HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 12 ~ii~?~ii:.(~i.i?f'.:.: ..~f ANKEXED;' DET~gRININO'THAT NO TERM,~ Ah%) CONDITIONS " (?.-. ~ ~ 'L ...~ ANlt~TION' NO. 1952-1 ~;~:a~'~;.,.:~ : Be .it enacted by ghe ~ard of Directors of the Sou~h T~ ~¢::~::s.?~c...'. Public Uti!Ity 'Dt'strlc t: ;~4. ~' Ca~:-~,~ · "~ ~ " ,-¥-----'.:'.:,' .... W~EAS petitlon~ signed by more than 1~ of the ~.~,.~.,...-.:v:~.?~. }electors of those parcels that are inhabited and by mo~ th~ :..~s'~::':>":':"?';~":-~:,.:o..-"' ~of gbe.ownera of those parcels that ~e uninhabited and dencrtb~d ~as parcels t tl~rou~h 25, inclusive, and ~et forth in the ~:';<9'?'.Z:~'-~::-.:.~:~[,~.~[~)~::?::;.j?.... '" ~"~v' ,-,¥¥.... _ ~sklng~ that such. · territo~ be annexed to said District ~d U}~:]..~....~.)j.j:[.:[...,.. ~oy all the owners of said property proposed to be anne~ed and ::(:~::.:~.~c::,':~ ....... · ~have cor~sented' to such annexatlot~ without an election and ~.~. j'..%. :. ~:,...~;,:.. :.. · ~:.~.:':..~':.:.~.:.:~;~,'~: ~aay special'terms and conditions, was addressed to the ~a~ of ~D[rectors and filed with the Secretary of the District on the ... .... :~:.... ~20th day of November, 1952, in accordance ~'ith the p~mvl~[on8 of )..5~ ..Z.'J 7[:, Section 5la of. the Public Utility District Act of the State of W.;~j~cE:,oS, the said Secretary has compared the ~16natu~s -said petition wl~h the aff~davlt of regi~tratlon or, file w~th Cour)ty C!eFk of El ~rado County, and hal found and eert%fi~d to ...... o,, has been a~.,.~eO by the requl~d thin vo~,,'d that said ~'~etlt' ,' ' nuraber of electors in said territory, mid }~as attacLed hie ture to the aald petit[on at%d presented said petition to Board; L,u%;, ............. , IT iS ORDERED., as Sece:on ] ~t ~ hereby determined that t~e a~nexation of sa'..d 5err~,..ory will facilitate the acqu'-Ltlon, cor, s'r~,-tlor,, com- pletion at~d operation of t}~at certaln public u,!]tty work of _.~, ........ ~ .~z~ sewage co!lectlo~, treatmet~t and die- ~- 7 ../.'" :j:" :" : /.': ~ ':. '."_ ~posal system; ,tliat such annexation will be for the ~dv,ntaIze ...:_ . ~ the said District; and that the territory pror, o~ed to be .will be bene£ited by said proposed anneaatlou. Sec$ion ~. It is hereby determined that no tm~m ~d Conditions ~'~°~'Uch annexm~lon ~e nece~s~y. SeCtion 3..'The exterior bound~les of said cerr~to~ ~ p~oposed to'~be[~annexed to the said Distrlc~ are descried ~ Exhibit "Au'-attached hereto and made a part hereof by re£orenoO. section 4; It is hereby declared to oe the intention i this Board 'to approve such annexation. Section 5. This ordinance, together with a notice tn form ia copy of which is hereby attached and ~ade a part hereof by reference, sh~ll be published twice In the Mountain ~c~t, ~a newspaper of general circulation printed and ~County of E1 ~rado~ ~here being no ~uch ~publi~hed in the District, and shill be posted In %h~ public places 1~ the te~ttory proposed to be annexed.at least thirty ,d~ before the date set for said hearing. I hereby ce~tlfy that the forgoing ordinance ~by the ~ard of'Dl~ctors of the South T~oe l'~bllc Utillt~ meetings thereof held on the ~by the following vote of the Members thereoF: A~S, and in favor the~of, Dlrectoro: Johnston a~d You~ NOES, Directors: None.. A~E~, Dl~ctors: Crocker tlllty letrict DESCRIPT-IO~OP UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY .'." - ~nd~'%S'~atb.;.'or*o~llfo~$n,"an eho~ and e~':~;':::~o::,~e~on'E'. O~ve, e~ ux, '~co~ed ' ,' 2~8;~?~0~C~al. Records a~ pqe 27q, El ~rado Co~t7 ,. ;'..;" o ,,p or :... : . slde'~.'P~,.Subd~vlslon, Elr~rado County ReceSs. '.%RCEL 7 ?..: '.... ¢1 'ARCEL 11 Be Ing ': at :.'the I~E corner of l~t l. Block A of Slde.:':~a~k./,~.~b~Vn;"',thence :3 16'.'15v W 150 feet axons ~e Wl2::~'bhd~;~4Of'~T~ack Avenue~ thence N 89' 33' ft;.:~.,:~he~ce:.,fl',~'.:16,..15' E to the '812'~unda~ o~ Statel~we AVe~'ue';:,?~:,~he~'Ce"'8:.8~', ~ E. ~0,~ ft along the bnd~.:,of(stateline Ave. to:the place of ~g~nntng, E1 .~ ~radO....OC.u~ty'. ReceSS. All:.~.tha~,~:pO~t~on or .L0~-75 ~h~ch'.l~em and Xn flE17.,i.o~.'~.a:idirect:llne drawn ~Wly' from · point on t.he SElY:'~li~e'.:'of;:ad:..~°t'.75 and:diStant thereon .: ....... '~ .... , ',.'" '. ~'. ' - , -- ~ - ' on,'~t~:~?.~ne''. O~ ~ '7~~ o~:':"ia~d 8u~ dJ,~t~t '/ .,:..Sub, dlYijql°~,~,[.,El..~rado'C~utY; Records. ~lde ~k ~u~d~vlnion, ~ ~rndo ~unty Recordn. ~t 22,',;:Block 30, as nho~ on the Map of BlJou Park Addition, ,.El ~rado County Records. ~.ts.'~'i',':,."2,'.~:'3 and q, Block'27, as eho~ on the ~ap of Bi~ou'Park.AddittOn, E1 ~rado County Recede. N~ LOt'.71 as',aho~ on the Map off Lakeside ~e Sub- division, .El ~rado County 'ReceSs. IEL 10 .- ~ta.13;and[ l~,-Block 2 as shown on the.~ ~k' :Additlon, El. ~rado ,County ReceSs :PARCEL 12 Lot 56"'.'as ehO~m on the Map of. Lakeside Lodge Subdi- vision, El/Dorado County Records. I~t,.,l~'. aS"shown on the Map of' Eakeside Lodge sion,. E1 Dorado County Records. PAROEI~. 1 18 2O PARCEL 23 BloCk B deco as ~oll ~rne~.o£:.Lo~ ..I, B1~r B. Flrat 3ubdvW ~h ~!y &nd alg they '&'d$,tan~., of 1#9 feetl. Lo~ 1, Blk $, a pt on the o~ 150 feet from Ely a distance beslnn~nl~ ~1 Dorado akemide l~dge ~ubOXvi- 'on the Nap of Lakeeide '"."::'.'P~ El. Dorado .co~mty I~eeorda. ,:/.:/.,/Loq ~k.K'na 8ho~.on the Map of Lakeside -'"':' Subd~v ~rado. County'-Reoo~. Lots':-:~ ~ .;:::and: 70 as sho~ on the ~ap of Lakeside SubdlviSio~,'::E1 ~rmdo County Recordl. ~ L°t:.2~': shown on the Map' o~ Lakeside sion;'~':E~.'.'.~rado County Records. ~.:.Lo~a:":['52~.gnd.:~:5~[:as aho~ onthe Nap of Lakealde ~e '-. SubdivisionS:. E1 ~rado County Recoil. t'h,',.p' Re,SubdiviSion:'Bf.. ~ts ~'. ~o 8, Block A of the LI~- side:Park Subdivision, E1 ~rado Count2 Reco~. ~he Map of Lakelide ~dge Sub- Cowry Records. The:Northi'50'feet of the West 1~ feet of Lot Block E,' ~:'aho~ on the Nap of ~alde P~k 3ub- division, El'.~rado County Records. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DI3TRICT 'ANNEXATION NO. 1952-1 I, WILLIAM A. YOUNG, do hereby certify that ~ am %he Clerk and ex.Officio ~ecretary of the Board of D~:-~ctura of the Sou~h Tahoe ~Ublic Uti&/ty District, E1 ~rado County, Cailfo~lS, that on November "~'~' 1952, I conop/cuously ;~sted c~pte~ of a noglee engigled'.~No~lce of Tlme and Place or H~arlng o~ Ordinance DeCl~lng Intention to App~ve Annexation of Ce~at~ . ~er~eo~ ~o'~Sough g~oe Public ~glll~7 D~Ic~, ~nn,x~gto~ No. i952-1"' ~nd'C°ples of ordlnan0e No. 12 entitled "An O~t~ee Descr!blng Terrlto~ P~posed to be Annexed, ~te~;tnlng ~hat no ~Te~s and Condltlons. Are Necessary, and Declaring Intention to [! . toge theZ' attac~ed i;A~,prove Such Annexation, Annexation No ~as follows: i.copy beside the entrance door of young's BLJgu Store. 2. A copy beside the entrance door of Youn~;'s BtJou Dance Hall. 3. A~eopy~beslde the entrance door of Youmg's Bijou Restaurant. STATE CF C. ALIFORNIAI { -SS Counf¥ of £1 Dorado) On fhls Dlsf day o! November, 1052, before fh~r~lnS'duly ~r, ls,lo~d end ~-or~, A. Y~, ~now. lo me fo be fha person .,hose IH~I~SS ~ERECF, I have her~unfo tel my ~end .~d attired my ofti~clel seal fha day and veer In fhls 1