HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 32 - Supersededre,mw :SCD:a~.~' 8-9-57 OHDINANCE NO.. ~,~ AN O]~bINANCE AI~:NDING ORDI~ANCE NO. 3 ADOPTED JANUARY 25, 1951 , ~ 0RDIMANCE FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR ~ Pd~GUIAR IJ,]ETiMGS 0F THE BOARD OF DIREOTOP~ 0F %~E SOU~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIStrICT, AN~D PROVIDING T~LE I/,AIlNER II,l WHICH SPECIAL MEETINGS OF SUCH BOARD MAY BE CALLED, DESIGNATING AN OFFICIAL MAILING ADDP~ESS, AND ESTABLISHING 5~{E ORDER OF BUSi~SS BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ?~bl[c Utility District: ~. Section 3 of Or,dlnance No. 3 is hereby amended to read S~:ction 3. Ail meetings of the Board of Director Lc held at thu office of the District unless they shall ad- ~o o~, ~'lx another place of meeting In a notice to be given Lh~..~'cOl', 0~? unl~:sS prevented by flood, fire or other disaster. office is he~'eb~ fixed and established at and In the District o~'~'lcc, 100 l'c~t no~tlx of u. S. Highway 50 on the east side of io~nt~ln View Street, Stateline, california. 2. All o~.dlnances and parts of ordinances ~nconsis~ent hcl, ewltn are hereby repealed. 3. Upon adoption this ordinance shall be posted In ~hree mblic placus in the district at least one week priom ~o the ~>[l~lr~tLlon o~' thirty days from the date of l~s passage, ~here bcln6 no m:~spapcr of general circulation printed and published ~hc [ [~ ~,lct, and shall take effect upon the expiration of thll'ty ,i,~3~', ik'om th~ date of adoption. Utility District ~i,~[f,~Cofflco Secretary of the '~k~uth ~'ahoe Fubllc Utility Dlst~lct I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public [~tlllty District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting there- ~ ~;], .y certl~'y tha~, t~e l'oregoing is a full, true and :~ ,y , l' an Ordln~,i]ce wr~lc[l ~a~ adopted at a meeting of the 3 , ~ ,~ [ ~re to~';~ o~' %[~e SOULi~ Tahoe Public Utility District duly ~:i ~ .... ~,~ ,~,~ ,, 19[~7, by the I'ollowing vote: ,~y.,~, a~,d in l'avoi-' %~,e~eof, D[i.ectors: Goeringer, Pankost ,i President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District KWHW: SSD: amf 8-9-57 60 AFFIDAVIT 0F POSTING ORDINANCE N 0. _~_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3 ',q'ATI~ OF CAL/i,'OHNIA, / ss 3ounty of E1 Dorado EARLE F. PANKOST, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he ls, and during all times herein mentioned was the duly acting and qualified Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility D:tstrlct, a~d that on the ~ day of / _, 1957, h~ cau:;,~d to be pouted Full, true and correct copies of the here- to atLached 0rdlnance No.~?,~ , An Ordinance Amending 0rdlnance l,~o. 3, adopted January 25, 1951, in three public places in said District, to-wit: 1. Bijou Post Office. 2. Bijou Fire House. 3. Stateline Post Office. That a copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2~ day of .f.~ . , ? Notary Public in and for the County of E1 Dorado, State of California.