HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 18 - Retired OIdi~INANCE NO. 18 Al40~Di~IANCE FIXING T~[E OF HOiiEY NECESS~Y TO BE ~ISED BY TA~TION ~954-1955 ~3E IT EllACTib b~ the Board of Directors of the South T~hoe Public Utility Dis~rlct~ E1 ~r~do Coanty, California, ~s follo~: 1. it is hereby determined that funds are needed to c~,ry out the objects am~ 0urposes of the district v~bich cannot be pro- vidud for out of rcve~ues a~d, ~herefore, a huruby luvied for ~h~ pa~nent of the operating expenses of the ~owrnme:~t of ~he ~strlct, including salaries and office expenses. if. 'l~ho ~ou~:t o~' money necessary for payment of said opera- ti~' expenses to be raised from t~es for the fiscal year 1,H~4-19D5 Is hereby fixed at$!~,~O, and the rate of t~<ation for said pur- ~o~c Is hereby V~x~H atl~ per $100.00 of assessable propel~ty In Cbc District. 3. ~oples of this Ordinance shall be posted In three public places within the b~strict, and a oertlfled copy thereof shall be f~r%~arded to the C~HHty A~dltor and to the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County. I hereby c~r~fy that the foregoing OrdinaHce was adopted at a meetinv~ of the ~.~ard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District duly held on August ~1, 1754, by the following vote: AYES, and ~ favor Shereof, Directors: Goeri~er, Jobnstos, Young HOES, Directo~:~: ~one A~SS~I~'I', Dircct~u.s: No~e / Public Utility District / A'i'T~~: % AFFi~AVIT OF POSTING STATE OF CALIFORNIA County o~' i~]l Dorado i, Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of' Directors o~' South Tahoe Publlc Utility District, E1 Dorado County, Calf f~,rn~a, hereby certl~y that on August 26th , 195~, I posted copies o~' Ordinance No. 18 entitled, "AN OHDINANCE FIXING T}~ ANOUNT [)~ ~ONEY HEC~SSAHY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, 195~-1955", there heln~[ no newspaper of general circulation printed a~d pub- llshed In the blstrlct, for at least one week prior to the expira- tion o~' t~lrty (30) days followlDg the adopting of said Ordinance, In three ;)ublic places wl~hi~ the D~strlct, to-wit: 1. ]SiJou Post Office 2. ~tateline Post Office B~Jou Fark Fire House No. 1 · ~1~ ~nd ex-officio-~6creta~y,' L;ubscr~bed and sworn to~e~'ore me/ tnl~ ~.~_ day of J<~g~, 1954.. of E1 I)oPado~ SCare ol' California [~}, C,,mmi~.,~ F~pire. Oct. 14. 1957 NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING ON ORDINANCE DESCRIBING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, DETERMINING THAT NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION ANNEXATION 1955-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a pstition for the annexation of certain territory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, under ~he Public Utility District Act, has been presented to the Board of Di~ectors of the said District; that on the ~ day of 195__, the said Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. - -' -----____, An Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determin- ing that No Terms and Conditions are Necessary, and Declaring tension to Approve Such Annexation; that it has fixed the ~ day of _ Januar~ _, 1956, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., in the regular meeting place of said Board, East Fron~ Office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline, California, as the time and place for hearing on said ordinance; and that all persons in- terested in or that may be affected by the proposed annexation of said territory within ~he District are hereby notified to appear at such meeting and show cause in writing, if any they have, why said territory or an~ part thereof should not be annexed as pro- posed in said petition. Reference is hereby made to said ordinance on file in the office of the Secretar,y of said District for a description of the boundaries of said territory, and for further particulars. A copy of said ordinance is posted with this notice. Dated: -Clerk and ex-o£fflclo Secretary of the -- South Tahoe PubLic Utility District