HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 33 - RetiredOF ~lONSY N]~JESSA~Y TO BE ~ISED BY TAXATION - 19~T-58 BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe m~bllc Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows i. It .is here~y aetermined that funds are needed to pay ~mual principal of a:~d interest on the bonded indebtedness of th~ District and to caPry out the objects and purposes of the District which c~:mo~ ~e p~,ovid~d for out of revenues; and, therefore, [,axes Sh~,li bc a~d :~rc l,ct'cby levied ti]erefor; 2. Thc u,~ount or ~.to~ey necessary to be raised by taxation fop payment of said principal and interest of bonded indebtedness ,..' the fiscal ye~r 15/bT-5~J ls $/~)2~. ~) , and the rate of taxation for said purpose Is hereby fixed at ~ ~ per $100 of ~s~3essable proper't~ ~n the District; 3. T[-~c ~,uount of money necessary to be raised by taxation t'of p:]3ment of said o[~tn';~ting expenses for the fiscal year 1957-58 la ~, , and the rate of taxation for said purpose ]s hereby fixed ab ~ per $100 or assessable property In the District; 4. Copies el' this Ordinance shall be posted within twenty- one days after the date of its adoption; 5. Certl/led copies of this Ordinance shall be forwarded bo the County Auditor and to the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County upon its adoption. ~:,x-offl~lo Uecret~ry cf ~he B~rd of D~rector~ ~bll~ Utility District, l~l Dorado ~ount~, cople~ of O~,dinance No. ~ en~itled~ there belnF, no newe~per Off ~eneral circulation thirty (~O) d~y~ follo~ln~ the adop~ln~ of th~.ee public place5 ~lthin the Diatrlct~ to 1. Bijou ~omt Office 2. ~tatellne Fo~t Office 3. Bijou Pa~k Vlre House No. U[~'~k and ex-officio Uubucribed and sworn to befor= me t~l~ ~/ d~y of Aui:-,usc, 1957. of E1 Dorado, St~[e of California.