HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 35 - Superseded 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 5O 51 i~O'J[Dii~G FOl~ ~qEItGENCY REPAIRS OF AND FOR ~i~N'~'-'O'~-T~-~ COSTS ' ?i~i~. - ~ 7i?- I ~__~Y--f~ I~ u-7~i:T'¥ OWNER i3i.;: i(~ li~LiCi~,b I~Y '['lie DuAilD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE :Ii.. q u?l~ l'i'Y D[.~'~dC'i', CO{Jf~TY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF CALIFO~(~IA: A~Ti CLE I [;cil~'ji [ Provisions ~.. 1.~[ D~fiuitions. Unless ~he con~ex~ indica~es ~t~hcr~[~ ~u~ ,~,~.~i~l or ~h~ ~erm5 in ~his ordinance shall bc ,'l: :,,_,l, l'~rSh in Al~bic]c ]~ Ordinance 2~ of this District, th~ ,~,a~,h T~,~,~: iub]i~: Utility Di~brict Sewer Regulation Ordinance. ~;~, . ].~s~ ?~lSh~. The purpose of this ordinance is to ]~' ~ Ldo: ]',,¢' ,,,,~'¢?,u3 ~'~:}>~kix's of side sewers by the District and l'~.,~' r :[mu~['~',~,~cuL [,~ th~: bi:3trict by the property o~er for th~ f;~::, l.d~ ,Juo~.b TiL].e. This ordinance shall be kno~ :.~J t~ lJouth T,.~ho~ PubLic UtiLity District Emergency Repairs ~cc. [.0~ i'o~iLi~ an Effective Da~e. Upon adoption, [,hit; ol'din,'~lcd :~liall bu t~,>~l;ud in thre~ (3} public places in th~= biatl.icb a% l¢~sb scv¢n (7) days prio~ %o %he expiration of thirty (30) d~ys from the dab,~ of i~s passage, %here buing no nd%;::paper of ge~ur;,k cii'cu]~lbion prin~od ~d published in 5he Di:;Uricl;, ~nd shall 1,~llzu ufl'ucl; upon %ho expira~ion of %hiFsy (~0) da>~; from ~h,~ d'~cu of its adoption. A~:'i'l CI.h; ii ~,~7'~:t,i v c l'rovi::i on3 :;cc. 2.01 14~in~un:~ce or Side S~wers. Side so~er~ shall .~,:c. 2.~.~2 ~:~,~a'~[,J~c~' ~=pairs by District. Whenever, in [u: jud~;,~nb of ~h~: Di:~tric% Inspector~ i~diate repairs to a : ldo :,*.:r a~-: ~ccu::::ary in order to pres~rv~ public health or to [ 1 3 ? 13 14 L? ~0 3O u~, {,i!,; public ~uwer, the District n,~ti(:~ L~ Lbo pFop~y O~er~ cause s~ch ar~. necessary, but are not within th~ h~reoi', Lh~ District Inspector shall give l,l'~i,Cl'l:,3 ~,',n~cr tO make s~ch repairs by I,, r:;on occupying the premises or by [,h; IJnil,,:d SLatu Nail, pos~agu pr~palO, ,(::,, h,:;mzixt, role. No%ice shall bu deemed to hav~ [*:r;,~ma[ delivery or two days following such ~:; /mil.. If work upon such repairs is I~:) duy:; of tho giving of such notice [,u completion, the District Inspector to bu made or comple%ed and may contract for Cbc making of such repairs. ih;imbur.,,~,~,:nu of District. The property o~er ,h~ll r,:imbursc the District for ~,r conCracted for by the District ~r'dia,mc,~. :;uch charges shall be billed to the ~,,, dc~micd delinquent thirty (30} day:~ i~[,crcsC from the date or delinquency aL ,2L~'23..~:.~!t2~j!~_. t;xc:cpg as inconsistent :_~ imp~;:;ud may be on~orc~d in any of tho ~irt, ictc IV or Ordin~ce n~ber 34 of this Public Utility District Sewer Charges crabi.l J by 8 9 10 15 14 ~5 16 17 18 2O 21 24 25 28 50 51 52 . .Oi ..~v~r~bilil.~y.. If a~y article, section, sub- ., .,~ i m~:,~., c[au~, or phrase of this ordinance, or the ~ ~,i~'~,~' bo any p~r'son or circ~s~ance is for any ~ . ~ ~d ~.o b.~ u~c,,a~titu~ional or invalid, such decision shall ,L ~l,'cc u~ validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance ~' ~h~ application of such provisions to o~her persons or circ~- sz race.,. The [~.,ar'd hereby declares that it would have passed this ordin:mc,~ or a~y ~rb:[c}u, :~uction, sub-section, sentence, clause, ~r ~,hr,:~u h~r,.~,F irr~;puc~ivu of thc fact that ~y one or more :~; :q],,m;, ~;ub- :~;c~,J~:~;, ~:~nt~nco;;, clauses, or phrases be declared ,'~d~,t,~d Af~rJ L 2~, 1956, by the $ollowing vote: .',y,:,~: Dir~ctor~: Oocringer, Gersick and Pankost l~o~: Direcbors: i~'one Ab~n~,: Directors: None President d~ the Board of"Di¥~ct ors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. C~K ~; d i~)t-~zllclo Secretary of ~oubh Tahve Fub[ic Utility District. 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 1o 12 15 14 15 16 17 20 24~ 25 29 51 i, bi~,~ un(n~r~;ii, ln~d, no h,~ruby c~rt, ify tha~ I ~ the Clerk ~md Ex-ufficio Lecrcu,~ry of bh~: ,:oUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIU County of E[ Dorado, /,b~b~ <,f L',:~iforaia. On the /_7 'd~y of ,~,Lach~d, by H~ia~ a ~u~, arum: ami correct copy th~ruof in each b~u co{O, ~t~ :,'fA~,,~i~Jt~ l'u./l' UTILITY DISTRICT ~his ~AI4kOoT, Cl~rk and i~x-Officio ~ecretary.