i~UBLIC ~ILITY DIST~tiCT, E1 Dorado Connty, California, ~a follo~:
WHEhEAS, a petition signed by a majority of the qualified
cl~mtors a:~d b~ the owncm; of a majority of the assessed valuation
in ccz'tain unl:corporated territory contiguous to the South Tahoe
I,ubl]c Ut.[llty bl~trlct, ~nd b~ln~f in the s~e Co~ty as said
i~1~tr[ct, a;~l~n/' that :;a~d territory be annexed to said District
and con~mntln~ to ~uuh annexation witho~ an election and without
any ~pcc~al ~'ermo and conditions, was addressed to the Board of
[>]rcctor~; and filed with th~ Secretary of the District on the
_.~. ~y of _~ ...... 195~< In accordance with the
~rovl~lom~ of th~ tubllc Utility District Act of the State of
WHE~EAS. tn~ ~aia Secretary has compared the signatures on
s~i~ petition wit[~ the affidavits of registration o~ ~ile ~lth the
County Clerk of E1 Dorado County, and has determined if the peti-
tion~rs ar~ owners of ~he Eerrltory by the records of the County
Ausessor of thc County of E1 borado, and has found and certified $o
this Board that said petition has been signed by the required numbe
of el~c~or~ m~a owners In ~ald ~ez'ritory, and has a~tached his sig-
nature to t,e sa~d ~oti~ion and presented said petition to this
NOi,'~ Tf]}{?,EFO~d<~ 1T IS O~DEhED, as follows:
Sect]on 1, It ls her~Oy determined that the annexation of
said tempi, tory will facilitate the acquisition~ construction, com-
~letion and operation of the public utility and public utility work
~. ,c, at~d w:lll tie for tile advantage of said District an
bh.L C ~,c~'ulLOi'y P/'o/~o2ed to be annexed will be benefited by sai~
.c~tlo~ 2. ~t 1.-, he~'eby determined ~ha~ no ~erm~ and condl-
;ec~ion 3. Thc exteplor boundaries Of said territory to be
ari~[-x~O are aeac~'lbea 1~ Exhibit "A" hereto attached and made a
~aut hereof by ret'er, ence.
Section 4. it ia hereby aeclared to be the intention of
chl~; i~oa~.d to asprove sa:Id annexation.
:,ectlon .~. ~(2~2~, the ~_~ ~ay of
1..~, ar the hour of~:OO o'clock p,~., at the regular meeting
l~lace of t;aJd Dlstr~ct~ Ea~ l,'ront Office, Lakeside Theatre,
:]tatcl:l,~u~ Cal.l/'or~:la, a~.~ het.eby /'ixed as the time and place for
hearing on this o~'dinarme, and all persons interested in or who
may be a/'fected Cy the proposed annexation of said territory with-
in the Dlstt.le~ are hez'ehy notified to appear at such meeting and
show cause I~ w:.ltlnt% i¢ any they have, why said territory or any
pat.t the~*eo~' should r~ot be annexed as proposed in said petition.
Sectlot~ ~. This ordinance, together with a notice~ in form
a copy of which la hereto attached and made a part hereof by refer
enc~, ,~hall t~ posted in three public places in the territory pro-
~.o~.d ~o hc at~nexud ag least ten days before the date set for said
? Ugillgy District
luul( arm
] h ?~;;/ cer'tli'y that the fOregoing ordinance was passed by
~h, ~o e, oL' lil~'oc~o~,s 0~' the South Tahoe Public Utility District
at ~ mt ~tirn. ther,~o~' held on She
1~,' ~ the ollowln~: vote Of the mem~-- ~-'~
~ ~J, and ls favo~ the~eoi', Directors:
NOEs, Dl~ectol,~: , /~
An~exat ion 1955-1
All ~1 ,t ~e~k ~operty situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State
,t' Calif,,~la. mo[,e g articularly described as follows:
~A~CEL 1
All t~at ~',~al p~operty situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State
~f California, consisting of that portion of the South half of Section
~3, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., more particularly
Uescrlbed as follows:
COMMENCING at the southeast corner of the realty herein
described, being identical with the northeast corner of Lot
10, of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is marked, desig-
nated and numbered on the Official Map of said Rancho Bijou
Subdivision, flled in the Office of the County Recorder of
the County o1' E1 Dorado, State of California, on July 1, 1953,
in Map Book B, at page 20; thence North 0"30'30" West 293.06
feet to a point in the southerly line of U. S. Highway 50;
thence South 60~16'30'' West 175.49 feet alon~ said,line to a
point; thence leavlng said highway, South RO 43'30'Eaet ~75.0
feet to a point lr~ the north boundary of said Lot 10 of
Rancho Bijou; the~ce along said north boundary of said Lot
10, North 69°16,30'' East 74.22 feet to the point of beginning.
All that portlon of the East 1/~ of Lot 2 of Section 33, Township
13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M. lying southerly at the southerly
boundary of U. S. Hlghway No. 50; SAVING AND EXCEPTING therefrom the
following: All that portion of the East 1/2 of Lot 2 of Section
Townsblp 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M. particularly described
as follows:
Beginning in the northerly line of the tract of land
described in the deed dated August 18, 1942, recorded
September 28, lc/42, in Book 19~ of Official Records, page 41,
executed by John E. Keller, etal, to H. J. Harlow and Hattie
E. Harlow, his wife, at a point in said line located North
89*57'West 519.5 feet from the northeast corner of the north-
west 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 33; thence from
said point of beginning and following said northerly line
North 89057' West 150.00 feet to the northwest corner of the
tract of lar~d described in the deed above mentioned and being
the southwest corner of the tract herein described and being
a point in the east line of Hams Bijou Subdivision; thence
following the east line of said subdivision and its projection
northerly, North 0026' West 21.1 feet to the northeast corner
of said subdivision and North 0~35' West 56.9 feet to the
boundary of State Highway No. 50; the northwest corner of
tract herein described; thence along the south line of said
hlghway North 69~12' East 71.2 feet to a concrete highway
monument opposite engineer's Station 206+22.8 of said high-
way survey; thence continuing along the soutbllne of said
highway along a curve to the left to a point therein located
North 0~25,30'' West from the point of beginning and being
the northeast corner of the realty herein described; thence
South 0~25,30'~ East to the southeast corner and point of
A parc~] ,i ~'~''~ L,ounded on the northwest by U. S. Highway 50,
o~ the east t ,J]jou Pare Subdivision, on the south by the southerly
line of Lloyd Avenue and on the west by the westerly line of Herbert
Avenue, said ~ast named avenues being in the Harlow Acres Subdivision.
South 1/2 of Lot 8, Block K, Lakeside Park Subdivision.
Lot 4, Block M, Lakeside Pare Subdivision.
In Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., Commencing at
a point on the southeasterly line of the Lincoln Highway, as widened,
950 feet distant thereon southwesterly from its intersection with the
California--Nevada State Line separating E1 Dorado County, California
and Douglas County, Nevada; running thence southwesterly along said
line of the Lincoln Highway 50 feet; thence at e right angle south-
easterly 297 feet; thence at a right angle northeasterly 50 feet;
thence at a right angle northwesterly 297 feet to the point of com-
mencement, said property situate in E1 Dorado County, California,
containing .30 acres, EXCEPTING therefrom the northwesterly 100 feet
Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of the Lincoln
H~ghway, as widened, 850 feet distant thereon southwesterly from its
intersection with the California-Nevada State Line separating E1 Dorado
County, California and Douglas County, Nevada; running thence south-
westerly along said line of the Lincoln Highway 100 feet; thence at a
rlght angle southeasterly 297 feet; thence at s right angle northeaster-
ly 100 feet; thence st a right angle northwesterly 29? feet to the point
of commencement. Said property is situate in Township 13 North, Range
18 East, M.D.B. & M. in E1 Dorado County, California, RESERVIN~ there-
from a strip of land 30 feet wide along the southeasterly side of said
property for road purposes, for the benefit of owners of the property
within Z97 feet southeasterly from the Lincoln Highway in E1 Dorado
County, California from the California-Nevada State Line southwesterly
to the northeasterly llne of Park Avenue extended southeasterly, aa said
Park Avenue is described upon a certain map entitled First Subdivision
of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California.
Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of the Lincoln High-
way, as widened 800 feet distant thereon southwesterly from its inter-
section with the California-Nevada State Line separating E1 Dorado
County, California and Douglas County, Nevada, running thence south-
westerly along said line of the Lincoln Highway 50 feet; thence at a
right angle southeasterly 297 feet; thence at a right angle northeast-
erly 50 feet; thence at a right angle ~orthwesterly ~97 feet to the
point of commencement; said property situate in Township 1~ North, Range
18 East, M.D.B. & M. in E1 Dorado County, California, ~onteining .~0
acres, RESERVING therefrom a strip of land 30 feet wide along the south-
easterly side of said property for road purposes for the benefit of own-
ers of the property within ~97 feet southeasterly from the Lincoln High-
way in E1 Dorado County, California, from the California-Nevada State
Line southwesterly to the northeasterly line of Park Avenue extended
southeasterly, as said Park Avenue is described upon a certain map en-
titled Map of First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County,
nil Lhat .r,c~., ,~ ~.er~y situated in the County of E1 Dorado, State
JslJf( mia, de~ct'ihed as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the south llne of the
northeast 1/1~ of Section 35, Township 13 North, Range 18
East, M.D,B. & M. with the California-Nevada State Line;
and Funning thence along said state line North 48°42' West
to the north line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4
of Section 2~ in said township and range; thence along the
last named line westerly to the east line of the northwest
1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 27; thence along the
last named line northerly to said state line; thence along
the last named line North 48°42,West to a line drawn parallel
with the distant at right angles 300 feet southeasterly from
the southeastern line of the California State Highway known
as the Lincoln Highway running through the southeast 1/~ of
Section ~7, said township and range; thence along the line
an drawn southwesterly to the direct extension southeasterly
of the southwestern line of Park Avenue, as said avenue ia
shown on the map of "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1
Dorado County, California", flled October 5, 1909 in the
office of County Recorder of E1 Dorado County; thence along
said e::tended line of Park Avenue North 60°05'West 300 feet,
more or, less, to the southeastern line of the Lincoln Highway;
thence along the last named line South 35~8'West 500 feet to
the northeastern line of "Pinewood Park" as shown on the "Map
of Pinewood Park, E1 Dorado County, California" filed July 19,
1926 in Book "A" of Maps at page 9 in the office of said County
Recorder; thence along the last named line South 60e32,Eaat
1180 feet, more or less, to the northwestern line of the 36.62
acre tract of land described In the deed by Title Insurance
and Guaranty Company to Mabel Winter, dated December 29, 1930,
recorded December 31, 1930 in Book 118 of Official Records of
E1 Dorado County at page 2~7; thence along the last named
line and along the northwestern line of the 1.?1 acre tract
of land secondly described in the deed by Title Insurance and
Guaranty Comp&ny to Mabel Winter, dated December 17, 1937,
recorded February 13, 1940 in Book 175 of said Official Records
at page 353, North 29°28'East 568.60 feet to the northeastern
line of said 1.71 acre tract; thence along the last named line
South 59°lO'East 1005.60 feet to the most northern corner of
the 3.77 acre tract of land firstly described in the last men-
tioned deed; thence along the northeastern line of said 3.77
acre tract South 9°27'45"East 992.05 feet to the most eastern
corner of said 36.62 acre tract; thence along the general
southern line of said 36.62 acre tract South 38"12'Weet 168.31
feet and North 81°~l'West 65.78 feet to the southeastern line
of the 4.2 acre tract of land described in the deed by Title
Insurance and Guaranty Company to Alma H. Steininger dated
October 21, 1937, recorded November 3, 1937 l~ Book 159 of
said Official Records at page 423; thence along the last named
line South 28°Il'West 460.1~ feet to the southeastern corner
of said ~[.2 acre tract; thence South 68~14'East 188.30 feet;
thence North 2°19'West 20.18 feet; thence South 84e38'Eaat
1~.31 feet; thence South 7c24'West 169.95 feet; thence South
0 O0'West 324.92 feet; thence North 5~g3'40"West301.8~ feet;
thence South 28~Sg'West 186.~5 feet; thence due south 150 feet
more or less, to the south line of the northeast 1/4 of Section
34 ill said township and range; thence along the last named
line and along the south'line of the north 1/2 of aald Section
35 easterly to the point of beslnnlng, EXCEPTING therefrom
the following described properties:
B'g',~,tn, a~ the northwest cOrner of the parcel of land
I.~reln descCl~ed, marked by a 3/$ inch iron pipe, fl
the grounJ, from wr]lch point a U. S General Land 0 ush with
Monument marking the bound '
State of Nevo~ .... ary line bet ........ ffice
bears NorTh ~ ~1 Dorado County ~ uo~g~as County.
-" ~. c~'~ast 198.40 feet ~j.~ace o£ Californla~
cared at the intersection , ~.,u monument being
of the southeasterly bound
..ighwsy .o. wit the said Nevada.0aliforn.a J
Line; thence from said Oint of be 1
~_fence line South Ko~.~ g nning and a~
· / ~ast 61 =o ~ .... ~- ,z ~ast 237 95 f .~.~ ,~ exist-
1,, -~- .~ ~=u[ azonA an -xl-'- .-- -est; thence SOuth 60°
feet along an existing fence to the most southerly corner
said parcel,
marked by a 1 2 1cross fen
'~ f~ aAu~g existing fence to
the most westerly corner of said parcel, marked b a s
at fence corner; thence North 27~51,East along anYexi pike
fence 150.30 feet to the o
delineated o- = ~ P iht of bell----- etlng
~.u ~urveyor, in Janu ~ ~'~Y Harvey L. But ~
a_~ ~A A~Dq, 1--.~ ~Aoense~
All that portion of Lot 2 of Section 33, TOWnship 13 North, Range
[8 East, M.D.B. & M. and more PartiCUlarly described as follows:
Beglnnln~ at a point
distan on the shoreline of Lake Tahoe,
t thereon South 5?"00'West 416 feet from the northeast
corner of said Lot 2; thence south 238.$ feet; thence at
right angles east 72 feet; thence at right angles south
217.00 feet to the north line of lands formerly of J. W.
Bingaman; thence North 57o00,East 19.91 feet
nOrth $9~.41 feet to the s
SOuth 57 00'West 10~ n. ~_9~r? o? Lake Tahoe and thence
and thence
PAHCEL 8B ~'~- A=ec to the point of beginning.
The east 1/2 of Lot 2 of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range
East, M.D.B. & M., SAVING and EXCEPTING therefrom the following:
Tahoe(a) Commencing at a POint on the shoreline of Lake
at its Intersection With the west boundary line of
the fractional east 1/2 of
~f said Section ~ . .... ~O~thwest 1/4 of no th..=.
Inet in dln~ ~, ~um Which DOl ~ r .... .~
........ er nears North 555~0~-a-Y~l°w pine tree 8
~ ~usc 73 feet distant,
running thence along the west boundary line aforesaid, south
853.23 feet to a point on the northern boundary line of the
County Road 60 feet in width, known as the Lincoln Hi
from which POint the south
east half of west COrner of ghway,
Sec t.. the southwest 1 ~ o the sel~ fractional
tl~--- 33 bears south 176 ~ ~_~the 9ortheaet [/~.of
8~o5~,.~,, ...... ~ ~ast line of said ~.~ e.one q~arter sec-
~?Undary line end ;.._?et ~lstant; thence Iea~;.~e~E~S°uth
~-.an azon the --',e uaAu west
Nort 9%O'EJt 18/ ?_n°rth lin. of
a no ~ .... ~o~ ~oA.b~ feet: th .... -t~""=~, north ?~ .
~ in .... ne aforessid Shor;nj"~ ~?.i?S.S8 f. at t~ ~7
along the last Said line SOUth 61~Weet 123.71 feet, contain.
- ~=~= ~anoe, and thence
lng 5 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Lot 2,
Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M;
(b) Commencing at a
U. S. Highway No ~ .... poin~ on the norths Iv 1~.
~ ---~ o[ said Rl~hw - =- ~.~-~sec~lon With the
~ a~ ,,~. ~u eno the easterly line
,.,.I~t~l: ~l'/'lt~l'~ ~0 %ne .gU~b Tmh~s Public Utlllt~ jl~trlot, under
:~outh Tahoe Publia Utility Dll~ri,'t
KWliW:~AW:P~A:mh 12/16/t~5 ~¢
I ,, ] DAV IT
II ,J,~ i~. ~OUfi(], being I']rst duly sworn, deposes and says:
', ,, ~ r.e la thc duly qualified and acting Secretary of the
h, J (t' 10iructors of ~e South Tahoe Public Utility District;
t~,;,t Or, the
o1' tin: ner'ennto ~ttache~ OPO~nan~ No. ~ % --
_ , an Ordinance
T~vmm; mmJ Comlltl. o~m are N~:uessary, and D~,claring Intention to
ai,prow~ Such Lnn,'xution, Annexation l()b%-l, and the hereunto at-
ach. ,) I.otJc(~ of Tlm~. and ~lacc oP Hearing on Ordinance Describing
'11':l'r'lto~',¥' ~'i'Oi'O;;c~J LO bO annexed, DeteFmlning That No Terms and
con~itlo~,~ ay.. Ne::uosa~.~ an~ DeclaPing Intention to Approve Suoh
annt:xatloh, Ann xatlon 19bD-1, in three public plaoes in the