HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 34~i'--2~N'~NC-~~ L~TA~diiISHING _A SOHEDUL~ 0..~ MONT~KLy
B~ IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
l~blic Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of Californla~
Unless the Context specifically indicates otherwise, the
meaning of the terms used in tills Ordinance shall be as follows~
Sec. 1.Cl. D~strict is the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, E1 Dorado County, C~,llfornia.
Sec. 1.02. Bo~?_____~d is the Board of Directors of said District.
Cler____~k is the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of
Sec. 1.03.
the Board.
Sec. i.04.
Sec. 1.05.
~ is the County of E1 DOrado.
~ is the engineer appointed by and
acting for the Board and shall be a registered civil engineer.
~ec. 1.06. District Insoecto~r is the inspector acting for
the ho~f.d and may be a member of the Board, the ~ager~
Distrlct z~lneer or ~ Inspector appointed by the Boa~.
Sec. 1.07. Person is a~ human bei~, firm, comps,
~,~rtn~r~,ip, association, and ~rivate, public or municipal
Corporations, the United States of ~erica, ~he StaSe of Califor-
nia, districts in ali ~olitlcal subdivisions, gover~en~
agenSles and m~nda~ories thereof.
Sec. 1.08. ~erml~ is any written authorization required
pursuant ~o ~is or any other rule, regulation or ordinate of
~he Dls~rict for ~he installation of any sewage works.
Sec. 1.09. ~ildin~ is any structure used for
haol~a%lon or a place of business, recreation or other purpose
containi~ sanitary facilities.
Sec. 1.lC. Sewage Works are all facilities for the
~llectlon, pumping, treating, a~d disposing of sewage.
Sec. 1.11. Sewage is a combination of water-carried waste
from buildings and industrial eetabliahments connected to sewage
works of the District or from any private sewer.
Sec. 1.1~. Industrial Wastes are the liquid wastes from
industrial processes, as distinct from sewage.
Sec. 1.13. Sewer is a pipe or conduit which carries sewage
and/or industrial waste to which storm, surface and grou~ waters
are not intentionally admitted.
~uc. 1.14. ~b]lc ~ewer iu u sewer line within a street and
wiich i~, controlled by or under the Jurisdiction of the District.
Sec. 1.15. Garbage ie solid waste from the preparation,
cockling az~d dispensing of food and from the ~andling~ storage and
~ale of produce.
General ~rovisions
Sec. 2.01. Purpose. This Oz.dinance is intended to provide
a schedule of monthly cha~'ges for sewer services supplied by the
District and ~o provide a method for the enforcement thereof.
This Ordinance shall not apply ~.etroaStively.
Sec. 2.02. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be know as
and may be cited as the South Tahoe Public Utilities District
:~ewer Charges Ordinance.
Sec. 2.03. Postin~ and Publication. Upon adoption this
ordinance shall be posted in three places in the District and
:r~all ce published in a newspaper of general circulation,
?ri~ted and published within the County.
.;cc. 2.04. Relief on Application. When any person by
r~son of special circumst~mces is of the opinion that any pro-
vision of this Ordinance is unjust or inequitable as applied to
~ls ?remlses, he may maas written application to the Board, stat-
~ the special circumst~nce~, citing the provision complained of,
a~d requesting suspension or modification of that provision as
applied to ?lis ?emises. If such application be approved, the
~oard may, by resolution, suspend or modify the provision
complained of as applied to such premises, to be effective as of
the date of the application ~nd continuing during the period of
the special circumstances.
Sec. 2.05. Relief o~n Ow_..~n ~otion. The Board may, on its own
motion, find t~at by reason of special circumstances any
provisions of t~is Ordinance should be suspended or modified as
applied to a ~a rticular premise, and may, by resolution, order
such suspen~ion or modification for such premises during the
period of such special circumstances, or any part thereof.,
Sec. 2.06. Effective Date. The charges imposed by this
Ordinance shall become effective as of the let day of May, 1958.
Monthly CharEes
Sec. 3.01. General Rates. There is hereby established a
monthly service charge of Fifty Cents ($0.50) per unit per month,
w~th a mini~;um charge ~r connection to the sewers of th~
District of One Dollar ($1.00) per month.
SEC. 3.02. Schedule of Units. The followin~ is a schedule
of the number of units to be ~plied to the several types of
connections to the sewer system of this District:
(a) Homes, apartments and motels: Each kitchen, i unit.
Each bath, i unit. Each garbage disposal, i unit.
(b) Hestaurant: i unit per restroom. 5 units for the
first 20 seats, plus 1 additional unit for every 20 seats or
fraction thezeof over 20. For the purposes of this section where
a bar is ope~'ated in connection with a restaurant bar stools will
be counted as seats.
(c) Servi~ stations: 5 units.
(d) Trailer Parks: 2 unite per trailer space.
c~rge for central bathing or laundry facilities.
No unit
(e) Laundromats: 2 units per machine.
(f) Barber and beauty shopss 1 unit per service chair
plus one unit per restroom.
(g) Private laundry operated by a commercial establish-
ment: 4 units.
(h) Swimming poolss 2 units.
(l) Automobile service garage: 2 units plus one unit
for each restroom.
(J) Taverns without food facilitics~ 5 units, plus 1
unit for each restroom.
(~) Stores: i unit per restroom. The charge for any
o~her facilities in a store requiring sewage disposal shall be
set by the Board.
(1) Theaters: 2 units per rsstroom.
Sec. 3.03. Special Char6eM: Facilities in commercial
~s~.~lishmsnts disch~rging extraordinary amounts of waste into
t~e sewage system sh~ll be subject to such charges and to such
conaition~ as may be set by the Bc~rd.
Sec. 3.04. Drainin~ Swimrin6 Pools. No person having a
swiruning pool connected upon the premises shall discharge more
than twenty per cenm (20%), by volume, of the water capacity of
said pool into a public sewer without fire2 having obtained a
permit therefor from the District Inspector. The charge for the
discharge of more than twenty per cent (20%), by volume, of the
water capacity of a swimming pool shall be Two Dollars and Fifty
Cen%s (~2.50), to be paid in addition to the monthly charges for
swimmin~ p~ols provided by this Ordinance.
Collection and Enforcement
4.01. D~rco______~t B,i].l~nt~ ,~tatez,,ents off charges for
-', .... to bt ~mndered m~y be mailed at the beglml~ of each
bi[ll~*~ period, which ~h~tll be not to exceed qua:terly.
Sec. 4.02. ~elin~uenc[. Statements which huve not been
~:~id ~vfox'e th~ first day of the c~lenda: ~onth ~ex~ follovl~
~he ~iling of the statements of charges shall be delinquent.
Sec. 4.0~. PJnalties. If the ch~gee are not p~d on or
before the d~te that they become delinquent on the fi/ret day of
each c~lendar month the~'e~fter a penalty off ten per cent (1~) of
the ~oun~ of the delinquent charges shall ~e edded thereto ~
~all ~come t~ediate~y due ~d payable.
Sec. 4.04. Action to Co]]ect. ~ action may ~e bro~h~ by
the District against the person or ~ersons who occupied the
premises, or against the person to whom the premises are assessed
for tax purposes, when the service w~s rendered for the collect-
i~n of the am~unt of the delinquent charges and ~l penalties ~d
costs of collection, incl~dl~ reasonable attorney's fees~ to be
f~xed by the court.
Sec. 4.05. CollectinE ~elinquen~ Charges o~ Tax ~oll.
oetlnquent ch~ee may be collected on the ~ax roll on which
gen~al taxes of the District are collected in the ~er provid-
~d in Article ~, Chapter 4, Division 7 of the ~blic Utilities
Code, or as otherwise ~rovided by law.
(a) .~lli~ an~ Posti~ The person or his deputy who
bills ~ collects t~e charges shall sign a statement of the
~ount of thc ch~'ges az~ ~he penalties which ~ve acc~ed a~
w~ich shall accrue thereon to the next succeedi~ April 20, a~
shall file it with the officer whose duty it is to ~ost the tax
roll, a ~ he shall ~ost the amounts thereof in the col~ on the
~'~11 waste lm~rovcment assessments are posted and opposite ~e
pm~per ty ~ffccted.
(b) M~nne~ o~ Collection. The amount so posted shall
C,~ payab] ~, at t~ ~ same times and in the same amounts and manner
~n. be m~bjcct lo the s~me penalties and charges for dellnquenoy,
~m~ t~e oame provisions for redemption and sale for non-payment
as ~re provided for general taxes of the District.
~ec. 4.06. Disconnection of Service. Premises as to which
charges ~ecome delinquent may he disconnected.
(a) Estimate of Costs. The District Inspector shall
estimate the cost of disconnection and of reconnection.
(b) Deposit. The amount of the estimate shall be
deposite~ with the ~istrlct before the premises will be re-
connected to a public sewer.
lc) Balance. The amount of the cost of disconnection
and reconnection over the deposit shall constitute a charge and be
collected as such. The amount of the deposit not used shall be
repaid or applied as a deposit against future charges.
(d) Abatement. During the period of non-connection or
disconnection inhabitation of the premises by human beings shall
coz~stitute a nuisance. The Board shall forthwith institute and
dilige~,tly prosecute to conclusion proceedings for the abatement
of s~ch occupancy. In such ~ction a reasonable attorney's fee,
to 0e fixed ~y the court, shall become due as a penal~y for non-
: ayment.
Sec. 4.07. Nature o_~f Procedure. The procedures provided in
txl~,~ a~tLcle are not exclusive. Notwithstanding any provisions
:'.~ ~,,in, the District may utilize any procedures provided in any
i.~w ,~c w,Llch a_-e a legal incident to its powers, and any remedy in
law or equity to collect the ch~rges and penalties. It is the
intention of this Ordinance that there shall be available to the
.,ist~icc all procedures and t[mt thoy shall be diligently
~x~rcised. That all ch~rges and penalties thereon or other charges
and penalties thee. eon or other charges inciden~ thereto shall be
p~'omptly and effectively collected.
Sec. 4.08. ~ of Use___[r t_~o ~ It Shall be the duty of
each P,~rs,~n connected to ~ public sewer to report to the District
Inspector all facilities discharging waa~e into the public sewer.
As to any facilities Which are ~Aot so reported, they shall be
deemed to have been conzAected to the public SeWer from the
effective/of this Ordinance or Z'rom the date thu person
first connected to the public sewer, whichever date is the later.
Sec. 5.O1. ~ ~f any article, section, sub-
section, sentence, clause, or ~hrase of this Ordinance, or the
application t~ereof to any person or circumstance ls~for any
reason held to Oe unconstitutional or invalid, such decision
sh~ll not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Ordinance or the application of such provisions to other persons
or circumstances. The Board hereby declares that it would have
passed this Ordinance or any article, section, sub-section,
sentence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that
say one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or
phrases be declared to be unconstitutional.
Adopted ~rch 27, 1958 by the ~ollowing Votes~
Ayee~ Directors Goerlnger, Gersick, Pankoet.
Noee~ None.
Absent~ None.
~-- (S) Norman L. Goeringe~
resident o£ the Board of Dlrec~ore-
of the SOuth Tahoe Public Utilities
,J,) £ar]e F. Pankost
lerk ~nd Ex-Officio SeOretary--
of the South Tahoe Public
Utilities District.
· Tahoe News
..~O.~.:~.LC._ _a~_~__~.o~...s.~....s.~..v..~.~..s. ...........................
County of E1 Dorado~ ss.
C. F. BBANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes
and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was
a citizen of the United States over the age of 9.1 years and
that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled
matter; that he is the printer of LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated
by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for
the County of El Dorado, in proceedings No. 8805 by
decree flied July 26, 1956, to be a newspaper of general
circulation in the Judicial Township of Lake Valley and in
the County of El Dorado and in the State of California.
That the notice annexed hereto was printed and pub-
lished in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil,
preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller
than nonpareil, describing or expressing in general terms the
purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and
said notice has been published in each regular and entire
issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof
on the following dates, to-wit:
.-A]~il--1~'_~..1958 ...........................................................................
.-Apr:Ll__2&~_195fl ...........................................................................
.......... ,
Notary Public in and for
the County of El Dorado,
State of California