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Technical Proposal_HDR_South Tahoe PUD_07-16-19
yp�yTH T.4}rpF Ge�IC IlT1950 ILITV p15�R Engineering Services Secondary iabilitation Contents 01 Transmittal Letter 01 02 Firm Experience 03 03 Firm's Approach to Project 05 04 Project Team 09 05 Level of Effort 11 06 Project Schedule 12 07 Information to Be Provided by the District 13 Appendix A — Resumes Appendix B — Work Sample 01 Transmittal Letter E�2 hdrinc.com July 16, 2019 Mr. Stephen Caswell, PE South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Request for Proposals (RFP) for Engineering Services for Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Caswell, HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) has supported South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) on a variety of projects over the past decade, including a primary clarifier and aeration basin rehabilitation improvements project, a concrete and coatings evaluation assessment, and a water storage tank coating system alternatives analysis project. This familiarity with your treatment plant will enable us to rehabilitate all three of the plant's secondary clarifiers by 2021 to meet implementation goals of your Ten -Year Plan. Our experience on these projects and others offers the District important advantages, including: • We understand the challenges of aging plant infrastructure. We will help you develop and analyze alternatives for rehabilitation of the clarifiers. Recent examples of HDR successfully planning and completing rehabilitation and assessment projects like yours include projects for the City of San Mateo and Napa San. • You will be able to count on a knowledgeable, committed project manager. Rob Natoli's considerable experience providing design and construction engineering services for wastewater facilities includes serving as either the project manager or project engineer on more than 35 treatment plant and pumping station projects throughout the western U.S. Rob will serve as your project manager and primary point -of -contact. His recent experience as a project engineer on several of your plant projects, as well as his experience as a project manager/engineer on similar projects for the City of San Mateo, Sonoma County Water Agency, City of San Jose, Douglas County, and Napa San, will provide the District with Rob's technical know-how and his expertise at successfully completing projects on time and within budget. • Our staff know secondary clarifiers and have District expertise. Rob will be supported by a group of engineers with extensive experience in condition assessment, design, and construction of wastewater facilities. All staff members chosen for this project have a successful history working at your plant and recognize the urgency of this required maintenance and rehabilitation while keeping the facility up and running. We have reviewed the District's standard consultant contract included in the RFP and would like to propose some exceptions. Requested additions are shown in blue bold text, and requested deletions are shown in red strike -through text. 2365 Iron Point Road, Suite 300, Folsom, CA 95630 T 916.817.4700 F 916.817.4747 Article I. Consulting Services A. Upon execution of this agreement and subsequent Task Orders by both parties, and upon receipt of written authorization from DISTRICT, CONSULTANT at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense (to be reimbursed as outlined in ARTICLE IV) and to the satisf__t:__ of DISTin accordance with the requirements of this AGREEMENT, shall perform the services (Services) set forth in each Task Order and represented by a separate proposal for each Task Order. Article III. Responsibilities of Consultant F.Insurance 8. The District reserves the right to modify insurance requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances, provided that any such modification must be approved by CONSULTANT. L. CONSULTANT shall furnish DISTRICT with reasonable opportunities from time to time to ascertain whether the Services of CONSULTANT are being performed in accordance with this Agreement. All work done and materials furnished shall be subject to final review and approval by DISTRICT, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. DISTRICT's review and approval of the Services shall not, however, relieve CONSULTANT of any of its obligations under this Agreement. Article VI. Cancellation of Agreement or Suspension of Work B. This Master Agreement and/or subsequent Task Orders may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by DISTRICT for cause, effective immediately upon written notice of such termination to CONSULTANT, based upon the occurrence of any of the following events, provided that DISTRICT will not issue notice of termination for cause without providing CONSULTANT written notice of the breach and a reasonable opportunity to cure. We are excited to continue our long-term working relationship with the District and look forward to completing this project. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact Rob at 916.817.4829 or Rob.Natoli@hdrinc.com. Sincerely, HDR Engineering, Inc. Holly L.L. Kennedy, PE Senior Vice President JHu/10051703 hdrinc.com 2365 Iron Point Road, Suite 300, Folsom, CA 95630 T 916.817.4700 F 916.817.4747 Rob Natoli, PE Project Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 02 1 Firm Experience FN 02-Firm Experience For more than 100 years, we've partnered with clients to push boundaries and shape communities. Established in 1917, HDR is an employee -owned firm of highly experienced professionals who specialize in many disciplines, including wastewater engineering. We are a recognized leader in planning, design, operation, rehabilitation, and construction of wastewater facilities. With a staff of nearly 10,000 employee -owners located in 225 offices, we are consistently ranked among Engineering News-Record's Top 10 Water Design firms, and we approach project work from an integrated perspective. In Northern California, we maintain a professional staff of nearly 500, of whom more than 200 specialize in wastewater and water engineering. Working from offices in Folsom, Sacramento, Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, our staff provides comprehensive engineering services to clients throughout Lake Tahoe, the Sierra Foothills, the Central Valley, and the Bay Area. MEN HDR has extensive wastewater facility condition assessment experience in Northern California. We have in-house concrete, metal, corrosion, and condition assessment staff, providing us with the experience and resources to completely deliver this project without using subconsultants. In addition, HDR has provided engineering services on the District's facilities over the past 10 years, including primary clarifier and aeration basin improvements and plant concrete and coatings assessment. Our understanding of your facilities, key issues, and secondary clarifier challenges allows us to provide you with a reliable, cost-effective approach to meet your budget requirements and final project completion date of 2021. The following pages provide representative projects completed within the last five years, highlighting our experience providing relevant engineering planning and design projects. References for these projects are also provided. .U� 'k • _1 "A 44L - 03 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 02 1 Firm Experience 01 Steve Wu Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase I and II City of San Mateo I ongoing HDR performed condition assessment on and designed rehabilitation improvements to the secondary clarifiers at the City of San Mateo, which included inspection of concrete, ferrous metals, and coatings; modifications to the existing basin to accommodate new circular clarifier mechanisms; replacement and rehabilitation of corroded piping and valves; and replacement of the four corroded secondary clarifier influent gates with 316 SS sluice gates. HDR is currently performing engineering services during construction for this project. The project is tracking to be completed 650.522.7345 on time and on budget. swu@cityofsanmateo.org Team members: Rob Natoli, Craig Olson, Brien Clark, and Greg Mieczkowski -=`_mow -- � Shannon Cotulla 530.543.6206 scotulla@stpud.dst.ca.us Aeration Basin and Primary Sedimentation Improvements South Tahoe Public Utility District I Completed in2018 HDR provided final design, bidding, and construction engineering services for two rehabilitation improvement projects on the primary clarifiers and aeration basins at the District's 7.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Aeration basin rehabilitation improvements included concrete rehabilitation and coatings, aeration piping/ diffuser replacement, and hydraulics improvements. Primary clarifier rehabilitation improvements included concrete rehabilitation and coatings, replacement or coating of the clarifier mechanisms, scum skimmers, scum box, and effluent weirs. Team members: Rob Natoli, Craig Olson, and Brien Clark rF Wastewater Treatment Plant Condition Assessment South Tahoe Public Utility District I completed in to» HDR performed a condition assessment of the 7.5 m d wastewater treatment plant. p g Methods of inspection focused on structure -by -structure assessments of concrete -61 surfaces and metal mechanical parts for corrosion condition; OSHA compliance review; i and structural/seismic considerations. The objective was to determine the condition 4-k of plant components and structures, estimate the remaining life of materials and ►= ' ,. _,& I facilities, determine safety requirements, address possible code compliance measures, Shannon Cotulla and verify structural/seismic compliance. Results from the condition assessment were 530.543.6206 utilized in two follow-up District projects. scotulla@stpud.dst.ca.us Team members: Rob Natoli, Brien Clark, and Greg Mieczkowski Karl Ono 707.258.6013 kono@napasan.com Primary Clarifier and DAF Clarifier Rehabilitation Napa San I ongoing HDR is currently evaluating the potential of rehabilitating the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation (DAF) in conjunction with the primary clarifiers. HDR is performing a condition assessment of existing equipment and structures in the chlorine contact basins and DAF, and evaluating the operational constraints associated with construction sequencing. A technical memorandum will be prepared recommending the rehabilitation scope of work in the chlorine contact basins and DAF and outlining the construction schedule and constraints for the project as a whole. Team members: Rob Natoli, Craig Olson, Arashdeep Singh, Brien Clark, and Greg Mieczkowski 04 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 03 1 Firm's Approach to Project 01 03 Firm's Approach to Project HDR's approach to manging your project is presented in this section. A detailed scope of work can be found in our Cost Proposal (separate document). Figure 3-1 on the following page provides HDR's design approach flow chart for the project. We pride ourselves on being responsive to our clients' requirements and meeting or exceeding expectations. Our budget and schedule controls, coupled with project management, coordination, and communication skills of our team members, will provide high -quality products and outstanding service to the District. Project Management Approach HDR's project manager, Rob Natoli, has more than 14 years of experience in water and wastewater engineering. Rob led the design of two District rehabilitation improvement projects to implement mechanical and concrete condition assessment findings to the District's aeration basins and primary clarifiers. Through this work, Rob has laid a firm foundation of effective communication and trust with your staff and acquired knowledge of your procedures and standards. Rob believes that communication is the key to a successful project and will schedule a weekly call with District staff to discuss project progress and issues. A kick-off meeting, preliminary design report review meeting, and 90% design review meeting will be held with the District and HDR staff, with agendas and minutes prepared by HDR. Rob will prepare weekly status reports, which will include task -by -task information on work completed, estimated percent completed, outstanding issues, and budget and schedule status summaries. Invoices will be prepared monthly, with the latest status report attached. Responsiveness to Client's Needs HDR has a history of effective and efficient project management, including dependability, timeliness, and submission of progress reports. As demonstrated on our past projects with the District, we are committed to being responsive to your needs. Our project management approach is built on trust, a clear definition of shared goals, and a mutual understanding of the necessary steps to achieve those goals. We have assembled a team that is custom -fit to your project. Our team is bound together by a commitment to be a true partner to you on this project and beyond. Trust is achieved through transparency and effective communication. We foster this through partnering meetings, task force meetings, weekly project team coordination meetings, and a number of electronic communication tools. Our communication tools integrate scope -of -work activities with schedule, resources, and budget details. These tools give our project management team a vivid picture of accomplishments, work in progress, milestones, and future activities, and allows them to quickly and easily communicate them with you. They also allow our team to identify variances and plan corrective actions to maintain schedule and budget targets. Additionally, the tools produce status reports and other documentation that are used to analyze and present the project status to you in concise, understandable summaries. 05 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 03 1 Firm's Approach to Project 01 HDR wastewater treatment plant condition assessment data will be field verified to determine if conditions have changed since the 2013 field work. z Seismic analysis for new mechanisms will be discussed at the kickoff meeting. Structural/seismic analysis to confirm that the existing concrete basin can support new mechanism reactions (including seismic loadings). s A detailed design memorandum that provides design criteria, plans, and section layouts and key project issues will allow the completion of a 90% set of drawings and specs that are essentially complete. This approach will improve project efficiency and reduce the design schedule. 06 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 03 1 Firm's Approach to Project 01 Our project management approach is reinforced through proven accountability measures, which can include co -location and design task forces to meet commitments and emphasize shared goals. Everything we do will be a coordinated effort on behalf of you to achieve our shared objectives. Three control processes are vital to good project management: quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), budget control, and schedule control. We have documented these processes and train our project managers in control systems, procedures, and methods. Budget and Schedule Control We have a consistent history of meeting schedules and budgets while maintaining technical excellence. Our project managers are equipped with a variety of tools to develop, track, and maintain budgets and schedules. Company policies are designed to assist project managers in the timely completion of projects within budget. For a project to be considered a success, work must be completed on schedule, within budget, and error free. At the start of each project, our project manager prepares a Project Management Plan (PMP) to document all information necessary to execute a successful project. The PMP is an internal document that serves as a road map for the project team. The PMP defines project resources and includes client contact information, project description, scope of work, deliverables, budget, administration procedures, and filing requirements. It also covers communication methods, such as use of an e-Room, intranet sites, electronic documentation, written documentation, and methods of handling media requests for information. The PMP also includes a project -specific Quality Management Plan, which helps maintain high levels of quality in our work efforts. We use a combination of company -developed tools and procedures for delivering quality and consistency in our work, managing internal tasks, maintaining communication, and staying ahead of schedule and under budget. We are always willing to incorporate new methods, as our clients and project work dictates. Budget Development, Tracking, and Maintenance At the onset of the project, we prepare budgets that include prorated billing rates to accommodate merit increases for staff. Initial budgets and scopes of work are developed, reviewed by senior staff familiar with the work being performed, and approved by an authorized officer of the company, who enforces strict criteria for pricing projects based on past experience (e.g., labor cost per drawing sheet, minimum hours for preparing specifications). When we are selected for a project, budget information is entered into our web -based accounting system that is linked to the timesheet database. This system is available to the project manager for tracking time spent on projects. Each month, the project manager receives a project summary report from the accounting department that shows the total cost incurred on the project for the month and to date. We maintain close control over project costs by means of detailed initial cost projections, appropriate 07 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 03 1 Firm's Approach to Project 01 personnel allocations, accurate scheduling, periodic project reviews, and close communication among project participants. Our department manager performs a project review with the project manager at least twice during the duration of the project to make sure the project is progressing as promised to the client. Project Schedule Development, Tracking, and Maintenance At the onset of each project, we will develop a project schedule using milestones identified in the scope of work and via your input. The individuals identified on the project team are entered into HDR's computerized work planning system, which provides on-line information about staff availability for the dates identified in the project schedule. If a team member is shown to be over -utilized and unavailable to work on a project, then the project manager will, with the City's approval, evaluate and reassign (or add) resources to make sure the schedule is met. Weekly work planning meetings allow project managers to address scheduling conflicts if they arise. Resources are allocated as necessary to provide conformance to the project schedule. If needed, additional resources can be drawn from nearly 10,000 staff in over 225 computer-linked offices nationwide. Adjustments to Budget and/or Schedule During the course of the project, situations can arise that can impact the project budget and/or schedule. When this happens, HDR first prepares a proposal for additional scope and budget for approval by the Project Management Plan (PMP) Quality Management Plan (QMP) Project Planning Review Risk Assessment client. Once a signed approval is received, HDR pulls in any additional resources needed to complete the additional work. The project schedule is updated to show revised milestones and timelines, and workplan information is updated online. If necessary, personnel assignments are adjusted to meet the revised schedule. HDR's QA/QC Program We maintain a fully documented QC procedures manual. It includes forms and checklists used by the project managers and QC persons assigned to every project. Every report, document, and plan is checked for accuracy and verified that it meets the client's terms. Each checkpoint on the form has a notation that the document was checked and that it complies with the client's desires, as well as a plan of action if it does not meet QC standards. QC procedures and standards assure that every deliverable is checked for accuracy before it reaches the client. Our goal is to set the industry benchmark for excellence in services we provide to our clients. We accomplish this through work well done, staying true to purpose, and exercising discipline. It is our policy to consistently provide professional services that satisfy statutory and regulatory requirements and that meet or exceed your expectations. To achieve quality in our work, we have developed a Quality Management System (QMS) based on the fundamental principles and guidelines set forth by the ISO 9001:2008 series of international standards for quality management. Schedule & monitor project quality activity QC Checking QC Reviews Project Reviews 08 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 04 1 Project Team 01 04 Project Team Our number one priority is to provide you with a first- class team that understands your project and has the skills and technical ability to deliver successful results. For your project, we have assembled a team that has regularly assisted the District and understands the issues the District is facing with its secondary clarifiers. It is a team you know and trust that is available and committed to deliver this project on time and within budget. Successful project management is a critical component to any project. Proactive project management facilitates effective communication and provides leadership and direction to the project team. For your project, Rob Natoli will serve as the project manager and primary point -of -contact. Through his work with you, Rob has laid a firm foundation of effective communication and trust with your staff, enhancing effective project execution. His recent experience at the District as the project engineer for your emergency generator replacement, primary clarifier and aeration basin rehabilitation, and concrete and coatings evaluation assessment projects makes him an ideal leader for this effort. Rob will be supported in his role by several proven industry experts. As principal -in -charge, Craig Olson will be responsible for the overall project performance and satisfaction of the District. He will make sure that resources are available to the project manager. Providing QA/QC for our team will be Hany Gerges. Hany has more than 30 years of experience in wastewater engineering and will be responsible for technical review of the project. All members of our team have adequate time available to complete your project successfully within the time frame indicated in the schedule, and are fully committed to this project. This team can begin work SO"•�V�7_H�TA-�N OF se @��C UTILITY W - -- -- -- Stephen Caswell, PE Craig Olson, PE Rob Natoli, PE Hany Gerges, PhD,PE PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE PROJECT MANAGER QA/QC Arashdeep Singh, PE PROJECT ENGINEER a� Greg Mieczkowski, NACE COATINGS EXPERT Brien Clark, PE, NACE CORROSION EXPERT upon receipt of a notice to proceed. Our percent -time availability table for our project manager and key staff who will be actively working on the project is presented below. Our project team organization chart illustrates our proposed team structure for this project. Brief biographies for staff members are provided on the following pages, and their two -page resumes are included in Appendix A. Availability for the 40% 10% 10% 35% 20% 20% project Commitment to other 60% 90% 90% 65% 80% 80% projects 09 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 04 1 Project Team FN Rob Natoli, PE I Project Manager I Folsom, California Rob has more than 14 years of water and wastewater engineering experience. His expertise includes execution of planning, preliminary design, final design, and construction of civil and mechanical process engineering for treatment plants, pumping stations, pipelines, and storage tanks projects. Rob led the design of two District rehabilitation improvement projects to address mechanical and concrete condition assessment findings to the District's aeration basins and primary clarifiers. He has also provided project management for similar efforts that the District is requesting for its secondary clarifier rehabilitation. Contact information: 916.817.4829 1 Rob.Natoli@hdrinc.com Craig Olson, PE I Principal -in -Charge I Folsom, California Craig has more than 36 years of experience in both civil and sanitary engineering, including design of water and wastewater collection, distribution, treatment systems, and storm drainage facilities. He has served as principal -in - charge, project manager, technical advisor, or project engineer for more than 50 wastewater treatment plants. Craig was the design manager for the District's Wastewater Treatment Plant Concrete and Coatings Evaluation Assessment and Aeration Basin and Primary Clarifier Improvements Project. Contact information: 916.817.48891 Craig.Clson@ hdrinc.com Hany Gerges, PhD, PE I QA/QC I Walnut Creek, California Hany has more than 30 years of experience in water and wastewater engineering, filling numerous project management and principal roles for Northern California wastewater agencies. His experience has included QA/QC, evaluation, optimization, and design of water and wastewater treatment plants and sewers. He is also the developer of a high -accuracy clarifier model program called HACM@, which has been successfully used for evaluation and rerating of primary and secondary clarifiers that resulted in millions of dollars in savings to clients. Contact information: 925.974.2507, 1 Hany.Gerges@hdrinc.com Arashdeep Singh, PE I Project Engineer I Folsom, California Arashdeep is a civil engineer experienced in planning, design, monitoring, and construction of projects in the water and wastewater industry. As an assistant project engineer working with large teams, he contributed to technical design and construction of treatment plants, pumping stations, and conveyance projects. Arashdeep has worked on more than a dozen wastewater treatment plant and pumping station projects. He is familiar with the District's facilities based on his engineering support for the District's Emergency Generator Replacement Project. Contact information: 916.817.4901 Arashdeep.Singh@hdrinc.com Greg Mieczkowski, NACE I Coatings Expert I Omaha, Nebraska Greg is HDR's chief coatings inspection supervisor and chief coatings inspector and has three decades of experience in the selection, specification, application, and inspection of industrial coatings. Prior to joining HDR, Greg served as superintendent for the second largest industrial coatings contractor in the U.S. His diverse duties have encompassed all phases of the coating/lining industry at water and wastewater facilities, potable water facilities, and others. His project work spans the U.S., and includes the City of San Mateo's Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Project. Contact information: 817.390.9812 1 Grzegorz.Mieczkowski@hdrinc.com Brien Clark, PE, NACE I Corrosion Expert I Claremont, California Brien has more than 17 years of experience performing condition assessments, external direct assessments, failure analyses, and cathodic protection/corrosion surveys and control designs for water and wastewater facilities. His experience includes corrosion assessments for wastewater treatment plants, as well as preparation of corrosion control standards for large sanitation agencies. His familiarity with your facilities includes his role as condition assessment lead on Aeration Basin and Primary Clarifier Improvements and condition assessment engineering support for Wastewater Treatment Plant Condition Assessment. Contact information: 909.962.5470 1 Brien.Clark@hdrinc.com 10 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 05 1 Level of Effort FN 05 Level of Effort TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL/ .. jfflllffi� ... .. . :.. TASK NO. ... MANAGER ProjectCORROSION and .. . ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER TECH CLERICAL HOURS 1.1 Project Management and Coordination 2 16 QA/QC Program 2 4 Subtotal Task 1 4 20 4 4 4 4 4 12 50 1.2 4 10 4 4 4 4 4 16 60 2 — Preliminary DesignTask 2.1 Data Collection and Review 4 16 6 4 6 36 12 8 2 30 2.2 Kickoff Meeting and Preliminary Design Field Investigation 8 48 8 12 6 48 8 150 2.3 Draft Design Memorandum 4 16 Draft Design Memorandum Review Meeting 8 Subtotal Task 2 4 36 2.4 12 2 2 2 2 28 88 24 18 14 48 12 244 3 — Final DesignTask 3.1 Final Design (90% and 100% drawings, specifications and cost estimates) 20 48 194 60 60 36 360 40 818 3.2 90% Design Review Meeting Subtotal Task 3 20 8 8 2 62 2 62 2 38 360 2 42 24 842 56 202 Bidding 4.1 Job Walk and Pre -bid Conference Respond to Contractor Questions and Prepare Addenda 4 Subtotals Task 4 4 6 16 22 6 2 14 4.2 16 6 6 8 56 22 6 6 0 0 10 70 96 90 56 412 80 1,216 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 06 1 Schedule FN 06 Schedule EXHIBIT B - PROJECT SCHEDULE ID Task Name Start Finish 8/25 9/8 9/22 10/6 1 10/20 11/3 11/17 12/1 12/15 12/29 1/12 1/26 2/9 2/23 3/8 1 Consultant Notice to Proceed Thu 9/5/19 Thu 9/5/19 Collect and Review Background Data Thu 9/5/19 Wed 9/18/19 Kickoff Meeting Wed 9/18/19 Wed 9/18/19 Preliminary Design Analysis Thu 9/19/19 Wed 10/23/19 Submit Draft Preliminary Design Report Wed 10/23/19 Wed 10/23/19 Preliminary Design Review Thu 10/24/19 Fri 11/1/19 Preliminary Design Review Meeting Fri 11/1/19 Fri 11/1/19 90% Design Mon 11/4/19 Fri 12/20/19 90% Design Submittal Fri 12/20/19 Fri 12/20/19 90% Design Review Period Mon 12/23/19 Fri 1/10/20 90% Review Meeting Fri 1/10/20 Fri 1/10/20 100% Design Mon 1/13/20 Fri 2/14/20 100% Submittal (Completion Fri 2/14/20 Fri 2/14/20 of Contract Documents) Provide Bidding Services Mon 2/17/20 Fri 3/13/20 9/5 9/18 10/23 11/1 12/20 1/10 2/14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section 07 1 Information to Be Provided by the District FN 07 Information to Be Provided by the District We anticipate the following list of documents and information the District will need to provide, so that HDR has sufficient information to complete the required scope of services within the proposed hours: 1. Record drawings for original construction of secondary clarifiers and any modification projects to the clarifiers 2. Condition Assessment documentation photos and report (HDR has this and will use it for the design recommendations.) 3. Most recent site survey for the wastewater treatment plant's overall site 4. Geotechnical report and groundwater elevations in the secondary clarifier area 13 k A T-IT-9 26— AdOp- Epp, MY 9 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo REGISTRATIONS Professional Civil Engineer, California, No. C-78271 Professional Civil Engineer, Nevada, No 23188 INDUSTRY TENURE 14 years HDR TENURE 12 years OFFICE LOCATION Folsom, California Rob Natoli, PE Project Manager Rob has more than 14 years of water and wastewater engineering experience. His expertise includes execution of planning, preliminary design, final design, and construction of civil and mechanical process engineering for treatment plants, pumping stations, pipelines, and storage tanks projects. Rob's considerable experience providing design and construction engineering services for wastewater facilities includes serving as either the project manager or project engineer on more than 35 treatment plant and pumping station projects throughout the western U.S. Rob led the design of two District rehabilitation improvement projects to implement mechanical and concrete condition assessment findings to the District's aeration basins and primary clarifiers. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE South Tahoe Public Utility District, Aeration Basin and Primary Clarifier Improvements, South Lake Tahoe, California Rob led the design of two rehabilitation improvement projects to address mechanical and concrete condition assessment findings for the District's aeration basins and primary clarifiers. Improvements included concrete coatings, ferrous metal coatings, mechanical rehabilitation and hydraulic improvements to piping, valves, and gates. City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase I and II, San Mateo, California As project engineer, Rob assisted with the design of rehabilitation improvements, including condition assessment findings, for the secondary clarifiers, which included inspection of concrete, ferrous metals, and coatings; modifications to the existing basin to accommodate new circular clarifier mechanisms; replacement and rehabilitation of corroded piping and valves; and replacement of the four corroded secondary clarifier influent gates with 316 SS sluice gates. HDR is currently performing engineering services during construction for this project. The project is tracking to be completed on time and within budget. Napa San, Primary Clarifier Rehabilitation, Napa, California Rob was the project manager for evaluation of the potential of rehabilitating the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation in conjunction with the primary clarifiers. HDR performed a condition assessment of existing equipment and structures in the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation, and evaluated the operational constraints associated with construction sequencing. A technical memorandum was prepared recommending the rehabilitation scope of work in the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation, and outlining the construction schedule and constraints for the project as a whole. Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority, Aeration Basin Condition Assessment, Lake Tahoe, California Rob served as project manager for the condition assessment of Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority's aeration basin concrete, mechanical equipment, ferrous metals, and existing coatings. Inspections were conducted over one -week periods with intermittent shutdowns to keep the wastewater treatment plant fully operational during field inspection work. A technical memorandum A-01 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 ROB NATOLI, PE (CONTINUED) detailing concrete and mechanical rehabilitation work required for the existing aeration basins was provided as a final deliverable for the condition assessment phase of work. Irvine Ranch Water District, Phase 2 Michelson Water Reclamation Plant Expansion, Irvine, California Rob provided civil design support for Phase 2 capacity expansion improvements for the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant. Improvements included influent sewers, headworks, primary sedimentation tanks, primary effluent flow control, activated sludge modifications, membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility, high -rate clarifier, effluent filtration, disinfection, reclaimed water pumping, chemical feed systems, sludge fermentation and thickening, electrical power supply, instrumentation and control, and stormwater management. Odor control was provided for the headworks, primary clarifiers, and unified thickening and fermentation tanks by providing covers and ventilation, and routing foul air to a chemical scrubber. Orange County Sanitation District, Wastewater Treatment Plant No.1 Activated Sludge Rehabilitation, Fountain Valley, California Rob provided final design support for preliminary design and design of $32.6 million in improvements to rehabilitate existing activated sludge facilities at the 80 mgd plant to extend its useful life, reduce long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and improve O&M of the facilities. Project included refurbishment of existing secondary clarifiers, addition of one secondary clarifier, and total suspended solids analyzers for the final effluent from the clarifiers. City of Vacaville, Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project, Vacaville, California Rob provided engineering support during predesign, final design, and construction of more than $64 million in tertiary upgrades to the 15 mgd Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board permit. Improvements included expansion of the influent pumping station to 52.5 mgd, retrofit of the primary clarifiers, addition of a third secondary clarifier, and expansion of the influent pumping station to 52.5 mgd. City of Oakdale, Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades, Oakdale, California Rob provided construction engineering services for upgrades to the 5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Improvements included installing a concrete mixed liquor splitter box near the secondary clarifiers, which includes weirs for the flow split; installing a new 120-foot-diameter secondary clarifier to operate in parallel with the existing 90-foot-diameter clarifier; and providing a return activated sludge (RAS)/waste activated sludge (WAS) pumping station for the new secondary clarifier. Delta Diablo, Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Update, Antioch, California Rob prepared an update to the wastewater treatment plant master plan to identify a phased and cost- effective capital improvement program to accommodate planned growth within the District's service area, upgrades to meet regulatory changes, and replacement of aging equipment to improve reliability and maximize plant flexibility to accommodate the District's future vision. The project included providing a storage and automated feed system to dose chemicals to the primary clarifiers to enhance existing primary treatment, resulting in improved reliability of the plant to maintain high effluent quality during periods of stress. A-02 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil/Structural Engineering, University of California, Davis Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University REGISTRATIONS Professional Civil Engineer, California, No. 39819 Professional Civil Engineer, Nevada, No.13064 INDUSTRY TENURE 36 years HDR TENURE 31 years OFFICE LOCATION Folsom, California Craig Olson, PE Principal -in -Charge Craig has more than 36 years of experience in both civil and sanitary engineering, including design of water and wastewater collection, distribution, treatment systems, and storm drainage facilities. He has served as project manager, technical advisor, project engineer, or principal -in -charge for more than 50 wastewater treatment plants. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE South Tahoe Public Utility District, Aeration Basin and Primary Clarifier Improvements, South Lake Tahoe, California Craig was the design manager for design of aeration basin and primary clarifier rehabilitation improvements at the 7.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Delta Diablo, Secondary Clarifier No. Retrofits, Antioch, California Craig provided design services for upgrades to Secondary Clarifier No.1. Upgrade included modifications of two of the five clarifiers (90 feet in diameter) by installing a flocculating centerwell and a spiral scraper for sludge removal. Modifications to the clarifiers included energy dissipating inlet (new or modified existing), flocculating feedwell, spiral scrapers, modification to uptake pipes, new drive, and blocking off three of four V-notches in the outer launder. City of Merced, Primary Clarifier, Merced, California Craig was the project manager for design, bidding, and construction of 95-foot-diameter primary clarifier and raw sludge pumping station retrofits. Sonoma County Water Agency, Secondary Clarifiers, Santa Rosa, California Craig was the project manager for planning, design, bidding, and construction services for two new 140-foot-diameter secondary clarifiers, flow split structure, RAS pumping station, WAS pumping station, demolition of the existing rectangular clarifiers, landscaping, and associated facilities and piping at Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant, valued at $4,150,000 in construction cost. City of Yuba City, Primary Clarifier, Yuba City, California Craig provided predesign, design, and construction engineering services for $3.5 million expansion of the primary treatment system, which included a new 90-foot-diameter primary sedimentation tank, rehabilitation of the existing primary sedimentation tank, demolition of biofilter pumping station, site drainage improvements, raw sludge and scum pumping, influent flow split (gravity), odor control, site work, yard piping, and electrical and control systems. City of Pinole, Water Pollution Control Facility Upgrade, Hercules, California As part of the $43 million water pollution control facility upgrade project, Craig served as project manager for the preliminary design, final design, and construction engineering services of improvements needed for the 3 mgd (22 mgd peak) water pollution control facility to comply with the new NPDES permit. Improvements included influent pumping station, headworks, primary A-03 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 CRAIG OLSON, PE (CONTINUED) clarifier, aeration basins, three new secondary clarifiers, RAS/WAS pumping, disinfection, centrifuge dewatering, and rotary screen thickening effluent pumping, flood wall, and electrical facilities. Secondary process improvements provided for nitrification and denitrification and included extension of the aeration basin that included fine bubble, ceramic done diffusers, new high- speed Turbo aeration blower in the existing blower building, demolition of two peripheral feed clarifiers and construction of two new 65-foot- diameter secondary clarifiers, relocation of Primary Clarifier 3, reset of primary clarifier effluent weirs and installation of three primary sludge pumps, construction of a new secondary clarifier distribution box, and replacement of the RAS and WAS pumps for Secondary Clarifiers 1 and 2. Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority, Aeration Basin Condition Assessment, Lake Tahoe, California Craig served as principal -in -charge for the condition assessment of Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority's aeration basin concrete, mechanical equipment, ferrous metals, and existing coatings. Inspections were conducted over one -week periods with intermittent shutdowns to keep the plant fully operational during field inspection work. A technical memorandum detailing concrete and mechanical rehabilitation work required in the existing aeration basins was provided as a final deliverable for the condition assessment phase of work. City of San Mateo, Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and Dale Avenue Pumping Station, San Mateo, California Craig designed improvements for expansion of the 15.7 mgd water quality control plant, which included secondary clarifier modifications, new 70 mgd pumping station with variable frequency drives (VFDs) and odor control system, new low-cost pumping station with vertical turbine pumps, digester, 6,800-square-foot maintenance building,150 linear feet (LF) of 48-inch-diameter gravity sewer, 800 LF of 36-inch-diameter ductile iron pipe (DIP) force main, 2,500 LF of 33-inch-diameter reinforced concrete force main, rehabilitation of 2,500 LF of 30-inch-diameter reinforced concrete force main, yard piping, and site improvements. City of Vacaville, California Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project, Vacaville, California Craig was the assistant project manager/production manager for preliminary design, final design, bidding, construction engineering, and startup services for $74.4 million in tertiary upgrades to the 15 mgd Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board permit. Regulatory requirements include compliance with numerical ammonia limits, nitrate limits, elimination of blending, and dry weather filtration/Title 22 reclamation. Predesign services included reviewing the facility planning work prepared by another consultant, preparing a mass balance model of the recommended treatment plant modifications, updating the Biowin model, and evaluating construction phasing, headworks, grit removal, primary clarification, flow equalization basin, aeration basin, blower, secondary clarification, RAS/WAS pumping station, effluent filtration, disinfection, primary control strategies, and electrical distribution system. Filtration improvements included retrofit of the primary clarifiers and addition of a third secondary clarifier. A-04 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt REGISTRATIONS Professional Civil Engineer, California, No. 58477 INDUSTRY TENURE 30 years HDR TENURE 19 years OFFICE LOCATION Walnut Creek, California Hany Gerges, PhD, PE QA/QC Hany has more than 30 years of experience in water, wastewater, and water resources engineering, filling numerous QA/QC, project management, and principal roles for Northern California wastewater agencies. His experience has included evaluation, optimization, and design of water and wastewater treatment plants and sewers. He is also the developer of a high accuracy clarifier model program called HACM©, which has been successfully used for evaluation and rerating of primary and secondary clarifiers that resulted in millions of dollars in savings to clients. Hany also has extensive experience in the area of environmental hydraulics and sediment transport. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation, San Mateo, California Hany designed rehabilitation improvements to the secondary clarifiers at the 15.7 mgd wastewater treatment plant, which included modifications to the existing squircular basin to a filleted basin to accommodate a new circular suction header mechanism; replacement of the six RAS pump discharge valves with 14-inch 316 SS knife gate valves; and replacement of the four secondary clarifier influent gates with 316 SS sluice gates. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Wastewater Treatment Plant Concrete and Coatings Evaluation Assessment, South Lake Tahoe, California Hany performed a condition assessment of the 7.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Methods of inspection focused on structure -by -structure assessments of concrete surfaces and metal mechanical parts for corrosion condition, OSHA compliance review, and structural/seismic considerations. HDR determined the condition of plant components and structures, estimated the remaining life of materials and facilities, determined safety requirements, addressed possible code compliance measures, and assessed structural/seismic compliance. A report was prepared that prioritized repair, replacement, and rehabilitation actions necessary over the next 10 years. Delta Diablo, Secondary Clarifier No.1 Rehabilitation Retrofits, Antioch, California Hany provided computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for improvements to upgrade the secondary clarifier mechanism to improve the suspended solids removal efficiency at the 16.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. He also performed stress testing services for the Secondary Clarifier No.1 to estimate the capacity of the clarifier in the field under stressed conditions, and determine the hydraulic performance of the clarifier by performing a computer -simulated dye test. Central Marin Sanitation Agency, Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Clarifiers Performance, San Rafael, California Hany was project manager and performed numerical modeling (using HACM©) and field testing of the secondary clarifiers at the 7 mgd average (100 mgd peak) wastewater treatment plant. The most cost-effective modifications were determined. Hany also developed and applied a new technique to evaluate the performance of the primary clarifiers. A-05 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 HANY GERGES, PhD, PE (CONTINUED) Potential savings to the client were estimated at $1 million. Fairfield -Suisun Sewer District, Evaluations for Secondary and Intermediate Clarifiers, Fairfield, California Hany was the project manager for hydraulic modeling of four square clarifiers at the 13 mgd wastewater treatment plant using his HACM©. Each clarifier was 110 feet long with a side water depth of approximately 12 feet, and has a draft tube sludge removal mechanism. As a separate project, Hany performed similar services for the intermediate clarifiers. City of San Jose, Secondary Clarifier Modeling and Rehabilitation, San Jose, California Hany was the project manager for the secondary clarifier optimization project for the City of San Jose and 167 mgd Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant. He provided numerical modeling of the hydraulics and performance of the 42 circular secondary clarifiers located at the plant. All the clarifiers were peripheral feed, peripheral take off. CFD modeling of the three types of clarifier configurations was developed and used to evaluate options for clarifier modifications, develop recommendations for each configuration that would improve clarifier hydraulic performance and optimize treatment efficient, and develop planning -level cost estimates for each configuration with recommended modifications. City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis San Mateo, California Hany performed a condition assessment of the 15.7 mgd wastewater treatment plant squircular secondary clarifiers, and an alternative analysis to extend their useful life and improve their performance. As part of the alternative analysis, different clarifier basin modifications, clarifier mechanism types, and corrosion control methodologies were analyzed. Hany recommended optimal modifications to increase capacity and improve performance. Irvine Ranch Water District, Michelson Water Reclamation Plant Secondary Clarifier and Activated Sludge System Rehabilitation/ Modeling, Irvine, California Hany evaluated the poor performance of the rectangular secondary clarifiers and activated sludge system at the 18 mgd Michelson Water Reclamation Plant, which limited the capacity of the plant to 13.5 mgd. He developed and implemented a comprehensive plan to identify settling and performance problems and performed mathematical modeling of nine rectangular clarifiers. HACM© was used to investigate the effect of different structural modifications on the performance of the clarifiers. Hany identified the most cost-effective modifications to improve performance and increase capacity. Following installation of simple structural improvements, which included addition of baffles and effluent arrangement reconfiguration, secondary clarifier performance was improved by 85 %. The effluent suspended solids concentration from the clarifiers dropped by more than 50 %, and saved the District from building an additional clarifier, thus saving more than $2 million. A-06 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento REGISTRATIONS Professional Civil Engineer, California, No.90090 INDUSTRY TENURE 4 years HDR TENURE 2 years OFFICE LOCATION Folsom, California Arashdeep Singh, PE Project Engineer Arashdeep is a professional civil engineer experienced in planning, design, monitoring, and construction of projects in the water/wastewater industry. As project engineer working with large teams, he has supported technical design and construction of treatment plants, pumping stations, and conveyance projects. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifier Rehab I and 11, San Mateo, California Arashdeep assisted with the design of rehabilitation improvements, including condition assessment findings, to the secondary clarifiers, which included inspection of concrete, ferrous metals and coatings; modifications to the existing basin to accommodate new circular clarifier mechanisms; replacement and rehabilitation of corroded piping and valves; and replacement of the four corroded secondary clarifier influent gates with 316 SS sluice gates. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Emergency Generator Replacement, Break Point Chamber Piping and Grading, and Effluent Piping Bypass to Mixed Liquor Split Box, South Lake Tahoe, California Arashdeep provided engineering support for the design, permitting, environmental documentation, bidding, and construction services for replacement of the existing emergency generator, break point chamber piping and grading improvements, and effluent piping bypass to mixed liquor split box improvements for the 7.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Project included arc flash hazard analysis and training, as well as replacement of a 600 hp engine driven pump with a VFD and controls. City of Pinole, Pinole-Hercules Water Pollution Control Facility Upgrad, Pinole, California Arashdeep was the project engineer for $43 million in upgrades at the Pinole/ Hercules Water Pollution Control Plant, which were needed to meet new conditions in the renewed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit that entail the elimination of blending of peak wet weather flows and use of the emergency outfall for peak wet weather flows less than 14.6 mgd. This project was extremely complex as upgrades needed to be made to an existing plant on a very small site. The plant had to remain on-line 24/7 without any interruptions. The existing plant did not have redundant treatment facilities, so temporary facilities had to be constructed to facilitate the shutdowns. Every single treatment process had to be updated, except for digestion. Three stages of shutdowns were scheduled. Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority, Aeration Basin Condition Assessment and On -Call Electrical Support Services, Zephyr Cove, Nevada As project engineer, Arashdeep performed a condition assessment of the existing aeration basins. Concrete and ferrous metal surfaces in and above the aeration basins were inspected. Photographic documentation of the field observations, destructive testing (mild chipping of the concrete for pH), and non-destructive testing of concrete were included. A technical memorandum was prepared that summarized the finding and recommended improvements to the aeration basins. A-07 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 ARASHDEEP SINGH, PE (CONTINUED) City of Davis, Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary and Tertiary Improvements Design -Build, Davis, California Arashdeep provided engineering support services for this project, which was initiated to replace the City's outdated oxidation pond process with a modern activated sludge process that was capable of meeting new waste discharge permit requirements. The secondary treatment improvements required construction of four 75-foot- diameter secondary clarifiers, four new aeration tanks, and other facilities. This project also included construction of new dewatering facility, sludge storage area, cogeneration building, associated piping, and rehabilitation of existing administration building, maintenance building, and laboratory. The project also included construction of a new plant entrance road and a flood protection levee surrounding the entire wastewater treatment plant. Napa San, Headworks Equipment Project, Napa, California Arashdeep was the project engineer during construction of improvements to the existing headworks facility at the Soscol Water Recycling Facility. Improvements included replacement of the existing influent screens with two 6 mm opening perforated plate screens; replacement of the existing washer compactors and belt conveyor with a sluiceway and single washer compactor; and replacement of the electrical conduits, control panels, and associated electrical equipment in the headworks equipment room. City of Fort Bragg, Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade, Fort Bragg, California Arashdeep was the staff engineer for this project, which provided predesign services for improvements to upgrade a 1 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Arashdeep assisted in the preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the recommended project, which included replacement of the existing trickling filters and clarifiers with an Aero-Mod SEQUOX activated sludge system, repurposing the clarifiers into emergency/flow equalization and/or storm run- off storage, treatment of on -site stormwater, solids handling, and power requirements. City of San Mateo, Nutrient Removal and Wet Weather Flow Management Upgrade and Expansion, San Mateo, California Arashdeep provided schematic design and final design services for $400 million in improvements to the plant. Among the improvements were three new circular, covered dual -use clarifiers with primary sludge pumps, scum removal, scum pumps, and return pumps during biological and chemically enhanced treatment (BioCET) operation. City of Vacaville, Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Upgrade Completion Phase, Vacaville, California Arashdeep assisted with design and engineering services during construction of select improvements identified in the City's Preliminary Design Report for Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion Project, which included constructing a storage building for mobile equipment used by O&M personnel, lining the existing emergency storage basin with reinforced concrete, and repairing the structural section at north sludge drying beds. A-08 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 REGISTRATIONS NACE International: Certified Level III Coatings Inspector, No. #9254 Greg Mieukowski, NACE Coatings Expert Greg has 38 years of experience in the selection, specification, application and inspection of industrial coatings. Prior to joining HDR, Greg served as superintendent for the second largest industrial coatings contractor in the U.S. He was in charge of overseeing the successful application of high performance coating and linings on various projects with values ranging from $1 million to $10 million. He has also reviewed coating specifications for the estimating and production departments, as well as verified material performance and conducted coatings failure investigations for both litigation -related and industrial projects. His diverse duties have encompassed all phases of the coating/lining industry involved with potable water facilities, fossil fuel generating stations, gas and oil industry, water and wastewater facilities, railroad, Department of Transportation, and commercial projects. Society for Protective RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Coatings: • SSPC-C-1 Protective South Tahoe Public Utility District, Compliance Review, and structural/ Coating for Primary Clarifier and Aeration Basin seismic considerations. The objective Industrial Structures Rehabilitation Improvements, South was to determine the condition of • SSPC-C-2 Specifying Lake Tahoe, California plant components and structures, & Managing Greg provided coatings assessment estimate the remaining life of materials Coatings Projects expertise for final design, bidding, and facilities, determine safety and construction engineering services requirement, address possible code INDUSTRY TENURE 38 years HDR TENURE 16 years OFFICE LOCATION Omaha, Nebraska for rehabilitation improvements for compliance measures, and assure Primary Clarifier 1 and Aeration structural/seismic compliance. Greg Basin 2 at the 7.5 mgd wastewater was part of a team that conducted treatment plant. Aeration basin rehabilitation improvements included concrete rehabilitation, aeration piping/ diffuser replacement, and hydraulics improvements. Primary clarifier rehabilitation improvements included concrete rehabilitation, replacement of the clarifier mechanisms, scum skimmers, scum box, and effluent weirs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Wastewater Treatment Plant Concrete and Coatings Evaluation Assessment, South Lake Tahoe, California. Greg provided coatings evaluation for a condition assessment of the 7.5 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Methods of inspection focused on structure - by -structure assessments of concrete surfaces and metal mechanical parts for corrosion condition, OSHA four site visits, using their expertise in coating assessment and application, concrete evaluation condition assessment, corrosion engineering, safety, mechanical engineering, and structural engineering to create a report prioritizing repair, replacement, and rehabilitation actions necessary over the next 10 years. City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis, San Mateo, California As a corrosion specialist, Greg performed a condition assessment of the wastewater treatment plant squircular secondary clarifiers, and an alternative analysis to extend their useful life and improve their performance. As part of the alternative analysis, different clarifier basin A-09 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 GREG MIECZKOWSKI, NACE (CONTINUED) modifications, clarifier mechanism types, and corrosion control methodologies were analyzed. City of San Mateo, Nutrient Removal and Wet Weather Flow Management Upgrade and Expansion, San Mateo, California Greg provided coatings assessment services for $400 million improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. Among the improvements were three new circular, covered dual -use clarifiers with primary sludge pumps, scum removal, scum pumps, and return pumps during BioCET operation. Napa San, Primary Clarifier Rehabilitation Condition Assessment/ Predesign, Napa, California Greg provided coatings condition assessment during evaluation for the potential of including rehabilitation of the chlorine contact basins and DAF in conjunction with the primary clarifiers. HDR performed a condition assessment of existing equipment and structures in the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation, and evaluated the operational constraints associated with construction sequencing. A technical memorandum was prepared recommending the rehabilitation scope of work in the chlorine contact basins and dissolved air flotation, and outlining the construction schedule and constraints for the project. Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Digester Condition Assessment, Chino, California Greg performed a coatings condition assessment of Inland Empire Utilities Agency's RP-1 Digester No. 3. The work included visual and aural inspection, ultrasonic thickness measurements, photo and video documentation of interior and exterior digester members, and a written report of the findings, including tabulated data, photos, conclusions and recommendations. The Digester No. 3 inspection included interior and exterior coating and structural investigation. Greg performed ultrasonic thickness measurements, pit depth measurements, and sounding throughout the digester. City of Pasco, Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Clarifier Upgrade, Pasco, Washington The City of Pasco selected HDR to design new primary clarifiers to better accommodate the current and future flow at the City's wastewater treatment plant. HDR's approach includes using CFD modeling to minimize the size and construction cost of the new clarifiers. HDR is also using BIM to design the new facilities to expedite design and save the City engineering costs. Greg provided coatings assessment expertise. City of San Diego, Pipelines Condition Assessment, San Diego California Greg provided coating services to the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department, which required a condition assessment of their wastewater pipeline system, on pipelines ranging from 8 inches to 120 inches in diameter, force mains, and trunk sewers. The project included the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) to gather, review, and validate all available data and update the existing CCTV. Otay Water District, On -Call Reservoir Inspection Services, San Diego County, California As coatings expert, Greg provided condition assessment, predesign, design, and bidding services for rehabilitation of the five steel welded above -ground reservoirs with capacities ranging from 1MG to 2MG. A-10 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 Brien Clark, PE, NACE Corrosion Expert Brien has more than 19 years of experience performing condition assessments, external direct assessments, failure analyses, soil corrosivity studies, water aggressivity studies, cathodic protection surveys, and cathodic protection/ corrosion control designs for water and wastewater facilities. Brien's related experience includes corrosion assessments for wastewater treatment plants and sewer pump stations, as well as preparation of corrosion control standards for large sanitation agencies. EDUCATION RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University REGISTRATIONS Professional Chemical Engineer, California, No. 6291 Professional Chemical Engineer, Arizona, No. 48417 Professional Chemical Engineer, Idaho, No.15476 Professional Chemical Engineer, New Mexico, No. 21879 NACE International: NACE, Cathodic Protection Technologist CP-3, No.17978 NACE, Cathodic Protection Specialist CP-4, No.17978 INDUSTRY TENURE 19 years HDR TENURE 19 years OFFICE LOCATION Claremont, California South Tahoe Public Utility District, Aeration Basin and Primary Clarifier Improvements, South Lake Tahoe, California Brien was the condition assessment lead during the design of two rehabilitation improvement projects to address mechanical and concrete condition assessment findings to the District's aeration basins and primary clarifiers. Improvements included concrete coatings, ferrous metal coatings, mechanical rehabilitation, and hydraulic improvements to piping, valves, and gates. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Wastewater Treatment Plant Condition Assessment, South Lake Tahoe, California Brien served as a report and design reviewer on the follow-on design work on the primary clarifier No. 2 and aeration basin No.1. Project involved a condition assessment for the wastewater treatment plant. Methods of inspection focused on structure -by -structure assessments of concrete surfaces and metal mechanical parts for corrosion condition, OSHA compliance review, and structural/seismic considerations. Assessment included visual observations and photo documentation of the condition of the coating, adhesion testing of the coating, degree of rusting (extent of corrosion), degree of blistering, dry film thickness measurements, evaluation of visible condition of concrete in service, and sampling of coating and deposits of existing concrete. City of San Mateo, Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis, San Mateo, California A condition assessment was performed on the wastewater treatment plant squircular secondary clarifiers, and an alternative analysis to extend their useful life and improve their performance. As part of the alternative analysis, different clarifier basin modifications, clarifier mechanism types, and corrosion control methodologies were analyzed. Brien served as the condition assessment lead. Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority, Aeration Basin Condition Assessment, Lake Tahoe, California Brien provided condition assessment QC for the condition assessment of Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority's aeration basin concrete, mechanical equipment, ferrous metals, and existing coatings. Inspections were conducted over one -week periods with intermittent shutdowns to keep the plant fully operational during field inspection work. A technical memorandum detailing and concrete and mechanical rehabilitation work A-11 South Tahoe Public Utility District I Section Appendix A I Resumes 01 BRIEN CLARK, PE, NACE (CONTINUED) required in the existing aeration basins was provided as a final deliverable for the condition assessment phase of work. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Primary Treatment Renovations, Martinez, California As corrosion project engineer, Brien provided preliminary design services for primary treatment renovations at the wastewater treatment plant, which included grit handling facility, primary level control, scum collection renovation, scum thickening, miscellaneous electrical renovation, guardrail renovation, concrete renovation, and primary tank flight drive shafts and bearings. Brien provided recommendations for repairs based on observed corrosion patterns and concrete spalling and cracking. Napa San, Headworks Equipment Replacement Project, Napa, California Brien provided QC for the condition assessment, preliminary design, and final design of the headworks at NapaSan's Soscol Water Recycling Facility. Condition assessment included inspection of T-lock lined channels, aluminum and ferrous metals, as well as coating recommendations. The condition assessment was summarized with a technical memorandum that was included in the headworks equipment replacement project design drawings and specifications. Ventilation improvements were also proposed by HDR in this project to slow future corrosion in the headworks equipment room. Tahoe City Public Utility District, Pump Station Triage Condition Assessment, Tahoe City, California Brien performed a condition assessment on 21 prefabricated steel dry wells. The condition assessment consisted of assessing the exterior cathodic protection systems associated with each dry well, including evaluating the rectifiers or galvanic anode test station condition, measuring and recording the rectifier or galvanic anode output, measuring structure - to -soil potentials around the exterior of the dry well while interrupting the cathodic protection system. The interior of each dry well was also assessed. A follow-up condition assessment was also conducted on seven of the reinforced concrete wet wells. Each wet well consisted of a permit -required confined -space entry to evaluate the concrete and coating. All the condition assessment data was tabulated in a report with conclusions and recommendations. Brien served as corrosion task manager and also provided QC services throughout the project. Delta Diablo, Tower Pump Station Rehabilitation, Antioch, California Brien designed improvements to replace the piping located within the Tower Pump Station wet well with above -grade piping. He performed condition assessment (corrosion and structural) of the wet well and existing sluice gate to determine the existing condition and appropriate rehabilitation. Brien also provided cathodic protection system evaluation, condition assessment report, piping rehabilitation, design package, and preliminary design report for the wet well rehabilitation. Rancho Murieta Community Services District, Concrete Sewer Station Wet Well Wastewater Pump Station Condition Assessment, Sloughouse, California Brien performed condition assessment for this project by means of a full - entry inspection with all areas of the three wet well chambers and the two adjacent manholes being fully accessible. A-12 k A T-IT-9 ; MR: k]- � � . _..� � Epp, Im � `�� %fir r.� � r � _ '• � City of San Mateo San Mateo W1NTP Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis FINAL San Mateo WWTP Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis August 8, 2014 1E,R,a-- 2365 Iron Point Road, Suite 300 Folsom, CA 95630 FINAL San Mateo WWTP Secondary Clarifiers Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis PROFESS/ONq� Juan Gabriel Perigault NO. C68471 EXP. 09/30/15 �OFCALVFO& Prepared under the responsible charge of I Gabriel Perigault, PhD, PE PROJECT TEAM Sebastian Borucki Brien Clark, PE Benjamin Down Greg Frost, EIT Stephen Fitzgerald Hany Gerges, PhD, PE Nicole Koehler Ted Kontonickas, PE Alby Lauderdale Rob Natoli, PE Craig Olson, PE J. Gabriel Perigault, PhD, PE Rick Uricoechea Gary Ho, SE (Beyaz & Patel) Subhash Patel, SE (Beyaz & Patel) Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Table of Contents INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................1 ProjectBackground..................................................................................................................................1 ProjectObjectives.....................................................................................................................................1 Project Tasks and Deliverables................................................................................................................1 Field Investigations and Condition Assessment...................................................................................2 AlternativesAnalysis............................................................................................................................2 Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumps Valve Replacement...............................................................3 Secondary Clarifiers Inlet Gate Replacement......................................................................................3 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS CONDITION ASSESSMENT (TM No. 3 Summary) ...................4 Condition Assessment Methodology........................................................................................................4 VisualInspections................................................................................................................................. 4 Evaluation of Concrete in Service........................................................................................................4 AuralTesting (Sounding)......................................................................................................................4 ConcretepH Testing............................................................................................................................4 Concrete Hardness Testing..................................................................................................................4 CoatingVisual Evaluation....................................................................................................................5 Degreeof Rusting.................................................................................................................................5 Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) Measurement.............................................................................................5 Condition Assessment Summary.............................................................................................................5 ConcreteStructure...............................................................................................................................5 SteelDraft Tube Arms..........................................................................................................................5 Center Column and Scum Baffles........................................................................................................6 Pipesand Supports..............................................................................................................................6 Walkwaysand Guardrails.....................................................................................................................6 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS STRUCTURAL EVALUATION (TM No. 2 Summary).................6 Structural Assessments City of San Mateo Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx ......................................... 6 i August 8, 2014 Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Potential Structural Modifications.............................................................................................................7 Evaluation of the Clarifier Center Column Support System.....................................................................8 Summary and Recommendations............................................................................................................8 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS (TM No. 3 Summary).......................................................................................................................8 Identification of Alternatives for Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation........................................................8 Description of Secondary Clarifier Basin Geometry...............................................................................10 Description of Sludge Removal Mechanisms.........................................................................................11 DraftTubes Mechanism.....................................................................................................................12 Suction Header Mechanism...............................................................................................................12 SpiralBlade Mechanism.....................................................................................................................12 CornerSweep Mechanism.................................................................................................................12 Rehabilitation Alternative Analysis Summary and Recommendations................................................... 12 ClarifierBasin Geometry....................................................................................................................12 Sludge Removal Mechanism..............................................................................................................13 Recommended Mechanism Material..................................................................................................14 Recommended Project - Filleted Basin with New Suction Header Mechanism (Option FNSH).................................................................................................................................................14 REPLACEMENT OF RAS PUMP DISCHARGE VALVES AND SECONDARY CLARIFIERS INFLUENT GATES (TM No. 4 Summary).......................................................16 RASValves.............................................................................................................................................16 Secondary Clarifier Influent Gates..........................................................................................................16 ESTIMATED PROBABLE OVERALL PROJECT COST..............................................17 ATTACHMENTS - Technical Memorandum No. 1- Secondary Clarifier No. 2 Condition Assessment, City of San Mateo WWTP and Estero M.I.D. WWTP - Technical Memorandum No. 2 - Secondary Clarifier Structural Evaluation, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP City of San Mateo 11 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis - Technical Memorandum No. 3 - Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP - Technical Memorandum No. 4 - Replacement of RAS Pump Discharge Valves and Secondary Clarifiers Influent Gates, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP City of San Mateo 111 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx M CD 0 W1 Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis INTRODUCTION Project Background The City of San Mateo (City) and Estero Municipal Improvement District Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) provides secondary and advanced secondary treatment for domestic and commercial wastewater generated by the City of San Mateo, City of Foster City, Town of Hillsborough, portions of the City of Belmont, and an unincorporated area of San Mateo County (Crystal Springs County Sanitation District). Per its discharge permit I, this WWTP has an average dry weather design capacity of 15.7 mgd and a peak wet weather capacity of approximately 40 mgd. During wet weather conditions that exceed the secondary capacity of 40 mgd, the WWTP discharges blended primary and secondary effluent to the outfall and subsequently to the Bay (40/60 ratio). Solids separation for the secondary treatment process is accomplished via five secondary clarifiers, four of which are square ("squircular-type") 75-feet-long each, constructed in 1976. Per City staff, the square clarifiers have only received routine maintenance since construction. The preliminary life -cycle assessment performed by City staff of the four square secondary clarifiers determined that the clarifiers were in a varied state of deterioration based on normal wear and tear. A schedule was established and funds were budgeted to rehabilitate these clarifiers. This will extend their useful life to maintain normal plant operations. The City also wishes to replace the Return Activated Sludge (RAS) pump discharge valves and the secondary clarifier influent gates. These mechanical elements are in poor condition and have reached the end of their useful life. The City's goal is to start the construction of the necessary improvements to in the first or second quarter of 2015. Project Objectives This project includes the following objectives: O To conduct and document a condition assessment of the four square secondary clarifiers, using Secondary Clarifier No. 2 as a surrogate for the condition of all secondary clarifiers. O To provide and evaluate alternatives to rehabilitate and improve maintainability of the square clarifiers to achieve optimal long-term performance. O To recommend replacement of the discharge valves of the six RAS pumps and the sluice gates that feed Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 through 4. Project Tasks and Deliverables To accomplish the project objectives, the project was organized into the following specific tasks: 1 Order No. R2-2013-0006 /NPDES No. CA0037541 issued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, adopted on March 13, 2013. City of San Mateo I Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Field Investigations and Condition Assessment As requested by the City, HDR inspected the clarifiers to the extent they could be inspected when in operation. Secondary Clarifier No. 2 was taken out of service and inspected completely. It is assumed that the findings within the basin of this clarifier are also representative of Secondary Clarifiers No. 1, 3, and 4, which were not drained to be inspected. The field investigations were conducted on April 1 and 2, 2014, and included observations and testing of different components that make up the clarifier basin, sludge removal mechanism, and ancillary facilities for Secondary Clarifier No. 2. Specifically, the following observations and evaluations were conducted: O Visual observations and photo documentation to determine and record the condition of the coating, metallic components, and concrete on accessible areas of the interior surfaces. O Structural evaluation and compliance with current codes. O Degree of rusting on metallic components. O Concrete evaluation O Non-destructive testing methods (e.g., Schmidt Hammer Test) used in the field to verify compressive strength of the concrete. The condition assessment included the following elements: O Existing facilities description. O Historical data collection and evaluation. O Analysis of visual observations and photo documentation. O Structural and seismic evaluation, which included: Structural and seismic analysis/evaluation of the existing concrete structure. A� Structural evaluation of the existing guardrail around the clarifier. O Degree of rusting evaluation of major components, along with analysis of noteworthy items observed during rusting observations. O Concrete evaluation of major components, analysis of noteworthy items observed during concrete observations, and pH testing. Alternatives Analysis HDR conducted an alternative analysis for rehabilitating Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 through 4 at the WWTP. The alternatives analysis included the following: O Development of alternatives O Summary of the main elements considered for each alternative. O Advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. City of San Mateo 2 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis O Engineer's opinion of probable cost for each alternative. As part of this task, preliminary design criteria for the recommended alternatives were selected, including process, structural and corrosion protection recommendations. Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumps Valve Replacement As requested by WWTP staff during the re-scoping meeting on May 20, 2014, HDR provided a brief description, preliminary specifications, and schematics with pictures to replace the discharge valves of RAS Pumps No. 1 through 6 with stainless steel knife gate valves and hand wheel actuators. The preliminary specifications considered both mechanical and corrosion specifications. Secondary Clarifiers Inlet Gate Replacement As requested by WWTP staff during the re-scoping meeting on May 20, 2014, HDR provided a brief description, preliminary specifications, and schematics with pictures to replace the slide gates that feed Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 through 4. The preliminary specifications considered both mechanical and corrosion specifications. The results of the tasks described above are documented in the following technical memoranda produced during the execution of this project: • Technical Memorandum No. 1- Secondary Clarifier No. 2 Condition Assessment, City of San Mateo WWTP and Estero M.I.D. WWTP: This TM documents all the observations and analyses included in the Field Investigations and Condition Assessment Task with the exception of the structural observations and analyses, which are included in TM No. 2. • Technical Memorandum No. 2 - Secondary Clarifier Structural Evaluation, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP: This TM includes all the structural observations and analyses required as part of this project. • Technical Memorandum No. 3 - Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP: This TM covers all the investigations and analyses conducted as part of the alternative analyses task. • Technical Memorandum No. 4 - Replacement of RAS Pump Discharge Valves and Secondary Clarifiers Influent Gates, City of San Mateo and Estero M.I.D. WWTP: This TM provides a short description of the replacement work, sample cut sheets, and schematic drawings with pictures for the RAS pump discharge valves and the secondary clarifier influent gates. A full copy of each TM is provided with this report. The following sections summarize the project's main findings and recommendations. For specific details, please refer to the project's technical memoranda. City of San Mateo 3 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis SECONDARY CLARIFIERS CONDITION ASSESSMENT (TM No. 3 Summary) Condition Assessment Methodology Visual Inspections Inspections and testing were performed from inside the secondary clarifier and from the walkways above. The concrete was visually inspected for signs of acid attack, mechanical abrasion, cracking, spalling, staining, or other forms of damage. The steel was examined for signs of corrosion and metal loss. Details on the procedures followed are described below. Evaluation of Concrete in Service Evaluation of the visual condition of the concrete was performed in accordance with American Concrete Institute Publication ACI 201.1R-08, "Guide for Conducting a Visual Inspection of Concrete in Service. " Aural Testing (Sounding) Aural testing was performed on the concrete structure to determine the location of voids and delamination. Testing was performed by tapping the concrete with a ball -peen hammer in multiple locations across its surface. The pitch and character of the resulting sound indicated whether the concrete was sound or was delaminated from the reinforcement or substrate. Concrete pH Testing Phenolphthalein solution was used to test the pH of the concrete structure to determine the extent of carbonation. Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator that appears colorless below pH 8 and bright fuchsia or purple at pH greater than 10. Sound concrete has a pH of 12 or higher. At locations inside the secondary clarifier where the coating had failed, a small amount of concrete was chipped away and the newly exposed surface was sprayed with phenolphthalein solution. This process was repeated until a color change was observed. The approximate depth of carbonation was measured. Concrete Hardness Testing The concrete hardness was tested in situ using a Proceq Type L Schmidt Hammer. The Schmidt Hammer is a nondestructive testing device that uses a steel rod to impact the concrete surface with a known force and measures the rebound distance. The rebound value is correlated with the concrete compressive strength. Three locations on each wall of the secondary clarifier were tested to characterize the concrete in the submerged zone, and two locations on the inner side of each walkway were tested for comparison. At each test location, 8-10 Schmidt hammer readings were taken in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended testing protocol. Trial readings were taken on the grout floor slab; however, these readings were inconclusive. City of San Mateo 4 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Coating Visual Evaluation The coating systems on the concrete and steel components were examined for defects and damage. Areas of coating loss were documented and photographed. The type of coating defect encountered (cracking, peeling, bubbling, etc.) was also recorded. Degree of Rusting Evaluation of the corrosion on steel members was performed in accordance with ASTM standard D610, "Standard Method for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces. " Visual evidence of corrosion was noted and photographed. Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) Measurement Steel member thickness on the rake arm structure was measured using a Panametrics ultrasonic thickness gage. To measure the thickness of a clarifier component, a small area of bare steel on the component was located and cleaned with a wire brush and towel. A small amount of ultrasonic couplant was applied to the steel, and the UT probe was placed flat on the surface. The thickness was measured at 3 to 6 locations for each part. Condition Assessment Summary Concrete Structure The cracking and delamination of the grout slab on the clarifier floor may be of concern in the future. If deterioration of the grout continues, the material may begin to break up and spall, leaving an uneven surface at the bottom of the clarifier. The structural concrete of the clarifier walls appears to be in good condition, with relatively few cracks and no significant spalling or degradation below the water line. The coating on the concrete walls is failing. Minor cracks in the east, west, and south walls allow slow seepage from the other tanks. The clarifier launder trough on the west side has a minor crack at its bottom. There are several spalled areas on the walkway concrete; the reinforcing steel in these areas appears to be very close to the surface (less than one inch of cover). The most severe spalling is in the center of the north side, at the location of the bridge. There is also some transverse cracking of the walkway slab in this area. The remainder of the walkway concrete appears to be sound; it is free of significant cracking, spalling, staining, or efflorescence. Steel Draft Tube Arms The steel arm that supports the draft tubes assembly has coating loss in several areas; however, the exposed metal appears to be adequately protected by the existing anodes. Minor corrosion is occurring at the anode attachment points in the heat -affected zone around the welds. Some of the jumper cables intended to provide current to metal fittings on the sludge takeup pipelines are broken. A jumper cable on the corner arm is also broken. City of San Mateo rJ Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Center Column and Scum Baffles The center column has minor superficial corrosion but does not show significant metal loss. The center cage structure is mostly intact up to the water line; the top angle plates are actively corroding. The scum baffle has corrosion and metal loss at the water line. Corrosion on the scum baffle plates may be a result of galvanic action between the carbon steel plates and stainless steel bolts. The scum removal platform has locations of active corrosion and metal loss. Pipes and Supports The large, nonmetallic pipe penetration on the south wall of the clarifier appears to be in good condition, as do its stainless steel supports. Some of the nuts and washers at the ends of the U supports are corroding. The 6" scum pipeline at the north end of the clarifier is heavily corroded. Pipe fittings and supports are likewise actively corroding. This pipeline may fail in the near future. Walkways and Guardrails The steel bridges show significant corrosion (pitting and general metal loss) on the east side. Section loss has occurred at the connection between the bridge beam and the electric drive motor assembly. SECONDARY CLARIFIERS STRUCTURAL EVALUATION (TM No. 2 Summary) Structural Assessments A structural/seismic evaluation of the existing concrete clarifier structure was performed based on the basis of structural analysis and design information in the original 1976 drawings and the field investigations conducted in April 2014. The interior and exterior walls of the clarifiers were checked for the appropriate hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces of the fluid, soil pressures and surcharge loads. The Design Capacity Ratio (DCR) was calculated for the structural elements. If the DCR ratio is greater than 1.0, then the member is overstressed. Members are acceptable if the DCR ratio is equal or less than 1.0. Our analysis indicates that the clarifier meets the requirements in the ACI standards. Based on field measurements, the 1.5-inch diameter guardrail posts on the clarifier concrete walkway and bridge deck are on a maximum spacing of 5.7 ft and 6.8 ft, respectively. The walkway guardrails are embedded into the concrete but the embedment depth is not known. The bridge guardrails are bolted to the bridge steel beams. Per requirements of the CBC2, the guardrail system was evaluated for a lineal load of 50 pounds per linear foot applied at any point on the top rail or a concentrated load of 200 pound applied in any direction, and to transfer this load through the supports to the structure. Our calculations show that both the walkway and bridge guardrail posts are overstressed. The DCR ratios for the walkway and bridge guardrail posts are 1.98 and 1.48, respectively. Also, during our field condition assessment, it was observed that the concrete around several of the walkway guardrails is cracked and/or spalled. This 2 CBC: California Building Code 2013 City of San Mateo 6 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis condition weakens the connection of the guardrail to the concrete walkway. In addition, some of the toe plate fasteners show signs of ongoing corrosion. The steel bridge decks are constructed with '/4 in checkered plate, supported on the sides by two 10-in deep wide flange beams. TM No. 1 identifies that the east bridge beam shows corrosion (pitting and general metal loss) at mid -span of the beam and at the connection of the beam to center column support. Also, the connection of the beam to the center column support is made with only a single steel bolt with marginal edge distance (see Figure 1-A11 in Technical Memorandum No. 1). Our evaluation indicates that the bridge structure, including the corroded steel beam, meets the requirements of the CBC code. Potential Structural Modifications The project team reviewed two potential basin geometry modifications for the secondary clarifiers: O Circular Geometry: This involves modifying the squircular basins to generate a basin with a circular bottom with circular top. New launders would be required. Two concepts were studied for the circular geometry as depicted below: Plan section Concept A (Concrete RIIl �: Plan Section Concept B (WalIsand Slabs) The first concept involves filling the rounded corners with solid lightweight concrete to the top of the clarifiers. This concept increases the total weight of the clarifiers by 18%. The second concept considers hollow rounded corners with 14-inch concrete walls and 10-inch top slabs. The weight of the clarifiers will not be increased as part of this option. O Filleted Geometry: This involves modifying the squircular basins to generate a basin with a circular bottom and retaining the square top of the basin. Existing launders would be used. The filleted geometry is depicted below: Section Our structural analyses indicate that neither the circular geometry nor the filleted geometry modifications, using lightweight concrete fill, will significantly increase the demand on the existing foundation system. However, it is preferable to consider concepts that do not substantially increase the load on the existing City of San Mateo % Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis foundation system. Thus, if the circular geometry is selected, Concept B, involving the construction of this modification with walls and slabs is preferred. Evaluation of the Clarifier Center Column Support System A structural evaluation of the clarifier center column support system was performed to determine whether the existing concrete clarifier structure is adequate to support the new sludge removal mechanism. The assessment was based on preliminary drawing and load information for the C1earStream mechanism system. The clarifier center column, a freestanding structure, is connected at the base to an 8-foot thick concrete pile cap which is supported on six concrete piles (see Figure 2-2). Our evaluation indicates that existing concrete clarifier structure, including the pile cap and piles, is adequate to support the C1earStream mechanism loads but the existing concrete at the base will need to be locally modified to receive the new mechanism anchor bolt system, specifically in the drain box area. This concrete modification will be determined in the final design after the mechanism system has been selected. Summary and Recommendations Based on our structural evaluation and the condition assessment, we recommend the following: 1. The walkway and bridge guardrails do not meet the CBC code and should be replaced with new CBC-compliant guardrails. The clarifier walkway guardrail posts can be side mounted with stainless steel bolts adhesive anchors to the concrete clarifier. The bridge guardrail posts can be bolted to the existing bridge steel beams. 2. Damaged concrete on the walkway can be repaired with SikaTop 111 Plus as manufactured by Sika or similar. 3. The corroded guardrail toe plate fasteners should be replaced with new fasteners. 4. The corroded bridge beam could be replaced or repaired with new reinforcing steel plates and the beam connection The center column support should strengthen with a two -bolt or welded connection. 5. Any of the proposed basin geometries are structurally viable options, as they do not increase the load on the existing foundation system beyond its capacity. Selection of basin geometry should be based on operational and economical considerations. 6. The existing concrete clarifier structure, including the pile cap and piles, is adequate to support a new mechanism loads but the existing concrete at the base will need to be locally modified to receive the new mechanism anchor bolt system, specifically in the drain box area. SECONDARY CLARIFIERS REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS (TM No. 3 Summary) Identification of Alternatives for Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation The two alternatives considered to perform the rehabilitation of Secondary Clarifiers No 1 through 4 are: City of San Mateo 8 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Alternative A: This alternative includes the replacement or refurbishment of the secondary clarifiers' structural and mechanical components based on the condition assessments provided in previous TMs3. It does not consider replacement of the sludge removal mechanisms. Specifically, Alternative A considers the basin configurations and sludge removal mechanisms presented in Table 1: Table 1. Basin Geometries and aarifier Mechanisms Considered for Alternative A Basin Geometry Sludge Removal Mechanism • Squircular (Existing Geometry — square • Draft Tubes Mechanism (Rehabilitated). bottom with round corners and square top). • Filleted (circular bottom with square top). Alternative B: This alternative includes structural rehabilitation and/or modifications of the basin of the secondary clarifiers, based on the condition assessment conducted as part of this project, and replacement of the sludge removal mechanisms and supporting systems. Specifically, Alternative B considers the basin configurations and sludge removal mechanisms presented in Table 2: Table 2. Basin Geometries and Sludge Removal Mechanisms Considered for Alternative B • Squircular (Existing geometry — square bottom • Draft Tubes Mechanism (New) with round corners and square top) • Circular (circular bottom with circular top) • Suction Header Mechanism (New) • Filleted (circular bottom with square top) Spiral Blade Mechanism (New) Thus, based on the potential permutations of the geometries and mechanisms type mentioned above, eleven alternatives were analyzed for the rehabilitation of the square secondary clarifiers. These alternatives are summarized in Table 3. 3 TM No. 1: Secondary Clarifier No. 2 Condition Assessment and TM No. 2: Secondary Clarifiers Structural Evaluation City of San Mateo 9 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Table 3. Summary of Alternatives Considered for Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Rehabilitate existing basin and 1 Squircular Draft Tubes SRDT mechanism. No new mechanism considered Alt. A Modify and rehabilitate existing 2 Filleted Draft Tubes FRDT basin and mechanism. No new mechanism considered 3 Draft Tubes SNDT Rehabilitate existing basin and install new draft tubes mechanism Rehabilitate existing basin and 4 Squircular Suction Header SNSH install new suction header mechanism Rehabilitate existing basin and 5 Spiral Blade SNSB install new spiral blade mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 6 Draft Tubes CNDT basin and install new draft tubes mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 7 Alt. B Circular Suction Header CNSH basin and install new suction header mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 8 Spiral Blade CNSB basin and install new spiral blade mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 9 Draft Tubes FNDT basin and install new draft tubes mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 10 Filleted Suction Header FNSH basin and install new suction header mechanism Modify and rehabilitate existing 11 Spiral Blade FNSB basin and install new spiral blade mechanism Specific details on what is being rehabilitated, replaced, or installed new are provided in TM No. 3 under the Scope of Work for Implementation of Different Alternatives section. Description of Secondary Clarifier Basin Geometry A description of three potential basin geometries were analyzed in this project, including their comparative advantages and disadvantages, is presented in Table 4. City of San Mateo 10 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Table 4. Comparison of Potential Geometries for Secondary Clarifier Basins Squircular Plan Circular Plan Filleted J L Section Section Section • It allows maintaining all available surface area, which helps to maintain current capacity of the clarifiers. • It does not require building additional structures and takes advantage of the existing effluent launders. • Eliminates the need for corner sweeps to remove sludge from the corner of the basin. • The radial symmetry provides a more homogeneous residence time and effluent quality in all sections of the clarifier. Maintains available surface area, which maximizes surface overflow rates. Eliminates the need for corner sweeps to remove sludge from the corner of the basin. Allows the use of the existing launders. Description of Sludge Removal Mechanisms • Requires corner sweeps to remove sludge from the corners of the basin. • The lack of radial symmetry does not provide ideal residence time and effluent quality in all sections of the clarifier. • Reduces available surface area by approximately 18 percent, which reduces clarifier capacity. • Require building additional structures (walls and slabs), including new effluent launders. • The lack of radial symmetry does not provide ideal residence time and effluent quality in all sections of the clarifier. • Requires filling the corners of the clarifiers to create a circular footprint at the bottom of the basin. • Sludge Scouring may occur near the corner of the launders (this can be mitigated by blocking the corners but will diminish launder capacity). • Very low side water depth at the corner of the clarifiers. • Loss of volume and side water depth will cause a loss of capacity. The three mechanism evaluated in this project where draft tubes, suction header, and spiral blade mechanisms. Brief descriptions of these mechanisms are provided below. A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of these mechanisms is presented in Table 3.5 in TM No. 3. City of San Mateo 11 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Draft Tubes Mechanism The Draft Tubes (a.k.a. Organ Pipe) Mechanism is the mechanism type currently installed in Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 through 4. This type of mechanism utilizes the differential head pressure between the liquid level of the clarifier and the liquid level in the sludge collection box to remove sludge from the clarifier. Sludge flows through vertical and horizontal legs of pipes into valved openings in a central sludge box, where it reaches a free surface condition, and then out of the clarifier through a return activated sludge (RAS) pipe that is inside and concentric with the center column. There are two flow control points — the sludge valves and the RAS pump. Suction Header Mechanism The Suction Header (a.k.a. Plenum Suction) Mechanism uses orifices in a tapered header that sweeps the bottom of the clarifier to remove the sludge from the clarifier. The sludge then flows to a center, submerged manifold and out of the clarifier through an embedded RAS pipe. Plow blades on the opposite arm move heavy solids to a separate hopper at the tank center. Spiral Blade Mechanism The Spiral Blade (a.k.a. Spiral Scraper) Mechanism employs rotating spiral blades to move sludge along the sloped tank floor. The continuous, tapered blade moves sludge to the center of the tank for withdrawal. Sludge then flows within the drum to the withdrawal point on the center of the tank floor, where it is removed from the clarifier. Corner Sweep Mechanism If the City chooses to keep the existing squircular geometry for the secondary clarifier basins, the mechanisms described above will have to be fitted with a rotating corner sweep at each arm of the mechanism. A typical corner sweep mechanism, similar to ones currently installed in the WWTP, include a vertical steel plate blade with reinforcement supported by steel pantograph arms. The pantograph arms will operate parallel to each other to maintain an approximate 45 degree attack angle. The corner sweep rake blade will sweep the entire flat tank section in each corner of the tank. The rake blades and pantograph arms will be kept in constant contact with the tank wall by a pivoting counterweight assembly. Rehabilitation Alternative Analysis Summary and Recommendations Clarifier Basin Geometry As described in the previous sections, the basin geometries considered for the rehabilitation of the squircular secondary clarifiers were squircular, circular, and filleted. The main advantage of retaining the squircular basin geometry is that it keeps intact the existing clarifier capacity based on surface loading rates (SLR) considerations and it is also the most economical alternative. Because this is the existing geometry, not only is the cheapest way to rehabilitate these clarifier, it is also likely that rehabilitation based on this geometry can be implemented in the shortest construction timeframe, which is something attractive to City staff as this will reduce the clarifier downtime. City of San Mateo 12 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis The main disadvantage of the squircular geometry is that it requires the use of corner sweeps, which requires additional maintenance and increases by approximately $100,000 the cost of replacing the mechanism of the four secondary clarifiers, offsetting some of the savings realized by keeping the existing basin geometry. The main advantage of the circular basin geometry is that it eliminates the need of corner sweeps. However, the circular geometry reduces the existing clarifier capacity. It is also the most expensive basin geometry and will likely require the longest construction timeframe. The filleted basin geometry is a blend of the squircular and circular geometry concepts. The main advantage of the filleted basin geometry is that it eliminates the need of corner sweeps at a much lower cost, and potentially construction duration, than the circular basin geometry. The main disadvantage of the filleted basin geometry is that it also reduces the existing clarifier capacity. Cost -wise, this geometry is about $500,000 higher than the squircular geometry but cheaper by about $900,000 compared with the circular geometry. Thus, based on our analysis, it is our opinion that the high cost of building the circular basin geometry has significant drawbacks and does not provide distinct advantages when compared with the squircular and filleted basin geometries to justify its cost premium. Sludge Removal Mechanism Drat Tubes While this is the existing mechanism being used by the squircular basins at the WWTP and have been in service for almost four decades, the draft tubes mechanism is not recommended in contemporary applications for the following reasons4: O The draft tube mechanism occupies a considerably greater space above the sludge collection zone and may interfere with settling. O Control of the RAS flow rate is difficult with the this type of mechanism due to the difficulties in setting the valves in the RAS box with variable sludge quantities and sludge rheology as well as differences in the hydraulics of the sludge withdrawal tubes. Suction Header For squircular basins, the use of corner sweeps would hinder the operation of a suction header mechanism. C1earStream and Westech have stated that suction headers with corner sweeps are not an ideal application. C1earStream also stated that this mechanism would have to be fitted with dual suction headers if fitted with corner sweepers, which would significantly increase the cost of this type of mechanism for this application. The suction header is the preferred technology for many secondary clarifier applications with basins with circular geometries because of its effectiveness removing sludge and price advantage compared with spiral blade mechanisms. Thus, suction headers may be a good option for this application when circular or filleted basins are selected. 4 Kinnear, Davis J., Evaluating Secondary Clarifier Collector Mechanisms. Water Environment Federation, 2002. City of San Mateo 13 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis However, these clarifiers are relatively shallow with side water depth 11 ft. This, coupled with the depth of the sludge blanket (1-4 ft) leave limited space (3-6 ft) between the top of the sludge blanket and the bottom of the influent well. To ensure that no sludge scouring and resuspension of solids when influent flows exit the influent well, and if this mechanism is selected for the rehabilitation, it is recommended that a Computer Fluid Dynamic (CFD) calculations be performed to evaluate if this is a real problem and what mitigation measures are necessary (e.g., baffles, etc.) Spiral Blade Spiral blade is an attractive option if a squircular basin geometry is selected as the corner sweep methodology of "pushing" the sludge is similar to the principle used by the spiral blade mechanism to direct sludge towards the center of the column. For the filleted basin geometry option, because of performance and cost considerations, the spiral blade mechanism is not as attractive compared with the suction header mechanism, if appropriately designed. Recommended Mechanism Material Based on the existing carbon steel performance with appropriate coating and cathodic protection and if initial capital investment is a priority, HDR recommends installation of carbon steel mechanisms in the secondary clarifiers. However, if chemical addition for enhanced settling becomes a possibility or the City would like to reduce maintenance and ensure a longer useful life, then 316 SS would be the preferred material. A preliminary life cycle cost using a 2.8 percent inflation rate indicates that the additional cost of 316 SS can be offset if sufficient operational and maintenance costs are realized by choosing this material over carbon steel. The necessary savings will depend on the timeframe considered: • O&M savings to offset $300k adder for 316SS over a 20-year life cycle = $16,000/yr • O&M savings to offset $300k adder for 316SS over a 30-year life cycle = $10,700/yr • O&M savings to offset $300k adder for 316SS over a 40-year life cycle = $8,200/yr Thus, HDR recommends base bidding with carbon steel for the clarifier mechanisms and including an adder to change the mechanism material to 316 SS. This would allow the City to select a contractor based on the lower carbon steel bid pricing and give the City the option to upgrade to 316 SS at the City's discretion. Pricing of 316 SS can be volatile and dependent on market and commodities conditions. This approach reduces the City's risk of obtaining a high bid due to changes in SS pricing. Recommended Project - Filleted Basin with New Suction Header Mechanism (Option FNSH) A summary of the different alternatives considered is provided in Table 5. Further details are included in TM No. 3 City of San Mateo 14 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Table 5. Alternatives Considered for the Rehabilitation of Existing Squircular Secondary Clarifiers Construction Cost Recommended? Mechanism IN IMM= '9-1 Mm Need corner sweeps, which are Squircul Draft SRDT 2.44 - N difficult to maintain and ar Tubes Alt. A 2 Filleted Draft FRDT 2.92 - Tubes 3 Draft SNDT 2.64 0.31 Tubes 4 Squircul Suction SNSH 2.56 0.27 ar Header 5 Spiral SNSB 2.68 0.31 Blade 6 Draft CNDT 3.8 0.3 Tubes 7 Alt. B Circular Suction CNSH 3.72 0.26 Header 8 Spiral CNSB 3.84 0.3 Blade 9 Draft FNDT 2.96 0.3 Tubes 10 Filleted Suction FNSH 2.88 0.26 Header 11 Spiral FNSB 3 0.3 Blade contribute to unplanned shutdowns N Not cost effective when compared with No. 10 Need corner sweeps, which are N difficult to maintain and contribute to unplanned shutdowns N Does not work with corner sweeps Need corner sweeps, which are N difficult to maintain and contribute to unplanned shutdowns Circular basin is not cost N effective and does not provide any significant advantage over squircular. Circular basin is not cost N effective and does not provide any significant advantage over squircular. Circular basin is not cost N effective and does not provide any significant advantage over squircular. More expensive than No. 10. N Also, suction header performs better. Y Recommended. More expensive than No. 10. N Also, suction header performs better. Per the analyses conducted, HDR has concluded that the filleted basin with a new suction header mechanism provides the best value to the City for the following reasons: • It is the lowest cost option that eliminates the corner sweeps, which will contribute to reduce maintenance in a confined space and the number of unplanned shutdowns. City of San Mateo 15 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier-2—Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis • It will provide a new mechanism that will be installed per the latest seismic and structural codes. • Installing a new mechanism will likely reduce change orders due to differing site conditions. • Installing a new mechanism may reduce warranty issues. • A new mechanism should have a longer useful life than a rehabilitated mechanism. • The suction header technology is considered the most efficient sludge removal mechanism. As indicated in TM No. 3, it is possible that some capacity loss may be experience by adding fillets to the existing squircular basins. Thus, it is recommended that a CFD analysis be conducted as part of the design of this option to determine actual capacity loss and identify mitigation measures for sludge scouring if needed. The preliminary design criteria and probable construction cost for this alternative are provided in Table 3- 10 in TM No. 3. REPLACEMENT OF RAS PUMP DISCHARGE VALVES AND SECONDARY CLARIFIERS INFLUENT GATES (TM No. 4 Summary) RAS Valves It is recommended to replace the existing RAS pump discharge valves with 14-inch 316 SS knife gate valves in accordance with City staff preference. The discharge valve on RAS Pumps No. 1 through 3 will need to be rotated 180-degrees due to the pipe conflict on the east side of RAS Pump No. 3. There are existing conduits to the west side of RAS Pump No. 6 that will need to be relocated so that the rotated knife gate valve can be installed without a conflict. The discharge valves for RAS Pump No.4 through 6 will be installed in the same orientation as the existing Non -Rising Stem (NRS) gate valves. The cost for replacement the six RAS valves would be approximately $78,000. This includes a cost of $7,000 per valve and $2,800 for the installation of each valve plus 10% for Division 1 general requirements and 20% for contingency. This cost does not include City's administration costs, engineering, or construction management. For more details including valve replacement renderings, specifications and manufacturer information, please refer to TM No.4 Secondary Clarifier Influent Gates It is recommended to replace the secondary clarifier influent gates with 316 SS sluice gates similar to the existing gates. The costs for replacement of the four sluice gates would be approximately $86,000. This includes $10,000 for each sluice gate and $5,000 to install each valve plus 10% for Division 1 general requirements and 30% for contingency. This cost does not include City's administration costs, engineering, or construction management. For more details including gate replacement renderings, specifications and manufacturer information, please refer to TM No. 4. City of San Mateo 16 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Final Summary Report: Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis ESTIMATED PROBABLE OVERALL PROJECT COST An estimate for the probable cost for the overall project is provided in Table 6. In order to provide a complete probable cost for the overall project, Table 6 includes planning level estimates for construction, engineering design, and construction management services. The construction cost estimates tabulated for the rehabilitation of the secondary clarifiers were developed in TM No. 3. The construction cost estimates tabulated for replacement of the RAS pump discharge valves and the secondary clarifier influent gates were developed in TM No. 4. Specific details on the development of these cost elements can be found in these TMs. These cost estimates relied on the following information and assumptions: O All markups (labor, equipment, subcontractor, sale tax, etc.) except escalation are included. O General contract requirements at 10 percent of labor and materials for construction are included in the construction cost estimates. This includes contractor mobilization, demobilization, construction facilities, general conditions, shop drawings/O&M manuals, and facilities startup and testing. O Contingency is assumed at 25 percent for the secondary clarifier rehabilitation, 20 percent for the replacement of the RAS discharge valves, and 30 percent for the replacement of the secondary clarifier influent gates. A higher contingency was used for the gates as the Aeration Basins Effluent Boxes were not inspected and the condition of the concrete within the box is unknown at this time. O Engineering services, including design and engineering support during construction, are estimated at 10 percent of the construction cost. O Construction management services are estimated at 15 percent of the construction cost. This high percent is assumed to account for multiple construction seasons. City of San Mateo 17 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Alternatives Analysis Summary Report August 8, 2014 C:\pwworking\sac\d0591687\028-228748-Secondary Clarifier_2_Final Report.docx Q _: CK L y c IM t a f; 0 C (o Y N co N O O 'O O L Q 00 N p cop E� N U) t6 U O O-0 U O > U O N L 'o_ O (D L > O coN O M N E 6 c E c E 0 0 0 LO O 00 Cl) 0 0 0 00 r- O O O O O M N U) z LL u 0 v •ll R AVE 1 F 0 RL 1 , G`'I/ raljl VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Contract Drawings For San Mateo and Estero Municipal Improvement District Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Project Issued for Bids Project No. 239958-028 San Mateo, CA October, 2015 INDEX OF DRAWINGS GENERAL 1. G1 COVER SHEET, VICINITY MAP AND INDEX OF SHEETS 2. G2 GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS 3. G3 GENERAL SYMBOLS AND LEGEND DEMOLITION 4. D1 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 DEMOLITION KEY PLAN 5. D2 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 DEMOLITION PLAN 6. D3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 2 DEMOLITION PLAN 7. D4 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 DEMOLITION PLAN 8. D5 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 4 DEMOLITION PLAN 9. D6 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 14 DEMOLITION SECTIONS 10. D7 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1.4 DEMOLITION PHOTOGRAPHS 1 11. D8 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 DEMOLITION PHOTOGRAPHS 2 12. D9 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES GATE DEMOLITION PLANS AND SECTION CIVIL 13. C1 SITE ACCESS PLAN STRUCTURAL 14. S1 GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 15. S2 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 FOUNDATION PLAN 16. S3 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 LAUNDER PLAN 17. S4 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 DECK PLAN 18. S5 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 SECTIONS AND DETAILS 19. S6 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 SECTIONS 20. S7 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 14 DETAILS PROCESS 21. P1 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 ISOMETRIC FLOW DIAGRAM 22. P2 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 KEY PLAN 23. P3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 MODIFICATIONS PLAN 24. P4 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 2 MODIFICATIONS PLAN 25. P5 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 MODIFICATIONS PLAN 26. P6 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 4 MODIFICATIONS PLAN 27. P7 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 MODIFICATIONS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 28. P8 RAS DISCHARGE VALVES PLANS AND SECTIONS 29. P9 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES GATE REPLACEMENT PLANS AND SECTION 30. P10 PIPE SUPPORT DETAILS 31. P11 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS 32. P12 DOOR SCHEDULE AND DETAILS ELECTRICAL 33. E1 ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND LEGEND 34. E2 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4 POWER PLANS 35. E3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK WEST - PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 36. E4 SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK CENTER - PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 37. ES SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK EAST -PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 38. E6 ELECTRICAL DETAIL AND CONTROL DIAGRAM Bq. Lerpth On Original y OmwlncEquals One InM. just Sqle nccomin9N 5 N. KOH O� O� M 29378 EXP. 6-30- P�gO n a r 4wo Z L Q CL m w LLJ LU LU Z Cr) � � U w � >o 0-1LU F- LU < W C) <� �Z F-o �o LLJ >O Oa w U U) 0 0 0 00 (N O 00 a O) 0 0 o O IM N s o 3 o w moo z a� z W Z Y 4 W > Y 1 O Q W Q O O 0 = U of fn I m 0 U fn !L CASE DRAWER SET r44 12 004 SHEET G 1 of 38 1 1 2 A/C AIR CONDITIONING COOP COORDINATE -J PA FACE OF MASONRY LIPS LOW-PRESSURE SODIUM PST POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT T&B TOP AND BOTTOM A/E ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CORR CORROSIVE, CORRUGATED FOS FACE OF STUDS LR LONG RADIUS PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE w A AMPERE CP CHECKER PLATE, CONTROL POINT FOT FLAT ON TOP LT LEFT PSIA POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ABSOLUTE T TILE, TREAD o 0 AB ANCHOR BOLT CPLG COUPLING FPT FEMALE PIPE THREAD LTD LIMITED PSIG POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAGE TA TOILET ACCESSORY, TEMPERED AIR ABAN ABANDON CRL CORROSION -RESISTANT LINING FR FRAME LTG LIGHTING PST PRESTRESSED TAN TANGENT ABC AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CSC COMPRESSION SLEEVE COUPLING FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC LTL LINTEL PT POINT, POINT OF TANGENCY TBM TEMPORARY BENCHMARK = ABE AERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CSK COUNTERSINK FRTM FIRE RETARDANT TREATED MATERIAL LTNG LIGHTNING PTN PARTITION TCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT m ABT ABOUT CSS CLINIC SERVICE SINK FS FLOOR SINK, FAR SIDE LV LOW VOLTAGE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE, POINT OF TEE TROWELED EPDXY FLOORING AC ALTERNATING CURRENT CT CERAMIC TILE FT FEET, FOOT LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER VERTICAL CURVE TEMP TEMPORARY, TEMPERATURE ACK ACKNOWLEDGE CTJ CONTRACTION JOINT FTG FOOTING, FITTING LVR LOUVER PVMT PAVEMENT THD THREAD ACE ACOUSTIC CEILING PANEL, CTR CENTER FUR FURRED, FURRING LW LIGHTWEIGHT PWD PLYWOOD THK THICK ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT CTRL CONTROL FURN FURNITURE, FURNISH LWC LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE PWJ PLYWOOD WEB JOIST THRESH THRESHOLD ACST ACOUSTIC CVT CULVERT FUT FUTURE LWL LOW WATER LEVEL PZ PIEZOMETER TKBD TACK BOARD AD ADDENDUM, AREA DRAIN CU COPPER, CUBIC FV FACE VELOCITY TOB TOP OF BOLT, TOP OF BANK, (n zo ADDL ADDITIONAL CW CLOCKWISE FN FIELD WELD, FIRE WALL MA MIXED AIR Q RATE OF FLOW TOP OF BEAM, TOP OF BERM 0 F ADH ADHESIVE CY CUBIC YARD FWD FORWARD MACH MACHINED QT QUARRY TILE TOG TOP OF CURB, TOP OF CONCRETE m a ADJ ADJUSTABLE, ADJACENT EWE FURNISHED WITH EQUIPMENT MAINT MAINTENANCE QTR QUARTER TOD TOP OF DUCT AT AMP FRAME, AMP FUSE d PENNY (NAIL MEASURE) FXTR FIXTURE MAN MANUAL QTY QUANTITY TOE TOP OF FOOTING O w AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR D DEEP, DIFFUSER, DRAIN MATT MATERIAL QUAL QUALITY TOG TOP OF GRATING P o AEG ABOVE FINISH GRADE DB DUCT BANK, DECIBEL, DRY BUI H G GRILLE, GROUND MAX MAXIMUM TOIL TOLERANCE, TOP OF LEDGER AGGR AGGREGATE DBA DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR GA GAGE (METAL THICKNESS) MB MACHINE BOLT R&R REMOVE AND REPLACE TOM TOP OF MASONRY W Al AREA INLET, ANALOG INPUT DBL DOUBLE GAL GALLON MBR MEMBER R&S REMOVE AND SALVAGE TOP TOP OF PLATE :D AIC AMPS INTERRUPTING CAPACITY DC DIRECT CURRENT GALV GALVANIZED MC MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL R RADIUS, REGISTER, RISER TORO TOPOGRAPHY cn ALIG ALIGNMENT DEG DEGREE GB GRAB BAR, GRADE BREAK COUPLING, MOMENT CONNECTION RAS RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE TOS TOP OF SLAB, TOP OF STEEL, TOE OF SLOPE N ALT ALTERNATE, ALTITUDE DEG C DEGREE CENTIGRADE GC GROOVED COUPLING MOB METAL CORNER BEAD RB RESILIENT BASE, ROCK BERM TOW TOP OF WALL ALUM ALUMINUM DEG F DEGREE FAHRENHEIT GO GUARD MCJ MASONRY CONTROL JOINT RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE TP TOILET PARTITION, TELEPHONE POLE, Q w o AM ACOUSTICAL MATERIAL DEMO DEMOLITION GEN GENERAL MDMJ MODIFIED DOUBLE MECHANICAL JOINT RCPT RECEPTACLE TOE PLATE, TRAP PRIMER z AMB AMBIENT DEP DEPRESSED GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER MECH MECHANICAL RD ROOF DRAIN TPD TOILET PAPER DISPENSER ANC ANCHOR DEPT DEPARTMENT GFMU GROUND FACE MASONRY UNIT VIED MEDIUM REC RECESS TPG TOPPING, THROUGH PLATE GIRDER AO ANALOG OUTPUT DET DETAIL GG GUTTER GRADE MFR MANUFACTURER RECD RECEIVED TR TRANSOM AP ACCESS PANEL DI DROP INLET, DUCTILE IRON, DIGITAL INPUT GJ GROOVED JOINT MH MANHOLE, METAL HALIDE RECT RECTANGULAR TRANS TRANSITION APRX APPROXIMATE DIA DIAMETER GL GLASS MIN MINIMUM RED REDUCER FRO TRENCH DRAIN APVD APPROVED DIAG DIAGONAL, DIAGRAM GLB GLASS BLOCK, GLULAM BEAM MIR MIRROR REF REFERENCE TYP TYPICAL ARCH ARCHITECTURAL DIFF DIFFERENTIAL, DIFFERENCE GND GROUND MISC MISCELLANEOUS REINF REINFORCING ASSY ASSEMBLY DIM DIMENSION GP GUY POLE MJ MECHANICAL JOINT REM REMOVE U URINAL AT ACOUSTICAL TILE, AMP TRIP DISCH DISCHARGE GR GRADE MIL MASONRY LINTEL READ REQUIRED UG UNDERGROUND ATC ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING DIST DISTANCE, DISTRIBUTION GRTG GRATING MLO MAIN LUGS ONLY RESIL RESILIENT ULT ULTIMATE ATM ATMOSPHERE DIV DIVISION GSB GYPSUM SHEATHING BOARD AMB MEMBRANE PET RETAINING, RETURN UNFN UNFINISHED AUTO AUTOMATIC DL DEAD LOAD GT GREASE TRAP MO MASONRY OPENING REV REVISION, REVERSE ONO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE AUX AUXILIARY DMJ DOUBLE MECHANICAL JOINT GVL GRAVEL MOD MODULAR, MODIFY RE RESILIENT FLOORING UTIL UTILITY AVE AVENUE DMPF DAMP PROOFING GW GUY WIRE MON MONUMENT RFG ROOFING AVG AVERAGE ON DOWN GWB GYPSUM WALLBOARD MPT MALE PIPE THREAD RFL REFLECTED, REFLECTOR V VENT, VELOCITY, VOLT AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAGE DO DISSOLVED OXYGEN, DIGITAL OUTPUT, DITTO GYP GYPSUM HARDBOARD MRGWB MOISTURE -RESISTANT GYPSUM WALLBOARD RGH ROUGH VA VOLT AMPERE - - AWT ACOUSTICAL WALL TILE DP DEPTH RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL VAC VACUUM - DPDT DOUBLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW H HIGH MS MOP SINK RGS-PVC PVC COATED RGS VAR VARNISH, VARIABLE, VOLT AMPERES REACTIVE B TO B BACK TO BACK DPST DOUBLE POLE, SINGLE THROW HE HOSE BIBB MSL MEAN SEA LEVEL PH RELIEF HOOD, RIGHT HAND, RELATIVE HUMIDITY VB VAPOR BARRIER, VINYL BASE, VALVE BOX - BAL BALANCE DS DOWN SPOUT BED HARDBOARD MT MOUNT RL REQUIRED LAP VC VERTICAL CURVE - BBD BULLETIN BOARD DT DOUBLE TEE, DRIP TRAP ASSEMBLY HC HANDICAPPED, HOLLOW CORE, HORIZONTAL MU MASONRY UNIT PLEA RELIEF AIR VICE VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE BC BASE CABINET, BOTTOM CHORD, DUP DUPLICATE CURVE, HORIZONTAL CENTERLINE MULL MULLION RIND ROUND VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE, VERTICAL CENTERLINE BOLT CENTER, BOLT CIRCLE DWG DRAWING HD HEAD, HOT DIP MV MEDIUM VOLTAGE RING RUNNING VEL VELOCITYF.`�EO « BD BOARD DWL DOWEL HDR HEADER MW MONITORING WELL RO ROUGH OPENING VENT VENTILATION s r BE BOTH ENDS, BELL END DWR DRAWER HDW HARDWARE ROW RIGHT-OF-WAY VERT VERTICAL r BE BOTH FACES, BOTTOM FACE, HEX HEXAGONAL N NORTH, NEUTRAL RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE VERTS VERTICAL REINFORCING Z+rt„wa BLIND FLANGE, BOARD FEET BITUM BITUMINOUS E EAST EA EACH, EXHAUST AIR HGR HANGER PH HANDHOLE NA NOT APPLICABLE NAT NATURAL, NATIONAL RR RAILROAD RSP ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION VG VERTICAL GRAIN VIF VERIFY IN FIELD cn o BKG BACKING EC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HID HIGH -INTENSITY DISCHARGE NO NORMALLY CLOSED RT RIGHT VIN VINYL "\ BL BASE LINE ECC ECCENTRIC HIM HOLLOW METAL NEG NEGATIVE PVT RESILIENT VINYL TILE VOL VOLUME BLDG BUILDING ED EQUIPMENT DRAIN HORIZ HORIZONTAL NF NEAR FACE, NON -FUSED RY READY VPC VERTICAL POINT OF CURVATURE BLK BLOCK EDB ELECTRICAL DUCT BANK HP HIGH POINT, HORSEPOWER FIG NOT IN CONTRACT VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION BLKG BLOCKING BE EACH END HPC HORIZONTAL POINT OF CURVATURE NO NORMALLY OPEN, NUMBER S SOUTH, SINK VPT VERTICAL POINT OF TANGENCY BM BENCHMARK, BEAM EF EACH FACE HIPS HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM NOM NOMINAL SA SUPPLY AIR VS VERSUS, VAPOR SEAL Z BOC BACK OF CURB EFF EFFLUENT, EFFICIENCY HPT HORIZONTAL POINT OF TANGENCY LIPS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE SAMU SOUND -ABSORBING MASONRY UNIT VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF BOD BOTTOM OF DUCT BOG BOTTOM OF GRILLE EHH ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE EIFS EXTERIOR INSULATION & HR HOSE REEL, HOUR HS HEADED STUD, HIGH STRENGTH APT NATIONAL PIPE THREAD NS NEAR SIDE SAN SANITARY SB SPLASH BLOCK 2W No. 2 WATER H SOL BOTTOM OF LOUVER, BOLLARD FINISH SYSTEM HSS HOLLOW STRUCTURAL SHAPE NTS NOT TO SCALE SC SECONDARY CLARIFIER 3W No. 3 WATER Z < z BOP BOTTOM OF PIPE BOR BOTTOM OF REGISTER EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELBOW, ELEVATION HT HEIGHT HTG HEATING NWL NORMAL WATER LEVEL SCE SECONDARY CLARIFIER EFFLUENT SCH SCHEDULE W/ WITH W/0 WITHOUT Q — J J O HOT BOTTOM ELEC ELECTRICAL HV HIGH VOLTAGE 0 TO 0 OUT TO OUT SCHEM SCHEMATIC W WATT, WEST, WIDE, WINDOW, WIRE, Q BOU BOTTOM OF UNIT EMBD EMBEDDED HVAC HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CA OUTSIDE AIR, OVERALL SCI SECONDARY CLARIFIER INFLUENT WIDE FLANGE BEAM Q BP BASE PLATE EMER EMERGENCY HWD HARDWOOD OC ON CENTER SON SCREEN WC WATER CLOSET, WATER COLUMN Z = BBC BEARING EMH ELECTRICAL MANHOLE HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL COED OVER CURRENT PROTECTION DEVICE SE SECONDARY EFFLUENT WD WOOD, WIDTH W W BRGP BEARING PLATE ENCL ENCLOSURE HYD HYDRAULIC OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER SEC SECONDARY, SECONDS WE WIDE FLANGE, WASH FOUNTAIN LEf BRKT BRACKET ENGR ENGINEER HE HERTZ, CYCLES PER SECOND QED OPEN END DUCT SECT SECTION WI WROUGHT IRON Ui 0-1BS BOTH SIDES ENTR ENTRANCE OF OUTSIDE FACE, OFFICE FURNISHING SEP SEPARATE WL WATER LEVEL W �' m W BTU BRITISH THERMAL UNIT BTW BETWEEN EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT Eq EQUAL i; INSIDE DIAMETER, INTERIOR DIMENSION IE INVERT ELEVATION, FOR EXAMPLE GFCI OWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OF01 OWNER FURNISHED OWNER INSTALLED SF SQUARE FOOT, SILT FENCE SG SHEET GLASS, SEALANT GROOVE WILD WELDED WM WIRE MESH C� E m BTWLD BUTT WELD EQUIP EQUIPMENT IF INSIDE FACE OG ORIGINAL GROUND SHC SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE CONCENTRATED WP WEATHERPROOF Q BU BELL UP, BUILT-UP EQUIV EQUIVALENT IH INTAKE HOOD OH OVERHEAD SHS SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTION WS WATERSTOP, WATER SURFACE Lu BUR BUILT-UP ROOFING ES EACH SIDE, EQUAL SPACE, IMP IMPACT OPNG OPENING SILT SHEET WT WEIGHT, WATER TIGHT BW BOTH WAYS EMERGENCY SHOWER IN INCH OPP OPPOSITE SHTG SHEATHING WTHP WATERPROOF, WORKING POINT Q V Q BYE BYPASS ESEW EMERGENCY SHOWER AND EYE WASH INC INCLUDE, INCANDESCENT OPT OPTIONAL SIL SILENCE EST ESTIMATE INF INFLUENT OR OUTSIDE RADIUS SIM SIMILAR XS EXTRA STRONG W Lv C TO C CENTER TO CENTER EW EACH WAY, EMERGENCY EYE/FACE WASH INSTR INSTRUMENTATION ORD OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN SJ SLAB JOINT C&G CURB AND GUTTER EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER INSUL INSULATION ORIG ORIGINAL SL SLOPE, STEEL LINTEL Z CHANNEL SHAPE, CENTIGRADE, CONDUIT EWEF EACH WAY, EACH FACE INT INTERIOR, INTERSECTION OVFL OVERFLOW SLTD SLOTTED Q Z LIJ CAB CABINET EWTB EACH WAY, TOP AND BOTTOM INTR INTERMEDIATE, INTERIOR OVHG OVERHANG SLV SLEEVE 3: O U' CAP CAPACITY EXC EXCAVATION INV INVERT OZ OUNCE SMLS SEAMLESS CAT CATALOG, CATALOGIORY EXH EXHAUST IRS IRON PIPE SIZE BOG SLAB ON GRADE W -AV CAVITY EXP EXPANSION, EXPOSED IPT INTERNAL PIPE THREAD P PAINT SP SOUNDPROOF, STANDPIPE GENERAL NOTES: (f) CB CATCH BASIN EXST EXISTING IR INSIDE RADIUS, IRON ROD PA PUBLIC ADDRESS SPA SPACING CCB CONCRETE BLOCK EXT EXTERIOR, EXTERNAL, EXTENSION IRR IRRIGATION PAR PARALLEL, PARAPET SPEC SPECIFICATION 1. THESE ABBREVIATIONS APPLY TO THE ENTIRE SET OF w CCW COUNTER CLOCKWISE ISO ISOMETRIC PB PANIC BAR, PULL BOX SPLY SUPPLY CONTRACT DRAWINGS. _ COE CONTROLLED -DENSITY FILL F TO F FACE TO FACE PBD PARTICLE BOARD SPST SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW - CE CONCRETE EDGE F&B FACE AND BYPASS JB JUNCTION BOX PC POINT OF CURVE, PIECE, PRECAST SPT SET POINT 2. LISTING OF ABBREVIATIONS DOES NOT IMPLY THAT CER CERAMIC FAB FABRICATE JCT JUNCTION PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE SO SQUARE ALL ABBREVIATIONS ARE USED IN THE CONTRACT_ CF CUBIC FEET (FOOT) FB FLOOR BEAM JF JOINT FILLER PCF POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT SR SHORT RADIUS DRAWINGS.- CFL COUNTER FLASHING FBD FIBERBOARD JST JOIST POT PERCENT SST STAINLESS STEEL _ - CLOD CHALKBOARD FBG FIBERGLASS JT JOINT PE PLAIN END ST STREET 3. ABBREVIATIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET INCLUDE — - _HD CHORD FBM BOARD FOOT MEASURE PED PEDESTAL STA STATION VARIATIONS OF A WORD. FOR EXAMPLE, "MOD" CHER CHAMFER FBO FURNISHED BY OWNER K KIP PEN PENETRATION STD STANDARD MAY MEAN MODIFY OR MODIFICATION; "INC" MAY CHH COMMUNICATION HANDHOLE FC FLUSHING CONNECTION KB KNEE BRACE PERE PERFORATED STIF STIFFENER MEAN INCLUDED OR INCLUDING AND "REINF" MAY CURB INLET FCA FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER KCMIL THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS PERM PERMANENT STIR STIRRUP MEAN EITHER REINFORCE OR REINFORCING. ML CIP CAST -IN -PLACE FD FLOOR DRAIN KD KNOCK DOWN PERP PERPENDICULAR STL STEEL `2 � � CIPB CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVER FDC FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTION KO KNOCK OUT PF POWER FACTOR STOR STORAGE SEE INSTRUMENTATION LEGEND SHEET FOR BALLAST FDR FEEDER KSI KIPS PER SQUARE INCH PFMU PREFACED MASONRY UNIT STIRSTRUCTURAL, STRAIGHT PROJECT -SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT SYMBOLS, EQUIPMENT o 0 o CIRC CIRCULATION, CIRCULAR FDTN FOUNDATION KW KILOWATT PH PHASE SUB SUBSTITUTE ABBREVIATIONS, AND PIPING SYSTEM ABBREVIATIONS. 00 N CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT FE FLANGED END PI POINT OF INTERSECTION SUC SUCTION O CRT CIRCUIT FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET L ANGLE, LENGTH, LAVATORY, LINTEL PKG PACKAGE SUSP SUSPENDED CL CENTERLINE, CLASS, CLOSE FES FLARED END SECTION LAD LADDER PL PLATE, PROPERTY LINE, PRECAST LINTEL SY SQUARE YARD 00 CLG CEILING FEXT FIRE EXTINGUISHER LAM LAMINATE PLAS PLASTER SYM SYMBOL a a a rn CLKG CAULKING FF FAR FACE, FACTORY FINISH, FLAT FACE LATL LATERAL PLAT PLATFORM SYMM SYMMETRICAL o 0 o rn CLR CLEAR FIGFINISHED GRADE LB LAG BOLT, POUND PLBG PLUMBING SYN SYNTHETIC N CMH COMMUNICATION MANHOLE FH FIRE HYDRANT LCTB LIQUID CHALK AND TACK BOARD PLF POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT SYS SYSTEM m CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE FIG FIGURE LOG LANDING PLED PNEUMATIC o CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FIN FINISH LDR LEADER POL POLISH CO CLEANOUT, CONCRETE OPENING FJT FLUSH JOINT LE LIFTING EYE POS POSITIVE, POSITION m I m z O COL COLUMN FL FLOW, FLOW LINE LF LINEAR FOOT PP POLYPROPYLENE, POWER POLE 0 COM COMMON FLEX FLEXIBLE LG LONG PRO POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE ESSIONgI COMB COMBINATION FLO FLANGE LH LEFT HAND FREE PREFINISHED QQROF > y 3 w w COMM COMMUNICATION FLOR FLUORESCENT LIN LINEAR PREFAB PREFABRICATED Q� N. KON F' Tay ti� tr O a w a o COMP COMPOSITION, COMPRESSIBLE, FLR FLOOR LIQ LIQUID PRELIM PRELIMINARY \�" o`�'�" 1 m o = u a COMPOSITE FLS FLASHING, FLUSH LLH LONG LEG HORIZONTAL PREP PREPARE �� v �` CASE DRAWER SET CON CONCENTRIC FN FENCE LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL PRES PRESSURE 'Q�Q�15 M 29378 A FIBER OPTIC MARKER LECTURE UNIT PRI EXP. 6-30-17 12 004 CONN CONNECTION FOB FILAT ON BOTTOMG, LNGLMLU LONGIIT DIINALIQUID PROP PROPERTY, PROPOSED 4 CONST CONSTRUCTION FOC FACE OF CONCRETE, FACE OF CUTE LOC LOCATION PROT PROTECTION CHANOC ' CONT CONTINUOUS FOE FACE OF FINISH LP LOW POINT PS PIPE SUPPORT ee. �enym on ongmni Jj �Q 7 —� oro.n eq ai, one inch. A!FOF G2 38 AdjCAL\F Adjustor tale PscoMingly SHEET of MATERIALS IN PLAN/SECTION GENERAL SYMBOLOGY GENERAL NOTES: 0 a o ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE (SECTION) ARROW INDICATES N DIRECTION OF TARGET ELEVATION Y m PLAN NORTH THIS IS A STANDARD SHEET SHOWING COMMON SYMBOLOGY. ALL ASPHALT (PLAN OR SMALL-SCALE SECTION) ® - SYMBOLS ARE NOT NECESSARILY USED ON THIS PROJECT. PLAN ARCHITECTURAL _ 2. SCREENING OR SHADING OF WORK IS USED TO INDICATE ® ASPHALT (LARGE-SCALE SECTION) 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOM EXISTING COMPONENTS OR TO DE-EMPHASIZE PROPOSED NAME IMPROVEMENTS TO HIGHLIGHT SELECTED TRADE WORK. REFER TO o (� PLAN TITLE XX-XX ROOM NUMBER CONTEXT OF EACH SHEET FOR USAGE. m 0 O(� BATT INSULATION (SECTION) o' BRICK MASONRY (PLAN AND/OR SECTION) SECTION LETTER X DOOR NUMBER X U N o FLAG INDICATES DIRECTIONLd OF SECTION CUT A COLUMN GRID LINE � CHECKERED PLATE (PLAN) X 07 XXX � N CONCRETE (PLAN AND/OR SECTION) SHEOCATEDET RE SECTION Fxl WALL TYPE Q w o �z CONCRETE MASONRY (PLAN AND/OR SECTION CUT MARKER OX WINDOW TYPE SECTION) ® DEMOLITION (PLAN AND/OR SECTION) SECTION LETTER F LOUVER SECTION X EARTH (SECTION) 3/8" - 1'-0" SHEET WHERE XXX O ACCESSORY, FURNITURE, SECTION VIEW IS AND MISCELLANEOUS FIRST CUT * EQUIPMENT IDENTIFIER Ho� FILTER POINT MAT (PLAN) SECTION TITLE KEY NOTE DESIGNATION ® FINISHED WOOD (SECTION) GLULAM LUMBER (SECTION) DETAIL NUMBER # KEY NOTE NUMBER - - p0��p0� GRANULAR FILL (SECTION) XXX SHEET WHERE DETAIL IS LOCATED DETAIL MARKER TE0 GENERAL LINE SYMBOLOGYP GRATING (SECTION) FOR REFERENCING DETAILS INCLUDED IN DRAWING SET. sB r GRATING (PLAN) xxxxx-xx 0 u iris, wa 't 1�2�iiFo cn DETAIL MARKER ---- 4-HOUR FIRE RATED WALL W AWW O GROUT (SECTION) FOR REFERENCING DETAILS BOUND SPECIFICATIONS OR SEPARATE VOLUME. --- 3-HOUR FIRE RATED WALL ,1 ti��� d,LI GYPSUM BOARD (SECTION) Z METAL (SECTION) ® DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL 2-HOUR FIRE RATED WALL O I-- # 3" = 1'-0" XXX - - 1-HOUR FIRE RATED WALL Z < Q ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (SECTION) SHEET WHERE DETAIL J Z WAS CALLED OUT _ COLUMN GRID LINE/CENTERLINE d m LW PARTICLE BOARD (SECTION) DETAIL TITLE Z 2 wLd w w PLYWOOD (LARGE-SCALE SECTION) ELEVATION NUMBER w J J (q Q # ARROW INDICATES W W � PLYWOOD (SMALL-SCALE SECTION) XX POINT OF VIEW LL.I Q SHEET WHERE ELEVATION IS LOCATED Z H —bi PRECAST CONCRETE (PLAN AND/OR w J J SECTION) SINGLE ELEVATION OR PHOTO MARKER Q V m ELEVATION NUMBER RIGID INSULATION (SECTION) m w A �oO RIPRAP (PLAN AND/OR SECTION) ARROW INDICATES POINT OF < m U) f VIEW ELEVATION D B SAND (SECTION) XX INDICATES SHEET WHERE ELEVATION IS LOCATED U W U) ,�� SOD (SECTION) C MULTIPLE ELEVATION OR PHOTO MARKER WEEP JOINT MORTAR ELEVATION_ PROTECTION SYSTEM (SECTION) IDENTIFICATION - NUMBER ELEVATION # ® WOOD - CONTINUOUS (SECTION) WOOD BLOCKING (SECTION) L" = 1'-0" SHEET SHEET WHERE POINT ML OF VIEW MARKER CAN BE FOUND 2 o 2 0 2 0 ELEVATION TITLE00 a a a N O I ro rn * EXCEPTIONS WHERE THE SHEET NUMBER IS REPLACED BY A 0 0 o rn po N DASH (-). 1 Y o 1) FOR COMMON DETAILS, SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS OR DETAILS m > w O THAT ARE CUT OR CALLED OUT ON MULTIPLE SHEETS. .. m z z 2) SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS OR DETAILS THAT ARE LOCATED ON -- z m THE SAME SHEET THEY ARE CUT OR CALLED OUT ON. QROFESS/pyq w > Y z 3 Y U w w KOryTOH F�c 1 0 ou m a M 29378 n '"" CASE DRAWER SET EXP. 6-30-17 A 1 12 004 ea. ym oongmei Jj C1IANICpX' arFor G3 38 neidj- �a< =o1* nnoommyry cauE SHEET of 5 0 C B - rn \ w a III III AERATION TANK No. I AERATION TANK No. 2B IIII ill AERATION TANK No. 3B II II AERATION TANK No. 4B IIII III 0 o = m OL - - ---- ---- --------LL_d_ L_d =--- ---- --------JL---- ---- --------JL-�---LL---- ---- ---- ---- L- r------------- --- ---------------------- ------------------------------- - -- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- z � N m AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 (SEE SHT D9 FOR No. 3 & 4 (SEE SHT D9 FOR O cmi SLUICE GATE DEMOLITION) SLUICE GATE DEMOLITION) ® m SUPERSTRUCTURE EQUIPMENT ROOMS W III REMOVE SINGLE DOOR, REMOVE DOUBLE DOOR, N IIII ACCESS HATCH, TYR FRAME AND THRESHOLD IN FRAME AND THRESHOLD IN a w o CONCRETE WALL, TYP OF 3 CONCRETE WALL, TYP OF 2 PIPE THRU DECK TO ----------------------- _______ - __-_--------------_ HOSE BIBB, NOTE 8, - �z / TYP OF 3 �I g 9 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1 & 2 EFFLUENT PIT ACTIVATED SLUDGE ACTIVATED SLUDGE SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 3 & 4 EFFLUENT PIT Fr — �� 7 WET PIT No. 1 WET PIT No. 2 D8 6 8Ll e e e L_ -- - D8------J�� S- J -_-_-- ---J � ------ ------ � L-------- D8 L- �----------- ���� L_--_----------------------� L _ _ n GRATING HATCH IIIIIIIIIIII HIl HI 'lIIII IIIIIIII�II III DOWNSPOUT THR U I SCUM PIT No. WALKWAY SCUMGRATING DECK, NOTE 8, I COLLECTOR TYP OF 6 �' LAUNDER H ROUND ACCESS H H I I HATCH, TYP OF 2 SCMPIT No. 2 ISCUM BAFFLE a - SUPPORT STRUCTURE hill Ill. II I III I I I I I I I I II I SCUM BAFFLE SECONDARY SECONDARY SECONDARY SECONDARYPRgC CLARIFIER No. 1 CLARIFIER No. 2 CLARIFIER No. 3 CLARIFIER No. 4 (SEE SHT D2 FOR II (SEE SHT D3 FOR II (SEE SHT D4 FOR (SEE SHT D5 FOR Z II WEIR PLATE DEMOLITION) I H I DEMOLITION) H DEMOLITION) I H I DEMOLITION) III I I I H HH GUARDRAIL II INFLUENT WELL III illi 3 IIII III II II DRIVE MOTOR II p7 IIII II IIII III H Z Q Q z I III II IIII III ' 4 SCUM SKIMMER IIII Z�Lu� W W �Wn II IHI I IHI CHLORINE IH5 III MIXING D7 BOXES ` ' ` II II II II II W W EY W H � z - - - - - ---- ---- ----�- --- ----� ---- ---- — - - - _ - - - - - - JJ Ili DROP BOX A w I DROP BOX I II I q � U >- J 0 LIMITS OF GUARDRAIL REMOVAL --------- -- ---- -�I L H Q 0 W SLUICE GATE OPERATORTYP , CHLORINE CONTACT TANK No. 1 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J � o WATER STORAGE II WATER STORAGE -- - - --- ----- ----� TANK No. 1 TANK No. 4 Q Z Cn 0 Z 0 3:0 0 O O �� - - Lu LJ CHECKERED PLATE HATCH, TYP II O W (n t P----------- UMP PITi I REMOVE WEIR CHLORINE SST CHEMICAL CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURE CONTROL PANEL AND ASSOCIATED e = CONTAINMENT PIPING AND ELECTRICAL. CAP OFF AREA -- PIPING AND CONDUITS AT FLOOR. DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. SEE SHEETS D2 THROUGH D7 FOR ALL ITEMS TO BE DEMOLISHED. 2. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02072 FOR GENERAL DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL PIPING, CONDUITS AND SUPPORTS, TO BE DEMOLISHED AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. PAN 2 o 2 0 2 o 4. ONLY ONE CLARIFIER SHALL BE OUT OF SERVICE AT ANY GIVEN TIME. ALL OTHER 0 004 3/32" = 1'-0" CLARIFIERS SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SHUTDOWNS O WITH OWNER. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 01140 FOR REQUIREMENTS. ro 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE, AND ROUTING OF ALL UTILITIES o 0 0 PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. COORDINATE ALL SHUTDOWNS WITH OWNER. r] N 6. SEE SHEETS P1 THROUGH P8 FOR MODIFICATIONS. m o � o w 7. HANDRAIL AND PIPING DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT SHALL OCCUR WHILE CLARIFIERS m 0 O REMAIN IN SERVICE. PROVIDE TEMPORARY BARRIERS AT AREAS WHERE HANDRAIL IS } m z REMOVED. PROVIDE WARNING SIGNS TO ALERT OWNER AND CONTRACTOR. issm z m o a r QROF 8. POUR TOPPING AROUND PIPES AND DOWNSPOUTS DOWN THRU DECK. SEE SHEET S7 KOry '41F, > O a w a o Qt�� N. FOR DETAILS OF TOPPING AT OTHER ITEMS MOUNTED ON DECK. \� O`��` Tay ti� m o 0 a M 29378 CASE DRAWER SET EXP. 6-30-17 A 1 12 004 ee. ym on ongmni Jj CHANOC ' oro. eq ai, one inch. A!FOF D 1 38 Adjust tale PscoMingly CAL\F SHEET of 2 0 c B 21 32 6 12 KEYNOTES: 0 a Y O RAKE BLADES W/ SQUEEGES 1 > m yF 1-14 Q'fiEH-f /-1 'E ♦Z �f-. f; , , , , , , -. -iEL-, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I I I ///� _------------ EXISS INNoS'UM -- _-E-- AND CORNER ASSEMBLY 2 DRIVE MOTOR UNDER LAUNDER / O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL \ UNDER 13 ATTACHED TO 19 �� - /// WALKWAY GUARDRAIL / 0 SCUM SKIMMER O5 SCUM TROUGH p m z ~a \ wy 14 �\ 1� E �I _ 6O SCUM BAFFLE �, c\ O w o lk 21 UNDER WEIR �� �1 -f� N O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT p W EXISTING LAUNDER 5 J O8 EFFLUENT WEIR SLUDGE TAKEUP PIPING N � y 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD Q mo z X ✓ 18 ATTACHED TO �'F �GUARDRAIL C 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL 12 3/4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT OUT OF CONCRETE �:j - D6 �/ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST 13 1/2" JOINT OUT OF CONCRETE 15 � I X 19 14 LIGHT FIXTURE SPRAY SYSTEM -� 1•'� � I I � 16 24" SE 'TI\� _ 6" SCUM PIPE (CAST IRON - GLASS LINED) / �� 18 3" PVC 3W WATER - 10 12 19 PVC 2W WATER lk T �- `- \� 12" 20 " PVC SHC 2'" PVC SHS Q'.�$0 * sb r=�P ``�.. 3 i 22 4" PVC 3W WATER Uri �, �� EXISTING WALKWAY 1 - " IL J 23 2" PVC SHC % 24 1 1/4" PVC ABANDONED ATTACHED TO 19 GUARDRAIL Z B - 25 2" PVC ABANDONED O \ D6 I 26 3/4" PVC SHS SAMPLE ~ Z Q O — I Q ~ z \ ATTACHED TO ," 14 19 SECONDARY SECONDARY 27 3/4" PVC ABANDONED J J d m Z U' .I GUARDRAIL CLARIFIER No. 1 (SC-701) 2 CLARIFIER No. 2 (SC-702) 28 4" PVC ABANDONED 29 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT Q Z 2 Lu g W W W' L E.�' pY 13 UNDER WALKWAY > �� 30 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT U) Lu Lu O REMOVE EXISTING 2" CONCRETE TOPPING AT FLOOR, SEE SHEET S2. � � U � REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING THIRD WALL TO J W J ��- UNDER WEIR 21 VALVE, CAP PIPING, AND PATCH WALL PER DETAIL O ~ V �� 33 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING AND SUPPORTS. Pil PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P3. Q w W .k II 8 7 TYP 34 REMOVE 1" PVC CONDUIT HQ ZC) Q Z Q 0 w 31 W C/) V % rc\ 6 NOTE: _ ` 1. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. _ I I m m 2 00 if X 21 UNDER WEIR i p SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 a a a UNDER WEIR 21 16 LBELW AUNDER DEMOLITION PLAN 0 0 0 o N .l 20 UNDER WALKWAY i EXISTING DROP BOX 1, \ I ✓ I I 'm I � m � o 4fy�� h4QooQE. ONFESKSO/,yOTOH F�cZY m z o Y \W W a '{. I � � �/-f /-/-f '-•--r�H-f,-:--r�/-/-f.-:--ram/-/ �/-:--ram/-/ �/-^"--r' '-f f/ f f/�-�--i-: -< F/�--:--i-: tH�--:--<-: �H-i -i -�i /-/-/�--:--r-< f/-i :-�--r< /-/-/ - - - - CASE DRAWER SET � is ^' ------------------- ------------------------ 34 33 10 -------------- 1` \ ialmm M29378P. 6-30-17 EX 1 12 004 II r T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T_T____ TT___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D2 38 Ld li f/� f/� .'-/--.mot f f f /-/ f f/� t fit/� t F f/� t/ �/� f/ f f/ / t f/ / t. % / t H / t/� f#f f/� f f f/� sS�i f/� fit f/ f f p1AI,— Q, Bar �nai��i" 9oi"a'nt_o ,.'yiy`n. lq%F \ OF CALIF SHEET of 5 0 Cy B 22 21 32 � u L 2 ' T KEY NOTES: O1 RAKE BLADES W/ SQUEEGEE = m \ EXISTING SCUM ` / \'\ "\"\"\"\ "\"\"\"\, �\ �\ AND CORNER ASSEMBLY DRIVE MOTOR H PIT No. 1 IN \ \ \ \/ 28 O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL O4 SCUM SKIMMER z 17 UNDER w 0 0 - LAUNDER - E 16 \ \/ 22 UNDER p WALKWAY \ D6 SCUM TROUGH O SCUM BAFFLE m O o 0 o 17 ,.. , o / GUARDRAIL TO 18 Z1 70 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT 0 5 1 ? / Tw / w O8 EFFLUENT WEIR N EXISTING LAUNDER yT, , - ATTACHED TO 19 GUARDRAIL I 9 SLUDGE TAKEUP PIPING O wo 1 _ 18 / I 10 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD Q � z a INFLUENT CENTER WELL � II 3/4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT D6 � I w OUT OF CONCRETE NN 15 I / 1 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT OUT OF CONCRETE LIGHT FIXTURE \ _ II w i SPRAY SYSTEM 24" SE O _ _- - 6" SCUM PIPE (CAST IRON - GLASS LINED) _ / \ 10 } 1 3" PVC 3W WATER U TE O P ar 'Sti' amr 't wa I 12 / \ , X \ Z1------. �-. \ I w 19 2" PVC 2W WATER zo r' Pvc sFlc O 2" PVC SHS 4" PVC 3W WATER EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY 2" PVC SHC ` \ \ Iw 24 1 1/4" PVC ABANDONED 2" PVC ABANDONED Z 0_ N \ 14 \ 3/4" PVC SHS SAMPLE 27 3/4" PVC ABANDONED Z Q J Z z I SECONDARY \ 24 UNDER WALKWAY \ SECONDARY \ SECONDARY Q CLARIFIER No. 1 I `� _ CLARIFIER No. 2 \ w CLARIFIER No. '3 28 4" PVC ABANDONED Z = (SC-703) I ATTACHED TO �` (SC-702) \ 18 GUARDRAIL 1 UNDER WALKWAY 27 i (SC-703) 29 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT w J W W _ G- �_ \ Q z ATTACHED TO 23 I 30 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT W O WALKWAY 4�� 11 I REMOVE EXISTING 2" CONCRETE TOPPING AT FLOOR, O — W U — UNDER WALKWAY 26 I SEE SHEET S2. — CL� 9, -• w 32 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING THRU WALL TO VALVE, CAP PIPING, AND PATCH WALL PER DETAIL jq W J 0 Q U UNDER WALKWAY 25 \ I 33 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING AND SUPPORTS. P11 PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P3. Q W 9 ¢ 0 C) I 34 REMOVE 1" PVC CONDUIT O U) Q I _ \ 7 nP \ 31 \ \ I I+- I w 35 REMOVE 2" HOSE VALVE AND RISER. VALVE AND PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P5. Z U 3: 0 W W 07 \ II U) -L \ - 4- - - 6 NOTE: \ I I I w 1. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. - _ _- — UNDER 28 - WALKWAY I II I I I - UNDER 22 \ WALKWAY o `o `o `o 1 i UNDER \\\ 21 UNDER WEIR I i WALKWAY 13 I w o 0 o 00 O ATTACHED TO 23 UNDER 29 WALKWAY 3 WALKWAY I I 00 BELOW D7 \ 16 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 2 o 0 0 LAUNDER UNDER WEIR 21 I DEMOLITION PLAN o N ATTACHE, TQ 20 UNDER WALKWAY 10 24 18 GUARDRAIL g I \ I w I 1/4 = 1 -0 m I } m h o II I QROFESS/ON O Z m Z p Y \ lij W \ 'Y > Y \ 000 OH co-- m o u w a L _ - y M 29378 n '"" - - E _ _ - - CASE DRAWER SET - I _ 33 10 24 EXP. 6-30-17 A 1 12 004 25 f CiIANICPX- Q. a°. ym o� onq�°°i lqf \ 23 .E it 22 20 26 13 �nai��i° mi'giy`n. FOF �p��E D3 38 °ole°°rii° SHEET 0, 0 Cy B 21 32 8 D8 II j I\II l// / //{,/j��/ / //�/ //IYVX ���Y , , i Ei-,-i .-. li-,-iE -. r,-�i-i .-,E.-,-,. , , _-------------- / i\♦ \i / T� , 16 UNDER LAUNDER i UNDER UNDER UNDER\�� ` WALKWAY 28 WALKWAY 13 WALKWAY 30 \\ �✓ w� \��\i 18 14 �� �I ATTACHED TO 19 ATTACHED TO GUARDRAIL \ GUARDRAIL 19 EXISTING LAUNDER . 5 D D6 18 �� ay i 25 UNDER \� WALKWAY EXISTING SCUM PIT No. 2 O � Y E rt — - - 1 - J I - I -- J - N / KEY NOTES: 1 RAKE BLADES W/ SQUEEGES O AND CORNER ASSEMBLY2/1 O DRIVE MOTOR O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL SCUM SKIMMER OS SCUM TROUGH O SCUM BAFFLE O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT O8 EFFLUENT WEIR SLUDGE TAKEUP PIPING 10 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL 3/4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT OUT OF CONCRETE 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT 13 OUT OF CONCRETE LIGHT FIXTURE 15 SPRAY SYSTEM Y a o = H m 0 m � O Lf N z 0 Fa Of 0 w o Q w �o .✓< - /yy �� y� 24 SE y y' y{ i ATTACHED TO � � 18 \ � �� GUARDRAIL I I 17 6" SCUM PIPE (CAST IRON - GLASS LINED) O 3" PVC 3W WATER - _ SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 2 (SC-702) y}f X �� 10 12 EXISTING WALKWAY \\\\\\ R -- ATTACHED TO \ _ GUARDRAIL 18 14 _ SECONDARY _ CLARIFIER No. 3 (SC-703) 13 UNDER WALKWAY `` 2 30 UNDER WALKWAY ,�\ 8 i _ UNDER WEIR 21 = 9 7 TYP yam- 6 \ I - SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 4 SC-704 ( ) 19 2" PVC 2W WATER 1" PVC sHc 2" PVC SHS 4" PVC 3W WATER 23 2" PVC SHC 24 1 1/4" PVC ABANDONED 2" PVC ABANDONED 3/4" PVC SITS SAMPLE 27 3/4" PVC ABANDONED 28 4" PVC ABANDONED O 29 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT O REMOVE EXISTING 2" CONCRETE TOPPING AT FLOOR, SEE SHEET S2 32 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING THRU WALL TO VALVE, CAP PIPING, AND PATCH WALL PER DETAIL 6 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING AND SUPPORTS. P11 33 PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P3. 34 REMOVE 1" PVC CONDUIT 35 REMOVE 2" HOSE VALVE AND RISER. VALVE AND PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P5. NOTE: 1. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. TE � am/ wa 4., O_ �< Z o Q — d m Z z ~ ¢ Ld w LLI LLI U) ¢ z w W Q LL U Lu J 0 ¢ U ILL Q W Q Q Z O LL1 W U) _ - - e X y ��— �r 00 I� Ay 21 UNDER WEIR / 18 GUARDRADLTO , 16 LAUBELNNDER I I SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 DEMOLITION PLAN 1/4" - V-0, m o 00 N 'm Im o - �---- QROFESS/py h Op`t OH \ v A iorluiiJ� M 6 3 EXP. 6-30-17 p ee. � gtn o" ong�"ei Jjgf 611ANIC \Q, oro. Eg a, o e cn. For cauE ` Adjust tale PscoM"gly `n Z m o 0 `n a - - - 1 T� �� - - - - - - - f�� --- --- 1 1 35 33 V r— -- �UJ - 0 --------- CASE DRAWER 1 2 SET 004 1 - - - III SHEET D4 of 38 ---_ -- 1 12 13 14 15 0 Cy B 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 21 32 9 KEY NOTES: � r' w p Y = H m -----------------------------------r-'----JII E - - - LF L------------ *--*----- - -�- E I+- E �'�a--�--' -F �>E�-+ �� -- L-----__ -T r - O RAKE BLADES W/ SQUEEGES AND CORNER ASSEMBLY EXISTING SCUM /\� �/ / PIT No. 2 17 14 �♦ �i `\ ° O DRIVE MOTOR O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL 0 SCUM SKIMMER z ATTACHED TO OS SCUM TROUGH 2 m 0 1 0- 19 N i-. 16� GUARDRAIL 18 ATTACHED TO GUARDRAIL \ \ \ _ - \ O SCUM BAFFLE 0 v 0 ATTACHED TO ® 18 19 ATTACHED TO GUARDRAILLd �I \ GUARDRAIL O SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT O8 EFFLUENT WEIR N EXISTING LAUNDER \�\i 9O SLUDGE TAKEUP PIPING a w� 11 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD �z F INFLUENT CENTER WELL 3/4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT OUT OF CONCRETE �I ` 13 1 /2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, REMOVE TO FIRST JOINT \ 15� OUT OF CONCRETE LIGHT FIXTURE \ 19 ♦T SPRAY SYSTEM 18 ATTACHED TO �'�' - - _ 16 24" SE \ GUARDRAIL _ �� 17 6" SCUM PIPE (CAST IRON - GLASS LINED) - - \ i 0 3" PVC 3W WATER _ 10 X i 2" PVC 2W WATER 1" PVC SHC 21 2" PVC SHS .'EO 4" PVC 3W WATER 411)�a ` EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY 23 2" PVC SHC 1� ATTACHED 1 1/4" PVC ABANDONED 17 TO RAILING 25 2" PVC ABANDONED O _ 3/4" PVC SHS SAMPLE Z Q Q H 14 27 3/4" PVC ABANDONED J Z d m Z SECONDARY -,�` SECONDARY Q CLARIFIER No. 3 (SC-703) - CLARIFIER No. 4 (SC-704) 28 4" PVC ABANDONED Z = w W W 1 2 29 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT Lu -- I I 4 —�/ I I REMOVE EXISTING 2" CONCRETE TOPPING AT FLOOR, L.L SEE SHT S2 LLJ 32 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING THIRD WALL TO J 0 >"— VALVE, CAP PIPING, AND PATCH WALL PER DETAIL Q V > .-- P61 REMOVE 2" PVC PIPING AND SUPPORTS. 33 PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P3. � Q w 0 9 E ¢ z 34 REMOVE 1" PVC CONDUIT Q Z O I I I 7 nP REMOVE 2" HOSE VALVE AND RISER. 3: 0 U 31 VALVE AND PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P5. w _ W 36 REMOVE 1 1/2" HOSE VALVE AND PVC RISER. VALVE AND PIPING SHALL BE REUSED PER SHEET P6. _ 6 e NOTE: - F - 1. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. — -- I I �^� E D6 -- ` _ o 0 o 00 UNDER WEIR 19 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 4 04 21 BELOW UNDER 16 DEMOLITION PLAN a p a p a p WEIR LAUNDER 17 ATTACHED TO 8 1/4" = 1'-0" N GUARDRAIL \ 10 m 0 m _ QROFESS//py/ O z m Z p Y w r w _I KONT�H F�y > Y m m o u m a CASE DRAWER SET ialmm `� r^ 33 0 EXP. 6930- 1 12 004 36 ee. ym on ongmei Jj LHAN1Op' oro., eq ai, one incn. arFOF cauE�`' D5 38 Adjust tale PscoMingly SHEET of 1 2 3 14 5 I 2 3 4 5 EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY EXISTING LAUNDER 8 j� 22 9 Ej SUMP 22 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 :1r 36" SECONDARY NOTE: SECTION 16" RAS EFFLUENT TYPICAL FOR SC-701, SC-702, SC-703, SC-704 32 � 1/4" = 1'—O" SECOND CLARIFIER SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 4 SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION 1/2" — 1'—O" D2 1/2" — 1'—O" D2&D3 1/2" — 1'—O" D3&D4 1/2" — 1'—O" D4&D5 1/2" — 1'—O" D5 KEY NOTES: O RAKE BLADESYEGES INFLUENT CENTER WELL 21 2" PVC SHS UARDRAIL POST OVE SSHE 31 CYLINDER, AND CORNERSS MBU TED SEE S4, TYP O2 DRIVE MOTOR 12 REMOVE TO 22 4" PVC 3W WATER AT MP 32 AND FIRST JOINTRICAL OUT OF CONCRETE REMOVE TOP OFPE PORTION OF P PING O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL 13 ELECTRICALREMOVE TO ECROUT 23 2" PVC SHC O4 SCUM SKIMMER 14 FIRST OF FST TCONCRETE LIGHT FIXTURE 24 1 1/4" PVC ABANDONED NOTE: 1. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. O5 SCUM TROUGH 15 SPRAY SYSTEM 25 2" PVC ABANDONED OSCUM BAFFLE 16 24" SE 26 3/4" PVC SHS SAMPLE O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT 17 6" SCUM PIPE (CAST IRON — GLASS LINED) 27 3/4" PVC ABANDONED O8 EFFLUENT WEIR 18 3" PVC 3W WATER 28 4" PVC ABANDONED \ o0 O SLUDGE TAKEUP PIPING 19 2" PVC 2W WATER 29 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT �= ? M i EXP. 6 10 1 1/2" ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD 20 1" PVC SHC 30 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ee. � qm on ongmni oror��" eq"ais one mm. f%4fE, �� 0( Adjust tale PscoMingly 1 2 3 4 5 �P•�$0 n s b am r u iris, wa Z � O � Q Q (n J J 0 Z �¢ z0 w w cn ~ w W W IQ LL V) ww ~� g0 W J U J 0 Lu H Q 0 LLJ :2 Q Z 0 3:O w cn W 2 2 2 \ \ \ 0 0 0 0 O I ro po a a a rn 0 0 0 rn N o: o � o w m Im O z O m p Q r z W Y z Y W 0 O Q w a o O of = U Y fn m 0 U fn Q- C ASE DRAWER SET _1� 12 004 D6 0, 38 mm REMOVE EXISTING SCUM REMOVAL MECHANISM AND SUPPORTS —, REMOVE 3"' PVC UTILITY REMOVE EXISTING 2" PVC WATER WATER PIPE, VALVES, PIPING, VALVES, AND SUPPORTS, HOSE CONNECTORS AND TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS SUPPORTS \ \ REPAIR CONCRETE PER SHT S4, TYP PROVIDE AND RO U I L TEMPORARY PIPING FOR 4" 3W WATER, TWO 3/4' CHLORINE - SAMPLING PIPES AND ELECTRICAL CONDUITS „ ON TOP OF WALKWAY 77/ -., 1 j � , REMOVE EXISTING CHEMICAL REMOVE 3" PVC UTILITY PIPING, VALVES AND WATER PIPE, VALVES, SUPPORTS HOSE CONNECTORS AND SUPPORTS — REMOVE EXISTING RAILING, TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS REMOVE 2" SHC PIPE ATTACHED TO WALKWAY AND PROVIDE TEMPORARY PIPING ON TOP OF WALKW/�Y MOMCUT PIPE 12" OUTSIDE OF REMOVE PIPING THRU WALL PROVIDE AND ROUTE L REMOVE EXSTING CHEMICAL PROVIDE TEMPORARY REMOVE EXISTING REMOVE EXISTING SCUM PIT, REMOVE EXISTING AND PATCH WALL PER � 6" SCUM PIPING AND SUPPORTS TYP AT 4 CLARIFIERS 6 P11 TEMPORARY PIPING 3/4" SAMPLING PIPES PIPING, VALVES AND SUPPORTS ELECTRICAL CONDUITS WEIR PLATES, TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS SCUM BAFFLE, TYPICAL TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS DEMOLITION PHOTO DEMOLITION PHOTO i21 DEMOLITION PHOTO NTS APPLIES TO SECONDARY CLARIFIERS 1-4 1 D1 LT--., D1 D1 EXISTING 24" PIPE 0 pro.: PIPE AND SUPPORTS SHALL REMAIN, EXCEPT SUPPORTS AT NEW CONCRETE FILLETS DEMOLITION PHOTO - U1 REMOVE EXISTING RAILING, TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS DEMOLITION PHOTO [IT' REMOVE EXISTING WALKWAY, TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS i REMOVE EXISTING SECONDARY CLARIFIER MECHANISM, SUPPORTS, AND ANCHORS. TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS REMOVE EXISTING SCUM BAFFLE. TYPICAL AT 4 CLARIFIERS 00 W Z f0/20/15 ` EXP..6 ee. ym o� ongmei iF 6H mm. 7 -� oror� ea�ais o�- 0( Adjust tale PscoMi4, �P•�$0 n s b °m r u iris, wa CIO 4 `IQ Y Z O I zQ �U) Q~ _ m V Q =o ww go C) of LLJ Qo HQ ZJ �0 �w Lu m m 2 0 0 o O04 I ro a a a rn 0 0 0 N � o m m z o z 0 o m o o r z > O Q W Q O O Y = U Y n m 0 U (n l CASE DRAWER SET 1 12 004 SHEET _ D7 of 38 1 2 3 4 5 A 2 REMOVE EXISTING GUARDRAIL AND VERTICAL POST EMBEDS REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND PULL BOX ABOVE STUB OUT OF CONCRETE DECK- DEMOLITION PHOTO D1 1 x I REMOVE EXISTING GUARDRAIL AND VERTICAL POST EMBEDS REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND PULL BOX ABOVE _ gEWNpARY STUB OUT OF CONCRETE DECK s._ CLARIFIER No.4 DEMOLITION PHOTO i1 TS SECONDARY CLARIFIER 4 D1 1 3 4 5 REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND PULL BOX ABOVE STUB OUT OF CONCRETE DECK DEMOLITION PHOTO TS D1 2 1 3 1 4 / j REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND ULL BOX ABOVE P, STUB • CONCRETE DECK '3ECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 .44 V ar DEMOLITION PHOTO z I p N Z Q N Q J Q z Q W Lu U w LLJ 0 ww g� a- Lu U ¢v 0 Q H J Qz z0 � 0 O LLJ W U m 0 m 0 2 o 00 a 0 a 0 a o N O I ro rn m I m z rn po N O QROFESS/ON/ p Z m 0 O Z w Z W (`Q ryl N KO,yTOH F�c > Y U \4Q oQE. 1 m o 0 ma ialmm M 29378 n '"" EXP. 6-30-17 A CASE 1 DRAWER 12 SET 004 ee. ym on ongmni Jj CHANICpV' oro. eq ai, one inch. q!FOF CAL\F Adjust tale PscoMingly SHFFT D8 n+ 38 5 mm 1 1 z AERATION TANK 1B p1p AERATION TANK 2B I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —r l L REMOVE EXISTING SLUICE GATE PEDESTAL, TYP OF 2 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 — DECK PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" AERATION TANK 1 B AERATION TANK 28 TO SECONDARY TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 CLARIFIER No. 2 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 — SECTIONAL PLAN 4. 1 1 2 AERATION TANK 3B pip AERATION TANK 4B � r I o I r(ol6 o — J L — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — REMOVE EXISTING SLUICE GATE PEDESTAL, TYP OF 2 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 3 & 4 — DECK PLAN 1/4" = 1'—O" AERATION TANK 3B q D10 REMOVE EXISTING 36" SLUICE GATE, FRAME, STEM, STEM GUIDES TO ALLOW NEW SLIDE GATE TO BE INSTALLED I I I I II EQUIPMENT ROOM I I I I I AERATION TANK 4B CUT ANCHORS FLUSH W/ GONG WALL, TYR TO SECONDARY TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER No, 3 CLARIFIER No. 4 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 3 & 4 — SECTIONAL PLAN 3 4 5 � w rn a o �I Y } = m H REMOVE PEDESTAL OPERATOR. CUT BOLTS AND BURN 3/4' BELOW CONCRETE, FILL HOLE WITH NON —SHRINK GROUT EL107.0 m ° a ° ° EXISTING EXISTING EQUIPMENT ROOM AERATION TANK REMOVE FRAME, STEM, STEM GUIDES AND CUT ANCHOR BOLTS FLUSH WITH WALL 9 0 HP EL 92.0 CUT FRAME AND ANCHORS FLUSH W/ FLOOR AND WALL o EL 85.5 IE 84.0 EL 83.0 4 °° s ° TO SECONDARY 4 CLARIFIERS TYPICAL AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOX — SECTION 3/8" — 1'-0" D10 h�Q'`Q�N 00 W Z ta-mm M ` EXP. 6 Bar gtn On Original 'r%,4r(, CHI oror� ea�am one mm. /C DF Adjust tale PscoMingly 4 5 �P•�$0 n s b °m r u iris, wa Z z O � zQ w� Q J Xp N m m W W Lil Q Q W W LLJ N Wof Q Z O Q0 ~� W Q CD no Qo � zp LLLj LLI U Q Q W CD (/) 2 2 2 \ \ \ 0 0 o 00 N O I ro 0 0 o rn N � o � o w m Im z O Z O m 0 Q r Z > O Q W Q O 1 O K = U K fn I m 0 U m tl CASE DRAWER SET 1A 12 004 SHEET _ D" of 38 1 2 3 1 4 5 TO J° E. 31110,A VE. DETROIT DRIVE ALL AMI RICAN / STOP GE ANAEROBIC sLuocE EXISTING DIGESTER sToariK E (ANAEROBIC FLARE IAD-1251 DIGESTER DIGESTER II ® CONTROL 0 BUILDING I I PRIMARY CLARIFIER O SOLIDS HANDLING PC-404 BUILDING CAKE IHOPPER LAVA J77771— I ROCK BIOFILTER 0 cl / PRIMARY CLARIFIER ADMINISTRATION PC-402 BUILDING FRE WATE O UTILITY i DALE P OTEC BUILDING Av. TATONI 11 ° o i o INFLUENT JUNCTION BOX LAVA ROCK BIOFILTER I I PRIMARY (�LUDGEUDGE CLARIFIER ICKNR.O. 3 ARY GEAR ABANDONED ANAEROBIC DIGESTER PRIMARY CLARIFIER PC-403 r-T oL� I I LAVA ROCK BIOFILTER 0 CONTRACTOR ACCESS ROUTE MAIN GATES / N 111/ El TRAILERS � MAINTENANCE BUILDING ENERATOR #5 � SODIUM \ o CHLORITE dl\ BUILDING C DAF \ SLUDGE THICKENER \ THICKENERS DAF-1121 ' GT-1101 RAS PUMPS IN LOWER & \ GALLERY, SEE SHT P8 FOR GT-1102 RAS VALVES REPLACEMENT FHCKENERONTROL UILDING �+ UEL \ ANKH AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT AERATION AERATION AERATION AERATION AERATION \ BOXES No. 1 & 2 w/ BASIN BASIN BASIN BASIN BASIN #5 SLIDE GATES, SEE SHT P9I AB-501 AB-502 IAB-503 AB-504 AB-505 FOR REPLACEMENT SURGE AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT E No. 3 & 4 W/ SLIDE GATES, SEE TANK BHT P9 FOR REPLACEMENT CONTRACTOR /1 ACCESS a_i MAIN STRUCTWRE i� PRECAST CONCRETE LJ________ LPERIMETER WALL El EFFLUENT \ PUMPING O MANI SECONDARY SECONDARY SECONDARY SECONDARY I SECONDARY O CLARIFIER CLARIFIER CLARIFIER CLARIFIER SC-701 SC-702 SC-703 SC-704 I SC-705 � -------- - - VVAVA\� SODIUM CHLORINE CONTACT TANK EFFLUENT FILTERS N /� �A �A �A BISULFITE CCB-805 STORAGE DAY �\ \ CONTRACTORXE BUILDING TANKS STAGING AND � �\ STORAGE AREA CHLORINE CONTACT TANK �❑ CCB-805 � - - s � \\\ �\, - \ �� �� \ WASTE GAS - \\v�\ BURNER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _�- FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1-4, SEE SHTS P1-P7 FOR REHABILITATION FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL — - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — -- El WORKSHOP STORAGE BUILDING 0 ABANDONED ANAEROBIC J DIGESTER �-' J -L BAYSIDE SCHOOL BA YSDE JOIN VILLE PARK N• 10/YO/15 M EXP. `jai O Z O � Q Z � J J z E5 Q ~ Q J ww W W W (n W F- C) w Q Q � J Lu U W U) 0 ¢Z 3:o W 2 �2 �2 000 00 N O I ro 0 0 o rn po N � o 0 Y � m I m II O O m p Z � > > �i U W O ¢ W Q O 0 Y = U Y n m p U m l CASE DRAWER SET _1-4 12 004 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 ee. � qm on ongmni orowmq Equam one Adjust egcale PscoMinglygly C 1 0, 38 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS 1. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC): TITLE 24 OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (2013 CBC,), BASED ON THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. 2. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACT): ACT 318-08, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 3, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC): AISC 341-05, SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS INCLUDING SUPPLEMENT N0. 1 AISC 360-05, SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS 4. AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS): D1.1-08/D1.3-08/D1.4-05, STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE 5. CITY OF SAN MATEO MUNICIPAL CODE 6. ALL OTHER LOCAL AND STATE AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THIS PROJECT. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1. NORMALWEIGHT CONCRETE: 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH V� = 4,000 psi 2. LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE: 113 pcf (+/- 3 pcf) 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH V= 4,000 psi 3. REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A615 GR. 60 fy = 60 ksi 4. REINFORCING WELDED STEEL: ASTM A706 DR. 60 fy = 60 ksi 5. WELDED WIRE FABRIC: ASTM A815 fy = 65 ksi 6. STRUCTURAL STEEL 6.1. WIDE FLANGE AND TEE SHAPES: ASTM A992 fy = 50 ksi 6.2. ANGLES, CHANNELS, AND PLATES: ASTM A36 fy = 36 ksi 6.3. HISS RECTANGULAR & PIPE: ASTM A500 DR. B fy = 46 ksi 7. BOLTS: ASTM A325 fy = 92 ksi 8. ANCHOR BOLTS: ASTM F1554 fy = 36 ksi (OR 105 ksi AS NOTED) 9. NUTS: ASTM A563 DR. D 1B. WELDING ELECTRODES: MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 70 KSI STRUCTURAL STEEL 1. STEEL FRAMING DESIGNATIONS AND SYMBOLS ARE DEFINED IN THE STRUCTURAL STEEL SYMBOL LEGEND. 2. ALL FIELD BOLTED SHEAR CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH 3/4" DIAMETER SST TYPE 316, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL BOLTS SHALL BE FULLY PRETENSIONED AND INSPECTED USING TENSION CONTROL TWIST -OFF STYLE BOLTS. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED AS SLIP CRITICAL OR PRETENSIONED, ALL JOINTS SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS SNUG TIGHT. ROUTINE OBSERVATION TO VERIFY THE SPLICED ENDS ARE PROPERLY SEVERED DURING INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL BOLTS. 3. PLACE NON -SHRINK GROUT UNDER ALL COLUMN BASE PLATES BEFORE PLACING ANY ELEVATED SLABS. 4. WHERE THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES REQUIRES CUTS OR OPENINGS TO BE MADE IN STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS, APPROVAL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE ENGINEER. SUCH OPENINGS SHALL BE MADE IN THE SHOP AND CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE SHOP DRAWING. 5. ALL WELDERS MUST BE QUALIFIED IN THE PROCESS USED AND AWS CERTIFIED. WELDERS MUST PERFORM A SAMPLE WELD IN THE FIELD UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR USING THE APPROVED WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS). ALL SPECIMENS SHALL BE TESTED BY A QUALIFIED LAB. MATERIAL TESTS SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. TESTING SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE OWNER. 6. WELD LENGTHS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS ARE THE NET EFFECTIVE LENGTH REQUIRED. WHERE FILLET WELD SYMBOL IS GIVEN WITHOUT INDICATION OF SIZE, USE MINIMUM SIZE WELDS AS SPECIFIED BY AISC OR 3/16", WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 7. ALL GROOVE WELDS INDICATED ON PLANS AND SECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION WELDS (CJP) UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED TO BE PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS. S. ALL COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION GROOVE WELDS AND FILLET WELDS AT BRACING CONNECTIONS SHALL HAVE A FILLER METAL WITH A MINIMUM NOTCH TOUGHNESS OF 20 ft-Ibs. AVERAGE AT MINUS 20 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. 9. E70XX ELECTRODES SHALL BE USED FOR ALL WELDING. THE WELDING OF E7018 OVER E70TC-K2 IS NOT ALLOWED. THE MIXING OF ANY OTHER PROCESSES AND WIRES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. THE USE OF E70-T4 IS NOT ALLOWED. IN GROOVE WELDS, FCAW FILLER METAL WIRE SHALL BE LIMITED TO 5/64" DIAMETER. SMAW WELDING ELECTRODES SHALL BE LIMITED TO 5/32" DIAMETER. 10. ALL SHOP AND FIELD WELDS SHALL BE PREQUALIFIED WELDS. ANY WELDS BEYOND THE RANGE OR TOLERANCE OR REQUIREMENTS FOR PREQUALIFICATION SHALL BE QUALIFIED BY TEST PER AWS D1.1 SECTION 5 PART B. WELDS AT BASE METALS OVER 2" IN THICKNESS ARE NOT ALLOWED AS PREQUALIFIED WELD JOINTS WITHOUT TESTING. 11.(N0T USED) 12. THE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) PER A.W.S. D1.1 SHALL BE DEVELOPED BY THE FABRICATOR/ERECTOR AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE WPS SHALL INCLUDE THE WELDING PARAMETERS RECOMMENDED BY THE ELECTRODE MANUFACTURER. THE WPS MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE ANY WELDING MAY BEGIN. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FOUR WEEKS FOR THE REVIEW PROCESS. 13. TO ASSURE THE PROPER AMPERAGE AND VOLTAGE OF THE WELDING PROCESS, THE USE OF A HAND HELD CALIBRATED AMP AND VOLT METER SHALL BE USED. THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED BY THE FABRICATOR, ERECTOR AND THE INSPECTORS. AMPERAGE AND VOLTAGE SHALL BE MEASURED NEAR THE ARC. TRAVEL SPEED AND ELECTRODE STICK OUT SHALL BE VERIFIED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED WPS. 14. ALL COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION (CP) GROOVE WELDS SHALL BE INSPECTED AND TESTED. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 1. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHOULD NOT BE SCALED. PRINTED DIMENSIONS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAWINGS, AND LARGE SCALE OVER SMALL. 2. ALL DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION AND SIZE OF OPENINGS, BLOCKOUTS, FLOOR DEPRESSIONS, CURBS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. NOT INDICATED ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. THE LOCATION AND SIZE OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL OPENINGS IN SLABS, WALLS AND DECKS SHALL BE COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR. PROVIDE ALL ADDITIONAL FRAMING OR REINFORCING TO ACCOMMODATE OPENINGS AS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE STANDARD DETAILS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS OR PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER. NO HOLES, NOTCHES, BLOCKOUTS, ETC. ARE ALLOWED IN STRUCTURAL MEMBERS UNLESS DETAILED ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS OR APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE PROVIDED FOR OPENINGS, BLOCKOUTS, FLOOR DEPRESSIONS, CURBS, ETC., BUT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE EQUIPMENT PURCHASED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE INFORMATION PROVIDED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS, CHECK AND VERIFY EXISTING DIMENSIONS, AND TAKE ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENTS AS NEEDED. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN ACTUAL CONDITIONS AND INDICATED CONDITIONS. MODIFICATION OF DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BE MADE WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF ADJACENT EXISTING SURFACES AND AREAS WHICH MAY BE DAMAGED BY NEW WORK. 6. ALL COLUMNS AND FOUNDATIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, SHALL BE CENTERED ON GRIDLINES IN EACH DIRECTION. 7. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY IN GENERAL CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED. WHERE NO DETAILS ARE GIVEN, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN FOR SIMILAR WORK. 8. PROVIDE CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PADS AND INERTIAL BASES FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. CONSTRUCT PADS AND BASES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL DETAILS. SEE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR LIMITS AND LOCATIONS. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL FORMS, SHORING AND TEMPORARY BRACING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE STRUCTURE AND SAFETY OF WORKERS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 9.1. D0 NOT PLACE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION LOADS ON THE STRUCTURE SUCH THAT THE LOADS PLACED EXCEED THE CAPACITY OF THE STRUCTURE. 9.2. TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT FULL STRUCTURAL CAPACITY OF MANY STRUCTURAL MEMBERS IS NOT REALIZED UNTIL STRUCTURAL ASSEMBLY IS COMPLETE; THAT IS, UNTIL SLABS, DECKS, DIAGONAL BRACING, AND SHEAR WALLS ARE INSTALLED. 9.3. PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING AND GUYING TO PROVIDE STABILITY AND RESIST ALL LOADS TO WHICH THE PARTIALLY COMPLETED STRUCTURE MAY BE SUBJECTED INCLUDING ERECTION EQUIPMENT AND ITS OPERATION. ADEQUACY OF TEMPORARY BRACING AND GUYING FOR THIS PURPOSE IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SHORING TO MAINTAIN EGRESS ROUTES. CONCRETE 1. LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION JOINTS OR POUR JOINTS SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON SHOP DRAWINGS. 2. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE VIBRATED DURING PLACEMENT. 3. PROVIDE 3/4 INCH. CHAMFER ON ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS. 4. NO STAKES, NEITHER STEEL NOR WOOD, SHALL BE PERMITTED IN ANY CONCRETE POUR. SUSPEND FORMS FROM ABOVE GRADE. 5. ANCHOR BOLTS, DOWELS, REINFORCING STEEL, INSERTS, ETC., SHALL BE SECURELY TIED IN PLACE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. CONCRETE BLOCKS ONLY SHALL BE USED TO SUPPORT REINFORCING OFF GRADE. 6. ALL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE DETAILED, FABRICATED AND PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 315. 7. PROVIDE DOWELS OF SAME SIZE AND NUMBER FROM ADJACENT POUR, BOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY, TO MATCH TYPICAL REINFORCING SHOWN. LAPS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT LENGTH AND LAP SPLICE SCHEDULE. DOWELS SHALL BE CLEANED AFTER POUR. 8. FIELD WELDING OR BENDING OF REINFORCING IS NOT PERMITTED EXCEPT AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. USE LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES GRADE E70 OR E90 AS REQUIRED. 9. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ALL POURS. 10. CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT IN WALLS AND FOOTINGS MAY BE SPLICED AS REQUIRED, PROVIDED THAT BARS ARE OF THE LONGEST PRACTICAL LENGTH AND ALL SPLICES ARE SHOWN ON THE REINFORCING BAR SHOP DRAWINGS. SPLICES ARE TO BE STAGGERED WHEN POSSIBLE. PROVIDE LAP SPLICES AND DEVELOPMENT LENGTHS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT LENGTH AND LAP SPLICE SCHEDULE. USE CLASS B LAP SPLICES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 11, MINIMUM CAST -IN -PLACE (NONPRESTRESSED) CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: CONCRETE TYPE AND PLACEMENT REINF. SIZE MIN. COVER (m.) CAST AGAINST AND PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO EARTH ALL 3 EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER TYPICAL #6 THROUGH #18 2 #5 AND SMALLER 1 1/2 NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH SLABS, WALLS, AND JOISTS #14 THROUGH #18 1 1/2 #11 AND SMALLER 3/4 BEAMS AND COLUMNS (PRIMARY REINF, TIES, STIRRUPS, & SPIRALS) ALL 1 1/2 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCAN WALLS PRIOR TO DRILLING TO INSTALL POST INSTALLED ANCHORS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DAMAGE/CUT EXISTING REINFORCEMENT STEEL WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM ENGINEER. 13. EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES TO BE JOINED WITH NEW CONCRETE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED BY SANDBLASTING TO EXPOSE AGGREGATE AND COATED WITH EPDXY BONDING COMPOUND JUST PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW CONCRETE. ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLTS 1. REINFORCING BARS, BAR DOWELS, THREADED RODS, BOLTS, ETC. WHICH ARE INDICATED STRUCTURAL ABBREVIATIONS TO BE DOWELED INTO CONCRETE OR SOLIDLY GROUTED MASONRY SHALL BE HILTI HIT -RE 500-SD ADHESIVE ANCHORS (TOO ER-2322), HILTI HIT-HY 150 MAX -SD ® AT ADHESIVE ANCHOR, SIMPSON SET-XP EPDXY ADHESIVE OR APPROVED EQUAL. AB ANCHOR BOLTS 2. ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OF THE ANCHOR ABOVE MUST BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER BY ADDL ADDITIONAL MEANS OF A CHANGE ORDER. ALUM ALUMINUM 3. THE USE OF CHEMICAL -TYPE ANCHORS IN OVERHEAD APPLICATIONS SHALL NOT BE APPROX APPROXIMATE PERMITTED. ARCH ARCHITECTURAL 4. ALL DRILLED HOLES SHALL BE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, AND ALL DEBRIS REMOVED BY VACUUM OR B, BOT BOTTOM OIL -FREE COMPRESSED AIR. JETTING HOLES WITH WATER IS NOT PERMITTED. BKT BRACKET 5. TEST INSTALLED ANCHORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEST VALUES PER NOTE BELOW BLDG BUILDING AND SECTION 1912.2. BM BEAM BOF BOTTOM OF FOOTING NOTES: BP BASE PLATE 5.1. WHERE ANCHORS ARE USED AS SHEAR DOWELS ACROSS COLD JOINTS IN SLABS ON BTWN BETWEEN GRADE, AND THE SLAB IS NOT PART OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM, TESTING OF THOSE DOWELS ARE NOT REQUIRED. CIP CAST IN PLACE 5.2. TEST 20% OF ALL EPDXY DOWELS AT LOCATIONS RANDOMLY SELECTED BY OR CIRCULAR INSPECTOR OF RECORD. CJ CONSTRUCTION OR CONTROL JOINT 5.3. ANCHORS SHOULD EXHIBIT NO DISCERNIBLE MOVEMENT DURING THE TENSION TEST. CJP COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION 5.4. ALL TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE INSPECTOR OF CL CENTER LINE, CLEARANCE RECORD. CLR CLEAR COL COLUMN GONG CONCRETE CONN CONNECTION CONST CONSTRUCTION REBAR DOWELS C CONTINUOUS OR CONTINUED PROOF LOADING SHALL BE AS REQUIRED BY THE ESP OR BY THE TABLE BELOW WHICH CTR CENTER EVER IS MORE STRINGENT DIA DIAMETER DET DETAIL SIZE EMBED IN PROOF LOAD LB EMBED(IN) ( ) DIA DIAMETER #3 3 5,000 (HOOKS ON THICKENED SLAB) DIAG DIAGONAL #3 3.25 5,200 DIM DIMENSION #4 4.375 9,000 DWG DRAWING #5 5.75 13,500 DWL DOWEL #7 7.25 29,000 (E) EXISTING #8 9 36,000 EA EACH, EXPANSION ANCHOR EE EACH END EF EACH FACE EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION SPECIAL INSPECTION ELEC ELECTRICAL EMS EMBEDMENT, EMBEDDED 1. SPECIAL INSPECTION BY OWNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 2013 EDITION, EN EDGE NAIL CHAPTER 17 SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING WORK: EQ EQUAL ES EACH SIDE CONCRETE EW EACH WAY CAST -IN -PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS EXIST EXISTING REINFORCING STEEL EXP EXPANSION WELDING EXT EXTERIOR TIE -DOWN ANCHORS DRILL -IN AND CHEMICAL ADHESIVE OR EPDXY ANCHORS IN CONCRETE FDN FOUNDATION FP FULL PENETRATION FS FAR SIDE FT FEET FTG FOOTING FV FIELD VERIFY GALV GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GR GRADE GRTG GRATING HEX HEXAGONAL HK HOOK HORIZ HORIZONTAL HE HIGH POINT HSB HIGH STRENGTH BOLT HT HEIGHT ID INSIDE DIAMETER IF INSIDE FACE IN INCHES INFO INFORMATION INT INTERIOR JT JOINT L LENGTH LBS POUNDS LF LINEAR FEET LG LONG LOON LOCATION LONG LONGITUDINAL LW LIGHTWEIGHT MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM\ ME MACHINE BOLT MECH MECHANICAL MFR MANUFACTURER MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS MTL MATERIAL (N) NEW NOM NOMINAL NS NEAR SIDE NTS NOT TO SCALE NWT NORMALWEIGHT OC OD OPNG OPP PL PLBG PET PR PRL PSF PSI PVMT R RCP REF REV REINF READ SCH SECT SF SILT SIM SMS SOD Sp SPEC SQ SST STD STL STIFF STRUCT SYM TOO TOW T&B TEMP TOE TOS TYP UNO VAR VERT VOL WO W/ WILD W/0 WSTP WT WWF ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OPENING OPPOSITE PLATE PLUMBING PRESSURE PRESERVATIVE TREATED PAIR PARALLEL LBS. PER SQ. FT. LBS. PER SQ IN. PAVEMENT RADIUS OR RISER REINFORCED CONC PIPE REFER TO REVISION REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED SCHEDULE SECTION SQUARE FEET SHEET SIMILAR SHEET METAL SCREW SLAB ON GRADE SPACING SPECIFICATION SQUARE UNITS STAINLESS STEEL STANDARD STEEL STIFFENER STRUCTURAL SYMMETRICAL TOP OF CONCRETE TOP OF WALL TOP AND BOTTOM TEMPORARY, TEMPERATURE TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF STEEL TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VARIES VERTICAL VOLUMN WHERE OCCURS WITH WELDED WITHOUT WATERSTOP WEIGHT WELDED WIRE FABRIC Q<LOFESSIpNq� ti��O PRY I1No Fyn I[[1JJJJ�� T No. 34 is Exp. 3-31-16 Jtl sTRUCT UFP�'Q��v. f OF CAUFO I I I I6ImI Al 2 h Fo d wheo V] O h 1°p O I LLd H < � Q~ 00 � m Z Z2 V) J0 W Lu ft� Q LJJ cl� Q LL Lj � w U LL m �� U m Q U N Q W W Q Q � m Q Q z Z Ld R;:O Ow LU Lj C 0 r-** 0 0 o m N O I i:i w w 00 ¢ ¢ ¢ 0) o a a 0) N I Y a � � m I m z o y z > O m U W Z Y J W Y m O S V CASE DRAWER SET 14 12 004 Si of Atljuat Scce AccarEingly N ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ LEVEL BOTTOM (N) 2" GROUT FLOOR, TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) TYR L- < ° d - a d ,d TYR 01 T�c Vic, eon S6 TYR OAP, / E TYR \ 56 ° TYP d TYP a TYR d A TYR S6 S6 ° S6 , S6 a i CONCRETE REPAIR TYPES AND METHOD FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIERS �. CONCRETE REPAIR TYPES: A. LARGE AREA : LEAST DIMENSION GREATER THAN 4". B. LOCALIZE AREA : LEAST DIMENSION UP TO 4". C. CRACK : WIDTH GREATER THAN 0.08". 2. CONCRETE REPAIR METHOD: A. LARGE AREA : PER SECTION 03002 "CONCRETE", OR SIKACRETE 211 SCC PLUS BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. B. LOCALIZE AREA : SIKATOP 122 PLUS BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. IF REBAR IS ENCOUNTERED, CLEAN THE EXPOSED REBAR AND COAT WITH ARMATEC 110 CORROSION INHIBITING PRIMER. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS C. CRACK SIKAFLEX-2c NS EZ FILLER BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. 1. CHASE CRACK WITH A "V" SHAPED BLADE FOR A GROVE 1/2"x1/2" DEEP ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE EXISTING WIDE CRACK. PREPARE SUBTRATE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 2. APPLY BOND BREAKER TAPE IN BOTTOM 1/4" OF "V" GROVE. 3. FILL GROOVE WITH SIKAFLEX-2c NS EZ PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. u Li (N) LIGTHWEIGHT CONCRETE FILL, TYP (E) CONCRETE FILL, TYR BOTTOM FLOOR PLAN AT ELEV 92.00 3/32" = 1'-0" 2" GROUT TOPPING REPLACEMENT NOTES 1. FULL REPLACEMENT OF GROUT TOPPING A. REMOVE ENTIRE EXISTING 2" GROUT TOPPING B. REPAIR DAMAGED CONCRETE TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER FLOOR SLAB PER DRAWING S-2, AS REQUIRED. C. ROUGHEN SURFACES OF CONCRETE TO BE BONDED TO FRESH CONCRETE, TO A MINIMUM AMPLITUDE OF 1/8". CLEAN SURFACES OF LAITTANCE, COATINGS, LOOSE PARTICLES, 'DAMAGED CONCRETE, AND FOREIGN MATTER. D. PRIME SUBSTRATE WITH AN EPDXY BONDING AGENT, SIKADUR 32 HI -MOD BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. E. INSTALL SIKAREPAIR 224 MORTAR BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL, IN A RADIAL CHECKERED BOARD FASHION WITH A MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS BETWEEN ADJACENT POURS. F. SUBMIT JOINT LAYOUT TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 2. REPAIR THE 2" GROUT TOPPING (OPTIONAL) A. REMOVE AREA OF DAMAGED GROUT TOPPING PER ENGINEER'S INSTRUCTIONS. B. REPAIR DAMAGED CONCRETE TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER FLOOR SLAB PER DRAWING S-2, AS REQUIRED. C. ROUGHEN SURFACES OF CONCRETE TO BE BONDED TO FRESH CONCRETE, TO A MINIMUM AMPLITUDE OF 1/8". CLEAN SURFACES OF LAITTANCE, COATINGS, LOOSE PARTICLES, DAMAGED CONCRETE, AND FOREIGN MATTER. D. PRIME SUBSTRATE WITH AN EPDXY BONDING AGENT, SIKADUR 32 HI -MOD BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. E. INSTALL SIKAREPAIR 224 MORTAR BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL, IN A CHECKERED BOARD FASHION WITH A MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS BETWEEN ADJACENT POURS. NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS. 2. REMOVE (E) 2" GROUT AND REPLACE, SEE GROUT TOPPING REPLACEMENT NOTES. 3. CONCRETE NOTES ARE SHOWN ON SHEET S1. I I I I6ImI 0 0 c m N O o w a w a I LO o) rn po 1 r m 1 m n N m c O z o z QROFESSIpNq m Z y m m w U w Q F PRY H F \ T > Y 3:V < J CASE DRAWER SET No. 34 * Exp. 3-31-16 * 14 12 004 '1tl sTRUCT UF��v. F o.q�o OF cAV0' ® bNM s��: �Acaei�yH. nn rY-T iF SHEET S2 Z p of JV m w Q N o� (N) SCUM BAFFLE, TYP o O O O O N D m U K O L' w o W D N_ 4 �o FRP WEIR PL 5 «xb C TYP P11 �t"EO ml 2 h� Nh e O rn V] �7 k.I �LI� (N) WEIR PLATE O Q O J cl-m � Q V) ww LAUNDER PLAN Q U) LL- 3/32" = l'-O" LLI W w 0 w J U Z B Q U Lu �o Qz z �o 0 LLJ w � N NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS. 2. CONCRETE NOTES ARE SHOWN ON SHEET S1. b 0 b 0 b o 00 N O i:i w w I 00 Q A I a c N r m I m rn m o z o q m Z m m m V "QQROFESSIN Y Fy� yT �4"" > ��iu'md N o JaSET CASE DRAWER * Exp.3-31-16 * 14 12 004 '1tl sTRUCT UFP�'Q��v. �0' or cn ® bi�M9��oiAoai�yH. 20 OCT 15 $3 38 SHEET of - o a n s 5 (E) LOOR (E) PIPING ( GATE OPERATOR OF (N) rn Q 5 Y S7 HAT TYP TYP) S NO, TYR - (N) OVERLAYEDGE , TYPWS7�� OF Nr------ TYP _ _-_-_-_ _ ______ REMOVE E () _- _ _____ _-- rOVERLAY, �3C (N) ARDRAIL, 6 TYp p GATEGUARDRAIL, ------------� SEE NOTE 3�7y TYP IIITYP4 I �� ( SEE NOTE 2) F--� - - 21 S7 OPERATOR STAND U' m °°< -------------�—-' �I--------- -----`-----�-1--—� °—------'—� L ----------------------- ,a--- -------------------°711 51 I II 1C 16 ,A 2A 2D 2E I� 36 3A 3D 4B 4E 4F 4G Iq (n m Q NI II 2F IH 2 (N) BRIDGE SEE PROCESS SHTS, ii 4N 4D 4H QI 11 c�i w 0 � al9 (N) GUARDRAIL, N ST TYP 4K Ld Q H °II 2B IHI L TYP ST H 4A b N III II 91� II `14 bl dl II Pi 1 4o I, 1 S7 19 II 2C II (N) MECHANISM CENTER TOWER, SEE PROCESS L II P SHEETS, TYP 41 bl 4J al ,I SECONDARY CLARIFIER II II SECONDARY CLARIFIER II II SEC DARY CLARIFIER ° III SECONDARY CLARIFIER 4M II NO.2 al N .3 c NO.4 II H H a { S7 ° 1 SIM - aU IHIa II QI° EDGE OF (N) I� 3E II® (N) GUARDRAIL, TYP III 4M EQ e Q` OVERLAY 2G 4 TYP O STAIR S II I I .� x b Al h py L_ -------------1—_�_ —J L-----a-----__-----1 4 -- e — ---- -- J L---- -- — ° _-----__---- d _-------J ° < L---_-1J---1—_�--a s---_-----__— - - - - — — — — — — T EDGE F (N) OVER Y, TYP (N) OVERLAY S CONCRETE REPAIR NOTES: 1. REFER TO CONCRETE REPAIR TYPES AND METHOD NOTES ON DWG S2 SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.1 1A SPALLED CONCRETE: REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 1B LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". iC LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR iD AS "LOCALIZE AREA". LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR 1E AS "LOCALIZE AREA". LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". iF LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". iG LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 2. REMOVE EXISTING GUARDRAIL POSTS AND METAL EMBED SLEEVE, AND FILL HOLE WITH SIKAGROUT 212 BY SIKA CORPORATION OR EQUAL. 3. ADD OVERLAY TO WALKWAY DECK: SIKATOP 122 PLUS, 1" NEAT MAX, HORIZONTAL SURFACE SIKATOP 123 PLUS, 1-1/2" NEAT MAX, VERTICAL SURFACES. 4. PROVIDE OVERLAY AROUND PIPES THROUGH DECK. SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.2 2A LOOSE CONCRETE/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA" 2B LOOSE CONCRETE: REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA" 2C EXPOSED REBAR: REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 2p SPALLED/LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LARGE AREA". 2E SPALLED/LOOSE CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LARGE AREA". 2F SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 2G SPALLED CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 2H SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 21 CONCRETE CRACK: REPAIR AS "CRACK" 2J REMOVE POST AND METAL EMBED SLEEVE AND FILL HOLE WITH SIKAGROUT 212 (TOTAL OF 5 PLACES) 2K ACCESS HATCH: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". J• - F 2J IT I I I --- TYP 3F 3G (N) GUARDRAIL, EDGE OF (N) OVERLAY, TYP �`LI 3 ° EDGE OF (N) II 4L Z O OVERLAY, TYP 0 II II — DECK PLAN ® ELEV 107.00 3/32" = 1'-0" SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.3 3A LOOSE CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 3B LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR Q 3C ACCESS HATCH: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 3D SPALLED CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 3E SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 3F LOOSE CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 3G SPALLED CONCRETE: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". Q H � IN JJ Z �m LLJ LLJ w Z SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO.4 NOTES: < w Q_ 1. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND Lu w 4A SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: EXISTING CONDITIONS. Cr_ L_L Q REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR "LOCALIZE 2. CONCRETE NOTES ARE SHOWN ON SHEET S1. ~ of J Y 4B AS AREA". LOOSE CONCRETE: Er W J (� U Lli REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". } 4C EXPOSED REBAR:LLJ Q REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". � ap Q 4D LOOSE CONCRETE: Z REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". Q Z O O 4E LOOSE CONCRETE: U W REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR � 4F AS "LARGE AREA". EXPOSED REBAR: V) 4G REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". EXPOSED REBAR: I REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 4H SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". 41 SPALLED LOEXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR AS "LOCALIZE AREA". jL 4J SPALLED CONC/EXPOSED REBAR: REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR 4K AS "LOCALIZE AREA". SPALLED GONG: o a a REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR00 ^ ^ ^ 4L AS "LOCALIZE AREA". SPALLED CONCRETE: O REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR Lij°D I w w L0 AS "LOCALIZE AREA". o a a rn 4M LOOSE CONCRETE: N REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR 4N AS "LOCALIZE AREA". SPALLED CONCRETE: ap n to c REMOVE LOOSE CONCRETE AND REPAIR m 1 r z o AS "LOCALIZE AREA". or m m z 44 REMOVE POST AND METAL EMBED SLEEVE AND FILL HOLE WITH y a z 72 J m SIKAGROUT 212 (TOTAL OF 3 PLACES) ! 4 Oty NO 4 Y o < i cai CASE DRAWER SET No. 2534 E*3-31-18 14 12 004 .1 UCT �`S4 ® bi,",M s��: �ncaeioyN 38 20 OCT 15 SHEET of DI 7= mm r4 lo" 1 10 PLAN 1/2„ - 1,-0„ S2 °d a • • PREPARE EXISTING SURFACE PER CONCRETE NOTE #13 ON DWG S1 • REMOVE (E) CONC. & REPLACE WITH (N) CONCRETE — (N) #5 CIRCULAR BARS ((LAP - 3'-10") DETAIL n 1/2" - 1,_0„ — (N) CENTER COLUMN BY MECHANISM SUPPLIER 10" 1 10" 2 #6 ALL POC (E) 7-#6 BARS @ 12" O.C. (E; 0,( (E (N) MECHANISM CENTER COLUMN BASE PL (N) 2" NON -SHRINK GROUT (N) #6 CIRCULAR BARS (I AP - , 8") (N) #6 ADHESIVE DOWELS ® 12" O.C. * (N) 8-1"0 316 SST ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLTS PER MECHANISM SUPPLIER, SEE SPEC 11125 SAVE (E) o VERTICAL STEEL, TYP iv • NOTE: 1. * CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM NUMBER, SIZE AND EMBEDMENT DEPTH OF ANCHOR BOLTS WITH MECHANISM SUPPLIER, CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT FINAL MECHANISM DRAWINGS/ CALCULATIONS TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO BEGIN WORK. SECTION 1/2„ - l'-O„ - 7 0 0-#6 ARS L) 11" c"c 12" 0 C )6 BARS 2-0 ��% _ O.('. /-0 �PTEO « x b En Al 2 h� En wheo O °c z O I z� �cn Q J Z J Ld �m a LuOf w� Q U) L1_ o pfwgz or W W Q N v Zp �} r� Q Q z W O O (n LLJ Lj c/) N NI I b b b 0 0 o 00 N O I w w � a a a rn 04 N I n c } in in o .. m I m z o m m m Z m U QROFESSIOII J m Q > Y V F PRY o H F ��� ���� y N m CASE DRAWER SET * Exp. 3-31-16 * 14 12 004 Srl sTRUCT\fl' F OF CA ® bi,",M9sE�uoiAcaeioyH. 20 OCT 15 SHEET S5 of 38- EXISTING LAUNDER (N) WEIR PL, SEE P11 � O 7 FRP HIGH DENSITY 3'-10" CURRENT BAFFLE, TYP LAP, TYP s O• LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILL SEE (N) #5012" O.C. EW NOTE 1 ° LEVEL FLOOR SLOPING FLOOF d 8 ° 40" Scope ti Q7 ° d 39, tYP Q /5 DOWELS EXISTING FILL O 12w O.C. TYR. VARIES 7■ M■ SECTION /17"\ 3/8" - 1,_p„ S2 NOTE: 1. ROUGHEN (E) CONCRETE SURFACE, IN CONTACT WITH NEW CONCRETE, TO 1/4" AMPLITUDE TO EXPOSE AGGREGATES ( SEE SPECIFICATIONS). SECTION 3/8.. _ 11_G„ _ NOTE: 1. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE SECTION SECTION 3/81, _ 1,_011 S2 NOTE: 1. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE SECTION �A SECTION 3/8" _ 1,_Q„ _ NOTE: 1. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE SECTION EXISTING EFFLUENT DROP BOX EXISTING DROP BOX SUPPORT COLUMN � o � 4 P 4 0 > P I B SECTION _ 1' s2 NOTE: 1. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE SECTION Bar LengM On Original Drvwing Ey la One co Atlluat Scale AcNinglygly 24" SCE CL EL 98.5 P to , s AI ry 0 Q~ O J J Z � m Z = of uj (n U) Q LL Z LU W O Lu � LL- LU LU U UJ QU > N w>- ry Q C/)m QZ Z R;:O O LU Lj r/ N i 0 0 o m N O o a a I Lo 0) Q) N I r m I m n in m c o z o QROFESSIpNq m Z m m m 72 U m Q F PRY H F � y� > D Y o � V i J cai � CASE DRAWER SET No. 2534 * Exp.3-31-16 * 14 12 004 '1tI STRUCTUF��v. F OF cAU0' c SV Zp ZO 20OCT 15 SHEET___ of -)I TOP OF GUARDRAIL 42", TYR (E) GUARDRAIL TO BE REMOVED, TYP. (N) GROUT, SEE DWG S4, TYR (E) C.C.10" O. a � M (E) 2-#8 TYR --A (E) #5 O 20" O.C. TYPICAL GUARDRAIL DETAIL 1-1/2" = l'-O" I S4 NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CUT OR DAMAGE EXISTING REINFORCING STEEL DURING DRILLING FOR ANCHOR BOLTS. TYPICAL GUARDRAIL DETAIL 1-1/2' - -_ B OVERLAY LIMIT (N) OVERLAY 1" SIKATOP 122 PLUS 2 ^ FUTURE aaQaaa �� �a e� (E) WALKWAY DECK e a e (N) ALUM. HANDRAIL 4" CHANNEL TOE BOARD (4"xl'xO.125") W/ 1" HORIZ. SLOTTED HOLES POST CONNECTION, W/ SPACER PL 1"x2"x2" B POSTS. TYR • ` 4-1/2"0 316 SST ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLTS 5.. W/ SST NUTS & WASHER TYPICAL OVERLAY DETAIL @ TERMINATION 1_1/2" = 1._0" -4 A TYPICAL GUARDRAIL DETAIL 1-1/2" = l'-O" NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE DETAIL P (E) FLOOR HATCH OVERLAY DETAIL @ FLOOR HATCH /-5 1-1/2" = 1'-0" S4 NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE DETAIL POST N z � 0 a (N) VERTICAL POST m o= U I K N m 3" I (E) CONCRETE STRUCTURE w ..,. III V) HOLE N 1-1/2" FASTENORS Q �o 1/2"0 316SST BOLT 1-1/2 2-1/2"0 316SST PIPE SLEEVE II ♦ II II 1-1/2" (N) 316SST 3/8" PLATE PIPE SLEEVE TO PLATE, TYP 1/4 1/4" BOTTOM CAP WITH 1/4" DIA - - WEEP HOLE w - NOTE: 1. ALL GUARDRAIL POST SUPPORT MEMBERS SHALL BE SST TYPE316. GUARDRAIL POST DETAIL 3" = l'-O" S4 OVERLAY DETAIL @ GATE - NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE DETAIL Atljuat Scce AccarEingly 0 0 o m N O w w I � Q fM N I } m I m n in m c o z .. o QROFESSIpNq m Z m m m U m Q � F" PRY H F \ � T > Y o < < V J CASE DRAWER SET j No. 2 34 * Exp. 3-31-16 * 14 12 004 Srl sTRUCT UF�`v. F OF UFO CA S7 Z p zo 20OCT 15 SHEET_ of__ M■ 1 1 1 1 \ / -J- POMPS 5coo fo I 36 AFRgpR ION TANkMNO N r PRO ANk 500O jpP c� T CD �O c� PGA\�PPJMP \ y Sc�M / E0 GE 6„ J� N INET N° 00 36„ AFRgTIOCp P 36, N RpM TOCTIV 5 p AE RATIO Np pRo ANk N° o / \ v16" RAs TAN No No. PP / �—� \ \ \ -ARIFIE�ARY / 50UrA / V /� 50 24oM�E�� 3 S NOTE: ISOMETRIC PROVIDED FOR GENERAL CONFIGURATION AND FLOW PATH FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIERS AND IS NOT MEANT TO SHOW ALL UTILITY PIPING AND EQUIPMENT. O� f0/?0/f5 M ` EXP. 6 I� B,,ar Le,pth On Original `r/,�j CHI P.SgO �6r 4l n� `l �f Z � O I Z� �a i J o Q� m z Z 2 Q Lu Lu Cn 0 Ld Q W L- 0 W Lu ry — Lu v U QU r� H Q < W � o �O Luw Lu cf) 0 0 o 00 N O I ro 0 0 o rn N � o m l m z o z 0 o m o o r z W Z Y �VyJ Y O 0 = U 0 fn m 0 U fn d CASE DRAWER SET Ill 12 004 SHEET P 1 of 38 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 1 on Mn M■ AERATION TANK No. 1 B V I I AERATinni TANK N 2B i IAERATION TANK "'- — OL ----------------------- --``----------- ---- ------------------------------------------------ f---------------------------- ----- ------------------ - - L - AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 NEW FRP DOUBLE DOOR. FRAME, AND rr------------------- ------------------------------------ ri THRESHOLD, SEE D-101 DETAILS ON SHT P12, SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 1 & 2 EFFLUENT PIT A TYP TYR OF 2 rF------T IF ------ 'ii 'ii P7 L________________________________ �___________- --------- _- - L--------------- ----- - �- , -- ,I WALKWAY i i SCUM PIT No. 1 LAUNDER SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT STRUCTURE l SCUM BAFFLE SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 (SEE SHT P3 FOR E FRP WEIR MODIFICATIONS) i F{ PLATE ii FRP BAFFLE \ i H DRIVE PLATFORM DRIVE MOTOR t i INFLUENT WELL I I I i i t �I i i t --------------------- ---- ----- - _--__ __---____----______---__ --_______=_=_=__=- DROP BOX i CHLORINE CONTACT TANK No. 1 ii — i i V AERATION TANK No. 4B ------------------------------❑ L-------------------------------------J ` -- - `---------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ J-------------------------------------------------------------------------- B AERATION TANKS N EFFLUENT BOXES No. 3 & 4 It SUPERSTRUCTURE EQUIPMENT ROOMS j FYI ----7 ir- i ACTIVATED SLUDGE ACTIVATED SLUDGE SECONDARY CLARIFIERS No. 3 & 4 EFFLUENT PIT D-105 Lu WET PIT No. 1 D-163 WET PIT No. 2 ii D-104 o -------------------- ----------------------- --\�'tm -- -- ----------------------- 0 ' NEW FRP SINGLE SCUM TROUGH — DOOR, FRAME, AND THRESHOLD, SEE i i SCUM PIT No. 2 t DETAILS ON SHT P12, TYR OF 3 t SECONDARY SECONDARY SECONDARY t CLARIFIER No. 2 4. � CLARIFIER No. 3 CLARIFIER No. 4 (SEE SHT P4 FOR (SEE SHT P5 FOR (SEE SHT P6 FOR MODIFICATIONS) I MODIFICATIONS) I I MODIFICATIONS) t i i t i i t i i - ALUMINUM ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL I I I GUARDRAIL ❑ ❑ --- r- --�------------------- ❑ _ CHLORINE MIXING BOXES DROP BOX AI I i jI iii I ----------- L--� J -- �=i o WATER STORAGE WATER STORAGE O O TANK No. 1 TANK No. 4 PUMP PIT-------------------O -----------------------------�ii------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------lf PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" o. AERATION TANK No. 5 ee. � qm on ongmni orowmq Equam one ngly Adjust egcale PscoMily 5 rp. V�M ` 6 P.v $ 0 \q Z � O � HQ Z � Q J O � Q z 0' W z Q� �g Ofw W Q U W QU �Y LLJ 0 z � O O W W W m m 2 0 0 o 00 N O I ro 0 0 o rn po N � p � o w m Im O Z O m p Q r Z > K O Q W Q O fn I m p U m tl CASE DRAWER SET 1A 12 004 SHEET P2 of 38 1 2 A P7 5'-0" 18 38 -------- 37 I I I 37 I I I I I I I I 3 4 /---------- E 33 6 I I \\\ \ \ I / 33 IN VERT 33 STRAIGHT TO V-NOTCH WEIR TRANSITION, TYP I I I 24 x•, 37 � 5 EXISTING LAUNDER i I 18 38 \ I 38 18 I P 10 I I I I I I I 38 18 I I EXISTING WALKWAY 24 I I 12 I I 1 I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I 11 7 TYP I I SECONDARY C RIFIER No. 1 6 (SC 701) I I I 21 UNDER WALKWAY I 24 24 5 KEY NOTES: O1 DRIVE PLATFORM* o_ w a OZ DRIVE MOTOR* �. O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL * m O4 SCUM SKIMMER * OS SCUM TROUGH AND SUPPORT O6 SCUM BAFFLE (SST) * z O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT (SST) * o Fa OS EFFLUENT V-NOTCH WEIR (ERR), SEE DETAIL �5 m _ m U n O9 SUCTION HEADER * P11 O o FACE MOUNTED ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL W 10 WITH TOEBOARD, TYP ALL AROUND cn cn 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL * N Q z 12 ENERGY DISSIPATING FEED WELL * 13 ERR CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE, SEE DETAIL q, TYP ALL AROUND P11 14 SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE DETAIL 1q. TYP P11 15 24 SE, PREPARE SURFACE AND RE -COAT EXISTING PIPE PER SPEC SECTION 09905 16 6" SCUM PIPE (BELOW LAUNDER) 17 3" 3W (PVC) 18 2" 2W (PVC) _ 19 4" 3W (PVC) - 20 3/4" SHS SAMPLE (PVC) _ 21 1" SHC (PVC) EXISTING 22 2" SHC (PVC)PCE� 23 1" ELECTRICAL Z 1 P 24 1 1 /2" HOSE VALVE (GUARDRAIL MOUNTED), SEE DETAIL �2 TYP 25 MECHANICAL SLEEVE COUPLING P11 WO `\3\;, 26 WALL BRACKET, SEE DETAIL P, TYP P10 27 CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 3 & 5 TYP Z O P10 P10 I.-_ I— Z < 0 28 SUSPEND FROM WALKWAY, SEE DETAIL TYP pillP10 Q J Z zZ P m 29 TRAPEZE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 4 & , TYF' J Z 2 I.J_I W W P10 P10 30 42" CENTER COLUMN SUPPORT AT FLOOR, SEE (/j z STRUCTURAL SHEETS. Q W' Lu W O 31 PREPARE SURFACE AND COAT INTERIOR SIDES OF WALL J PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 09905 TO LIMITS SHOWN. W () 32 2" GROUT TOPPING, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS Q W ¢ U 33 BALL VALVE Q V (Y E 34 CONNECT NEW PVC PIPE TO EXIST PVC PIPE W 0 35 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT O 36 CAP PIPING 6" FROM WALL < O U I.J_I 37 ERR STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP P11 (n 38 GUARDRAIL PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL TYP_ P10 39 CONNECT NEW 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE TO EXISTING 40 PIPE THRU EXISTING OPENING IN WALL 41 MODULAR STRUT SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL P10 42 GUARDRAIL SUPPORT 43 FLOOR SUPPORT TYP AT VERTICAL PIPE LOCATIONS �2 �2 �2 P10 BETWEEN GUARDRAIL POSTS 44 SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD, SEE DEfALG 0 0 o 00 04 45 2" 2W (PVC) RELOCATED a a a 00 rn NOTES: m o � N 1. KEYNOTES WITH "*" DENOTES SUPPLIED BY SLUDGE COLLECTION II EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. m m o 2. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. - W z m Z o Y .. z U �QROFESS/ONgI > y 3 W W KOryT FAG p0 OH 1 rn o m o = u ca) m a 29378 EXP. 6,- CASE _1-4 DRAWER 12 SET 004 5 ee. qm o" ongmei \/ oror�� ea"ai, o"e mm' of O% SHEET of P3 38 nai"� =oi* k=o�a�"eir 0 Cy B EXIST 19 25 TYR 22 EXIST EXIST 20 23 35 KEY NOTES: w -39 ---------0 `J � 16 34 220 2823 I _ o o -- _ -----JL-------------------J----------- -----1 L L r-------r 28 IIL DRIVE PLATFORM*I OZ DRIVE MOTOR* - 28 -------------L-- --- 1 _ _ _ ----_- - - - _ - - -- - ._. 36 TYP _p � r O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL ~ } 37 T� EXISTING SCUM PIT No. 1 rj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 O SCUM SKIMMER - - - - 27 27 J OS SCUM TROUGH AND SUPPORT 33 I I SCUM BAFFLE (SST) 18 i 20 28 17 18 38 24O I I SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT (SST)m o 6' 18 38 / ♦♦ ;n N S EFFLUENT V-NOTCH WEIR (FRP), SEE DETAIL fY N SUCTION HEADER * P11O FACE MOUNTED ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL TOEBOARD,TYP ALL AROUND Ld5 I♦43WITH ))A I 24 ♦� k37 17 38 ♦♦♦ IN VERTICAL 33 I I 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL * N Q �i� ♦♦♦ I I 1 12 ENERGY DISSIPATING FEED WELL * I I 38 18 40 18 I FRP CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE, SEE � ♦ ♦♦ 1 13 O DETAIL , TYP ALL AROUND I ♦♦♦ P7 I I P7 7 P11 I ii� I �i� ♦♦♦ I I 14 SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE DETAIL 1 TYP -� Iw �� I P11 i ♦♦ i 3 ♦ �" I I i / 15 24" 8E, PREPARE SURFACE AND RE -COAT EXISTING I I I EXISTING PIPE PER SPEC SECTION 09905 ♦♦ I � I �i LAUNDER I ♦ ♦♦ I I I I 16 6" SCUM PIPE (BELOW LAUNDER) ♦♦ I I i� ♦♦ i 17 3" 3W (PVC) I I 4 18 2" 2W (PVC) _ I I I I I I 19 4" 3W (PVC) I 9 I I I I 20 3/4" SHS SAMPLE (PVC) _ I I 38 17 10 I I 21 1" SHC (PVC) EXISTING I I 19 I zz z" sHc (PVC) I I I I 23 1" ELECTRICAL 1 P I 1 1 I I 2g 2p I 1 1 I 1 1 2" HOSE VALVE 24 / (GUARDRAIL MOUNTED), SEE DETAIL 2 TYP I I 25 MECHANICAL SLEEVE COUPLING P11 WO - EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY 1 I M 26 WALL BRACKET, SEE DETAIL TYP `\�,♦}4c �`LI ° 12 24 ° P10 I I CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 3 & 5 TYP Z N qo I oo P10 P10 zQ �" I 1N 28 SUSPEND FROM WALKWAY, SEE DETAIL TYP Q J z z 35 Qom- P10 d m o z I ATTACH TO I 17 GUARDRAIL 1 I I I I o z 29 TRAPEZE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS T F [__ Q Z �f 0- I I N P10 P10 22 27 I I 42" CENTER COLUMN SUPPORT AT FLOOR, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS. Q z 2 Lwu W Q O 31 PREPARE SURFACE AND COAT INTERIOR SIDES OF WALL J PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 09905 TO LIMITS SHOWN. U 32 2" GROUT TOPPING, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS W J 33 BALL VALVE Q V E 11 1 34 CONNECT NEW PVC PIPE TO EXISTING PVC PIPE W < 0 11 I 11 I 35 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 0 Z I I 36 CAP PIPING 6" FROM WALL Q O U 7 YP 37 FRP STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP U W Lu U) ♦♦♦♦ 38 17 i�, I I ♦♦♦♦ 38 GUARDRAIL PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP ♦♦ 6 32 I I ♦♦ P10 ♦♦ SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 2 �� ♦ (SC-702) ♦♦ ♦ 39 CONNECT NEW 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE TO EXISTING -- ♦ i 40 PIPE THRU EXISTING OPENING IN WALL __ 1 ♦♦ CONNECT 4" W3 ♦♦♦ TO 3" W3 �� I 1 I I I 41 MODULAR STRUT SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL 17 ♦♦ I 42 GUARDRAIL SUPPORT P10 ♦ ♦♦ �� 19 P8 T 1 E 43 FLOOR SUPPORT 7 TYP AT VERTICAL PIPE LOCATIONS P10 BETWEEN GUARDRAIL POSTS �2 �2 �2 P7 ♦ / ♦♦ �� 3 I I 44 SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD, SEE DETAL o 0 o 00 04 O I I - I 23 28 37 ATTACH TO 17 I I 33 IN VE TICAL ¢5 2" 2W (PVC) RELOCATED LO BELOW ♦ GUARDRAIL Fq��15 LAUNDER 1 1 46 1" CONDUIT (PVC) RELOCATED a a a _ of rn 24 ♦♦ � i� � TO o I 3� 24 0 1 I 37 17 ATT IT G RDRAIL NOTES: I rt N 22 27 i� I I 1. KEYNOTES WITH "*" DENOTES SUPPLIED BY SLUDGE COLLECTION Y II I I 21 28 TYP OF 2 ♦ 26 TYP I I EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. m m o 33 2. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. QROFESS/OH > z z w w - - - - - - - - - - zo zs Q4 NyF N' KO o of c _ of - CASE DRAWER SET --------------------------- U M29378 v ---- -p — - ------1 --------------------------------- ---------------------------- 5'-0' _-----10-----------45 42 46 42 ---34 — —---------------- — --� -- ---------- — — ----- - - ----- -- , r � L - ------------ 34 TYP------- -- iu/2u/i 5 EXP. 6-30-17 1 12 004 37 23 O 0 0 20 p\ - - - - - - - - % CiIANIC � �ee. �e�9�i 9r". �gfFOF CAL\F� P4 38 kYx;CiYxd 35 19 na��i" ntoomme SHEET of 2 3 4 5 E C B u� KEY NOTES: � w a ( IJ 5'-0' o I I 25 27 27 39 DRIVE PLATFORM* Y r m ---- -- 0 0 L 2 * DRIVE MOTOR O 37 -£ --_ EE--_ -_EE-_--- E�---- E�---- EE-_- --E E----EE---—_�-__—_�-- _ --E-_ ---E-- --------------- j CLARIFIER WALKWAY /GUARDRAIL 3 W ~ EXIPSTNG SCUM — — — — 16 I SCUM SKIMMER III SCUM TROUGH AND SUPPORT I WI I w i 40 �6 SCUM BAFFLE (SST) * o o I o I 31 i 24 \ — -- — — O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT (SST) m 33 ♦ \ E OS EFFLUENT V—NOTCH WEIR (FRP), SEE DETAIL �5 O U o 33 SUCTION HEADER * P11 Q I I _ FACE MOUNTED ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL WITH TOEBOARD, TYR ALL AROUND w :D N II EXISTING LAUNDER i / 5 \`�\ 37 s� I I 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL * w o III 38 18 / 38 17 18 \ N 12 ENERGY DISSIPATING FEED WELL * Q m z ` I I 1 0 I 7 38 24 I I ERR CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE, SEE 3 DETAIL 7 , TYR ALL AROUND I P7 ✓v1 I I IIw i i� 14 `� I I P1, 14 SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE DETAIL 1q, TYP 3 24" SE, PREPARE SURFACE AND RE —COAT EXISTING PIPE PER SPEC SECTION 09905 6" SCUM PIPE (BELOW LAUNDER) }vl 17 3" 3W (PVC) Iw I III I I I I 18 2" 2W (PVC) I II I I 19 4" 3W (PVC) 9 I I III I 10 20 3/4" SHS SAMPLE (PVC) a _ III I I 21 1" SHC (PVC) EXISTING wI 22 2" SHC (PVC) 0 1 I II I I I 23 1" ELECTRICALwa I I III I I I I I 24 1 1 /2" HOSE VALVE O (GUARDRAIL MOUNTED), SEE DETAIL2 TYP cn EXISTING WALKWAY 38 17 I 25 MECHANICAL SLEEVE COUPLING P11 o I 24 6 26 WALL BRACKET, SEE DETAIL 1 , TYP w 0 P10 27 CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 3 & 5 TYP 0 z I 1 Pio P10 p Q }v I� 17 38 r� 28 SUSPEND FROM WALKWAY, SEE DETAIL 4 TYP J Z z a m o I I I I IIw 1 / I I I I o P,o 29 TRAPEZE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 4 & 5 TYP P 10 P, 0 Q W Lu ai o vwi I 30 42" CENTER COLUMN SUPPORT AT FLOOR, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS. Q z Lu 0 2 w W _ U I 1 31 PREPARE SURFACE AND COAT INTERIOR SIDES OF WALL III I I I PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 09905 TO LIMITS SHOWN. Q Iw I I 32 2" GROUT TOPPING, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS Lu C.)J WI 33 BALL VALVE Q U E Q FD I 34 CONNECT NEW PVC PIPE TO EXISTING PVC PIPE Lu Q 0 I III 1 I I 35 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT Q Z 0 III 7 TYP I I 36 CAP PIPING 6" FROM WALL 3:0 W IIw }v I 37 ERR STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP P 1 Lu U) i� 6 1 �38 GUARDRAIL PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL P10 TYP -- SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 3 (SC-703) I I �� 39 CONNECT NEW 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE TO EXISTING BELL e = PIPE THIRD EXISTING OPENING IN WALL 7 Lil \` 41 MODULAR STRUT SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL I I I 42 GUARDRAIL SUPPORT P10 — g D P7 43 FLOOR SUPPORT 7 TYP AT VERTICAL PIPE LOCATIONS P10 BETWEEN GUARDRAIL POSTS 0 0 0 00 7 38 38 17 I — I 44 SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD, SEE DETAL P7 ro 13 ` 26 TYP 15 BELOW I 45 2" 2W PVC RELOCATED O (PVC) o 0 0 LAUNDER raj of 3�1 24 NOTES: o \\ I� I 1 I I 1. KEYNOTES WITH "*" DENOTES SUPPLIED BY SLUDGE COLLECTION > m m o z z Iw 3g EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. r III 2. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. � QROFESS/pygl KONT�HF�G' z z a It II m o a -1 L--- -E-E --- E - - u----------------- u ---- --- -u- ----- - u ------------- -- -------- - _-- ----- ---- - v M 29378 A J� �EXP. CASE DRAWER SET ---- 5-0 T T--------T 34 10 45 42 6-30-17 1 12 004 - 37-- {II -ICI �A1 r---- -1V L--r------1 —� F------- —_ _ ----- ----- _ ----_ _---- -----------5-0-._ �J 37 r----_ _ --- ----- — — — — — — — — _ _ LHANtrw �ee' 'yin o" ongi"ei �lgfFOF CAL\F \� orowm eq"ais o"e mm. Ad,uat PscRil. P5 38 tale SHEET o, 2 3 4 5 0 Cy B KEY NOTES: 39 27 1 27 25 33 18 EXIST Oi DRIVE PLATFORM* o w a m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 0 J L --------------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- -I JI L --- OZ DRIVE MOTOR* --- i - - - 1 - --_ =L- - — - -E�-_ � _ __ � � - -- ------------------------------------------- 5, 0,, - --T O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL * H m T� EXISTING SCUM PIT No. 2 N O SCUM SKIMMER FT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _37_ I ® SCUM TROUGH AND SUPPORT � 18 40 i I I SCUM BAFFLE (SST) z - - - i - UNDER 16 LAUNDE I I 24 `� I _ O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT (SST) * 34 (/1 F aa -lE i 18 38 i / 33 \ 24 o O I i0 371 OS EFFLUENT V-NOTCH WEIR (FRP), SEE DETAIL m 0 N P11 SUCTION HEADER o I I FACE MOUNTED GUARDRAIL 10 ALUMINUM WITH TOEBOARD,TYP ALL AROUND Ld cn 24 n 37 INFLUENT CENTER WELL * n Q ENERGY DISSIPATING FEED WELL * FRP CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE, SEE DETAIL 7 , TYP ALL AROUND P11 SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE DETAIL 1q, TYP PI1 24" SE, PREPARE SURFACE AND RE -COAT 15 EXISTING PIPE PER SPEC SECTION 09905 6" SCUM PIPE (BELOW LAUNDER) EXISTING LAUNDER `� I I I 17 3" 3W (PVC) 38 18 18 2" 2W (PVC) _ I I 19 4" 3W (PVC) 3/4" SHS SAMPLE (PVC) _ 10 I 21 1" SHC (PVC) EXISTING 9 i z2 z" SHC (PVC)PREO * a r 23 1" ELECTRICAL 1 a1jFo 24 1 1/2" HOSE VALVE (GUARDRAIL MOUNTED), SEE DETAIL2 TYP y cn (4? a I I 25 MECHANICAL SLEEVE COUPLING P11 EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY I I WALL BRACKET, SEE DETAIL 1q, TYP `tLI z° 12 24 I P10 Z _w I I I 27 CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 3 & 5 TYP P10 P10 Q 00 SUSPEND FROM WALKWAY, SEE DETAIL TYP Z Q J Z of P10 QZ m z o , , 29 TRAPEZE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS & T F lV J Z W W W Y il P,0 P10 w ILL. 42" CENTER COLUMN SUPPORT AT FLOOR, SEE U) z 2 I STRUCTURAL SHEETS. Q W' W Lu O 31 PREPARE SURFACE AND COAT INTERIOR SIDES OF WALL J PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 09905 TO LIMITS SHOWN. u 32 2" GROUT TOPPING, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS Q BALL VALVE Q V li 11 I 34 CONNECT NEW PVC PIPE TO EXISTING PVC PIPE W < 0 35 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT Z I I 36 CAP PIPING 6" FROM WALL Q ZO O W 7 TYP I 37 FRP STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP V P11 (n GUARDRAIL PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL 6 TYP -_ P. i CONNECT NEW 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE TO EXISTING 17 SECONDARY C RIFIER No. 4 (SC 704) I 40 PIPE THRU EXISTING OPENING IN WALL MODULAR STRUT SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL I I 42 GUARDRAIL SUPPORT P10 33 IN VERTICAL i I I 43 FLOOR SUPPORT 7 TYP AT VERTICAL PIPE LOCATIONS �n �n �n p1p BETWEEN GUARDRAIL POSTS ` I SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD, SEE DETAIL o 0 o ao O 2" 2W (PVC) RELOCATED I 24 `�\ 17 38 i i I 46 1 1/2" HOSE VALVE AND PVC RISER RELOCATED o �� BEL o 24 0 37 I NOTES: m a 15 LAUND N i� '� 1. KEYNOTES WITH "*" DENOTES SUPPLIED BY SLUDGE COLLECTION Y II EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. m I m O 2. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. FESS/ z m o \ v QROpy z Y w m KONT H�F�c m o - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CASE u DRAWER ma SET - - - - - ----J L y \ 5 � s M 29378 �, A 5-0" 10 45 42 46 42 5'_0" EX . - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- - - - - -. ------ - � --- r � I CiIANICp�' \� �lgfFor 37 37 F ----� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �na��i" 9oi"°rii°o:emyiy`n. �A��E P6 38 SHEET 2 ME E C W FILL HOLES, SEE STRUCTURAL, TYP 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 EXISTING o EXISTING - LAUNDER LAUNDER SECONDARY p SECONDARY CLARIFIER CLARIFIER No. 1 No. 2 SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" P4 SLUDGE RETURN HOUSING BY MECHANISM SUPPLIER - SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD BY MECHANISM SUPPLIER SECTION (TYPICAL) EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER CON R'ZC RINSTALLED VV V V A 1/4" = 1'-0" P2 5. TOP OF EXISTING WALKWAY AT ELEVATION 107.0. (FIELD VERIFY) 0 EXISTING EXISTING LAUNDER LAUNDER o p SECONDARY p SECONDARY CLARIFIER CLARIFIER No. 2 No. 3 SECTION 1/2" = 1'-O" P4 CENTER COLUMN p ° p SUCTION HEADER a ° BY MECHANISM 4 SUPPLIER \ 4, p � 16" MECHANICAL EXISTING 16" RAS p� SLEEVE COUPLING '6 p p 4 � n 4 SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD DETAIL 3/4" - 1'-0" - 1 2 0 EXISTING EXISTING LAUNDER LAUNDER p SECONDARY �EN CLARIFIER No. 3 . SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" P4 NOTE: SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD AND SLUDGE RETURN HOUSING DESIGN SHALL BE BY MECHANISM SUPPLIER. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL. SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" P4 5 KEY NOTES: 0 DRIVE PLATFORM* OZ DRIVE MOTOR* O3 CLARIFIER WALKWAY W/ GUARDRAIL O4 SCUM SKIMMER * OS SCUM TROUGH AND SUPPORT O6 SCUM BAFFLE (SST) * O7 SCUM BAFFLE SUPPORT (SST) OS EFFLUENT V-NOTCH WEIR (FRP), SEE DETAIL �5 O9 SUCTION HEADER * P11 10 FACE MOUNTED ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL WITH TOEBOARD, TYP ALL AROUND 11 INFLUENT CENTER WELL * 12 ENERGY DISSIPATING FEED WELL 13 FRP CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE, SEE DETAIL P, TYP ALL AROUND P11 14 SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE DETAIL 1q. TYP P11 15 24 SE, PREPARE SURFACE AND RE -COAT EXISTING PIPE PER SPEC SECTION 09905 16 6" SCUM PIPE (BELOW LAUNDER) 17 3" 3W (PVC) 18 2" 2W (PVC) 19 4" 3W (PVC) 20 3/4" SHS SAMPLE (PVC) 21 1" SHC (PVC) EXISTING 22 z" SHC (PVC) 23 1" ELECTRICAL 24 1 1/2" HOSE VALVE (GUARDRAIL MOUNTED), SEE DETAIL2 TYP 25 MECHANICAL SLEEVE COUPLING P11 26 WALL BRACKET, SEE DETAIL , TYP P10 27 CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS & TYP P10 P10 28 SUSPEND FROM WALKWAY, SEE DETAIL 4 , TYP P10 29 TRAPEZE SUPPORT, SEE DETAILS 4 & 5 , TYF' P10 P10 30 42" CENTER COLUMN SUPPORT AT FLOOR, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS. 31 PREPARE SURFACE AND COAT INTERIOR SIDES OF WALL PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 09905 TO LIMITS SHOWN. 32 2" GROUT TOPPING, SEE STRUCTURAL SHEETS 33 BALL VALVE 34 CONNECT NEW PVC PIPE TO EXISTING PVC PIPE 35 1/2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 36 CAP PIPING 6" FROM WALL 37 FRP STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE, SEE DETAIL TYP P11 38 GUARDRAIL PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL TYP P10 39 CONNECT NEW 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE TO EXISTING 40 PIPE THRU EXISTING OPENING IN WALL 41 MODULAR STRUT SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL P10 42 GUARDRAIL SUPPORT 43 FLOOR SUPPORT TYP AT VERTICAL PIPE LOCATIONS P10 BETWEEN GUARDRAIL POSTS 44 SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD, SEE DEfALIq NOTES: 1. KEYNOTES WITH "*" DENOTES SUPPLIED BY SLUDGE COLLECTION EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. 2. NOT ALL KEYNOTES MAY BE USED. oQ 0 � o ta,mm ` M ` EXP. 6 ee. � qm on ongmni orowmqq Equam one mm. Adjust e5cale PscoMingly 5 �P•�$0 n s b am r u iris, wa U 4`QY Z J O Q H Z < a Q Z Z Z= a Lu Lu Cn �wz w O Lu Lu w uU I g LLJ Lu C.J � Q U Z Lu Lu Q O cn 0 Z U_ QZ O� 3: 0 Ld Lu (/) O m m 2 0 0 0 00 N O ro 0 0 o rn rn o po N m z o m o r z > > �i U W O Q W Q O m 0 U d CASE DRAWER SET 1 12 004 SHEET P7 of 38 1 E1CC.w. ' 8�• s D c 4 im losop W 3 CL 44 A"AM B RAS LOOP No. 2 (SC No. 3, 4) U � I'l I \�� PLAN — DEMOLITION NTS SECTION — DEMOLITION 2 3 NIL iy► RAS LOOP No. 1 s (SC No. 1, 2) cc CL AE+�ATjrO/V IFFFLUIENr GHAAWEL Pic a NOTES: 1. ONLY ONE RAS LOOP SHALL BE OUT OF SERVICE AT ANY ONE TIME. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SHUTDOWNS WITH OWNER, SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01140 FOR REQUIREMENTS. 3 1 4 PLAN NTS SECTION i Me 4 w0 a° c dZ I D O z Q cn Q J Lj Z �m Jp '• t • � �.. z2 �� w w (> LL1 LLJ Q � Q w J U Q QV (n t i Lu � Z A"ATION < o < a- BASiN U FfF'OrmIr Lu GHANNSL • I AMU,- T,r'. 0 0 0 00 N O ro �n 0 0 o rn rn M N K � I 3 O F m m z p Z �QROFESS/0N91 > Y w K(1'VT cry D o _ M 29378 H CASE DRAWER SET EXP. 6-30-17 1 12 1004 J` CHANItt`' Q p Qp OF CAL\F� CHFFT PU 3C7 6 2 NEW SLIDE GATE PEDESTAL MOUNT OPERATOR A AERATION TANK 1 B pg AERATION TANK 26 I al M o -------------------------------------- AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 — DECK PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" TO SECONDARY TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER No. 1 CLARIFIER No. 2 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 1 & 2 — SECTIONAL PLAN 4. - mm 1 3 � NEW SLIDE GATE PEDESTAL MOUNT OPERATOR A ICI AERATION TANK 3B pg AERATION TANK 4B — I I o L--——— C — — — — —J L------ �l AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 3 & 4 — DECK PLAN 1/4" = 1'-O" TO SECONDARY TO SECONDARY CLARIFIER No, 3 CLARIFIER No. 4 AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOXES No. 3 & 4 — SECTIONAL PLAN 3 NEW SLIDE GATE PEDESTAL MOUNT OPERATOR m ELF 107.0 r STEM THRU HOLEM GUIDE, EXISTING ° EXISTING EQUIPMENT ROOM AERATION TANK SS STEM HP EL 92.0 36" SS SLIDE GATE AND FRAME (NOTE 1) IE 84.0 EL 83.0 0 TO SECONDARY CLARIFIERS TYPICAL AERATION TANKS EFFLUENT BOX — SECTION 3/8" - 1'-0" P9 NOTE: 1. HOLES IN FRAMES FOR ANCHORING SHALL BE DRILLED IN FIELD TO AVOID EXISTING BOLT EMBEDS LEFT FROM DEMOLITION. FIELD VERIFY HOLE AND ANCHOR LOCATIONS AND OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM SLIDE GATE MANUFACTURER. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 15115. 00 W Z f0/20/15 ` EXP..6 Bar gtn On Original 'r%,4r(, CHI oror ea am one mm' C or Adjust tale PscoMingly 4 5 �P•�$0 n s b am r Z ZO O Z Q W U Q J XO � d m m p Q F- Z Z = Z Lu Lu LLJ Lu W LLJ W Q Z LLJ QU ~w WU Q O (n 0 Q LLJ QZ Elf Ck� O a LLJ W ~ Cn CCD AOk. m m 2 \ \ \ 0 0 o 00 N O I ro 0 0 o rn po N � o � o w m Im O Z O m 0 Q r Z > O Q W Q O 1 O of= U of fn m 0 U m 0- CASE DRAWER SET 1A 12 004 SHEET _ PQ of 38 1 � ADHESIVE ANCHOR, SEE SCHEDULE PIPE DIA + 4" MIN a U-BOLT, SEE SCHEDULE WALL BRACKET GRINNELL FIG 199 OR ° FACE APPROVED EQUAL OF WALL PIPE SIZE U-BOLT DIA ANCHOR SIZE MIN ANCHOR EMBEDMENT < 5" 1/2" 3/4" 6 5/8" 6"-8" 5/8" 3/4" 6 5/8" 10" 3/4" 3/4" 6 5/8" 12"-16" 7/8" 7/8" 7 1/8" 16"-24" 1 1" 1" 8 1/4" NOTE: 1. SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM SPANS IN SPECIFICATION SECTION 15090, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. WALL BRACKET n NTS LOCK AND r STAINLESS STEEL WEDGE ANCHOR a� 0 a � i a d D D Ia SEAM SUPPORT RODS NOTES: �J 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. 2. SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM SPANS IN SPECIFICATION SECTION 15090, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3 STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT 11 ' - NI 2 MODULAR FRAMING STRUT, AT 5'-0" OC MAX, UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE 'Z' FITTING PIPE CLAMP -WHEN USED WITH PVC OR FIBERGLASS PIPE, PROVIDE STAINLESS STEEL SHIELD AROUND PIPE AT CLAMP WITH LOOSE FIT, COPPER TUBES TO N HAVE 2" STRIP OF RUBBER FABRIC O H s — WHERE LENGTH EXCEEDS 3'-0", PROVIDE INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS w AT MAX 3'-0" SPACING DIA ADHESIVE ANCHORS - INTO CONCRETE FACE OF WALL OR UNDERSIDE OF WALKWAY NOTES: 1. UP TO 8" DIAMETER PIPES ONLY. 2. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. SURFACE MOUNTED MODULAR STRUT MODULAR STRUT PIPE CLAMP, TYP 3/8" DIA TH BOLT, TYR DECK GUARDRAIL SIDE MOUNT GUARDRAIL MOUNTED MODULAR STRUT NIS - PIPE SIZE ROD SIZE PIPE SIZE ROD SIZE 2" & SMALLER 3/8" 8"-12" 7/8" 2 1/2" & 3" 1/2" 14"-18" 1" 4" & 6" 3/4" 20"-30" 1 1/2" HANGER ROD (SEE TABLE) SEISMIC RATE PIPE HANGEF AS SPECIFIEE PIPE SIZE VARIES NOTES: ___T�_ 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. 2. SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM SPANS IN SPECIFICATION SECTION 15090, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CLEVIS PIPE SUPPORT n lsoII • •� PIPE CLAMP, TYI CK 3/8" DIA TI BOLT. TYP F LUUK 5UF'F'UK I / 71 Nls - 5 4'-0" MAX DISTANCE BETWEEN RODS HANGER ROD PER TABLE A MODULAR FRAMING DOUBLE NUT & / LENGTH TO SUIT WASHER, TYP NOTES: 1. PROVIDE SEISMIC BRACING PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 15090. 2. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. MODULAR TRAPEZE HANGAR n 00 W Z f0/20/15 ` EXP..6 ee. qm on ongmni f%4fE, CHI oror�" e4"ais one mm' of Adjust tale PscoMingly u iri3, wa CIO ti Z Z Q Cn J J J d m Q Z 2 W W W Q 2E EY Q � W of !W= W Q � J Q U (� w Q W U)o � o U W C/) m m 2 \ \ \ 0 0 o 00 N O I ro po a a a rn p p p p) N � p � o w m I Z O m p Q r Z > O Q W Q O O Y = U Y n m o U n l CASE DRAWER SET 1A 12 004 SHEET P 10 of 38 2 J 4 5 UNION ELBOW.. NOTES: 1. PVC NOZZLES WITH FLAT SPRAY JET PATTERN, SPRAYING SYSTEMS OR EQUAL. SPRAY NOZZLE ,Tc 6" 6" NI 1 HOSE VALVE —�, HOSE VALVE SUPPLY LINE SHUT—OFF VALVE SEE NOTE 1 in I N SHUT—OFF VALVE, SEE NOTE 1 SUPPLY LINE FIN FLR HOSE BIBB HB-1 8._0" 3 NOTES: 1. ALL HOSE BIBBS TO BE CONTROLLED BY INDIVIDUAL SHUT-OFF BALL VALVES, EXCEPT WHERE INDIVIDUALLY CONTROLLED BRANCH MAIN SERVES HOSE BIBBS ONLY. 2. FOR SIZE AND LOCATION SEE DRAWINGS. 3. PROVIDE WARNING SIGN, WHEN USED FOR NON -POTABLE WATER. GUARDRAIL —METAL FRAMING 9 TOP OF CONCRETE 6�� EL 102.86 EL 102.71 � 6" 11 (FIELD VERIFY) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — WEIR SPLICE PLATE _ (1/4" THICK) To 1" DIA HOLE I ri r ri N ll ll ll 3" x 3/4" SLOT FOR PL 1/4 x 4 x 4 FRP ADHESIVE ANCHOR W/ HOLE FOR BOLT, TYP 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" FRP V—NOTCH WEIR PLATE DETAIL (1 /4" THICK) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" EL 103.03 TOP OF CONCRETE EL 102.71 (FIELD VERIFY) WEIR SPLICE PLATE (1/4" THICK) TO T 3" x 3/4" SLOT FOR ADHESIVE ANCHOR 1" DIA HOLE PL 1/4 x 4 x 4 FRP W/ HOLE FOR BOLT, TYP 2'-0 2'-0" FRP STRAIGHT WEIR PLATE DETAIL (1/4" THICK) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 FRP WEIR R 1/4" SEAL JOINTS ALL AROUND, SEE SPEC SECTION 07900 EL 102.70 5/8" 316 SST BOLTS W/ 2" FRP WASHER, SEE WEIR AND BAFFLE DETAILS FOR SPACING /-- LAUNDER WALL FRP WEIR PLATE 1 6" MIN EMBED 4 a NON -SHRINK GROUT NON- ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLT, TYP OF 4 PL 1/4 x 10 x 10 316 SST WALL PATCH DETAIL 4\ 3" — 1'-0" V_0" 6" 1'_o" 1'-0' 1/2 A 3/4" DIA OPENING, TYP OF 6 PER PANEL — — — — — — II I I II r L, FRP STIFFENER CHANNEL A ANGLE SUPPORT, ADJACENT BAFFLE TYP ELEVATION EXISTING LAUNDER 3/4" DIA OPENING FRP STIFFENER CHANNEL 60' FRP BAFFLE 1/2" DIA 316 SST WEDGE ANCHOR WITH 5 1/2" EMBED 3/4" DIA SST BOLT, LOCK WASHER AND NUT �j L 3 x 3 x 5/16 SST Y SECTION A —A CLARIFIER EFFLUENT BAFFLE DETAIL .W— 2 101AV15 M ` 6 EXP. Bar gth On Original 'r%,4r(, CHI oror ea""m one mm. C OF Adjust tale PscoMingly �P•�$0 n s b °m r u iris, wa CIO 4 `QY Z Q � J m z = LLJ Lu W 0 W � ul O H— E W wotf Q z � J Q Q U J Lu w C� U)o U) �OZ U Lu m m 2 \ \ \ 0 0 o O04 00 L0 a a a rn po 0 0 o rn N N m o � o w m I m o Z Z > O ¢ W Q O O Y = U Y n m o U (n l CASE DRAWER SET 1 12 004 SHEET P 1 'of 38 2 4 5 1 1 2 3 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR No. SIZE FIRE RATING LABELS DOOR TYPE DOOR MATERIAL DOOR FINISH FRAME TYPE FRAME MATERIAL FRAME FINISH HEAD DETAIL JAMB DETAIL THRESHOLD/SILL DETAIL D-101 6'-0" x 7'-0* x 1 3/4" NONE A FRP PAINT — — — — — — D-102 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1 3/4" NONE B FRP PAINT — — — — — — D-103 3'-0* x 7'-0" x 1 3/4" NONE B FRP PAINT — — — — — — D-104 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1 3/4" NONE B FRP PAINT — — — — — — D-105 8'-0" x 8'-0" x 1 3/4" NONE C FRP PAINT — — — — — — SEE PLANS EXISTING CONCRETE WALL a 4a � a z BACKER ROD AND a SEALANT EACH SIDE w 2" x 5 3/4" FRP DOOR FRAME 3/4" DOOR HEAD (2") IN CONCRETE WALL DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-O" NI EXISTING CONCRETE WALL BACKER ROD AND SEALANT EACH SIDE 2" x 5 3/4" HM DOOR FRAME GROUTED SOLID DOOR JAMB IN CONCRETE WALL DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0" D D ° ° > �7 a 4 5 2' x 3' x 1/4" POLISHED WIRE GLASS o \ o I TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C DOOR TYPE 3/8" = 1'-0" 3/4" HALF OFFSET SADDLE CONCRETE TOPPING ° ° D `J D ° D ° D D -1/4" ALUMINUM PLATE THRESHOLD IN CONCRETE DECK DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-O" 00 W Z f0/20/15 EXP. .` 6 ee. qm on ongmni f%4fE, CHI mm. oror� ea"ais one 0( Adjust tale PscoMingly 1 2 3 4 5 �P•�$0 n s b °m r Z 1�"g 1 u ih`�` wa y' CIO 4 `QY Z O Q � Q J J W m Q �Q z= Lu Lu Q Lu Lu W EC — J w Q Q U = U wr U)o ry 3: OU O Lu C/) 04 N O I 00 po a a a rn p p p p) N � p � o w m I Z O m p Q r Z > O Q W Q O O Y = U Y n m p U (n l CASE DRAWER SET 1A 12 004 SHEET P 12 of 38 0\ X O 100AF LOW - VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER (CB). �yH UTILITY WATT-HOUR METER PER UTILITY X INDICATING LIGHT, X INDICATES LENS COLOR 0 CONDUIT TURNING UP � w J 20A OR Jx 80AT RATINGS AND NO. OF POLES AS SHOWN. REQUIREMENTS o p 3P 0 3P WHEN SPECIFIC TYPE IS REQUIRED, X INDICATES �� X PUSH TO TEST INDICATING LIGHT, X INDICATES CONDUIT TURNING DOWN TYPE. _p j��: LENS COLOR } TYPES: DMP DIGITAL METERING PACKAGE LENS COLORS HOME RUN TO PANEL, 2 #12, 1 #12G IN M MCCB - MOLDED CASE 3/4"C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ICCB - INSULATED CASE R - RED Y - YELLOW LVP - LOW - VOLTAGE POWER RTM RUN TIME METER G - GREEN W - WHITE MCP - MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR B - BLUE A - AMBER (RATING PER CONNECTED LOAD) CIRCUIT RUN BETWEEN DEVICES EXPOSED IN T TRANSFORMER NON -ARCHITECTURALLY FINISHED AREAS; CB SEPARATELY MOUNTED CIRCUIT BREAKER; SEE — GROUND CONCEALED IN ARCHITECTURALLY FINISHED U1 o ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM OR SS SELECTOR SWITCH AREAS. CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SIZES SHALL m a SCRIPTION SCHEDULE FOR DESCRIPTION I BE THE SAME AS THE HOMERUN FOR THE � GFP GROUND FAULT PROTECTION b pp LIGHTNING ARRESTER 1 PB PUSHBUTTON CIRCUIT. O c� w IC INSTRUMENTATION/CONTROL DEVICE _ CONDUIT RUN BETWEEN DEVICES CONCEALED IN NON -ARCHITECTURALLY FINISHED AREAS OR o 52 SPD LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE UNDER FLOOR SLAB. CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR W MEDIUM - VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER CONTROL PANEL INTEGRAL OR PROVIDED WITH SIZES SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE HOMERUN (n ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT FOR THE CIRCUIT. N Am -ELECTRICAL FUSE, SIZE, AND NUMBER OF FUSES AS NOTED CONNECTION CIRCUIT HASH MARKS (WHEN INDICATED); LONG, f--7L1 CONTROL PANEL WITH DISCONNECT SWITCH INTEGRAL OR SHORT, SINGLE DOT, AND DOUBLE DOT Q FUSED CUTOUT, CURRENT RATING, FUSE SIZE, NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTION �f PROVIDED WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT �TTTT� REPRESENT PHASE, NEUTRAL, EQUIPMENT GROUND, AND ISOLATED EQUIPMENT GROUND, AND NUMBER OF POLES AS NOTED +II I OR OR — O JUNCTION OR PULL BOX RESPECTIVELY. #12 IN 3 4" CONDUIT UNLESS —��FUSIBLE SWITCH, CURRENT RATING, FUSE SIZE, OTHERWISE INDICATED.A AND QUANTITY AS NOTED SV OR O--�I�--O SOLENOID VALVE PANELBOARD (250V TO 60OV) CIRCUIT CONTINUATION NON -FUSED SWITCH, CURRENT RATING, AND III NUMBER OF POLES AS NOTED PANELBOARD (LESS THAN 250V) CONDUIT STUBBED OUT AND CAPPED ® X CONTROL/RELAY COIL; X INDICATES TYPE, XXX CONDUIT TAG OR CIRCUIT NUMBER - WIRE AND DISCONNECT OR DRAWOUT CONNECTION Y Y INDICATES LOOP NO. WHEN USED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE: SWITCHBOARD, O CONDUIT SIZE SPECIFIED IN CIRCUIT TYPES: MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, CONTROL PANEL, OR OTHER SCHEDULE ON THE SHEETS T MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER AND SEPARATELY MOUNTED COMBINATION MAGNETIC OR - CONTROL RELAY DP - DEFINITE PURPOSE RELAY EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED B B MOTOR STARTER LC - LIGHTING CONTACTOR GROUND CABLE M - MOTOR STARTER PC PHOTOCELL - MOTOR CONTROLLER AND c� D D 1 o SEPARATELY MOUNTED MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH PC - PHOTO CELL TO - TIME CLOCK X CEILING/PENDANT-MOUNTED LUMINAIRE - HID, M OO GROUND ROD _ SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION AND DISCONNECT TR - TIMING RELAY y COMPACT FLUORESCENT, OR INCANDESCENT FAA FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR a m - MOTOR STARTER AND CONTROLLER SUBSCRIPTS: NORMALLY OPEN CONTACT (N.C.) L X WALL -MOUNTED LUMINAIRE - HID, COMPACT FLUORESCENT, OR A - MAGNETIC STARTER NEMA SIZE7).•.•tt NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT (N.C.) Y INCANDESCENT FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL X Q,RE s b B - STARTER TYPE NORMALLY OPEN TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT z Q Y CEILING/PENDANT-MOUNTED FLUORESCENT ED FIRE ALARM MANUAL PULL STATION °mr NONE - FULL VOLTAGE NON -REVERSING FVNR ( ) O FIXTURE Z u ih,�t wa FVR - FULL VOLTAGE REVERSING WITH TIME DELAY ON CLOSING AFTER COIL IS ENERGIZED z X WALL -MOUNTED FLUORESCENT FIXTURE �\,\Fo `w 2S - TWO SPEED y U) ,4n� c RVAT - REDUCED VOLTAGE AUTO TRANSFORMER p-� NORMALLY CLOSED TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT X CEILING/PENDANT-MOUNTED FLUORESCENT CR FIRE ALARM CONTROL RELAY �� a C - CONTROL DIAGRAM OR CONTROLS 1. WITH TIME DELAY ON OPENING AFTER COIL IS Y SCHEDULE NUMBER (IF REQUIRED) ENERGIZED FIXTURE NORMAL/EMERGENCY FS FIRE ALARM CONTACT, FLOW SWITCH �(�I o� o NORMALLY OPEN TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT X WALL -MOUNTED FLUORESCENT FIXTURE mgmTS FIRE ALARM CONTACT, TAMPER SWITCH Z VFD - VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE SS - SOLID STATE DE -ENERGIZED X EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURE, 2 ATTACHED HEADS LlY PS FIRE ALARM CONTACT, PRESSURE SWITCH p NORMALLY CLOSED TIME DELAY RELAY CONTACT O-rX AS SHOWN ~ SEPARATELY MOUNTED COMBINATION MOTOR WITH TIME DELAY ON CLOSING AFTER COIL IS Z STARTER OR CONTROLLER; SEE ELECTRICAL ONE - LINE DIAGRAM OR SCHEDULE FOR DE -ENERGIZED i EMERGENCY LIGHT, REMOTE MOUNTED HEAD Y AND SMOKE AND DUCT DETECTOR O J J Z O� o NORMALLY OPEN TEMPERATURE SWITCH; X X Li DESCRIPTION CLOSE ON RISING TEMPERATURE SUBSCRIPT: Q -zxT THERMAL OVERLOAD ELEMENT �\ X X DOUBLE-FACED CEILING OR WALL -MOUNTED EXIT LIGHT; DIRECTIONAL ARROWS (IF REQUIRED) I - IONIZATION TYPE Z = Lu Lu J J NORMALLY CLOSED TEMPERATURE SWITCH; � Y Y AS INDICATED ON PLANS P - PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE EC Q OIL THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY CONTACT OPEN ON RISING TEMPERATURE X X SINGLE -FACED CEILING OR WALL -MOUNTED EXIT ®Y �}y LIGHT; DIRECTIONAL ARROWS (IF REQUIRED) AS (DX HEAT DETECTOR SUBSCRIPT: Q (n U Q Lu w _ _ NORMALLY OPEN FLOW SWITCH; INDICATED ON PLANS R/C - RATE COMPENSATION z Elf — � LL Q ❑1 DISCONNECT OR SAFETY SWITCH, 30A, 3P, CLOSE ON INCREASING FLOW X AREA OR ROADWAY LIGHT - POLE -MOUNTED R/F - COMBINATION RATE OF RISE NON -FUSED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED0-0 Y AND FIXED TEMP W Q W NORMALLY CLOSED FLOW SWITCH; LIGHTING FIXTURE SUBSCRIPTS: R - RATE OF RISE Lu J J J 7 1/2 OR HP OPEN ON INCREASING FLOW oJ��\O X - INDICATES FIXTURE TYPE PER LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE F - FIXED �.� EO Q U W Q > m MOTOR WITH DESIGN HORSEPOWER NORMALLY OPEN LEVEL SWITCH, Y - INDICATES CIRCUIT NUMBER FROM PANELBOARD ALARM BELL LLJ ELF (WHEN INDICATED) v CLOSE ON RISING LEVEL z - INDICATES CONTROLLING SWITCH (IF REQUIRED) �� ALARM HORN u) 0 o� NORMALLY CLOSED LEVEL SWITCH, `$Y TOGGLE SWITCH `{X < O OPEN ON RISING LEVEL SUBSCRIPTS: � ALARM FLASHING LIGHT U GENERATOR O "lamNORMALLY OPEN PRESSURE SWITCH, X - INDICATES TYPE NONE - SINGLE POLE �� I `; C.{ ALARM BELL AND FLASHING LIGHT W (n CLOSE ON INCREASING PRESSURE 3 - THREE-WAY L-7•.i COMBINATION UNIT TRANSFER SWITCH, CURRENT RATING, AND OT'6 4 - FOUR-WAY HP - TOGGLE SWITCH, HORSEPOWER RATED ALARM HORN AND FLASHING LIGHT �� NUMBER OF POLES AS NOTED NORMALLY CLOSED PRESSURE SWITCH, d OPEN ON INCREASING PRESSURE K - KEY SWITCH COMBINATION UNIT — MATS TE - MANUAL MOTOR STARTER WITH THERMAL ELLMENI SUBSCRIPT: ATS - AUTOMATIC MTS - MANUAL O NORMALLY OPEN LIMIT SWITCH, P - PILOT LIGHT L - LIGHTED HANDLE NONE - GENERAL ALARM — CLOSE ON REACHING LIMIT Y - INDICATES CONTROLLING SWITCH (IF REQUIRED) DEVICE OQ6 NORMALLY CLOSED LIMIT SWITCH, F - FIRE ALARM DEVICE — TRANSFORMER OPEN ON REACHING LIMIT SPECIAL-PURPOSE RECEPTACLE AS DEFINED ON PLANS A 3-PHASE, 3-WIRE DELTA CONNECTION CIE-_ __o FIELD WIRING EXTERNAL TO CONTROL PANEL PLUG-IN RECEPTACLE STRIP, QUANTITY AND SPACING OF � � � 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE GROUNDED WYE X INTERLOCK; X INDICATES TYPE RECEPTACLES AS NOTED OR SPECIFIED GENERAL NOTES: CONNECTION �/ TYPES: N TELECOMMUNICATIONS OUTLET JUNCTION BOX 1. THIS IS A STANDARD ELECTRICAL SYMBOLOGY SHEET. NOT ALL 0 0 o 00 N O SWITCHBOARD OR PANELBOARD; NAME, VOLTAGE, PHASE, OF El E - ELECTRICAL M - MECHANICAL X �n QUAD -DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, TWO NEMA 5-20R00 SYMBOLS MAY BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. I NUMBER WIRES WHEN INDICATED K - KEY Y UNDER COMMON COVER PLATE 2. SCREENING OR SHADING OF WORK IS USED TO INDICATE EXISTING a a a 00 rn OFF HAND AUTO X COMPONENTS OR TO DE-EMPHASIZE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO HIGHLIGHT SELECTED TRADE WORK. REFER TO CONTEXT OF EACH F To EVVA NON -MOTOR LOAD WITH DESIGN KVA, KW, OR y/ Y DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, NEMA 5-20R SHEET FOR USAGE. w AMP X00 3 POSITION SELECTOR SWITCH, MAINTAINED CONTACTS; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 2-POSITION SIMILAR X _� SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE, NEMA 5-20R Y m > m w o SUBSCRIPTS: � o m o z � z 'F'T ^^^ CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER (CPT) NORMALLY OPEN PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTARY p p X - INDICATES TYPE QR �jy q( >CFCI w CONTACT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED _ GROUNDCIRCUITINTERRUPTER Q P fTr�F�c 0 o f e NORMALLY CLOSED PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTARY Y - INDICATES CIRCUIT NUMBER FROMPANELBOARD ti�Q���PM \ � y m m o 0 rn a CASE DRAWER SET CONTACT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3 N0. 07625 A VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER (VT OR PT) 'OHO/15 EXP.-9,-30-16 4 12 004 CURRENT TRANSFORMER CT ( ) f F�ECCPO' Q Bar gth On Original j (� A oror" ea am one inch. arFor 38 Adjust tale PsroMingly eA��E" SHEET -El of 1 1 2 3 REMOVE EXIS ING P.B., OUTLET, SWITCH & INSTALL NEM Oil TXIS7 2 CONDUIT EXTEND 3/4"C-2 #12, #12G TO NEMA O 4X J.B. AND OUTLET MOUNTED TO GUARDRAIL. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET E6 REMOVE EXISTING BOXES & UPPER REMOVE EXIST P.B. & INSTALL NEMA CONDUIT, INSTALL NEMA 4X J.B. ON 4X J.B. ON EXIST 3 CONDUITS, NOTE 1 WP EXIST 3 CONDUITS FOR FUTURE, NOTE 1 ----E-GFCI WP E - -E-- — - -E -- --E-- -- E-----E -- - - - - - 9 -0-0 G` - - - - - - NOTE 3 EXISTING 1" HORIZONTAL STUB OUT C NDUIT NOTE 2 _ 3/4"C-3#12, #12G INSTALL NEMA J.B. ON EXISTING 1" CONDUIT ST OUT AND EXTEND CONDUIT AS SH WN \�I I I I %"C-3#12, #12G I I I I RUN CONDUITS ON STRUT MOUNTED LOW ON GUARD RAIL. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 12" LONG STRUT FOR FUTURE CONDUITS. 1"C-12#14 1 NEMA 4X PULL BOX LITHONIA KAD-LED 120V, 4000K, 59W, SR5 DISTRIBUTION. 101 4" SQUARE STEEL POLE, DK BRONZE MOUNT TO CLARIFIER NOTES: WALKWAY STRUCTURE 1. GUARDRAIL IS TO BE REPLACED AND ATTACHED TO EDGE OF WALKWAY. INSTALL REPLACEMENT JUNCTION BOXES TO EXISTING VERTICAL CONDUITS AS FAR BACK 3/4"C-5#14 WP AGAINST GUARDRAIL AS POSSIBLE. JUNCTION BOXES TO MOUNT ON EXISTING CONDUITS. CLEAN AND GFCI WRAP ALL EXISTING CONDUIT STUB OUTS WITH A ROA IN NEMA 4X ENCLOSURE. SEE DETAIL 3/4"C-3 MINIMUM OF 3 LAYERS OF VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE ON E6 FOR GUARDRAIL MOUNTING OF ROA #12, #12G PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF DECK CONCRETE OVERLAY. SWITCH AND SHEAR PIN MOUNTING PANEL 2. EXISTING 1"C STUB OUT TO MCC, EXTEND AS SHOWN. 3/4"C-5#14 3. INSTALL NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX ON EXISTING 3/4" CONDUIT STUB OUT AND EXTEND CONDUIT AS SHOWN. SHEAR PIN MONITORING 1 4. RUN ALL WIRING SHOWN FOR CLARIFIERS BACK TO PANEL SOURCE. REMOVE EXISTING WIRING. 3/4"C-3#14 5. SEE SHEETS P4 AND P7 FOR ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL WORK. 1"C WITH SHEAR PIN SH NSH SENSOR CABLES SHEAR PIN SENSOR CLARIFIER TYPICAL POWER PLAN 3/8" = 1'-O" TYPICAL FOR 4 4 1 5 �P•�$0 n s b °m r u iris, wa Z � O � � Q z Q� J J O Q z (n w w cn �w w w a- w W CJ W QU �O H Q m Q Z Z 3:O O W Ld 0u U) m m 2 \ \ \ 0 0 o 00 O I ro om 0 0 0 m po N W � � 3 w m I m z O MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ROOM PARTIAL POWER PLAN oQROFEss/pNq� z 3 w w Z Y w - �Q� �pM F. FTlY FrGC, 1 o i o �y rn I m o 0 rn a 3 NO. 07625 A CASE DRAWER SET !0/2U�15 EXP.9-30-16 4 12 004 ee. ym on ongmni ,fl f4"CTR 0, \Q' 7 —� oro. eq ai, one inch. q!FOF CAL\F SHEET E2 of 38 Adjust tale PscoMingly 1 2 1 3 4 5 REMOVE EXISTING J.B. & AND INSTALL NEMA 4X J.B. ON ALL EXISTING COND.0 STUB UPS` ---------- L=== ----------- ------------------ --- ----- I------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I IIF--------, r------- w II Ir-------ll Ir------- � LLJ LLJ I I I I I I I I = N ---------41-----------------------------i�------ z -------L---------------- -L--------- F------------- - I I I l � o 1 --- Of O --1 r-- W I I I I SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK WEST - PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" T FT C �0�0�15 3 N0. 07625 Up. 9-30-16 f< fCTMC �� �. �fgrFpF CAUF� �PTEO * a b se , U1 a a` w O 2�G Z Z o g Z ¢ U Q ~ LLJ J CL � U w w LL U Ld LU w g LL U w J Lu wg rQ QU Q Lu Z Q �¢ O� U �O �� cw W N N N \ \ \ O O O 00 N O I 0) 0 0 o M0) N yr 3 � r m I w m z o z z � W Z Y W Y Z O Z S U Z UI m O U UI d CASE DRAWER SET J4 12 004 EET E3 of 0 2 3 4 0 11 cl 4 5 I I I I I I I I REMOVE EXISTING J.B. & AND LLJ I INSTALL NEMA 4X J.B. ON ALL EXISTING CONDUIT STUB UPS, SEE NOTE 1 SHEET E2 (TYP) 2 N W N I I Z----- —_ r I I II II I I � W H 2 !n LLJ LLJ z ---------- T r -- - II I II I I II � O II I I II / REMOVE EXISTING 3/4"C, WIRE / AND LIGHTS RUNNING ALONG WALL OF CLARIFIER BELOW WALKWAY - II I I I II I II I I TYPICAL FOR 4 CLARIFIERS II III SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK CENTER - PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-O" F. PTA f0/70/15 3 N0, 07625 EXP. 9-30-16 fq�OF CAL\F PT$o * s sa r to a w �o Q }GG �ZIo Z z O_ Z ¢ U J J LLJ J CLm oQ U HQ Lr-- W W W F-- QLLJ U)J Lu w g Ld F- LL U J W —J ¢U Q Q O U 3:O U Z LLJ LLJ U) U N r1 l 000 00 N O 1 W) 0 0 o O) M N yr 3 � r m I w m z o z z � W Z Y W �Y O Q U G O z o m i o m CASE DRAWER SET 14 12 004 EET E4 of 0 2 3 4 W H N W W N z 0 H Q z H z 0 U 0 Li -------------- ---------------------------------------- r---------------------------------------------- ------------------1 O ------ --I------- --------------j L------- j L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r I o 001 O i --T r---- � 11 ff i —REMOVE EXISTING 3/4"C, WIRE AND LIGHTS RUNNING ALONG WALL OF CLARIFIER BELOW WALKWAY - TYPICAL FOR 4 CLARIFIERS REMOVE EXISTING J.B. & AND INSTALL NEMA 4X J.B. ON ALL EXISTING CONDUIT STUB UPS, SEE NOTE 1 SHEET E2 (TYP) ------------------------------------ I O I -- T I J— I I I I \ I �\ II .\ II SECONDARY CLARIFIER DECK EAST - PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" - 1'-O" WIMI1S N0. 07625 EXP. 9-30-16 PT$O * s se t �ZIO Z Z o g �< Y� Z � LLJ U CLm �Q z= �U Lu Lu w �w Lu Lu g J U Ld J wg �Q ¢U Q Lu Z Q O N¢ z w I �O �� Lu Q v' LEI ry r1 l 000 co N O 1 co 0 0 o rn M N yr 3 � r m I w m z o z z � W Z Y W Y Z O Z S CJ Z UI m 0 U UI d CASE DRAWER SET J4 12 004 EET E`" of 1 2 3 4 5 w a ETHERNET o DATA CABLE TO PLC w 1 /4"0 SS U-BOLTS, TYP DEVICE EXISTING FRONT PANEL VFD MCC BREAKER OPERATOR INTERFACE m NOTE 1 o 0 VFD 4V 0 T 30 D STAINLESS STEEL 1/4" PLATE 0 START/ m w CLAMPED TO GUARDRAILS, SIZE OF STOP p w PLATE SHALL BE ADEQUATE FOR I INSTALLATION OF DEVICE OR PANEL FU 480 CR2 o w V) FU CPT N 120 - ao - - -� 0 R A / * CR4 VFD ALL EDGES GROUND SMOOTH o X CR START/STOP 2 i OX o y PLC DO, �� START -STOP VFD 1/2" RADIUS, TYP TO PLC DI START/STOP AUTO TO PLC DI, CR3 TORQUE OVERLOAD _ - TORQUE NSH * ORALARM COUPLING OR UNION____H ��TO PLC DI,CR4 TORQUESHUTDOWNTORQUENSHH * SHUTDOWNCONDUIT w0 G --' �sr o RESET CR4 Z O TO PLC DI, Z Q NOTE: SHEAR PIN Q J Q 1. GUARDRAIL SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY. FAIL Q RUN Q Z = Q __r - - Lli � � GUARDRAIL MOUNTED DEVICE i Q J J NOT TO SCALE 0W W O * FIELD DEVICE i SHEAR PIN i LL (� L* MONITORING PANEL i ------------------' Of Q Lu 0 Q O U 3 NOTES: 1. EXISTING MCC SIZE 1 BUCKET, CONVERT FROM �~- p L�J Z SIZE 1 STARTER TO FEEDER BUCKET BY Q Z Q REMOVING STARTER, CPT, RELAYS, WIRING AND 3: 0 DEVICES ON FRONT COVER AND PLUG ALL 0 HOLES IN COVER. W U) CD-1: SECONDARY CLARIFIER CONTROL PANEL NOT TO SCALE 4 REQUIRED v MAM 0 0 o Qo N I 00 M N z 0 I 0 z o T$SFQi \�Q�OQ 3 0 0 0 CASE DRAWER SET 07625 N0. A f0/70/15 EXP.9-30--3o-16 4 12 004 �OF E6 38 SHEET of 1 2 3 4 5 F)"'Z 2365 Iron Point Road, Suite 300 Folsom, CA 95630 916.817.4700 hdrinc.com We practice increased use of sustainable materials and reduction of material use. © 2019 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved