HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 6 - Retired OHDINANCE NO. ~ _
BE IT ENACTED Oy the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public
Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows:
1. A special District election le hereby called and ordered
to be held on Tuesday, September 4, 1951, for the purpose of sub-
mlttlng to the qualified electors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District the foll~in~] ~roposltion as to whether bonded indebted-
n~ss ~f said District shall be incurred, to-wit:
PROPOSITION: ~hall the South Tahoe ~bllc Utility District,
E1 Dorado County, incur a bonded debt
$965,000 lawful money of the United States, together with
Interest thereo~, at a rate not to exceed five per cent (~)
per annum, for the construction of a cel~taln public utlllt~
and utility works, which ls the project of supplying the
Inhabitants of said District with means for the collection
and dlsposlt]~)n of sanitary aewage and the acquisition of
]ands arid e6sr~ents therefor?
2. The estl~t~d cost of the construction of the public
utlllty and utility w(~rks described in said Proposition
~s $265,000.
, 3. Said Board ~,f Directors heretofore and on the
,oard duly declared tLat the public interest and necessity of the
,istrl~t demanded th~ con~truction of ~aid publl~ utlllt[ ~nd utlll~
orkdescl',ibed ~1 ~]d Proposition herein, and ].t~ Resolution
1 ~herein it was fo~u~d tLat th~ cost of ~ame Is too great to be
.~ald out of the rew:u.~ of said District derived from the operation
~f its public utilities, In addition to the other necessary e~penses
~f ~ald Distr~ct. tt i~, therefore, no~ found and determined that
~he entire or any [~art of the co~t of said p~Ibl:lc utility ~d utillt
~ork~ ~lll be too ~r~st to be paid out of the reven~e of ~id
.rlct derive5 from tie operation of its public utilities, In addl-
tlon to the other m~r. essary expenses of the District, and that it
Is necessary to incur a District bonded indebtedness therefore in
order to construct
4. The proko~.:d .s,cthod and manner of payment for said utllit
~nd utility works [~ an annual ad ~alorem tax levy by the District
n[.~n the taxable pro~ert~ In the District for said bonds.
5. Said electi~n shall be held and conducted, and the votes
ca~t thereat received and canvassed, and the retnrns thereof ~de,
as proulded by law.
6. Ballots for bald election shall be provided of the form
and the m~mher pro~l,i.~d by law. On said ballots two voting square:
shall be ~et off t~. the right of the question or proposition sub-
m~tt,~,) at sa~d electi~.n, In the ,runner provided by law, one having
t~ w.rd "~S" prh~t~d before it and the other having the word "NO'
prl~ted before
7, Each voter ~6~y vo~e on e~h~ one or bo~h
t[on~ hereby sutmi~tad. Each voter to vote for either of said
proi,oaitlono h~r~t,y ~ubmitted and for incurrln~ sal~] bonded In-
debtedness shall st~,mp a cross (X) In the blank space opposite the
~vord "~S" on th~ b~,llc~t to the right of said proposition, and to
vot~ aLain~t said lr.i.os[tlon and aEalnst incurring said indebted-
ness shall stamp a cross (X) In the blank space opposite the word
"NO" on the Ballot t. the right of said proposition.
~. One electi~,n precinct Is hereby established within said
District for the c,m0m'.t of said election, which precinct is that
precinct last established by the Board of Supervisors of the
Count~ of E1 Dor~,d.~ for th~ conduct of general elections In said
County ~hlch falls ~hully or partially within the South Tahoe
Public Utility Di~[rict and ls by name, the I~ke Valley Precinct.
The [,~,lllng plac~ l',~r ~aid precinct and the election officers thor
for ~re as fo]]~w~:
polling Place: Fire House, Bijou park
Insp~ct,~': A]~ Bray
J~dge: Mae Brltton
Clerk: Roy Brelley
9- The Cle['k ,,f this District ls hereby directed to procure
the ~.,~s~,ar'y rost,:'~s, ballot boxes, ballots and all other sup-
plle;~ necessary t,~ p~.o[,erly and lawfully conduct ~ald election.
10. The polls shall be opened at one o~clock P. M. of said
day .',n,~ shall be k=pt open until seven o'clock P. M. of said day
when th~ polls shall be closed, except to
i r~,vided in Section 573~ of the Elections Code.
11. When the [~ol]s a~e closed the Election Officeps shall
count the ballots cast thereat and canvass the votes cast respec-
tively for and against the proposition herein stated, and shall
make return there,,f to the Clerk of said District l~edlately
ComDletio~% there,~f. Th~ Board of Director's shall meet on the firs
Mop,day after the ~l=ctlon to canvass the
12. if, at o~ld ~lectlon, It shall appear that two-thirds
all the votes ca~t thereat were In favor of and authorize the ln-
c~rring of a bonde.] Indebtedness in the amount of and for the
proposition herel~ stated, then said proposition shall be deemed
have been accepted and approved by the elector~, and bonds shall
be issued to defpay the costs of the improvement or Improvements
therein specified and to the amount stated therein.
13. Bonds shall be of the form ~own as "~e~lals", and shall
bear Interest at th= rate of not to exceed five pep cent (~) per
annum, ~hall be of the denomination of $1,000 each, and the pplncl-
~al and lnterest thereof shall be payable In lawful money of ~he
United States. I~,terest on said bonds shall be payable beginning
fr,,m the date of s~,ld bonds, which date shall be October 1, 1951,
the first coupon of each of said bonds shall bear the interest on
saint bonds from said date to and be payable 'on July 1, 1952, and
the interest oo said bonds shall thereafter be payable semi-annual
ly c~rm~encing on th= first days of January and July.
t4. Said bonds shall be s~bstantially in the following form:
BOND NO. $1,000
Sewer Bonds of 1951
Orr the flr~t day of October, A. D. 1951, the South Tahoe
Pub] lc Utility Dl'.~trict, a duly organized public utility
district under the laws of the State of California, for
value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, at
the office of the County Treasurer and ex-officio Treas-
urer of said District, the mum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS
($1,000) it, lawful money of the United States of Amerlca,
together with ~terest thereon from the date hereof at
the r~te of per cent per annum, interest to be
payable begin~tng from the date of said bonds, with the
first coupon hereof to bear the interest of this bond from
the date of issue to, and payable on, July 1, 1952, and
the interest hereon thereafter payable semi-annually on the
first day of January and July, upon the presentation and
:=urrender of the proper interest coupons attached.
This bond ls one of a series of bonds of like amount,
date, tenor a~,d effect~ but differing in maturity, issued
by said District for the following purposes, to wit: the
construction of a certain public utility and utility works,
which is the project of supplying the inhabitants of said
District with means for the collection and disposition of
sanltary sewage and the acquisition of lands and easements
This holed is issued under and in pursuance of and in
conf~rmity with, an Act of the Legislature of the State
of California kl,own and Cited as "The Public Utility Dis-
trict Act" (Stats. 1921 p. 906, as amended), and it is
he~'eby certified, a~serted and declared, that this bond ls
/ssued In purs~:2~nce of, and in conformity with, the Con-
stltut~on and laws of the State of California, and with
the o[-dlnances, resolutions and orders of said District,
and in pursua~ce of, and in confor~ty with, a vote of
more than two-thirds of all of the qualified electors of
said District, voting at a special election duly and
regularly call~d and held In said District, as provided
In said Act, on the 1st day of October, 1951, notice
ther'eof havin~ been duly and regularly given in the ~nner
and for the ~rlod required by law, and that the result of
said electlon ~as been canvassed, declared and entered in
the ~]er aoJ as required by law.
It is fu~'t~er certified and declared that all of the
provisions a~d ~'equlrements of the Constitution and laws
of the State of California and the ordinances, resolutions
and orders of said District have been duly and regulaPl~
and fully comi~lled with by the proper officers of said
District In %Le issuance of this bond; that all acts and
things and conditions required by law to be done pre-
ceding and In the issuance of this bond, have been done
and performed ~n ~'egular and due fops, and in strict con-
formity with the provisions of the law authorizing th~s
bond, and that the total indebtedness of said District,
including the t~tal indebtedness evidenced by this issue
of bond~, does not exceed the limits prescribed by the
Constitution and laws of the State of California.