HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 29KWHW:$SD:ms 1-25-5y l~c
~ BE ANNE~D n,~ ........ RI~Ry ~OPOSED
AN~TION 195~-1
TA}iOE P~LIc UTILITY DIS~ICT, E1 Dorado County~ California, as
foil ows:
Wkfl~:HEAS, a ~etlt~on sl~ned by a ~o~lty of the qualified
c~.~ctors a~d by the ~W~:ru of a ~Jorlty of the assessed valuatlo,
[~ c~l.tal~ ~u,]ncol.i~ol.aLuG tur'rltouy contiguous to the South Tahoe
fubllc Utility District, and being in the Same COunty as 8aid
District, au~(ln~ that s~ld territory be annexed to said
and consu~uj.n.j to SUch annexation wi~ho~ a~ election ~d Without
a~y sPuclal Lea'ms ahd COnditions, was addressed to ~he Board
blrcc~o~.~ and filed with the Secretamy of ~he District on
day of I;'ebl'uary, 1957, lu accordance With the PPovision~ of the
Puotlc Utility Dlstrict Act of the S~ate of California;
~fHEHEAS, the ~aid Secretary has caused to be compared the
ulfnat~u.us on said petition With the affidavits of ~egistmatlon on
i'llc with th~ County Clerk of E1 Dorado Co~y, and has detem~ned
if the petitioners are Owners of tile territory by She ~eco~ds of
the County Assessor of the County of E1 Dorado, and ~s found and
certified to this Board that said petition has been signed by the
requll-.ed num[,~r of electoma and Owners in said territory, and has
attached his s~g~atu~,e to the said Petition and Presented said
~ctltion to this Board;
f;Ow, T~[~Ki,'ORE, IT IS Oil:DEleD, as follows:
~;uctlun 1. It ls nureby determined that the annexation
:;;~l~ bcrrlt~u.y ~lll facilitate the acquisition, construction,
~o.m =t~un ;u~d opc~)atlon of the Public u$illty and public utlllsy
,l,:t, ,~nd will Oe for the advantage of said
~, ~ ~, the texTltory pro~osed to be annexed will be
;;~c [~n ~ It ls hereby determined that no terms and
,ti, n;: i'Of sucl~ annexation are neceBsary.
Suction [{. The exterior boundaries of said te~itoFy tc
,haZed a~'~ d~scrlbcd in E~lbit "A" 2e~eto attached and
h~l,eof by reference.
Section ~. It ls hereby declared to be ~he intention of
Bo iFd to approve said annexation.
St, etlon '.~. Thursday, the l~th day of ~Fch, 1957, at
huu~' oi' 2:00 o~clock F.M., at ~he ~eE~a~ meeting place of
Dist,,let, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline,
3a[li'oFn[a, are l~eFeby fixed as the time and place foF hea~ln& on
oi, dinance, and all peFsons interested In om w~o ~y be
,~k'lh~ct~d by the pFoposed annexation of said %eFFltOFy within the
01. st,.icL a~,e ne~.cby notified to appear at such meeting and show
,:~u~, In w~,iting, 1f any they have, why said te~FltoPy o~ any
th~'.~of should not be annexed as proposed In said petition.
Section O. This o~dinance, toeetheF with a notice, In
a coi~[ of wlxlch is hereto attached and ~de a pa~t ~ePeof by
~ei'crcnce, sl~all be posted In three public places in the
~i.opo[]ed to b~ annexed at least thirty days befoPe the date
said nearing.
?~esldent, South Taho~
Utility District
Clcl'k and cx-o~'lcio Secretary
~ ~er~by certil'y that the foregoing ordinance was passed
~,y t~.~ £~o~,.d oi' Dissector,s oi~ the South Tahoe ~blic Utility
])l~c~.~ct at a spuclal mectln, thei,eo~' held on ~he ls$ day of
Fcbl~uarY, 1957, by the following robe of the members thereof:
NOES, Dlrectoz.s: None ~/~ "~
ABSENT, Directors: None
All t[mt real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado,
State of California, deacri~ed as follow{s:
Parcel 1
~ 14, IS, 15, 17 and 15, Block 9~. as
a~e shown, deaf.nat ._~ _ ~ . ~.. said lots
of Bijou ..... ~.. ~d .,,u -umoerea on the offi
Count~ ~r. ~oa~Clon, filed in the office of C~i Map
Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Califomia,
on December 31, 193~, in Book A of Maps at page 18,
Parcel 2
.~9~,-Block PS, as said lots are sho~, desi aced
numbered on the offS:iai Map of Bijou Park Add
in the office of the County aecorder of El Dorado
County, ~ and
State of California, on December 31 1935, in
Book A of Maps at Pa~e 1~. '
~and 12, Block 30, as amid lots are shown
na£ed and numbered on the official Map of Bijou ~erk
Addition, filed in the office of the County Recorder of
E1 Dorado County, State of Califo~nia, on December 31,
193~, in Book A of Haps at Page 1~.
Parcel 4
Lot-~--r~of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, aa said lot is
shown, designated a~]d numbered on the official map of
Rancho Bijou SubdiviSion, filed in the office of the
County Recorder of ~1 Dorado County, State of Calif-
ornia, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at Page
Parcel 5
~of kancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is
ShOWn, designated and humbered on ~ .
Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed ,,- 9L°{{!~lal ~. of
County Recorder o~ E! Dorado County, State of
ornia, on July ~, 1953, i~ Map Book B st Page Cali£-
~of Rancho Bijou Subdivision aa said lot is
shown, deaisnated and aumbered on t~e official map of
Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the
County Recorder of E' - ..... office of the
ornia, on July I lO~-~u~ uo_unt~, State of Calif-
- , ~, ~- ~ap ~oo~ B at Page
~portio~ of Lot 74, as shown on Chat certain map
o~ Lakeside Lodoe Subdiuiaion, E1 Doardo County, Calif-
ocnia, filed August 7, 1945, in Bo
~n the office of ta~ - ..... ok A of Maps at na~e
ualifornia .~.~ ,~_uuuu~y Kecorder of gl Do~ 5 '-
ad .... , v...~u. ~es ann i- o{- ...... ado County,
~.=c~. tine North~ester~,. ~2-~'~°~ ~ortaeaaterly of a-
· zneo= Lot /~ of said L~e~i~ ~_~zn~ p~_tge. Southeaatar1
cant thereon ~-h ~%~ ~o, - ~ u~u e =uno,vision and d
Southerly N ....... =o ~ao~, z0~ feet from the moati
corner of said Lot 75 to a point on the North-
western line of said Lot 74 of amid Lakeside Lod ~ Su~di-
vision, said point being distant thereon North ~
East 8~ fee~ from the most ~*~es~ ..... ~ 55
.... - ~orner ox amid Lot
~-~$, '.~ ~L..cho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is shown,
designated a,,d numbered on the official map of Rancho Bijou
Subdivisio~., filed in the office of the County Recorder of
E1 Dorado County, State of California, on July 1, 1953,
in Map Book B at Page 90.
Parcel 9
~-~port~on of the Southeast quarter of Section 33,
Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M, more
particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of the parcel described,
said point beiag situate on the southerly boundary of U. S.
Highway 50, from which point the East quarter corner
said Section 33 bears North 8~~ 30' 33" East Z,645.68°~eet;
thence leaving said point of beginning and running along
the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50; South 69" 1R'
~est 100 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein
described; thence South 20" 48' East 9?5 feet to the
Southwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence
North 69" 1~' East 100 feet to the Southeast corner of
the parcel herein described; thence North 90" 48' West
275 feet to the point of beginning.
Parcel 10
All that portion of the South half of Section 33, Town-
ship 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., more par-
ticularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the parcel herein
described, from which point the Northeast corner of
Lot 10, of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office
of the County [lecorder of E1 Dorado County~ State of
California, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B a ge RO
bears North 69" 15' 30" ~ ~7^ ~ ..... t pa
-~u, uo a point on the southerly boundary of U. ~7'~
Highway No. 50, thence along the s~uth~rly boundary of
U. S. Highway No. 50~ South 69' 16 30 ~est 100.0 feet,
to the Northwestcorner of the parcel herein described,
thence leaving the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway
No. 50, South 90° 43' 30" East 975.0 feet to a point on the
northerly boundary of Fawn ~Tay as said Uay is delineated
on the said Ra,icho Bijou Subdivision, thence along the
northerly boundary of said Fawn Way North 69" 15' 30"
East 100.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Parcel 11
~il that portion of the East half of lot two of Section
33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M.
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING in the ~'Iortherly line of the tract of land
described in the deed dated August 18, 194~, recorded
September ~8, 194P, in Book 196 of Official Records,
page 41, executed by 3ohn E. Keller, et al, to H. J.
Harlow and Hattie E. Harlow, his wife, at a point in
said line located North 89° 57' west 519.5 f~et from
the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the South-
eas~ quarter of said Section 33; thence from said point
of beginning al:d following said
57' ~']est 150 0 - _ Northerly line North
· 0 feet to the Northwest corner of the tract
of land described in the deed above mentioned and being
the Southwest corner of the tract herein described and
being a point in the East line of Ham's Bijou Subdivi-
sion; thence following the East line of said subdivision
KWHW:SSD:ms 1-25-57 Uc
EaI,,L; 1% i'ANKOST, being first duly sworn, deposes and says
Tn~t ne is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the
h~oaI'd of Dlrccto~.8 o~~ Che South Tahoe Public Utility District;
that ol1 tile ~.day of ~' "~ 't* ''~ '"'/ , 195~, he caused to
b~ posted copl~ of Ordlaaace No. '< / _, an Ordinance Describing
Territory Iq'spoiled to be' Anaexcd, Determl~ing that NO Terms and
Conditions arc Necessary, and D~claring Intention to Approve Such
Annczablon, Alinexablon 1957-1, and the l~e~eunto attached Notice
of Time and PI. ace of Hearing on Ordinance Deso~lbln~ Territory
Proposed to bc Annexed, Debermlnlng that No Te~ms and Conditions
ar~ Necessary and D~clurlng Intention to Approve such Annexation,
An~]exatton 1057-1, In three public places in the District, to-wit:
~.__Z:~ ,~ I .
ti,iS ~day ' ' ' ~ .... .~7~_ ,1957
Notary Public in and for ~he County
of E1 Dorado, State of C~llfornla
KWHW:SSD:ms 1-~5-57 Oc
County of E1 Dorado
EARL F. PANKOST, being first duly sworn, deposes and says
That he ts the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the
Board of Direct;ors of the South Tahoe ~bllc Utility District;
that On tn~ " ..day cZ'
.". :., "/.. , 1957, he caused to be
[3osted cot>les of Ordinance No. '/ , an Ordinance Describing
T,~rrttory irot.,o~cd to bc Anncxud, D~bermlnlng tl]a~ No Terms and
C~¢ndltlons are Nuccssary, and Declaring Intention to Approve su0~
A~nexation, AnnexaLlon 1~97-1, and the hereunto attached Notice of
'l'im~ and ~lace of Hearing on Ordinance Describing Territory Pro-
~¢osed to be Annuxed, Determining t~t No Terms and Conditions are
Necessary lnd Dcclaz.ing Intention to Approve $uc~ A~exatlon,
Annexation igQ~[-l, In t~ree public places In the territory p~oposed
to be annexed, to-wlt:
CubLcrlbt. d ~ad sworn to before me
~ . ~ , 1957.
~],~ i'~lic in and t~r'~h~' County
oP El Dorado, State of California