HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 24 - SupersededKW~B.I :EAW: JTM: Jm 10/21/55
(rev. 4/9/56)
FOR THE ....... ~-=--~ E~G-IN TM~
FEES ~ - .......... DRAINAGE AND S
BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows:
Sec. 1.3.
Sec. 1.4.
the Board.
Sec. 1.1. Definitions~. For the purpose of this ordinance
the terms used her~in are defined as follows°
Sec. 1.2. District is the South Tahoe Public Utility Dist-
rict, E1 Dorado CoUnty, C~lifornia.
B_oard is the Board of Directors of said District.
Clerk is the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of
Sec. 1.5. C_ounty is the County of E1 Dorado.
is the Engineer appointed by and acting
sec. 1.6.
for the Board and sha££ De a Registered Civil Engineer.
Sec. 1.7. District Inspector is the Inspector acting for
the Board and may be a Member of thg Board, the Manager, the
District EngZneer or Inspector appointed by the Board.
Sec. 1.~. Person is any human being, firm, company, part-
nership, association-~-~d private, public or municipal corporations,
the United States of America, the State of California, districts and
all political subdivisions, governmental agencies and mandatories
Sec. 1.9. Permit is any written authorization required pur-
suant to this or any other rule, regulation or ordinance of Dist-
rict for the imstallation of any sewage works.
Sec. 1.10. Building is any structure used for human habita-
tion or a place of business, recreation or other purpose containing
sanitary facilities.
Sec. 1.11. Applicant is the person making application fo'~
a permit for a sewer installation and shall be the owner of pre-
mises to be served by the sewer for which a permit is requested
or his authorized agent.
Sec. 1.12. Contractor is an individual, firm, corporation,
partnership or association July licensed by the State of California
to perform the type of work to be done under the permit and shall
be the owner or his agent.
Sec. 1.13. Street is any public highway, road, street,
avenue, alley, way, easement or right of way.
Sec. 1.14. Sewage Works are all facilities for collection,
pumping,treating and disposing of sewage.
Sec. 1.15. Sewage is a combination of water-carried wastes
from buildings and industrial establishments connected to sewage
works of district or from any private sewer.
Sec. 1.16. Industrial Wastes are the liquid wastes from
industrial processes as distinct from sewage.
Sec. 1.17. Sewer is a pipe or conduit which carries sewage
and/or industrial wastes to which storm, surface and ground waters
are not intentionally admitted.
Sec. 1.18. Public Sewer is a sewer lying within a street
and which is controlled by or under the jurisdiction of the Dist-
Sec. 1.19. Side Sewer is the part of the horizontal piping
beginning at the fohndation wall of any building and terminating
in the main sewer, or septic tank.
Sec. 1.20. House Sewer is any sewer or drain beginning at
the plumbing or drainage outlets of any buildings and running to
the property line.
Sec. 1.21. Lateral Sewer is the portion of the side sewer
within a public street.
Sec. 1.22. Outside Sewer is a private sewer beyond the
limits of the District.
Sec. 1.23. Private Sewer is one which has an independent
sewage disposal not connected with a public sewer and which accom-
modates one or more houses.
Sec. 1.24. Plumbing System includes all plumbing fixtures
and traps, or soil, waste, special waste and vent pipes, and all
sanitary sewage pipes within the property lines of the premises.
Sec. 1.25. Garbage is solid wastes from the preparation,
cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and
sale of produce.
Sec. 2.1. Rules and Regulations. The following rules and
regulations respecting sewer construction and disposal of sewage
and drainage of buildings and connection to the sewage works of
said District are hereby adopted, and all work in respect thereto
shall be performed as herein required and not otherwise.
Sec. 2.2. Purpose. This ordinance is intended to provide
certain minimum standards, provisions and requirements for design,
methods of construction and use of materials in sanitary sewage
facilities in lateral sewers hereafter installed, altered or re-
paired. This ordinance shall not apply retroactively and, in the
event of an alteration or repair hereafter made, it shall apply
only to the new materials and methods used therein.
Sec. 2.3. Short Title. This ordinance shall be known as
the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewer Regulation Ordinance.
Sec. 2.4. Posting. Upon adoption this ordinance shall be
posted in three public places in tae District at least one week
prior to the expiration of 30 days from the date of its passage,
there being no newspaper of general circulation printed and pub-
lished in the District, and shall take effect upon the expiration
of thirty days from the date of adoption.
Sec. 2.5. Violation Unlawful. Following the effective date
of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to connect
to, construct, install or provide, maintain and use any other means
of sewage disposal from any building in said District except by
connection to a public sewer in the manner as in this ordinance
Sec. 2.6. Relief on Application. When any person by reason
of special circumstances, is of the opinion that any provision of
this ordinance is unjust or inequitable as applied to his premises,
he may make written application to the Board, stating the special
circumstances, citing the provision complained of, and requesting
suspension or modification of that provision as applied to his
If such application bE approved, the Board may,
by resolution, suspend or modify the provision complained of, as
applied to such premises, to be effective as of the date of the
application and continuing during the period of the special circum-
Sec. 2.7. Relief on Own Motion. The Board may, on its own
motion, find that by reason of special circumstances any provision
of this regulation and ordinance should be suspended or modified
as applied to a particular premise and may, by resolution, order
such suspension or modification for such premises during the period
of such special circumstances, or any part thereof.
Sec. 2.8. Plumbing. InsDection~ Compensation. The Board
of said District shall empioy the District Engineer or such other
person as may be designated by the Board to perform the duties of
inspecting the installation, connection, maintenance and use of all
lateral sewers and plumbing, sewerage, sanitary drainage work and
facilities in connection therewith in said District, to be known
as the Sanitary Inspector. He shall receive as compensation for
his services for making inspections required to be made by the
ordinances, and orders and regulations from time to time enacted
and ordered by said Board, a sum to be fixed by the Board. He
shall serve during the pleasure of said Board.
Sec. 3.1. Disposal of Wastes. It shall be unlawful for
any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in an
insanitary manner upon public or private property within the
District, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said District,
any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other objectionable waste.
Sec. 3.2. Treatment of Wastes Required. It shall be un-
lawful to discharge to any stream or watercourse any sewage, in-
dustrial wastes, or other polluted waters~ except where suitable
treatment has been provided in accordance with provisions of this
Sec. 3.3. Unlawful Disposal. Except as herein provided,
it shall be unlawful to construct'or maintain any privy, privy
vault, septic tank, cesspool, seepage pit or other facility in-
tended or used for the disposal of sewage.
Sec. 3.4. Occupancy Prohibited. No building, industrial
facility or other structure shall be occupied until the Owner
of the premises has complied with all rules and regulations of
Sec. 3.5. Sewer Required. The Owner of any building
situated within the Distr'ict requiring sewage disposal and abutting
on any street in which there is now located or may in the future
be located a public sewer of the District, is hereby required at
his expense to connect said building directly with the proper pub-
lic sewer in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,
within ninety (90) days after date of official notice to do so,
provided that said public sewer is within three hundred (300) feet
of the building.
Sec. 4.1. Sewer Not Available. Where a public sewer is
not available under the provisions "Of'Section 3.5, the building
sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system
complying with the rules, regulations and ordinances of the
Sec. 4.2. Permit Required. Before commencement of construc-
tion of a private sewage disposal system the owner shall first
obtain a written permit signed by the District Inspector. The
application for such permit shall be made on a form furnished by
the District, which the applicant shall supplement by any plans,
specifications and other information as are deemed necessary by
the District. A permit and inspection fee shall be paid to the
District at the time application is filed in accordance with the
provisions of Article VIII of this ordinance.
Sec. 4.3. Inspection Required. A permit for a private
sewage disposal system shall not become effective until the in-
stallation is completed to the satisfaction of the District Inspec-
tor. He shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of con-
struction and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall
notify the District Inspector when the work is ready for final
inspection, and before any underground portions are covered. The
inspection shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours, Sundays
and Holidays excluded~ of the receipt of the notice by the District
Sec. 4.4. Design Requirements. The type, capacities, loca-
tion and layout of a private sewage disposal system shall comply
with all recommendations of the Department of Public Health of
the State of California. No permit shall be issued for any private
sewage disposal system employing subsurface soil absorption faci-
lities where the area of the lot is determined to be inadequate
by the Board of District. No septic tank or cesspool shall be
permitted to discharge to any public sewer or any stream or water-
Sec. 4.5. Abandonment of Facilities. At such time as a
public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private
sewage disposal system, as provided in Section 3.5, a direct
connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with
the ordinances, rules and regulations of District, and any septic
tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities
shall be abandoned and filled with suitable material as determined
by the District Inspector.
Sec. 4.6. Cost of Maintenance by Owner. The owner shall
operate and maintain the private sewage disposal facilities in
a sanitary manner at all times, at no expense to the District.
Sec. 4.7. Additional Requirements. No statement contained
in this Article shall be construed to interfere with any additional
requirements that may be imposed by any law, ordinance, rule or
regulation or by the Health Officer of the County.
Sec. 5.1. Permit Required. In accordance with Article X
of this ordinance nO person shall construct a building sewer,
lateral sewer or make a connection with any public sewer without
first obtaining a written permit from the District and paying all
fees and connection charges as required herein.
Sec. 5.R. Construction Requirements Construction and
inspection '~f building sewers and lateral ~gwers shall be in accor-
dance with the requirements of the County of Sanka Barbama and the
requirements of the District.
Sec. 5.3. Sewer Materials. The building sewer shall be
cast iron soil pipe, ASTM specification (A74-42) or equal; vitri-
fied clay sewer pipe, ASTM specification (C13-44T) or .equal;. o~r.
other suitable material approved by the Inspector. Joints sna£1
be tight and waterproof.
Sec. 5.4. Minimum Size and Slope. The size and slope of
the building sewer shall be subject to the approval of the
Inspector, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four
(4) inches. The slope of such 4-inch pipe shall be not less
than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot.
Sec. 5.5. Buildin~ Drain. Whenever possible the bUilding
drain shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the
basement floor. No building drain shall be laid parallel to or
within three (3) feet of any bearing wall, which might thereby
be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection
from frost. The building drain shall be laid at uniform grade
and in straight alignment in so far as possible. Changes in
direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings.
Sec. 5.6. Joints and Connections. Ail excavations re-
quired for the installation of a'building drain shall be open
trench work unless otherwise approved by the Inspector.
Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with
ASTM specification (C12-19) except that no backfill shall be
placed until the work has been inspected.
Sec. 5.7. Connection to Public Sewer. The connection of
the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at the
lateral or "Y" or "T" branch, if such lateral or "Y" or 'iT" branch
is available at a suitable location. Where no properly located
~¥" or '~T'~ branch is available, a neat hole may be cut into the
public sewer to receive the building or lateral sewer, with entry
in the downstream direction at an angle of about forty-five
degress (45°). A wye saddle shall be used for the connection and
in no case shall the pipe protrude inside the main sewer. The
invert of the building or lateral sewer at the point of connection
shall be at a higher elevation than the invert of the public
sewer. A smo.6~th neat joint shall be made and the connection made
secure and watertight. The connection to the public sewer shall
be made in the presence of the District Inspector and under his
supervision and direction and in accordance with the rules, regu-
lations and ordinances of the District. Any damage to the public
sewer ~l~all be repaired at the cost of the applicant to the satis-
faction of the District Inspector.
Sec. 5.8° Separate Sewers No two adjacent lots fronting
on the same street~ shall be permitted to join in the use of the
same side sewer. Every building or industrial facility must be
separately connected with a public sewer if such public sewer
exists in the street upon which the property abuts or in an ease-
ment which will serve said property. However, one or more build-
ings located on property belonging to the same owner may be
served with the same side sewer during the period of said owner-
ship. Upon the subsequent subdivision and sale of a portion of
said lot the portion not directly connected with such public sewer
shall be separately so connected with a public sewer, and it shall
be u~lawful for the owner thereof to continue to use or maintain
such indirect connection.
Sec. 5.9: Old Buildin~ Sewers. Old building sewers may be
used in connection with new buildings only when they are found,
upon examination and test by the District Inspector, .to meet all
requirements of District.
Sec. 5.10. Sewer Too Low. In all buildings in which any
building sewer is too low to permit gravity flow to the public
sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building sewer shall be
lifted by artificial means, approved by the District Inspector,
and discharged to the public sewer at the expense of the owner.
Sec. 5.11. Protection of Excavation. Ail excavations for
side sewer installation shall be"'"~dequately guarded with barricades
or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, side-
walks, parkways and other property disturbed in the course of
the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the District
and the city, county or any other person having jurisdiction
Sec. 5.1~. Maintenance of Side Sewer. Side sewers shall
be maintained by the owner of the property served thereby.
Sec. 6.1. Permit Required. In accordance with Article
VIII of this ordinance, no person shall construct, extend or
comnact to any public sewer without first obtaining a written
permit from the District and paying all fees and connection charges
and furnishing bonds as required therein. The provisions of this
Section requiring permits shall not be construed to apply to con-
tractors constructing sewers and appurtenances under contracts
awarded and entered into by the District.
Sec. 6.2. Plans~ Profiles and Specifications Required.
The application fo? a permit for public seWer constructi°n"shall
be accompanied by complete plans, profiles and specifications,
complying with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of
District, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer showing all de-
tails of the proposed work based on an accurate survey of the
ground. The application, together with the plans, profiles and
specifications shall be examined by the District Engineer who shall
approve them as filed or require them to be modified as he deems
necessary for proper installation. After examination by the Dist-
rict Engineer, the application, plans, profiles and specifications
shall be submitted to the Board at its next regular meeting for
its consideration. When the Board is~atisfied that the proposed
~ork is proper and the plans, profiles and specifications are suf-
ficient and correct, it shall order the issuance of a permit pre-
dicated upon the payment of all connection charges, fees and
furnishing bonds as required by the District. The permit shall
prescribe such terms and conditions as the Board finds necessary
in the public interest.
Sec. 6.3. Subdivisions. The requirements of Section 6.1
and 6.2 of this ordinance shall be fully complied with before any
final subdivision map shall be approved by the Board. The final
subdivision map shall provide for the dedication fOr public use
of all streets, easements or rights of way in which public sewer
lines are to be constructed. If a final subdivision map of a
tract is recorded and the work of constructing sewers to serve the
tract is not completed within the time limit allowed in the permit,
the Board may extend the time limit or may complete the work and
take appropriate steps to enforce the provisions of the bond fur-
nished by the subdivider.
Sec. 6.4. Easements or Rishts of Way. In the event that an
easement is required for the extension of the public sewer or the
making of connections, the applicant shall procure and have accept-
ed by the Board a proper easement or grant of right of way suffi-
cient in law to allow the laying and maintenance of such extension
or connection.
Sec. 6.5. Persons Authorized to Perform Work. Only pro-
perly licensed contractors shall be authorized to perform the work
of public sewer construction within the District. Ail terms and
conditions of the permit issued by the District to the applicant
shall be binding on the contractor. The requirements of this
Section shall apply to side sewers installed concurrently with
public sewer construction.
Sec. 6.6. Grade Stakes. Grade and line stakes shall be
set by a Registered Civil' Engineer prior to the start of work on
any public sewer construction. The contractor shall be responsible
for accurately transferring grades to grade bars and sewer invert.
Sec. 6.7. Compliance With Local Regulations. Any person
constructing a sewer ~ithin a street shall comply with all state
and county laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to
the cutting of pavement, opening, barricading, lighting and
protecting of trenches, backfilling and repaying thereof and shall
obtain all permits and pay all fees required by the department
having jurisdiction prior to the issuance of a permit by the
Sec. 6.8. Protection of Excavation. The applicant shall
maintain such barriers, lights and signs as are necessary to give
warning to the public at all times that a sewer is under construc-
tion and of each dangerous condition to be encountered as a result
thereof. He shall also likewise protect the public in the use of
the sidewalk against any such conditions in connection with the
construction of the sewer. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other
property disturbed in the course of the work shall be reinstalled
in a manner satisfactory to the District and the County or any
other person having jurisdiction thereover.
Sec. 6.9. Design and Construction Standards. Minimum
standards for the design and construction o~ sewers within the
District shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
the ordinances, rules, regulations and with the SPECIFICATIONS FOR
SE~'~R CONSTRUCTION heretofore or hereafter adopted by District,
copies of which are on file in the District office. The District
or the District Engineer may permit modifications or may require
higher standards where unusual conditions are encountered.
:'As-built" drawings showing the actual location of all mains,
structures, Ys, Ts, laterals and cleanouts shall be filed with
the District before final acceptance of the work.
Sec. 7.1. Drainage Into Sanitary Sewers Prohibited. No
leaders from roofs and 'nO surface drains fOr rain water shall be
connected to any sanitary sewer. No surface or sub-surface drain-
age, rain water, storm water, seepage, cooling water or unpolluted
industrial process waters shall be permitted to enter any sanitary
sewer by any device or method whatsoever.
Sec. 7.2. Types of Wastes Prohibited. Except as herein-
after provided, no person 'shall discharge or cause to be discharged
any of the following described Waters or wastes to any public sewer:
than 150° F.
(a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher
(b) Any water or waste which may contain more than
100 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil or grease.
(c) Any gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil, or
other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas.
(d) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
Properly shredded garbage shall mean the wastes from the prepara-
tion, cooking and dispensing of food that has been shredded to
such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the
flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no
particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension.
(e) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings,
metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure,
or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing
obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the
proper operation of the sewage works.
(f) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than
5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any other corrosive property
capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and
personnel of the sewage works.
(g) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or
poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere
with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to human
or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the
sewage treatment plant.
(h) Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids
or dissolved matter of such character and quantity that unusual
attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the
sewage treatment plant.
(i) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance cap-
able of creating a public nuisance.
(j) Any septic tank sludge.
Sec. 7.3 Interceptors Required. Grease, oil and sand in-
terceptors shall b~ provid'ed when, in the opinio~ of the District
Inspectors they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid
wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable
wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that such in-
terceptors shall not be required for buildings used for residen-
tial purposes. Ail interceptors shall be of a type and capacity
approved by the District Inspector and shall be located as to be
readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
Sec. 7.4. Maintenance of Interceptors All grease, oil
and sand interceptors shall be maintaine~ by ~he owner, at his
expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
Sec. 7.5. Preliminary Treatment of Wastes. The admission
into the public sewers of any waters or wastes having (a) a 5-day
Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 300 parts per million by
weights or (b) containing more than 350 parts per million by weight
of suspended solids, or (c) containing any quantity of substance
having the characteristics described in Section 7.2, or (d) having
an average daily flow greater than two per cent of the average
daily sewage flow of the District, shall be subject to the review
and approval of the District Inspector. Where necessary in the
opinion of the District Inspector, the owner shall provide, at his
expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to (a)
reduce the Biochemical Oxygen Demand to 300 parts per million and
the suspended solids to 350 parts per million by weight, or (b)
reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to within
the maximum limits provided for in Section 7.2, or (c) control the
quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes.
Plans, specifications and any other pertinent infor-
mation relating to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall
be submitted for the approval of the District Inspector and of the
Water Pollution Control Commission of the State of California and
no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said
approvals are obtained in writing.
Sec. 7.6. Maintenance of ?retreatment Facilities. Where
preliminary treatment f~¥ilities are provided fbr any waters or
wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory
and effective operation by the owner at his expense.
Sec. 7.7. Control Manholes. When required by the District
the owner of any property served by a side sewer carrying indus-
trial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the side
sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of
wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and
safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans
approved by the District Engineer. The manhole shall be installed
by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as
to be safe and accessible at all times.
Sec. 7.8. Measurements and Tests. All measurements, tests
and analyses of 'the characteristics Of waters and wastes to which
reference is made in Sections 7.2 and 7.5 shall be determined in
accordance with standard methods and shall be determined at the
control manhole provided for in Section 7.7, or upon suitable
samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no
special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be
considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public
sewer to the point at which the side sewer is connected.
Sec. 7.9. Special Agreements. No statement contained in
this article sha~l be""const'rued ~'~" preventing any special agree-
ment or arrangement between the District and any industrial con-
cern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character
may be accepted by the District for treatment, subject to payment
therefor by the industrial concern and subject to such terms and
conditions as might be required by District.
Sec. 7.10. Swimming Pools. It shall be unlawful for any
person to discharge the contents of a swimming pool into a sani-
tary sewe~, without first giving notice to and receiving written
permission from the District Inspector.
Sec. 8.1. Permit Required. No unauthorized person shall
uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter
or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance or perform any work
on any sewer or drainage system without first obtaining a writ-
ten permit from the District.
Sec. 8.2. Application for Permit. Any person, legally en-
titled to apply for and receive a permit shall make such applica-
tion on forms provided by the District for that purpose. He shall
give a description of the character of the work proposed to be
done and the location, ownership, occupancy and use of the premises
in connection therewith. The District may require plans, speci-
fications or drawings and such other information as may be deemed
If the District determines that the plans, specifica-
tions, drawings, descriptions or information furnished by the ap-
plicant is in compliance with the ordinances, rules and regula-
tions of the District, it shall issue the permit applied for upon
payment of the required fees as hereinafter fixed.
Sec. 8.3. Compliance With Permit. After approval of the
application, evidenced by the issuance of a permit, no change
shall be made in the location of the sewer, the grade, materials
or other details from those described in the permit or as shown
on the plans and specifications for which the permit was issued
except with written permission from the District, the District
Inspector or other authorized representative.
Sec. 8.4. Asreement. The applicant's signature on an
application for any permit as set forth in Sec. 8.5 hereof, shall
constitute an agreement to comply with all of the provisions,
terms and requirements of the ordinances, rules and regulations
of the District, and with the plans and specifications he has
filed with his application, if any, together with such corrections
or modifications as may be made or permitted by the District, if
any. Such agreement shall be binding upon the applicant and may
be altered only by the District upon the written request for the
alteration from the applicant.
Sec. 8.5. Classes of Permits.
of permits, as follow~:
There shall be four classes
Single family residential building
sewer permit.
Multi -family residential, commercial
or industrial building sewer connec-
tion permit.
(c) Public sewer construction permit.
(d) Private sewage disposal permit.
Sec. 8.6. Fees - Connection Charges. All connection
charges, fees and other charges in the District and in areas
annexed thereto, rules and regulations as set forth in the ordi-
nances, rules and regulations of the District as heretofore or
hereafter fixed shall be paid and complied with in the manner
provided in said ordinances, rules and regulations.
Sec. 8.7.
lng Sewer.
Fees and Bond - Single Family Residential Build-
(a) A connection charge as fixed by the rules, regu-
lations and ordinances of the District shall be paid to the Dist-
rict by the person desiring connection to the District sewer system.
~b) A fee of FIVE dollars ($ 5.00 )
shall be paid to the District fo~ issuing a permit to connect and
inspecting each single family residential.,buildin~sewer installa-
(c) A deposit of not more than $100.00, to be fixed
by the District as the estimated cost thereof, shall be made with
said DistrioB to guarantee faithful performance of the provisions
herein with reference to the construction of a lateral sewer, the
whole of which shall be returned upon the completion of the work,
when the work is done other than by said District. When said work
is done by said District only the balance above the cost thereof
shall be returned.
Sec. 8.8. Fees and Bond - Multi-family Residential,
Commercial or Industrial Sewer Connection.
(a) A connection charge as fixed by the rules, re-
gulations and ordinances of the District shall be paid to the
District by the person desiring connection to the District sewer
~) A fee of TEN dollars ($10.00 )
shall be paid to the District for issuing a permit to connect and
inspecting each multi-familY ~esi~m~rtia~l-w~nm~_r~ial ~ indus trial_
buzl lng s~wer install tzo~~~~~ ~~
(c) The applicant for a multi-family residential,
commercial or industrial sewer connection permit shall, in addi-
tion to all other fees and charges payable pursuant to the rules,
regulations and ordinances of the District, pay all engineering, in-
spection and other costs deemed by the District to be necessary,
if any, to insure compliance with the terms of the permit and the
rules, regulations and ordinances of the District.
(d) A deposit of not more than $100.00, to be fixed
by the District as the estimated cost thereof, shall be made with
said Distriog to guarantee faithful performance of the provisions
herein with reference to the construction of a lateral sewer, the
whole of which shall be returned upon the completion of the work,
when the work is done other than by said District. When said work
is done by said District only the balance above the cost thereof
shall be returned.
Sec. 8.9. Fees and Bond - Public Sewer Construction.
(a) A fee in an amount deemed necessary by the
District to pay all engineering, inspection and other costs requir-
ed to insure compliance with the terms of the permit and with the
rules, regulations and ordinances of the District shall be paid
to the District prior to the time the permit is~issued, for re-
viewing plans and specifications, issuing a permit and inspecting
the installation of public sewer mains, laterals and all appurten-
ances thereto. If the fee fixed by the District is in excess of
the actual cost to the District, any surplus over the cost shall be
refunded to the person obtaining the permit. If the fee fixed by
the District is less than the actual cost to the District, the
person obtaining the permit shall be liable for the excess cost
to the District.
(b) Prior to the issuance of a permit for public
sewer construction the applicant shall furnish to the District a
faithful performance bond or cash in the amount of the total esti-
mated cost of the work. Said bond to be secured by a surety or
sureties satisfactory to the District. The cash deposit or faith-
ful performance bond shall be conditioned upon the performance of
the terms and conditions of the permit and shall guarantee the
correction of faulty workmanship and the replacement of defective
materials for a period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance
of the work.
Sec. 8.10. Fees - Private Sewage Disposal. A fee of
FIVE dollars ($ ~.OO ~ )' Shall be paid to the
~-~s~ ~6r' ~-~ie~ing plans and specifications, issuing a permit
and inspectinm the installatiQrl-~f ~prO~v,atesewa~ disposal
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~- . ~ . --, _, sys tern
Sec. 8.11. Disposition of Fees. All fees collected on
behalf of the District shall be deposited with the proper authority
provided by the District to receive such funds.
Sec. 8.12. Ail Work to be Inspected. Ail sewer construc-
tion work shall be inspected by an inspector acting for the Dist-
rict to insure compliance with all requirements of the District.
No sewer shall be covered at any point until it has been inspected
and passed for acceptance. No sewer shall be connected to the
District's public sewer until the work covered by the permit has
been completed, inspected and approved by the District Inspector.
If the test proves satisfactory~ the Inspector shall issue a
certificate of satisfactory completion.
Sec. 8.13. Notification. It shall be the duty of the per-
son doing the work authorized'by permit to notify the office of
the District in writing that said work is ready for inspection.
Such notification shall be given not less than twenty-four (24)
hours before the work is to be inspected. It shall be the duty of
the person doing the work to make s~re that the work will stand
the tests required by the District before giving the abo~e notifi-
Sec. 8.14. Condemned Work. When any work has been inspect-
ed and the work condemned And no certification of satisfactory com-
pletion given, a written notice to thwart effect shall be given in-
structing the owner of the premises, or the agent of such owner,
to repair the sewer or other work authorized by the permit in
accordance with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Dist-
Sec. 8.15. Ail Costs Paid by Owner. Ail costs and expenses
incident to the installation and connection of any sewer or other
work for which a permit has been issued shall be borne by the
owner. The owner shall indemnify the District from any loss.or
damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the work.
Sec. 8.16. Permits for Outside Sewers. Permission shall
not be granted to connect any lot or parcel of land outside the
District to any public sewer in or under the jurisdiction of the
District unless a permit therefor is obtained. The applicant
shall first enter into a contract in writing whereby he shall
bind himself, his heirs, successors and assigns to abide by all
ordinances, rules and regulations in regard to the manner in which
such sewer shall be used, the manner of connecting therewith and
drainage in connection therewith, and also shall agree to pay in
advance all fees required for securing the permit and a monthly
or annual fee in the amount set by the District for the privilege
of using such sewer.
Sec. 8.17. Permit Optional. The granting of such permis-
sion in any event shall be optional with the Board.
Sec. 8.18. Special Outside Agreements. Where special con-
ditions exist relating to an outside sewer, they shall be the
subject of a special contract between the applicant and the
Sec. 8.19. Street Excavation Permit. A separate permit
must be secured from the State, County or any other person having
jurisdiction thereover by owners or contractors intending to ex-
cavate in a public street for the purpose of installing sewers or
making sewer connections.
Sec. 8.20. Liability. The District and its officers,
agents and employees shall not be answerable for any liability
or injury or death to any person or damage to any property arising
during or growing out of the performance of any work by any such
applicant. The applicant shall be answerable for, and shall save
the District and its officers, agents and employees harmless from
any liability imposed by law upon the District or its officers,
agents or employees, including all costs, expenses, fees and
interest incurred in defending same or in seeking to enforce this
provision. Applicant shall be solely liable for any defects in
the performance of his work or any failure which may develop
Sec. 8.Pl. Time Limit on Permits. If work under a permit
be not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance
or if after partial completion, the work be discontinued for a
period of one year, the permit shall thereupon become void and no
further work shall be done until a new permit shall have been
secured. A new fee shall be paid upon the issuance of said new
Sec. 9.1. Violation. Any person found to be violating any
provision of this or any other ordinance, rule or regulation of
the District, except Section 10.1 hereof, shall be served by the
District Inspector or other authorized person with written notice
stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable
time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. Said time
limit shall not be less than two nor more than seven working days.
The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such
notice, permanently cease all violations. Ail persons shall be
held strictly responsible for any and all acts of agents or em-
ployees done under the provisions of this or any other ordinance,
rule or regulation of the District. Upon being notified by the
District Inspector of any defect arising in any sewer or of any
violation of the ordinances, rules or regulations of the District,
the person or persons having charge of said work shall immediately
correct the same.
Sec. 9.2. Public Nuisance. Continued habitation of any
building or continued operation of any industrial facility in
violation of the provisions of this or any other ordinance, rule
or regulation of the District is hereby declared to be a public
nuisance. The District may cause proceedings to be brought for
the abatement of the occupancy of the building or industrial
facility during the period of such violation.
Sec. 9.3. Disconnection. As an alternative method of en-
forcing the provisions of this or any other ordinances, ~rute~- ~
regulation of the District, the District Inspector shall have the
power to disconnect the user or subdivision sewer system from the
sewer mains of the District. Upon disconnection the District In-
spector shall estimate the cost of disconnection from and recon-
nection to the system, and such user shall deposit the cost, as
estimated, of disconnection and reconnection before such user is
reconnected to the system. The District Inspector shall refund
any part of the deposit remaining after payment of all costs of
disconnection and reconnection.
Sec. 9.4. Public Nuisance - Abatement. During the period
of such disconnection, habitation of such premises by human beings
shall constitute a public nuisance, whereupon the District shall
cause proceedings to be brought for the abatement for the occu-
pancy of said premises by human beings during the period of such
disconnection. In such event, and as a condition of reconnection,
there is to be paid to the District a reasonable attorney's fee
and cost of suit arising in said action.
Sec. 9.5. Means of Enforcement Only. The District hereby
declares that the foregoing procedures are established as a means
of enforcement of the terms and conditions of its ordinances,
rules and regulations, and not as a penalty.
Sec. 9.6. Liability for Violation. Any person violating
any of the provisions of the ordinances, rules or regulations of
the District shall become liable to the District for any expense,
loss or damage occasioned by the District by reason of such
Sec. 10.1. Protection from Damage. No unauthorized person
shall maliciously, wilfully or negligently break, damage, destroy,
uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or
equipment which is a part of the District's sewage works. Any
person violating this provision shall be subject to the penalties
provided by law.
Sec. 10.2. Powers and Authorities of Inspectors. The
officers, inspectors and any duly authorized employees of the
District shall wear or carry an official badge of office or other
evidence establishing his position as such and upon exhibiting
the proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to
enter in and upon any and all buildings, industrial facilities and
properties for the purposes of inspection, reinspection, observa-
tion, measurement, sampling, testing or otherwise performing such
duties as may be necessary in the enforcement of the provisions
of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the District°
Sec. 10.3. Separability. If any section, sub-section,
sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application
thereof to any person or circumstance is for any reason held to
be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not. affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the appli-
cation of such provision to other persons or circumstances. The
Board hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance or
any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof ir-
respective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections,
sentences, clauses or phrases be declared to be un¢~titutlonai.
/s/ C.G. Johnston
/s/ William A. Young
Clerk and ex-officio Secretary
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted
at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public
Utility District held on the day of
1956, by the following vote:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors:
Goeringer, Johnston, Young
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: None
William A. Young
SE' ~..~E~ .~N~ ~ ~ ...... ~T~' '~%IONS~c -, ' ,PROVIDING FOR THE ENPLOYMENT
Sec. 1.£,. Dc.[in.~.t"i'~ns ....... · · -' ......
I. 2 1 D i. ~ :, ~' i c .t ...............
1.3. Boar~ ._. ..... ........
1.4., ,Clerk .... . ......... " .....
County .... ......... ' ' ' '
Engineer. ..............
,District I.nspector..~ .........
Person .................
kerm~.... · .............
Bulld~ng ...... · ........
:?,pplicant a~. . · ·
Cont~acuor ....... ' 2
Street ..........
Sewagt I.~, rks ..............
Scwage. .. - ..........
Industrial Wastes ...........
Sewer ........ 2
Pub 1 i c ~; uwe r ..............
Siae .'~ cwr:' t~ ...............
HOLISe S ~!¢u'i' , .............
Lateral S~wer ,. .............
Outside- Sewer .............
Flumbi. ng JY;~ It:in .......
Ga.rbage ..............
Sec. 2,1.
Rules and Regulations
Purpose ....... 3
Short, Ti-t le ......... 3
Posting · i~ ..............
Violation", nlaWful; .......... 3
Relie'f on ~pptication ....... 3 '
' 3
2.7.. ~ Relief ~on Own Motion ' · ....
~.8. - Plumbing'{ Inspecuion, Compens.atzon.
Sec. 3.1. ~D~.sposaL. of Wastes.... .......
3.2. ,Treatm.unt Of ?!ast~,~-Requ~-~'ed'; .....
3.3. Unlawful Dzs;posal · ........ 4
3.4. .Occupancy. Prohibited:; .........
3.5. Sewer R(::quired ............
y 9wner
~ts.. · -
..... tiGriS
.persons Autho~Zzed,,to;- pe;f0rm~ Work. ~;' ..,, .', '.,'" 77
.......6.9-,, Des~'~'~'a~d C oWs.truc, rion: ,S ta~dar~s '; · , 8
..... S ~, s~er'& Pro~,
~ ;:' " 7 4, ' Ma'intenance 'of'~'~%ntercept°rs , ,, .. · · . .
'7.9. S
ll .-
,8.41 Agreement' · .... ; .' ' ' ' "'
8,5. ClasseS of permits..i.~..; · · '.'i ....... 11
'8.6, Fees -~.c0nnedti°n~.Cha'rges '':.!'''I''~ , .... 11
Sec. 8.7.
Fees avid Bond "Single F.:milY
Residential Bulld~,ng :~ewer ....
Fees and Bond '- Mu:lti-'tamz
: ~idential Comme~i~
Industrial. Connec tiou
8~9. Fees and Bond '- ~
Cor~gtruct:kon ..... · · ' ' '
Dlspo~Jir~on of Fees .........
A.LL ~'ork to be Inspected
8. I3. NotL fication .... - .....
8.14. Conoc~m~e Uork. ~ · · ·
8.15. Ail Costs Paid-by O~er ......
,3 , 1.1 .
8 .'20.
Permits for Outside Sewers. ~ . :
Permi. t Optional · , , · .......
Special OutSide f,greement,~; .....
Street ~xcavatzon P.erm£t .... . ....
Liabi li:ty .............
Time Limit on Permits ........
,~:; ec. 9.1. V i o L a,'tion ..............
9.'2 pubkz: Nuisance .... , ....
9.3. Disconnection .............
'9.4. Public 'Nuisance - Abatement .....
9.5 t, Ieans of Enforcemert.t Onl_y . .
· , ~.or Violation .......
9 6 Liability
Sec:. 10.1.
P.rotection From' Damage .........
Powers and Authorities of, tnspecto.~:s.
Separabil. Zty
~ 15
/.i!! ORDIb!APC!:' :L:'":: '~" ,5'!-li'i 'g '
'~' ' ' ' gNPLOYPi]LNT
OF h
:.ND R:::GUL/TiRG' 'I: L[L'"ii:.[.igG ~,. ~":I:"t:G::' /,::2 S:L: ':;~-['i:~C I N T~t~:':
SOUR': :i,"dCt: PU-BI, IC tJTi':iTY L i:3T~,:CT'
Boa, d :_b the Board of
:J e c
t:he Board,
Cl.:.:',,.:,, As th<: C[.erk'"and ,zx-.o:_,::,: ~, '4cc:c..,:-:ry o::
Sc:c. ].5. ,:] Cu.,:y'~" ::5 cbc: C¢~unby of I. b:.:a,,,," '
',CC. j..7. ;?l.°-LLlr C [::s;)C':tOL" L: tho
tile B.oard and may ).2 et .,~?:j)c.'. o,4 tile B,.)a ,'
1~ :2C . [ :'C'L'SrWi e ,:'ill}" ~llIUIO..!.'i k.. : ...::
t'.el:'Sl'~L[) , ~i,':;SOCt. OI[i.L tlllt~ ,'.~ ~_Va::'S , I,. )1.:C , dlklt:....L ),:il. COL t)( "'~tE L,.;TI'-:
I-'h,e Ut, kLe'.d ,t:flze.¥-, r:::- .',IfI(z;iLLL Ll"l: tac~ O.L (.'Ltl ....[~,')I',]..D
~l.[ pO:[ LIiLC:~ L ,<llb(!~_'U_L,'-t'Lf':'::-: ,: . ,:: :l~t~lC::
Sec. .I..ND. BuLLd:p,<, L?; any str. uceur::
tzon or a place o£ btlSll:~.$S) l'eCreaKJ_OD
sanita,:y fac:l Ltlt :,.
be tho 3vmer or [u[s ,,?:emi'.
:i ,'
Sec. 1.13. Street is any public highway, road, st~'eet~
avenue, alley~ way, easement or right of way.
Sec. 1.14. ,'Sewage !.,~orl~s are,~.all facilities for collection,
pumPifig,treating an~--~isposing of S~wage.
Sec. 1.15. S~wage zsa combi.natzon of water-carried was~es
from~buildings and ±ndustrial-~stabllshments connected to sewage
works of'distriCt!'pr from~apy private sewer.
Sec.. 1.16. Industrial Wastes are the liquid wastes from
industrial processes as di"st~'nct ~rom se~age.
Sec.' 1.1~. ~'Sewer is a ~zpei'.or co,Dduit ~l~iCh carries sewage
and'/Or" industrial was~cs ?to~ which istorm~, .surface and ground waters
are not intentionally admit%ed.
Sec. 1.18. Pubimc Sewer is a sewaz~ lying within a street
and Which is controlled-by or under the jurisdiction of the Dist-
;~Sec. t'.19~' Side 5~w~?-~is ti~e part of the horizontal piping
beginning at the foundation wall of any building and terminating
in the mazn-sewer~ or sep~.~i~.t~nk.
Sec. 1.2~. House Sewer is any sewer or drain b~znnzng at
the plumbing or drainage outI~ts of any buildings and running to
the property line ....
Sec. 1.21. Lateral Sewer is the portzc,n of the side sewer
within a public street. ~
Sec. 1.~2. Outside Sewer is a private sewer beyond the
limits of the District.
Sec. 1.~2%.' Privat~'Sev~er'zs one which has an independent
sewage disposal ~o't connectaJ ~th a public sewer and which accom-
modates one or more
Sec¥i{t{'24~'- ~.'J~um0ing Syste~n incli{d6's ail pldmbing fixtures
and 'traps,.or soil, ~,,~aste~ special waste and 'vent pipes~ and all
sanitary: sewage '~0zpes w~tthin the property lines of uhe pi'cruises.
Sec.~ 1.~5. Garb~_f~ ?~s.solid wastes freer., the preparation,
co~'~kZng and dispensi]']~f f~od~ and from the handling~ stol?age and
sale of produce. -~ ~-'
Sec. ~.1. R~les and Regulations. Thc~ following rules and
regulations r,=spectzng sewez~ construction anu disposal of s.ewage
and drainage of buildings and connection to ~e sewage works of
said District are hereby adopted~ and al.[~work '~n respect t~ereto
shall b~ Performed as h~rein required and not oth~rwise.
Sec. 9_.-2. Purpose. Tills ordinance is zntc;.ndcd to provide
certain minimum st~-n--d~-dS-: provisions and requi'~-emants for design,
methods of construction 'and use of materials :~.~ sanitary sewage
facilities in lateral se~,~ez-s hereafter instal.h~d, alte-~ed or re-
paired. This ordina~ce shall not apply retroa,_tivety and., in the
event of an alteratiop, c>r repair hereaftaz made, zt shall apply
only to gna new mat~r~ais and methods used thcc~:_n.
S~c. ~'3 ,Sh~n:c T'~tle. Th~s )'~dina~ce shall be R'no~ as
the 5outh~ Tat~oe Pu01ic ~_ty Distr~ct ~ewe~ k~guiatzon Ordi,mnce.
Sec. 2.4. ~ostin?,. Upon.adoPtion this oru~nancc shall bc
posted in three puo~iZ"-u~aceo ~-: the. O'~si:t-ict at l~'a~:,t on~= week
prior to the expiration of 30 days f'~-om thc da cc of [t~; passaga~
t~ere being no nc~wspa[~,c~ of get,cra] c~-culat:rc.n pa'~nte~ and pub-
lished Ln the l, istc~ct-~ a~d sha].l take effec~-nlSon ~a expiration
~of '~hzrty days fro~'n ~'~ date of ,~op~ ti- on.
~c. 2.5. w.,olat~c,n Unlawful.d Fo!low~ng thc.~ effective datt
of chis ord~.nance it shal% 6~' m.lawfat fo? any person c~ co, react
to. cons-cruet' ~.l)pta] ' or Di~OVI~ll2 ~ ~il'~Ei!l~ ~i]]dl dS,. J].i~, other, mea~ls
o~~ sewage disposal :~)~'! any building in sa.ud [.i,s..tr~t axcepu by
conn'ect~o~l~, to a ptg~.[lc s~,~e%' :~-~ the manner as in [nis ordinance
pz'ovided. :C.-- , ~
' ,~. ~.~'. llc Lzzf on ppl~cat.kon. ¥'ac~n.'ap.y parson by reason
of~ specmal circum~ta~cas~ ~s of the opinmon ~that any provision
this ordinance is unjusn or ~nqqu~table as applied Co his
he may make~ written application re the Boa~-d, stat~ngthe special
cir.comstan-ces~ citing th~ pro~.~:_si~6'n complained o~ and requesting
suspension or modzf~_cac;~on ~ that provision as applied to ~zs
p~em~ses.. ,.- - '~- ~
If suc~ app'lication b~ appr~vcd~ the Bcard may,
by r~:so]ution, sus:~end or moui~y thc provision complazneu of, as
applied to such prc~:,~ses, to be effective a's of tho date of the
application and continuing durzng tf~e period of the specxal circum-
S gallo e s.
' ac. 2.[~'~ ~ol~cf ,n~ Ov~ Motion.'~' Tea Beaird nmy,. on its
motion., "[%~Td'-'~]~at by ccasor, o~' spec~.cl~ccumsuanc, cs a'. ~, pz'ovzsion
o~ uazs regulat~or, at~d o,_cznal~.:a s[-~ou "~ ~ . .
as applied., to a pO~a.~cuta~ premLs~.: a~d n~.y, by ','~s~,/uC~on,, order:
such suspension Ox" iv~d:cfzc, atzon ,fez such o-<'a'.r~;~ sc:-a, du~ing thc period
of SUCil s~ecial 'clrcu~,sca~".zes'~ or .any pax'u
Sec. o o, i t.~r:.o~.~,z _[~spect:aon, Cc,npensat:~n. The Board
of said District w~ .... ; .,.:.:.--: ..... -... _'~-~;-:~-: .... :-., .....
person as may b:;~ deszgaa~t~ by ~he Isoard to pcz'fc.~:?m cina duties of
inspec/ing,tt~e inst:al ~ ',~",~.~_~.~ ~ con~ectlon ~ ,'~a~,:~nanca and. use of all.
Lateral sawe~-s and p lumb~_,,g,. ?:--w~,'a~,'e. ._ = , sa--,.tary .~rainage work and
fac~litles in connactzOr, ,:ha. tern. th in sa;_d Pi. sir'tot, to be knoToa
as the Sanitary Ins'f'.'~c,-o~:'. ~{'c,. saall rcce~.w_~ as compensation for
. acu;~-",d made by thca
his services for matci~.~ :~',~Sl->acti. or, s ~ t ....... to bc
o'rdinances';'.ahd ordc:rS a~ regula.'hzons"flrom tlme co time enacted
and Ordered by said" .... .... .
. 5o~!.u a sum to b.e .fixed by thc. Board
. :. ':~"~ ' ~ f .said B:>ard
sha.[l serve durz'ng ti~c ~>!~a,~ur- o .
USE OF ,B~B,L~C S:E!.'ERS i~E.(,!II!~Y,D
3ac. 3.il. ~isposa/ of l'].astas. ~lt st~ail 'b~-? ur, lav~f:ui ~'o.r
a.n:y per, SQn ~,to ,:p~ac~'~-~-~6-~siY~ ~--~ ~'~mz'h to 'be d~posrued in an
insanitary manner ~pon public or private property .~vZ~llZn the
D'£s~riht', 0~" in an.'y area under the ~u.~-isdictien of said District,
.a..n,y hu~n or a.n..lma'l excrcment~ garb.age> o,~ other objec tionable ~.~a'ste.
Sec. 3.2. Treatment of !.7astes Required. I~ shall be un-
la~,~ful to discharge to any ~'~ream or watercourse any sewage,
dustriat wastes, or other Pollute,d waters~ except ~Ther¢ suitable
treatment has been provided in accordance wi u~ provisions of this
Sec. 3.3. Unlawful Disposal. Except as i%erein provided,
it shall be Unlawf%-I to'"'c~st~het Or maintain any~privy, privy
vault, septic, tank, cesspool, seepage pit or other facility in-
tended or used for the disposal, of sewage.
Sec. 3.4. O__ccupancy Prohibited. ;5!o building., industrial
f~acility or other structure shall 'be occupied until the O~ner
· ord.'the premises has complied .wita all rules and regulations of
Sec. 3.5, Sewer Required~. The Owner of any building
situated within th~,District requiring se~,zage disposal and abutting
on any street zn which there is now lOcane~ or may in the future
be located a public sewer of the District, is hereby required ac
his expense to connect said building directly with the, proper pub-
lic sewer in accordance w~th the provisions of this ordinance,
within ninety (90) days after date of official notice to do so,
provided that said public sewer is within three hundred (300) feet
of the building. ~
"~' .~.'Sec. 4.1.. '.SeWe~ [~.ot '~,vailable. h~h'ere a public sewer is
-not"aVailab'le unde~ ;the. pr~zsions o~f' Sec'tion 3.5, the bu:tlding
sewer shal:l b~ connected ~o'~ private sewage disposal ..System
c'o¢plying with the rules~"rogui~t.ions and .ordinances of'.,tne
Di'~'~tri c t..~ "~ :~?~ ~ ~ ;" : ' '
":~' ' Sec' 4.9. P~erm~t Re~uir~,d. ~:':Before commencement of constrac-
~zon of a private sewagc~dzsposal system one o,..~-~er s[~all first
obtain'a ~itten permit sit;ned by t[ie Elstr].ct InspeCtor. Thc
a~pptication.for .such permz~ snail be made on a fo~:m~'furnished by
.th~'Distric'~, which, the a~?ticant shall supplement by any pians~
,specifications end',other ..zr~form~'tion 'as a',:2 deemed necessary by
the Distr~ct. A l-~e~it and inspection fee aha]l be paid to the
'Distri,c.t at the tim~ applicatJ, on is filed zn accordance With
'p~ovisi'ons of Article ~[I' of:.g[~g Ordinance.
. ~ -. . . .~
Sec 4.3. Inspectton Required.. ~., pt:'i-n]it for a private
sewage disposal system st~ll nod' b~dome effect.rye until the in-
stallation is completed tO the sati~faction of the District Inspec-
tor,~ He shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of con-
struction and, rn any event, the applicant for the permit shall
notify the District Inspector when the ~ork rs ready for final
igspection, and before any underground portions are covered. The
inspectiop o~ll .be made within forty-eight (48) hours, Sundays
and Holidays excl~ded~ of the, [eceipt of tt~e ~otzce by the District
".Sec. 4.4:. Design RequiEements. The type, capacities, [oca-
tion~and layout of-~private' ~wage'disposal system s~all comply
with all rec~mgndations of ~the Eepartment 6f Public Health of
the State of California, No permit shall be issued for any private
sewage'-disposal system~::~mpl~oyzng,fiubsur~ace soil =bsorptzon facz-
litie]s'wh~re the area 'O'f: :He :lot'¢:iS.~ deten~ined to be inadequate
~'by~the Bbard of District': iqo septic tank or cesspool shall be
'pcmnttted To discharge to any public~jsewer or any stream or water-
,C OUr $ e.
Sec. 4.5. Abandonment of Fa6iliti~s. ;~ such time as a
~public sd~r beccm~ .available tO a_proper~y Served by a :prlvate
~S~Wmge disposal'-Sys~em~ as provided in Sec~ior~ 3;~5~, a direct
~9.o~eetiOn shall ~b~made~to the public sewer in compliance
"~.Cth~e'>6rdinances,~ rules an~ regulations ~of Distr~ct~ and any septic
t~nks,.' .ces~spools, and s%milar private, sewage disposal facili:.~ies~.:~de~e~ined
~halt be'abandoned~and filled ~Tith s.~itable mater~al as
strict Inspector.
Sec, 4.~. Cost of Maintenance bv Owner. The o~er shall
operate .and~ maintai3n "~.h~.jpriva~e s~_wage"~disposa 1 facili ties
a!.sanitary, man~er at' a:t~t times'~~ at 'no?~-expensa ~.~o the ~Distric[~
SeC, 4.7. Additiona% Requirements.' No statement contained
in this('f'~'tiCle sh~i-[ be .c'O'~stru..~ ~ ~o i6~erfer'e Wi~gh~.~any additiona~l
requiSiteS'ts that may be- imposed~ 'by '~ny law,. :ordinance, ~le~
re~la~bn or by ~,the Health Officer O~ the Coun'tT~"'
~ Sac, 5.1. Permit Required. In accordance ~ith Article
of this ordinance n~ per2~on ~'haI1~ coustruct'a building sewer~
s ew~er ~thout
later~al sewer or mak~e a-connection w~th any gublic
fi~rst'"obtain'ing a written permi~, from t~ne Dimt~ic~ and' paying~alt
f.~es and connection, charges a~:~requzred her'eil~, "..~ ;~' ':
Sec. 5.2. Construction R~quirements. Construction and
inspecnion 3o.~' build~.og s~wers and lateral .sewers shall be"in accor-
dance with the' requirements "of the Couri~y Oi E1 Dorado and~ne.
r~quirements :'of the'~Di'stric t.
Sec. 5.3. $ewa~~ Materials. The~ building sewer shall be-
cast iron soil pipe, A'ETM~spec{~cagion (7,74-42) or equal; v~tri-
fled clay sewer p~pe, ~S~M speeification (Ct3-~4T)-or.equal; or
~other s~itable mate-rink ~'pproved by tn~ Ins~o~ctor'.~ loints ~hal.1
be -eight and wagerproof~.
Sec. 5.4, ~4in~m~ S~ze and Slope. Ihe size and slope of
the building.sewer snail be sub]'ect!Dg-~[~e app-~oval of the -
Inspector, but in no event 'shall the diameter- be %ess than four
'(4) inches. The slope of such 4-inch pipe si~l% be~no't less
than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foo~. '
Sec. 5.5. Building Dra~n. !.7nenever pos~ib'lc the building
dra~n shall be brough~:~o...the __building' at an elevation below
baS~ent floor. No buiI'ding, d~ain shall be laid.:p~rallel to or -
within th~e (3) feet of"any bea~ing.wall, which might thereby
be weakened. T[~e depth shall-be suffid'ient to afford, protection
from'fros~. T[~e buildi'ng d~ain shall.be lhid at uniform grade
and in~Sgra~gh~al!gnmerit ~i~'so far as possible. Changes~.in
d~rec, tiOd'~:'sha~I be made only w~ti~:pr~perly curved pipe"and fittings.
3ec. 5.~. Jo~n[s and Connections. All excavat~uns
quired ~or the ins~[acio~' of a bui[~5g drain snail ba open
.U~ench W0rk-unless'o~her~'se approved by ~ne,': Inspection. T.
Pipe :, [aying and backfill~shall be performed ~n~ac~ordance
AS,~,,Specif~ca~ion (C12-t9) except tha~ ne,,'backfill shall
pla~ed,.un~il t~e worx'has been inspec'cad. -: ., "~
Sec. 5.7. Connection to Public ~ewer. The connection of
· the building s'ewer into th~: Publzc.sew~er shall' be made aK the
lateral or '!Y.~' 'or "T~ branch., zf such lateral or '~Y"' or ~'T'~ 'bra~ch
is available at a suitable location. ~There no properly located
"Y~ or '~"T .~-~'branch zs availabie~ a n~at hole may be cut l'nt.o tke
public sewer to: rece.~vc t~e'~bu'~tdzng Or lateral sewer, wztn entry
zn the downstream direction at an angle of ~bout forty-fi~e
degress (45°). fi wve saddl~ shall be~-used .for the connection and
~,n no case shall th~ p~pe'protr6de inside the main sewer. The_
invert of the building or lanezal s~wer at the point of connection
shall be at a i~igher elevation than the 'inv~rt of the public
sewer. A smo.6th neat joint shall be made and the connection made
secure arid war,might. The connc~c'tz0n 'to the public sewer shall
be made in the oresencc of the Dzstrzct Inspector and under his'
supervzszon and direction and in accordance wzt~ the.. rules, regu-
latlons and 'ordinances of the Listrlc't. '- -ny damage to the publi'c
sewer shall be repaired at t~e cost of :t~e applicant to the satis-
faction of the Distr~ct lnsp~-,ctor. '
Sec. 5.,8. Separate Sowers. Eo two adjacent lots fronting
on the same street shat-[-be pa~mitted to jo':~n ~n ti~e use of the
same s~de ~ewer. ~ ~ --
',Yum5 building or industrial facility must be
separately connected wLth a public sewer z[ such public sewer
exists in t~e street upon: which the prope~rty abuts or in an eas~-
men'c which' will serve said property. However: one~ or more build-
ings loon'ced on prop~rty belonging ~o th~'same owner may be
served with thc sam,.~ side. sewer durmng the period of said owner--
ship~ Upon the subsequent subdivmsibn and sale of a portion of
said lot the portion not directly cohhected w/th such public sewer
shall be segarately so connected wztn a public sew~:~-, and it shall'-
be 'unlawful for the owner thereof to continue t'o use or maintain
such indmrect connect:ton.
Sec. 5,9. Old Buildzn~ hewers. Old building sewers may be
used in connection ~{tT{ i{-~w B6i~ldin~s 'only when they are found,
upon' ~xamznation and thst by the Dist'rict Inspector, to meet 'all
requzrements':Of District.
Sec. ~.10. Sewer Too Low. In all buiidin,,so in which any
building sewer- is.' too low to permi~ gravity flow to' the public
sev/ez, '.sanitary sewage carried by such-building sewer shall be ~'
lifted by arti"~fici, al means, approved bY the District Inspector,
and discharged to the publmc sewer at't;~e expense of tme ownaer.
Sec. 5.11. Pro~ectzon of Excavation. All excavations for
side sewer iostallation shall be ~-d~quate.ly guarded ~ith barricades..
or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets,' Side-
walks, parkways and other property disturbed in tge course of
the. work shall be restored ~a a manner satisfactory to thelDistrict
and the city'~-county or any: other person having",~drisdicti'oB
Sec. 5.12. Maintenance of Side Sewer. Side sewers shall
be maintained by.the, owner.~ o~ the 'ProPerty served '~hereby~,.
Sec. 6,1. Permit Required,..I..n .accordance with Artic~le
VIII of this ordinance ,". no person~=shal!' construct, e~te~d O9~
connect to~ any pablic *sewer wzthogt first' obtaining 'a~.written
permit from the. Distric~.~an~p.a. ying all fees and connection charges
and furnishing bonds as r,eq~red~ tharein'.i Th~ pr0~Wis'fOhs of, this~
Section~requiring permit,s S}~li,'n~t be Construed *tld 'AP'PlY 'to con?~
tractors constructing scwers~and appurtenances under c'0ntran.ts~
awarded and entered into by.'l~he District. ~- '
Sec. ,1,2. Plans, Pro,fil~s and S!ou, czficatzons Raquiredo
The application for a p~rmft-foz:oublzc sewer construction shall
be accompanied by complete~ptans, profiles and spec~~fications,
complying with all appl~z.~able ordin~nc'es.,, rules and regulations of.
Dzstrfct, prepared by a i(egis~ered Civi~ Engineer showiAg all ,de-'
tails 'of the proposed, work "based on an ac'curate surve~ Of t~e-.
ground.. The application., toge.:l~er with the plans, profiles a~d
specifications shall be examined by the DrStrict Enginee~ who' shall
approve them as filed or require them to b'c modified as he 'deems
necessary for propez installation. After examination by the Dist,
rict Engzneer,,-ti~'e application, plans~ profiles and specifications
shall be submitted to the Board at its next regular meeting for
ins consideration, kzne~ the Board is satisfied that 'the proposed
work is proper and tn?. iolans,' profiles and specifications ara suf-
ficient and correct~ zt shall order :~ zssuance of a permit pr~~.
dicated,rupon the payment of all con,.B, ectzon charges, fees and
furnishing bonds as required ,by.~, the District. The permit Shall
,prescrzbe such te'm~s and condfti'o~s as the Board finds necessary
in,the public interest. :.
Sec. 0.3. 5ubdzvisionso The requirements of Section 6.1
and 6.2 of this ordinance slYa[i be fully cam~.~lz'ed with before any
final '~subdivision map shall be appro,~ed by the ~oard. The final
subdiv£~%0n map shall provide for the dedication for public use
Of all s treets~ easements or rights of way zn which public sewer
l~nes ara to ,be ..constructed. I~ a final subdivision map of a
tract is r. ecorded and ~e worse of constructing sewers to serve the
tract is no'c '~eompleted within tl{e ttzme limiu allowed in the permit,
the Board may .extend the time limit or may complete the work and
take approp'ri'ate steps to enforce the provisions el~ 'the bond ~ur.-
nished by the-sdbdivider.
Sec. 6.4. l;asemen.~s .or, Rights of ~.~ay_. Irt the event 'that an
easement is require.~.~r-fh,e~ ~tenJion'~'6fl~gi{~, publ.:LC sewer or ~he
making of connecti~ons, the app}.% ,c~..nt shall procure arid have accept-
ed.by the Bogr~d a.proper ease,ment?or grant of ~-ight of way suffi-
cient in law".'to allow the~taying and,..mazntenance of such extension
or connection.
Sec. 6,,5. Persons gqtho'cized, to Perform Work. Only pro-
~perly'liCensed contractors Shall be Authorized' to perform ti~e work
of public sewer construction within tt~e.DistriCt, t[~.ll terms and'
condit{ons of the permit issu~d,.by ~he D~strict. to~'the apPlicant
shall'be: binding on the. contractor. · The requir~,~men'ts of tiais
Section shall apply to side sewers installed co¥~Currently w'~uh
public gewer construction.
~;.Sec. o.6. Grade 3takes. ?:Grade and line stakes shall be
s'et'by a'Regist~er~d C'.zv%I E~ine"e~.prior to the ~.t~ar,,t of work on
.:ahy public sewer cons'truc,tLqn. [~i~'Th& c. ontraccor shall be responsible
'for accurately cransferrzng:: grades to grade bars and sewer z.nve,rt.
Sec, 6.7. ~liance l.fith Local Regulations, 'Any person
constructing a sewe~ ~:£thi~ a"S:tr~t:-'shall com'}01, y ~zth all stat~
:.and county~law$, orcinances~ r. ul~s.,and regulations pertaining to
· "~'the cutting of pavement, openi~ug[~>/harricading, lighting 'and
and shall
. ~ Sec. 6.9. Desl~n~,and,.~Const~on Standards. ~ Mzmzmum.
standard0 for the design-ari~,Co~S~~on', o~ sewers'withYn:~tl~e
D~s~ri~ sha. ll be in accor~aa~ W~,~?~app~icabl~tprovi~ion~~ of
~the o=d~nances, r~es~ reg~ati~n~nM'~ith th~ SPEG~CATI~OM~ FGR
sE%~MR CONSTRUCTI~i~~ heretof~rz or ~h~ter adopted bY'
copzes o'f ~iCh.~'are on~file'.in~ ths"Di~trict offlce~; Th~ District
or. the' DisC~lct~ngzneer ma~,~permzt~mg~fi~atzons, or may require
higher standardS, wher~ unusual~Con~:~6{~s ~re encountered.,
7'~!s,built" drawinBs~ Showi~g.?~ actual location 'of all mains~
structureS.,~Ys, Ts~ lateralS~and..'cI~%outs shall be filed with
.:~h~ District befOre-~fiaal* aaeeptang~', of uhe work.
- ' ~, -n n ar Prohibited.
Sec'. /.1... Dr.a~nag~ I [o Sa. ~.g ~ y Sawers
leaders from roofs~ A6~d -no surface: d~ins'q~r~:ain'water~ Vshall bc
connected to any sanitary sewer. No. surface or sub-surface drain-
?~? age, rain water~ s~orm water, J~.eep. a.gm, qbolimg wa~ar or unpolluted
industrial process waters shaWls.be permitted to enter any sanitary
sewer by any device or method w~atsoever.
, Sec. 7.2. ' Types 6f 1.7a. stes Prohibited. Except as herein-
'after pro~i'ded, no person e' or cause ~o be discharged
~y of the following desc ers or wastes to any public sewer:
(a) Any ]_iquldo~f~¥aD0r aaving a telgperature higher
~n 150~ F. "~'~''"' '
(b) ',n o~was.ge which mav contain more than
~. ly water
i00~.parts per mzllion, b'y w~ight,~of 'fag, oi~ or grease.
'(c.) Any gasoline, ~enzeg~e, naptna, fuel oil, or
~>:t~other flyable'or exploszv~ liq~i:d'~;'. .solid or gas.
' :(.d)' Any garb'age'tha~'t~-has not ;~.en pToperly shred~$d.
P~op~r~y ,s~edde'd garbage., shaI~',~ean 'the ~was~es fr'o~ 'the' pr.epai'.a'~
,',.such., ~. . ,~ 'g,r~'~, ~:', ,"t- ha~,~,,~,,'" ~ ' 11 particles. ,.'will"', be',.~arri &d,,, ..'',, .... Yr~e~"~. . , .y ~und~:r.., _..
~. 'fiow ~cond.i~t~on~:no~aliy preuai~:a~gi~:in' p~b,l:~c sew~.rs, wzth no
partic'Lm>gra~g~rJ'~nan one~'h~lf ~,i~'ch ..in,ahy .dimen'sfon. - ~
. ,,?. :,7,-.:' ~t'~"' ,((e) Any
, mua, strgw, shavings
;a,. , wood, ~adhch"'man'ure,
or .~;or =,e' capabie ~f :a:aasiqg
~..~ "~. ",i . .
pay,~lI~ the.' dcPar, tmeg't '"-
prior. ~o,, . permi't by 'th~ ,'!?' ,-
~ec.. o.8...P~ot~ctzo~.,,~ Sx~atzon.., The applzcant ..shall
,:~zptain such .bar:ri~rs,., !zgn~s':'and'":~i~ns as. ar.a necessary' fro
~warhing'.to. Che':oubl~c at all fii. me's.~]~,'a '.sa'v~er is un'd~r"
.~ti'on and of~'e.ach dangerous ,.aonditio~.~o be cncountared as a result.
,~reO~,..:~] .,'H~'~'~'sh~ll~.also ~likevff.~e pg~iect' the pubi'ig.' in the .gse
~he ..',sid$~%k against any such conditions ~n connection with' the
· ~ cons~~'bn. ~f the' sewer. 2.:~.~r.aela,'~:'.~idewalas, .'parkwaYs h~ ~ther~
' propSr~"~ist~rbed in~' thc coUMse'.oi.' the, .work shall be- reinstalled
in a '.man, er satiafactory to'the Dis~rigt and the COunty or"a~y'~
obstruction to the -.f2ow ~n sewers~or other~int~rference witlr.the
propc~ operatio~~, of the ~cwag~ works.
(f) .Any ~.Jate',~'s or wastes i]avzng a pH lower 'than
5.5 or hi~har than 9.0 or having any other cor~oszve proper'ay
capable o~ causzn~l damage or hazard to stz-uctures~ equioment
pez~sonnel of th~ s~v~agD works.
(g) ~',ny .wa'~ers or wastes c.c,nta'.~ning a uoxic.
poisonous substance i'~. suff~...cient q~antity to '~_njure or i.n'terfere
w~th any Sewage treata~ent p~ocess, cot]stlc.ut"e a .hazard to:'h~]an
'or animals, or c'L~eate any hazard in t~c. r~ceLv'i, ng'waters of .the
se~.~age t:ceatment plant.
(i~) Any ~a. ters or wastes conta~.nzng sus]rendad
or dissolved mat.tar o7 such character and qu~.~tity ~hat.unusual
~attention or expense ~s requi~"ed to [~a~-,dlc suc]] ~ateria[s, at thc
~sewage treatment plant.
(i) Any no~ious or malodorous gas o~~ s~0stance cap-
able of creati~g a p~btic nuisance.
(]) Any septic .tank .sludge.
Sec. 7.3. Interc~pto'~s Required. Grease~ oi.[ and
tercep'c,~)rs shall be prow_dad when, in thc o'otnlon of ti~e District
Insoector~ they are necessary for the proper ~andling of liquid
wastes containing grease mn excessive amou~ts, or any flammable
wastes, sand and oth~ l)arm~ul ~ngredients) except nha[~ such in-
terceptors shall not bt. ~'~.ul~ad for buzldi~gs used [o'~'
'tial purposes, f>lt lnterce.i)tors sk%all be ~f a type ~.~nd capacity
app~oved by the District I~spactor and shall be loca!cd as
readily a~d easily acc~s~iblc for cleanin2~ and
Sec. 7.4 l~iaintenance c~ Interc~, ~'~ All gt~ase~ oil
and sand interceptors si~all loc maintain;~d by the oyster, at his
expense, in continuously ~fic~nt ope~:acion at all
Sec. 7.5. [>~-el~n~na~'y T~'eatm~nt ef Wa~tes. Tile admiss[~on
into the ~ublzc sewers o~ a~y wat~,.rs or waste~ having (a) a 5-day
Biochemical Oxygen Damaged greater tnar~ 300 ,a~ns ~-)ek- ~]i].l~on by
v/e~ght~ o~- (b) ~o.nuaznzng mor~. than 350 ~az~s ~0er mz]l[>n ~y weight
of suspended solids~ or (c) con'~ainzng a,-~v qua~,tity of ~uos~ance
having the characteristics ~Jesct'~[oed in .i;ection /.g, o~' (d) in'aving
an average daily flow greater than two pal ca~nt of th~a
da~ly sewage flow of the Dzstrzc~ shall be subject to the review
and approval of the Dzst'r~ct Inspector. i~.~r~, r, eccssary zn the
opinion of the District I'nspector~ ~[~e owne'~ ~i~ail pro~'zde, at his
expense, such preliminary treatm~nt as may b? n.accssary to (a)
~'educe the Bzochemica'l. Oxygen Demand to 30f oa~-ts per mi ilion and
the suspended soi[ds to 350 parts per mil.lion by weight, or (b)
reduce ob.]actionable c[~a'racteristzcs or consc(tuents no within:
the maximum limits provided for Ln Section 7.2, or ('c).; control the'
quantitie~ and rates ~f discharge of such ~.~ate[-s cr was~es.
P[ans~ specifications and:any other pe-rtinent' infor'
marion relating no proposed preliminary, treatment fa~ciliti~s shal;1'
b~ sub. mitted fo'~- the approval, of the Dist.rict. Inspector. and' of t.he
Water Pollution', Control Commission of the :~tate of. califo'~nia and.
no construction of s~cn facilities shalt~ be corem'anted until' said
approvals a~e obta.~ned ~n writing.
Sec. 7.6. Maintenance of Pretreatment~Facitities. ~!here
preliminary ~reatment ~z~i-f~,ties a~'~-d-~Or -any w~ters or
wastes, they shall be maintained cont'~ous£y ~tn sat~,sfactory
and effective operation by the owner-~at his expense.
Sec. 7.7. Control i~ank~oles. ¥/hen,requzred by the District
the owne~ of any~property served by m~.side'-sewe'~~ car~-yin§ indus
-trial was'tes.~shall"install a suitable t'~on'tro£ manhOle in the side
sewer to facilitate observation, sampl~ng~.and measurement of
wastes. ~uch manhole, w'nen require~',' $~all be accessibly and:
safely located, and shall be constructed!:in acco~oanc® wZth plans
approved by the District Engineer. The:~anhot~ shall be installed
by the o~zner at his expense~ and ~hail ~, ma~_rtained oy h~m so as
to be safe and accessibl~ at all times.
Sec. 7.~. Measure,,nents and Tests~. · /'!! measurements, tests
and analyses of th~--c-~acteristics of waters and wastes to which
reference is made in Secuions 7.~ .and 7.5 shall be determined in
accordance with standard methods and shal~:..be de~erm~ned at the
control manhole provided for ~n Section 7.7~ or upon ,suitable
samples taken at said .control manhole. ~'In the event that no
special manhole has been reuu~red, the Control manhole shall be
consi, dered to be the nearest do~,~ns=ream manhole in the public
sewer to the point at which the s~de sewer ~zs connected.
Sec. 7.9. Special AMreements. No statement 'contained
this a~ticle shall be construed a~~' p~eventing any ~speciall-agree-
ment. or arrangement between the District and' any ,zndustrial concern
whereby an indnst=ial ~,~aste of unusual strensth or character may
be accepted by the Di.qtz-ict for treatment, subject tc payment
therefor by the industrial .concern and'~subject to such terms and
conditzons as might be requzred by District.
Sec. 7.10. S~wimmz~n~_ Pools._ It shaLi.'b~ unlawful f. or any
pers~on ~o discharge the c~onten'ts of a sw~mmz~ig pool znto. a sanz-
tary sewer ~~
Sacf 8.1. Permzt p, equir.ed;'~!o unauuho'~ized person s~all
uncover~ make any connectzon:~ with or opening ~nto uge, alter or
distur,b any public sewer 'or appurtenance .oz pek'for~.~ any work on
any sewer or drainage s.ystem ~,~ithout first obtaining a ~¢ritten
permit from the Dzs~rict.
Sec. 8.2. Appl~ication for Permi~t. Any pe'~son, legally
entztled,.to apply~Iorian'd~{~e~ceig~a i3ef~ni~ shal.], make such appli-
cation on forms provideo by the District .for t~at purpose. He
shall,~.give.a description of the c:haracter .'of the woz'k proposed to
be done and:~t~e l~ccatz~on, o~.tnership~ occupancy and ~se of the
oremises in connect, ior,~ therewith. The Di'sc~-<'zct I~specto'L~ may -
require plan~,{~- specifz~cations or drav~ings and such other znfo-mma-
tion .as he m~ay deem necessary.
If the District.Ins'pector determines ghat~'the~plans
spec.ificati'ons, drawings~ descriptions or infoz~nation furnished ~ -
by ~he appli'cant ;is in compl.iance,.,with'.th~ ordinances, ~rules and"
regulat~ions of the ;.District ~ he sihall ~issue the ..permit applied
for ,upon pasnne~t:,~of the ,re'q~i~d feces'as hez~einafter ~fixzd. '
Sec,. 8.3.. Compliance With Permit After app~0val of .the
application, evidenc~'d'by the issuance o~- a~permit,lno~cha:nge
shall be made in ~the ~location of the sewer, the grade, materials
or other details, fromm, those desCribed in the pe.,rmit ori ap §h6wn~'
on the plans and specifications for which the permit was &Ms,ed
~except with written permigsion from ~the Dist.rict; 'the~ District"
Inspector or other authori,~ed representative.
Seci' 8'.~4',"'t~'g'~reement. The'"'applicant'J' signature on
application for any permit as set forth in Sec. 8.5 hereof, shall
constitute an'agreeme'nt to comply:.~t~ all of,.t;.he grovisions,
terms and require~n'~s of'~l~.ordinances, r61~dg 'ah'a-regula[ions
of the Districg,,.and with the plans and specifications he has
filed with'hig'ap~i6ati6h-¢' if an..yqq.:~together ~w%:t~... ,such corrections
or modifications' ag may:!)&'*..made or~permitted by'.~,he"'District, if
any. Such agreemeh~~ shal"t be binding upon 'the a~'licant and may
be altered o.nty by the District upon the written request for the
alteration, f~om the;applicant. ~, ,.-:., ,..
Sec. r8.5. Classes of'Permits .... ',There shall be four classes
of permits~, as follows:
sewer permit. '
(b). Multi-family =~esidential~, commercial~'
:'or industriaL, b.uilding ~wer aonnec'-,~
tion permit.
(C) Public sewer.constrnptibn .p~rmit:.' -~'~
(d) Private sewage disposal~permig.
· Sec: ~"8"~ 6. Fe~s :2 ~Connect, i~on Charges. ;. 1% 'connectiOn
charges, fees and O~her chargeS'in the District and i~~ areas
annexed th~f~to}' rules and'regulations as set,f, orth in .the ordi-
nanc~si,~rules':~nd/'ragu-i'ationS., o.f.. the Distric,.~'.a~ heretofore or
hereafter fixed. Shall b'e paid' and'.COmplied With' in thelmanne=
Provided in said ordinances, '~ules and regulations. " ~
Sec, 8..7. Fees and Bond - Single, Family Residential Build-
~n~, ~S e.wer ~;'~ ' ~ - .. ~ .
i'~.~}~.l :" '."'"/'~'" (a)'/-A' d.:onn~C'~i·.on charge' as fixed by the:'~u.ttes[~ regu-
lastiO:~..i~and~:'Srdinances df the~:Di strict shall .be paid :~'0' ~t~e,:"Dist-
rict;bg:,:.the, person desirji~g~ connection ..~[~. ~.~.h~e bZsCriCt' ~eWer, . system.
(b) A fee of - dollars ($ ,)
shali ~e paid' to the District for issuing' a~ p~rmit to connect an~
inspecting each single family ~esidentiai buzlding sewer installa-
'(c) A.deposit of not more than'$100.O0, to be fixed
by the Inspector as the estimated.~cost thereof~ shall be,made'with
said Inspector to guarantee fai~ful perfomah~Ce of the provisions.
herein ~:th re~erence to the-coastruction of~a lateral sewer, the
whole of which shall be return~d:..~upon tha.c~pletion of the work,.~
~hen the ' wOrk' %s done. other ~t~n:. by said District. lqhen said work
is done by ~aid District onl'y.:jthe :balance above the cost thereof ?
shall be returned.- "~ .:~.~
Obtain a permit from the SOUTH TAHOE UTILITY DISTRICT for each connect-
ion to the system. No work is to bo performed until a permit has been
obtained. For information regarding permit or hookup call the SOUTH
The building sewer line shall be constructed of cast iron soil pipe,
vitrified clay sewer pipe or other suitable material approved by the
The size of the building sewer line shall be subject to the approval of
the Utility District, but in no event shall the diameter be less than
four (4) inches.
Joints bet%een asbestos cement pipe and metal pipe shall be made by means
of an adapter coupling approved for this purpose. U.P.C. 802(i)
The slope of the building sewer line shall be not less than one-fourth
(~) inch per foot.
No building sewer shall be laid parallel to and within three (3) feet
of a bearing wall foundation unless the foundation footing extends below
the sewer line.
The sewer pipe must be placed on a bed of sand or compacted, rock free
earth. ?ne back fill around the pipe must also be free of rocks.
All joints must be water tight.
A clean out must be installed at or near the sewer system lateral connect-
Cleanouts shall be placed in every building sewer at the junction of
the soil pipe stubout, and at intervals not to exceed one hundred (100)
feet in straight runs.
A clean out shall be provided for each change of direction exceeding
forty-five (45) degrees from a straight line, except that a clean out
shall not be required for one forty-five (45) degree offset.
Do not cover any work until it has been inspected and approved by the
Utility District Inspector.
An acceptance notice will be left on the job by the inspector if the work
is approved. If corrections are required a correction notice stating
required corrections will be left on the job.
Abandoned septic tanks, cesspools or dry wells shall be pumped and back
filled with clean earth fill within ten (10) days after sewer hookup.
Section 24400 California Health and Safety Code.
If you have any questions re~arding your sewer hookup do not hesitate
to call your inspector. Remember he is here to help you.
Sec. 8'.8, F~es and Bond ~ M~"ti-fami.l.~ Resid~nti'ai/'
C ommercia 1 ~'0.r' t.nd~,t'~.i.al S ew'e~ 'C 0nnec ti on.
-(a): :~'/~ 'connection;:c~arg~ as fixed'~ by the. rulem~i-re-
gulations'., and ordin'ance~ of the"DiStrict shall be. pai~ to ,~he
District '.b~{'~he person desiring connection to the District sewer
...... ,(b) A fee o~ . ~ ........ .,... . dollars ($ ..... ..)
s.oa,~i~ De: pax,u to.'~the District' for 1,ssulng. a permit, to~ connecf.and
inspecting each'~.lti-fami~y'residenkial, co~ercial or industrial
building sewer' ins'tallation.
(c): The '~pplican~ fo~ .a multi-family residential,
commercial or industrial sewer connect~on..permit shall, 'in:addi-''
tion?',.to all.'other fees and charge~.".p'~YAS~e pursuant to the rules;
regu!ati°ns'.~ahd Ordinances of 'Eh&~ 'Ois~r~'ct)~. pay all engineering, in-
sp~tiOh.~and',7~ther costs ~deemed b'y' th~ Dis.t~ict to;be necessary,
if :any, to insure: compliance with the terms of theLpermit and the
rules, regulations and ordinaDces of uhc District.
..~ (d) A deposit of,~not mor~' than $1.00.'00~, :o be fixed'
by' c.he Inspector, as th~ ',estima~'d', coat: thereof, shall be madc with
said 'Inspecto~to gua.ranCee' fai'tWful ~p~cr~fprmance of,"the rovisions
erezn wzth reference to the construction: of a lateral sewer, the
whole of Which' shall be returned .Upo.n~"t~9~' ccmp!e.tion of the work,
,when the wprk i's done' 'Other than by sai'd"Distri'ct. When said work
s done~.~b.y<Sazd Dzstrict only 'the,balance above the cost thereof
shall'be ~eturned.
S~c., 8.'9. Fe~s and Bond. ~C'.: Pub'li'~ Sewer Construction.
,'~',. (a) A fee in an ~ount deemed necessary'by the
Dis trict(~: to pay 'all engineering~.inspec~ion and. other costs requir
ed to ~n~ure compliance ~ith~. the/terns 6f',the pemit and ~th the
rules~, regulations ~nd~'6%dinances ;of the Dzst. rict shall be Paid
to th~.Dis:trict prior td the ~ime..the permzt is-issued, for re- '
view:lng plans and ~c'ifi'ca~ions,,.~.i. ssg~9g a ;permit and inspecting
the installation of publ~a .~ewe~ '~ins., ~taterals and all 'appurten-
ances thereto, If the 'f~e :fiAed-~],Y th'e,;.D~strict is in excess of:
the actual cost g'o' Che Dist~Tlct~...ag, y surplus over the cost shall, be
refunded to the ~'~rson'"Obtaining the permit.. If the fe~ fixed by
the Distric:t:. is less than/t'5~ accel cost to the Distri~t.,?~'the
person. Obtaini'~g':th'e permz:t ~hali"'be liable,,for the excess' cost
to the D'istrict'.:
. ~t ,- ( ) P~or ssuance,off a pe~mi~',,~or:..public
sewe~' conStrUction' the a ~hall f~' ish zo ' ' "
faithf~'::~erfomanc~ bon cash fn the',Amount of the,to'ta'l esti-
mated, eos t,.o~the work.'. ~S~id,~'~ond :o be'?Secured by a '.Surety or
~yi pe=zo~'ance,~.gpdl-sh'al~.b~.(coBditioned .upon th~perfO~ance of
the t~:~S:'?:~:"C'6~ztzOn.~:b.f[thA, p.ermit.an~ shal~ guarantee the
m~te~a:ls fpr a ~%od r~'f~..bn~ (~), Year after the d~te of[L;acceptance
~on of a
~-:ipns,,~!;',i:issuing a permit.
private S,e~age dispOs,a.t.i.System.
Sec. 8.11. ~Disposition of Fees. All. fees. collected on
behalf of the Di.strZct shali be ~depos~ted.with ~tha ,proper'~authori-ty
provided by the District to receive such~ f%~hds.
Sec. 8.12. Ail %.fork ,to be: Inspected. ?';11 sewer..construc-
tion wor~i sha:ll be'. inspected 'by an. ,inspe~ctor acting for~ the Di,st-
rict to insure comp~liance with all ,requireme~ts-~°f~ the ,Di. st~r.i.c.t.
No, Sewer shall be covered at any p'oint~,unt.%l: it--has-,been inspected
-'.and:passed for ,acceptance. No sewer ska'll be .connected to the
~,Dig~rict's.~.Pub'lic sewer until the wo.rk c, overed by the permit has
been' completed, inspected~,and appr, oved .by :'the Dist.rict Inspector.
If 'the test proves satisfactory~ the~',Inspector~ shall issue a
certificate of satisfactory comple, tion.
Sec. 8113. .Notificatzon. Itishaif,.be cna. duty ,of the, per-
Son doing the work ~%]thoriz~"d. by per, mit. to. notify the Office of
the District in writing that said wOrk. .i s '~ ready, for inspecti.on.
Such notifica'tion shall be given::..,ot, less than twenty-four,-(24)
hours before the work is to be~n~pected. It shall be the d~ty of
the person' doing the work to,,'~ake, s,~re"that the work .will. stand
the tests required by the District before .giving the~'aboVe notifZ-
Sec.-8...14. Condemned Work. When any work has been inspect-
ed and the work condemn{ed an&,no cem.tification of satisfactory com-
.pletion given, a written notice.~to ~b.,at effect shall be given in-
structing 'the"owner 'of the pr°~mis.es,,~or the agent of such ox~ner~
to repair the sewer~ or other work~ aU'thorized by :the. permit in
accordance'~with the ordinances, r, ules and regulations of the D~'st-
,5ec.:.8.15. All Costs Paid by Owner'. All costs and.expenses
incident to the ins~ailation.and ~'ohnectf~n of any sewer or,other
work for-which a permit has~been issued shall be borne by the
owner. The owner ~shall indemnify the District fromm-any loss or
damage that may' directly or indirec'tly be occasioned by the., work.
Sec. 8.16. Permits for Outside Sewers. Permission .shall
not be granted to connect' any'"~ot or parcel of land outside'the
District to any pUblic -sawer zn o~. under the jurisdiction of the
District unless a permit therefor, ira':obtained. The applicant
shall first enter into a contract, in.writing whereby he shall
bind himself, his hei'rs,~successors and ass~tgns to abide by all
ordinances, rules and regulati.ons in regard to the manner in which
such sewer shall be~ ,used, the~'~nanner of connecting', therewith and
drainage in c.onnecti, on therewi,th,, and.,algo shall,~agree to .pay in
advance all fees req~i:rled for se.~uri:ng, the pe~rmit, and a mon~.hly
or annual fee ,in the amount, set,by~-,.the:District fo= the privilege
of using such s'ewer.
Sec. 8.17. Permit.~gptional.' The granting of',such permis-
sion in any event':shall be optionaL,wiSh the Board.
Sec. 8.18, Special,Outside Agreements. Where special con-
ditions exist rela~ng t6 ~an~outside .s'~er~ theybshall be.the
subject of ~.special contrac~ betweem the applicant ,and the
:,Sec. 8.19. ..:Street, Excavation Permit. A ,.separate .pe.rmit
,:.must be secured fro'~ the s tare., .'.'.County or:,any:'bther? person: having
~. jurisdictioni~,the=eover by owners, or',contractors, intending to ex-
-...cavate,in a Public~street'for'"the purP0se?of.',inst'alling sewers or
making- s ewer ~oonne~ tions.
i -13-
Sec. 8.20. Liability:~.~, The District and its officers,
agents and employee~' ~'hatl nok'.be answerable for ,nny liability
or injury or death to any person or, damage to any property arising..."
during or growing out of the performance of any work 10y any such
applicant. Thc applicant shall be answerable for, and shatl~ save
the District and its officers~ agents 'and c,mployees harmless from~ .
any liabilitY imposed by law upon the Dastrict o;c its officers,. '.
, ,~'-~ fees and
agents or employees, inc~luding ali costs
interest incurred in defending same o'r in se~,t~iug to enforce this..,
pro~sion....ApPlicant shall be sdlely liable for any defects in
the.performance of his work or any failure which may develop
therein. ~ ~g; ~,/~ ~
Sec, 8.21.~,. Time Li,~i~.~on~ermits. If-work unde~-, a pe~it
be not .commenced..wi~in~)~ ~rom th? date of issuancie.-:..
or i,f after~partial;comp~the work be dl.~'~continued for a~:.-
period of one year',, the permit,~shal, 1 thereupon~become void and n '
further,work, shall::be done untii~..a ,new pern~i~ st~all.:, have been~
'secur~d~;' :A new fee ~shall be paid ~ upon .. the Jss~.~anc~of sa;Ld .ne~.7 .
permit;- ~ .
Sec '. 9.. 1 ::. ~VioLation; Any p:er$on found to be violating ~.a,qy
provision .of~ this i:,or aily:-[o"[her 'ordinate.e, rule ..or re.gulation o.f,
the ~Dist~ic~ ~ except -Section 10.1 here:of> shall be served by t~he
District :Inspector or' other authori,zed..person with written no tice~_~
stating the :nature of the .v.iolatio~:a,~d.p~oviding a. reasonable
time~limit~for the ~anz..~£actory correction thereof. Said time
limit..-shall::not be less than two nor~ore than seven.working d~ays,';
The offender~:.shall, within the period ,of time ,-,~tated.in such ·
note':e, permanently'cease all violations. Ail persons shall be ',.
held strz-tly~responsible,for any..and all acts of agents oL- em- .:.
ployees done under the provisions ~.i this or any othe'r ordinance;
rule. or regulation of the District...,. Upon being notified.by t~e ·
Dist:rict Inspector of any defect.a,~ising in any .sewer or of any
violation of the ordinai:nces, rut. es~ or r~;gulat:Lons of t[~e District',
the;p~erson or persons having ~ charge of said work shall ~ immediately
correct the same;
Sec.:9.2.' .Public Nuisance. Continued habitation of any
bull, ding or contin~-J-d :o'p;era~i'~n "~f any industrial facit~ity in
violation'.~..of the,p;rovisions of this' or any other ordinance, rule...,.
or regulation of the:Dist.ric'.[.is hereby :declared to be a public ;..~
nuisanc~..~. The :~ist'ri:ct may cause proce, edlngs to be brought ,for
the abatement of the .'occupancy,of the ...b~ilding or indus.trial ~.
facili.ty , during the period of such violation.
Sec...9.3. Disconnection..:As an alternative method .of en-
forCing the ;provisions '.of thi~ or any other oz'.dinance, rule or
regulation.of the:Dist~-'ict~ the District Inspector shall have, the
power to digconnect the t, ser or subdivision ~,,e.wer system from the
sewer mains'.of the .Dist.~'ict. Upon disconnection the District In-
spector shall estimate aha' cost of disconnec, tion from and recon-
nection to the system, and such user shall.deposit the cost, as
estimated, of disconnection and reconnection before such user is
reconnected.to the system. The District Inspector shall refund .,,
any'part:of the deposit remaining after...paymenC,:.of all. costs of
di sconnec tion. and -rede onnection.
Sec~ 9.4. Public Nuisance- .Aha~tement. ,Dur~ingi~he'.'Pe~%pd
of Such<~disconnectton~'~./habitation' of s6ch p~emiSes'~:,by'-human b~,eings
shall constitute a public nuisance,'~whereupon '~he ~DiStrict Sh~ll
cause proceedings to be brought for. the aba~ement fOr ~the" occu-
pancy of said premises p.y human,,beings during the iperi0d'~of sUCh
disconnection. In such. event, .and as a con'dition~of Cec6nne~c'tion,
.there is to be paid to'~the Distriat a .reasonable 'at~0rney~s fee
and cost of suit arising 'in said-action.
Sec. 9.5. Means of Enforoement Only. 'The~Distric~h'e~gby
,declares~ that the:foregoing~proc~dd~es are established as a'means
of e~forc~ment of the terms and conditions of its o~dinances,
rUles and'regulations,.and not as a,~penalty.
Sec. 9.6. L%ability for Viol.a..ti.~pn. Any~perSon'Vi6iatihg
any of/:the provisionS""Of the ordinances~ rules ~Or reg~lati6ns of
the Districn shall becmme liable ~o ~he DistriCt for 'any expense,
loss or ~damage occasioned by the District by reason 'of suc'h
Sec. 10.1. Protection from.Damage. No unauthocized person
shall maliciously, ~ilf~5~ior negligently break, damage, destroy~
uncover, deface or tamper~ith any structure., appurtenance .or
eguipment which is a part of the District's sewage works. Any
Person violating this provision shall'be subject to 'the penalties
provided by law.
. Sec. 10.2. Powers and Authorities of Inspec',to~s. The
officers, inspectors and a~y duly.authorized employees of the
District shall wear or carry an official badge of office or, 6t~he?
evidence establishing his position as such ,and upon exhibiting
t~e proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to
e~ter ~in and upon any and'all'buildings, indus~cial facilities and
pr, oper~ties for the purposes of inspection, ~ein'speCtion~ observa~-
tion, measurement, sampling~?~testing or otherwise performing such
duties as may be necessary £~,,~ the enforcement of the proviSion§
?f~th~ ~OrdinanCes, rules and regulations of the District: ·
Sec. 10.3, Separab%~fty, If"any section, sub-section~, '
sentence~-/claUse or phrase' 67f ~his ordinance or the applicaiion
thereof~to afYy'person or circumstance is for any reas06 held to
be Unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect th~
val~.dity of the remaining port~ons of this ordinance~ or the a~P~i-
Cati'on 'of such provisiion to oth'eN persons or czrcums'tances The
Board hereby declares~ ~bat zt would have passed this ordinance or
any ;seCtion, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase .hereof ir-
~'~pecti~/e of the fact~ that any one. o~ more sections, s~b-s~ctions~
senten~i~eS', clauses or.~ phrases be declared t.o be unconstitutional.'
.~/s/. William A. Young
~ Cl~.and~{~officiO~Secretary
(S ea!t~.-~ -:i~
C.~-G~'-: ~'John~ton
P~id~n t
'hereb~i~:~tifY ~alt!,~the 'foreEoi~B~ ordi~nan¢~:i'.was adopted~.
~i a meeuing of 'the Boa~d'/iof' Direc, g~or-s '}o'f the' cS outh: ~ahoe Public
Ug{~it:y'District held~,~n the ,~ .. day,;of
~?.~.955~;::'by~t:he fotlowing"ipOre:':..-'
A~S'~' and in fav~r".=her~of,''Direct°rs:r'
NOES~*}' ' DireC cotS':'- N one,
"~" ABSENT~'. D~rect6rs: '~ Non'e
/s/ ,William~A. Young
Clerk', -~