HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 31 ;lo. 2 . . L~ei~/,:D NOVI?2'iDER 25, 1955, AN RHdNL..'[LNG TIN.] CONhSCTION 0F SEW~S IN ]~:g 5 . ,D ]i/fA~LISHING CHARGES T~R~'OR hD t, iz~ iso~u'd of Directors of the South Tahoe Nk~trict, [.l D~r';~m County, California, as follovm: 2() n~ 2(c), Ordinance No. 23 are h~roby 2(. ), All ta::cs for which said property would oth,.r'..~i.;e b,.~:n liaDle from t~e time of the formatio~ Djstri. ct to thc dato timt sanitary sewerage servic~ ~:, ;~: id prop~:z'b~~s share or tile cost of thc .;.~1. ra /: facLlitles of the District to bc Nr,q,~'rtY. S: id adm to be fixed by the District .;hull bc th~ ~quivalent of thc cost to similar ~,_.%, rti. v.: ¥~ithln d~c District ¥~hich ha~e paid for said of t,v: inat,~llation of the late~'al to ser%c ~[~: 11 bc paid by the owner thereof. ordi~ac,.o :.~d parts of ordinances inconsistent r~4~-~ l':d. dopt[o~, this ordinance shall be posted in three iii.: DLstrict at least one week prior to the ti~krty d~ys from the date of its passage, ther~ being 2d~d''l circulation printed and published in the ;;n:~ll N,k, al'foot upon the expiration of thirt~ days utility District South qk,;lo,: public utility Di. tFic L ~,~FIDAVIT OF POSTING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 23 %// [ CALIFORNIA, / ~;A~{LE F. PAt'~KO',JT, b~.i~ fl~.st ~uly sworn, deposes and ~ays: Taat he ls, a~d du~'ln~ all times herein mentioned was the h~ly cti~ and q~al[Cl~d Cle~,k of the South Tahoe Public Utility ~.,i.~t~.~ut, and theft o~ th~ .~ uay of .': / : ' , 1957, ik,v~mbcz* 2>, l~'_o, ill thl~cc public plac~:~; in said District, to-uit: 1. J~lJou Po:~t 2. B~Jou Fi~'~ [l,Ju~. copy of ~;~ld Oz'dinance is attac~led hereto, marked iid i,::dc ~ pal't horoof. Ii~--t'Wq'ffl--~,"'U--i~T-~--fW67r'tU[L6 County OF ' Dorado, State o~' Cal[fo~'nia. ,? / ,' · t' ' I $ 4 10 11 13 14 l§ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 28 28 29 50 5 COUR'/'I Gl,' i~L DOt. DO ) I, ~he undersigned, do hereby certify that I ~ the Clerk k~-Orflclo gecretary of South Tahoe Public Utility District, '~.,.~ty of E1 l~o~'ado, Stage or' CaliFornia. On ~he ~ day of September, 19~8, I pemted the O~din~ce ~hicn t~ls cortlflca~e la atgached, by posting a ~, true places within th~, district boandaz, lcs. to wit: One copy at Stateline Postof~'ico; One copy at [~lJou Po~tofflc~; and C~.u copy at ~iJou Firehouse. 1i~ ;~'IT~.2;~ F~H~.~d~.OF. i have h~,reunto subscribed my n~e ~d ~1'~'1::~;,1 th~ [;cal of :;o[~tti Tahoe Public Utility District, this ....... day o1' ~eptombcr, 19.50. Officio Secretary.