HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Works Secondary Clarifier Rehab Proposal (&) Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation TRANSMITTAL LETTER July 16, 2019 Stephen Caswell, P.E., Principal Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: Proposal for Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Stephen Caswell and Distinguished Members of the Selection Committee: Water Works Engineers LLC(Water Works, or WWE) is pleased to submit one (1) electronic copy of our Technical Proposal and one (1) electronic copy of our Cost Proposal for Engineering Services for the Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation project at the District's Wastewater Treatment Plant. You will find that our team has recent experience with several projects that were very similar to this project that provide valuable insight into our approach. We have proposed a comprehensive,yet direct and efficient scope of work with several optional tasks to ensure that the services provided exactly match the needs of the project. We are excited that the District's Team for the project includes Operations and Maintenance staff and we firmly believe collaboration and garnering input from O&M Staff during project design results in a final product with the highest value to the Owner. You will see that in our proposal, we are not proposing significant field work and testing of the existing clarifier concrete and mechanisms,as we believe this work !7 • was already completed in 2013 as part of the Concrete&Coating Evaluation. We Water Works propose that a thorough 1-day field inspection by our experienced staff we are confident combined with the testing results (core samples, concrete pH testing, etc) from will take care of all of the 2013 Evaluation will provide the information necessary to develop the details • • everything clarifier rehabilitation alternates and final design details. We do not feel that re- it takes to makeour doing this work will provide significant benefit to the project. We understand the projects challenge of maintaining an excellent level of service using limited resources to Corri Zimmerman, PE repair, rehabilitate and replace aging infrastructure that is nearing the end of its P Redding of useful life. Water Works Engineers has prided itself on it's low-overhead structure that allows for us to be nimble, responsive to the needs of our clients, and cost-effective. At the core of our project team, and most critical to any project's success, is the Project Manager. Water Works Engineers' Project Manager Joe Ziemann will not only be providing project leadership and direction, but will also be responsible for technical execution of much of the work.At Water Works,we believe and insist that our Project Managers have an in-depth involvement in the technical execution of projects they manage. This significantly differentiates us from other firms,who see Project Management as a strictly administrative function.Water Works Engineers is a firm that was built from the ground up around experienced staff whose focus is engineering, not marketing, limiting overhead functions to provide our clients with cost effective services. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Joe Ziemann at: (916) 238-1460; ioez@wwenineers.com Water Works takes no exceptions to the District's Standard Consulting Agreement included in Attachment C of the RFP. Very Truly Yours, Joseph M. Ziemann Water Works Engineers Water Works Engineers,LLC•2260 Douglas Blvd.,Suite 105,Roseville,CA 95661 Telephone(916)238-1460-www.wwengineers.com (W) Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation FIRM EXPERIENCE Water Works Engineers, LLC (Water Works or WWE) was formed in 2005 by engineers who believed that municipal water and wastewater systems engineering and consulting could be done a better way, by combining the best attributes of large and small engineering and consulting firms: the technical expertise and resources of large firms and the personal attention to client specific needs of small firms. Our vision was the formation and growth of a new kind of engineering firm, a firm built on providing exceptional client service from highly experienced engineers without the overhead and bureaucracy of a large company. - - - .. .. - .- To accomplish our vision, Water Works Engineers and all our prciect was the most thoroughly vetted out project -t I have been part of. Water teaming partners provide highly experienced staffing on every Engineers' proposal• was _ project with a leaner overall firm structure that is focused on asked goodquestions - all sure delivering high quality work for client-specific needs. We ensure parties were on ■• the project that each project is assigned the right mix of staff with specific approach, and they Involved operations experience in the tasks at hand and that all design decisions are staff early and often —a key to early made with appropriate involvement and oversight from our most project success. " experienced staff. We focus solely on water,recycled water and Robert Gutierrez,O■" ■ Manager, wastewater treatment, distribution and collections systems Water Utilities Dept. infrastructure.This focus makes us efficient, keeps us up to date, City of Oceanside and allows us to provide the highest level of service. Our focus and work approach allow us to provide high-quality planning and design products very efficiently. Our significant construction management experience allows us to plan and design with an eye towards implementation. "We take great pride in the fact that we don't just create documents, we facilitate projects." This focus and approach has fueled a consistent increase in our clients and projects, whereby we have grown to over 80 engineers, scientists and designers, with targeted recruitments of highly skilled individuals. We have provided our clients with efficient, high quality work on over 800 separate water and wastewater infrastructure projects, ranging in size from $5,000 to $50M. To serve our clients throughout the Western United States,Water Works Engineers has offices and employees based in Los Angeles, Redding, Roseville,San Mateo,CA, as well as Scottsdale,AZ, and Salt Lake City, UT. All of the staff assigned to this project are based out of our Roseville, CA office. This local staffing approach promotes efficiency, quality, and '37 �N timely project delivery. Seville 'ah Lake Cit Mat Based on our experiences, we strongly believe that people execute projects, not firms. The Project will be managed by Joe Ziemann. Joe Los Ang.es and the Water Works Team have a niche skillset of performing many Scuttsdale small to medium sized water/wastewater treatment plant rehabilitation and improvement projects over the past 10-15 years. We understand how important it is to create highly detailed and straight forward construction documents and specifications to obtain good bid pricing on these smaller jobs. We consider this our specialty. As a small firm,our design engineers also commonly perform construction management and inspection on the jobs they design. This provides us with valuable experience when it comes to constructability and common construction challenges, and we apply all of this experience to each new project. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 12 (W) Engineering Services for SecondaryClarifier Rehabilitation Water Works Engineers has a portfolio of more than 50 wastewater treatment plant design and rehabilitation projects over the last 10 years, and project descriptions for 3 recent projects that specifically involved secondary clarifier rehabilitation are provided below. City of Roseville Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project Project Timeframe: 2011-2014 Construction Cost: $4.0 M Team Members: Client Reference: Bryan Buchanan, Principal Engineer Mike Fisher, Project Manager and Principal in Charge Environmental Utilities-Wastewater Division Joe Ziemann, Project Engineer/Construction Manager 1800 Booth Road, Roseville, CA 95747 Jeremy Kellogg, Structural Engineer (916) 746-1812 bbuchanan@roseville.ca.us WWE provided preliminary design, final design, and construction management services for the rehabilitation of the City's Dry Creek WWTP secondary clarifiers including (4) 85-ft diameter secondary clarifiers, (4) associated RAS Pump Stations, and the plant's Hot Water Loop piping and booster pump. The clarifiers and pump stations were constructed in the 1970's.The existing clarifier mechanisms were painted carbon steel organ pipe type and had corroded to the extent that their structural integrity was threatened. The RAS pumps were over 30 years old and in need of replacement. WWE initially provided a basis of design report (BODR) that analyzed several years worth of mixed liquor and RAS flow data to verify minimum and maximum flows around which the hydraulics of the rehabilitated system would be based, affecting clarifier components such as the energy dissipating inlet(EDI) and the RAS sludge suction system. The BODR also evaluated several options for the new clarifier mechanism design that included: ➢ Clarifier RAS Suction Type: organ pipe (replace in-kind)vs. suction header ➢ EDI Configuration: tangential port, double gate, plate type, LA-EDI ➢ Drive Type: strip liner/ball bearing in oil bath, precision bearing in oil or grease, grease lubricated composite precision bearing ➢ Materials of Construction: long-term net present value comparison of painted carbon steel vs. 304 SST WWE recommended 304 SST suction header mechanisms with grease lubricated composite precision bearing drives (DBS DM075-AE) and worked with the City collaborately to confirm the preferred selections. A seismic analysis of the new clarifier mechanisms was performed. WWE provided final design, bidding assistance (using the City's design-assist model), and construction management and on-site inspection services for the project. } - Existing"Organ Pipe"Secondary Clarifier New Suction Pipe 304SST Mechanism WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 13 (a) Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation City of Shasta Lake Water Reclamation Facility(WRF) Improvements Project(Shasta Lake, CA) Project Timeframe: 2016-Present (Ongoing) Construction Cost: $18.0 M Team Members: Client Reference:Jeff Tedder, City Engineer Joe Ziemann, Project Engineer/Construction Manager 4477 Main Street, Shasta Lake, CA 96019 Jeremy Kellogg, Structural Engineer (530) 275-7423 itedder@cityofshastalake.or WWE provided preliminary design, final New Third Secondary Clarifier design, and construction management services for upgrade of the City of Shasta — Lake's 1.3 MGD ADWF plant to meet a new effluent dominated discharge permit with new nutrient and metals limits. The improvements included: retrofit of mechanical bar screens from _ 3 9mm to 3mm, new influent pump station, retrofit of existing oxidation ditch to a screened raw sewage equalization basin for peak wet weather flow attenuation, new 5-stage Bardenpho aeration basin system with E new blowers, rehabilitation of 2 existing secondary clarifiers and construction of a third, retrofit of the travelling bridge filters to cloth disc filters, and installation of a UV disinfection system. Within the preliminary design report,WWE first reviewed the past 3 years worth of plant data to confirm the need for a third secondary clarifier to provide the necessary peak hydraulic and solids loading capacity for the plant with 1 unit out of service. Secondarily, WWE considered the rehabilitation method for the existing two clarifiers, which were approximately 21 years old. A major consideration on this project was availability of funding for initial project construction, as a large majority of the funding was coming from a fixed SRF loan. WWE performed an inspection of the existing clarifiers prior to final design and determined that the existing painted carbon steel mechanisms were in good condition and were ready for another paint cycle, as they had been re-painted approximately 10 years prior. In discussions with operations staff, the remaining life of the drives (mainly the main bearing)was a concern based on previous oil analysis. WWE recommended the following to rehabilitate the clarifiers within the available project budget: ➢ Replace 20+year old strip liner drives with new fabricated steel precision bearing drives ➢ Blast and re-coat existing clarifier mechanism and replace any damaged PVC RAS suction piping ➢ Replace sludge scraper arm squeegees ➢ Replace existing problematic ducking scum troughs with standard scum skimmer and scum beach WWE prepared rehabilitation specifications and drawings,and the clarifiers were cost-effectively rehabilitated for a bid price of just$150,000 each (2017 pricing). WWE designed the new third secondary clarifier as an organ-pipe type to match the existing clarifiers. All three clarifiers ended up with new matching precision bearing drives. WWE is also currently implementing and testing ultra-sonic algae control systems on the clarifiers. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 14 (W) Engineering Services for SecondaryClarifier Rehabilitation Arizona Public Service (APS) Clarifier Rehabilitation Project(Tonopah,AZ) Project Timeframe: 2017-Present (Ongoing) Construction Cost: $12-15M per Train (6 Trains) Team Members: Client Reference:Jim Sheely, Project Manager Jon Roy, Project Engineer(when at PCL Construction) Water Resources— Palo Verde Generating Station Jeremy Kellogg, Structural Engineer (623) 393-5884 James.SheelyJr@aps.com The Water Resources (WR) at Palo Verde Generating Station (PVGS) consists of seven trains that include Solids Contact Clarifiers (SCC) that provide water softening, as shown below. Each train includes two solids contact clarifiers(SCC)with associated sludge pumps, rake and turbine components,chemical feed systems (CO2, lime and soda ash) and electrical equipment. Six parallel trains consist of first and second-stage clarifiers, solids/liquid separation system, lime system, soda ash system and carbon dioxide system. " Each first and second stage parallel train can treat up to 10,000 gpm. During peak summer demands, the cooling water make-up system requires 60,000 gpm, which necessitates the operation of all six SCC trains. These trains were originally constructed in 1978 and require significant structural and mechanical rehabilitation to allow continued operation over the next 30 years. A seventh train was designed and constructed so that one train can be taken out of service and still meet the 60,000 gpm treatment capacity requirement. Water Works Engineers was retained to assess the current condition of the facilities and develop plans and specifications for the improvements needed for the various systems including Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Controls. The improvements include both refurbishment related items as well as design enhancements implemented under the new Train 7 project. WWE is also providing construction management and startup/commissioning services for the project.The improvements are summarized as follows: ➢ Structural - Includes the removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete ➢ Mechanical - Removal and replacement of clarifier drives and sludge pumps, install discharge accumulators on lime slake pumps ➢ Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls—Replace obsolete equipment in - t conformance with current APS standards .0 WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 1 5 (a) Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation PROJECT APPROACH Project Understanding The District's wastewater treatment plant has three existing 100' diameter "organ-pipe" RAS suction type secondary clarifiers that were installed in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The clarifier mechanisms are original (approximately 50 years old), and it is unknown exactly when the carbon steel components were last re-coated. The drives are at the end of their industry-standard useful life and a Concrete and Coating Evaluation of the plant conducted in 2013 indicated that the existing carbon steel coatings were deteriorated with rust ensuing on the mechanisms, and that much of the clarifier floor grout was cracked and hollow. The existing clarifiers have several somewhat unusual features, which include: ➢ Elevated RAS discharge piping from suction pipe collection box supported from access walkway. ➢ No scum baffles or scum collection system due to obstruction posed by elevated RAS piping. ➢ The District may operate Clarifiers 1 and 2 in series,with Clarifier 2 as a "polishing" clarifier which should have a much lower RAS rate. Clarifier performance may suffer at times with high SVI mixed liquor. ➢ There is no direct method to measure individual clarifier RAS flow, as all clarifier RAS pipes merge into a common header and may be pumped by one or more RAS pumps. The District has planned for rehabilitation or replacement of all three clarifier mechanisms, including any necessary concrete repairs and replacement of the clarifier floor grout within the Ten-Year Capital Plan. One clarifier is anticipated to be rehabilitated in late Summer 2020, with the other two completed in Summer 2021. Only one clarifier may be rehabilitated at a time to maintain plant capacity and redundancy, and only during low flow periods. The available construction budget in the Ten-Year Capital Plan is approximately $800,000 per clarifier. Replacement of the existing clarifier drives and main bearings is essentially a forgone conclusion given their age and service. Whether the other components (center column, drive cage, rake arms, RAS box, etc.) are recoated or replaced entirely is a question of current equipment condition and project construction budget availability. Unfortunately,the Concrete and Coatings Evaluation Report is 6 years old at this point, and given that the clarifier mechanism coatings were already observed as failing in 2013, additional significant corrosion and deterioration has likely occurred, requiring another thorough evaluation of each mechanism to determine if any significant loss of existing steel has occurred that would preclude simply recoating the equipment. Another challenge to this evaluation is that original shop drawings of the clarifier mechanisms are not available against which to compare current member steel thicknesses to determine if loss or damage has occurred. WWE will perform an alternatives analysis of mechanism recoating/rehabilitation vs. replacement including replacement with painted carbon steel vs. stainless including life-cycle costs and implementation considerations. For other similar comparisons WWE has performed such as for the City of Roseville Dry Creek secondary clarifier rehabilitation project, the long-term life-cycle cost of stainless steel has always been lower, mainly because mechanisms may need repainting as often as every 10 years, and repainting this equipment is very labor intensive given all the structural components, angles, and joints. Based on an initial comparison of the likely construction cost of replacement with new stainless mechanisms based on recent WWE projects and the project budget presented in the Ten-Year Capital Plan, it appears that adequate budget exists for this option. It should be noted that the District recently replaced the primary clarifier mechanisms with stainless steel. In light of this, WWE is proposing an optional detailed existing clarifier mechanism condition assessment task that would include measuring and documenting existing mechanism structural components, assessing their current deterioration, and a more thorough analysis of the scope of work required to adequately rehabilitate the equipment including a seismic analysis of the existing mechanism structure. If this optional task is not selected by the District, a detailed analysis of the structural rehabilitation of the existing clarifier mechanisms will not be performed. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 16 (W) Engineering Services for SecondaryClarifier Rehabilitation Other aspects of the clarifier mechanism replacement analysis that will be thoroughly evaluated include: ➢ RAS suction configuration options and variations (i.e. standard suction pipe vs. hybrid suction pipe with spiral blade, shown at right) ' _ - ➢ Center feed well configuration -- ➢ Analysis of recent plant flow data and -� hydraulic design requirements ➢ Available drive/main bearing types, recommendations, and O&M requirements ➢ Clarifier wall and launder concrete/coating rehabilitation options ➢ Possible addition of a FRP density current baffle (i.e. Stamford baffle) Hybrid Clarifier with Elevated RAS Pipe ➢ Floor grout replacement considerations ➢ Effluent launder/channel algae control options (ultrasonic, other) ➢ Evaluation of the benefits and risks of potential equipment pre-purchasing ➢ Instrumentation Evaluation: torque control options, possibility of installing mag meters on suspended RAS piping to directly measure RAS flow rate (insertion style vs. inline) Task 1:Data Collection and Review WWE will perform the following sub-tasks to complete data collection and review: 1. Collect and analyze previous 3 years of plant data to include: plant influent flow rate, aeration basin mixed liquor suspended solids and sludge volume index, RAS flow rates. Determine minimum, average dry weather, average annual, average day maximum month, and peak hour wet weather values. 2. Clarifier Field Evaluation: The WWE team will conduct a one-day site visit to inspect and document conditions of each of the three clarifiers once the District has taken each out of service to allow entry. WWE assumes that the District will provide confined space entry support (including observer, access ladders, etc) required for WWE Staff entry. WWE will prepare a safety plan. Inspect concrete and concrete coatings, clarifier anchorage, clarifier mechanism configuration and key dimensions, clarifier mechanism coating condition, identify areas of obvious clarifier mechanism corrosion and section loss. 3. OPTIONAL Detailed Existing Clarifier Condition Assessment: Document in detail clarifier structural components and geometry, measure key component member thicknesses and section loss due to deterioration, perform seismic analysis of clarifier structure (one structure, assume all 3 clarifiers are the same), develop structural improvement recommendations for mechanism rehabilitation alternative. 4. OPTIONAL Site Survey: WWE is including an allowance in the cost proposal to complete site surveying should it be deemed necessary. It is not immediately clear that site surveying is necessary to complete final design as site plans available from previous projects or the 2016 Aerial Site Survey may be adequate for use as a background for a civil/yard piping plan. 5. OPTIONAL Lead Paint Testing: A heavy metals analysis of paint samples collected from each secondary clarifier will be performed to determine the composition of the coating. If the lead content in the paint samples is greater than 600 mg/kg by weight as outlined in California Code of Regulations Title 8 Section WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 17 TX 7 Engineering Services for Secondary ser 1930 Clarifier Rehabilitation urr 1532.1, lead abatement will be required whenever the coating is disturbed. Recommendations for appropriately abating any coatings containing lead including budgetary estimates will be developed. The District does not believe that the clarifier mechanisms are coated with lead-based paint, so if this Optional Task is not selected by the District, WWE shall assume that the existing clarifiers do not contain lead-based paint or other hazardous materials that need to be mitigated during construction and the project bid specifications will also state this assumption. • (3) Clarifier Field Evaluation Site Visits (1 per clarifier) • Clarifier Field Evaluation Documentation Task 2:Design WWE will prepare an alternatives analysis and Preliminary Design Memorandum for the project that will include life-cycle total net-present-worth costs to rehabilitate the existing clarifier mechanisms, replace the mechanisms with painted carbon steel, or replace with stainless steel. In addition, WWE will analyze the new clarifier mechanism design details described in the Project Understanding above, including alternatives for concrete and coatings repairs, and make recommendations based on cost to benefit assessment and available project construction budget. WWE will provide a recommendation of the preferred project alternative including a detailed preliminary design cost estimate, and present the Draft Memorandum to the District in an interactive workshop setting. WWE will receive comments from the District on the Draft Design Memorandum and incorporate the comments into a Final Design Memorandum that will guide execution of Final Design. The Preliminary Design Memorandum will also include a seismic analysis of the ability of the existing clarifier walls, footings, and launders to support a new clarifier mechanism. The analysis will be based on a visual inspection of each clarifier (when out of service) to identify any concrete degradation and the design details shown in the as- built drawings. The oncern with the existing structure is the ability to support the hydrodynamic fluid forces (sloshing) generated in an earthquake, as design standards have changed since original installation of the equipment. In general, the soil for buried water bearing structures is not utilized to resist seismic forces because in order to engage the soil for passive resistance there needs to be a deflection in the walls, and typically that deflection would produce cracking in the walls. The clarifier components also need to be able to support the hydrodynamic fluid forces. Hydrodynamic forces on the components results in an overturning force that is resisted by the center column. WWE will analyze the ability of the existing clarifier footings and walls to support the necessary anchorage requirements for a new mechanism. Water Works does not propose to analyze the existing clarifier mechanism steel structures for compliance with current seismic design requirements, unless the optional sub-task 1.3 described above in Task 1 is selected by the District. This is a relatively labor-intensive task given that the original shop drawings are not available. Also, it is likely the existing mechanisms are not compliant with current standards. Seismic design of new mechanism steel structural components would be part of the equipment supplier's scope of work, while WWE would be responsible for verifying anchorage design and capacity of the existing structure to support the anchorage requirements. WWE will also engage potential equipment suppliers to provide CFD modeling to vet feed well and density current baffle configurations to optimize clarifier performance. WWE has found that working directly with equipment suppliers in this area is most effective. WWE will prepare 90%drawings,specifications,sequence of construction,and cost estimate and present the 90% design package to the District in an interactive workshop setting. The Division 0 and 1 specifications will be South Tahoe PUD standard. WWE anticipates the 90%drawing set to contain the following sheets: WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 18 7H TRFiO Engineering Services for Secondary - °der.1950 Clarifier Rehabilitation ➢ Cover and Index ➢ General Construction Notes ➢ Abbreviations and Legends ➢ Structural Notes ➢ Civil/Yard Piping Plan ➢ Clarifier Structural/Mechanical Plan ➢ Clarifier Structural/Mechanical Sections ➢ Clarifier Structural Details ➢ Clarifier Mechanical Details ➢ Electrical Site Plan ➢ Standard Details The 90% plans and specifications will be essentially biddable with only minor interdisciplinary coordination issues and details to be resolved. An Optional Subtask 2.10 is available for corrosion protection system design should a painted carbon steel mechanism be selected as the preferred alternative for final design. • Draft Design Memorandum Workshop 0 90%Contract Documents Review Workshop • Draft Design Memorandum (PDF) • Final Design Memorandum (PDF) • 90%Drawings(11x17 PDF),Specifications(PDF),Sequence of Construction,Construction Cost Estimate (PDF) Task 3:Construction Documents WWE will receive review comments from the District on the 90%deliverable and incorporate associated updates into the Final Construction Documents. The 90% deliverable will also be thoroughly reviewed by WWE's QA/QC Reviewer and all comments incorporated. All drawings will be created in 2-dimensional AutoCAD, and 2019 version .DWG files will be provided to the District. • None • • Final Construction Drawings (11x17 PDF, 22x34 PDF, 22x34 AutoCAD 2019), Specifications (PDF and Word), Sequence of Construction, Construction Cost Estimate Task 4:Bidding Services WWE will attend the pre-bid conference and provide responses, clarifications, and addenda if necessary to respond to bidding Contractor or District questions during the Project Bidding Period. • Pre-Bid Conference • Response to Bid Period Questions, Issue Addenda as Required PROJECT TEAM Water Works is proposing a compact, experienced, and efficient team for execution of the project, shown below. Full resumes for each member of the team can be found in Appendix 3 of this proposal. Note that sub-consultants Entek, RFE Engineering, and JDH are available to perform optional tasks as identified in the Scope of Work. .0 WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 19 TH TR FiO Engineering Services for Secondary °der.1950 Clarifier Rehabilitation Team Organization Chart Operations&Maintenance Jeff Lee—Manager of Plant Cps Christopher Siano—Chief Operator Eng. Dept. Manager Project Manager Jared Aschenbach—Electric Sup. Julie Ryan, P.E. Stephen Caswell, P.E. Kyle Schrauben—Heavy Maint.Sup. 2260 Blue Oaks Blvd Ste 105 WATERWORKS Roseville, CA 95661 E N G I N E E R S 916-238-1460 Principal in Charge Project Manager QAIQC Reviewer Mike Fish er, P.E. JoeZiernann, P.E. Michael Lindquist, P.E. WATERWORKS ENGINEERS FRISCH ENGINEERING, INC. Project Team Electrical Engineer-Tom Frisch Joe Ziernann—Senior Engineer 13405 Falsorn Blvd.,Suite 600 Jon Roy—Staff Engineer/Drafting Folsom,CA 95630 Jeremy Kellogg—Structural Engineer tfrischfrischengineering.com (916) 353-1025 (YlRFEMOGINEE R&MG,1NC Lead PaintTestina(if needed] Survey(if neededl 4200 Rocklin Road,Suite 7 2260 Douglas Blvd Ste 160 Rocklin,CA 95677 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 632-6800 (916) 772-7800 jdh corrosion S 9 n 4 Y L 1 { ry 1}, � n �, Corrosion Protection(if needed) 1100 Willow Pass Ct. Concord, CA 94520 (925) 927-6630 Mike Fisher, P.E. Principal in Charge Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project:5% / All Other Projects:95% Mike Fisher will be the Principal-in-Charge for this project, as a Managing Member of the Firm with signing authority and manager of the Roseville Office. Mike is always available as a senior technical resource who brings over 22 years of experience executing and managing a wide range of wastewater treatment and conveyance projects. Mike was the project manager for the City of Roseville Dry Creek Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project and worked with Joe Ziemann and Jeremy Kellogg to successfully execute that project to exceed the City's expectations with respect to quality, schedule, and budget. 0 WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 110 50 7H TgNO Engineering Services for Secondary °ser f950 Clarifier Rehabilitation Michael Lindquist, P.E. QA/QC Reviewer Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project: 10% / All Other Projects:90% Michael will be providing a "fresh set of eyes" on the project as the QA/QC Reviewer and a senior technical resource. Michael will provide input and final review of all Project Deliverables, and his review comments will be combined with the City's review comments in a spreadsheet to track and ensure that all comments are appropriately addressed in subsequent deliverables. Michael is a registered civil engineer with over 22 years of utilities engineering and construction experience. He recently retired from 17 years of public service with California State Parks, University of California at Davis, and the City of Davis to join the Water Works Engineers team.As a public servant, he was responsible for the planning, design, construction, and commissioning or water, wastewater, storm water, and energy projects, most recently completing upgrade of the City of Davis WWTP. Joe Ziemann, P.E. Project Manager/Senior Engineer Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project:50% / All Other Projects:50% Mr. Ziemann is an experienced Project Manager as well as a wastewater process design engineer with over 13 years of experience in large and small treatment plant improvement projects. Joe will manage the project and also execute much of it given his recent experience on the City of Roseville and Shasta Lake clarifier rehabilitation projects which are very similar in scope and detail to this project. Joe will provide a majority of the analysis and writing for the Preliminary Design Memorandum and will lead production of the drawings and specifications with support from the Project Team. Jeremy Kellogg—P.E, S.E. Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project:25% / All Other Projects: 75% Mr. Kellogg is a Structural Engineer with fourteen years of experience in design and construction. He is well versed in the analysis and design of various structures associated with water and wastewater treatment facilities. His thorough understanding of both static and dynamic loading allows him to develop creative and cost-effective solutions to meet our client's structural engineering needs. Jeremy will perform the field evaluation of the existing clarifier concrete structure and coatings, and verify existing clarifier anchorage. Jeremy will perform a seismic evaluation of the existing clarifier walls,footings, and anchor bolts to determine if any structural modifications or improvements are required to support a new clarifier mechanism. Jeremy is particularly experienced with hydrodynamic loading and sloshing in open tanks, which is a key requirement for analysis of this project. Jon Roy, E.I.T. Staff Engineer Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project:40% / All Other Projects: 60% Mr. Roy is a civil engineer with extensive experience in wastewater infrastructure constructability stemming from his work as a Contractor's Project Engineer (formerly with PCL Construction). His expertise includes steel pipe fabrication and construction,yard and process pipe installation,and water and wastewater treatment mechanical systems construction. Jon is an experienced AutoCAD drafter and will be performing both engineering(under the direct supervision of Joe Ziemann) and drafting for the project. At Water Works, we believe that 2D drafting is best done directly by Staff Engineers rather by strictly "CAD Tech" staff. This avoids the process of creating redlines,which are then drafted,and then must be checked by the engineer that created the redlines. This process may be appropriate for large complex mechanical facilities that are drafted in 3D, however we have found that 2D drafting by engineering staff is the most efficient for a project such as this. .0 WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 111 TH TR FiO Engineering Services for Secondary - °der.1950 Clarifier Rehabilitation Tom Frisch, P.E. Electrical Engineer Percent Time Available for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project: 10% / All Other Projects:90% Water Works Engineers and Frisch Engineering have teamed together on hundreds of projects. Frisch is Water Work's go-to electrical engineering sub-consultant, and we find them to be the most capable in the area. Frisch Engineering will be providing electrical engineering support for the project, which is expected to be fairly limited on this project, however some work involving instrumentation (and power for instrumentation) may be involved. Tom's ability to identify electrical issues and resolve them during design has led to cost savings on many of our projects. He understands the issues that must be keyed in on during the planning phase to ensure the end result is a reliable and operable system. Tom's proactive and detailed approach to design has benefitted many projects. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule is presented below. Water Works recognizes the relatively low amount of float available due to equipment lead time on the first clarifier mechanism and the need to have Clarifier 1 rehabilitated prior to 10/31/20. We will absolutely commit to meeting this important project schedule. The schedule could be improved if the District elects to pre-purchase equipment, but we would like to leave this option open through the design phase. Task Description Time of Execution Estimated Completion Anticipated NTP 9/5/19 Data Collection, Review, Clarifier Inspections 6 Weeks 10/18/19 Alternatives Analysis and Draft Design Memo 6 Weeks 10/18/19 District Draft Design Memo Review Period 3 Weeks 11/8/19 Final Design Memo 2 Weeks 11/22/19 90% Drawings, Specifications, Estimate 6 Weeks 1/3/20 District 90% Design Review Period 3 Weeks 1/24/20 Construction Drawings, Specifications, Estimate 3 Weeks 2/14/20 Bid Period and Bidding Assistance 5 Weeks 3/20/20 Project Award Period 3 Weeks 4/10/20 Clarifier Submittals 6 Weeks 5/22/20 1"Clarifier Mechanism Removal/Concrete Rehabilitation 9/18/20 Clarifier Equipment Lead Time 18 Weeks 9/25/20 Vt Clarifier Mechanism Install 3 Weeks 10/16/20 Vt Clarifier Floor Grout 1 Week 10/23/20 Commission Clarifier 1 1 Week 10/30/20 Rehabilitation of Second Clarifier 2 Month May-June 2021 (Finish prior to July 4") Rehabilitation of Third Clarifier 2 Month July—September 2021 o WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page 112 Engineering Services for Secondary (ZE) Clarifier Rehabilitation APPENDIX 1 — LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE PROVIDED BY DISTRICT AND LABOR HOUR ESTIMATE List of Documents / Data to be Provided by District 1. Clarifier As-Built Drawings (already provided) 2. Previous 3 Years of WWTP data in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Format: a. Plant influent flow rate (1-hour intervals if available) b. Aeration basin mixed liquor suspended solids (1-hour interval for on-line instrument or lab test results as available) c. RAS mixed liquor suspended solids (1-hour interval for on-line instrument or lab test results as available) d. Sludge volume index (lab tests as available) e. Total RAS flow rate or pump control settings (1-hour interval) WATERWORKS Appendix 1 — Estimate of Labor Hours k N G I N E E R S South Tahoe Public Utility District Engineering Services for WATERWORKS ER I S C H Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation E N G I N E E R s 4p: ENGINEERING Labor Hour Estimate Task Water Works Engineers Frisch Engineering Optional Sub- Classification E5 E4 E4 E1 Princ.Eng. Designer i Consultants L Mn Survey: RFE Eng. Name s Y a, E c LL Z a Lead Paint: Entek o a, o E o a, o CP Design: JDH Data Colle 1.1 Collect and Analyze 3 Years of Plant Data 4 16 1.2 Clarifier Field Evaluation and Safety Plan 40 40 80 1.3 Detailed Existing Clarifier Condition Assessment(OPTIONAL) 30 80 110 1.4 Site Survey (OPTIONAL TASK by RFE Engineering) (LUMP SUM FEE) 0 1.5 Lead Paint Testing(OPTIONAL TASK by Entek) (LUMP SUM FEE) 0 2.1 Alternatives and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 4 60 12 4 80 2.2 Clarifier Seismic Analysis 24 24 2.3 Draft Design Memorandum 4 40 16 4 64 2.4 Draft Design Workshop 6 6 2.5 Final Design Memorandum 2 12 6 2 22 2.6 90%Drawings 10 60 40 160 8 24 302 2.7 90%Specifications 4 60 12 8 84 2.8 90%Cost Estimate and Construction Sequence 2 8 2 2 14 2.9 90%Deliverable Workshop 6 6 6 i kl�Corrosion Protection System Design(OPTIONAL TASK by JDH) I (LUMPSUMFEE)l 0 3.1 Construction Drawings 4 32 16 60 8 132 3.2 Construction Specifications 2 32 4 38 3.3 Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Sequence 4 1 5 4.1 Attend Pre-Bid Conference 6 6 4.2 Response to Bid Period Questions and Addenda 8 8 2 2 20 BUDGET TOTALS Project Totals Excluding Optional Tasks and Allowances 32 378 168 240 43 38 899 Project Totals Including Optional Tasks and Allowances 32 408 248 240 43 38 1,009 Engineering Services for Secondary (ZE) Clarifier Rehabilitation APPENDIX 2-SAMPLE OF WORK PRODUCT WATERWORKS Appendix 2 — Sample Project k N G I N E E R S City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................2 CONDITION ASSESSMENT...........................................................................4 StructuralAssessment......................................................................................................................................... 4 Mechanical Equipment Condition Assessment................................................................................................... 5 RASPumps.................................................................................................................................................. 5 RAS Piping, Volving and Flow Meters......................................................................................................... 5 ProjectDesign criteria......................................................................................................................................... 7 DesignFlows and Loads.............................................................................................................................. 7 HydraulicProfile.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Secondary Clarifier Design Criteria............................................................................................................. 9 DESIGN DEFINITION....................................................................................7 MixedLiquor Flow Splitting....................................................................................................................... 11 RASPumps................................................................................................................................................ 12 SecondaryClarifier Equipment.................................................................................................................. 14 Access Bridge, walkway and Platform...................................................................................................... 24 Weir and Launder Replacement and Relocation....................................................................................... 26 Electrical and Instrumentation and Controls Design Definition................................................................ 29 30°o DESIGN COST ESTIMATE....................................................................30 APPENDIX A —DESIGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B—EQUIPMENT INFORMATION & BUDGETARY COST PROPOSALS APPENDIX C—DRAWINGS WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 Page I TOC City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Roseville's Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant includes four, 85-ft diameter, 12-ft nominal depth secondary clarifiers (41A, 41B, constructed in 1974, and 42A and 42B, constructed in 1981). The sludge collector mechanisms are telescoping gravity suction-pipe sludge removal and center-column feed and peripheral overflow into concrete inboard launders. The "internals" of these clarifiers (center column, energy dissipating inlet (EDI) feed well, sludge suction piping and collection trough, reinforcing truss, scum collection and removal mechanisms, etc.) are in various states of degradation and in need of replacement. A condition assessment was conducted to determine whether or not some components are salvageable, but wholesale replacement of the internals as a package is the most cost-effective approach as it should negate the need to get back into the clarifiers in the near-future and avoid any interferences or dimensional disconnects between old and new components. In addition to replacement of the clarifier internals, the existing inboard launders (including weirs and scum baffles) will be demolished and replaced. The launders are cantilevered 6 feet inboard from the sidewalls, making them difficult to access for maintenance and allowing them to trap floating scum and algae against the clarifier sidewall. Launder covers will be included in the project to inhibit algae growth, but extra care will be taken with the specification of the hatch opening method to insure that maintenance is facilitated rather than complicated. The existing RAS pumps were evaluated to assess their condition and capacity. While their capacity is more than enough to serve the build-out capacity of the 1970's treatment train, the pumps are all over thirty years old, four of them are slightly misaligned (Fairbanks Morse pumps), and all have been rebuilt several times. Based on conversations with plant maintenance staff and what will be significantly lower costs, dry-pit submersible pumps will be used for the replacement. All of the RAS valving and flow meters will be replaced as well, as this equipment is beyond its useful life. The four 85-ft diameter clarifiers have a 12-ft nominal side water depth and mild floor slope (%:12). Two of the existing mechanisms are Walker Process SightWell "riser-pipe" type, and two are Peabody Welles telescoping systems. The City could choose to replace the internals in-kind, with new riser-pipe mechanisms, but riser-pipe type designs have lost ground to suction header designs due to the former causing excessive disturbance of the sludge blanket and the low differential head available to drive solids into the RAS hopper. Hydraulic suction (or manifold type, as they are also called) removal mechanisms will be utilized for the retrofit, because the clarifier floor slope is substantially shallower than that which is typically utilized for scraper type sludge removal (1:12), and City staff is familiar and comfortable with these mechanisms. The existing clarifier drives are cast iron housing, spur gear, "strip-liner" bearing drives that are lubricated with an oil-bath.There are two other designs that should be considered: oil-bath or grease-lubricated fabricated steel precision bearing drives and grease lubricated fabricated steel ultra-high molecular weight composite bearings. These drive types are described herein and a selection will be made for final design with City staff. AoRh W WATERWORKS 2 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project The energy dissipation inlet (EDI) and feed well design will be based on current understanding of best feed and dissipation approaches in smaller, shallow clarifiers, to allow the City to carry some solids in the clarifiers while avoiding scouring the sludge blanket. The vendors, for the most part, have proprietary EDI and feed well designs that can be modified for the existing clarifier geometry and design loading rates. Minimum dimensions will be included in the clarifier procurement specifications, to prevent vendors from under-designing these items to cut costs, but detailed design of the baffle system can be an iterative process with the selected vendor. There are many vendors in the clarifier component package market, including OVIVO/EIMCO, Siemens/Envirex, WesTech, Envirodyne Systems Inc, ClearStream Environmental and Monroe Environmental. There is no glaring reason that any of these vendors could not provide the system described herein as an equal to another vendor. The sludge volume index (SVI) for the 1970's side of the treatment plant is relatively high, and the short- circuiting in the anoxic zone is likely one of the primary causes. The cost-benefit ratio of density current baffles can be high for relatively small diameter, shallow-depth clarifiers that are loaded with activated sludges having a high SVI. In these cases, turning density currents back into the clarification zone can worsen settling and even lead to an increase in the clarifier effluent total suspended solids (TSS). WWE has developed design criteria (clarifier average and peak hydraulic and solids loading, and structural design criteria) for the project, and evaluated equipment for each of the facilities. The purpose of this Design Definition Report is to convey the design criteria and equipment recommendations to the City for review and comment. Once feedback is received, the Design Definition Report will be renamed the Basis of Design Report and will be updated throughout the project schedule. AORIN (� WATERWORKS 3 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project CONDITION ASSESSMENT STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT A structural assessment was made of four clarifiers, 41A, 41B, 42A and 42B. All four clarifiers were in service during the assessment. Due to the clarifiers being in service the assessment was limited to a visual inspection of the exterior above grade concrete and interior RAS pump stations. Structurally, the four clarifiers appear to be in good condition. No evidence of clarifier concrete corrosion, settlement or structural cracking was witnessed. Significant sidewalk settlement was observed around portions of each clarifier most likely due to poor compaction during backfill. The sidewalk settlement is not considered a structural issue but rather a maintenance concern as water will puddle after rainstorms. The initial investigation showed that the four clarifiers are viable for rehabilitation. On May 111h the secondary clarifiers were re-visited because DCWWTP staff were able to take 41A and 41B offline for verification of the condition of the concrete and coating inside the clarifiers. On May 11th the secondary clarifiers were re-visited because DCWWTP staff were able to take 41A and 41B off line for verification of the condition of the concrete and coating inside the clarifiers. The concrete appeared to be in good condition and structurally sound. Minor erosion, loss of cement paste, was observed throughout the concrete walls. This type of minor erosion is common in hydraulic structures that are subject to years of perpetually moving water. Loose cement paste was scraped away to expose sound concrete. The depth of loose cement paste removed was very shallow, approximately 1/16th of an inch or less. The erosion was so minor it does not warrant attention or repair. The upper portions of the wall are coated with what appears to be a chemical resistive concrete coating. The coating appeared to be in good condition and did not show evidence of any bonding failures. Some localized bonding failures were observed between the base grout layer and the concrete slab. A new grout layer will be required to provide a uniform surface preciously conformed to the new clarifier arms. Surface preparation will be required to prepare the existing floor to ensure a proper bond between the existing surface and new grout. During the surface preparation any poorly bonded existing grout will be removed. The anchor bolts used to anchor the center column showed signs of minor surface corrosion. The anchor bolts will most likely be reused to anchor the new center columns. After installing the new center columns the anchor bolts will be cleaned and coated with an epoxy coating to provide lasting corrosion protection. A structural assessment of the three flow split boxes was also performed. The visual inspection was limited to exposed portions of the flow split structures. As with the clarifiers, the three flow split boxes appear to be in good condition and capable of supporting additions to improve flow balance. Further structural assessments should also be made while the flow split boxes are off line to verify the interior concrete and coating condition. (� WATERWORKS 4 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONDITION ASSESSMENT The following existing equipment items were inspected: • RAS Pumps, Piping,Valving and Flow Meters • Secondary Clarifier Internals (includes center column, EDI,feed well, cage, rake arms, riser-pipes and scum removal equipment RAS PUMPS The existing RAS pumps are 38 (Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 4113, Fairbanks Morse) and 31 (Secondary Clarifiers 42A and 4213, Worthington, shown in Figure 1 at right) years old. Operators report that the pumps have been rebuilt/overhauled on multiple occasions, which is difficult on non-clog centrifugals with overhung motors. In addition, the RAS pumps and motors ' for Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 41B are not in very good alignment, leading to noise and vibration. Replacement of these pumps was discussed with DCWWTP staff, and it was agreed that replacement during this project is prudent, as the clarifiers will be offline for several weeks at a time. RAS PIPING, VALVING AND FLOW METERS Figure 1.SC 42A RAS Pump It was agreed that the check and isolation (upstream and downstream) valves and flow meters should be replaced, as they are old and worn and replacement parts are not easiliy obtained. The suction side isolation valves are located underneath the floor slab that the RAS pumps and discharge valving is installed on, making accessing this valve extremely difficult as it is a very cramped and confined space. Operators requested that the new suction side isolation valves be installed with a motor actuator, the controls of which would be located above the slab, so that they would not have to enter a very constricted, confined space to shut the valves to isolate a pump or discharge piping and valving. The decision to replace the discharge side valving and flow meters makes it logical to replace all of the discharge piping, as it will be easier for a contractor to fit the new valving and flow meters, especially with new steel pipe and allowance for some makeup joints. There is also RAS sample piping and a sink in each RAS Pump Station that can be demolished, as operators report this equipment is not utilized. The RAS discharge piping is shown in Figure 3A and 3B. WATERWORKS ENGINEERS 5 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project r; y t. • r _r Figure 2A. RAS Pump Suction Side Isolation Valve Figure 2B. RAS Discharge Piping,Valving and Flow WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R S 6 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project DESIGN DEFINITION PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN FLOWS AND LOADS The City of Roseville provided three years of Mixed Liquor (ML) and Return Activated Sludge (RAS) data. WWE processed this data, and also used historical engineering reports generated by the City, to develop minimum and maximum flows and loads for the ML and RAS flowstreams. The results are listed in Table 1. Table 1. DCWWTP 1970's Side Mixed Liquor and RAS Design Criteria Condition Value Assumptions Current DCWWTP ADWF 9.7 mgd • Assume 50-50 flow split between 1970's and 1990 treatment trains Design DCWWTP ADWF 16.0 mgd • Assumes future improvements to 1970's treatment train, including improved anoxic zone baffling and conversion from surface aerators to fine bubble diffusers Minimum RAS Flow, DCWWTP 6.4 mgd • NA (observed) Minimum RAS Flow, 1970's Side 1.7 mgd Design Maximum RAS Flow, DCWWTP 24 mgd • Operations Staff report, during rising sludge blanket Design Maximum RAS Flow, 1970's Side 12 mgd events Remaining Design Criteria are all for the 1970's Side of the DCWWTP Minimum Mixed Liquor Flow 6.9 mgd • Current ADWF of 9.7 mgd, plus minimum observed DCWWTP RAS Flow (4.1 mgd), no plant drain flow, and assumed 50-50 flow split Annual Average Mixed Liquor Flow 13.1 mgd • AAF PF of 1.1, current ADWF of 9.7 mgd, 6 mgd RAS flow, 0.5 mgd Plant Drain Pump Station flow Maximum Mixed Liquor Flow 34.4 MGD . PHWWF peaking factor of 2.5 (Initial Assessment, 2008), applied to potential DCWWTP ADWF treatment capacity of 16 mgd (result: 40 mgd) • Maximum Potential RAS Flow (rising sludge blankets) of 24 MGD • Recycle flows of 4.7 mgd • Even flow splitting between 1970's and 1990's sides of the DCWWTP • Resulting Maximum HLR = 969 gpd/ftz Minimum Mixed Liquor Solids Loading 142,820 . Current ADWF of 9.7 MGD lb/day . MLSS= 2,500 mg/L • Minimum Observed RAS Flow of approximately 2 MGD • Even flow splitting between 1970's and 1990's sides of the DCWWTP Maximum Mixed Liquor Solids Load 850,000 • Maximum Design Mixed Liquor Flow (34.0 mgd) %j WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R S 7 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project lb/day • MLSS=3,000 mg/L • Maximum Potential RAS Flow (rising sludge blanket) • Maximum SLR on Clarifiers = 37.4 Ib/day/ft2 In addition to analyzing existing RAS and Mixed Liquor flow data, WWE used Biowin 3.1, a Microsoft Windows based simulator, to estimate what RAS and Mixed Liquor flows would be associated with "maxing out" the capacity of the 1970's side of the Dry Creek WWTP (Biowin Process Flow Diagram shown in Figure 4). WWE estimates that with some additional data collection and analysis (specifically for total nitrogen in the raw wastewater) and ancillary system improvements (improved anoxic zone baffling or volume, replacement of surface aerators with fine bubble aeration, etc), the Dry Creek WWTP could someday be re-rated as capable of treating an average day maximum month flow (ADMMF) of approximately 27 mgd. This corresponds to an ADWF treatment capacity of approximately 16 mgd, so this value will be used as the design ADWF for the project, so that the work done does not restrict the DCWWTP to less than 16 mgd ADWF in the future. OE 70sAnox ExpAnox 70s ABs 70s SecEH Raw WW 3. ' AnOigestion L Biosolids 90s Anox ExpAnox 90s ABs 90s SecEff r �I ■� 3. Figure 3. Biowin Process Flow Diagram of DCWWTP The RAS flow that would be necessary to support the peak flows associated with an ADWF of 16 mgd would be approximately 9.5 mgd, or approximately 2.4 mgd per RAS pump, assuming even (50-50) flow-splitting between the two sides of the Dry Creek WWTP. This corresponds to 1,650 gpm per RAS pump, which is well within the capacity of the existing RAS pumps (2,100 gpm). This additional capacity is necessary because there are times, even now, where the pumps need to be ramped up to address rising sludge blankets in the clarifiers during wet weather. In summary, the existing design capacity for the RAS pumps is adequate to allow future increases in treatment capacity for the 1970's side of the Dry Creek WWTP. Peak Mixed Liquor design flows were developed based on the future peak instantaneous raw wastewater flows associated with an ADWF of 16.0 mgd, the peak instantaneous RAS rate (rising sludge blanket condition), and an allowance for return flows from the Plant Drain Pump Station (4.8 mgd, according to Initial Assessment (2008)). The peak instantaneous wastewater flow peaking factor used was 2.5, which corresponds to data analysis conducted previously by the City. The resulting peak instantaneous design ML flow of 68.8 mgd was used to evaluate the potential to add the weirs in the Mixed Liquor Splitter Boxes, and to make any adjustments to the Secondary Clarifier weirs, feed well, Energy Dissipating Inlet or Center Column port elevations. (� WATERWORKS 8 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project HYDRAULIC PROFILE WWE calculated the hydraulic profile through the 1970's side aeration basins and secondary clarifiers, based on the 1981 (Duwante & Stowell), prior to realizing that major yard piping and flow splitting modifications were made to this portion of the WWTP in 1991 (James Montgomery & Assoc). WWE is currently re-calculating the hydraulic profile using the 1991 drawings. The primary purpose of establishing the hydraulic profile is to: 1) set weir, EDI and flocc well elevations in the secondary clarifiers, and 2) determine if there is sufficient hydraulic head available to install new flow splitter boxes upstream of the Secondary Clarifiers to improve what is perceived to be un-balanced hydraulic loading between the four clarifiers. While WWE is gather additional data on the 1991 modifications and finalizing an hydraulic profile for the project, CH21M Hill's (based in part on work done by Carollo Engineers) hydraulic profile, as described in the Initial Assessment (2008), will be used for discussion purposes. It must be noted that this hydraulic profile was based on a peak instantaneous peaking factor of 3.0, which differs from the 2.5 peaking factor that CH2M Hill developed based on data analysis.The 3.0 peaking factor was utilized because CH2M Hill's Hydraulic Profile appears to show a water surface elevation of 136.4 in the 1970's effluent boxes in the Aeration Effluent Flow Split Structure, downstream of a weir that is shown at an elevation of 137.50 ft. WWE will run the hydraulic spreadsheet model to verify that this is accurate, but if it is, then there is approximately 1.1 feet between the weir and the water surface at peak flows. This weir cannot be submerged, as it is critical for splitting flows between the two 1990's and the "two sets of two" 1970's clarifiers, so an allowance of at least three inches should be given beneath the weir. Existing Splitter Boxes The 1970's side of the Dry Creek WWTP has two mixed liquor flow splitting boxes to split flows between Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 41B (Flow Splitter Box No. 1) and Secondary Clarifiers 42A and 42B (Flow Splitter Box No. 2). Flow Splitter Box No. 1 receives mixed liquor flow through a direct 48" ML connection from the Aeration Basin Effluent Flow Split Structure (ABEFSS) that is constructed on the end of the 1990's Aeration Basins. Flow to Splitter Box No. 2 comes through a 48" ML pipe from the AEFSS, but first goes to the old Flow Control Box, then through a 36" ML pipe. Therefore the hydraulics between the two feed systems for the two sets of two clarifiers is uneven, and one would expect to see different water surface elevations in the outlet boxes for 41 and 42 at the AEFS, which is not captured in the CH2M Hill hydraulic profile discussed previously. SECONDARY CLARIFIER DESIGN CRITERIA The Secondary Clarifier design criteria that will be utilized for the design documents are listed in Table 2. The design criteria are based on 1) Flows and Loads analysis, 2) calculations using WWE secondary clarifier design spreadsheets (Appendix A), 3) data gathered from secondary clarifier vendors (Appendix B), and 4) preliminary discussions with City of Roseville WWTP staff. AoRbL W WATERWORKS 9 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project Table 2. Secondary Clarifier Design Criteria Parameter Value/ Description Number 4 Diameter 85 ft Surface Area Each 5,675 ftz Total 22,698 ftz Surface Overflow Rates Average Annual Mixed Liquor Flow 399 gpd/ft2 Peak Mixed Liquor Flow 969 gpd/ft' Solids Loading Rates Minimum 6.3lb/day/ft2 Peak Wet Weather 37.4 Ib/day/ft2 Maximum RAS Flow per Clarifier 3.0 mgd Maximum RAS Solids Removal Rate 33,360 lb/hour Suction Pipe/Rakearm Configuration Single Suction Pipe Header Sidewater Depth 12 ft Minimum Freeboard 1.4 ft Floor Slope %:12 (—2%) Center Column Outside Diameter and Thickness 36 in, 3/8 in thick Inboard Launder Dimensions Width: 2 ft Depth:Varies, Min 1.15 ft, Max 1.67 ft Density Current Baffle TBD if applicable (30 deg, 40" projection from clarifier sidewall) Weir Length 251.33 ft Weir Elevation 135.5 ft at top of v-notch Minimum Energy Dissipating Inlet(EDI) Diameter 8.5 ft Minimum EDI Depth 3 ft Minimum Flocculation Well Diameter 22 ft Maximum Flocculation Well Submerged Depth 6 ft Sludge Removal Mechanism Hydraulic Suction Sludge Collector Rotation Clockwise Sludge Collector Tip Speed 6 ft per min Sludge Collector Operating Torque 18,000 ft-lb Sludge Collector Peak (Stalled)Torque 36,000 ft-lb Scum Removal Type Rotating Skimmer and Scum Beach with automatic flushing valve Secondary Clarifier Drive % hp minimum, VFD driven,grease lubricated composite bearings (DBS DM Series, No Equal) Scum Beach Length Approximately 25 ft long Minimum Walkway Width 4 ft Minimum Access Platform Dimensions 10 ft x 10 ft Materials of Construction Wetted steelwork: 304 SST Access Walkway and Platform: Aluminum Alloy 6061 WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 10 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project MIXED LIQUOR FLOW SPLITTING WWE has completed a preliminary draft hydraulic profile analysis that indicates that in the worst-case flowpath (that of flow to 42A and 42B), at peak instantaneous Mixed Liquor flows, the water surface elevation in the effluent box of the ABEFSS is approximately 136.84, or approximately 7.8 inches below the flow splitting weir elevation of 137.5. Allowing a minimum of 3 inches of freeboard downstream of that weir (to insure even flow splitting) means that any new flow splitting structures that are installed upstream of the Secondary Clarifiers must incur new head losses of 5 inches or less. Figure 5 below is a graph of head loss incurred over a sharp-crested weir versus weir length at 8 mgd (slightly less than the peak instantaneous per clarifier Mixed Liquor flow of 8.6 mgd). To incur less than 5 inches of head loss would require a weir length in excess of 20 ft. This is not doable in the space available between Flow Splitter Boxes No. 1 and No. 2 and their respective clarifiers. Rather than construct any means of positively controlling the flow splits between the four clarifiers, WWE instead recommends that the City wait and see if re-setting all of the weir elevations in the four clarifiers helps remedy some of the unequal flow splits that operators have observed. Level sensing could be included in each clarifier, and used to estimate the overflow rate in each clarifier, which could be used with the new flow metering in each of the RAS pump stations to estimate mixed liquor flow into each clarifier. This would not be very accurate, due to inherent inaccuracies in level sensing and flow metering, but it could give a reasonably close estimation of flows (± 5%) between the four clarifiers. Operators could then, in theory, use the existing isolation gates in the Flow Splitter Boxes to induce some head loss into the secondary clarifiers receiving the most flow,to get better balancing at a given flow. If anything is done to improve flow splitting as part of this project, it should be limited to installing baffle walls in the existing Flow Splitter Boxes. (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 11 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project RAS PUMPS Existing Pumps The existing RAS pumps are pedestal mounted centrifugal non-clog sewage pumps with extended vertical shafts to external, roof-mounted motors. This type of pump was chosen because the elevation of the pump head can be flooded, so the motors were mounted on the roof slab of the RAS pump stations. The pumps are all well over 30 years old, and have been rebuilt numerous times. Four of the units (the four Fairbanks Morse pumps, installed in the RAS Pump Stations for Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 41B, do not have proper alignment between the motor and the pump, resulting in wobble and vibration in the system. New RAS Pumps There are essentially two alternatives to replacing these pumps: 1) to replace them in-kind, with similar overhung motors, vertical shafts and pedestal mounted non-clog sewage pumps, or 2) to replace them with submersible close-coupled sewage pumps. The two alternatives are shown in Figure 5 at right (the suction connection will not need an elbow, U-JOINT SHAFTING as the suction piping comes straight up underneath the pumps). 1 Submersible, close-coupled pumps (such as Flygt's N-Series) would cost approximately$28,000 each, whereas Flowserve has quoted eight, in-kind replacement pumps at $55,000 each (See Appendix B for both). Variable frequency drives for each unit will be approximately equal, around $8,000 each. The advantage of submersible, close-coupled sewage pumps is that there is no long vertical coupling between the motor and pump, so there are no potential issues with shaft alignment. Also, pulling an entire unit (motor and pump)for offsite maintenance is generally easier. The vertical shaft on the non-clog centrifugals can be disassembled, and the expected frequency of offsite I maintenance or replacement of these pumps is generally lower than that for submersible, close- coupled units. e However, given the fact that the non-clog centrifugals ----- - - C are nearly double the cost of dry-pit submersibles, it is recommended that the City select these for the replacement. One or more shelf-spares could be included in the project, and operators could relatively _ Figure 4. Comparison of Dry-Pit Submersible vs. Non-Clog Centrigugal Pump Profiles WATERWORKS ENGINEERS 12 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project easily switch a spare out with a failed unit without major disassembly and still be well below the cost ofnon-clog centrifugal pumps. Design Criteria for the RAS pumps is listed in Table 3, below. Table 3. New RAS Pump design criteria Parameter Value Number of Pumps 8 Equipment ID DC44-PUMP-00101 DC44-PUMP-00102 DC44-PUMP-00201 DC44-PUMP-00202 DC44-PUMP-00301 DC44-PUMP-00302 DC44-PUMP-00401 DC44-PUMP-00402 Shelf Spare Type Dry Pit Submersible Flow 2,100 gpm (3 mgd, nominal) TDH 26.3 feet hp, per pump 25 hp Motor Speed 1150 rpm Drive Variable Speed Power 480V/3-Phase/60 Hz Inlet Connection Diameter 10 inch Make & Model (1st named) Xylem Flygt Model NT-3171.091 New RAS Pump Station Valving and Flow Meters The valves and flow meters that will be included in the project are listed in Table 4 below. Table 4. RAS Pump Station Valves and Flow Meters Item Each RAS Pump Station Number in Total Project Suction Side Isolation Valves Two 12" motor actuated plug valves 8 Discharge Side Check Valves Two 10" swing check valves 8 Discharge Side Isolation Valves Two 10" plug valves 8 Common RAS flow meter One 10" mag meter 4 Common Discharge Isolation Valve One 12" plug valve 4 A process flow diagram has been prepared to show the RAS pumps, valves and flow meters that are included in the project, and is included in Appendix C. WWATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 13 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project SECONDARY CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT Center Column and Connection to RAS Suction Piping The existing center column is a 36" (outside diameter) carbon steel pipe, flange-mounted over the opening in the center of the secondary clarifier, as shown in the clip below from the DCWWTP 1981 as-builts. This center column will be replaced with a 36" diameter steel pipe (3/8" carbon steel or 304 SST). The 14" cement-lined corrugated steel (CMLS) RAS pipe that is concentric to the existing center column will be removed from the center column. 84'-ML CLCS f f f^~• LL6.T2.X¢ J —CEP3l'L!� G6L41 hA 13 'r,4LTs EL 1'7.2.Gra ' 'W 5TD SYL Pmr-iSY _ GFZOUT -T� cLaq eau,v kAFn 14°STL SLEEVE, -� -P`GLL W 0ST QF SECurr Griour FUEL❑ wCLI} !SN{]1�d F�OIST OF SECT 4U IJl _ � F Q couc ��A t M2 I d v r I'4A•2g5 C4 C5 tg 61$-4I Ti Gl �clues J V C:-42.4rA.rt 5 L �- MZ� d"STD SZL PIPC µ1� W3LE �i WE�A 44' PLPF- Cp"-❑ DCV W TO.4' P~_ L Wl Y2�NCLE GE N -T E71 P acsLM: 'la'•�'a' Figure 5.As-Built Plan and Section of Existing Clarifier Center Column and RAS Piping The suction pipe on the rake arm must be somehow hydraulically connected to the 14" RAS pipe underneath the clarifiers.There are two methods to achieving this: 1) Core-drilling down through the clarifier slab, and through the 14" CLCS RAS pipe,to create a new RAS connection completely separate from the center column.The old connection from the center hopper to to the RAS line would be sealed with grout.This approach is depicted in the sketch shown in Figure 6 (courtesy of Siemens/Envirex). 2) A sludge manifold adapter can be provided by the selected clarifier vendor,that will attach to the 14" RAS pipe at the floorline and (in some designs)to the outer lip of the center hopper.This adapter can serve as a base for the installation of the new 36" center column, or it can be welded to the inside of the center column.The adapter has channels that convey sludge removed by the suction pipe to the RAS AoRbL WWATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 14 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project pipe, sealing it from the mixed liquor flowing up the center column.This approach is shown in Figure 7, A and B. EXISnNG RAS UNE SQ BE REmOvEo MANIF`4L0 TOWBRO UNITLIBE RMER Dore Drill Hole Remove Exisbng R Pie - E mST. RAS EaNE ' PLUG EXISTLNG OPENING D35TING INFLUENT Figure 6.Core-Drill Connection of Sludge Manifold to RAS Suction Piping The core-drill approach eliminates any obstructions in the Mixed Liquor flow, but increases the amount of work and the risk for the contractor. The 14" RAS piping is 31 to 38 years old, and there is the potential that the corrugated steel would be crushed further up the pipe than just at the core-drill.Also, as shown in the as-built of the area in Figure 5, there is a joint of unknown material precisely where the contractor would want to core- drill. The disadvantage of the adapter approach is that there will always be an obstruction in the Mixed Liquor flow up through 36" center column (see cut sheet from OVIVO's design below). However, while the Mixed Liquor hydraulics are limited (see Flow Splitting discussion), and utilizing the core-drill method of connecting to the RAS pipe could free up additional hydraulic head between the secondary clarifiers and the aeration basins, WWE does not feel that it is worth the potential risk of damaging the RAS suction piping, because fixing the damage could be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, WWE will specify that the adapter fitting be provided by the clarifier vendor. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 15 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project Figure 7. Manifold Adapter Fitting for Connection to RAS Suction Piping(OVIVO) 3'-`L D NFLUENT CACE COLMy{CUT TO LFNcr-) [:U"TO LENGTHS E][ISTING COUJMN FLANGE �� �.� i NEFFiNE SEAL WTH 5.5,CLAMPS RAKE ARM I NEVI CONFECTION RANGES (105URE PLATE I � __ r � �RAKE ARM 31T6'PLATE O RAKE BLADE TAPERS FROM 'r' r 5LIAGE CCLLECiAN DRUM TAPERED 9d'5PIRFL TAW CENTER Tp 6'O TANS WALL 5'-10'U.D.DRLl1 O�hlF1G RAKE BLADE Wf Vi'WALL 3K BLADE AND SO[IEEGEE 2•FEW GROUT BIRECTNG SLUDGE _ (NOT BY EIMCOS TO COLLECTION PORT .r - r4mr - STANLESS SEAL STRIP I I SLLDCE COLLECTION PORT p]1Y DEEP x 26'LONG ATTACH FOR 7ER0 CLEARAWF SPACED 8"0- YY55 SELF TAPPING FASTENERS _ E)0STNG T rur rMrimG pIPE IO CL 0 y' I 5LlACf COLLECTIDN SEAL REMOVE CROUT AR LND POE FOR I M.4 BR"D-ES _SCK b PPES_.._. SLEEVE FITTING Split-sleeve If J coupling ..r f i'�� J ——— E)flSTNG 2P DIA. EMTING 30'DIA. SL"E RETURN PIPE RNFLLEMfT PPE 4RI 72.0E'=LA.IREF7 Figure 8. Manifold Adapter Fitting Cross-Section (OVIVO) WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 16 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project Sludge Removal Mechanisms The existing sludge removal mechanisms are "riser-pipe" type (also referred to as "organ-pipe" type) . These rely on static head alone to move sludge into multiple sludge removal pipes, where it is conveyed to the end of the pipe in the sludge collection box at the center of the clarifier. The ends of the pipes are fitted with telescoping valves to enable operations staff to modify the head loss through each pipe, and thus modify the sludge removal rate from each individual port and pipe. Sludge exiting each of the riser pipes discharges into the sludge collection well, and is withdrawn through a RAS suction pipe located in the center column of the clarifier. Scraper type sludge removal is not recommended here due to the shallow floor slope of the clarifiers, at %:12. Some vendors argue that a 12:% floor slope does not preclude scraper type sludge removal, but in general scraper type mechanisms on a flat floor does not work well unless sludge blanket levels are kept relatively high, and the shallow sidewall depth (SWD) of the 1970's clarifiers does not facilitate maintenance of high sludge blankets. The City of Roseville operations staff have suction type removal at both Dry Creek and Pleasant Grove, and are very comfortable with the operation and performance of this method. Manifold hydraulic suction is a more effective means of removing sludge hydraulically, and most operators do not utilize the variable sludge withdrawal feature described above anyway. Hydraulic suction sludge removal consists of using one multi-ported pipe on each rake arm, and the sludge is pulled through the ports and into the center collection hopper utilizing differential head induced by operation of the RAS pumps. Having the RAS pumps directly connected to the RAS withdrawal ports can provide more differential head, allowing withdrawal of more dense sludge concentrations than with riser pipe type sludge removal. r. Abour Y Figure 9. Photo of Suction Pipe Type Sludge Removal Mechanism (WesTech) WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 17 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project There are multiple vendors capable of providing manifold hydraulic suction sludge removal mechanisms. The most prevalent of the manifold type, in terms of installation numbers, is the Tow-Bro system from Siemens. (formerly Envirex). A cross-section of a typical Tow-Bro suction header is shown below. The suction headers are typically a four-sided trapezoid, oriented as a diamond shaped cross-section with the inlet orifices drilled into the lower side of the leading side of the header, as shown below. There is a "Fluidizing Vane", which is essentially a scoop, directly below the inlet orifices, which fluidizes the thicker sludge on the clarifier floor and directs settled sludge towards the orifices. PEAKED ROOF 5 FLUIDIZING VANE Tow-Bro Unitube Sludge Remover Figure 10.Schematic of Suction Pipe with Fluidizing Vane Though Siemens' Tow-Bro design is very prevalent in the secondary clarifier market, there are numerous other vendors offering manifold hydraulic suction designs, including EIMCO/OVIVO's (01D) design, WesTech's COP"' Suction Header Clarifier (shown below), Clearstream, Envirodyne Systems Inc (ESI), Monroe Environmental and Walker Process. A grout fill will be used along the bottom of the existing clarifiers to provide a precise bottom elevation for the new clarifier mechanism. The existing clarifier bottoms will be high-pressure water blasted to remove any poorly bonded material and provide a clean, rough surface for bonding the new grout fill. WATERWORKS ENGINEERS 18 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project Clarifier Drives The original secondary clarifier drives on 41A and 41B were Walker Process, 1/2 hp, cast iron, chain driven with secondary worm gear reducer, ball bearing turntable drive with heat-treated alloy steel inserts in annular raceways. The existing clarifier drives on Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 41B are EIMCO oil lubricated strip liner bearings,with a % hp motor(2.8 to 3.0 amps). Secondary Clarifiers 42A and 42B have% hp, 2.2 amp motors. New Drives The secondary clarifier drive mechanisms are turntable drives design for continuous, low torque duty. There are essentially three types of clarifier drives to choose from, based on differences in their main bearing design and lubrication: 1) Worm or spur gear with ball and strip liner bearings running in an oil bath inside a cast iron housing (EIMCO's version of this type is shown at right in Figure 11, 2) Precision contact bearings that can be oil or grease lubricated, in a fabricated carbon steel housing, and 3) grease lubricated precision, sealed ultra high rr- molecular weight (UHMW) composite (Teflon) — bronze laminate bearing in a fabricated steel housing. There have been many studies on the efficacy of oil bath versus grease lubrication of turntable drives. Generally, grease lubrication is preferred for slow moving equipment such as a clarifier drive. However, historically grease has not been thought as appropriate for continuously running turntables, such Figure 11.Clarifier Drive Strip Liner Bearings(EIMCO) as in a clarifier, compared to intermittently operated turntables, such as in a crane, because the grease is continuously displaced form the bearing contact raceway over time, and so has to be re-applied frequently (weekly). Grease can be utilized, but it should be purged/replaced frequently to insure that the contact surfaces remain lubricated. Grease advocates point out that grease inherently acts as a seal against grit and dirt, and does not require weekly or monthly condensate draining as the housings have weep holes, since the grease will not leak out. An oil bath is thought to be more appropriate for continuously running equipment, and is the only option for lubricating the strip liner bearing design, which is by far the most prevalent secondary clarifier drive design. Oil lubrication, if the oil changes are done regularly and properly, provides a better means of insuring that the ball contact areas remain lubricated and of getting dirt and grit out. However, oil lubricated clarifier drives have proven to be high maintenance due to their tendency to leak oil, the need to frequently remove condensate WATERWORKS ENGINEERS 1n 7 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project from the drive, and the difficulty in changing the oil. In general vendors recommend changing the oil every six months, although some installations utilize a yearly oil change. In dusty environments thoroughly clearing the old dirty oil has proven problematic. Some agencies, including the City of Roseville, have tried pressurized air blowouts on either side of a diesel flush - between oil draining and re-filling, to limited effect. There are oil-lubricated precision bearing drive designs available, including one of the WesTech drives, the DBS D Series drive, and the HerculesTm drive that is provided by Envirodyne. Because of the difficulties with condensation, seal leakage and drive oil changes; and despite the frequent grease cycles, grease lubricated clarifier drives have made inroads into the secondary clarifier market. WesTech markets a precision four-point bearing drive that can be grease or oil lubricated, shown in the graphic below. This drive bearing is similar in design to the HerculesT`" drive that is provided by Envirodyne, and to the D Series drives by DBS Manufacturing. BM 70 The City of Woodland WWTP has both strip-liner bearings and WesTech's grease lubricated precision bearings operating on primary and secondary clarifiers. Plant maintenance staff report much higher satisfaction with the grease-lubrication requirements than with the oil - changes. There is a second grease-lubricated precision bearing alternative available, which is a sealed ultra-high molecular weight composite liner (bronze-teflon laminate) bearing from DBS Manufacturing (DM Series). DBS advises that this bearing only requires grease applications every five years, and is resilient to condensation within since the Figure 12. Cutaway of Precision Bearing Drive UHMW composite can use water as a lubricant as well as grease. These drives come with a 10-year standard warranty and are being sole-sourced for a secondary clarifier rehabilitation project at the Sacramento County Regional Sanitation District's WWTP this year. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 20 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project It must be noted that the track record for both strip liner bearings and precision bearings (grease or oil- lubricated) is very good in the wastewater industry, as long as they are properly maintained, including adherence to 1) recommended draining of condensate, 2) recommended oil changes or grease purging and injection and 3) in the case of strip liner bearings, regular inspection and replacement of strip liners. The track record for the UMHW composite grease lubricated bearing drive is not very long, but the standard warranty of 10 years compensates for the shorter track record. Therefore, the decision between clarifier drive mechanism designs should be made based on maintenance. Maintenance staff generally seem to prefer the regular (weekly or monthly, depending on the gear or bearing) grease application to six month oil changes. One clarifier vendor, ClearStream Environmental, uses only DBS Manufacturing drives, and provided an adder for their budgetary proposal for upgrade from DBS' strip liner bearing drive (D30-AE) to the UMHW composite bearing drive (DM075-AE) of $14,000. Across four drives this comes to a $3,500 price difference between the two drive types. An argument could be made that this increase is worth the 10-year warranty alone. Sole- sourcing this drive will not limit the number of responding vendors, as most if not all of the vendors have utilized a DBS drive to meet a specification at one time or another. WWE recommends that the clarifier drives be driven with variable speed drives. It is understood that the City has rarely if ever altered the speed of the existing riser-pipe mechanisms. However, having the ability to easily adjust the rotational speed of a suction pipe mechanism is more important, as these mechanisms typically include only one rake arm, and the lower profile of the mechanism does not stir up the sludge blanket as much as the much taller profile of a riser-pipe type mechanism. Other options that are available for the clarifier drives,that the City should consider including: • Reversing rotation—to back the suction pipe off an obstruction • Torque limit switch, or in some cases, a 4-20 mA torque transmitter • Loss motion switch—to detect when a mechanism has failed • Oil level switch—where oil bath lubrication is utilized The drive size will be adequate to provide the torque requirements listed in Table 1: 18,000 ft-lb in operation and 36,000 ft-lb stalled torque. This will require a minimum 42 inch diameter turntable drive with a minimum 0.50 hp motor. (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 21 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project Energy Dissipating Inlet Design Alternatives The critical design parameters for the EDI are its geometry and total volume and its energy dissipating methodology. The purpose of the EDI is to facilitate re-flocculation of the mixed liquor by increasing particle collisions, dissipate energy in the inflowing mixed liquor (and specifically reduce vertical currents), and minimize disturbances in the sludge blanket. The standard design approach is to provide an EDI diameter between 10 and 13% of the secondary clarifier diameter (85 ft), which results in a diameter between 8.5 and 11 ft. A 10 ft diameter EDI will therefore be specified. The top of the EDI extends above the water surface by six inches. The bottom of the EDI is sealed to within an inch of the center column. Flow exits the EDI via openings spaced equidistant around the perimeter. These ports will extend a minimum of three inches above the water surface to allow scum and other floatables to be discharged. Secondary clarifier vendors have different detailed approaches to design of the Energy Dissipating Inlet (EDI), also referred to as the flocculation well. Generally these can be categorized as: • Tangential Port—also referred to as "scoop" outlet design.These have been shown to impart a rotational flow within the feed well at high flows, and will only be allowed if baffles are provided on the inside edge of the flocwell that slow this rotation. • Double Gate Surface Ports—these have adjustable gates on the outlets, but operators do not regularly utilize the gates in most cases. • Plate Type—this is a proprietary EDI design by Siemens. • LA-EDI Ports—this is a proprietary design that is commonly used due to its proven performance at peak flows. It has opposing ports placed underneath the EDI, using the exit velocities from the ports to slow the opposing port velocity. Examples of these four categories of EDIs are shown in Figure 13, below. Any of these designs can be made to work well with a given clarifier geometry. The approach that will be taken with the EDI specification section will be performance based, but will have a minimum diameter 10 ft (or 8.8 ft square for the square-shaped plate- type designs), a minimum height of 3.5 ft (depth of 3 ft below the water surface, extend 6 inches above the water surface), have ports that extend a minimum of 3 inches above the average water surface elevation and that are sized to provide a maximum discharge velocity of 1.5 ft/sec at peak flow, and a minimum discharge velocity of 0.5 ft/sec at minimum flow. (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 22 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project aR,iLfSTABi.F.GATE OPENINGS ITYP) 4. *Al­­ A� Ilwng FloulatingCet`w ell to Jut ndius ml rc Bbw Water 91 Elimi Ned Ia Sm I Pons] Hinge H ngetl Gate AJternale I�IfluSef PipB a,d Other AM naib 10 Pe Fl- lrwgh the EDI wall Erin Aul ka N01 SM-1 Center Pier " � I L Vertical Primary Cage Baffles Center Baffles Cage _ �— I1-4 Secondary Baffle Figure 13.Clockwise from Upper Left:Tangential Port EDI, Double Gate EDI,Plate Type EDI and LA-EDI Designs Scum Removal Scum removal in the new clarifiers shall utilize a fixed scum skimmer blade, extending radially from the flocculation well, and a full radius scum beach, extending from the flocculation well to the scum baffle on the outer portion of the settling zone. The scum beach will have a scum trough that extends the full length of the scum beach. The scum trough will be flushed using a dual flush system incorporating both a mechanical flush valve that is actuated as the scum arm passes over the scum beach, and a solenoid actuated flush connection on the facility's plant water system. The scum trough will include a six inch discharge connection for flushing scum into the six inch scum line that conveys the scum and flush water to the Plant Drain Pump Station. Alternatively, the City could opt for a "full-radius" scum baffle and scum trough, that would extend through the feed well to the EDI wall.This is done in some installations where there are relatively high amounts of scum. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R 5 23 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project ACCESS BRIDGE, WALKWAY AND PLATFORM The existing access walkways and platforms are coated carbon steel. Consideration was given to salvaging these by removing them from the site and having them blasted and re-coated offsite. This is not recommended, for three primary reasons: 1) unless the original coatings have been removed and replaced since the late 1970's and early 1980's, it is likely that the coating contains lead, 2) the existing secondary clarifiers have two different platform designs: Secondary Clarifiers 41A and 41B have only a walkway, with no access platform like that on Secondary Clarifiers 42A and 42B (see photos of both installations, below; and 3) the modification work that would be required to make the walkways (and platforms)work with new center columns and drive mechanisms. Ri r01 Figure 14.Two Access Walkway/Platform Types at DCWWTP A quote for offsite blasting and re-coating was obtained from Stockton Tri Industries (STI), which was recommended by City of Roseville treatment plant staff. The quote was contingent upon the existing coatings being lead-free, and all brackets and hardware removed prior to receipt of the walkways by STI. STI quoted $8,400 for each walkway/platform (Appendix B), and it is estimated that removal, delivery, pickup and re- installation would cost an additional $5,000 to $10,000 per unit (depending on the level of rework required to fit the platforms around the new drives on clarifiers 42A and 4213).Therefore, the average cost for refurbishment of the walkways/platforms is approximately $15,000 each, assuming no lead-based coatings. The new access walkways and platforms (all secondary clarifiers would have platforms around the new drives) are estimated to cost approximately $30,000 each, so there is some potential savings in refurbishing the existing units. However, the contractor will likely receive some scrap value for the steel and aluminum, and the new walkways/platforms will have more room around the new drives and will be provided by the secondary clarifier equipment package vendor, minimizing contractor coordination work for mounting the walkway and platform to the center column. Materials Selection There are three basic approaches to materials selection for clarifier "wetted metals", or internals: 1) coated carbon steel, 2) 304 stainless steel, and 3) galvanized steel. Coated carbon steel is by far the most common material utilized. However, 304 stainless steel is utilized by some agencies due to the high cost of coating the clarifier's wetted components (center column, center cage, EDI, flocculation/feed well, and sludge removal WATERWORKS ENGINEERS 24 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project mechanism), and the higher cost of sand blasting and re-coating these components, which some agencies report having to do every 10 years or less. Galvanized steel has been used in several installations, but on at least one occasion a failure of the zinc coating has been observed. Galvanized components are not recommended for the DCWWTP. WWE prepared a net present value (NPV) analysis comparing using coated carbon steel versus 304 stainless steel. Budgetary cost proposals for both materials were solicited from two secondary clarifier component vendors (Siemens/Envirex and ClearStream Environmental, both are included in Appendix A).The budgetary cost proposals are summarized in Table 5 below. Because certain components included in Siemens/Envirex proposal would not meet WWE's final recommendations for design, a 10% contingency was added to their pricing. In addition, WWE has current pricing on first coating and blasting and re-coating of secondary clarifier mechanisms for the City of Redding's 80-ft diameter secondary clarifiers at the Stillwater WWTP. These were added to the budgetary cost proposals for carbon steel components. Table 5.Secondary Clarifier Component Costs(Coated Carbon Steel vs. 304 SST) Proposal Budgetary Cost First Coating Cost Total First Cost Siemens/Envirex Carbon Steel $528,000 $45,000 per Clarifier, $708,000 $180,000 total Siemens/Envirex 304 SST $913,000 $0 $913,000 ClearStream Environmental Carbon $627,000 $45,000 per Clarifier, $807,000 Steel $180,000 total ClearStream Environmental 304 SST $869,000 $0 $869,000 The cost to blast and re-coat two secondary clarifiers at the Stillwater WWTP was approximately $75,000, on average from six contractor bids.The cost will decrease as more clarifiers are included in the scope of work, so a cost of $65,000 was used for the NPV analysis. The coating life was assumed to be 10 years, which was supported by experiences at the City of Woodland, and by the condition of the mechanisms at the Stillwater WWTP, which had not been re-coated since installation approximately 20 years ago. There is significant corrosion in the existing clarifier mechanisms. In addition to the 10-yr re-coating cost, DCWWTP maintenance staff pointed out that there are annual inspection and touch-up costs that should be captured. For that, $5,000 annually was applied to the carbon steel, and $2,000 was utilized for 304 SST(to capture inspection cost). A discount rate of 6%was utilized, and both 20-yr and 30-yr NPV periods were calculated. The results are shown in Table 6 below. Table 6. Coated Carbon Steel vs. 304 SST NPV Analysis Results Proposal 20-YR NPV 30-YR NPV Siemens/Envirex Carbon Steel $932,000 $985,000 Siemens/Envirex 304 SST $883,000 $888,000 ClearStream Environmental Carbon Steel $1,025,000 $1,078,000 ClearStream Environmental 304 SST $842,000 $846,000 (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 25 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project WEIR AND LAUNDER REPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION The existing precast concrete launders are cantilevered 6-ft out from the clarifier sidewall, trapping scum and algae in the space between the outside weir and the clarifier sidewall, as shown in the photo at left.The existing launder will be demolished and new inboard launders will be constructed adjacent to the clarifier sidewall. The existing precast concrete launders are currently supported by cast-in-place concrete support brackets. The existing concrete support brackets will be modified to support the new inboard launders. The extent of the support bracket modifications will be dictated by the dimensions of the launders. A portion of the top face of the support brackets will be demolished to provide room and support the new launders. Each support bracket currently projects 9 feet into the clarifier. This support length will be greatly reduced by relocating the new launders to the clarifier perimeter. The additional length of the support brackets will be demolished where no longer structurally required. Exposed/cut rebar within the support brackets will be burned back and coated with epoxy to protect from future corrosion. The new inboard launder will have a single sided v-notch weir, and will utilize the existing clarifier sidewall face as the outside face of the new launder. A new cast-in-place bottom and vertical inside launder wall will be constructed and tied-in and sealed with the existing sidewall utilizing epoxy dowels. The existing concrete at the construction joint interface will be roughened and coated with an epoxy bonding agent to help bond the new launder bottom to the existing clarifier concrete wall. The bottom of the cast-in-place concrete launder can be constructed at the same elevation around the perimeter and grout filled along the bottom to provide a slope, or the slope can be formed into the cast-in-place launder. The preferred method of construction to achieve a slope within the bottom of the launder is to utilize a grout fill so that the modifications to the existing support brackets can be consistent throughout the clarifier and the launder inside vertical face can be a constant height Launder Covers Launder covers will be provided, consisting of molded fiberglass panels that are attached together to form a continuous cover over the launder trough, weir and scum baffle (See Figure 15).The Cover shall be designed and manufactured to inhibit incident sunlight from striking the surfaces of the launder and weir. Individual sections will be a minimum of four feet in length and curved to follow the curvature of the tank.The covers will be designed to open away from the operator and toward the center of the tank.The hinged Cover Section will extend outward toward the tank wall and swing open to allow inspection and maintenance of the launder and weir. In the closed position,the Cover Section rests on an FRP support flange attached to the inner wall of the tank. Handles or lift rings may also be required for some panels. A means of limiting the travel of the hinged Cover section, in the form of a restraint cable or tether, may also be provided to protect against damage. (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 26 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project The hinged Cover sections will also be designed such that alternating sections have integral tabs at each side which rest on the adjacent section, insuring that the seams between panels are covered and enabling the alternate panels to open independent of every other panel. A budgetary cost proposal of $139,000 has been provided by NEFCO for the FRP launder covers. The proposed design for installation and opening of the covers is shown in Figure 15 on the following page. WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R S 27 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project VARIES ACCORDING TO TANK DIAMETERS— RADI US 5" 1/4"— 11'— FLAT MIN. 2- STIFFENING FLANGE (B PANEL ONLY) COVER SECTION SST LATCH A.. ASSEMBLY CONTINUOUS HINGE 6 RADIUS 9/4" HHMB, NUT, WASHER (TYP) f ° MOUNTING SECTION B 3/4" `� 2" FLANGE 1 5- VARIES ACCORDING ' 2" FLANGE _ TO WEIR do f �R*� SCUM RAFFLE 1/2" GAP (:E) ELEVATIONS °* a 3" K 3" X 1/4" *4" SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT FLANGE WITH 3/15" d d 3� WEIR EXPANSION ANCHORS S' e 0 24' OC MAX g MOUNTING BRACKET 3/9" EXP. ANCHOR OW) 9 d• e d .a 4.. I— RADIUS r•rr.Ti ui x A CABLE EYE6ULT (FIELD LOCATE AND DRILL 5/16' HOLE) SST CABLE 4 1/2" MINIMUM REQUIRED TO CLEAR FRP SUPPORT FLANGE d e CABLE COUPLING, NUT a ' {ATTACH TO END OF �. EXPANSION ANCHOR} FRP SUPPORT FLANGE—Z. (CONTINUOUS AROUND ° TAN4{ WITH 3/9' ANCHORS ey LOCATED AT ABOUT 24" O.C.) q a 4 4. e. J 4 Figure 15. Preliminary Launder Cover Design WATERWORKS E N G I N E E R S 28 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project tm ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS DESIGN DEFINITION The motor control center and VFDs for the RAS pumps and clarifiers will be replaced with a single motor control center located in the existing electrical building. It will be connected to the 800A buss located on the East wall of the building. The existing PLC will be reconnected to the 1/0 from the new clarifier drives and RAS Pumps. It will have its programming modified for the revised 1/0 connections. The clarifier controls will consist of a full speed motor starter with HOA switch, torque warning, torque alarm shutdown, lock-out-stop, and status monitoring and control for the SCADA system. The reset button for the torque alarms will be located on the MCC cubicle door and in the center of the clarifier. A local disconnect will be provided at the drive mechanism. The scum trough shall be automated with a flushing system. If the system senses the clarifier rake through the position switch,the flushing solenoid valve shall energize and flush the scum trough for a set delay period. The RAS pump controls will consist of a VFD with HOA switch, speed control, lock out stop, run light, and alarm light. The VFD will be connected to the existing PLC using Ethernet Modbus TCP for control and monitoring. Independent VFDs and controls will be provided for each RAS pump. The electrical panelboards and transformers in the RAS pump vaults will be replaced along with the lights, fans, switches, receptacles, and sump pump. The RAS flowmeters will be replaced with 10-inch mag meters. The remaining instrumentation in the RAS Pump Stations will be replaced such as vault flood switch and thermostat. Field conduits will be re-used where possible. New wire will be required for all power and instrumentation. New conduit will be required on the clarifiers and in the RAS pump vaults. The preliminary one line diagram and P&IDs for the RAS Pump Station and the four Secondary Clarifiers are provided in Appendix C. = WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 29 City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Secondary Clarifiers 41A , 41B , 42A , and 42B Rehabilitation Project tM 30% DESIGN COST ESTIMATE An Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost (EOPCC) was developed for the complete project as described herein: - Replacement of Secondary Clarifier internals with 304 SST wetted components - Replacement of launders, launder cover system,weirs and scum baffles - Replace RAS Pump Stations, including pumps (including electrical gear), piping, valves,flow meters, lighting and panels - Replacement of existing Secondary Clarifier isolation sluice gates The cost estimates can be found in entirety in Appendix D. The cost estimate utilizes an average labor rate of $60/hr, which reflects conservative prevailing wage rates. A 10% design contingency is included, which is lower than typical for a 30% design estimate, but is appropriate for this project where the scope of work is well understood. Contractor overhead was set at 12%, and contractor profit was set at 8%. A 10% construction contingency is included to account for unforeseen conditions at the site, and to provide the City with additional budget for minor additions to the scope that would be initiated via owner requested construction change order. Finally,the contracted fee for WWE ($297,300)was included to obtain a total project cost. The EOPCC for this project is $ 3.84 million (M). The City originally had a targeted budget for this project of$3.0 million. In order to bring the construction cost to within this target, the Project Team elected to develop a "base bid" project that would include only those project components viewed as absolutely essential, but then include the additional work and materials upgrades that the City would like to include if the budget permits as bid alternates.The project can then be advertised for contractor proposals, and the Project Team can do some value engineering with the selected contractor to develop the final construction scope. WWE has developed a preliminary base bid with bid alternates described in Table 7, below. Table 7. Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Project Total EOPCC Base Bid: Includes replacement of Secondary Clarifier internals with coated carbon steel wetted components, replacement of launders, launder cover system, weirs and $2.62 M scum baffles Project Bid Alternate EOPCC (Adder to Base Bid) Bid Alternate "A": Replace RAS Pump Stations, including pumps (including electrical gear), piping, $0.85 M valves,flow meters, lighting and panels Bid Alternate "B": Replacement of existing Secondary Clarifier isolation sluice gates $0.15 M Bid Alternate "C": Secondary Clarifier internals with 304 SST wetted components $0.20 M (� WATERWORKS E H G I H E E R 5 30 CITY OF ROSEVILLE DRY CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SECONDARY CLARIFIER REHABILITATION PROJECT MAIN ST 1� r 00 0 VINEYARD RD DOUGLAS BLVD AREA OF 80 WORK A ' _ PROJECT T , .••.� 'x LOCATION 311116, - - = • �r .., _ BOOTH RD is--�• r z PIE RD CIRBY WAY _� • .,�f , z - r r z m Or Oam A m -� o TWIN OAKS AVE VIIIIIIIIII r O co 0 VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP N N NTS DECEMBER 2013 NTS RECORD DRAWINGS RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DU su FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED THIS PROJECT CONTACT: WATERWORKS BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) e''•y E N G I N E E R S TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER SCOTT BUECKER, PE WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454 ON 5-15-13 (530)739-0919 BY: SCOTTBUECKER DECEMBER2013 Fln 12QD o IDGN PLw[U 12Q9ASS0'.[Y.o1 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 INDEX TO DRAWINGS z DJ Z Z w wU H wa wU ajz� r� OU 3Q U0J ¢m SHEET DRAWING w0) 4a� =N am NUMBER NUMBER TITLE A GENERAL 1 45-G-101 COVER,VICINITY MAP AND LOCATION MAP 2 45-G-102 INDEX TO DRAWINGS 3 45-G-103 ABBREVIATIONS 4 45-G-104 GENERAL DESIGNATIONS 5 45-G-105 CIVIL LEGEND 6 45-G•106 MECHANICAL LEGEND 7 45-G-107 STRUCTURAL LEGEND AND NOTES S 45-G-108 STRUCTURAL LEGEND AND NOTES CONT CURL 9 45-C-101 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM NO.1 10 44-C-102 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM NO.2 N C/) 11 45-C•143 HYDRAULIC PROFILE 12 45-C-104 SITE PLAN Lu FLOW SPUTTER BOX O Lu 13 46-S 101 PLAN AND SECTIONS B z SECONDARY CLARIFIERS — W = 14 45-0-101 DEMOLITION PHOTOS 15 45-0-102 DEMOLITION SECTION AND PHOTOS z 16 45-D•103 DEMOLITION PHOTOS s 17 45-D-104 DEMOLITION SECTION AND PHOTOS Lu W. 18 44-D-105 DEMOLITION SECTION AND PHOTOS 19 45-M-101 PLAN 20 45-M-102 SECTIONS AND DETAIL � 21 44-M-103 PARTIAL PLANS AND SECTION oa 22 44-M-104 SECTIONS 23 45-S-102 PLAN 24 45S-103 SECTIONS z r ELECTRICAL r w z Z M O K Y Q CL 25 40-GE-101 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATION$ w ¢U Z 26 40-E-101 ONE-LINE&ELEVATION , Lu o w 27 40-E-102 CLARIFIER AREA SITE PLAN w p r C zi 28 40-E-103 RAS PUMP STATION 100 ELECTRICAL PLAN ¢O m w 29 40-E-104 RAS PUMP STATION 200 ELECTRICAL PLAN w h w 0 30 40-E-105 RAS PUMP STATION 300 ELECTRICAL PLAN y 31 40-E-106 RAS PUMP STATION 400 ELECTRICAL PLAN 3 32 40-E-107 CONDUIT SCHEDULE 1 33 40-E-108 CONDUIT SCHEDULE 2 34 40-E-109 CONDUIT SCHEDULE 3 INSTRUMENTATION U) 35 41-G1-101 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (D 36 39.1.101 AERATION SABIN 300&400 P&IDS >z 37 45.1.101 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS 100&200 P&IDS 38 45-1-102 SECONDARY CLARI FI ER$300&400 P&ID$ 39 44-1-103 RAS PUMP STATIONS 100&200 P&IDS w 40 44-1.104 RAS PUMP STATIONS 300&400 P&IDS 0 41 41.1.105 MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS P&IDS X W 0 z D RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-G-102 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 1 [SHEET NUMBER 2 FILENAME:1212D-OOG002.dgn PLOT DATE:1/3/2014 2:36:57 PM 1 2 3 1 4 5 f ABBREVIATIONS w ZLa @ AT CU FT CUBIC FOOT HD HUB DRAIN PREFAB PREFABRICATED T TANGENT,TELEPHONE LINE,TOP Y n AB ANCHOR BOLT,AGGREGATE BASE CU IN CUBIC INCH HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHLENE PIPE PRESS PRESSURE TBG TUBING iw x s W �w AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE CU YD CUBIC YARD HDR HEADER PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE T&B TOP AND BOTTOM m m ¢ w ui ACI AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE CULV CULVERT HOW HARDWARE PRI PRIMARY TC TOP OF CURB,TOP OF CONCRETE _ ou7 ❑-i u� aN ADD ADDITIONAL CV CHECK VALVE HGT HEIGHT PROP PROPERTY TCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ADH AS ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLT °C CELSIUS HM HOLLOW METAL PRV PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD ADJ ADJACENT,ADJUSTABLE HORIZ HORIZONTAL PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT TECH TECHNICAL AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR HP HORSEPOWER PS PUMP STATION TEL TELEPHONE AFG ABOVE FINISH GRADE d PENNY HPT HIGH POINT PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH TEMP TEMPORARY,TEMPERATURE A AHP AIR:HIGH PRESSURE DBA DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR HR HANDRAIL PSIG POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH,GAUGE TF TOP FACE AISC AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL DR DRAIN HSS HOLLOW STRUCTURE STEEL PT POINT OF TANGENCY T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE CONSTRUCTION DBL DOUBLE HV HOSE VALVE P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT THD THREAD AL,ALUM ALUMINUM DEC DECANT HWY HIGHWAY PV PLUG VALVE THK THICK ALP AIR LOW PRESSURE DET DETAIL HYD HYDRANT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PLASTIC TP TURNING POINT,TEST PIT ALTN ALTERNATE OF DOUGLAS FIR/LARCH POINT OF VERTICAL CURVE TRANS TRANSITION ANSI AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS DI DROP INLET,DUCTILE IRON PVCGS POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PLASTIC- TRANSV TRANSVERSE INSTITUTE DIA DIAMETER I&C INSTRUMENTATION&CONTROL GRAVITY SEWER TYPE TS TUBE STEEL APPROX APPROXIMATE DIAG DIAGONAL ID INSIDE DIAMETER PVCW POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PLASTIC- TST TOP OF STEEL APVD APPROVED DIL DILUTE IF INSIDE FACE WATER DISTRIBUTION SERVICE TYPE TT THRUST TIE APWA AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION DIM DIMENSION IN INCH PVMT PAVEMENT TW TOP OF WALL ARCH,A ARCHITECTURAL DIMJ DUCTILE IRON MECHANICAL JOINT INFL INFLUENT PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION TWS TRACER WIRE STATION ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE INSTM INSTRUMENTATION PVT POINT OF VERTICAL TANGENCY,PRIVATE TYP TYPICAL ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR DIPPL DUCTILE IRON PIPE, INSUL INSULATE,INSULATION PW POTABLE WATER t,T THICKNESS TESTING AND MATERIALS POLYETHYLENE LINED INV INVERT AUTO AUTOMATIC DIR DIRECTION INVERT EL INVERT ELEVATION AUX AUXILIARY DIST DISTANCE IP IRON PIPE R,RAD RADIUS UBC UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AV AIR/VACUUM ASSEMBLY ON DOWN IR IRON ROD RC REINFORCED CONCRETE LID UNDERDRAIN AVE AVENUE do DITTO RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE UG UNDERGROUND AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAGE DWG DRAWING RD ROAD,ROOF DRAIN UH UNIT HEATER �/�► AWWA AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION JT JOINT RDCR REDUCER LINK UNKNOWN V ry E EAST,ELECTRIC,ELECTRICAL REF REFER OR REFERENCE LINO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE EA EACH KIP THOUSAND POUNDS REINF REINFORCED,REINFORCING, I B BORING REINFORCE BC BEGIN CURVE,BOTTOM OF CURB EC END CURVE KW KILOWATT REQD REQUIRED V VENT,VOLT,VALVE Lu BF BLIND FLANGE,BOTTOM FACE ECC ECCENTRIC RJ RESTRAINED JOINT VAC VACUUM BFD BUTTERFLY VALVE DAMPER EF EACH FACE,EXHAUST FAN RLS RUBBER LINED STEEL VAR VENT ACID RESISTANT EFL EFFLUENT L LEFT,ANGLE,LENGTH VC VERTICAL CURVE B BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE LAB LABORATORY RM ROOM BLDG BUILDING EJ EXPANSION JOINT RMJ RESTRAINED MECHANICAL JOINT VERT VERTICAL z EL ELEVATION LAT'L LATERAL VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION BLM BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT LB POUNDS RO ROUGH OPENING ELB,ELL ELBOW VPS VENEER PLASTER SYSTEM BM BENCH MARK,BEAM RP RADIUS POINT _ ELC ELECTRICAL LOAD CENTER LB/CU FT POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT VTR VENT THRU ROOF � m BO BLOW OFF R/R REMOVE AND REPLACE ELEC ELECTRIC,ELECTRICAL LF LINEAR FEET BOO BOTTOM OF OPENING LG LONG RST REINFORCING STEEL BOT BOTTOM ENGR ENGINEER RT RIGHT EO EMERGENCY OVERFLOW LONG LONGITUDINAL W/ WITH BRG BEARING RTN RETURN EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT LP LOW POINT W WIDE FLANGE(BEAM),WEST,WATER z BAV BALL VALVE RV ROOF VENT EQL SP EQUALLY SPACED LR LONG RADIUS WC WATER CLOSET BVC BEGINNING OF VERTICAL CURVE RW RAW WATER BYP BYPASS EQPT EQUIPMENT R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY WD WOOD w ESC EROSION SEDIMENT CONTROL MAX MAXIMUM WH WATER HEATER ERW EFFLUENT REUSE WATER MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER WM WATER METER C to C,CC CENTER TO CENTER ESA ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA MCJ MASONRY CONTROL JOINT S !-BEAM,SOUTH,SLOPE WR WATER RESISTANT C CHANNEL(BEAM) EVC END OF VERTICAL CURVE MECH MECHANICAL S= SLOPE EQUALS WS WATER SURFACE,WATER STOP CAA/ARV COMBINATION AIR ADMISSION/ EW EACH WAY MFR MANUFACTURER SA SAMPLE W SH ST WEATHERING SHEET STEEL AIR RELEASE VALVE EWEF EACH WAY,EACH FACE MGD MILLION GALLONS PER DAY SAT SUSPENDED ACOUSTIC TILE WSP WELDED STEEL PIPE WT WATER TIGHT CARV COMBINATION AIR RELEASE VALVE EXC EXCAVATE MH MANHOLE SC SCUM WTR WATER CATH CATHODIC PROTECTION EXP EXPOSED,EXPANSION MIN MINIMUM,MINUTE SCFH STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER WW WASHWATER CAN CABLE TELEVISION EXP JT EXPANSION JOINT MISC MISCELLANEOUS HOUR WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC CB CATCH BASIN EXST EXISTING MJ MECHANICAL JOINT SCFM STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER F CCP CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE MINUTE a [� ¢ MPH MILES PER HOUR F w w z CCS CUBIC FEET CONTROL SYSTEM SCH SCHEDULE MSNRY MASONRY YD YARD z,� � CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE FB FLAT BAR SO STORM DRAIN O FC FLEXIBLE COUPLING MSP MILL STEEL PIPE,MANUAL OF Lu D CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND SE SOUTHEAST FCA FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER STANDARD PRACTICE w a CHEM CHEMICAL SEC SECONDARY Wr.�a a FCO FLOOR CLEAN OUT MTL MATERIAL NOTES }p v CI CAST IRON MWS MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE SECT SECTION } a ¢ 3 CIGC CAST IRON GROOVED COUPLING FD FLOOR DRAIN SH SHEET 1. FOR ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ABBREVIATION; CIMJ CAST IRON MECHANICAL JOINT FDA FLOOR DRAIN W/INTEGRAL TRAP SIM SIMILAR SEE ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS. a r z C CIP CAST IRON PIPE FDN FOUNDATION N NORTH SLD SLUDGE ¢O m w CIRJ CAST IRON RESTRAINED JOINT FES FLARED END SECTION NC NORMALLY CLOSED SLP SLOPE 2. CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR ABBREVIATIONS NOT LISTED. 3 W= O CISP CAST IRON SOIL PIPE FEXT FIRE EXTINGUISHER NE NORTHEAST SOLN SOLUTION 3. THIS IS A STANDARD LEGEND SHEET,THEREFORE,SOME F m Lu x FF FINISH FLOOR N CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT,CONTRACTION JOINT NIC NOT IN CONTRACT SP SPACE OR SPACES SYMBOLS OR ABBREVIATIONS MAY APPEAR ON THIS SHEET ¢ CLDIP CEMENT-LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE FG FINISH GRADE NO NUMBER,NUMBERING SPD SUMP PUMP DRAIN AND MAY NOT BE UTILIZED ON THIS PROJECT. CLG CEILING FHY FIRE HYDRANT NPT NATIONAL PIPE THREAD SPEC SPECIFICATIONS CLR CLEAR,CLEARANCE FIG FIGURE NTS NOT TO SCALE SPLY SUPPLY CLSM CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIAL FL FLOOR,FLOW LINE NW NORTHWEST SQ SQUARE CL CENTERLINE FLG FLANGE SQ FT SQUARE FOOT CML,CSP CONCRETE MORTAR LINED AND FLH FLAT HEAD SQ IN SQUARE INCH COATED STEEL PIPE FLL FLOW LINE OC ON CENTER SS SANITARY SEWER CMLSP CEMENT MORTAR LINED STEEL PIPE FLTR FILTER OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER,OVERFLOW DRAIN SSH SAFETY SHOWER CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE FNSH FINISH OF OUTSIDE FACE,OVERFLOW SST STAINLESS STEEL CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FOC FACE OF CONCRETE OFR OVERFLOW RETURN ST STRAIGHT,STREET CO CLEANOUT FP FENCE POST OG ORIGINAL GROUND STA STATION Z COL COLUMN FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC STD STANDARD z COM COMMUNICATION FT FOOT OR FEET OMRF ORDINARY MOMENT RESISTING FRAME STIF STIFFENER COMB COMBINED FTG FOOTING O TO O OUT TO OUT STL STEEL,STEEL PIPE a ~ CONC CONCRETE FWD FORWARD OPNG OPENING STLS STEEL PIPE(SPECIAL) lx Q CONN CONNECTION °F DEGREE FAHRENHEIT OPP OPPOSITE STIR STRAIGHT z CONT CONTINUOUS,CONTINUATION OZ OUNCE STRL STRUCTURAL cW7 w COORD COORDINATE G GAS STRUCT STRUCTURE c' CU COPPER GA GAGE SUBFL SUBFLOOR co CPLG COUPLING GAL GALLON PC POINT OF CURVE SUSP SUSPEND coCTD CENTERED GALV GALVANIZED PE PLAIN END,POLYETHYLENE AND SW SOUTHWEST Q CTR CENTER GB GRADE BREAK PERMANENT EASEMENT SYMM SYMMETRICAL GC GROOVED COUPLING PENT PENETRATION GCO GRADE CLEAN OUT PI POINT OF INTERSECTION GCF GROOVED COUPLING FITTING PJF PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER GE GROOVEDEND PL PLATE,PROPERTY LINE RECORD DRAWINGS GL GLASS PLYWD PLYWOOD GP GATE POST POB POINT OF BEGINNING THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED GPD GALLONS PER DAY POC POINT OF CONNECTION ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY GPH GALLONS PER HOUR POE POINT OF ENDING DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE PP,P&P PLAN AND PROFILE,POWER POLE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 GRTG GRATING PPM PARTS PER MILLION BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT 14UMBER GSP GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 GV GATE VALVE PRCST PRECAST TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER GVL GRAVEL PREFAB PREFABRICATED C71454 ON 5-15-13 45_G-1 03 GROUND WATER Gw WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEET NUMBER 3 FILENAME:1212D-XG903Agn PLOT DATE:1nWO13 62226 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 DISCIPLINE SECTION STANDARD DETAIL z W Z Z w LETTER DISCIPLINE SECTION LETTER ON DRAWING WHERE S2n 3Q rw ire SECTION IS TAKEN: w 00 4a =N as m AS SHOWN 12345 A DRAWING NUMBER WHERE SHOWN ON DRAWING �� �� a� G GENERAL C SITE CIVIL M-201 DETAIL NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER —� Y YARD PIPING A (REPLACED WITH A D DEMOLITION LINE IF TAKEN AND AS SHOWN 12345 SHOWN ON SAME SHEET) ON STANDARD DETAIL A ARCHITECTURAL S STRUCTURAL NOTES:SECTION M MECHANICAL 1. STANDARD DETAIL CALLOUTS ARE SHOWN TO INDICATE DETAIL REQUIRED M-101 1/4-1'-0" AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS. DETAILS ARE NOT CALLED OUT AT ALL LOCATIONS. H HEATING,VENTILATION AND COOLING DRAWING NUMBER M-102 WHERE A STANDARD DETAIL CALLOUT IS NOT SHOWN,THE CONTRACTOR (REPLACED WITH A ON DRAWING WHERE SHALL USE THE STANDARD DETAIL MOST APPLICABLE AND CONSISTENT P PLUMBING LINE IF TAKEN AND SECTION IS SHOWN: WITH OTHER WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. SHOWN ON SAME SHEET) DRAWING NUMBER(S) E ELECTRICAL WHERE TAKEN I INSTRUMENTATION STANDARD VALVE AND OPERATOR DRAWING NUMBER DETAIL VALVE TYPE— CKV-10 o DETAIL NUMBER ON DRAWING WHERE NUMBER T DISCIPLINE DETAIL IS TAKEN: w 01 M-1 1 DRAWING NUMBER WHERE SHOWN O FACILITY NUMBER T T SEQUENTIAL NUMBER M-301 NOTES: w B DRAWING NUMBER 1. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 15200. :z(REPLACED WITH A LINE IF TAKEN AND — SHOWNON SAME SHEET) UNIQUE VALVE AND OPERATOR OR EQUIPMENT W az5 F1] DETAIL y WWTP FACILITY ID SEQUENTIAL VALVE/EQUIPMENT NUMBER.THIRD wW. M-101 1"=1'-0" ���— DIGIT CORRESPONDS TO CLARIFIER NUMBER,I.E.ALL DRAWING NUMBER M-104 DC OOXXX EQUI CLARIFIER j NUMBERED 001XX IS ASSOCIATED WITH w,e, (REPLACED WITH A ON DRAWING WHERE EQUIPMENT TYPE TAG LINE IF TAKEN AND DETAIL IS SHOWN: SHOWN ON SAME SHEET) DRAWING NUMBER(S) ` °D WHERE TAKEN NOTES: 1. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 15200 FOR VALVE SCHEDULE. r z r DEMOLITION PHOTO aLU" LINE TYPE APPEARANCE rww Z Z LL K O DIRECTION OF PHOTO TAKEN w <a DEMOLITION PHOTO ww w U z cai NUMBER AND LOCATION PHOTO TAKEN FROM BLACK NEW'ON'DISCIPLINE �a F J C LIGHT OR a O m w D-101 MEDIUM GRAY OR EXISTING'ON'OR'OFF'DISCIPLINE w w w it DRAWING NUMBER SCREENED N (REPLACED WITH A LINE IF TAKEN AND DARK GRAY NEW'OFF'DISCIPLINE SHOWN ON SAME SHEET) GENERAL SYMBOLOGY U) z O_ STRUCTURE OR EQUIPMENT TO H BE SALVAGED OR DEMOLISHED z U' 0 w LL1 z Q J LU z W D CD RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C714-54 ON 5-15-13 45-G-104 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 1 SHEET NUMBER 4 FILENAME:1212D-OOG004.dgn PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 8:37:44 AM 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 CIVIL LEGEND CIVIL LEGEND (CONTINUED) MAPPING LEGEND NOTES: 1. EXISTING PIPING,EQUIPMENT,AND TOPOGRAPHY IS SHOWN SCREENEDAND/OR LIGHT-LINED. NEW PIPING,EQUIPMENT, w z w STRUCTURE,AND FINISHED GRADE IS SHOWN HEAVY-LINED. W Q w p ®EL 158.5 ®�EL 158.5 SPOT ELEVATION qI_IIII_I II BEDROCK ® AIR RELEASE VALVE REBAR z UJ z uj >w ZL 2. THIS IS A STANDARD LEGEND SHEET. SOME SYMBOLS MAY S2 n 3¢ w °� ASPHALT PAVEMENT n m qa g w N a m CONTOUR LINE ROCKS OR RIPRAP RNV RIGHT-OF-WAY APPEAR ON THIS SHEET AND NOT BE USED ON THE PLANS. o o' �' a 4:1 CUT SLOPE(HORIZ:VERT) SAND O BOLLARD O SEWER CLEANOUT C] CABLE TELEVISION AGGREGATE BASE ] CATCH BASIN 0SEWER MANHOLE 4:1 EMBANKMENT-FILL SLOPE "ga' � 0 SOLAR PANEL A (HORIZ:VERT) ® ELECTRIC METER NATURAL SOIL O STORM DRAIN MANHOLE — — — — DRAINAGEWAY OR DITCH ELECTRIC PULLBOX qI IIII=1111- COMPACTED SOIL STREET SIGN DIRECTION OF FLOW ® ELECTRIC RISER SURVEY CONTROL POINT OR a e:4 CONCRETE © ELECTRIC SWITCHBOX POINT OF INTERSECTION CENTER LINE,BUILDING,ROAD ET ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ❑ TELEPHONE BOX GROUT — — PROPERTY LINE CONTROLLED LOW FIRE HYDRANT ® TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX STRENGTH MATERIAL ___________ RIGHT OF WAY,EASEMENT (CLSM) (3 GAS VALVE ❑ TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX OR SETBACK PAVEMENT GRAY PVC CONDUIT PIPES TRAFFIC SIGNAL WITH ARM — — — — — — STAGING OR WORK AREA LIMITS GRATING ® GUARD POST N 1000.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WITH NO ARM /\ � STRUCTURE,BUILDING T c E 1000.00 C— GUY WIRE -- f FACILITYLOCATION POINT COORDINATES IN IRRIGATION BOX ® TRAFFIC WALK SWITCH m OR O STRUCTURE,BUILDING �O UTILITY POLE OR FACILITY IQ IRRIGATION VALVE Lu RETAINING WALL LIGHT POLE WITH NO ARM WATER VALVE O Lu OW WATER MANHOLE w B CONCRETE CURB LIGHT POLE WITH ARM WATER METER Z ATTACHED TO UTILITY POLE • ARCHITECTURAL FENCE WELL = CD GUARD RAIL/BARRICADE z `z CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH s Gx 3 STRAND BARBED WIRE w TOPPING ARCHITECTURAL FENCE SITE UTILITIES INDENTIFICATION m� C C CHAIN LINK FENCE o�m Aband ABANDON X X BARBED WIRE TV CABLE TELEVISION-OVERHEAD r z — x x — SINGLE SWING GATE T-BUR CABLE TELEVISION-BURIED r (L it 0 rw' Z — ucE— uGE— BURIED POWER z�`p o DOUBLE SWING GATE Y w EE� C —OHW—OHW— OVERHEAD POWER w a J z SLIDING GATE " w p p p F/O FIBER OPTIC y �r w Won C CULVERT — GAS GAS— NATURAL GAS r0ED 5;¢0m w WALL GS NATURAL GAS SERVICE w w X: it O PETROLEUM 3 BRUSH/TREE LINE SD STORM DRAIN Q O TREE SS — SS SANITARY SEWER �9A999E OR OR ® DEMOLITION T-OVH TELEPHONE-OVERHEAD T-BUR TELEPHONE-BURIED Q W WATER I z AUTOMATIC AIR RELEASE VALVE z W < U Lu MANUAL AIR RELEASE VALVE W z J U D RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-G-105 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEET NUMBER 5 FILENAME:1212D-OOG005.dgn PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 8:38:43 AM 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 1 6 PIPE AND FITTING SYMBOLS PIPE AND FITTING SYMBOLS (CONTINUED) FLOW METERS PIPING DESIGNATIONS c Zm Oa>Yui inmz�Oc?w� DOUBLE LINE SINGLE LINE DOUBLE LINE SINGLE LINE DOUBLE LINE SINGLE LINE DOUBLE LINE �¢0O�unujmz w z w J UJw U7 w w J0'It o0 Z wQ wU EXISTING PIPE(SCREENED) — ��—' REDUCER-ECCENTRIC w u w �� MAGMETER Z o v LU w O 0 3¢ w °� ���---WWW------IIWWI---- ���� FLOW DIRECTION Q a W v o n o �''zL a n � i NEW PIPE CL EL XXXX.X 0 —� —� UNION PROPELLER METER ���� (PRESSURE PIPES) INV EL XXXX.X w U `�' EXISTING PIPE TO BE ABANDONED — w c w w r o BLIND FLANGE 2"X 4" CIT (GRAVITY PIPES) H m a Z m z w J' A )660060660E EXISTING PIPE TO BE REMOVED FLOW STREAM IDENTIFICATIONS (n w�wx z w J NOMINAL CONTAINMENT PIPE (D LL w a w�p x (n w �- WELDED JOINT PLUG DIAMETER(WHERE APPLICABLE) z w-w=O U)¢ W w INSERTION METER NOMINAL PROCESS PIPE DIAMETER c�=m r cri=z W — - GROOVED END JOINT FLEXIBLE �- E CAP SINGLE LINE Q coomwzza r— a �F-�rw Z x C7 PUMPS � O§z>O�U W— - GROOVED END JOINT-RIGID VALVE SYMBOLS wa OZ SINGLE-LINE 0 J Q Q U FLANGED JOINT lt� FLOW STREAM wo z 0 OloDOUBLE LINE SINGLE LINE IDENTIFICATION o joofZa0Y METERING 16"RW MECHANICAL JOINT z z w w z w w wj w GATE I DIAPHRAGM Lii o L)O w w w p w k HUB&SPIGOT JOINT ,,��K�J�,, r -1 (RUBBER GASKET PUSH-ON) lII KNIFE GATE VALVE DESIGNATIONS 'zZm'ZW Q8 w C5—O}0 m �w � CENTRIFUGAL x R'r v m z BALL JOINT ,�--Itl p Itl--„ ��� r x O BUTTERFLY XX O o w w XX FLANGE COUPLING ADAPTER GLOBE � PERISTALTIC XX w FLEXIBLE COUPLING VALVE EQUIPMENT BALL ACTUATOR SYMBOL BAV-10 NUMBER,ELECTRIC Lu E VALVES ONLY, E FLEXIBLE COUPLING V V SEE LEGEND. w B WITH THRUST TIES — VEE BALL MIXERS z DISMANTLING JOINT VALVE TYPE — ���------WWW HHllllll------"' �_y VALVE SYMBOL DESIGNATION �-l�/r� PLUG OR COCK ALL VALVES,SELu E BELLOWSSTEEL © STATIC MIXER FLOW DIRECTION SECTION 15200 H CD EXPANSION JOINT SEAT PORT ECCENTRIC PLUG WITH NOTES z ELASTOMER BELLOWS REQUIRED SEAT LOCATION 1. ELECTRIC VALVE SHOWN,MANUAL VALVE SIMILAR. EXPANSION JOINT FP FP ACTUATORS s LLI FULL PORT PLUG T NOTES w•e,,�m PNUEMATIC 1. ONLY FLANGED END CONNECTIONS ARE SHOWN HERE FOR DOUBLE LINE m ELBOW-90 DEGREE NEEDLE FITTINGS. FITTINGS WITH OTHER END PATTERNS ARE SHOWN SIMILARLY ON . THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. ALSO SEE PIPING SPECIFICATIONS AND THE PIPING SCHEDULE. ELBOW UP-90 DEGREE DIAPHRAGM MOTORIZED 2. SYMBOLS SHOWN HERE FOR SINGLE LINE FITTINGS ARE GENERIC ONLY. REFER TO PIPING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC END CONNECTIONS FOR SINGLE LINE r PIPE AND FITTINGS. J r ELBOW DOWN-90 DEGREE PINCH VALVE n a w w a IY SOLENOID z M O tr GENERAL PIPING NOTES ww w¢ o SWING CHECK 1. LAY PIPE TO UNIFORM GRADE BETWEEN INDICATED ELEVATION POINTS. w a z a �C`�iHII�V' L) it>o U ELBOW MISCELLANEOUS PIPING SYMBOLS MINIMUM COVER SHALL BE36INCHESUNLESSOTHERWISESHOWN. r�r w / 2. SIZE OF FITTINGS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS SHALL CORRESPOND TO ADJACENT m o r C --� DOUBLE DISK OR SILENT CHECK STRAIGHT RUN OF PIPE,UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TYPE OF JOINT AND o r z 1—�+-- ELBOW UP-45 DEGREE FITTING MATERIAL SHALL BE THE SAME AS SHOWN FOR ADJACENT STRAIGHT ¢O m w STRAINER RUN OF PIPE. w h W w BALL CHECK 3. LOCATION AND NUMBER OF PIPE HANGERS AND PIPE SUPPORTS SHOWN IS ¢ m ELBOW DOWN-45 DEGREE �o SIGHT GLASS ONLY APPROXIMATE. FINAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED 3 IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. HOSE VALVE FLEXIBLE(ELASTOMER) MAXIMUM SPACING SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. NON FREEZE HOSE VALVE~ PIPE CONNECTION 4. APPROPRIATE STANDARD WALL PIPE DETAIL SHALL BE USED WHEREVER PIPING PASSES FROM A STRUCTURE TO BACKFILL. 71 TEE �O X X=NUMBER IN SPECIFICATIONS GAUGE WITH COCK 5. ALL FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS OR FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS SHALL BE NON FREEZE HOSE VALVE T PROVIDED WITH THRUST TIES,BLOCKS,OR ANCHORS,UNLESS OTHERWISE I WITH HOSE RACKTHERMOMETER NOTED. THRUST PROTECTION SHALL BE ADEQUATE FOR TEST PRESSURES �� TEE UP X=NUMBER IN SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIED. z —OS SAMPLE 6. SYMBOLS,LEGENDS,AND PIPE USE IDENTIFICATIONS SHOWN SHALL BE Lu ROTAMETER FOLLOWED THROUGHOUT THE DRAWINGS,WHEREVER APPLICABLE. ALL OF (D TEE DOWN p I THE VARIOUS APPLICATIONS ARE NOT NECESSARILY USED IN THE PROJECT. Lu MUD 7. ALL PIPING SPECIFIED TO BE PRESSURE TESTED,EXCEPT FLANGED,WELDED, J I q GALVANIC ANODE GROOVED END OR SCREWED PIPING,SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THRUST Q J Ir PRESSURE RELIEF PROTECTION AT ALL DIRECTION CHANGES,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.SEE w z U XX AIR SET THRUST DETAILS AND NOTES ON DRAWINGS. w CROSS XX=SUPPLY PRESSURE-PSIG 8. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF UNIONS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS ARE ONLY O Z 4 AIR AND OR VACUUM RELEASE APPROXIMATE. PROVIDE ALL UNIONS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE CONVENIENT = r REGULATED SIDE PS TYPICAL INSTRUMENT SYMBOL REMOVAL OF VALVES AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. 26-1-2 (SEE I&C LEGEND) 9. THE CONTRACTOR FOR THIS PROJECT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING w PRESSURE CONTROL AND PERFORMING THE CONNECTION OF THE PIPING AND ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT TO BOTH THE EXISTING D MULTI-PORT VALVE ARROWS PIPING AND FACILITIES. LATERAL INDICATE FLOW PATTERN.SEAT \�,// DRAIN 10. PRIOR TO SUBMITTING PIPING DRAWINGS FOR ANY PORTS ARE IMPLIED BY INDICATED 1 NEW PIPE THAT IS TO CONNECT TO OR CROSS AN FLOW PATTERN.BALL VALVE 1 EXISTING PIPE OR STRUCTURE,THE CONTRACTOR SHOWN.FOR OTHER VALVE TYPES, SHALL EXPOSE THE EXISTING PIPE OR STRUCTURE - ; LATERAL UP APPROPRIATE VALVE SYMBOL TO VERIFY ITS EXACT LOCATION,SIZE,MATERIALS, DATE SHOWN. - DOUBLE CONTAINMENT PIPE AND INVERT ELEVATIONS. DECEMBER 2013 FIRE HYDRANT �,/ 11. COMPONENTS SHOWN WITH A DOUBLE ASTERISK PROJECT NUMBER T� LATERAL DOWN !I� ('*)ARE PART OF A PACKAGE SYSTEM.SEE 12-012 CATHODIC PROTECTION TEST �I\ SPRAY NOZZLE EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS. DRAWING NUMBER REDUCER-CONCENTRIC STATION 45-G-106 `--ll�- CATHODIC PROTECTION ANODE SHEET NUMBER 6 FILENAME:1212D-00G008.dgn PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 8:42:53 AM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 STRUCTURAL ABBREVIATIONS DESIGN CRITERIA: AB ANCHOR BOLT APPLICABLE CODE:2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE(CBC) CONCRETE REINFORCING CONT c� z ACI AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE O z z w ADDL ADDITIONAL o U w¢ w AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL AND SPECIFIC STRUCTURE LOADINGS 6. ALL REINFORCING BENDS AND LAPS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED,SHALL SATISFY THE z_ z E w m 'w AND REQUIREMENTS. `-'w 3¢ uw o� AISC AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: rn y qag w N a m AL ALUMINUM o� o� _� atn ALT ALTERNATE WALKWAY LOADS: CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH=4,000 PSI GRADE 60 REINF STEEL BRIG BEARING 100 PSF LIVE LOAD BTWN BETWEEN BAR SIZE #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 CIP CAST IN PLACE WIND LOAD: LAP SPLICE LENGTH CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT A CL CENTERLINE ASCE 7-05 TOP BAR* 2'4" 2'-8" T-4" 4'-0" 5'-1 0" CLR CLEARANCE BASIC WIND SPEED:85 MPH,EXPOSURE CATEGORY:C CONC CONCRETE IW: 1.15 OTHER BAR V-6" 2'-1" 2'-7" 3'-1" 4'-6" CONT CONTINUOUS CTR CENTER * TOP BARS SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY HORIZONTAL BARS PLACED SUCH THAT DBA DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR SEISMIC LOAD: MORE THAN 12"OF CONCRETE IS CAST IN THE MEMBER BELOW THE BAR IN DBA DOUBLE SEISMIC OCCUPANCY CATEGORY:III SEISMIC IMPORTANCE FACTOR le:1.25 ANY SINGLE POUR.HORIZONTAL WALL BARS ARE CONSIDERED TOP BARS. DIA 0 DIAMETER SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY:D SITE CLASS:D DWG DRAWING Sds:0.420g Ss:0.434 WHERE 3000 PSI CONCRETE IS USED,INCREASE ABOVE LENGTHS BY 16%. EA EACH Sd1:0.275g S 1=0.208 EF EACH FACE FORMWORK, SHORING AND BRACING EL,ELEV ELEVATION GENERAL INFORMATION: EMBED EMBEDMENT 1. THE STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED FOR STABILITY UNDER EQ,EQL,SP EQUALLY SPACED 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE BUILDING CODE. FINAL CONDITIONS ONLY.THE DESIGN SHOWN DOES NOT INCLUDE THE NECESSARY ES EASH SIDE COMPONENTS OR EQUIPMENT FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE DURING EW EACH WAY 2. FOR ABBREVIATIONS NOT LISTED,SEE ASME Y14.38"ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS" CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK RELATING TO EXST,(E) EXISTING PUBLICATION AS DISTRIBUTED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION ERECTION METHODS,BRACING,SHORING,RIGGING,GUYS SCAFFOLDING, FDN FOUNDATION FIN FINISH (ASME). FORMWORK,AND OTHER WORK AIDS REQUIRED TO SAFELY PERFORM THE WORK SHOWN FOC FACE OF CONCRETE STAINLESS STEEL: ('J FS FAR SIDE 3. DESIGN DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO BE TYPICAL AND SHALL APPLY TO ALL SIMILAR FTG FOOTING SITUATIONS OCCURRING THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT,WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE 1. STAINLESS STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM: GA GAUGE,GAGE KEYED IN EACH LOCATION.CONSULT THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO GALV GALVANIZED PLATES:A240 H.A.S. HEADED ANCHOR STUD CONSTRUCTION. BARS AND SHAPES:A276 w FASTENERS AND FITTINGS:A320 HCA HEADED CONCRETE ANCHOR S: 955 O HCA HORIZONTAL 4. VERIFY ALL OPENING DIMENSIONS IN WALLS,SLABS,AND DECKS WITH THE MECHANICAL DEFORMED AND PLAIN BAR A LLI MFR MANUFACTURER AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 6 B MAX MAXIMUM 2. ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 316L,UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. z MIN MINIMUM 5. FOR NUMBER,TYPE,SIZE ARRANGEMENT,AND/OR LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT PADS SEE MTL METAL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.COORDINATE WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER 3. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AWS CERTIFIED WELDERS AND SHALL NTS NOT TO SCALE PRIOR TO PLACING SLABS,WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS. COORDINATE ALL MECHANICAL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI/AWS D1.1-06 AND THE CURRENT W OC ON CENTER AND ELECTRICAL OPENINGS WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. CBC. WELDERS SHALL HOLD VALID CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY AN ACCEPTED OPNG OPENING TESTING AGENCY WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS. PJF PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER 6. NO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE CUT FOR PIPES,DUCTS,ETC UNLESS 4. ALL FILLET WELDS SHALL BE AWS MINIMUM AND BUTT WELDS SHALL BE FULL a z REINF REINFORCE,REINFORCING SPECIFICALLY DETAILED OR APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE ENGINEER. PENETRATION. s REQD REQUIRED SIM SIMILAR w SJ SAWN JOINT CONCRETE: 5. WELDERS SHALL SUBMIT PRE-QUALIFIED WELDS AND WELDING PROCEDURES W. SS STAINLESS STEEL TO BE AVAILABLE ON PREMISES FOR REVIEW. STD STANDARD 1. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4,000 3 TOC TOP OF CONCRETE 6. OPENINGS SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN STEEL MEMBERS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY TYP TYPICAL PSI AT 28 DAYS AND A SLUMP AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 03300. DETAILED ON THE STRUCTURAL PLANS. W/ WITH 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS TO THE ENGINEER FOR ALUMINUM REVIEW PRIOR TO USE. 1. ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ALUMINUM Z 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT CONSTRUCTION MANUAL OF THE ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION. < r OF CONCRETE. a c� ¢ 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED,STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM SHALL BE ALLOY 6061-T6 OR Z LL 2 4. HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE PREPARED TO EXPOSE CLEAN,SOLIDLY ALLOY 6063-T6 CONFORMING TO ASTM B221.CHECKERED PLATE SHALL CONFORM TO w o Er EMBEDDED AGGREGATE OVER THE ENTIRE JOINT INTERFACE. ASTM B209. w a J z 5. PLACEMENT OF PIPES,CONDUITS OR OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS IN THE CONCRETE w U o Lu 3. WHERE ALUMINUM IS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SURFACES,CONTACT L) it - SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE DRAWINGS OR SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SURFACES SHALL BE COATED WITH HEAVY ALKALI-RESISTANT BITUMINOUS PAINT. LU o r w C ENGINEER. ¢O m w 4. GRATING AND CHECKERED PLATE SHALL BE ALUMINUM,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3 ¢ m 6. NO ALUMINUM CONDUIT OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING ALUMINUM OR ANY OTHER w w W 0 MATERIAL INJURIOUS TO CONCRETE SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE CONCRETE. 5. PROVIDE ALUMINUM GRATING WITH NON-SKID SURFACE OVER AREAS INDICATED ON a DRAWINGS.MATERIAL SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN ANODIZED FINISH. p M 3 7. CONCRETE SHALL BE MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C 94. Z y w mQWZ�U 8. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE MIXES,PLACING,TESTING AND CURING ARE EPDXY ANCHORS W z w o w L6 CONTAINED IN CBC SECTIONS 1905-1906 AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. >-J¢p UJ w w m z 1. EPDXY ANCHORS AND EPDXY DOWELS SHALL BE HILTI HIT-HY 150 MAX-SD UNLESS J w LL Co w w J U ¢(nMZ5LLZ 9. PORTLAND CEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C150 TYPE II,AGGREGATE SHALL NOTED OTHERWISE. INSTALL ANCHORS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE z❑¢10- CONFORM TO ASTM C33. MANUFACTUERER'S REQUIREMENTS AND ICC REPORT ESR-3013. o¢U ir w w Ov� UU LU CONCRETE REINFORCING 2. SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PER CBC SECTION 1704 AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF O H THE ICC REPORT. m O 1. PROVIDE LARGER SIZES AND MORE REINFORCING IN ALL SECTIONS OF CONCRETE WHERE w p w LU m� o z 3. THREADED RODS TO BE STAINLESS STEEL 316. REBAR TO BE ASTM A615. x¢D:w w 0 C N REQUIRED BY THE DETAILS ON THE DRAWINGS OR BY THE SPECIFICATIONS. F ¢w x Z w J J 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCES,SPACING AND THICKNESSES O LU LU n 3 w J 00LU 2, CLEARANCE FOR REINFORCEMENT BARS,UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE,SHALL BE: Of w m w"�� C w w ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO CAST AGAINST EARTH=3",ALL OTHER CONCRETE SURFACES=2". ILL z w w D'U INSTALLING ANCHORS. Z w r w x P co a LU w C 3. REFER TO WALL CORNER AND WALL INTERSECTION REINFORCING DETAIL 3303.WALL CORNER 5. WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN EXISTING CONCRETE,USE CARE AND CAUTION TO AVOID > Q�w O z Z❑ of REINFORCING SIZES AND SPACINGS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND CUTTING OR DAMAGING THE EXISTING REINFORCING BARS. MAINTAIN A REASONABLE Q =(¢o Z Z � REFERENCED TO THIS DETAIL.TYPICAL HORIZONTAL WALL REINFORCING SHALL LAP WITH THE CLEARANCE BETWEEN REINFORCEMENT AND THE DRILLED-IN ANCHOR. CORE DRILLED v z x w O¢ C9 CORNER HORIZONTAL REINFORCING. HOLES ARE NOT PERMITTED. IY U�z S v X v z D zW �9¢003U ILL4. ALL BENDS,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN,SHALL BE 90 DEGREE ACI 318 STANDARD HOOKS. 6. THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR MUST BE PRESENT ON THE JOB SITE DURING ANCHOR 0 z(Lr ¢ 0 LU 0zUro Y INSTALLATION TO VERIFY ANCHOR TYPE,ANCHOR DIMENSIONS,HOLE CLEANLINESS, co U U O�z¢ w 5. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO VERTICAL DOWELS AT WALL ENDS,CORNERS AND EMBEDMENT DEPTH,CONCRETE TYPE,CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH,DRILL BIT 0 9�r r,w O Y INTERSECTIONS WITH SIZE TO MATCH TYPICAL VERTICAL REINFORCING STEEL SHOWN. DIAMETER,HOLE DEPTH,EDGE DISTANCE,ANCHOR SPACING,CONCRETE THICKNESS, AND ADHESIVE INJECTION. U Ov p O Ov of m DECE DATE 2013 W 0 Q U LL LU w O LLI PROJECT NUMBER (Y wzcDmrZW Q� 12-012 w 3 K U>-CO m (n DRAWING NUMBER ~o o LL w° co45-G-107 A I. SHEET NUMBER 7 FILENAME:1212D-OOGOO6.dgn PLOT DATE:12126120138:40:10 AM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 SPECIAL INSPECTION 0 Z (D Z Z ❑Y 1. SPECIAL INSPECTION IS IN ADDITION TO THE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY SECTION 110 OF THE IBC,THE OWNER SHALL z zit Iw3¢ UOJ ol EMPLOY A SPECIAL INSPECTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION ON THE TYPES OF WORK INDICATED BELOW. w LU g =N a m Q1) 2. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED PERSON WHO IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT.THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL OBSERVE THE INDICATED WORK FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SUBMIT RECORDS OF INSPECTION. A 3. INSPECTION RECORDS AND TESTING REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER,OWNER,AND BUILDING OFFICIAL WITHIN ONE WEEK OF INSPECTION OR WITHIN ONE WEEK OF TEST COMPLETION. 4. AT THE CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION,A FINAL REPORT DOCUMENTING REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTION OF DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE SUBMITTED. 5. SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 17 OF THE IBC FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: -REINF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED STRUCTURAL INSPECTION(CONCRETE) VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION CONTINUOUS PERIODIC REFERENCED 2010 CBC STANDARD REFERENCE 1 INSPECTION OF REINF STEEL AND PLACEMENT X ACI 318:3.5,7.1-7.7 1913.4 2 INSPECTION OF REINF STEEL WELDING SEE WELDING SPECIAL AWS D1.4, INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ACI 318:3.5.2 'w � 3 INSPECTION OF AB TO BE INSTALLED IN CONCRETE X 911.5 cn PRIOR TO AND DURING PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE o 0 INSPECTION OF ANCHORS INSTALLED IN 4 HARDENED CONCRETE X w 5 VERIFYING USE OF REQUIRED DESIGN MIX X ACI 318:Ch.4,5.2-5.4 1904.2.2,1313 2 O w � B AT THE TIME FRESH CONCRETE IS SAMPLED TO z FABRICATE SPECIMENS FOR STRENGTH TESTS, ASTM:C172,C31 6 PERFORM SLUMP AND AIR CONTENT TESTS,AND X ACI 318:5.6,5.8 1913.10 _ DETERMINE THE TEMPERATURE OF THE CONCRETE W = INSPECTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF SPECIFIED 8 CURING TEMPERATURE AND TECHNIQUES X ACI 318:5.11-5.13 1913.9 z INSPECT FORMWORK FOR SHAPE,LOCATION AND s 12 DIMENSIONS OF THE CONCRETE MEMBER BEING X ACI 318:6.1.1 w W. FORMED DEFERRED SUBMITTALS 1. PER 2010 CBC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE STAMPED BY AN ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF THE PROJECT. ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT START FABRICATION OR ERECTION PRIOR TO REVIEW AND z APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID ALL TIME AND EFFORT REQUIRED TO < r OBTAIN APPROVAL FOR THE FOLLOWING PREFABRICATED STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: r w' z A. SECONDARY CLARIFIER AND WALKWAY DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS z LL o 0 B. CHANNEL COVER DRAWINGS Y ¢a K WUZ Q U O U Y w LU C o rzin ¢om U1 �- U 3 U) LU 1-- 0 z � J Q w w U U) D RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS I SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-G-108 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 ISHEETNUMBER 8 FILENAME:1212D-OOG006.dgn PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 8:40:27 AM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 FLOWSTREAM IDENTIFICATION DR DRAIN SLIDE GATE ML MIXED LIQUOR DC46-SGAT-00112 30"ML Y z z Y RAS RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE z w z w g >w 36"SE 36"SE o a w 0 SC SCUM SE SECONDARY EFFLUENT SECONDARY V) a m �� CLARIFIER100 �� n au UW UTILITY WATER DC45-CLAR-00100 12"RAS A 30"ML SPLITTER 36"ML BOX NO.1 P (n 36"SE 12"RAS SLIDE GATE U)) Q C __�__ 12"RAS RAS PUMP STATION 100 n C/) m 0 36"SE 36"SE O w ��� w SECONDARY SECONDARY w B CLARIFIER200 CLARIFIER 300 Z DC45-CLAR-00200 DC45-CLAR-00300 W = 30"ML 30"ML Z o W y < P of e r —________' ________-, Z 12"RAS 12"RAS J r a it 0 ZMO Er Y 2 Q d RAS PUMP STATION 200 RAS PUMP STATION 300 � <'O z < ------------------' O ��� or J C 0 Lu FZ- j SEE DWG a O m w 44-C-102,TYP 38^SE )j F U)W it N SECONDARY 3 CLARIFIER 400 DC45-CLAR-00400 SLIDE GATE 30"ML DC46-SGAT-00312 30"ML Z W_p -t of o P U) Qzq < QQ a U c) z >— SPUTTER 0 36"ML BOX NO.2 CD LL 07 Z 3 --------------------i —12"RAS 0 U 60 6W cn C LU 0 D O RAS PUMP STATION400 RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE SLIDE GATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER DC46-SGAT-00412I F 30"ML ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-C-101 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEET NUMBER g FILENAME:1212D-OOG010.dgn PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 9:34:41 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1"UW TO SCUM BOX FOAM CONTROL 1"UW TO SCUM BOX NOTES: NOZZLE-SPRAYING `YYYY//// 1. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE -1 1/2"HOSE BIB SYSTEMS CO. 1 1/2"HOSE BIB w DC45-SOVx-00111 DC45-VALV-00121 DC45-SOVx-00311 DC45-VALV-00321 OUTLET PRESSURE RANGE o Y z z o Y 22561-13029,TYP w 0 w a w NOTE 2 DC45-VALV-00120 NOTE 1 FLOCULATION NOTE 2 DC45-VALV-00320 NOTE 1 FLOCULATION 10-30 PSI. S2 j 3¢ u w j 1 1/2"UW WELL SPRAY 1 1/2"UW WELL SPRAY w m �� =N $m 2. SOLENOID VALVE CONTROLLED o� o a v SYSTEM SYSTEM gyLOCALCONTROLPANEL. DC45-VALV-00119 DC45-VALV-00319 DC45-SOVx-00118 AUTO-DRAIN DC45-SOVx-00318 AUTO-DRAIN NOSE 2 VALVE NOSE 2 VALVE A DC45-VALV-00117 ^ r 1 1/4"HDPE TO WEIR DC45-VALV-00317 ^ r 1 1/4"HDPE TO WEIR 2"BASKET STRAINER 1 1/2 WASHER CENTER UNIT 2"BASKET STRAINER 1 1/2 WASHER CENTER UNIT SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 300 DC44-VALV-00110 DC44-VALV-00310 ; DC45-VALV-00116 DC45-VALV-00316 DC44-FITx-00103 Q DC44-FITx-00303 DC45-VALV-00114 U) DC45-VALV-00314 _FI" 12"RAS- M 12"— �� 12"RAS M 12"0�7���777"'"'"'"' FLOWMETER -DC44-VALV-00113 ���YYY"""' FLOWMETER DC44-VALV-00313 1 1/2"HOSE BIB DC44-VALV-00109 DC44-VALV-00106 1 1/2"HOSE BIB�. DC44-VALV-00309 DC44-VALV-00306 DC44-VALV-00114� rbC44-VALV-00105 DC44-VALV-00314 DC44-VALV-00305 DC45-VALV-00112 I DC45-VALV-00111 DC45-VALV-00312 DC45-VALV-00311 w°`3/4" N N O 3/4" '^ C/) o, I 10" 10.11, I o f 10" 10„ V b > DC44-VALV-00108 > DC44-VALV-00308 C M RAS PUMP RAS PUMP , RAS PUMP RAS PUMP I m DC45-VALV-00115 I It; DC44-PUMP-00102 DC44-PUMP-00101 DC45-VALV-00315 i DC44-PUMP-00302 DC44-PUMP-00301 t O w v o DC44-VALV-00107 DC44-VALV-00104 o DC44-VALV-00307 DC44-VALV-00304 w B ❑ ❑ M -f------12"RAS•-----{;---��--------12"RAS-------► iv 'f------12"RAS------{;---j')--------12"RAS-------►' Z & 7�3/4"HOSE BIB RAS PUMP STATION 100 3/4"HOSE BIB RAS PUMP STATION 300 t az 15 w y 1"UW� TO SCUM BOX 1"UW� TO SCUM BOX w 1 1/2"HOSE BIB rl-`"���Y� 1 1/2"HOSE BIB """���Y� m . DC45-SOVx-00211 DC45-VALV-00221 DC45-SOVx-00411 DC45-VALV-00421 NOTE 2 DC45-VALV-00220 NOTE 1 FLOCULATION NOTE 2 DC45-VALV-00420 NOTE 1 FLOCULATION DIM i 1 1/2"UW WELL SPRAY 1 1/2"UW WELL SPRAY SYSTEM SYSTEM r DC45-VALV-00219 DC45-VALV-00419 J r DC45-SOVx-00218 AUTO-DRAIN DC45-SOVx-00418 AUTO-DRAIN NOTE 2 VALVE NOTE 2 VALVE w w a z S S ZLLO o Y �aa LDC45-VAL-V-00217 DC45-VALV-00417 F 1 1/4"HDPE TO WEIR w a z a 1 1/2" ^ 1 1/4"HDPE TO WEIR 1 1/2" LU 0 o ❑ 2"BASKET STRAINER WASHER CENTER UNIT 2"BASKET STRAINER WASHER CENTER UNIT L) w Wor � C — ❑ rz� > ¢Om W SECONDARY CLARIFIER 200 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 400 �w= O T DC44-VALV-00210 T DC44-VALV-00410 N N _ a DC45-VALV-00216 DC45-VALV-00416 w} w 3 DC45-VALV-00214 G DC45-VALV-00414 F a W z-W DC44-FITx-00203 a FJ DC44-FITx-00403 a Nco z a w J w W O 12"RAS M 12"—rt 12"RAS M 12"— > o! z FLOWMETER DC44-VALV-00213 FLOWMETER DC44-VALV-00413 w N w w m 0 00 N 1 1/2"HOSE BIB DC44-VALV-00209 DC44-VALV-00206 �a U W a w 0 a U)0 O 1 1/2"HOSE BIB DC44-VALV-00409 DC44-VALV-00406 ❑ w O- DC44-VALV-00214 DC44-VALV-00205 DC44-VALV-00414 DC44-VALV-00405 ❑ DC45-VALV-00212 DC45-VALV-00211 DC45-VALV-00412 DC45-VALV-00411 0 U -Q Q N LL 04o`3/4„ N 04°i3/4„ -O� 04 I 10" 10" o, I !\ 10" 10" Wows �� o ��U > DC44-VALV-00208 M > `DC44-VALV-00408 r a z es J w J U O RAS PUMP RAS PUMP I RAS PUMP RAS PUMP I (n w w o��❑ J m O> DC45-VALV-00215 >; DC44-PUMP-00202 DC44-PUMP-002 11 t DC45-VA -00415 >; DC44-PUMP-00402 DC44-PUMP-00401 i l� W w a w 0 w w }N w�zLucr of 0 (D <00 � - o DC44-VALV-00207 DC44-VALV-00204 o DC44-VALV-00407 DC44-VALV-00404 Z LU a m�o w a W o p O LL M , , ` , O M i , i z= O a=z W z N ------12"RAS•-----{}-T -,r,�--------12"RAS-------► N ------12" =cn>rw F Z OLuu) 3/4"HOSE BIB RAS PUMP STATION 200 3/4"HOSE BIB RAS PUMP STATION 400 Q O z❑co v X� z W Q U D Wozwo3a co �QIY �Q �v�zuo— Yx 0_0_ LL ��0pc2zW OfY OO 09DpPwr U U §Z�MZOa DATE 90oO0�g �00 DECEMBER2013 w ❑Q 0 LL LU W 0 W PROJECT NUMBER �zc��rZW Q0 12-012 w C7 w O O}0 CO 00 U7 DRAWING NUMBER o o w w° m 45-C-102 A I. SHEET NUMBER 10 FILENAME:1212D-OOG010.dgn PLOT DATE:1/6/2014 11:04:37 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 NOTES: 1. SECONDARY CLARIFIER WATER SURFACE ELEVATION Z m AT PEAK FLOW(34.4 MGD). 0 ¢ Y ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ILL ---------------- ------- m o� wU 2. WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN LAUNDER z¢ z m w > ------------- ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- EFFLUENT BOX WERE TAKEN FROM PREVIOUS WORK 9� 3� YN 0m CONDUCTED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS AND CH2MHILL. w m m i a m 150.00 ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- ------- ----€Lt _37----- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- 150.00 0 0 o a ---- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- ------ --------------- ------- --------------- ------- --------- ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- -------- ----- - ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- _------_ ----------------- -------- ---------------_ -------- --------------- ----- ---------------_ -------- ---------------_ -_----- ---- ------ ----- -------C----- ------- --------------- --- ------ ------ A 145.00 ------------- ------- --------------- ------- --------� ----- ------- -------------- ------- --------------- 145.00 -------- ------- ------- -- ------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ----- ---------- ------- ---------------- ------- _------_ ----------------- -------- ---------------_ -------- -------- ------_ ----- -- -- -- 142-.00 ------ --------------- ------- --------------- ------- -------- -_----- ---- ----- ------- 140.00 ------- --------------- ------- --------------- - L -- -- - - 140.00 ------ --------------- ------- --------------- ------- -------- ------- ---------- --- ------- -------- ----- ------- ------ --------------- -WEIRZL= 17------------ ------- --------------- ------- ---------- --- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------ --------------- ----------- ------ ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- - -------- ------ ------ ------- -_-- E 135;65- - - G ------ ---------- ---- ------- - 135.00 ------ ------ ------ 135.00 ----- -- ----- ---4----- -------G------ ------ ---------- --- ------ -------- ---- ------ ----- -- ------ --- ------ ----- -- ---------- -- ------- ----- -- ---------- ---- C _ _--- ------- --------------- ------- ---------- --- ------ -------- ---- ------ 130.00 ---------- ---- --- - -- ------- -- --- ------ ------- 130.00 ----- - ------- ------ ----- --- --- ------- ------ _ ---- ---- - ---------- --- ------ -------- ------ ------ ______ __ __________ ______ ________ ___ 3-==_ __ ______ _________ ___ _____ _______ ------ ____ _____ cn -- -- - - -- - ---- -- - ____ ____ -_----- __________ ____ _______ ________ ------------ _ Via• _ N 125.00 ------- -- ---------- ------- ---------- ----- ---- -- ---------------- -- ---------- ---- ------- -------- ------ ------- 125.00 L.L ---------- ------ -------- - ---- --- - ---------------- ----- ---------- --- ------ -------- ----- ------- w ------ -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- - ---------------- ------ -- ---- --- - -------- ----- ------- O LLI B 120.00 ------- ------------- ------- ------- --------------- -------t--------- ------- -------- ------- LL ------- ---------------- -- ---- ----------------- ---- -- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- -1 --5----- - -- --------------- _______ ____________�___/_ _______ __ _ ===PRi ARY=E =====____ =___ LLI �+ � ----------- ------- ---------------- ------- --------- `115.00 � ss�� itilRIF 131 RiB1�T� 115.00 • Qz RAS RETURN LIJ a HYDRAULIC PROFILE VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' HORIZONTAL SCALE: NTS 1750 GPM RAS 135.67 135.57 135.55 134.04 132.30 NOTE 2 136.66 135.90 135.69 135.38 135.20 NOTE 2 F- WEIR EL 137.50 z F amU ¢ _______ ___________ ___ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ ____________ ___ __________ zE:3 D_ ILL _______ ______ ____ __ _____ ________________ ___ -== =___ ____________ _______ ______________ _ _______ ___ _______ ___ ______= LU P g a ___ _ _ _ W QUz Q 135.00 ------- - I -_ _ _ _ - - -- --- --- ----- 135.00 It W 0 U - - - - - - - - - - rW� ui ----- -- -- --- - ------------- - ------ m o r C - -- ------ o �Z� > ------- ------ --- --- ---- ---------------- ------- --- ------- --------- ¢0 m w ----------- IIUFIREC 3zi7_ _ _ _ __ _______ �w= o ------- ----- -- -- ---- ---------------- --- ------- -------------- ------- ------ ---- -- ------- LU m w m 130.00 ----- -- -- ---- --------------- ------- -- ------- ------ ------- ------- - 130.00 m ------- -- ---- -- ------- -- ------- ------ --- --- ----- --------------- ------- -- ------- -------------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- - ---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ --- -- 48"ML ------- --- ------- --------------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------ --- --- ---- ----- -------- --- -- ------- -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ --- --- ---- ---------------- ------ ------- ----- ----------- -- ------- -------------- ------ ------- ------- ------ --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- --------------- ------- ---- -------- ------ ------ w ---------------- ------------- J------- ------- LL ---- - -__--------- ------ --- 0 ---------------- - ---- --- - --------- - - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - ______= lit RATi01tJ EFFLU N_T_=_____________ __ ------- --------------- ------- --------------- ------- - ------------- -- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ------- ---SP iT=STD -TURF --- ------ Q a --------------- ------- ---- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- 115.00 ------ --- -- --- -'1:970 SPUTT �Bfl�C ---------------- ------- --------------- ------- 115.00 w _U ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- - _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ _______________ _______ ________________ _______ w J _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ __ ____ __ _______ ________________ _______ (D _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ __ _______---- --_____ ________________ _______ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ----__ _________ _______ ________________ _______ Q _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ ________________ _______ 110.00 ------- ---- --------------- ------ ------- ------ 110.00 ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ -______ -_____ __====-i3�0S OON R === ______ _____ o - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - == ---------------= ======= ================ ======= ===---==-------= -----== ========----tea Rom- ____====_______= ____=== RECORD DRAWINGS 105.00 ------ ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- ------- ---------------- 105.00 MIXED LIQUOR AND SECONDARY THESE ORIGINAL CONTRACT REFLECTDRAWINGS THAT ES AD ORIGINALLY SIGNEDY ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE OVERFLOW HYDRAULIC PROFILE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 HORIZONTAL SCALE: NTS TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WSE AT 12 MGD C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-C-103 34.4MGD WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEETNUMBER 11 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATERWORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. FILENAME:1212D-00G012.dp PLOT DATE:3/13/2014 2:05:12 PM AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ZY zW Y<» U w o Q w U 1 RAS PUMP STATION .00 U U =N a m 1 200 I o o2 U <U RAS PUMP STATION DEMO EXST 1-1/2"UW AND 100 REPLACE WITH 2"FROM MAIN UTILITY WATER A ISOLATION VALVE TO 1 CLARIFIER WALKWAY , DEMO EXST 1-1/2" ELECTRICAL BLDG UW AND REPLACE WITH 2"FROM MAIN ISOLATION VALVE SPUTTER 1 I TO CLARIFIER BOX NO.1 WALKWAY 1 I SECONDARY I 1 RECONNECT CLARIFIER NO.600 EXST HOSE BIB HOSE BIB I HOSE BIB TO REMAIN TO REMAIN 1 SECONDARY SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.100 CLARIFIER NO.200 iOf m I HOSE BIB NOTE 2 w 1 w < E z � FLOW CONTROL 1 1/2"UW TO REMAIN < I BOX uj zo RAS PUMP STATION — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ul DEMO EXST 1-1/2"UW x_ RAS PUMP STATION AND REPLACE WITH 2" 300 FROM MAIN UTILITY RAS PUMP STATION WATER ISOLATION 400 H ALVE TO CLARIFIER Z WALKWA a U I z�W of \ I 2"UW I W-0 0 w o C_ wy0 U SPUTTERU >-F of 0 1 BOX NO.2 w ap J C J Z_ 1 HOSE BIB 0 mQ w TO REMAIN w w w 0 w U 00 SECONDARYHOSE BIB Q wCLARIFIER NO.500 1 TO REMAIN SECONDARY SECONDARY / w CLARIFIER NO.300 CLARIFIER NO.400 U) (D Z HOSE BIB 1 x NOTE2 TO REMAIN 00 � / 0 \ x w J J of 0 w I > 0 \ 1 112"UW 1 1/2"UW / LU of TO REMAIN HOSE BIB TO REMAIN H \ TO REMAIN U w I / 20 0 20 40 FEET LU n \ SCALE 1"=20' / E) c0 _ _ RECORD DRAWINGS N THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED NOTES: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE v1. EXISITING UNDERGROUND YARD PIPING NOT SHOWN. 1 PLAN FRBY TOM 1HE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(SMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE THE ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL REGISTERED DPRCDEECT N MB R13 w o ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 0 2. CONNECT TO EXISTING 1 1/2"UW DOWNSTREAM OF MAIN 1"=20' z TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER of ISOLATION VALVE. C71454 ON 5-15-13 Y WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC 45-C-104 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEET NUMBER 12 JOB NUMBER: 11-016 FILENAME:12012D-5C100.DWG PLOT DATE:26-DeGl3 PLOT TIME:16:41:43 2 3 4 5 6 NOTES: 1. FLOW SPUTTER BOX NO 1 SHOWN.WORK IS z SIMILAR FOR FLOW SPUTTER BOX NO 2.DEMO AND y LU z Y REPLACE GATES DC46-SGAT-00112 AND-00212 IN U w o¢w U zW zw w�» FLOW SPUTTER BOX NO 1.DEMO AND REPLACE o Z ; - w w GATES DC46-SGAT-00312 AND-00412 IN FLOW w m U =N as m SPUTTER BOX NO 2.EXISTING WALL THIMBLES o u) o 2 U a U (30"x30")TO REMAIN IN PLACE.CONTRACTOR TO CENTER AND INSTALL NEW 36"x36"SLIDE GATE OVER EXISTING WALL THIMBLES. A 3/q"GALV SPRAY EL 140.12 CLARIFIERS 100,200 EL 140.02 CLARIFIERS 300,400 1"GALV l 1"HOSE BIB,18" ABOVE GRADE �� to DEMO EXST GATE =/ OPERATORS,TYP PIPE INLET GUARD 30"ML STEM GUIDE(TYP) w r i w U FUTURE 36"ML 36"ML m 6 DEMO EXST I Z 30"SLIDE GATEuj _ 36"ML � � � w INV EL 127.75 \> �0 _ z Z FURE36"ML _.— z�w 3 — o of PIPE INLET GUARD w <Q m w ¢UZ 0 0 1 >- --}O � DEMO EXST >< U --x� of 30"SLIDE GATE 1%2"x 3/6"AL GRATING w Cl �_ C o (NOT SHOWN) SPRAY NOZZELS(3) r o F-z J > N ¢Om w 0 30"ML �W 2 O NOTE Z F-UW of n J GUIDE(TYP) DEMOLISH EXST 30"x30"SLIDE INV EL 118.50 GATES AND REPLACE WITH m / 36"x36"SLIDE GATES IN > EL 117.50 SPUTTER BOXES NO.1 AND NO.2 w (4 TOTAL)REFER TO SLIDE ° SECTIONAL PLAN (NOTE 1) TOP PLAN GATE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR INSTALLATION DETAILS. z NTS NTS O z o ED0 co �A� SECTION o w v of --- NTS U) w 0 J of w U Z U > L U O Q w J J LL D- D w J_ > o RECORD DRAWINGS N THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED a ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY N DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE 6) FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 v BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER w ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER C71454 ON 5-15-13 Y WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC 46-S-101 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 ISHEETNUMBER 13 JOB NUMBER: 11-018 FILENAME:12012D-5D100.DWG PLOT DATE:26-Dec13 PLOT TIME:16:42:33 1 2 3 4 5 6 NOTES 1. DEMOLITION FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.100 W z z W EXISTING HOSE SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. WORK REQUIRED FOR w v w¢ w c) BIB TO REMAIN SECONDARY CLARIFIERS 200,300,AND 400 IS SIMILAR. z LU z r 'o w 3¢ uw_ ¢Z) wm `Sam =N am DEMO PORTION OF LAUNDER BRACKETS DEMO LAUNDER,INCLUDING (SEE 40-S-103) WEIRS,SCUM BAFFLES AND LAUNDER COVERS A DEMO RAKE ARMS AND SLUDGE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT DEMO EXST LIGHT �� � //�� AND POLE AND CAP � � o 45-D-104> w 45-D-105 45-D-104 O DEMO ACCESS PLATFORM, LLI DRIVE MECHANISM,FEED B WELL AND CENTER COLUMN I Z C 4 R42-6. C7 0-g_103 aZo W y \ ❑ /^� 0, w.er.em DEMO FLOCCULATION WELL DEMO ACCESS DEMO EXST RAS WALKWAY BRIDGE PUMP MOTORS 45-D-102 AND STAIRS V-0, z aLuv ¢ ? FWw Z w, K W W F-Q d O71 71 w WUz Q ol �EO U U LU \ r\ o WZ J ; C 45-D-104 ¢W Q 0 L 45 D 102 RETAIN STUBOUT OF 6"SCUM PIPE FOR H h w it RE-CONNECTION TO NEW SCUM BOX. N zm ❑a>Y� 3 45-D-103 5)❑a5)w2wzVU_ J0W m �¢o��W Z 36"SE JwLLNw<CnmwJO z❑¢o w0Zr 45-S-102 ZE< 0-W O� w�U LU O LL 45-D-103 ❑ ro E MQoW WZU ON ZO J EXISTING HOSE O or Ix z w 2 0 Q BIB TO REMAIN 4 Q C� W w Z W"❑� w V1 w OwJ ss o Z w� �m¢ W W ❑ 0 ¢W F- ❑ Q�w���z Z Z LU DEMOLISH EXISTING 1 1/2"UW 4S ¢ 'z=0 O¢ DOWNSTREAM OF EXISTING ,�- o'�? Q w�Q O Z Q U w 0 D MAIN UW ISOLATION VALVE DC45-VALV-00115 TO CLARIFIER / ILL O Z o 3 0 Y WALKWAY UUUO�za �W U`g❑HHU)w pY O 2i �KO p ❑ DATE a � 45-D-103 PLAN Z 30"ML U o O U D Lu m DECEMBER 2013 1/411=1'-0. Cl Q U mILL=W O O PROJECT NUMBER U)zm KW QU 12-012 W 0 Z O}o 00 W DRAWING NUMBER 4 0 4 8 FEET o Q LL 0°LU O m 45-D-101 SCALE 1/4"=1'-0" SHEET NUMBER 14 FILENAME:1212D-10D101.DGN PLOT DATE:12126/201310:04:21 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 z w z w z Y ❑Y zw pw .•� rnco am A DEMO EXST LAUNDER,FRP LAUNDER = COVERS AND PORTION OF LAUNDER --_____ BRACKETS r O DEMO EXST SCUM BOX w O w w B N z DEMO SCUM PIPE LL _ TO FLANGE,LEAVE W = STUB OUT FOR CONN TO NEW SCUM BOX r DEMO EXST SLUDGE REMOVAL z < _ii MECHANISM INCLUDING SCUM BAFFLE AND SUPPORTS w PHOTO �� PHOTO 45-D-101 NTS 45-D-101 NTS DEMO EXST WALK WAY DEMO EXST LIGHT AND PLATFORM.INCLUDING AND POLE AND CAP z STAIRS,UTILITY PIPING AND CONDUIT. DEMO RAS PUMP F w w z MOTORS zjO o Y �Qd !L w rd DEMO EXST LAUNDER,FRP LAUNDER 6 w j O c¢i COVERS AND PORTION OF LAUNDER y a a Ld BRACKETS o w z C ISE ¢Om w / wv)w it ¢ SEE DWG 44-D-105 DEMO EXST DEMO SCUM BOX ` ! �' FLOCCULATION L W 0 AND INLET WELL LL �6"SC EI z J s� U o z ofa o oz z O r O 1 6"D U W DEMO AND REPLACE U)(n D 14"RAS EXST DRAIN VALVE (PLUG TYPE) DC4 VALV-00114 RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE �� SECTION FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER 45-D-101 NTS ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) MNN TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKERWATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C714540N5-15-13BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 FILENAME:1212D-10D101.DGN PLOT DATE:12126/201310:05:31 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 z W Z Z W �U H oQ wU �j z0 y� OW LU 3Q U tt7 DEMO EXST WALK WAY AND o m o ci a 1n PLATFORM.INCLUDING STAIRS, UTILITY PIPING AND CONDUIT f Cn EXST LAUNDER,AND FRP LAUNDER COVERS - o w DEMO EXST FEED - - - - _ O 8 WELL,FLOCCULATION DEMO EXST SLUDGE WELL,AND CENTER REMOVAL MECHANISM w B COLUMN AND RAKE ARMS - 1 . .-7341 Eon Z W = PHOTO PHOTO Q z y 45-D-101 NTS 45-D-101 NTS w O�ma 4 z wa� a z fir.=._•_:, z LL o' LU U J U O U - } cc wor L C o Fz- y ¢Om w Luw= p wUnw [ifN af _ r DEMO EXISTING 1 1/2"U W W z J(n DEMO EXST WALK O 00 WAY AND PLATFORM. t INCLUDING STAIRS, o O UTILITY LADDER, w Q= PIPING AND CONDUIT o D f1 Z O S U LU (n D RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER PHOTO ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER 45-D-101 NTS C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-D-103 WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 TIEET NUMBER 16 FILENAME:1212D-10D101.D7N PLOT DATE:12/261201310:06:09 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 z w z z w DEMO CENTER COLUMN .0 z w Y wQ �U �m 3Q wW am DEMO 14"RAS PIPE TO on o� _� aU) FLANGE.COORDINATE FINISH DEMO EXST CONCRETE WITH RAS ADAPTER FITTING LAUNDER SEE 45-S-103 SEE CLARIFIER SHOP FOR DETAILS PRESERVE EXST ANCHOR BOLTS DRAWINGS A 6"D EFFLUENT LAUNDER 12"RAS SCUM BOX 6"SC 1 1/2"W No- 6"SC 14"RAS 30"ML� DEMO 6"SCUM N PIPE TO FLANGE w O w SECTION SECTION B Z 45-D-101 NTS 45-D-101 NTS _ W = DEMO EXST RAS PUMP MOTORS (D PROVIDE FABRICATED ALUMINUM PLATE COVERS OVER ROOF Q z o 1 PENETRATIONS LLJ 06 z M r Z M W Er / i• X W rJ J w Q U z Q " W O U — DEMO 11/2"UW ��� w Y 0 Wor C zU Q o LU +. W U)w it - � DEMO ALL RAS PIPING a la� :) INCLUDING SAMPLE 3 PIPE AND SINKS � _ e l ' w0 F— �0 z J� .wr �1Y- r - 23 z Ow LLI() (n D (-6� PHOTO 45-D-101 NTS PHOTO RECORD DRAWINGS 45-D-101 NTS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER DRAWING NUMBER WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC C71454ON5-15-13 45-D-104 BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 1 ISHEETNUMBER 17 FILENAME:1212D-10D101.DGN PLOT DATE:12126/201310:06:47 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 z w z z w 77 wU H wa wU S2j z� r2 Ow 3Q uW ¢O DEMO ALL EXISTING _ aV) o� c=iNU) SLUDGE SAMPLING PIPING AND EQPT - _. A 45-D-104 DEMO EXST Aj INSTRUMENTATION DEMO EXST I. AND ELECTRICAL - _ CONDUIT EQUIPMENT � Y f 5 PRESERVE FLANGE - T . r AT WALL FOR _ RECONNECTION y TO NEW VALVE 4IT I :3+ I� r �I DEMO FLOAT SWITCH " DEMO RAS PUMPS AND PIPING 'w PRESERVE FLANGE + w FOR RECONNECTION TO NEW VALVE LLI U CUT EXISTING PIPES TO BE e W _ DEMOLISHED AND INSTALL 12"RAS 14"RAS THREADED CAPS f* - CD N z PHOTO � w NTS r SECTION 3 45-D-101 NTS DEMO SPOOL AT RAS PUMP STATIONS 100 AND 200.SPOOL TO REMAIN IN D MO ALL RAS z PLACE AT RAS PUMP PIPING AND VALVES PRESERVE VENT a Cf V STATIONS 300 AND 400 PIPING z LL O z Y 2aa ow 71 DEMO FCA w a w 0 z O U DEMO BELOW SLAB y ¢Q LU PLUG VALVES o w Z J ; C SOU¢ m / UJNw it U) ZO • ZOmawZ�UL6 _ <nwzwo UJ r, J W W F, D JWwfnwwmz Z� Zcl<wo a c7zQO�azO� (n INSTALL W w U Z O END CAP O F-- M F-O wcww U)U) o Q= r 2Q�w WOU UN Z �2aaz�3a Jw Up O��Oin w m J 1 �F- oQ o �ZWZwwWo Ow ¢ zWz� 0 U) Qw UZ2w OQ2 W v�050m==i Z U) p 0 wg¢09Q0 W Q WUOZ=oZ of Yx U �QOzwocp �D DATE PRESERVE EXISTING DRAIN w Q J p w W Lu 2 W il 00 DECEMBER 2013 PIPING FOR DISCHARGE OF `` w¢U 2=w O PROJECT NUMBER �� PHOTO PHOTO SUMP PUMP PHOTO MEEW�go }gym >O DRAWING NUMBER NTS 1 =��O0°z - NTS - NTS ~O p w W F- m 44-D-105 SHEET NUMBER 18 FILENAME:1212D-10D101.DGN PLOT DATE:12126/201310:08:46 AM 2 3 4 5 6 NOTES: SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 1. SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 SHOWN HERE.WORK IS LU z z ow SIMILAR FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIERS 200,300 AND 400. w U H o Q w U (NOTE 1) 2. SCUM SKIMMING EQUIPMENT NOT SHOWN.SEE FINAL 0= 3 a Qw w RECONNECT EQUIPMENT SHOP DRAWINGS. wm qag iN am EXST HOSE BIB 3. INSTALL 6-INCH MUD VALVE ABOVE LOCATION OF 6"SC SCUM BAFFLE AND WEIR PLATE PIPE.CONNECT VALVE TO 6"SC PIPE WITH 6x6x6 TEE. 2"UW 15010 A w�� O M PARTIAL PLAN SEE 44-M-104 w CFO 6', DWG 40-M-103 B m Cl- PARTIAL PLAN SEESUCTION Z HEADERARM -- ----- ,�DWG40-M-103 ✓✓✓ w (D------------- ENERGY L Q Z o DISSIPATING s ONSIDE 40_p" INLET w W. IDE FgCE OP LAUND FLOCCULATION 14"RAS ER) WELL -- ----- -------------------- B a - ------------------------- 6"MUD VALVE --- ; 44-M-104 CENTER DRIVE DC45-VALV-00113 IE MECHANISM I (NOTE 3) - --------------------------- - -------------- r z O © a- F SCUM BOX ❑ 1 .- LL L v g - - , 45-M-102 i 6"D W w of LL Y �Qd 0 COUNTERWEIGHT o w ARM AND SKIMMER F- z� a W O� ASSEMBLY,NOTE 2 ESA z m p¢j Y'6 ui 6"SCw� O� CACC BRIDGE nW �z W z B w �WE:w�wwJU �w¢ m 45-M-102 ?p¢w0�r� �Nw w U-a,ZQU�aZL) Q / O Uwox U >i M / A <W WOO UN ~mazx-w J� 4"V / <45-M-104 /u/nn m Jul m 36"SE / v WwELW 0w W_ ( 12"RAS z U�:w WOWD XU (9<'F-ow Wo LL I WEIR WASHER z--W U x z W RECONNECT SPRAY HEADER / Q U z=w zz z g ( ¢ Q EXST HOSE BIB / � V§z>U�5 Z z UZQ U W 1 Q oti / 0 wxg0zo<o Y U Q W O -W<zZ~ Ov O ,ST RAILING (� §¢OZXOpa �m U TO REMAIN w p O w W W D wao2=w� H0cl) O wC zo>-3m >w �Wmz0 CONNECT 2"UW TO EXST 1 1/2"UW ABOVE U p LL W m EXST ISOLATION VALVE DC45-VAVL-00115 PLAN L DATE GROUT LAUNDER 30"ML 3/16"=V-0" DECEMBER 2013 BOTTOM EL TO 133.67 PROJECT NUMBER 12-012 4 0 4 8 FEET DRAWING NUMBER SCALE 3/16"=1'-O" 45-M-101 SHEET NUMBER 19 FILENAME:1212D-10M101.DGN PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 3:20:10 PM 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 CENTER DRIVE NOTES: MECHANISM, w NOTE 1 1. REFER TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER SHOP DRAWINGS Y n FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS. U r W U �w � 2. MOUNT WEIR WASHER FIXED SPRAY APPARATUS TO yam g =f� m SCUM SKIMMER ASSEMBLY,SEE WEIR WASHER SHOP om ❑- u� a A _ DRAWINGS. - 3. MOUNT WEIR WASHER CENTER UNIT TO CENTER r COLUMN,SEE WEIR WASHER SHOP DRAWINGS, NOTE 2 - 4, 1 114"HDPE WEIR WASHER FEED PIPING ATTACH TO A COUNTERWEIGHT ARM WITH SS TIES. GROUT FILL 5. REMOVE EXISTING PAINT AND RE-PAINT EXISTING 10'-0"DIA RAS PIPE,CLARIFIERS 300 AND 400.EXISTING PAINT iii111y TO REMAIN CLARIFIERS 100 AND 200.ATTACH 14"RAS FlEl PIPE TO RAS PIPE ADAPTER FOR DETAILS,SEE CENTER GROUT FILL COLUMN MOUNTING DETAILS. FLQULATION NOTE 4 WELL _______ ___ ENERGY DISSIPATING INLET 2V-0"DIA j CENTER DRIVE CAGE MIN Ej I O ; d O ❑ b _ / 1 1/2"UW TO FLOC � WELL SPRAY SYSTEM 36"CENTER 1 1I2"UW TO WEIR WASHER (SCHEDULE 80 PVC) ry COLUMN CENTER UNIT(SCHEDULE 80 PVC) CC FINISHED GROUT CEMENT-SAND GROUT FINISHED GROUT SUCTION HEADER WHISKER SWITCH 1 112"ISOLATION VALVE ul ELEVATION 123.63 t FINAL THICKNESS ELEVATION 122-91 t DC45-XSXX•00111 DC46-VALV-00119 0.05 VARIANCE VARIES FROM 1"-3"THICK 0.05 VARIANCE AUTOMATIC DRAIN VALVE SCUM BCX PRESSURE GAUGE FLUSH VALVE g ------------ ---------------- �� DC45-PIXX-00124 DC45-SOVx-00uj 111 z SOLENOID VALVE �I DC4 ^UW 00118 � A SECTION � 45-M-101 114"=1'-0" 2 � Ft=42'•6' 1 1Z HOSE SIB uj 15010 TYP EL 137.0-137.17(VARIES) 2"x 1 1/2"BUSHING, TYP OF 3 T, TOP OF SCUM BAFFLE EL 136.23 n +i DC45-VALV-0017 _ r AT SCUM BOX 4 EL135.71 ISOMETRIC a�� Q UNION,TYP OF 3 SCUM BOX EL 135-40 " 45-M-101 NTS 2"BASKET STRAINER w LL O ar BTM OF V-NOTCH 0 W140 MESH SCREEN W F S d v DC46-VALV-0016 ❑ Lu W U Z a ui + Zm ❑¢jUj_ 3 N nwQ'ou j'h I W J C ��o O 3 U¢ rn 36"CENTER O ��mZ ¢Om w COLUMN QrnJ(gLLZr� WNw 0 6"MUD VALVE DC45-VALV-00113, [ZZ5 z V K W 3 a . — INSTALL VALVE FLUSH WITH DRIVE CAGE a ILw V FINISHED GROUT SURFACE O SCUM BOX SUPPORTS SLUDGE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY COLLECTION ANIFOLD N H - - w w w U)� N ��aZ~�a Jw U] WW0 m m 6"FLxPE DUCTILE IRON SPOOL 0 O W M Z m g w Uj 2 LLR:ZujwW`"o �v GROUT NOT SHOWN 6"FERNCO FLEXIBLE COUPLING Z Lu 2 LU? wiJ Q W wo LL FOR CLARITY i 2 F W O =Z W z 6"FERNCO FLEXIBLE 6"FLxPE DUCTILE IRON SPOOL Q V z uJ Z (� ') U co J z Q COUPLING - W ZpZ U z ¢ D 1"DIA EPDXY ANCHORS LL O a GL EL 130.5 15"MIN EMBEDMENT W o O a o o U] <—W — - r -' - — - — - —6;5� - - -{-Ti ysrj�'Qo- �� �U� 6"SC(PVC) " NOTE 5 a ?�W.4 V)L, ❑� ❑vj Z W LAUNDER BRACKET U �' Oo m W NOT SHOWN FOR 30`ML SHOWN W V o LL a CIS C CLARITY OUT OF SECTION Lu a V m x,o PO 6"FERNCO FLEXIBLE INSTALL BOLT-ON FIELD 4 0 4 8 FEET W FJ L7�>-K LU rUn FLANGE ON EX1 STING 6" _-� m-W COUPLING SCUM PIPE T O LL Z a SCALE 114"=1'-0" r m e"x6"x6"FLANGED DUCTILE 2 0 2 4 FEET onre IRON TEE F1 1 DETAIL DECEMBER 2013 SCALE 112"=1'•0' PROJECT 12-NUMBER S E CT I❑N - 112"=V-0" 12-0i2 45-M-101 1"=1'-0" 1 0 1 2 FEET DRAWING NUMBER SCALE 1"=1'-0" 45-M-1oa SHEET NUMBER 2(] FILENAME:1212D-l0M202.DGN PLOT DATE:12P WO13 4:22:01 PM 1 2 3 4 5 a z a (44-M-704 cYi r W U I Lu 12'PLUG VALVE OC44 VALV 00104 m 0 ou7 ❑-i u� aN RAS PUMP DC44-PUMP-00101 NUT OPERATORS A 10"CHECK VALVE NOTE 4 FOR VALVES DC44-VALV00105 BELOW SLAB, � 2 NOTE 2 10 PLUG VALVE DC44-VALV-00106 _ "GALV STEEL TAP I I 12"RAS I 14"RAS I / - - -�- - - - - - - -- / / 3"DR,FROM STAIRWELL 12"FLOW METER T ! DC44-FIT-00103 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ! 3"DR,FROM SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE �/� _ ► I \Y\/i PIPING c ♦ ry ( B l ® o � 6"D �\f� /}\4 6'DR 44-M-104 ! h•1-M-104 _ _ _ _ _ _ I i V W 12"PLUG VALVE - - - -Y - - - - - 'iN Itl� C ~ DC44-VALV-00110 RAS PUMP uj FCA _ - Z DC44-PUMP00102 I 1 1/2"x3/4"BUSHING d DRAIN VALVE DC45-VALV4)014 UJ 314"HOSE 818 �J 3!4"UW 15010 Rt w � pl 12"PLUG VALVE 44 M-104 D044-VALV-00107 DC45-VALV-00122 PLAN AT EL 132.00 _ ��, PLAN AT EL 12T00 -0" 318"=1'-0" CL ¢ w z ly zLLQ a w Fsa 1 1/2"SCH 80 PVC HEADER NOTES: p a w w a c¢i 1 1/2"HOSE BIB 1 SIMILAR FOSTATION RAS PUMP STATIONS❑NOWN HS 20),300 ANfRE WORK ID 400, �d¢Ow z v�J � a�� J C 10'-(r DIA 2. PROVIDE 6-INCH DIA VALVE BOX WITH WELDED STEM ¢p w b a m z ¢O m w SUPPORT. �w!LNww�0 3w= p EDI TANGENTIAL FOAM CONTROL NOZZLE SPRAYING 3. DIMENSION VARIES FROM 11 1/2"TO 13". z o a 10 o a N DISPERSION PORTS DISPERSION SYSTEMS CO.22561-13029,TYP) 4. DIMENSION VARIES FROM 21 1/2"TO 23 1/4". ao¢0 a a w w V wow U) 11/2"HOSE BIB T<¢w=?w Ja \� �nn az~-a Jw LJ wwaz-=� 2 ��WWaOww �U Z TRANSITION FROM PVC Z w a m w a LLI o O 1 1/2"UW,SCH 80 TO GALVANIZED STEEL z w O =Z w F Z Z PVC Y HEADER PRESSURE REDUCING Q = Q C3 z z Z a �Q F PIPE STRAP DC45-VALV-00121 v Z;O = DC45-VALV-00120 -o�v � Z cn 0 DC45-VALV-00121 1 1/2"x3/4"PVC BUSHING ISOLATION VALVE 0 w qa¢a 0 v LLI = a¢w L 3x3x1/4 STAINLES D045 VALV-OD120 Q w 0 z0 D•t- o"' �r o w STEEL SUPPORT can V V O Z Q w d Z zg�am°'w ❑� co Q CLARIFIER DRIVE - 1 112"UW 0 O N a O 0- D MECHANISM a 3/4"x1/4"BRASS w cl�O ii w a ml w m C FOAM CONTROL BUSHING wZO�?wo �Q N- 2 $w <O L 3x3x1/4 STAINLESS SUPPORT NOZZLE =C9 K 0 m m vJ BRACKETS BOLTED TO BOTTOM 'a0�cai. z a } OF WALKWAY SUPPORT BEAMS o m 1 1 DETAIL 2 0 2 4 FEET DATE DECEMBER 2013 DRIVE MECHANISM PLATFORM PLAN 11/2 -1-0" �� ISOMETRIC SCALE 3/8"1'-0" PROJECT NUMBER 120i2 3/811=1'-0" - NTS 6" 0 6" 1 FEET RAWING NUMBER 44-M-103 SCALE 1 112"=1'-0" [SWEET NUMBER 21 FILENAME:1212D-10M102.DGN PLOT DATE:I=&2013 3:33:40 PM 1 2 3 4 5 8 NOTES: 1. RAS PUMP STATION 100 SHOWN HERE.WORK IS w z w SIMILAR FOR RAS PUMP STATIONS 200,300 AND 400, Y z n X 2. ELEVATIONS VARY BY+/-1/2"BETWEEN RAS PUMP iw x s W �w STATIONS. m m �g =F �m 3. RAS PUMP STATION 200:CL=133.25 o rn N RAS PUMP STATION 300:CL=133.10 718"WEDGE ANCHORS RAS PUMP STATION 400:CL=133.13 4"EMBEDMENT DISMANTLING JOINT 4. SPOOLS REPLACED IN RAS PUMP STATIONS 100 AND 200.EXISTING SPOOLS REMAINED IN PLACE A W8"ALL THREAD 12"FLOW METER IN RAS PUMP STATIONS 300 AND 400. ROD DC"-FIT-00103 12"FLOW METER44 7/8"ROD DC -FIT-00103 COUPLING NUT 12"CLEVI S �12"x 12"V>=EN' HANGER 12"RAS Q OC44-VALV-00111 3"VENT RAS PUMP DC44-PUMP-00101 1Ox12 ROCR DC4 -PUMP-00101 CL EL 133,29 314"SADDLE TAP I 90"ELBOW - — - �--- - — - — - - — .I 12-RAS,NOTE 3 DC44-VALV-ODI10 i0"RAS DC44-VALV-106 DC44-PUMP-DD102 FCA FCA 10"RAS D O OreCL EL 130.38 �= 10'RAS,NOTE 3 w EL 129.52 t DC44-VALV-00109 NOTE 2 ul DC44-VALV-0010$ 1 DC44-VALV-00109 E 10"x12"RDCR DC44-VALV-105 - - _ FF EL 128.0 z ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT _ NOTE 4 — " PIPE SUPPORT,TYP FCA NUT DC44-VALV-00104 W OPERATORS FCA r s DR FOR VALVES ti -• Z DC44-VALV-00107 BELOW SLAB 2'PLUG VALVE 3"DR-� C44-VALV-00104 ti } { UNIVERSAL JOINT } 6'D Q Rt ul 6 0 OPERATOR _ EXTENSION SEE VALVE SHOP ` DRAWINGS -� z 6"pR ~wW+ z' -6•'DR WLLO ar UNIVERSAL JOINT OPERATOR ` '2-RAS �w -w m cr Lu }a V EXTENSION SEE VALVE SHOP ~ m¢p¢j Y uS y ¢ DRAWINGS t o, cz 0' w Lh o W o r C rn rz- 7 -12"RAS 14�RA5-� �WO(n WmO 3O= O W m. w FCA zp¢w0��a NNW x SECTION °C45VALV°°}44 �� SECTION oa`��aW(n 45-M-101 1/2" 0" 45-M-101 1/2"=V-0" 12"CLEVIS HANGER wowww0U UN H¢¢W=?w J� DC44-VALV-00110 2"SS NIPPLE M w w c9~§w J m 5/8"DIA EPDXY ANCHORS 8" 11-8" 8" DC44-PIXX-00115 Ur o w ww z 6 g o 1 W/6"EMBED DC44-VALV-00113 �W w O w J e w 3"MIN 314'x1I2'DIAPHRAGM SEAL Z w U Z 1 1/2"MAX NON-SHRINK 5"MAX W~w=(-W¢ W p GROUT DC44-VALV-00114 _�;O ' Z J Q� 3/4"SS NIPPLE Q L)c9=wzzg 0 ¢ H Z 314-CHAMFER ■' •� ® O U Z j UO 2"x3/4'SS BUSHING _ 2"SS NIPPLE 0 W, 'Z Q w Zx a~ #5@10"HORIZ ® WF-OZUp �C W �W _ mQVVO�zQ �u�i dU7 #5@10"EPDXY DWLS Do • - O Z ��2WW �U W/6"EMBED U �OZ�Doa �m < FCA w cl�0U Lu O O 11-r C • wZo I �Q 12"FLOW METER =��OO m z a m w DC44-FIT-00103 S O W U. w Y 2"SADDLE TAP p m 6" 0 6" 1 FEET DATE DECEMBER 2013 PUMP PEDESTAL SUPPORTS � PRESSURE GAUGE TAP SCALE 11/2"=1'-0° PROJECT NUMBER 12-012 � 2 0 2 4 FEET oR►,wiNc NUMBER 1 1/2"=1'-0" - NTS 44-M-W4 SCALE 112"=V-0' SHEET NUMBER 22 FILENAME:12121)•10M201.DGN PLOTDATE:17f W013427:38PM 2 3 4 5 6 NOTES: EXST CORBEL SUPPORT,TYP 1. SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 SHOWN HERE.WORK IS Z SIMILAR FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIERS 200,300 AND 400. C7 z z o LU 2. GROUT IN LAUNDER BOTTOM TO ELEVATION OF 133.67 AT z z w >w 180°FROM 36"SE OUTLET LOCATION TO 133.21 AT 36"SE 0 w �a 'w O l OUTLET.TAPER ELEVATION EVENLY TO OUTLET. w 1 qa i N a m �� U� Qfq \ 3. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT, EXISTING GROUT FLOOR SLAB SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND HIGH PRESSURE WATER BLASTED OR / \ STEEL SHOT BLASTED TO A SURFACE PROFILE OF CSP 5-9.AFTER INSTALLATION OF CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT, A CLARIFIER BOND BONDING AGENT B SHALL BE FINISHED WITH N T AND GROUTED PER SPEC EPDXY SECTION 11355.GROUT THICKNESS SHALL BE+/-2". 4. EXISTING CLARIFIER 100 AND 200 ANCHOR BOLTS ARE 1" DIAMETER,EXISTING CLARIFIER 300 AND 400 ANCHOR BOLTS ARE 1 7/8"DIAMETER. CONSTRUCTION JOINT, 5. 2"NON SHRINK GROUT PLACED UNDERNEATH CENTER ALL REINF CONT ACROSS COLUMN BASE PLATE CLARIFIERS 100 AND 200.1"NON JOINT,TYP OF 8 SHRINK GROUT PLACED UNDERNEATH CENTER COLUMN GROUT LAUNDER BASE PLATE CLARIFIERS 300 AND 400. BOTTOM EL TO 133.67 6. CLARIFIERS 100/200:BOTTOM OF CENTER COLUMN BASE NOTE 3 \ (NOTE 2) PLATE ELEVATION 122.88,COLUMN LENGTH=13'-6 1/6". 7. CLARIFIERS 300/400:BOTTOM OF CENTER COLUMN BASE PLATE ELEVATION 122.79,COLUMN LENGTH=13'-6 9/16". i 3/4"@#300&#400 / I � U12 Lu / I I e � Lu B TYP � 45-S-103 ' / e A Z / e 1 -------------r / I U J e e EXST ANCHORS, U, 14"RAS r e NOTE r �r � d I I Q Z o r --I--�- w r ----------------------------------------------------- - - � , I was, GE OF C PR\F\ERl \ 04 OF 47, a� . l\Ng\DEFP �wq�KbygY DETAIL 1/2"=11-01, a 0 J \ --J-`------ Z w w Z MO of �¢(L LL �FP EXST ANCHORS w a p Z �O 6"SC p 9 W 0 0 Q� 8 ADDITIONAL 1"SST o W z Ld E4( PDXY ANCHORS ¢Om N NOTES 5,6 AND 7 w�WJ w 0 m 12"RAS 36"SE 0 LU � 4SS }Q � p K-A SECTION z — 1/2"=1'-0" O U LU U) D 30"ML RECORD DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS REFLECT CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS THAT WERE MADE AND SEALED BY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND HAVE BEEN PREPARED CALIFORNIA 4 0 4 8 FEET DATE FROM IMFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER REGISTERED DECEMBER 2013 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 PLAN BY THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S)THE PROFESSIONAL SCALE 3/16"=1'-O" PROJECT NUMBER (NOTE 1) 3/16"=1'-O" ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THESE DRAWINGS ENGINEER(CIVIL) 12-012 TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS SCOTT L.BUECKER 2 0 2 4 FEET DRAWING NUMBER C71454 ON 5-15-13 45-S-102 WATERWORKS ENGINEERS, LLC SCALE 1/2"=1'-O" BY: SCOTT BUECKER DECEMBER 2013 SHEET NUMBER 23 FILENAME:1212D-10S101.DGN PLOT DATE:12/26/2013 4:34:09 PM 2 3 4 5 6 CO 07 of DEMO AND REPAIR SEQUENCE: U U Q o w Y 1. SAW CUT AND CHIP AWAY LAUNDER BRACKET AS SHOWN.GRIND z z 02 AND BLAST THE WALL FLUSH WITH ADJACENT WALL AND w Y 3 Y w N x m PROVIDE A SURFACE PROVIDE EQUAL TO CSP 6-8 ABOVE THE o o _ a n NEW CONCRETE LAUNDER. 2. BURN BACK ALL EXPOSED/CUT REINF BARS 1"MIN. 3. CLEAN AND PRIME ENDS OF REINF AND CONC WALL SURFACE WITH EUCLID CHEMICAL CO."DURALPREP AC",OR APPROVED A EQUAL. SCUM BAFFLE AND V-NOTCH WEIR 4. PATCH REINF RECESS AND COAT WALL SURFACE ABOVE THE 1'-0" 2'-0" 6" NEW CONCRETE LAUNDER WITH EUCLID CHEMICAL CO."SPEED SUPPORTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY CRETE REDLINE"PATCHING MATERIAL,OR APPROVED EQUAL. SEE CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT SHOP EL 137.00 DRAWINGS GROUT FILL EL VARIES EL 135.90 DEMO EXST PRECAST LAUNDERS AND PORTION m LAUNDER BRACKETS AS SHOWN,FULLY SUPPORT FROM EL 133.67 TO � U v N LAUNDER BRACKETS DURING DEMO EL 133.21 PER PLAN Z +i N q 94 @ 10„ N N EL 133.17 4-#4 CONT ADDL#8 x 6'-0"@ LAUNDER BRACKET +i #4 EPDXY DOWELS @ 5" #5 VERT @ 10"EF,549 VERT U) k777J LOCATE EXST REINF WITH NON-DESTRUCTIVE WITH 6"EMBED @ 10"EF IN LIEU OF#5 CTRD ON LAUNDER BRACKET i Of o TESTING PRIOR TO DEMO,APPROX LOCATION 444 CONT 2 #8 \ OF EXST HORZ#8 x 6'-0"CTRD ON EA w N SUPPORT BRACKET SHOWN,#4 EPDXY 244 EPDXY DOWELS 246 DOWELS MAY CUT THROUGH EXST HORZ#8, W/6"EMBED @ EA BURN BACK REINF AND w DO NOT CUT ANY OTHER EXST WALL REINF t 6" SUPPORT BRACKET #6 HORZ @ 10"EF PATCH RECESS AS m E ROUGHEN EXST CONIC SURFACES TO t1/4" TYP STATED IN THE DEMO AND ADDL#8 x 6'-0"@ REPAIR SEQUENCE,TYP AMPLITUDE,CLEAN,AND COAT W/EPDXY 2'-6" 2'-6" Y.. BONDING AGENT PRIOR TO POURING NEW LAUNDER BRACKET — LAUNDER,TYP 9'-0" W (D Q z .�Lu y �A� SECTION SECTION 45-S-102 1/2"=T-0" 45-G-106 1/2"=T-0" o" z Z amU a H W W Z WEIR WASHER SYSTEM NOT W W—a,Ow, m U 0 LL 3 SHOWN FOR CLARITY S EL 137.00 6" DEMO EXST LAUNDER,WALLS cl w} w of L}O o AND SLAB AS SHOWN,SEE z m o a Y O F SECTION C FOR INFO NOT �m z w ZO U w- O a w C o LAUNDER SHOWN y�m w U)m z o r z d 5 NTROUGH BEYOND, Q uawi O Z m 0� 0= O SEE SECTION A EL 135.17 �Z�Of D� �U)wm of � m #4@10"EW 0a a O wWU a > C. o #4 EPDXY DOWELS > > > > > > > w W w m m 9 Aga W=Zw JD: w @10"W/6"EMBED �> > +1 x<wwwOU UN z 1 >� wwm,—Ow J� of ILL Wmp ofW m3:WWOWJ of U W ¢� 6„ z LUQwm=UWa Wo LL 00 a > > "` N Q UU)aOZZ� Z J J LU �Zo0°<� z Z) U O w m LU <0OZ< W EXST EL 129.00 ILL m EPDXY DOWELS m ~LU �upZ�~OZ Ym U) 0 W v WITH31/2"EMBED a Z ^ Cm9����zW >>Y Z w < 2'-6 O §ZOmzow >� O LU 9,_D„ ¢QOZ od Lum w w Q�OWwwm W� (n D w � >O 2yZW O WZwmZm corn =Rm ,K ~OQW W } m N rB SECTION �� SECTION DATE 6) 45-S-102 1/2"=1'-0" 45-G-106 1/2"=T-0" DECEMBER 2013 U PROJECT NUMBER 12-012 2 0 2 4 FEET DRAWING NUMBER a SCALE 1/2"=1'-0" 45-S-103 Y SHEET NUMBER 24 JOB NUMBER: 12-012 FILENAME:12012D-5S100.DWG PLOT DATE:26-Dec13 PLOT TIME:10:02:10 1 2 4 5 6 x I- W 2 Z = Y U Q U oU U Zo� wW z� z0 � » 7LL ;L) ULL Km MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS o~ �o Z c U SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION & AND MTR MOTOR O AT MUX MULTIPLEXER COMPONENTS SWITCHES - PROCESS DEVICES - RELAY WIRING - CONNECTIONS A AMBER, AMPERES MV MERCURY VAPOR, MEDIUM VOLTAGE ti�o N AC ALTERNATING CURRENT N NEUTRAL ❑ FS CONTACTOR OR STARTER M1 PANEL OR EQUIPMENT WIRING ACK ACKNOWLEDGE NC NORMALLY CLOSED z i� mF RESISTOR FLOW SWITCH - M 1 _55 "D REs � o— AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR NHC NORMALLY HELD CLOSED �� CLOSES UPON INCREASING FLOW ----- FIELD WIRING A SV AH AMP HOUR NHO NORMALLY HELD OPEN C7 w_ °w rya— FS cR CONTROL RELAY CR1 �' CONDUCTORS - AI ANALOG INPUT NIC NOT IN CONTRACT Z p❑me SOLENOID COIL �° z Hrn J-LJ-L.rL HEATER ��� OPENSFLOW SUPON INCREASING FLOW �WITCH � NOT CONNECTED AID AMP INTERRUPTING CAPACITY SYMMETRICAL NL NIGHT LIGHT �pzm 4w _iR TIME DELAY RELAY TR2 - AM AMP METER NO NORMALLY OPEN haws"m z `=/ ADJUSTABLE TIME DELAY '�-' AO ANALOG OUTPUT NTS NOT TO SCALE =W�rca - �� CAPACITOR S LEVEL SWITCH - RANGE & SETTING AS SHOWN CONDUCTORS - AWG AMERICAN WIRE GUAGE N NEW VZzw° w CLOSES UPON INCREASING LEVEL , --LL CONNECTED ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH OC ON CENTER N—Imo Nw DIODE LS TDOE TIME DELAY ON ENERGIZATION BATT BATTERY 01 OPERATOR INTERFACE Ei Z 19. o ❑"n LEVEL SWITCH - MOD TIME DELAY ON DE-ENERGIZATION — GROUND CONNECTION B PROVIDED BY OWNER - INSTALLED B y W Z-Y CONTRACTOR OL OVERLOAD To n 4 _ DIODE, ZENER � OPENS UPON INCREASING LEVEL - BFC BELOW FINISHED CEILING ORP OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL "3 107,121 REFERENCED RELAY WITH "3 PS N.O. CONTACT ON LINE 107 PLUG AND RECEPTACLE BOD BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND P POLE METAL OXIDE VARISTOR o— PRESSURE SWITCH - N.C. CONTACT ON LINE 121 BPF BAND PASS FILTER PB PUSHBUTTON m CLOSES UPON INCREASING INCOMING LINE BYP BYPASS PBX PULL BOX x PRESSURE (DECREASING VACUUM) CR1 C CONDUIT PF POWER FACTOR (105 u o AUDIBLE ALARM ) RELAY CONTACT - 123 123 NORMALLY OPEN, CAP CAPACITOR PFR POWER FAIL RELAY PS PRESSURE SWITCH - ACTUATED BY RELAY CR1 Q 123 TERMINAL BLOCKS WITH TERMINAL NUMBER AS SHOWN CB CIRCUIT BREAKER PH HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION COIL LOCATED ON LINE 105 CKT CIRCUIT PLC PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER OPENS UPON INCREASING 3 PHASE MOTOR A Cn PRESSURE (DECREASING VACUUM) CR1 TERMINAL BLOCKS COAX COAXIAL CABLE PM POWER MONITOR V R? ? = MOTOR HP NORMALLY CLOSED, ® ® COMM COMMUNICATION PNL PANEL �� WITH TERMINAL NUMBER RELAY CONTACT - DETERMINED BY SUBMITTAL TS ACTUATED BY RELAY CR1 OR CONTROL RELAY POT POTENTIOMETER o o— TEMPERATURE SWITCH - CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER PRESS PRESSURE CLOSES UPON INCREASING TR2 SHIELDED CABLE O 3 PHASE MOTOR � TEMPERATURE � NORMALLY OPEN, � CS CONSTANT SPEED PR PAIR, TWISTED AND SHIELDED TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT - CU COPPER PRI PRIMARY o TS CONTACT CLOSES AFTER SHIELD DC DIRECT CURRENT PROVIDE FURNISH, INSTALL, AND CONNECT w TEMPERATURE SWITCH - TR2 IS ENERGIZED CONDUCTOR DIET DETAIL PS PRESSURE SWITCH OM SINGLE PHASE MOTOR OPENS UPON INCREASING TR2 DI DIGITAL INPUT PT POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER ¢ NORMALLY CLOSED,, Z �7C� DISC DISCONNECT PTf PUSH TO TEST TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT - DO DIGITAL OUTPUT PVC POLYVINYLCHLORIDE B Z CONTACT OPENS AFTER PLAN - SYMBOLS LIMIT SWITCH - TR2 IS ENERGIZED DPDT DOUBLE POLE DOUBLE THROW PWR POWER — a ��`� TRANSFORMER �p� W sw >^^- 1 SIZE AND VOLTAGE AS SHOWN CLOSES AT SET LIMIT TR2 DWG DRAWING REF REFERENCE - o— NORMALLY OPEN, CONDUIT, EXPOSED E-DTL ELECTRICAL DRAWING DETAIL RFl RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE CD Zg TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT - LIMIT SWITCH - CONTACT OPENS AFTER ———— CONDUIT, IN SLAB ELEV ELEVATION RMS ROOT MEAN SQUARE UTILITY POWER METER OPENS AT SET LIMIT TR2 IS DE-ENERGIZED OR BELOW GRADE ENET ETHERNET RTD RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DETECTOR Q Z a O WS TR2 —--— CONDUIT, CONCEALED IN WALL ETM ELAPSED TIME METER RST RESET NORMALLY CLOSED, OR CEILING ESW ETHERNET SWITCH RVAT REDUCE VOLTAGE AUTO TRANSFORMER � w TORQUE SWITCH - a rh UFER GROUND CLOSES UPON INCREASING TORQUE CONDUIT STUBBED OUT & CAPPED TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT - EXISTING RTU REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT CONTACT CLOSES AFTER � FCS FIELD CONTROL STATION R REWIRE RELOCATE REVISE REUSE GROUND ROD 0 WS TR2 IS DE-ENERGIZED _____o CONDUIT BENDS TOWARD FLA FULL LOAD AMPS SCH SCHEDULE TORQUE SWITCH - TR2 OBSERVER OPENS UPON INCREASING TORQUE CONTACT OPENS AND CLOSES FLEX FLEXIBLE LIQUID TIGHT CONDUIT SEC SECONDARY SECOND IN A TIMED REPEAT CYCLE a CONDUIT BENDS AWAY FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC SECS SECONDS m CURRENT TRANSFORMER FROM OBSERVER FS FULL SPEED SEL SELECTOR RATIO AS NOTED CONDUIT ENDS FVNR FULL VOLTAGE NON-REVERSING SFA SERVICE FACTOR AMPS FVR FULL VOLTAGE REVERSING SPEC SPECIFICATION �1❑ FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CONNECTION FWD FORWARD SS STAINLESS STEEL FROM J-BOX TO EQUIPMENT FUTURE SSRC STAINLESS STEEL RIGID CONDUIT z — CONDUIT CHANGE IN ELEVATION GALV GALVANIZED SSS SOLID STATE STARTER g GFl GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER SR START —G— BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE GND GROUND STP STOP z LL L GRS GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SV SOLENOID VALVE w-O G� GROUND CONNECTION BOLTED TYPE GRS-PVC PVC COATED GRS CONDUIT SW SWITCH Y 2 K a a SWITCHES - OPERATOR DEVICES - FRONT PANEL DEVICES - PROTECTIVE —Gfi GROUND CONNECTION EXOTHERMIC HI HIGH SWBD SWITCHBOARD w 4L))Z a W U b xA LOW VOLTAGE MOLDED CASE, WELD TYPE HIM HUMAN INTERFACE MODULE SYMM SYMMETRICAL cwi Im K 0 INSULATED CASE OR POWER HOA HAND OFF AUTO TB TERMINAL BLOCK } ¢Q Ld SW P xP CIRCUIT BREAKER. RATINGS AS Eli DISCONNECT SWITCH a fti \� TOGGLE OR DISCONNECT SWITCH INDICATING LIGHT, LETTER -X" xT SHOWN IN DRAWINGS AND AS HP HORSE POWER TIC TIME CLOCK o F z X INDICATES COLOR: R=RED DEFINED BELOW: ® FIELD MOUNTED DEVICE HPS HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM MOD TIME DELAY ON DE-ENERGIZATION Q O m W C G=GREEN, A=AMBER, W=WHITE HS HAND SWITCH MOE TIME DELAY ON ENERGIZATION 3 L)s 0) PB Y=YELLOW, B=BLUE xA: CIRCUIT BREAKER AMERAGE ® SPECIAL RECEPTACLE w y w 0 o— PUSHBUTTON - xAT: AMPERAGE TRIP HTR HEATER TELOO TELEPHONE COMPANY K NORMALLY OPEN, MOMENTARY P77� xAF: AMPERAGE FRAME / TELEPHONE/DATA RECEPTACLE HZ HERTZ TM THERMAL MAGNETIC a ACTION � X INDICATING LIGHT, PUSH TO TEST xP: NUMBER OF POLES 2 PORT TA568A, 2 CAT 6 CABLES HZD HAZARD TEMP TEMPERATURE 3 i xT: TRIP PROTECTION PISI INTERLOCK TR TIME DELAY RELAY PUSHBUTTON - MCP: MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTION ® CONDUIT REFERENCE TO SCHEDULE I-DTL INSTRUMENTATION DRAWING DETAIL TRIAD TWISTED AND SHIELDED 3 CONDUCTOR NORMALLY CLOSED, MOMENTARY ELAPSED TIME METER TM: THERMAL MAGNETIC UNLESS LOS (LOCK OUT STOP) Eru L: LONG TIME DELAY O THERMOSTAT I 0 INPUT/OUTPUT TS TEMPERATURE SWITCH WHERE MECHANICALLY HELD S: SHORT TIME DELAY INST INSTANTANEOUS TSPR TWISTED AND SHIELDED PAIR PIS : INSTANTANEOUS TRIP QE EYS SEAL ISR INTRINSICALLY SAFE RELAY TVSS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR PUSHBUTTON, MECHANICALLY G: GROUND FAULT Cn o— CONNECTED, DOUBLE CIRCUIT - A: ARC FLASH PROTECTION QJ JUNCTION BOX IS INTRINSICALLY SAFE TYP TYPICAL z NORMALLY CLOSED AND 100% 100% DUTY RATED J JUNCTION BOX UG UNDERGROUND NORMALLY OPEN y: BREAKER FEATURES / OPTIONS PULL BOX OF SIZE SHOWN (CHRISM BOX SIZE MINIMUM) K KILO PREFIX ULH ULTRA LOW HARMONIC LA LIGHTNING ARRESTOR UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED < QS - SHUNT TRIP Q �H�AND OFF AUTO SELECTOR SELECTOR SWITCH, 3 POSITION - LIGHTING FIXTURE LC LIGHTING CONTACTOR UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY CONTACT STATUS SHOWN EXISTS QK - KIRK-KEY INTERLOCK a LEL LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT V VOLTAGE > # - CIRCUIT BREAKER NUMBER I.E. AT POSITION OF HAND, 0 - MANUALLY CHARGED ° # A - FIXTURE SCHEDULE REF. LO LOW VA VOLT AMPS LLJ OFF, OR AUTO PUSHBUTTON OPERATION m I a - CONTROL SWITCH REFERENCE LOS LOCK OUT STOP VAR VOLT AMPS REACTIVE [�I � SELECTOR SWITCH, 2 POSITION - Q - ELECTRICALLY CHARGED LR LATCHING RELAY VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE U I MIDDLE POSITION IS DELETED PUSHBUTTON OPERATION 6,qP7 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE LS LIMIT SWITCH VLV VALVE co ty# CIRCUIT BREAKER NUMBER -Ij ( M MOTOR CONTACTOR VM VOLTMETER OL WP P - WEATHERPROOF IF SHOWN) THERMAL OVERLOAD CONTACT GFI - GROUND FAULT TYPE MAG MAGNETIC FLOWMETER VMR VOLTAGE MONITOR RELAY LU MAX MAXIMUM VR VOLTAGE RELAY LU z THERMAL OVERLOAD ELEMENT {f}oM TOGGLE SWITCH `� FUSE a - FIXTURES CONTROLLED MCM THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS W WATTS MEDIUM VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER 3 - 3 WAY MCP MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR WP WEATHER PROOF NEMA 3R J M = MOTION DETECTOR MCS MOLDED CASE SWITCH WTP WATER TREATMENT PLANT 0 o POTENTIOMETER 52 TRIP FUNCTIONS PER DRAWINGS T = TIMER SWITCH MIA MANHOLE WWTP WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND SPECIFICATIONS coD MIN MINIMUM MINUTE XFMR TRANSFORMER MFR MULTIFUNCTION RELAY MODEM MODEM Z IMPEDANCE PER SPECIFICATIONS OTOR OPERATED VALVE ZS LIMIT SWITCH c/) �pFESS/ON 5 P.FQ�4� n DATE N h �S�Gf APRIL 2013 = PROJECT NUMBER No E15761 12-012 *Exp.09-30-14* DRAWING NUMBER %ems 40-GE-101 SHEETNUMBER 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 w x Lu U U Q ❑U co zo� wW 0 CO L - - - KZ ❑ ❑ U Q 0 ) 21 3PA >3PA >3PA >3PA >3PA >3PA )3PA T >3PA )3PA >3PA )3PA >3PA )3PA >3PA >3PA >3PA >3PA - m TM MCP MCP MCP MCP TM Y TM TM Y TM TM Y TM TM 4 TM TM TM TM TM I I I I II I II I I II I II I I II I II II II � � mo 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 3% Z 55 w SIZE 1 SIZE 1 I SIZE 1 I SIZE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I (; m m A 6 PULSE 6 PULSE 6 PULSE q45AVFD 6 PULSE 6 PULSE 6 PULSE 6 PULSE I Z,a,°w°ME 45A VFD I 45A VFD I 45A VFD I I 45A VFD 45A VFD 45A VFD 45A VFD �iw XwSTP STP STP STP STP STP STP Larc CJ Ziw° ww/ / / / z=o"°a dV/dT I \\ dV/dT I \\ dV/dT I dT I \\ dV dT \\ dV dT \\ dV dT \\ dV dT1C 1E - 1G - 1J L - 1L - - - - - 3M- - 1 - 3A - - 4M - L 4A \� 5M - - A5A \\� 6M �7M \\� Lm \� - 9M1 A - I I I I I I I I - m -I- J - � - I P005 P111 P111 P111 P111 P101 P105 P102 P205 P201 P305 P202 P405 P301 P302 P401 P402 U) I I I I (( I 110.4A (( I 110.4A (( I 110.4A (( 110.4A (( I (( I (( I (( I I I I I 1480V PRI 1480V PRI 1480V PRI 1480V PRI K o I � 5 KVA 15 KVA I � 5 KVA 5 KVA I I I I AU AU AU AU AU AU AU AU ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti LJM 120/208V SEC 1121008V SEC 1120/208V SEC 1120/208V SEC o 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 20 BA 20' 20 8A 20 BA 25 25 � 25 25 � 25 25 25 25 Lu � 41-XFMR-601 � 41-XFMR-602 � 41-XFMR-603 � 41-XFMR-604 � � � FROM 800A CLARIFIER 100 CLARIFIER 200 CLARIFIER 300 CLARIFIER 400 RAS I RAS I RAS I RAS I RAS RAS RAS RAS Z BUSS MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR PUMP 101 PUMP 102 PUMP 201 PUMP 202 PUMP 301 PUMP 302 PUMP 401 PUMP 402 - B DC47-MTRx-00101 DC47-MTRx-00201 DC47-MTRx-00301 DC47-MTRx-00401 DC44-PUMP-101 30A DC44-PUMP-102 30A DC44-PUMP-201 30A DC44-PUMP-202 30A DC44-PUMP-301 DC44-PUMP-302 DC44-PUMP-401 DC44-PUMP-402 1.10 FLA 1.10 FLA 1.10 FLA 1.10 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA 34.0 FLA W 1.27 SFA 1.27 SFA 1.27 SFA 1.27 SFA 39.1 SFA LIGHTING 39.1 SFA LIGHTING 39.1 SFA LIGHTING 39.1 SFA LIGHTING 39.1 SFA 39.1 SFA 39.1 SFA 39.1 SFA PANELBOARD PANELBOARD PANELBOARD PANELBOARD DC41-PPAC-00601 DC41-PPAC-00602 DC41-PPAC-00603 DC41-PPAC-00604 w STRUCTURE NAMEPLATE WITH 1/2" ENGRAVED LETTERING (TYP) 11 o DC41-MCCX-00600 o SECTION VERTICAL BUS AMP RATING (TYP) SECTION NUMBER (TYP) CORNER 20" D 300A 9 300A 8 300A 7 SECTION 20" D 300A 6 300A 5 300A 4 300A 3 300A 2 600A 1 ' z J H 0 F W W z WLLO K O ❑XFMR ❑XFMR ❑ XFMR ❑XFMR - O UJ ¢a SPACE SPACE SPACE 1400 1300 1200 1100 SPACE w ¢ z DISC DISC DISC DISC ❑� -A y 0 U ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MAIN La BREAKER o z J a 400A - B Q O m w C Cf I�1 �i [ `T1I II 1 C W y w ql RAS RAS RAS RAS RAS RAS RAS RAS PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP - D 402 401 302 301 202 201 102 101 CLARIFIER 100 DRIVE 1E - E (�❑lam 90 3 CLARIFIER 200 DRIVE 1G z G O I`J H DRIVE❑ R 300 - H ; 1J Q W Lu M5 F 06 CLARIFIER 400 - K Lu LU DRIVE 1L LuZ L J Lu 9M BMI I 7MII 5M 4MI I 3MI 1 2ml 1M - M Z GENERAL NOTES: 300A CU GND eus 300ASUL GND BUS O o ------ ------ -------' ------ ----- ------ ------- -------- -------' 1. EACH BREAKER SHALL HAVE A PADLOCKABLE HASP TO ' LOCK BREAKER IN THE OFF POSITION. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL 20"��20"��20"��20"��20" RpFESS/O DIMENSIONS SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURER APPROVED IN P 5 P. SUBMITTAL. `' DATE Q'� �S t^ APRIL 2013 Z PROJECT NUMBER No E15761 12-012 Exp.09-30-14 q DRAWING NUMBER 40-E-101 SHEET NUMBER 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 P101 p104 MH-2 S003 P100 P103 MH-3 w S004 -P102-- ¢ v U �++----+ — -- -------------------- ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES: �_ Z oo, ww ----- z z O r » //�——--———— ——————-- —————————------————— O LL U ELL m 1. REPAIR SURFACE TO PREVIOUS CONDITION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ROUTES. �'F i Z i g a vi GROUT, CAULK, AND PAINT ANY PENETRATIONS INTO STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHT SEAL. MH-1 // NEMA 4 i \\�,% 5003 I I P100 P103 2. CONDUITS SIZE, TYPE AND FILL SHALL BE DEFINED BY CONTRACTOR IN SCHEDULE SIMILAR TO THAT / \ SHOWN HERE. f ° AREA I �\ '' P200 3. CONDUIT TYPE IN CONDUIT SHEDULE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF RUN. C] / ((WITHIN RAS I \ MH-4 I I IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION AS Z ww ° 5004 PUMP STATION) I 1 EXISTING PLC DEFINED IN 16110. —?H mo n I I PANEL 4. CONDUIT TRANSITIONS SHALL BE GRS-PVC FOR MINIMUM 2 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF VERTICAL OR zN n A P104 P104D I I P103D HORIZONTAL TRANSITION POINT. E9 w- "z P105A 20- P5 Z NEW PLC PANEL 5. EXPOSED CONDUIT TYPE TO BE USED ABOVE TRANSITION SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION d°mrc — -- — ELEC. BUILDING DEFINED IN CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS. �"wm xw P105D P205D NEW MCC Zm wZ P101 P105E p201 P205E MOUNTED 6. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT PIPE, SEE CONDUIT =W pam SPECIFICATIONS. W w a P 002 BELOW EXISTING z P202 WIRE TRAY 7. USE SS EXPANSION WEDGE ANCHORS OR EPDXY ANCHORS AS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING. U Z%u w J U THAT EXTENDS 8. RECEPTACLES TO BE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER (GFI) TYPE AND WEATHERPROOF (WP) IN NEMA 4 —�]'-o Nu TO TRANSITION AND 4X AREAS. m Zzo�ow P105C P205C ❑ I ENCLOSUREO 9. SEE ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING FOR SYMBOL DEFINITION. ly W��°n4 P205F XISTING BUSS P105F I CONNECTION 10. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND 2010 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. J EXISTING LOCATION 0 11. REPLACE CONDUIT FROM 2 FEET BELOW GRADE FROM CLARIFIER EDGE TO ABOVE GRADE TERMINATION m 3 TRANSITION 1 POINTS AND CONDUIT WITHIN RAS PUMP STATIONS. ENCLOSURE P104D P103D I —(E) MH-8 u o P105A r P205A DRAWING REFERENCED NOTES: O CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT NEW MCC TO EXISTING BUSS IN ADJACENT MCC. cn SECONDARY SECONDARY ®DEMOLISH REXISTING IS I G MCC �0+SECTIONS SHOWN) AS DETERMINED BY CITY —I CLARIFIER 100 CLARIFIER 200 I M 0NOTES PERTAINING TO CONDUIT SCHEDULE: "' m NEMA 4X 1. CONDUIT TYPE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF w AREA I0 RUN. IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE IS AS SHOWN. O I 2. SEE EXPOSED TRANSITION DETAIL OR EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC DETAIL FOR ABOVE 5 z GROUND OR EXPOSED PORTIONS OF RUN. '+ P010 5010 3. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT _ B P011 PIPE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 16110. uj 4. CONDUIT SHEDULE IS INCOMPLETE AND SHALL BE COMPLETED BY U, �MH-5 CONTRACTOR. P010 5010 Q Z I P011 > w ---- -------- -------------- � (E) MH-9 5300 P301 I P303 P302� P300 I I ~ J P305A J P400 Z P405D P405A J H aw0 �ww Z P305D I P405E W LL o 0 J P305E P401 J w �¢W J P402 w w O Op v P403 r, ¢ w P305C S400 P405C w o r P305F P405F o Q p m w C >�(J Q N wx O H fA W y K P300 P400 t P305A P405A SECONDARY [E-1] SECONDARY CLARIFIER 300 CLARIFIER 400 /.- /' z uj co �- U Q CLARIFIER AREA SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20' W Q W LJ LL E Q D J U DATE H ti� y APRIL 2013 m PROJECT NUMBER No.E15761 M_ 12-012 Exp.09-30-14{' DRAWING NUMBER 40-E-102 SHEETNUMBER 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 K I- W 2 Z = Y U a U oU V) Zo� wW z0 z0 0 » (7LL ;U ULL �00 o~ �Z U� a n V rca N Zw m ww F_zH m e= N� Ej'w A O �Z I Zawm me ��Z W o 4w = yam z W wrca w Ll z zwa w N[r]�mo no m zz.O 0E o LL W 1-�m P107 A a lk' i0 3 m RAS RAS CIO � M PUMP 2 PUMP 1 �/, 102 > c 101 o 0 0 w N O wCE q soD4E z I.L _ B S004D W i TB-102 CONTINUED ON CD N o ---- ----- � DWG 40-E-102 P702A H v PB-P100 P101 Z S004C 111 P102 P101 P102 � w a JUCTION — rl CONTINUED ON L BOX 50048 TB-101 DWG 40-E-102 C — ---- --- P101A J J P104D 1 P104D PUMP-102 PUMP-101 P1048 I S004A DC41-PPAC-00601 XFMR-801 I I I I I I z z I soo4 g W W a o a RAS PS 100 ' ' Lu SCALE: 1" = 1' CONTINUED a O m w C ON ?�c�a 0) ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES: DWG 40—E-102 yyw 1. REPAIR SURFACE TO PREVIOUS CONDITION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ROUTES. 3 GROUT, CAULK, AND PAINT ANY PENETRATIONS INTO STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHT SEAL. 2. SITEPLAN ACCURATE FOR ELECTRICAL WORK ONLY. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH CIVIL/MECH PLANS. 3. CONDUITS SIZE, TYPE AND FILL DEFINED BY TAG NAME IN CONDUIT SCHEDULE. a. ALL CONDUITS LISTED IN THE "CONDUIT AND WIRE ROUTING SCHEDULE" SHALL HAVE CONDUIT TAGS AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH CONDUIT RUN WITH TAG NUMBER FROM SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ENDS WITHIN UNDERGROUND PULL BOXES. b. LETTER HEIGHT SHALL BE Yi' MINIMUM. ENGRAVE THE TAGS WITH THE CONDUIT NUMBER OR ACRONYM. LABELING SHALL BE NEATLY INSTALLED FOR VISIBILITY AND SHALL BE CLEARLY LEGIBLE. SECURELY FASTEN TAGS IN PLACE USING 20GA STAINLESS STEEL TIE WIRE THROUGH CD A PILOT HOLE ON THE TAG. CD 4. INSTALL NON-UTILITY CONDUITS PER DRAWING DETAILS. 24" DEPTH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL COMPACT TO L 95X O Q 5. CONDUIT TYPE IN CONDUIT SHEDULE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF RUN. IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE SHALL BE: o. USE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT(GRS) AND FITTINGS FORALL EXPOSED, DRY LOCATIONS. U < Q b. USE PLASTIC-COATED STEEL CONDUIT(PRSC) AND FITTINGS INDOORS, IN WET OR DAMP CONDITIONS, Ir AND FOR DIRECT-BURIED CONDUIT. U U_ c. USE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED LOCATIONS, DUCT BANKS, AND FOR W EMBEDDED CONDUIT. w d. USE LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT(FLEX) WITH STEEL FITTINGS TO ANYPIECE OF EQUIPMENT () WHERE REQUIRED TO ISOLATE VIBRATION OR TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR ADJUSTMENT. e. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMn MAY BE USED INSIDE BUILDINGS FOR LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE J CIRCUITS WHERE PROTECTED IN A WALL OR ATTIC SPACE, OR AT LEAST 8 FEET ABOVE FINISHED U) LJ FLOOR. Q 6. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT PIPE, PER NOTE 5. D 7. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER TYPE THHN, CLASS C STRANDING, SIZE PER CONDUIT SCHEDULE.. 8. MOUNT CONDUITS USING SINGLE BOLT GALVANIZED PIPE STRAPS AND CLAMP BACK SPACERS. 9. CONDUIT TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PER EXPOSED CONDUIT TRANSITION DETAIL E04/ECT. 11. EXPOSED CONDUIT TYPE TO BE USED ABOVE TRANSITION SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION DEFINED OFESSIO IN CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC DETAIL. QW5 P F Nye 12.USE SS EXPANSION WEDGE ANCHORS OR EPDXY ANCHORS AS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING. R/yam n� E.lEETR.lG.O.EB2E:R21l 13.RECEPTACLES TO BE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER (GFI) TYPE AND WEATHERPROOF(WP) WHERE SHOWN. y 5 c� 14.SEE ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING FOR SYMBOL DEFINITION. Z ER 15. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. No E15761 p Exp.09-30-14{' ER OF 3 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 0' H = w U a U U❑ U) z pD ww �0 �LL 0m wF KZ x� co Li ❑ ❑ U Q ❑❑ ❑❑ Li H Zw o NN f�zH n N] ND '_z. 016 A Z ua �Z FIT O 203 �-Zm rN - W q.>Nm z U z zw° w [!1 L7 J N x Zza� Il W u—DO M. P207 14 Ll m3 m RAS RAS CIO � M PUMP 2 PUMP 1 �/, 202 > 201 r�� 0 0 w N O LD c IF soo3E z I.L B 0 S003D XFMR-602 CONTINUED ON -$� DWG 40-E-102 a Fnl TB-202 v PB-P200 Oct SH L P201 211 P202 P201 P202 w a S003C �ED ON TB-201 CONTIN J DWG 40UE-102 P103D P103D P103C J P1038 I I S003A P205 S003B I I PB-P201-' I I DC41-PPAC-00602 PUMP-202 PUMP-201 I I z I I 5003 w w a I I far J RAS PS 200 SCALE: 1" = 1' CONTINUED ON 3 0 a G N ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES: DWG 40-E-102 N N L a 1. REPAIR SURFACE TO PREVIOUS CONDITION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ROUTES. 2� GROUT, CAULK, AND PAINT ANY PENETRATIONS INTO STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHT SEAL. 2. SITEPLAN ACCURATE FOR ELECTRICAL WORK ONLY. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH CIVIL/MECH PLANS. 3. CONDUITS SIZE, TYPE AND FILL DEFINED BY TAG NAME IN CONDUIT SCHEDULE. a. ALL CONDUITS LISTED IN THE "CONDUIT AND WIRE ROUTING SCHEDULE" SHALL HAVE CONDUIT TAGS AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH CONDUIT RUN WITH TAG NUMBER FROM SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ENDS WITHIN UNDERGROUND PULL BOXES. b. LETTER HEIGHT SHALL BE Yi' MINIMUM. ENGRAVE THE TAGS WITH THE CONDUIT NUMBER OR ACRONYM. LABELING SHALL BE NEATLY INSTALLED FOR VISIBILITY AND SHALL BE CLEARLY LEGIBLE. SECURELY FASTEN TAGS IN PLACE USING 20GA STAINLESS STEEL TIE WIRE THROUGH CD A PILOT HOLE ON THE TAG. CD L 4. INSTALL NON-UTILITY CONDUITS PER DRAWING DETAILS. 24" DEPTH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL COMPACT TO N 95%. O Q 5. CONDUIT TYPE IN CONDUIT SHEDULE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF RUN. IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE SHALL BE: a. USE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT(GRS) AND FITTINGS FORALL EXPOSED, DRY LOCATIONS. 0 Q b. USE PLASTIC-COATED STEEL CONDUIT(PRSC) AND FITTINGS INDOORS, IN WET OR DAMP CONDITIONS, 0: AND FOR DIRECT-BURIED CONDUIT. F- U c. USE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED LOCATIONS, DUCT BANKS, AND FOR j EMBEDDED CONDUIT. w d. USE LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT FLEX WITH STEEL FITTINGS TO ANYPIECE OF EQUIPMENT 0 WHERE REQUIRED TO ISOLATE VIBRATION OR 0 F CILITATE MAINTENANCE OR ADJUSTMENT. LU e. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) MAY BE USED INSIDE BUILDINGS FOR LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE J CIRCUITS WHERE PROTECTED IN A WALL OR ATTIC SPACE, OR AT LEAST 8 FEET ABOVE FINISHED (n Lu FLOOR. Q 6. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT PIPE, PER NOTE 5. D 7. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER TYPE THHN, CLASS C STRANDING, SIZE PER CONDUIT SCHEDULE.. 8. MOUNT CONDUITS USING SINGLE BOLT GALVANIZED PIPE STRAPS AND CLAMP BACK SPACERS. 9. CONDUIT TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PER EXPOSED CONDUIT TRANSITION DETAIL E04/ECT. 11. EXPOSED CONDUIT TYPE TO BE USED ABOVE TRANSITION SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION DEFINED pFESS/ IN CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC DETAIL. o?,—P.— - 12. USE SS EXPANSION WEDGE ANCHORS OR EPDXY ANCHORS AS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING. Q`v RAS F DATE 13. RECEPTACLES TO BE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER (GFI) TYPE AND WEATHERPROOF(WP) WHERE SHOWN. y�'r �Z APRIL 2013 14. SEE ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING FOR SYMBOL DEFINITION. Z PROJECT NUMBER 15. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. No.E A- 1 Exp.09-30-30-14{' DRAWING N NU UMBER 40-E-104 SHEETNUMBER 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lu H = w U a U U U z pSQ) ❑ww �O U0, Km wF KZ x� aU ❑ ❑ U Q Zw o NN f�zH n N] ND 'n y�jN O z u� Z JWm m M zm w 4w = N, N Ll Z%u w N—�JfNx Ul No Nu M Z ioo,-T o ❑❑ ❑❑ o Lew °N4 P307 ,.,=F7)111 n 3 N3 m PB-P300 P301 u o CONTINUED ON DWG 40-E-102 PUMP 1 CIO P302 P302 301 o RAS w PUMP 2 0 0 3 22 ? 0 w Z d S300B B W o TB-302 P302A S300D Q Z a P301A S300E w a S300C 1H-301 CONTINUED ON _ — J t DWG 40-E-102�— P305A P305 PB-S300 PB-P301 DC41-PPAC-00603 L XFMR-603PIMP 102 PUMP-301 5300 I P303 z I a WLL' O Y �aa I III U �1.. W F J CONTINUED ON CONTINUED ON ❑ F Z.� DWG 40-E-102 DWG 40-E-102 a 0 m W C >�Ua N W 2 K ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES: N N LU a 1. REPAIR SURFACE TO PREVIOUS CONDITION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ROUTES. 2� GROUT, CAULK, AND PAINT ANY PENETRATIONS INTO STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHT SEAL. 2. SITEPLAN ACCURATE FOR ELECTRICAL WORK ONLY. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH CIVIL/MECH PLANS.3. CONDUITS SIZE, TYPE AND FILL DEFINED BY TAG NAME IN CONDUIT SCHEDULE. RAS PS 300 a. ALL CONDUITS LISTED IN THE "CONDUIT AND WIRE ROUTING SCHEDULE" SHALL HAVE CONDUIT TAGS AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH CONDUIT RUN WITH TAG NUMBER FROM SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED. SCALE: 1" = 1' THIS SHALL INCLUDE ENDS WITHIN UNDERGROUND PULL BOXES. b. LETTER HEIGHT SHALL BE Yi' MINIMUM. ENGRAVE THE TAGS WITH THE CONDUIT NUMBER OR ACRONYM. LABELING SHALL BE NEATLY INSTALLED FOR VISIBILITY AND SHALL BE CLEARLY LEGIBLE. SECURELY FASTEN TAGS IN PLACE USING 20GA STAINLESS STEEL TIE WIRE THROUGH CD A PILOT HOLE ON THE TAG. CD 4. INSTALL NON-UTILITY CONDUITS PER DRAWING DETAILS. 24" DEPTH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL COMPACT TO L 95X O Q 5. CONDUIT TYPE IN CONDUIT SHEDULE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF RUN. IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE SHALL BE: a. USE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT(GRS) AND FITTINGS FORALL EXPOSED, DRY LOCATIONS. < < Q b. USE PLASTIC-COATED STEEL CONDUIT(PRSC) AND FITTINGS INDOORS, IN WET OR DAMP CONDITIONS, o: AND FOR DIRECT-BURIED CONDUIT. F- U c. USE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED LOCATIONS, DUCT BANKS, AND FOR j EMBEDDED CONDUIT. w d. USE LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT FLEX WITH STEEL FITTINGS TO ANYPIECE OF EQUIPMENT 0 WHERE REQUIRED TO ISOLATE VIBRATION OR O F CILITATE MAINTENANCE OR ADJUSTMENT. LU e. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) MAY BE USED INSIDE BUILDINGS FOR LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE J CIRCUITS WHERE PROTECTED IN A WALL OR ATTIC SPACE, OR AT LEAST 8 FEET ABOVE FINISHED (n Lu FLOOR. Q 6. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT PIPE, PER NOTE 5. D 7. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER TYPE THHN, CLASS C STRANDING, SIZE PER CONDUIT SCHEDULE.. 8. MOUNT CONDUITS USING SINGLE BOLT GALVANIZED PIPE STRAPS AND CLAMP BACK SPACERS. 9. CONDUIT TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PER EXPOSED CONDUIT TRANSITION DETAIL E04/ECT. 11. EXPOSED CONDUIT TYPE TO BE USED ABOVE TRANSITION SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION DEFINED pFESS/ IN CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC DETAIL. o?,—P.— - 12. USE SS EXPANSION WEDGE ANCHORS OR EPDXY ANCHORS AS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING. Q`v RAS F DATE 13. RECEPTACLES TO BE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER (GFI) TYPE AND WEATHERPROOF(WP) WHERE SHOWN. y�'r OZ APRIL 2013 14. SEE ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING FOR SYMBOL DEFINITION. Z PROJECT NUMBER 15. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. No.E-30- A- 12-012 Exp.09-30-14{' DRAWING NUMBER 40-E-105 SHEETNUMBER 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 K I- W 2 z = Y U U oU o z W z� z0 � » 0LL ;U ULL Km o~ �Z U� a n LT rca N Zw m ww F_zH m e= N� A O O �Z zNpa�a wEWE 4 w 2 �a � w w�< Ll w In[r]�mono 3 3 m PB-P400 Lw P401 u o CONTINUED ON DWG 40-E-102�— ---- --- RAS PUMP 1 P402 P402 401 O_ o RAS LU PUMP 2 o 402 O w Z B saoo6 — W P406A H CD TB-402 P402A S400D 4H1 PB-402 Z a -- P406 I w S400E �� TB-401 CONTINUED ON _ J DWG 40-E-102�— I � I p�1A S400A S400C P405A P405 PB-S400 PB-P401 DC41-PPAC-00604 XFMR-804P-302 PUMP-301 S400B 5400 P403 JUNCTION F BOX z I 5 I Y WKK 0 1 1 } �aa W CONTINUED ON CONTINUED ON F z=! J DWG 40-E-102 DWG 40-E-102 3 v R H G ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES: Na,W 1. REPAIR SURFACE TO PREVIOUS CONDITION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ROUTES. 3 GROUT, CAULK, AND PAINT ANY PENETRATIONS INTO STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHT SEAL. 2. SITEPLAN ACCURATE FOR ELECTRICAL WORK ONLY. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH CIVIL/MECH PLANS. 3. CONDUITS SIZE, TYPE AND FILL DEFINED BY TAG NAME IN CONDUIT SCHEDULE. a. ALL CONDUITS LISTED IN THE "CONDUIT AND WIRE ROUTING SCHEDULE" SHALL HAVE CONDUIT RAS PS 400 TAGS AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH CONDUIT RUN WITH TAG NUMBER FROM SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ENDS WITHIN UNDERGROUND PULL BOXES. b. LETTER HEIGHT SHALL BE Y!' MINIMUM. ENGRAVE THE TAGS WITH THE CONDUIT NUMBER OR SCALE: 1" = 1' ACRONYM. LABELING SHALL BE NEATLY INSTALLED FOR VISIBILITY AND SHALL BE CLEARLY LEGIBLE. SECURELY FASTEN TAGS IN PLACE USING 20GA STAINLESS STEEL TIE WIRE THROUGH CD A PILOT HOLE ON THE TAG. CD 4. INSTALL NON-UTILITY CONDUITS PER DRAWING DETAILS. 24" DEPTH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL COMPACT TO L 95X O Q 5. CONDUIT TYPE IN CONDUIT SHEDULE IS TYPICAL FOR UNDERGROUND HORIZONTAL PORTIONS OF RUN. IF ENTIRE RUN OF CONDUIT IS EXPOSED, THEN TYPE SHALL BE: o. USE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT(GRS) AND FITTINGS FORALL EXPOSED, DRY LOCATIONS. U < Q b. USE PLASTIC-COATED STEEL CONDUIT(PRSC) AND FITTINGS INDOORS, IN WET OR DAMP CONDITIONS, Ir AND FOR DIRECT-BURIED CONDUIT. U U_ c. USE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED LOCATIONS, DUCT BANKS, AND FOR LU 0 EMBEDDED CONDUIT. w d. USE LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT(FLEX) WITH STEEL FITTINGS TO ANYPIECE OF EQUIPMENT () WHERE REQUIRED TO ISOLATE VIBRATION OR TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR ADJUSTMENT. e. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMn MAY BE USED INSIDE BUILDINGS FOR LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE J CIRCUITS WHERE PROTECTED IN A WALL OR ATTIC SPACE, OR AT LEAST 8 FEET ABOVE FINISHED U) LLI FLOOR. Q 6. FITTINGS, CONDULETS, BOXES AND COVERS SHALL MATCH DUTY OF ADJACENT PIPE, PER NOTE 5. D 7. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER TYPE THHN, CLASS C STRANDING, SIZE PER CONDUIT SCHEDULE.. 8. MOUNT CONDUITS USING SINGLE BOLT GALVANIZED PIPE STRAPS AND CLAMP BACK SPACERS. 9. CONDUIT TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PER EXPOSED CONDUIT TRANSITION DETAIL E04/ECT. 11. EXPOSED CONDUIT TYPE TO BE USED ABOVE TRANSITION SHALL BE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION DEFINED OFESS70 IN CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC DETAIL. T P F Ng 12.USE SS EXPANSION WEDGE ANCHORS OR EPDXY ANCHORS AS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING. 'Q/J�n� DATE 13.RECEPTACLES TO BE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER (GFI) TYPE AND WEATHERPROOF(WP) WHERE SHOWN. y 5 c� APRIL2013 14.SEE ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING FOR SYMBOL DEFINITION. Z PROJECT NUMBER 15. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. No E15761 12-012 p Exp.09-30-14* DRAWING NUMBER OF'R% 40-E-106 SHEETNUMBER 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIRCUIT AND RACEWAY SCHEDULE RACEWAY CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS COMMENT = z = Y NUMBER DWG BEGINS ENDS SIZE Length SOURCE DESTINATION OTY CONDUCTOR SIZE GROUND SIZE ui z o w w 41-P-010 Tranistion Enclosure MH-8 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #8 VFD CABLE z O0 r o m 41-P-010 MH-8 MH-5 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #8 VFD CABLE w ?' w� a u 41-P-010 MH-5 MH-9 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #8 VFD CABLE o~ �z � Q 41-P-011 Tranisition Enclosure MH-8 4" DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 10 #12 #12 8 #14 41-P-011 MH-8 MH-5 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 8 #12 �112 z w° ° 8 i/14 z F n a a 41-P-011 MH-5 MH-9 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 184 12 Ewa m6 A 41-P-100 Cable Tray MH-4 2' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 #8 VFD CABLE Z.a.me 41-P-100 MH-4 MH-3 4" DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 /8 VFD CABLE EEpi1 4w 41-P-100 MH-3 MH-2 4- DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 VFD CABLE W.>m _ w 41-P-101 MH-2 MH-1 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00101 1 /8 VFD CABLE V Z iwu Z. 41-P-101 MH-1 PB-100/DISC-101 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00101 1 #8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 476 In—5,2 mI 41-P-101A DISC-101 TB-101 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00101 1 /8 VFD CABLE z Nm"❑T LLI -� DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00101 AUX 2 /14 ly 41-P-102A DISC-102 TB-102 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 1 #8 VFD CABLE ,,,m3 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 AUX 2 f14 "3 41-P-102 MH-2 MH-1 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 1 /8 VFD CABLE °' w 41-P-102 MH-1 PB-100/1)ISC-102 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 1 #8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 476 a `a 0 41-P-103 Cable Tray MH-4 2- DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 10 #12 #12 8 #14 41-P-103 MH-4 MH-3 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 18 #14 #12 (A u) 41-P-103 MH-3 MH-2 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 18 #14 #12 N 41-P-103A MH-2 PB-P201 2- DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 4 #12 W m 41-P-103B PB-P201 T-Condulet 1' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 4 #12W 6 41-P-103C T-Condulet 41-XFMR-602 1/2" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC06-XFMR-01200 2 #12 #12 Z 41-P-1031) T-Condulet DISC-200 3/4" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-MTRx-00201 3 #12 #12 B 4 #14 41-P-103E 41-P-103D D047-MTRx-00201 1/2' DC41-MCCx-00600 D047-MTRx-00201 3 #12 #12 W 41-P-103F 41-P-103D DC47-WSHH-00201 1/2" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-WSHH-00201 2 #14 C9 41-P-104 MH-2 MH-1 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #14 #12 Q Z 5 #12 #12 41—P-104 MH-1 LB Condulet 1 1/4 DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #14 W a 41—P-104B LB Condulet T— Condulet 1 1/4 DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 5 #12 #12 4 #14 41—P-104C T—Condulet DC06—XFMR-01100 1/2' DC41—MCCx-00600 DC06—XFMR-01100 2 #12 #12 41—P-104D T—Condulet DISC-100 3/4" DC41—MCCx-00600 DC47—MTRx-00101 3 #l12 #12 4 #14 41—P-104E 41—P-104D DC47—MTRx-00101 1/2" DC41—MCCx-00600 DC47—MTRx-00101 3 #12 #12 41—P-104F 41—P-104D DC47—WSHH-00101 1/2' DC41—MCCx-00600 DC47—WSHH-00101 2 #14 41—P105 DC41—PPAC-00601 T—Condilet 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00601 Mulitple 4 #12 #12 Ckt f7&9 41—PI05A T—Cond6et T—Condilet 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00601 Mulitple 3 #12 #12 Light Poles and Receptacles Z 41—P105B T—Cond6et Clarifier Light Switch 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00601 Clarifier Light Switch 2 #12 #12 41—P105C T—Cond6et T—Condilet 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00601 Mulitple 2 #12 #12 w' z 41-P105D T-Cond6et DC45-LCPX-00101 1/2" DC41-PPAC-00601 DC45-LCPX-00101 2 #12 #12 LU K 0 41-P105E T-Cond6et Weirwasher Controler 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00601 Weirwasher Controler 2 #12 #12 w a�z � 41-P105F DC45-LCPX-00101 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 3/4" DC45-LCPX-00101 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 4 #14 #14 W L 0 L) 41-P106 DC41-PPAC-00601 T-stat 1/2- DC41-PPAC-00601 T-stat 2 #12 #12 kt#12 Im K ui 41—P106 PB—P401 PB—P402 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00604 DC44—FlTx-00403 2 #12 #12 Ckt/5 w o~ 41—P106A T—stat Exhaust Fans 1/2' DC41—PPAC-00601 Exhaust Fans 2 #12 #12 0 Q O m w C 41—P106A PB—P402 DC44—FlTx-00403 3/4" DC41—PPAC-00604 DC44—FlTx-00403 2 #12 #12 Ckt/5 3 u,s H 41-P107 DC41-PPAC-00601 DC44-FlTx-00103 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00601 DC44-FlTx-00103 2 #12 #12 kt#'5 N y Lu rc 41-P107 PB-P401 PB-P403 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 PB-P403 2 #12 #12 kt/8 3 41-P107A PB-P403 Stairwell Light 3/4' DC41-PPAC-00604 Stairwell Light 2 #12 #12 kt #8 41-P10713 PB-P403 Switch for Stairwell Light 3/4'1 DC41-PPAC-00604 Switch for Stairwell Light 2 1 #12 #12 kt/8&Sw. Leg for Stair light 41-P107C PB-P403 Recept. O top of PS 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 Recept. O top of PS 2 #12 #12 kt{8 41-PlOB DC41-PPAC-00601 Receptacle in Pump Room 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00601 Receptacle in Pump Room 2 #12 #12 kt/6 41-P109 DC41-PPAC-00601 Switch and Recpt. O top of PS 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00601 Switch and Recpt. O top of PS 3 #12 #12 kt #8&Switch leg for Stair light 41-P-200 Cable Tray MH-4 2" DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 /8 VFD CABLE 41-P-200 MH-4 MH-3 4' DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 #8 VFD CABLE 41-P-200 MH-3 MH-2 4" DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 /8 VFD CABLE 41-P-201 MH-2 PB-200/DISC-201 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00201 1 #8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump- 36V LU DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00201 1 /8 VFD CABLE 41-P-201A DISC-201 TB-201 1 1/2 Q DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00201 AUX 2 #14 41-P-202 MH-2 PB-200/0ISC-202 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00202 1 /8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 36V ¢ W 41-P-202A DISC-202 TB-202 1 1/2 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00202 1 #8 VFD CABLE F U DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00202 AUX 2 #14 CO 41-P205 DC41-PPAC-00602 T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 Mulitple 4 #12 #12 Ckt f7&9 U 41-P205A T-Cond6et T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 Mulitple 3 #12 #12 Light Poles and Receptacles w ~ 41-P2058 T-Cond6et Clarifier Light Switch 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 Clarifier Light Switch 2 #12 #12 � 41-P205C T-Cond6et T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 Mulitple 2 #12 #12 41-P205D T-Cond6et DC45-LCPX-00201 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00602 DC45-LCPX-00201 2 #12 #12 z 41-P205E T-Cond6et Weirwasher Controler 1/2" DC41-PPAC-00602 Weirwasher Controler 2 #12 #12 U p 41-P205F DC45-LCPX-00201 Solenold/Trigger Switch 3/4" DC45-LCPX-00201 Solenold/Trigger Switch 4 #14 #114 41-P206 DC41-PPAC-00602 T-stat 1/2" DC41-PPAC-00602 T-stat 2 #12 #12 kt#12 41-P206A T-stat Exhaust Fans 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00602 Exhaust Fans 2 #12 #12 41-P207 DC41-PPAC-00602 DC44-FlTx-00203 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 DC44-FlTx-00203 2 #12 #12 kt/5 ESS/O 41 #1 -P208 DC41-PPAC-00602 Receptacle in Pump Room 3/4' DC41-PPAC-00602 Receptacle in Pump Room 2 #12 #12 kt 6 P. 41-P209 DC41-PPAC-00602 Switch and Recpt. O top of PS 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00602 Switch and Recpt. O top of PS 3 #12 #12 kt/8&Switch leg for Stair light s P.Fq� FZ DATE 41-P210 DC41-PPAC-00602 Sump Pump Receptacle and Sw. 3/4' DC41-PPAC-00602 Sump Pump Receptacle and Sw. 2 #12 #12 kt #10 y 5 c1 APRIL 2013 Z PROJECT NUMBER No E15761 12-012 p Exp.09-30-14* DRAWING NUMBER OF Ryas 40-E-107 SHEETNUMBER 31 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 CIRCUIT AND RACEWAY SCHEDULE x RACEWAY CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS COMMENT = z = LU NUMBER DWG BEGINS ENDS SIZE Length SOURCE DESTINATION CITY CONDUCTOR SIZE GROUND SIZE 0 z o w w 3 #12 #12 z K z O > 41-P-300 MH-9 DISC 300 1` DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-MTRx-00301 c�LL ;U L a m 4 14 0~ �z �g Qui 41-P-300A 41-P-300 DC47-MTRx-00301 1/2' DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-MTRx-00301 3 /12 #12 41-P-3008 41-P-300 DC47-WSHH-00301 1/2' DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-WSHH-00301 2 #14 #12 41-P-301 MH-9 PB-P300/DISC-301 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00301 1 /8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 49V DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00301 1 #8 VFD CABLE 41-P-301A DISC-301 TB-301 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00301 AUX 2 1 #14 z ip mF 41-P-302 MH-9 PB-P300/DISC-302 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00302 1 #8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 490' i' m� DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00302 1 /8 VFD CABLE [r]ww Nw A 41-P-302A DISC-302 TB-302 1 1/4 Za❑ -Z DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00302 AUX 2 #14 .a.me 41-P-303 MH-9 DC41-XFMR-00603 1" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC41-XFMR-00603 2 #12 #12 EEpi14w 41-P305 DC41-PPAC-00603 T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Mulitple 4 #12 #12 kt #7&9 =LL.am Z _ w 41-P305A T-Condlet T-Condllet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Mulitple 3 #12 #12 Light Poles and Receptacles V Z zwu Z. 41-P3058 T-Condlet Clarifier Light Switch 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Clarifier Light Switch 2 #'12 #12 L�1—FjF eI 41-P305C T-Condlet T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Mulitple 2 #12 #12 dam°m"❑m �LL 41-P305D T-Condlet DC45-LCPX-00301 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00603 DC45-LCPX-00301 2 �'12 �#12 ly LuI 41-P305E T-Condlet Weirwasher Controler 1/2" DC41-PPAC-00603 Weirwasher Controler 2 #12 #12 , 41-P305F DC45-LCPX-00301 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 3/4" DC45-LCPX-00301 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 4 #14 #14 "3 41-P306 DC41-PPAC-00603 T-stat 1/2" DC41-PPAC-00603 T-stat 2 #12 #12 Ckt #12 °' w 41-P307 D041-PPAC-00603 DC44-FlTx-00303 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 DC44-FlTx-00303 2 #'12 #12 kt#5 Uri `4 ° 41-P308 DC41-PPAC-00603 Receptacle in Pump Room 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Receptacle in Pump Room 2 #12 #12 kt #6 41-P309 PB-P301 PB-P302 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 PB-P302 4 #12 #12 kt #8&10 41-P309A PB-P302 Sump Pump Recept and Sw. 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Sump Pump Recept and Sw. 2 #12 #12 kt #10 41-P3098 PB-P302 Stairwell Light 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Stairwell Light 2 #'12 #12 kt #8&Sw. Leg for Stair light rn 41-P309C PB-P302 Switch for Stairwell Light 3/4*1 DC41-PPAC-00603 41-P3098 2 #12 #12 kt/8&Sw. Leg for Stair light 41-P309D PB-P302 Recept. O top of PS 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00603 Recept. O top of PS 2 #12 #12 kt #8 41-P-400 MH-9 DISC 400 1" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-MTRx-00401 4 #14 #12 W m 41-P-400A 41-P-400 DC47-MTRx-00401 1/2" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-MTRx-00401 3 #12 #12 O W � 41-P-400B 41-P-400 DC47-WSHH-00401 1/2' DC41-MCCx-00600 DC47-WSHH-00401 2 #14 #12 0 - 41-P-401 MH-9 PB-P400/DISC-401 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00401 1 /8 VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 38V Z 41-P-401A DISC-401 TB-401 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00401 1 #8 VFD CABLE � � B DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-OG401 AUX 2 #14 — a 41-P-402 MH-9 PB-P400/DISC-402 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00402 1 j/B VFD CABLE VFD Cable Length: MCC to Pump= 380' W sw 41-P-402A DISC-402 TB-402 1 1/4 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00402 1 #8 VFD CABLE C9 DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00402 AUX 2 #14 41-P-403 MH-9 DC41-XFMR-006G4 1" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC41-XFMR-00604 2 #12 #12 41-P405 DC41-PPAC-00604 T-Condilet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 Mulitple 4 #12 #12 Ckt#'7&9 41-P405A T-Condlet T-Condllet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 Mulitple 3 #12 #12 Light Poles and Receptacles Lu a 41-P4058 T-Condlet Clarifier Light Switch 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 Clarifier Light Switch 2 #12 #12 41-P405C T-Condlet T-Condllet 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 Mulitple 2 #12 #12 41-P405D T-Condlet DC45-LCPX-00401 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00604 DC45-LCPX-00104 2 #12 #12 41-P405E T-Condlet Weirwasher Controler 1/2' DC41-PPAC-00604 Weirwasher Controler 2 #12 #12 41-P405F DC45-LCPX-00401 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 3/4" DC45-LCPX-00104 Solenoid/Trigger Switch 4 #14 #14 41-P406 DC41-PPAC-00604 PB-402 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 DC44-FlTx-00403 2 #12 #12 Ckt/5 41-P406A PB-402 DC44-FlTx-00403 3/4" DC41-PPAC-00604 DC44-FlTx-00403 2 #12 #12 Ckt#'5 DC31-PLCx-00040 DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00203 1 TWSP #14 41-S-001 MH-4 1" Z DC41-MCCx-00600 DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 10 /14 g14 DC31-PLCx-00040 DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00103 1 TWSP /fl4 0.n I Q 41-S-002 MH-4 1" F W W Z OC41-MCCx-00600 DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 10 #14 #14 Lu 41-S-003 MH-4 MH-3 4• DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 2 TWSP Y 2 W W LL DC41-MCCx-00600 20 #14 #14 w a 5 a- � DC31-PLCx-00040 2 TWSP o: W V O L) 41-S-003 MH-3 MH-2 4" MULTIPLE c> } DC41-MCCx-00600 20 #14 #14 ui DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00203 1 TWSP LU o~ 41-S-003 MH-2 LB Condulet 2" O z d DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 10 #14 #14 Q O m w C 41-5-003A T-Condulet TB-201 3/4" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00201 4 #14 #14 3 w s p DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00202 4 #14 gl4 N y K K 41-S-003B T-Condulet T-Condulet 1" DC44-LSHH-00211 2 #14 a DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00203 1 TWSP 3 41-S-003C T-Condulet TB-202 3/4" DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00202 4 #14 #14 41-S-003D TB-202 DC44-LSHH-00211 3/4" DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-LSHH-00211 2 #14 #14 41-S-003E T-Condulet DC44-FlTx-00203 3/4" DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00203 1 TWSP #14 41-S-004 MH-2 MH-1 1` DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 1 TWSP DC41-MCCx-00600 10 #14 #14 41-S-004 MH-1 LB Condulet 1` DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 1 TWSP DC41-MCCx-00600 10 #14 #14 N DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 4 #14 #14 LU 41-S-004B T-Condulet T-Condulet 1" DC44-LSHH-00111 2 #14 #14 J DC31-PLCx-00040 OC44-FlTx-00103 1 TWSP Q 41-S-004A T-Condulet TB-101 3/4' DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00101 4 #14 #14 ¢ 0 41-S-004C T-Condulet TB-102 3/4' DC41-MCCx-00600 DC44-PUMP-00102 4 #14 #14 U = 41-S-004D TB-102 DC44-LSHH-00111 3/4" DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-LSHH-00111 2 #14 #14 of CU 41-S-004E T-Condulet DC44-FlTx-00103 3/4" DC31-PLCx-00040 OC44-FlTx-00103 1 TWSP #14 w DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 16 #14 #14 w ~ 41-S-010 Transition Enclosure MH-8 4" 4 #14 DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 2 TWSP DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 16 /14 g14 z 41-S-010 MH-8 MH-5 4" DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 2 T#14 O D DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 16 #14 #14 41-S-010 MH-5 MH-9 4" DC31-PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 4 #14 2 TWSP DC41-MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 8 #14 #14 QP PF 41-S-300 MH-9 PB-S300 1' DC31-PLCx-00040 DC44-FlTx-00303 1 TWSP #14 'Q/y1 DATE DC44-LSHH-00311 2 #14 APRIL 2013 Z PROJECT NUMBER No E15761 12-012 p Exp.09-30-14* DRAWING NUMBER OF R% 40-E-108 SHEETNUMBER 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIRCUIT AND RACEWAY SCHEDULE RACEWAY CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS COMMENT = z = Y NUMBER DWG BEGINS ENDS SIZE Length SOURCE DESTINATION QTY CONDUCTOR SIZE GROUND SIZE L) z o w w DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—FlTx-00303 1 TWSP #14 z K z O y 0= �O= 41—S-300A PB—S300 T—Condulet 3/4' DC44—PUMP-00302 leak 2 #14 y" ;U w LL a m DC41—MCCx-00600 DC44—PUMP-00302 AUX 2 #14 0~ Z a U 41—S-3008 T—Condulet DC44—FlTx-00303 3/4' DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—FlTx-00303 1 TWSP #14 41—S-300C T—Condulet TB-302 3/4` DC41—MCCx-00600 DC44—PUMP-00302 leak 2 #14 DC44—PUMP-00302 AUX 2 #14 via Conduit 41—P-302A 41—S-300D PB—S300 DC44—LSHH-00311 3/4" DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—LSHH-00311 1 Float Cable z z� mF DC44—PUMP-00301 leak 2 #14 z' mu 41—S-300E PB—S300 TB-301 3/4' DC41—MCCx-00600 m mA DC44—PUMP-00301 AUX 2 #14 a Conduit 41—P-301A E9 ad a6 DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 8 #14 ZPa❑me 41—S-400 MH-9 PB—S400 1` DC44—FlTx-00403 1 TWSP /114 p%�4 w DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—LSHH-00411 2 4 z a a DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—FlTx-00403 1 TWSP #14V Z iw° w 41—S-400A PB—S400 PB—S401 3/4' DC44—PUMP-00401 leak 2 #14 mx DC41—MCCx-00600 C7 ❑w w DC44—PUMP-00401 AUX 2 #14 Z mzo,❑ 41—S-4008 PB—S401 DC44—FlTx-00403 3/4' DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—FlTx-00403 1 TWSP #14 ly W--0 m4 41—S-400C PB—S401 TB-401 3/4*1 DC41—MCCx-00600 DC44—PUMP-00401 AUX 2 #14 via Conduit 41—P-401A , 41—S-400D PB—S400 DC44—LSHH-00411 3/4' DC31—PLCx-00040 DC44—LSHH-00411 1 Float Cable m3 m 41-5-400E PB—S400 TB-402 3/4` DC41—MCCx-00800 DC44—PUMP-00402 leak 2 1 #14 #14 x a DC44—PUMP-00402 AUX 2 /14 via Conduit 41—P-402A a a Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 Tranisition Enclosure Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 16 #14 #14 Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 Transition Enclosure Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 4 #8 VFD CABLE Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 41—P-100 Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 /8 VFD CABLE Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 41—P-200 Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 2 #8 VFD CABLE � � Cable Tray DC31—PLCx-00040 Transition Enclosure Tray DC31—PLCx-00040 MULTIPLE 4 TWSP N Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 41—P-103 Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 MULTIPLE 184 #12W m Cable Tray DC41—MCCx-00600 Transition Enclosure Tray DC41—MCCx—OD600 MULTIPLE 10 #12 1 #12 1 O LU � 8 #14 Z I B Wi Q Z a W > F Z 5�c~i a w u, z W LLO 1 Lu R a WU0 a U Im}- U Ld WG~ J G 3Ua Lu G wJ S O F a)K K Vl 3 m LU J D 0 W U = U U C0 J W Z 0 U D ROFESS/0 5 P.FRNg n DATE N h �S�Gf APRIL 2013 Z PROJECT NUMBER No E15761 12-012 p Exp.09-30-14* DRAWING NUMBER OF R% 40-E-109 SHEET NUMBER 33 LU W U ¢ U o0 W z own ww P&ID ABBREVIATIONS P&ID SYMBOLS �LL 3° �LL �m INSTRUMENTATION SYBMOLS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FIRST MEASURED OR LETTER MODIFIER READOUT PASSIVE SUCCEEDINGOUTPUTEFTUNCT10N MODIFIER ISA SYMBOLS VALVES PUMPS MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL ITEMS INITIATING VARIABLE FUNCTION Urco M. z— ° A ANALYSIS ALARM GATE VALVE XXX FIELD MOUNTED CENTRIFUGAL PUMP OR BLOWER PIPE REDUCER t m B BURNER, USER'S CHOICE USER'S CHOICE USER'S CHOICE O XXX INSTRUMENT COMBUSTION CHECK VALVE C7 Ey— w" '"L� A` C CONDUCTIVITY CONTROLLER �° "-? D DENSITY DIFFERENTIAL �� RUPTURE DISC ZJ�ON mrc XXX INSTRUMENT MOUNTED ON DOOR OF PLUG VALVE 0=�im KW E VOLTAGE SENSOR, PRIMARY ELEMENT XXX LOCAL PANEL, OPERATOR ACCESSIBLE °Z m F FLOW RATIO BALL VALVE SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMP =W maw - PRESSURE OR VACUUM LL E G GENERAL GLASS VIEWING DEVICE U RELIEF VALVE Z zN° w H HAND HIGH, OPENED ® INSTRUMENT MOUNTED ON DOOR OF C� BALL CHECK VALVE En--mE m x I CURRENT INDICATING, INDICATOR XXX FIELD PANEL, OPERATOR ACCESSIBLE L9''D N u J POWER SCAN BUTTERFLY VALVE DIAPHRAGM SEAL K TIME, TIME TIME RATE OF CONTROL STATION �W zo°N SCHEDULED CHANGE XXX INSTRUMENT MOUNTED WITHIN N'0 N 3 XXX PANEL, OPERATOR INACCESSIBLE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP N ANNUALAR SEAL ,•,"3 L LEVEL LIGHT LOW, CLOSED ANGLE VALVE OR WELL PUMP m m M MOISTURE MOMENTARY MIDDLE XXX N STATUS STATUS USER'S CHOICE USER'S CHOICE INSTRUMENT MOUNTED WITHIN FIELD NEEDLE VALVE a o 0 OPERTOR ORIFICE, RESTRICTION XXX PANEL. OPERATOR INACESSIBLE _ _ Y DRAIN TO WASTE P PRESSURE, POINT(TEST) CONNECTION RELIEF VALVE SUBMERSIBLE WELL PUMP VACUUM OPERATION PERFORMED WITH LOGIC Q QUANTITY INTEGRATE. /A cn OR HARDWIRED DEVICES r'� V TOTALIZE �� DIAPHRAGM VALVE MIXER MCE-XX ASSOCIATED MOTOR CONTROL ELEMENTARY 0 3-WAY VALVE D_ R RESET RECORD UNIT IF APPLICABLE S SPEED, SAFETY SWITCH FREQUENCY XXX �ANSAULOG DISPLAY ASTERF PLC FLOW CONTROL VALVE O T TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEST XXX SCALE TO UNITS AS SHOWN I O GEAR PUMP F❑OR FILTER Lu U MULTIVARIABLE MULTIFUNCTION MULTIFUNCTION MULTIFUNCTION PINCH VALVE V VIBRATION VAVE, DAMPER, R O w LOUVER XXX VISUAL DISPLAY OF PLC 6-D POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP I VENT W/CAP OR SCREEN - W WEIGHT WELL XXX ANALOG ALARM REGISTER SOLENOID VALVE (2-WAY) OR BLOWER Z X SWITCH X AXIS UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED A- (S+M FOR MOTORIZED VALVE) /'\/ B Y EVENT, STATE OF Y AXIS RELAY, COMPUTER, FLEXIBLE HOSE OR TUBING Y� — PRESENCE CONVERTER XXX VISUAL DISPLAY OF PLC S SOLENOID VALVE (3-WAY) UJ DIAPHRAGM PUMP Z POSITION, Z AXIS DRIVER, ACTUATOR, DIGITAL REGISTER C7 DIMENSION UNCLASSIFIED FINAL XXX (SyM FOR MOTORIZED VALVE) �T SPRAY NOZZLE SYSTEM CONTROL ELEMENT S PERISTALTIC PUMP Z SOLENOID VALVE (4-WAY) EXPANSION JOINT XXX VISUAL DISPLAY OF PLC (S+M FOR MOTORIZED VALVE) y XXX DIGITAL ALARM REGISTER "��" MOTOR LLI P&ID ABBREVIATIONS XX PNEUMATIC DIAPHRAGM ® STATIC MIXER XX TAG DESCRIPTION CONTROL VALVE SENSORS SWITCH IDENTIFIER LA??HH PLC I/O TAG F R FORWARD REVERSE OPN OPEN4. PRESSURE SUSTAINING VALVE ��� ORIFICE PLATE EJECTOR /EDUCTOR HOA HAND-OFF-AUTO CLS CLOSE PLC DIGITAL INPUT HOR HAND-OFF-REMOTE SEL SELECTOR PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE MAGNETIC FLOWMETER LOS LOCK OUT STOP S S STARE STOP PLC DIGITAL OUTPUT ---F- HOSE COUPLING R LOCAL REMOTE % PERCENT ADJUSTMENT ® DENSITY METER F ANALOG INPUT _V MULTIFUNCTION VALVE z MCA MANUAL-OFF-AUTO OCA OPEN-CLOSE-AUTO T ANALOG OUTPUT SLUICE GATE (SG) ULTRASONIC FLOWMETER PULSATION DAMPENER 4� O/C OPEN CLOSE ® OR SLIDE GATE (SLG) ® H wIu z TURBINE OR PROPELLER METER z LL I O 0 ON OFF AUDIBLE ALARM CCCaaa w O (BUZZER OR HORN) I� AIR RELIEF VALVE (ARV) ® Lu ¢a LL `{ VENTURI TUBE / Lu W v z ¢ \ LAMP INDICATION © THERMAL DISPERSION / U w�O v O COLOR DENOTED BY "X" ` � FLOAT VALVE FLOWMETER OR SWITCH v ~ ~ uw BED,BLU,jQRN, WHT,AMBER ® PADDLE WHEEL I OMNI ANTENNA w o / \ u NON-DIRECTIONAL LU z d f� STRAINER FLOWMETER ¢O m W C a XXXX CONTINUATION TAG FROM ONE AREA TO I� BACKFLOW PREVENTER O ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER -+H++ YAGI ANTENNA W N w X ANOTHER AREA OF DIFFERENT DRAWINGS XXX XXXX a (FLOW IF OVER FLUME OR WEIR) DIRECTIONAL� u1 a"TAG IDENTIFIER TO POINT ON DRAWING CLLV� 3 NUMBER XXXX. T CALIBRATION VALVE I-X CONTINUED I-X ON DWG I-X XXX CONDUCTANCE TYPE CALIBRATION COLUMN LEVEL ELEMENTS LINE TYPES Z ROTAMETER 0 PRIMARY PROCESS LINE LIT Q RADAR TYPE SECONDARY PROCESS LINE III UNION XXX LEVEL TRANSMITTER z W ELECTRICAL SIGNAL LINE D� (DIGITAL OR ANALOG) ¢ m ACTUATORS GUIDED OPTION z m SOFTWARE OR DATA LINK LU Q �M MOTORIZED j Q BOUNDARY OF EQUIPMENT LIT PACKAGE SYSTEM ❑S SOLENOID XXX CAPACITANCE TYPE w ZQ COMMUNICATION CONNECTION LEVEL TRANSMITTER So-® PNEUMATIC OPERATOR z U) S- SOLENOID - OPEN CLOSE o-® A- POSITIONER - MO ULATING J O m D 2 } I) QpOFESS/OH 5 P.RQ�s DATE y ti °y APRIL 2013 Z = PROJECT NUMBER a No. E15761 1�+mi 12-012 *EV. 09-30-14# DRAWING NUMBER -"CTR1 `P 41-GI-101 OF Cpl! SHEET NUMBER 27 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATERWORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATERWORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. TAG DESCRIPTION TAG DESCRIPTION AERS301 RUN YAFR301 FAIL TO START w= HSLX301 LOCAL REMOTE YAFS301 FAIL TO STOP v Q U U SIXX301 SPEED XSBX301 VFD BYPASS RUN �_ LU MFXX301 PUMP FAIL HCSX301 SCADA SPEED LL 3 U K O= YLL m IIXX301 MOTOR CURRENT HCMX301 SCADA AUTO o H z a JIXX301 MOTOR POWER HCTX301 SCADA STT STP AERB ^ AITX AITX SAMP SCADA 301 �� 301 ao1 103 SCAN vim° " & 01 ; & 01 ZZ_r "W °0 — a° -= A Zup°mrc Lu r 5'�4 WW OIL AER.•300 AER.•400 COMBINED =W Wao MOTOR AERATOR VFD LINE PRESS EMERGENCY DISSOLVED DISSOLVED SAMPLER []Z i.0 w FAIL OVERTEMP RUNNING MODE MODE FAULT STOP OXYGEN OXYGEN PULSE _ W PLC MFXX301 TSHX301 MNBX301 XSVX301 XSoS301^ �401;(HSNX301 AITo301 AITX401 PLCO1005 PLC ��=JOaN ESW 2 I i i O ❑0000❑ i m3 w I I I I l I I 1 I 1 a a I I I IBOA I 1 1 o �� I I RUN ---� SIB I I I I I (I?) 301 � U) M I I L-J-------------^ �___� ----------------------- ----------------------------- f f l f f l i i f lLLI L01 i pVFQ II Ii BWY/P 1i L01 PVFD L01 pVFQ L01 iI W/ L01 I VFD W/ L01 O Lu BYP BYPBYP I BYP i i i B i - A MCC � , , , , , , , , I I , , , , , MCC B I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I _ FIELD i I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I FIELD 0 m � Z I I I I I I I I r r/ I I I I I LLI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I DC33- DC33- I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I AITX AITX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I aKU ¢ W W I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I Z,LL� K o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �W W V Q ¢J SN I I I I I I I I I I I I I U F K ui 301 I I j I F F COMBINED ¢O m w C I I I I I I I I I SAMPLER 3 U¢ In 1 I I 1 C32-SAMP-00103 N K I Ito TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER Q to to DAITX FLOW CONTROL BOXtt�••�� i i �••�� i i �••�i i i i I AERATION BASIN 300 I AERATION BASIN 300 I AERATION BASIN 300 AERATOR 1 ) i AERATOR 2 ) i i AERATOR 3 ) DC39-AER-00301 i j DC39-AER-00302 i j i DC39-AER-00303 FROM DENITRIFICATION MIXER BASIN to DC33- to TEXX 4I01 Z® p 402 _ TO DENITRIFICATION F Q p MIXER BASIN ¢ CQ p AERATION BASIN 400 AERATION BASIN 400 AERATION BASIN 400 z Z T AERATOR 1 AERATOR 2 AERATOR 3 MIXED LIQUOR w O 06 DC39-AER-00401 DC39-AER-00402 DC39-AER-00403 PUMP 2 - 06 DC34-PUMP-201 X < O DRAWING REFERENCED NOTES: z w M OCSCADA MNITORING ONTROLTVIARMBCTCPDCOMMUNICATIION. AND AERATION BASIN 300 & 400 Q 2O SIMILAR I/O POINTS, SELECTOR SWITCHES, AND PILOT LIGHTS DC39-???-00300 D FOR AERATORS 302, 303 AND 402, 403. REPLACE 301 OR 401 WITH 302, 303 AND 402, 403 AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE TAG NUMBERS AERATORS 302, 303 AND 402, 403. 3O ETHERNET SWITCH (ESW) SEE 41-I-106 ®MIXED LIQUOR PUMP CONTROLLED BY ANOTHER PLC(NIC) tyOF S/p 5O BYPASS OFF AUTO - BYPASS SWITCH WILL CALL MOTOR TO ��Q� 7S�Fy DATE APRIL 2013 RUN FULL SPEED FROM BYPASS STARTER. AUTO MODE WALL NOTES: ti Z c, PROJECT NUMBER ALLOW PLC TO CALL VFD TO OPERATE VIA DIGITAL w No.E15761 m 12-012 COMMUNICATIONS. 1. PREFIX TAGS WITH DC39- FOR TO COMPLETE TAG *Exp.09-30-14*� DRAWING NUMBER REFERENCE(EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE SHOWN) 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY TO IDENTIFY �q7�� % 39-1-101 AND TAG ALL VALVES 1/4- AND LARGER. OF SHEET NUMBER 31 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. LU 2 Z = Y C) Q U o0 (n Z o w w (Z7LL ZO YLL 0co o~ 4aZ �� Qfn (E) cLAR rrxx cLAR rrxx (E[l) SCADA 101 101 201 201 SCADA C3-0 - & 01 ; ; & 01 Ziw �o —_r UU'' A Z'a -Z w D�rZd 4w IyJ�>m z HI HI TORO. HI HI TORO. []Ziww w ALARM E STOP RUN AMPS ALARM E STOP RUN AMPS _fn PLC — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — WSHH101 HSNX1o1 CLAR101 ITXX�101 WSHH2O1 HSNX2o1 CLAR201 ITXX�201 PLC �zz,.,o 0U LL m ON/OFF i i i i ON/OFF SD RUN i i i i SD RUN 101 � i i i i 201 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U) L_____� I I I I NOTE ------------- - ----------------+ ; ------------- - ----------------+ " 1. PREFIX TAGS WITH DC47- FOR TO COMPLETE TAG I J I J REFERENCE. w OI I ' a j FVNR .' I j FVNR ' w ITXX ------�: I I ITXX MCC I 101 - I 201 ------ MCC z— e —'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—'—' y._.I_I_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.y._.I_I_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. DRAWING REFERENCED NOTES: 0DC45-LCPx-00201 FIELD FIELD 10 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTROL SOLENOID FLUSH ' I I LOCAL LOCAL SOVX-OOX11) BY HOLDING SOLENOID OPEN FOR UP TO 10 MIN LOCAL LOCAL a'((SETTABLE EACH TIME THE TRIGGER SWITCH (XSXX) IS CONTROL j CONTROL CONTROL TOGGLED BY RAKE. E (120V) PANEL 0, E (120V) PANEL O E (120V) PANEL 1 ' Q2 i E (120V) Cp, E�LO 2O DISCONNECT SWITCH AUXILLARY CONTACT(HSNX) SHALL BE 1 SN SN Rt LU INTERLOCKED WITH MOTOR STARTER. 101 1 3O LOCAL CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTROL SOLENOID FLUSH (SOVX-OOX18) BY HOLDING SOLENOID OPEN FOR UP TO 4 HOURS ( ETTABLE) EACH START TIME, UP TO 4 PER DAY (SETTAB E). SPRINKLER TIMER FUNCTION. 30" MIL � /, I D04 PI TO SECONDARY 45-I-102 SPUTTER BOX 2 i 1 i i 12 DC45 CV SOV� i i DC4 x w 1 I i i PI UW 1-1 2" UW i i 22 Z SYSTEM DC45 J UW SYSTEM 1-1 2" UW TORQUE SH + i i i i CV SO F w' a ORQUESWITCH 21 Z LL 101 i CLARIFIER 100 i w I I UW 1-1 2" UW .1 2 DC45..� �isil � M DC47 MOTOR R00101 UW SYSTEM 1-1 2" UW i I TORQUE SH + SYSTEM w v o u FROM AERATION iSO I i V14 SWITCH 201 , v F K w BASIN 300 & 400 0011 I i CLARIFIEROTOR 100 W c �_ 39-I-101 D045 SX M DC47-MIRx-00101 J � SOVX 211 3 w= o C TO SCUM _ 6" SC 0021 w w w 0 PIT — 36" SE _ w W TO SCUM W� �� 3 PIT - 36" SE_ _ SECONDARY CLARIFIER FLOW CONTROL BOX 36" ML U) DC46-SGAT-00112 W LL O J O 1n N �/ 30" ML LU } 06 06 Q O d U) 0 Z Z L U D 30" ML 14" RAS 44-I-103 TO RAS SECONDARY PUMP STATION SPLITTER BOX 1 QRS P 30" ML TO RAS e„�� R�Sn Fy DATE 14" RAS 44-I-1o3 ti�s y APRIL 2013 PUMP STATION N Z PROJECT NUMBER 2-012 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 100 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 200 No.E-30- 1NGNU {'Exp.09-30-14{' DRAWING NUMBER cas-cLAR-ooloo cas-cLAR-oo2o0 �'A�OF 45-I-101 SHEET NUMBER 28 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. LU 2 Z = Y U Q U o0 (n Z o w w (Z7LL ZO YLL 00] o~ 4aZ �� Qfn (E) cLAR rrxx cLAR rrxx (E[l) SCADA 301 301 401 401 SCADA C]-o a & 01 ; e ; e & 01 ziwo0 —_r UU'' A Z'a -Z w D�rZd 4w IyJ�>m z HI HI TORQ. HI HI TORO. []Ziww w ALARM E STOP RUN AMPS ALARM E STOP RUN AMPS _ PLC — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — .—..—. — — WSHH301 HSNX301 CLAR301 ITXX�301 WSHH401 HSNX401 CLAR401 ITXX�401 PLC �zNmN0° LL m ON/OFF i i i i ON/OFF SD RUN i i i i SD RUN 301 � i i i i 401 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U) L_____� I I I I NOTE ------------- - ----------------+ ; ------------- - ----------------+ " 1. PREFIX TAGS WITH DC47- FOR TO COMPLETE TAG I J I J REFERENCE. w OI I : a j FVNR I j FVNR ' w ' ----- ITXX ITXX MCC I 301 - : 1 I 401 ------ MCC z e y._.I_I_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.y._.I_I_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. — DRAWING REFERENCED NOTES: 0DC45-LCPx-00401 FIELD FIELD 10 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTROL SOLENOID FLUSH ' I I LOCAL LOCAL SOVX-OOX11) BY HOLDING SOLENOID OPEN FOR UP TO 10 MIN LOCAL LOCAL a'((SETTABLE EACH TIME THE TRIGGER SWITCH (XSXX) IS CONTROL j CONTROL CONTROL ' I z TOGGLED BY RAKE. E (120V) PANEL 0, E (120V) PANEL O E (120V) PANEL 1 ' Q2 i E (120V) Cp, E�LO 2O 11 DISCONNECT SWITCH AUXILLARY CONTACT(HSNX) SHALL BE 1 SN SNi Rt LU INTERLOCKED WITH MOTOR STARTER. 301 I I I 401 I 3O LOCAL CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTROL SOLENOID FLUSH i I (SOVX-OOX18) BY HOLDING SOLENOID OPEN FOR UP TO 4 T I i T I HOURS ( ETTABLE) EACH START TIME, UP TO 4 PER DAY (SETTAB E). SPRINKLER TIMER FUNCTION. .\ i i PI I +I 32 DCKS I i 1 i CV SOVX i i i DC4 31 I i PI F UW 1-1 2" UW 42 Z SYSTEM DC45 J UW SYSTEM) 1-1 2" UW TORQUE SH + i i i i CV SO F w' a SWITCH 41 z LL 301 i CLARIFIER 300 i ' i w I I UW 1-1 2" UW .1 OC45 �lsll 1 MRUW SYSTEM 1-1 2xx� " UW TORQUE'ic' STEM Lu s}o uSOVX /XX , SWITCH v F w 0031 I CLARIFIER 100 > Lu a F MOTOR w c 77-7 F-74I OC45 SXC47-M1Rx-00101 ~Z- W� �� SOVX 411 9 w= o C TO SCUM _ 6" SC 0041 w U)w PIT — 36" SE _ w x W� �� 3 TO SCUM PIT 10- 36" SE U) W LL DC46-SGAT-00312 O � J C7 1n Z U Q }LU 06 06 � CD 30" ML Q CD SECONDARY CLARIFIER z Z FLOW CONTROL BOX 45-I-101 30" MIL0 UD 30" ML ___O__L 30" ML 14" RAS 44-I-104 TO RAS PUMP STATION ES Q�5 P SECONDARY 30" ML 14" RAS TO RAS �„� Sn<y DATE SPLITTER BOX 2 DC46-SGAT-00412 44-I-104 PUMP STATION y'�� y c_ APRIL 2013 Z PROJECT NUMBER 2-012 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 300 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 400 No.E- _ 1NGNU {'Exp.09-30-14{' DRAWING NUMBER cas-cLAR-oo3oo cas-cLAR-ooaoo �'��o ` � 45-I-102 SHEET NUMBER 29 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. TAG DESCRIPTION TAG DESCRIPTION TAG DESCRIPTION TAG DESCRIPTION PUMP101 RUN PUMP102 RUN PUMP201 RUN PUMP202 RUN = w HSLX101 LOCAL/REMOTE HSLX102 LOCAL REMOTE HSLX201 LOCAL/REMOTE HSLX202 LOCAL/REMOTE v z¢ V U SIXX101 SPEED SIXX102 SPEED SIXX201 SPEED SIXX202 SPEED S2 z w� �w MFXX101 PUMP FAIL MFXX102 PUMP FAIL MFXX201 PUMP FAIL MFXX202 PUMP FAIL LL Ov LL m IIXX101 MOTOR CURRENT IIXX102 MOTOR CURRENT IIXX201 MOTOR CURRENT IIXX202 MOTOR CURRENT o z g a vi JIXX101 MOTOR POWER JIXX102 MOTOR POWER JIXX201 MOTOR POWER JIXX202 MOTOR POWER YAFR101 FAIL TO START YAFR102 FAIL TO START YAFR201 FAIL TO START YAFR202 FAIL TO START (E) YAFS101 FAIL TO STOP YAFS102 FAIL TO STOP 103 YAFS201 FAIL TO STOP YAFS202 FAIL TO STOP 203 (E) Ej�o a SCADA HCSX101 SCADA SPEED HCSX102 SCADA SPEED HCSX201 SCADA SPEED HCSX202 SCADA SPEED SCADA - & OI HCMX101 SCADA AUTO HCMX102 SCADA AUTO HCMX201 SCADA AUTO HCMX202 SCADA AUTO BC OI Z zw ^E _HCTX101 SCADA STT STP HCTX102 SCADA STT STP HCTX201 SCADA STT STP HCTX202 SCADA STT STP �N ..—...—...—...—...—...—...—...—...—...—. ..—...—. —...—...—...—...—...—...—. ...—...—...—..._...—..A_... A u r. —..._...—..._...—..._...—..._...—..._...—...—... ...—...—...—...—...—...—...—...—... ..—...—...—...—...—...�...—..._...—...—...—...—...—...—...—...� a A nO nO ^O ^O Z,p z w Q-'Fim 4w W�5m z RAS STATION RAS STATION =W.., z FLOW FLOOD FLOW FLOOD V Z iw w PLC C OO LSH 1, PLC �E9'm� FlTX103 LSHX11 FTTX203 X21 a u ^w ZzoJ � �3 ESW O2 A 00 m .. 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PROJECT NUMBER No.E15761 12-012 1. PREFIX TAGS WITH DC44- FOR TO COMPLETE TAG O ETHERNET SWITCH ESW SEE 41-I-106 REFERENCE. � � *�•�-�-14* DRAWING NUMBER 2 CONANDTTAGTOR SHALL ALL VALVES01/4INATE WITH AND LARGER. TO IDENTIFY O PREFIX CLARIFIER FLOOD SNATCH TAGS WITH DC46- �q7�� � 5 44-I-104 FOR TO COMPLETE TAG REFERENCE. SHEET NUMBER 31 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT,AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE,IS THE PROPERTY OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. 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AND IS NOT TO BE USED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF WATER WORKS ENGINEERS,LLC. t H ra orA o Engineering Services for Secondary Faso Clarifier Rehabilitation APPENDIX 3 - RESUMES U, WATERWORKS Appendix 3 — Resumes E N G I N E E R 5 FISHER,MIKE P.E. Senior Engineer Project Manager y y Education Experience Registration Memberships 4 B.S.—Civil/Environmental Eng. 22 years Registered Civil Engineer AWWA CA State Polytechnic University, California - C67194 CWEA San Luis Obispo Credentials: California Water Environment Association SSO-WDR subject matter expert • CWEA Board of Directors, Director at Large (North) • Author - CVCWA/BACWA SSO Response BMP Manual • Guest Lecturer—CSU SAC& Cal-Poly SLO on Trenchless Technologies • Certified NASSCO Pipeline and Manhole Assessment Trainer • Certified NASTT Pipe Bursting and CIPP Design Best Practices Mr. Fisher has over 22 years of experience in managing all phases of planning, design, and construction management for new and existing wet utility infrastructure. He has extensive experience in hydraulic analysis and condition/capacity assessments in preparation of rehabilitation and replacement recommendations for wet utility infrastructure. He is experienced in trenchless construction methods and is certified in pipe-bursting and cured- in-place pipe (CIPP) best design and construction practices by the North American Society for Trenchless Technologies (NASTT). Mr. Fisher specializes in management of complex projects requiring coordination of multi- discipline design teams. His "hands-on" approach to design, attention to details, and exceptional communication skills are what make his projects successful. Mike led the development of Water Works"risk"based infrastructure failure analysis protocol and has utilized that protocol in the preparation of prioritized, time-phased, capital improvement plans for numerous existing water and sewer systems. Representative Project Experience Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Digester 1&2 Structural Assessment Project- Roseville, CA—Mr. Fisher is the Project Manager overseeing condition assessment of Digester 1 and 2 at the City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP. During routine maintenance and cleaning, Mr. Fisher and the Water Works inspection team provided a thorough structural assessment of the concrete structures, in particular the flat top and domed roofs and interior mechanical piping, to assess its condition and identify more significant rehabilitation and/or replacement needs. Mike worked with the Contractor responsible for the routine cleaning project to remove all fluid and materials in the digesters;wash and clean all internal components; and pump the tank dry.They then set-up a scaffolding and lighting system for use by Water Works for the structural assessment. Water Works team efficiently completed a visual assessment and took concrete core samples for material testing to characterize the condition of the digester and summarized the findings and recommended improvements in a structural assessment report. City of Roseville Dry Creek Secondary Clarifier Replacement Project- Roseville, CA— Mr. Fisher was the Project Manager overseeing the complete rehabilitation and replacement of four circular secondary clarifiers. Project included demolition of all existing internal mechanical equipment; re-tasking of existing concrete structures and supports; drive mechanism and replacement of all clarifier mechanical equipment with all stainless steel; RAS pumps and controls. City of Roseville Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant pH Control Feasibility Study—Roseville,CA—As Senior Engineer, Mr. Fisher performed preliminary engineering analysis and design report identifying chemical injection and operational strategies to positively control pH downstream of cooling towers, which are required for control temperature of effluent at sensitive waterway discharge. 0WATERWORKS 1 E N G I N E E R S MIKE FISHER, P.E. City of Roseville Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant Aerated Grit Chamber Rehabilitation— Roseville, CA—Mr. Fisher was Project Manager on the design of rehabilitation for concrete deteriorated by Microbiologically Induced Corrosion on the influent channel walls, aerated grit chamber and grit chamber effluent channel. Project includes 12 MGD by-pass pumping system; removal of existing liner and surface preparation; concrete rehabilitation with hydraulic fast-setting cement motor; and construction oversight and testing of Aero-Lock Liner installation. Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation and Replacement Ross Valley Sanitation District Pump Stations 12 &13 Rehabilitation Project— Greenbrae, CA— Mr. Fisher was the Senior Engineer for the alternatives assessment, preferred rehabilitation method selection, and preliminary engineering analysis for 5-pump / 10 MGD Bon Air (PS12) and Duplex/0.5 MGD Greenbrae (PS13) Wastewater Pump Stations. Alternatives analysis included review, combining and update to the District's SewerCAD and InfoSWIMM hydraulic models to determine the required PWWF capacity for each. This analysis resulted in identification and confirmation that a gravity pipeline connecting PS12 to PS13 would allow for decommissioning of PS12. The gravity pipeline required construction through a congested economically vital commercial area, so a trenchless microtunnel alternative was evaluated. Subsequent to selection of the preferred alternative, Mr. Fisher served as the QA/QC Manager for the 2,100-LF pipeline and complete rehabilitation of PS12, including reconfiguration of wet-pit to self-cleaning wet-well and replacement of the five water cooled shaft driven pumps with three VFD dry-pit submersible pumps. STEGE Sanitary District, Burlingame Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation — El Cerrito, CA — Mr. Fisher was the Project Manager overseeing the detailed design, and bid/construction phase services for a duplex 5-HP 300 GPM submersible pump station rehabilitation. The Project re-tasked the existing wet-pit and dry-pit to serve as a pseudo self-cleaning pump station along with upgraded valving and emergency by-pass pumping quick connect improvements. Electrical controls included pump power inverter and control logic that "learns" from actual system operational flows and adjusts pump speed to increase pump operational efficiency resulting in over 20% energy savings compared to standard on/off control. Water Treatment/Pumping/Storage/Distribution San Jose Water Company Cambrian Pump Station Replacement—San Jose CA—Mr. Fisher provided QA/QC on the design and permitting of a new CMU block pump station with two 100 hp pumps and two 200 hp pumps, two 1000-gallon bladder tanks, new MCC, and associated valves and piping. Demolition of the existing pump station and other facilities on site were completed to create room for the new facilities. Hazardous materials on site were sampled for and mitigated.A historical report was created to ensure the new facilities did not impact the remaining historical facilities on site. San Jose Water Company Belgatos Reservoirs Replacement—San Jose CA—Mr. Fisher was the Project Manager for the preliminary design, final design, permitting, and construction management for replacement of San Jose Water Company's (SJWC) Belgatos Reservoir. Construction of a 7 million-gallon (MG) AWWA D110-Type I Prestressed Concrete Tank to replace two earth embankment reservoirs. Services included complete structural design of the tank; geotechnical investigation and improvements to address subsurface/foundation settlement concerns and landslide potential; site survey coordination and property rights for construction; permitting of the project with the Town of Los Gatos; CEQA compliance and DDW permit update assistance; and site civil, mechanical, and electrical upgrades to improve site access and operation and maintenance. San Jose Water Company Overlook Reservoir& Pump Station Design—San Jose, CA—As Project Manager, Mr. Fisher is responsible for preliminary design alternatives analysis; life-cycle cost comparison of alternate tank materials, planning, design, plans and specifications, bidding assistance, and construction phase services for replacement of existing concrete reservoir with a new pre-stressed concrete tank and booster pump station, including: 0WATERWORKS 2 E N G I N E E R 5 MIKE FISHER, P.E. ✓ Approximately 2 MG partially buried AWWA D110 Type I pre-stressed concrete tank. ✓ Booster Pump Station—dual 400 GPM @ 300'TDH, submersible pumps and controls. ✓ Site design to minimize material off-haul and eliminate landslide potential ✓ Pre-purchased pumps and controls to support phased construction of pump station ahead of tank. ✓ Demolition specifications for removal of existing residential home on proposed tank site. ✓ Redesign of roadway and drainage to meet stringent post construction stormwater requirements. San Jose Water Company Vickery Avenue Reservoir Replacement Project - San Jose CA— Mr. Fisher served as Project Manager that provided tank materials, planning, design, plans and specifications, bidding assistance, and construction phase services for replacement of existing earthen dam reservoir with two new pre-stressed concrete tanks, including: ✓ 2 MG partially buried AWWA D110 Type I prestressed concrete tank. ✓ 5.8 MG partially buried AWWA D110 Type I prestressed concrete tank. ✓ Booster Pump Station—2,400 GPM, Vertical Turbine Pumps, Back-up power, chemical feed. ✓ Site design to minimize material off-haul and eliminate landslide potential ✓ Phased construction while maintaining 2MG operational volume of existing reservoir. 0WATERWORKS 3 E N G I N E E R 5 Senior Engineer/ Project Manager Education Experience Registration Memberships M.S.—Environmental Eng. 13 years Registered Civil Engineer AWWA Lehigh University(2006) California- C76172 CWEA B.S.—Environmental Eng., Lehigh University(2005) REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Wastewater and Industrial Treatment Ironhouse Sanitary District WRF Reliability Study and Capital Plan — Oakley, CA - Ironhouse Sanitary District desired to develop a long-term capital improvement and equipment replacement plan that could be used in the financial planning and rate-setting process to ensure that funding is available in the future to make improvements at the wastewater recycling facility necessary to maintain plant reliability, and to rehabilitate and replace treatment equipment as it reaches the end of its useful life. Mr. Ziemann completed an analysis of the last 12 months of plant operations data and identified gaps in equipment reliability,and also updated the District's CMMS including equipment cost and useful life data to allow for creation of a combined capital project / equipment rehab cost curve 25 years in to the future. City of Shasta Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Final Design — Shasta Lake, CA - Mr. Ziemann was the lead design engineer for improvements at an existing wastewater treatment plant required to meet new nutrient limits in the facility's discharge permit. Mr. Ziemann completed construction drawings and specifications for retrofit of the existing headworks screens, conversion of an oxidation ditch into an equalization basin, a self-cleaning trench style influent pump station, 5-stage Bardenpho aeration basins, and a new secondary clarifier. Mr. Ziemann developed the BioWIN model of the plant that was used for final design. Lehigh Cement Process Water Treatment Plant — Cupertino, CA - Mr. Ziemann completed design of a process water treatment plant treating industrial waste in partnership with the treatment equipment supplier in order to deliver project design and bid documents on a rapid timeline in order to meet regulatory requirements. Treatment process included OF/RC) and proprietary biological processes. Dry Creek Secondary Clarifier Replacement Project-City of Roseville,CA- Mr. Ziemann provided design and construction management services for the complete rehabilitation and replacement of four circular secondary clarifiers. The project included demolition of all existing internal mechanical equipment, re-tasking of existing concrete structures and supports, and replacement of the drive mechanisms with new stainless steel equipment. The project also included RAS pump replacement and controls improvements. Wastewater Collection Infrastructure City of Folsom — System Wide Sewer Hydraulic Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan — Folsom CA - Mr. Ziemann served as project manager for a system wide sewer hydraulic evaluation and capacity assurance plan (SECAP) update for existing and future development scenarios and developed a new hydraulic model that simulated 250 miles of 6" to 54" pipeline within InfoWorks ICM 7.0 under design storm peak wet weather flow conditions.The project included updating the existing GIS sewer network,adapting the new City General Plan into actionable development scenarios for the sewer collection system,and conducting a thorough analysis of existing flow meter data to produce a calibrated hydraulic model. Based on model simulation results a list of improvements with an associated timeline and trigger points was produced, along with a recommended inflow and infiltration reduction program to address capacity constraints within the collection system. City of Folsom Sewer Meter Replacement - Folsom CA - Mr. Ziemann developed construction plans and specifications and provided construction management services for replacement of 17 existing open-channel sewer 0 WATERWORKS 1 E N G I N E E R S JOE ZIEMANN, P.E. flow meters throughout the City's sewer collection system and for installation of 3 new flow metering sites. The project included updates to the City's SCADA system that is used to monitor and record the flow meter data to allow for a more streamlined process of data extraction for future hydraulic model updates. Water Treatment Riviera West Water Treatment Plant Improvements — Kelseyville, CA - Mr. Ziemann prepared a preliminary design report for improvements to an existing water treatment plant drawing raw water from Clear Lake, which was not in full compliance with Title 22 water treatment requirements. The preliminary design report was utilized to secure State grant funding for the project. Mr.Ziemann also prepared plans and specifications for the identified improvements including dissolved air flotation clarification, pressure filtration,granular activated carbon contact, and chlorine contact. Mr. Ziemann also provided construction management, construction inspection, plant startup services, and developed the WTP Operations Guide which was required to be submitted to and reviewed by the SWRCB for the WTP permit. City of Willits WTP Improvements—Willits,CA-Mr.Ziemann prepared plans and specifications for improvements to an existing surface water treatment plant that was experiencing violations of finished water quality standards for combined effluent turbidity due to rapidly changing source water quality and inadequate raw water pretreatment. Mr. Ziemann and the project team worked closely with water treatment plant operators to understand the extent of the deficiencies in the existing system and develop a strategy for improving the operation and performance of the plant while maximizing the use of existing equipment and minimizing construction cost. The improvements included a solids contact clarifier for pretreatment, an additional Trident Microfloc unit, a pH adjustment chemical feed system,and a new SCADA system. The design of the improvements was focused around providing flexibility in the operation of each individual process in terms of pH and loading rate to optimize the removal of seasonal contaminants such as iron,manganese,colloidal clay,algae,and organic carbon. Mr.Ziemann developed the WTP Operations Guide which was required to be submitted to and reviewed by the SWRCB for the WTP permit. City of Folsom WTP Solids Dewatering Facility—Folsom,CA-Water Works Engineers, in partnership with Auburn Constructors, was hired by the City to provide design-build services for the Dewatering Facility Project at the 50- mgd City of Folsom Water Treatment Plant. The project included rehabilitation of the existing flocculation/sedimentation basins to serve as filter backwash / actiflo blowdown treatment systems, sludge homogenization tanks with chopper pump-mixing, and a screwpress dewatering system and roll-off container storage for 20-25% cake prior to landfill disposal. Mr. Ziemann also developed a detailed Operations Guide for the facility which included SOPS for typical startup, shutdown, coagulant dose adjustment, operational mode selection, HMI control screen descriptions, and operational setpoints. City of Shasta Lake Centrifuge Dewatering System —Shasta Lake, CA- The project team evaluated mechanical dewatering technologies for the City's water treatment plant sludge, including belt filter press, screw press, and centrifuge technology. Centrifuge technology was selected due to the limited footprint available on the site and operational preferences. Mr.Ziemann led final design of the facility,which included a two story building with the centrifuge on the second floor, and a dewatered solids roll-off bin on the first floor. Mr. Ziemann also provided construction management, startup, and operational optimization services for the project. Water Distribution Infrastructure Lewiston Valley Water Company Raw Water Intake Facility and Supply Pipeline— Lewiston, CA - Construction plan and specification preparation for a new 330 gpm raw water intake structure in the banks of the Trinity River to replace an existing raw water intake facility for a water treatment plant. The project included infiltration gallery, raw water pump station, and raw water supply pipeline design. Extensive environmental and property acquisition coordination was completed in order to develop a pipeline alignment that minimized impacts to the local community. 0 WATERWORKS 2 E N G I N E E R S MICHAEL LINDQUIST, • SeniorQA/QC Manager r Education Experience Registration ' M.S. Civil and Environmental 23 years Registered Civil Engineer Engr. UC Davis California - C56714 B.S.—Civil Engineering University of California at Davis Mr. Lindquist is a civil engineer with 23 years' experience in planning, design, and construction of utilities projects. A majority of his experience has been as a public servant, working for California State Parks, University of California, and City of Davis. He has been the designer of record, construction manager, and overall project/program manager for projects ranging from $10,000 to $90M. He has extensive experience with upgrading and rehabilitating in-service water and wastewater infrastructure. Representative Project Experience Ojai Water Pipeline Replacement - Casitas Municipal Water District, Ojai CA — Mr. Lindquist was the design manager for the replacement of approximately 4700 feet of aging cast iron water mains though the downtown business district of Ojai. He was responsible for arranging and coordinating surveying,geotechnical investigations, and CalTrans permitting (the pipeline was located within State Highway 150). The project included a trenchless crossing of a large flood control channel and crossing contamination plumes from abandoned gas stations. Paradise Irrigation District Water System Improvements — Paradise CA — Mr. Lindquist was responsible for providing quality control of the $11M water supply improvements project's construction documents (plans and specifications). The improvements include new booster pump station, 2 mile transmission main, and two 2.3 million gallon water storage tanks. His reviews also focus on constructability of the project and ensuring staff operation needs are incorporated into the designs. UC Davis Water Main Replacements— Davis, CA— Mr. Lindquist prepared the plans and specifications for water main replacement projects throughout campus. Utilizing field staff repair records and corrosion investigation, water mains at higher risk of failure were identified and prioritized for replacement. Existing ductile iron pipe was replaced with PVC C900 pipes and new service connections installed. Replacements were also coordinated with the campus water supply master plan and pipes upsized if necessary. Wastewater Improvements Program — City of Davis, CA — Mr. Lindquist was the City employee with overall responsibility for the City's $90M Wastewater Improvements Program. His primary responsibility was to ensure the City's performance, budget, and schedule goals were met or exceeded. He led a City hired consultant team and managed a design-build engineer/contractor team. The program improved/rehabilitated plant facilities and design/constructed new secondary and tertiary treatment, solids handling, disinfection systems, as well as necessary ancillary facilities, such as an upgraded electrical distribution system. Additionally, Mr. Lindquist was responsible for creating the environmental clearance documents (CEQA and NEPA), geotechnical investigation, land acquisition, external agency permitting, securing State Revolving Fund financing, and commissioning of the new facilities.When completed,the City had essentially a brand new 6 MGD modern wastewater treatment plant. Some of the specific components of the program were: Rehabilitation of Headworks and Primary Clarifiers. The City's 45-year old facilities were upgraded and rehabilitated to ensure many more decades of service. New dry-pit submersible pumps and controls were installed to better match existing and future flow variability and to save energy.The existing single moving- screen was replaced with two bar screens and compactor to improve solids removal and provide redundancy.The clarifier flights and chains were replaced and corroded concrete was repaired, prepared, 0WATERWORKS E N G k N E E R S MICHAEL LINDQUIST, PE and coated. An ultrasonic transducer was installed to measure sludge blanket thickness and better control sludge pumping rates. Additional slide gates were installed to provide for more flexible operations. Conversion from Gas to Liquid Chlorine. Eliminating the use of gas chlorine was a priority for plant operations staff. A new chemical storage facility for sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfate consisting of 8000 gallon tanks and a new liquid chemical feed/control system was constructed. Upgrade of Plant Electrical System. New 12kV switch gear and a central power distribution building was constructed.The existing in-plant 2400V distribution system and distributed step-down transformers were replaced with a more traditional 480V distribution system. All switchgear and MCC's included monitoring devices connected to SCADA. A new 2MW backup diesel generator and closed-transition automatic transfer switch was installed. New Secondary Treatment Process. The existing pond and overland flow treatment process was replaced with a 6MGD conventional activated sludge process.The new process included a 3 million gallon secondary reactor, high-speed turbo blowers,two RAS pumping stations, four clarifiers, scum collection system, and extensive instrumentation and control. New Tertiary Treatment. A major impetus of the plant improvements was an NPDES permit requirement of adding tertiary treatment. New disk filters were constructed to provide reliable and cost-effective treatment to meet Title 22 requirements. New Solids Handling Process. The new treatment process produced over double the solids of the old process and required the design and construction of solids thickening using rotary drum thickeners (RDTs), and dewatering using screw presses. Spiral conveyors are used to convey dewatered sludge to a new covered solids solar drying bed.Two 100,000 gallon bolted steel tanks for the storage of digested sludge provided a buffer between the digesters and dewatering equipment allowing more flexibility for operations staff to process solids.The system mechanical equipment included high pressure hose pumps, polymer storage area, and Polyblend units for chemical dosing. Anaerobic Digester Rehabilitation. The existing anaerobic digesters were rehabilitated to ensure decades more of reliable service and upgraded to increase capacity and gas production for use in a cogen system. Rehabilitation included extensive preparation of metal and concrete surfaces for new coatings, replacement of corroded underground piping and valves, and replacement of a gas mixing system with a center mounted mechanical mixer. New Laboratory Facility. The program designed and constructed a new stand-alone 3000 square foot wastewater laboratory that could serve both the wastewater plant as well as the City's potable water system analysis needs (thereby reducing the amount lab work contracted out). Operations staff were an integral part of designing the new lab that included office space, storage rooms, a bacteriological clean room, acid/base room, and sample receiving room. Chlorine Conversion—Golden State Water Company, Rancho Cordova. Mr. Lindquist was the project/design manager for a project to replace an existing gas chlorine disinfection system with sodium hypochlorite at a 17 MGD water treatment plant.The project included a new 8000 gallon chemical storage facility with secondary containment and instrumentation, new chemical injection system utilizing peristaltic pumps, and upgrades to the electrical system. 0WATERWORKS E N G k N E E R S Jonathon • Staff Engineer r. 1. Education Experience Registration B.S.—Civil Engineering 8 years construction F/E—NCEES Oregon State University 3 years post Bachelor's #16-649-85 Mr. Roy is a Civil Engineer with extensive experience in water infrastructure constructability. Expertise includes steel pipe fabrication and construction, yard and process pipe installation, and water and wastewater treatment mechanical systems construction. Representative Project Experience Wastewater and Industrial Treatment APS Train 5 Clarifier Refurbishment Project—Tenopah,AZ—Mr. Roy served as the Contractor's Project Engineer and Quality Control Inspection Lead for rehabilitation of APS's existing Train 5 Clarifiers at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Water Reuse Facility. Work consisted of rehabilitation of two solids contact clarifiers, including concrete repairs, coating systems, and all new mechanical and equipment. City of Glendale West Area Water Reclamation Facility Odor Control and Disinfection Processes Project — Glendale,AZ—Mr. Roy's was the Contractor's Project Engineer and Quality Control Inspection Lead for this project which consisted of new Odor Control and Sodium Hypochlorite mechanical systems at the WAWRF. The project consisted of structural and mechanical demolition and rehabilitation, as well as new installation. The new odor control system included 2 Bio-Trickling Filters,50 hp blowers,fiberglass ductwork, dampers, and mist eliminators, and all associated infrastructure. Ironhouse Sanitary District WRF Phase 1 Improvements Project—Oakley,CA —Mr. Roy assisted in the design of various system and site improvements at an existing Water Recycling Facility. Improvements included screening system upgrades,yard pipe modifications, civil site modifications, hot water system installation, and odor control system refurbishment. City of Redding Biosolids Masterplan Update Project — Redding, CA— Mr. Roy supported in analyzing current biosolids handling procedures against various upcoming legislations in order to provide Master Plan recommendations for how to best dispose of Clear Creek WWTP's anaerobically digested biosolids. Water Treatment IRWD Baker Water Treatment Plant—Lake Forest,CA—Mr. Roy assisted with Water Treatment Plant construction service which consisted of 5 miles of underground yard and process pipe, facility construction, exposed mechanical, and civil site development. The Baker WTP is capable of treating 28 MGD, and utilizes a unique Pall Micro Filtration Membrane Facility,followed by a UV disinfection system. Placer County Water Agency Bowman WTP Phase 2 Improvements Project Design — Auburn, CA — Mr. Roy assisted in the design of a new PAC Facility, as well as miscellaneous plant upgrades including Filter Basin media and trough replacements,yard pipe modifications, and civil site design. Water Distribution Infrastructure City of Phoenix 24th Street Water Treatment Plan 3A-B1 Booster Pump Station Replacement Project—Phoenix, AZ—Mr. Roy worked as the Contractor's Project Engineer and Quality Control Inspection Lead for installation of a new 10 MGD booster pump station, including a 34 ft deep soldier pile shoring system around existing operational 0WATERWORKS 1 ENGINEERS Jon Roy, E.I.T. plant pipelines and equipment, installation of 66" and 60" diameter steel pipeline tie-ins and valves, Surge tank, and all suction and discharge Ductile Iron and Cement Mortar Lined Steel pipe. Placer County Water Agency Foothills WTP 30" Water Line Repair Project— Newcastle, CA— Mr. Roy acted as the Project Engineer for the design of a 30"cement mortar lined pipe repair on an existing transmission main just outside of the Foothills WTP. The project included a line stop, butterfly valve and associated tie-in piping, inspection and repair of downstream damaged pipe. California Water Service Palos Verdes Pump Station Surge Tank Project—Palos Verdes, CA—Mr. Roy assisted in the design and constructability of exposed and buried steel pressure process piping.This project included several surge suppression systems being installed on an existing high-pressure water transmission line. San Jose Water Company Belgatos Reservoir Replacement Project — Los Gatos, CA — Mr. Roy provided Construction Management services of the complete reservoir replacement, including retirement of existing infrastructure and new mechanical piping, and construction of two 2.37 MG post-tensioned concrete tanks. San Jose Water Company Cambrian Station Improvements Project — San Jose, CA — Mr. Roy provided Construction Management services for the construction of two new pump stations which includes retirement of existing infrastructure and new underground mechanical piping. San Jose Water Company Cambrian Reservoir Replacement Project—San Jose, CA— Mr. Roy assisted with the engineering of 2 new concrete tanks totaling 19 MG volume including civil site layout, mechanical pipe, and yard pipe design San Jose Water Company Idylwild Tank Project—Idylwild,CA—Mr. Roy assisted with the engineering of the new steel tank reservoir and pump station, including civil site, mechanical system, and yard pipe design. San Jose Water Company Columbine Reservoir Replacement Project—San Jose, CA— Mr. Roy assisted with the engineering for 2 5.07 MG concrete tanks including constructability review, and civil site design. This project consisted of complete reservoir replacement, hazardous material abatement, stormwater bio treatment, and grading. VOMWD Saddle Tank Replacement Project—Glen Ellen,CA-- Mr. Roy was the Project Engineer for the design of a new steel tank, replacing an existing redwood tank that was destroyed in a wild fire. Wastewater Conveyance Infrastructure City of Roseville Shadowbrook Forcemain Replacement Project—Roseville, CA—Mr. Roy provided construction management assistance to the City of Roseville for installation of 6" DIP force main, installation of a diversion structure for a creek crossing, and post construction stream bed restoration. Additionally, Mr. Roy assisted with environmental permit compliance and oversight. City of Morro Bay WRF Lift Station and Offsite Pipelines — Morro Bay, CA — Mr. Roy assisted with the design services for the Water Reclamation Facility Influent Lift Station and associated offsite pipelines, including design of an 8MGD (peak wet weather flow) triplex submersible pump station with provisions to turndown all the way to 0.3 - 1 MGD during typical daily flow conditions 0WATERWORKS 2 E N G k N E E R S Structural Engineer Education Experience Memberships Registration B.S.-Civil Engineering, 15 years ACI with emphasis in Structures SEAOC Structural Engineer California State Polytechnic California—S5698 ' University, San Luis Obispo Arizona—53585 j` Utah—8464725 Hawaii-14904 Civil Engineer California—C73723 Arizona—51695 New Mexico—20500 Certified QSP REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT EXPERIENCE City of Roseville Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Project - Roseville, CA-Mr. Kellogg provided structural engineering solutions to retrofit four existing cast in place concrete secondary clarifiers. The project consisted of demolishing the existing outboard precast concrete launders and installing new inboard concrete launders. The clarifier mechanisms were also replaced which required custom concrete anchors to support the seismic loads at the column base. A structural evaluation of the clarifier structures and associated RAS pump stations was also performed to ensure that the structures were in adequate condition to continue operation throughout the intended lifespan. Mammoth Community Water District Timber Ridge Tank Rehabilitation- Mammoth Lakes,CA-The existing Timber Ridge water storage reservoir consists of an approximately 120-foot by 60-foot, 0.5 MG, buried, cast-in- place concrete reservoir. The reservoir contained numerous exterior coating failures and interior and exterior concrete degradation. Mr. Kellogg provided design documents to rehabilitate the reservoir exterior coating and concrete repairs while dealing with the challenging environmental conditions in Mammoth Lakes. It was determined that a liner/coating should be added to the reservoir interior due to the age of the facility and degradation witnessed during the maintenance dive inspections.The bid documents were setup to allow the interior portion of the reservoir to be coated with a polyurea coating or lined with a Hypalon liner and allowed the contractor to select whichever option was most economical. City of Riverside Regional Water Quality Plant Phase I Plant Expansion- Riverside, CA-This design build project included the structural analysis of existing secondary clarifiers for supporting new aluminum covers and the anchorage design of the new covers.The project also included a requirement to seal a leak in the existing digester between the concrete wall and steel side skirt. Collaboration between the engineer and contractor was used to design a sealing option that was implemented by the contractor to seal the leak. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District A-2 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project—Lake Elsinore,CA-The structural component of this rehabilitation project consisted of a condition assessment of the existing lift station and equipment building followed by the rehabilitation design.The condition assessment included an evaluation of the wet well concrete condition and corrosion analysis of steel members within the wet well and an evaluation of the equipment building roofing and CMU walls.The wet well interior exposed concrete and the steel members within the wet well were observed to have degradation due to hydrogen sulfide exposure. The structural design for the rehabilitation included a foundation design for a new surge tank,concrete repairs in wet well,stainless steel beam design for supporting H-20 access hatches within the wet well,fall protection around the wet well, new roofing at the equipment building, and a new interior roof access ladder in the equipment building. Robert A. Weese Water Filtration Plant Chemical Facilities Upgrade Design Build Project—Oceanside, CA-This design build project consisted of a large chemical storage facility used to store six different chemicals at the water 0WATERWORKS 1 ENGINEERS JEREMY KELLOGG, PE, SE treatment plant. Mr. Kellogg provided the structural engineering for the foundation of the chemical storage tanks, pre-engineered metal shade canopy,truck unloading area, and site retaining walls as well as the concrete design of the individual chemical containment areas.An analysis was also provided for detailing the chemical separation requirements and individual chemical storage areas in accordance with the California Building Code and California Fire Code. Salt Lake City 500 South Diversion Pump Station—Salt Lake City, UT-The 500 South Pump Station consisted of a 2-story above grade masonry structure over the pump station dry wells and wet wells which are approximately 45-feet below grade. The pump station includes a traveling bridge crane and structural floor slabs capable of supporting H-20 vehicles. The project also includes a separate cast in place below grade structure which houses the primary wastewater grinders. City of Shasta Lake Shasta Lake Water Treatment Plant Solids Dewatering Facility — Shasta Lake, CA - The dewatering facility consisted of a two-story building housing dewatering equipment.The lower story was designed with concrete walls with three walls being buried in a hillside. The second story was designed with concrete masonry unit walls and wood trusses for the roofing.The second story floor is a structural concrete slab designed to support the dewatering centrifuges and the construction equipment used to install the centrifuges. Mr. Kellogg provided the architectural and structural design for the building. The project included a homogenization tank which required the design of a structural mat foundation. In addition to the structural design Mr. Kellogg also provided special inspection and structural observation services for rebar and anchorage during construction. Lake County Special Districts CSA 20 Soda Bay Water Treatment Plant Improvements — Kelseyville, CA - This project required an addition to several facilities with the existing water treatment plant. Mr. Kellogg provided the architectural design and structural engineering for a new masonry building used to house a daf system and solids handling equipment. The building consisted of masonry walls approximately twenty feet tall that were partially buried in approximately seven feet of fill.The roof system consisted of steel beams supporting metal decking and an elastomeric roofing membrane. The other major addition to the project was the structural design of a steel walkway approximately ninety feet long over an existing clarification pond.The walkway consisted of steel beams, a grating walking surface and guardrails. Layton Road Lift Station Replacement Project-Redding,CA- Mr. Kellogg provided the structural engineering for the addition of a new masonry electrical building, cast-in-place wastewater lift station, and perimeter site retaining walls. The lift station is approximately 30 feet deep and is constructed on a site with a high known groundwater depth. The perimeter site retaining walls are designed to be architecturally pleasing by utilizing different block colors and textures. The walls are designed for the current site development and they are also designed to be accommodating to the potential development of the adjacent parcels which would modify the exterior perimeter grading. California Water Service Company South San Francisco Station 1—South San Francisco,CA-Mr. Kellogg provided the structural foundation engineering for large granular activated carbon contractor vessels and filter vessels.The structural design also included the design of a hypochlorite concrete chemical storage facility to provide secondary containment. The chemical storage facility included a steel shade canopy cover to protect the mechanical equipment. Mr. Kellogg designed a masonry electrical building that was designed to be within the active flood plain which required an elevated finish floor and the perimeter concrete walls to be designed to withstand the design flood hydrostatic load. Sacramento Municipal Utility District Digester Gas Cleanup Project - Elk Grove, CA (Structural Design) Improvements were provided to implement a digester gas cleanup project to optimize the energy recovered from digester gas. Mr. Kellogg provided structural design for various aspects of the project including an elevated walkway, shade canopies, iron sponge equipment anchorage and multiple pipe support configurations. d WATERWORKS 2 E N G I N E E R S FRISCH ENGINEERING , INC . fW Consulting Electrical Engineers 13405 Folsom Blvd., Unit 600 Phone 916.353.1025 Folsom, CA 95630 Thomas P. Frisch, P.E. Experience Mr. Thomas Frisch has worked in the water/wastewater/power/landfill Summary industry since 1991 and has developed skills in power, controls, instrumentation and communications. He has become very familiar with most practices and processes used in this industry. His experience is diverse since he has worked as a Contractor and Consultant in various capacities. As a Contractor, he brought contract drawings to completion by designing the final details, making submittals and managing production. As a Consultant, he has designed over 250 water and wastewater projects ranging from small pump stations to large scale treatment plants. Consequently, he has a high degree of product knowledge that enables him to minimize design exposure to unproven materials or practices. He knows the challenges that Contractors face in taking plans to construction and knows when to assist on behalf on the Owner. His designs for electrical, instrumentation, and telemetry systems have been very successful with near-zero change orders due to design flaws. His designs include complex PLC motor controls for booster pump stations, lift stations and motor operated valves and SCADA telemetry between pump stations and tanks. He has performed electrical studies such as a damage assessment or to determine system capacity and cost comparisons to determine electrical operational costs of VFDs vs. throttled fixed speed motors Education B.S. Electrical Engineering, University California Los Angeles, 1991 Registration Professional Electrical Engineer Reg. CA E15761, AZ, NM, NV, OR, and HI Work Electrical Engineer (28 years) Experience Mr. Frisch obtained his Professional Engineering License 1998, and shortly thereafter, began working as a consultant in Electrical Design. Thomas has designed over 250 projects ranging from small sewage lift stations to large (2000 HP total medium voltage) pump stations and treatment plants. During this time, Mr. Frisch has become proficient as a designer, obtained the respect of his peers, and now operates a successful Electrical Engineering design and construction services business. Prior to consulting, Mr. Frisch worked for Tesco Controls as a Field Service Engineer (4 years), Sales Engineer (1 year), and Project Engineer (3 years). While working for Tesco, He became very familiar with design philosophies of HDR, Montgomery Watson, Brown and Caldwell, Black and Veatch, Carollo and others. He engineered and coordinated many projects including full treatment plants at El Dorado Hills, City of Davis, City of Corona, and City of Sanger. He became very familiar with many manufacturers of instrumentation, PLCs and SCADA systems. He developed and defined many of the standards still in use today at Tesco Controls concerning drafting, testing and manufacturing. Project Experience SCADA San Juan Water District SCADA System SMUD Carson Power Plant City of Galt WWTP Tertiary Improvements City of Galt SCADA System Foothill Oaks Casino SCADA System City of West Sacramento SCADA System Improvements City of Lincoln SCADA System Water City of Galt, Industrial Park Reservoir and BPS Trinity Center WTP Lewiston RW Pump Station, WTP, and Tank Lucerne WTP Sacramento Suburban Enterprise Northrop BPS and Reservoir Pebble Beach CSD, Forest Lake Treatment Plant Cal Water Service Dominguez Wells 275 and 294 WTP Projects Trinity Center WTP Contra Costa Contra Loma Dam Seismic Monitoring Contra Costa Raw Water Pumping Plants, Comistas and Cowell Pump Stations, Contra Loma Pump Station, Shell Recycle Pump Station. City of Roseville, Crowder Road Flow Metering City of West Sacramento, Carlin Tank and BPS EID Promontory Tank and Reservoir 12 Wells City of Davis, Well #30, Well 31 and Well 32 City of Mountain View, Well 22 City of Vacaville, Well 15 and 16, and Well 16 Ion Exchange Hex Chrome Sierra Army Depot, Well 5 and 8 rehabilitation and treatment Rio Linda Water District Well 14 and Well 15 Waste Water Redding Clear Cleek WWTP Dewatering Project Redding Stillwater WWTP Expansion EID El Dorado Hill Waste Treatment Plant Capacity Upgrade City of Atwater Wastewater Treatment Plant City of Roseville, Sewer Lift Station Upgrade City of Vacaville, Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Upgrade Redding Mary Street Sewage Lift Station Redding Sunnyhill Lift Station Pump and VFD replacement Redding Auditorium Drive Lift Station Replacement El Dorado Irrigation District, Bass Lake Reclaim BPS Pebble Beach CSD, Forest Lake Reclaim Reservoir and Booster Pump Station EID Highland Hills Sewage Lift Station Clayton Wastewater Treatment Plant EID Cambridge Oaks Sewage Lift Station City of Sacramento Sump 119 EID Creekside Greens SLS Yuba City Lift Station 1 Yuba City Lift Station 3 Locke Low Pressure Sanitary System Landfill Altamont Landfill, Permeate Storage and Recycle system Pacheco Pass Lechate Return Pump System Study Cal-Am Water, Well Site Pump Station Assessment Sacramento County, Storm Pump Station Assessment City of Folsom WTP Constructability review Metropolitan Water District, MWD Plant Standardization and Automation Upgrade Study City of Roseville, Sewer Lift Station Assessment City of Vacaville Radio Survey and Performance Test Power SMUD Carson Power Plant CCWD Los Vaqueros Hydroelectric Energy Recovery San Gabriel Water Company, Sandhill WTP in-conduit hydro project Three Valleys Water District, In Conduit hydro electric project City of Atwater WWTP CCWD Pumping Plants Substation Electrical Protection City of Stockton WWTP Cogen Facility City of Lincoln Waste Water Treatment Plant Power Systems EID El Dorado Hills WWTP Solar Generation System Lighting, Misc City of Sacramento Amtrak Rail Station State of California, Capital East Parking Lot Elk Grove Boulevard Revitalization Kruger Foods CCWD Pumping Plants Security Systems Cottage Bakery Office and new Refrigeration