 ].8 2O 2X 25 2. 27 28 SX C~TI FICATE OF ( as. COI~NT~ 0~' EL DOi(ADO ) 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify t~at I ~ ~xe Clerk a~d ~-O~'fic~o ~ecretary of ~outh Tahoe ~hlic Utility Cu~n~ of ~ ~rado, ~tate of California. On tae ~ ,'day of ~9~;, i posted t~e Mot~ce of ~blic Hearing regarding the tio~, of territory to ~ou~ Tahoe ~blic Utility District te which t~is Cert~ficate la attached, b2 poati~ a ~11, true, ~d ce~rect copy taereof l~ each of the follewimg three public places ~ District boundaries, to w~t~ One copy at Statel~ne Peat Office; One copy at Bijou ~at Office; ~d One copy at Bijou ~re On t~e ____day of J~ly, 1958, I posted ~e Notice of ~blic Hearing regarding ~e ~exation of terr.~ to ~outh Taaoe ~blic Utility District to which this Certificate ~a attached, by posting a ~11, t~e ~d correct cop2 ~ereof Xa each of t~e following t~ree public places within the ter~itor2 to ~e ~ne~ed, ~ One cop2 at A1 T~oe ~at Office; ~e copy at ~ce Valle2 ~at Of~ce; ~d One cop2 a~ Tahoe Valley ~ire ~e~e. IM ~$ ~$~, I hawe here~te subscribed ~ a~e Affidavit of Pubhcat on PASTE COPY HERE Lake Tahoe News STATE OF CALIFORNIA / County of El Dorado~ ss. C. F. BRANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times herein 'mentioned was a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 years and that he is not a party roi nor interested in the above entided matter; that he is the printer o{ LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of El Dorado, in proceedings No. 830~ by decree flied July 26, 1956, to be a newspaper of general circulation in the Judicial Township of Lake Valley and in the County of El Dorado and in the State of Calif°mia. That the notice annexed hereto waz printed and pub- lished in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil, preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller than nonpareil, describing or expressing in general terms the purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and said notice has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Subscribed and Sworn to before · me this .:..: ....................... day o . Notary Public in and tot the County o! El Dorado, State of Celltornia