HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 27KWII~'/.'Fid~: SSD: ls 9/7/5~ Iic ORDI~F~NCE NO. ~', ~ AN ORDINANCE DESCRIBING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXI~iD, DE~fERMINING THAT NO TERM~ AND C0~DITIONS ARE NECESSARY, AND DECLARING I[~i'E~[I~ION TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION A NMEXATION lg56-1 BE IT ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: WHE!IEAS, a petition signed by a majority of the qualified electors ~n¢l by the ow~%er, s of a majority of the assessed valuation in certain unincorporated territory contiguous to the South Tahoe I'~$1[c Utility Dlstrict, and being in the came County as said D~strlcg, asking that sai~ territory be annexed to said District and ~:on:~cntlns to such annexation without an election and without ~nj ~]-~ocial terms and conditiono, was addressed to the Board of ;r..~tors and filed wJtll the Secretary of the District on the '~ day of ~ ~::.~Z ./' ~, .~,. 195~, In accordance with the :~ov[s~ons of the Public utility District Act of the State of U~RE.%S~ the sai~ Sec~.~.~tamy has compared the signatures on :~,~.ld petition with the aff~.dJvits of registration on file with the County Clerk o1' E1 Doi'ade Counb}, and has determined if the peti- tioners are owner~ of t~e tc. rritory by the ~ecoPds. of the County Ass,;ssor of the County of ~1 Dorado, and has found and certified to thi:3 Board tha~ said petition has been signed by the required n~m~b~}r of el,.et~rs and owners in said tePPlto~y~ and ~s attaohed his sidn~tur{ uo the ~aid petition and presented said petition to this Board; NOU, THE]IEFOi{E, IT IS 0t~ERED, as follows: S~.~ction 1. It is hereby deturmined that the annexatio~ of ,. ~i.d territory will facilitate the acquisition, construction, eom- r~l~tion and operatto~ of the public utility and public utility ~ .... :,., ~nd will be for the advantage of said Dis- ~ : i, , ~ t~r~-ltory propos~d to be annexed will be bene- ~ ~ tlcn [~. It is hez'eby determined that no terms and condi- ~ection 3. The exterior boundaries of said territory to be ~nn ~,~ d are described in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and ~de a ~.~'~, ~creof by reference. S, ction 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of thi:: Board to approve said annexation. S,~ction 5. , the -~: '.' day of ~. ~, ~t, t.h~. ho~.~, of ..~___ o'clock P.M., at the regular meet- ~ ,: ~,L:~c,. of ::L.t~ Dtst~'i~'.t, Ea~:t Front office, ~keside Theater, Zt:~m.linu, california, are hez'eby fixed as the time and place for nc:,~'ln~ on this o~.dLnance, and all persons interested in or who ~z-f be affected by thc proposed annexation of s~id territory with- in the District are hereby notified to appear at such meeting and show cause in writin[;, if any they have, why said territory or any ~a~t thorcof should not be annexed as proposed in said petition. Section 6. Thi~ o~'di~nce, together with ~ notice, in form a copy of which is hereto astached and ~de a part hereof by refer. ence, shall be posted In tbs'ce public places in the territomy pro- j]osed to be annexed at least/~'days before the date set for said hearln5. presidenV,~ Sout~ Tahoe Utility District aTTE~3T: -2- I ~.h~t the fo~'ecolng ordinance was passed by ~f the South Tahoe Public Utility District '" .... ~ ~'~ ;,- ~]' held on th~, ~.~ day of __, bf ~h ~ ~llowinz vote of' the members thereof: ,l*~bf,Z, Dir, ctol,s: ABSE[~, Directors: , / / EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF P~I~T~,)N OF RANCHO BIJOU SUBDIVISION TO BE ANNEXED TO THE SOU'IH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION 1956-1 Ali tl~at ~'~al property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State ,~ CaliLornia, more particularly described as follows: Beginning ~t the intersection of the present Southerly boundary of the South Tahoe Public Utillty District with the Easterly boundary ?~' ~r~ ~vegu~}_t~nce South 88° 20' East 97.4~ feet; thence South ~, u~ ~u ~as~.Do~.92 feet; thence South 8' ~2' West 400 1~ ~n~noe ~outh 5~' 19' East 43.42 feet; thence South 16' ~; ~'e(~%; bhence South 2" 22' East 58.36 feet; thence South 39" 33 ' ~0" Wes~ 63.65 feet; thence South 0" 09' 30" East 271.11 feet; thence South ~8° ~9' 30" East 382.80 feet; thence North 82' 58' East 175.92 feet; ~hence North 7~ 02' West 165 feet to the northerly boundary of Fairway Avenue; thence North 82" 58' East along said boundary to its intersec- tion with the com3non property line of Lots 177 and 178, Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lots are shown: designated and numbered on the Official Map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at page 20; thence North 0~ 10' West 120.~9 feet; thence West 180.00 feet; thence North 0" East 24.46 feet; thence North lO" ~0' 50''lO' West 290.00 feet; thence West 127.21 feet to the Southerly boundary of Deer Lane; thence in a northerly direction to the intersection of the northerly boundary of Deer Lane with the common property line of Lots 133 and 135 of said Rancho Bijou Sub- division; thence North 0" lC. West 290.00 feet to the northerly bound- ary of Meadow View Road; thence in a westerly direction alone said boundary to its intersection with the common property line of Lots and 126 of said Rancho Bijou Subdivision; thence North ~" 23' lC" East 372.02 feet; thence North 4~ 52' 30" West 165.71 feet to the north- erly boundary line of Cloverdale Avenue; thence in an easterly direc- tion along said boundary to its intersection with the common property line of Lots lO1 and 102 of said Rancho Bijou Subdivision; thence North 0" 20' West 290.00 feet; thence North 89~ il' East 1~5.05 feet; thence North 0" 30' 30" West 290.77 feet; thence South 69" 16' ~0" West 629.11 feet; thence in ~ westurly dir~'ctlon 175 fee% more or less bo thc point of beginning. L'h~ hc 1:~ tl~e duly q~llf~ed a~ actl~ Sec~eta~ of the d' ti hc~'c~mt<'~ att:Ich,'d Oudi~nCe ~0. ~ an 0~$~e ~, /~']CE OF TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING ON ~,DII~itNCE DESCRIBING TERRITORY PROPO,qED TO ~NI~XED, D~PERMINING THAT NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY AND DECLARING IW~E~i'ION TO APP]{OVE SUCH ANNEXATION ANNEXATION 1956-1 ~ ] '.~' fS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition for the annexation of ~ ~ ~ ~.~qtory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, ~ .~: ~h~ Pablic utility District Act, has been presented to the ~, ~,?.., ~f Dissectors of the said District; that on the '~ /~ day 'f ........ '~2._, 195~, the said Board of Directors adopted .~:'~iin.nc~ Ho. ~/ , An Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed t, be Ann:xed, Determining that No Terms and Conditions are 1]. ,'~::.::~i'Y, ;~nd D~clarln~: Intention to Approve such Annexation; tht, t .it h.~s fixed _ ~.~.~ ~, the -- day of /~::d :, ,.' ,. , 195/__, at the hour of / ,/-~ o'clock P.M., In the regular meeting place o~' said Board, East Fz'ont Office, ~keside Theater, Statelin~ california, as the time and place for heari~ on said ordinance; and that all persons Interested in or that ~y be affected by the ~'oposed annexation of said territory within the District are h¢;reby notifled to appear at such meeting and show cause in writ- in~, If any th~ lx'.xve, why said territory or any part thereof should not be annexed as proposed In said petition. Reference is hereby made to said ordinance on file in the ~ffice of the Secretary of said District For a description of the b:~undarles of said territory, and for further particulars. A c-:. ;y of said ordinance is posted with this notice. Dated: , /./ , 195~. South Tahoe Public utility District AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ;l~aT~ O~ CiLIFORNIA ~ount., ~,J E1 Dorado %~ILLIAM A. YOUNG, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Board ol' Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utillt¥ District; copies of the hereuntO attached Ordinance No. 27, an Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determining That No Terms and Conditions are Necessary, and Declaring Intention to iApprove Such Annexation, Annexation 1956-1, and the hereunto lttached Notice of Time and Place Of Hearing on Ordinance Describin Ferritory Proposed to be Annexed, Determining That No Terms and onditions are Necessary and Declaring Intention to Approve Such ,nnexation, Annexation 1956-1, in three public places in the terri- tory proposed to be annexed, to-wit: 1. ~;~,,i~,~,~, ~ ~,,~,~o~r ~,~;/ ~. Iii?.'~,,',, * "f ~ ~fr~''*~''~ - Subscribed and sworn to b~fore me No~-Public in and for the ~ Dorado, State of Californi~ · K~tlW:EAW:SSD:ls 9/7/56 6c AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING IFOhNIA Dorado SS JILII.M A. YOUNG, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: ~hat he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of .the Doa rd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; thai on the ~-a/ day of ~7~ , 195~, he posted copies of thc hereunto ~ttached Ordinance No. 27 , an Ordinance D~scriblng Territory Proposed to be A~exed, Determining That No 'p~ ~.mz :~nd Condit:lons are Necessary, and Declari~ Intention to Approve Such Annexation, Annexation 1956-1, and the hereunto attached Notice of Time and Place of Hearing on Ordinance Describ- Ing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determini~ That No Terms and Conditions are Necessary and Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation, Annexation 1956-~, in three public places in the DistPicb, to-wit: "?,,/'/)- -, . ,,d~ae.r~bed and sworn ~ before me th~'. z~ day o~_~ ~ 1956. ~ ;.fy r~ lie in an~ ror th~~ ,f l]i Dorado, State of Cal~ornia. I9,~a{W: EAW: SSD: ls 9/7/56 C E R T I F I C A T E TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITy DISTRICT A la, IEXAT ION 1956-1 ~ ,. O: ( LYPO',',NYA / ss (;Q Ilii [' ,! [ I, WII,L1AM A. YOUNG, Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the S,) th q'a,~o,-.. Publia btillty District, hereby certify that I llave l~i;i(~,.: ~1 ..x~w~ilD~[%Ioi} of ~]1o hereto attached Petition and compared tim sljuatures of the Petition with the affidavits of rejlstra- t!oI-~ on ['ilo ~ith th~ County Clerk of the County of E1 Dorado, and have determined ~f the pctitio~ers are owners of the territory by the records of the County Assessor of the County of E1 Dorado and have verified the signatures affixed thereto, and do hereby c~.rt~fy that said Petition Is sisned by a mJority of the quail- flea electors and by the own~rs of a majority of the assessed valuation of the territory proposed to be a~exed; and that said P~t;JLI~u-i J.;; suFfLelent. Dst, d: .' ' /'?', 1956. ~ler~ and ex'-ofr'i ~creta~ [ f/I~ ~-~ of, South Tahoe Public Utllity~Distrilt