HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 26 - RetiredKW~ :EAW :SSD :ms 7-17-5o 9c O~m~^N~ NO. ,R ~ AN OIiDII~ANCE FIXIN~ THE AMOUNT OF MON~f NECESSARY TO BE RAIShq) bY TAXATION - 1956-57 Dh IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Taho~ . ~[c Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: [. It i:~ hereby determined that funds are needed to pay thc ~.~al ~r[~clpal of and interest on the bonded indebtedness of the )l~.tri~ t and to carry out the objects and purposes of the District d~i~ ~ ~,,~t b,~ ~rov~d~d for out of revenues; and, therefore, taxes shal~. ~ ~ a~d are ~creby levied therefor; /. T~e amongst of money necessary to be raised by taxation for pay,~er~t of said principal and interest of bonded indebtedness t~ floreal year 1956-57 is $ ~,~5..74 , and the rate of ta~[ation for said purpose is hereby fixed at ~4 ~ per $100 of ass~ssabl~ [~rop~r, ty in the District; 3. The amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for l~ayme;~t of said operating expenses for the fiscal year 1956-5~ ls ~6b[t0.Z6 , and the rate of taxation for said purpose Is h~r~by fixed at 56 ~ per $100 of assessable property in the Dlstr. lct; 4. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted within twenty- o~e ~mys after the date of its adoption; ~. C~rtified copies of this ordinance shall be fo~arded tc t~c Co~,,ty Auditor and to the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County upon its adoptlu~. KW~:EAW:SSD:ms 7-17-56 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE *' CALIFORNIA t ss Count)' .~f E1 Dorado I, Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the t~ard of Directors of Sout.~ Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, Calif- posted ~'.opies of Ordinance No.~ entitled,&' "An Ordinance Fixin~ tho Amount of Money N~.~ccasary to be Raised by Taxation - 1956-57," there being no newspaper of general circulation printed and published ]. th~ District, for at l~mst one week prior to the cxplration of' thirty (30) days following the adopting of said Ordl~mnce, in three public places within the Dlstrlet, to-wit: 1. Bijou Post Office 2. Stateline Post Office 3. Bijou Park Fire House No. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me ~hJs ~.2J day of ~' ......... .,"-, 1956. ~-~ublic in and for the Coun~ of E1 Dorado, State of California. My cohm~ission expires: ~/ ~& o