HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220217 District Board Agenda Packet February 17, 2022 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 17, 2022 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California David Peterson, Vice President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, President Chris Cefalu, Director Shane Romsos, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION 6. PRESENTATION a. Shawn Koorn, HDR Engineering – Capacity Charge Studies 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. 2022 Bowers Pipeline Replacement Project (Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer) Award the 2022 Bowers Pipeline Replacement Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $2,476,460 and enter into a Road Repairs Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe in the amount of $216,562.50. b. 2022 Board Goals for the General Manager (John Thiel, General Manager) Approve the 2022 Board Goals for the General Manager c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,220,860.42. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 17, 2022 PAGE – 2 8. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 11. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Staffing b. COVID-19 Update c. Diamond Valley Ranch Update d. Legislative Affairs Update 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 02/08/2022 – 4:00 p.m. Recycled Water Strategic Plan Stakeholders Advisory Group Public Meeting 02/09/2022 – 10:00 a.m. El Dorado Water Agency Board Meeting in Placerville 02/14/2022 – 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 02/15/2022 – 8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting (Romsos Representing) 02/17/2022 – 11:00 a.m. Capital Improvement Program Public Board Workshop at the District Future Meetings/Events 02/21/2022 – Presidents’ Day Holiday District Offices Closed 03/01/2022 – 3:30 p.m. System Efficiency and Sustainability Committee at the District 03/03/2022 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 14. ITEMS FOR CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed – three-minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Yolo County Superior Court Case CV 2021-1686, Alpine County vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District; et al. ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, March 3, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 17, 2022 PAGE – 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR Thursday, February 17, 2022 ITEMS FOR CONSENT a. CALPERS REQUIRED PAY LISTING BY POSITION (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Adopt Resolution No. 3206-22 which incorporates the Pay Listing by Position for the pay listing effective January 1, 2022. b. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE (Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager) Authorize staff to publish a Request for Proposal for professional services to develop an updated Information Technology Strategic Plan. c. KELLER-HEAVENLY WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 3 (Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for Phase 3 of the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project. d. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 3, 2022 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve February 3, 2022, Minutes BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: February 17, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: CalPERS Required Pay Listing by Position REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 3206-22 which incorporates the Pay Listing by Position for the pay listing effective January 1, 2022. DISCUSSION: California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) requires each revision of a combined salary schedule listing all positions at the District be formally adopted by the Board of Directors. The listing must be retained by the District and must be available for public inspection for not less than five (5) years. This revision addresses the minimum wage increase/parity increase adjustments to part time and seasonal positions effective January 1, 2022. SCHEDULE: Post Pay Listing effective January 1, 2022, on website after approval COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3206-22, Pay Listing by Position effective January 1, 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 3206-22 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FORMALLY ADOPTING PAY LISTING BY POSITION FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF JANUARY 1, 2022 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Board of Administration of California Public Employees’ Retirement System entered into a Contract, effective June 19, 2003, and amended effective April 19, 2007, providing for the participation of said public agency in the California Public Employees’ Retirement System; and, WHEREAS, the Government Code and CCR, Title 2, Section 570.5 requires that one combined pay schedule, adopted by the Board of Directors, for every employee position, including the Board of Directors, be made available for public inspection and retained for not less than five years; and WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District corrected Pay Listing by Position for the effective date of January 1, 2022, is incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District hereby formally adopts the above-mentioned Pay Listing by Position for the effective date of January 1, 2022. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of February, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ________________________________ Kelly Sheehan, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: _________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 2 3 4 5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager MEETING DATE: February 17, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Information Technology Strategic Plan Update REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to publish a Request for Proposal for professional services to develop an updated Information Technology Strategic Plan. DISCUSSION: The District’s current Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan was developed in 2014 by NextLevel Information Technology, Inc. The plan has served the District well providing a roadmap of projects and goals for the IT Department to achieve. In the past, the IT Department has strived for a five-year refresh cycle to update the IT strategic plan. However, with staff turnover and other emergencies, this project has been delayed. Updating the strategic plan will provide the District with a comprehensive, objective look at the District’s IT infrastructure, staffing, processes, and governance. The plan will outline areas for improvement, set goals, propose projects, and document any other recommendations. The plan will ensure that the District continues to maximize its technology investment now and effectively plan for the future. SCHEDULE: Completed by June 30, 2022 COSTS: To be determined ACCOUNT NO: 10.56.8249 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $40,000 ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposal ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 6 South Tahoe Public Utility District NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Information Technology Strategic Plan Refresh SOLICITATION NUMBER: 2022-IT-01 SOLICITATION RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2022 PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: March 31, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. (PST) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is requesting proposals from qualified technology consulting firms to assist with the development of a 5-Year Information Technology Strategic Plan, in accordance with the attached specifications and general terms and conditions. The District will award a Contract to the Contractor whose offer represents the “best value” to the District, price and other factors considered. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that Respondents must FIRST register as a vendor online at the District’s vendor portal: http://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=21516 Electronic proposals will also be submitted through this website. As a registered vendor within the District’s vendor database, you will be automatically notified of Q & A alerts, updates and addenda. The PlanetBid-Portal Button is provided on the District’s web page (https://stpud.us) at “Doing Business” then “Request for Proposals” through which you can access the Registration/Vendor Profile, and Bid Opportunities modules. Registration is free and immediate. More details pertaining to District’s e-bidding portal, PlanetBids, will follow. NOTE: All proposals are to be submitted electronically OR by sealed bid with media device per instructions herein. South Tahoe Public Utility District Information Technology Department Chris Skelly, Project Manager, Information Technology Manager E-mail: cskelly@stpud.dst.ca.us 7 2 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Information Technology Strategic Plan Refresh SOLICITATION NUMBER: 2022-IT-01 PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: March 31, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. (PST) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Respondents must FIRST register online to access all solicitation documents related to this Request for Proposals (RFP). As a registered vendor within the District’s vendor database, you will be automatically notified of Q & A alerts, updates and addenda. The PlanetBid-Portal Button is provided on the District’s web page (https://stpud.us) at “Doing Business” then “Request for Proposals” through which you can access the Registration/Vendor Profile, and Bid Opportunities modules. Registration is free and immediate. Electronic (E-bid Option 1) - See Pages 5 through 6 herein. Sealed Bid Proposal (Paper Submission & Media Device – Option 2) “Media Device” – Compact Disc (CD), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), or Flash Drive Submittal Location: South Tahoe Public Utility District / Attn: Information Technology Department 1275 Meadow Crest Drive; South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 For paper submittals, the District requests that bid proposals are submitted in triplicate, one (1) unbound original and three (3) copies plus a media device in a sealed envelope or package. The original proposal must be clearly marked and contain original signatures and must be easily reproducible on a standard copying machine. The District will not accept bid proposals via fax. Provide the solicitation invitation number, the Respondent’s name and address clearly on the envelope. All offers must be completed in ink or typewritten. Offers must be in the actual possession of the Information Technology Department Office and stamped by a member of the Information Technology Department staff on or prior to the exact time and date indicated above. Late submittals or unsigned submittals will not be considered under any circumstances. All questions, inquiries and comments regarding this solicitation must be submitted in writing via the PlanetBids (PB™) online system no later than Friday, March 11, by 5:00 p.m. at https://stpud.us using the “Questions and Answer” tab. Answers provided by the District will be answered using the PB™ online system as they are received. Respondents are responsible for obtaining the solicitation and any attachments from the District’s PlanetBids™ online system linked at https://stpud.us. Respondents are required to review the entire solicitation package before submitting questions. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Respondent to verify issuance of any addenda and to check all avenues of document availability prior to the opening date and time. By submitting a proposal, the Respondent shall be deemed to have received all addendums and to have incorporated them into its proposal. All such addenda shall become a part of the resulting contract and all Respondents shall be bound by such addenda whether or not received by the Respondent. NEW VENDOR REGISTRATION 8 3 To ensure successful vendor registration, follow these steps: 1. Go to the District’s official website https://stpud.us 2. Choose the Doing Businesses banner. Choose Request for Proposals option (or use the link below). https://stpud.us/doing-business/request-for-consultant-proposals/ 3. Choose titled, PlanetBid-Portal. You will have entered the PlanetBids Vendor Portal. Create your own username/password. When completing your company profile, choose as many commodity codes that are representative of the products and services your company offers. The database only allows one (1) email address. If your company has a common group email address, it is recommended a company (group) email address be used instead of an individual’s email address to ensure all company sales and/or procurement staff are automatically notified by the system (based on the commodity codes chosen) that the District is seeking bids or proposals. Otherwise, be sure to share the email address used with co-workers. Download the Vendor Portal User Guide for instructions on editing a vendor profile and/or view a Bid Detail. Note: Vendors will not be able to access the BID OPPORTUNITIES module until successful vendor registration has been completed. INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPLOADING PROPOSALS ELECTRONICALLY 1. On the Vendor Portal page, log into the system (lower right-hand corner of screen) with your assigned user name and password. (You must be registered to download documents and submit a bid proposal.) Choose [Bid Opportunities] and then on the Bid/Invitation Number and Description that you wish to bid on. The selected bid will open to allow you to access all tabs, documents, and the pricing sheet, if applicable. 2. Choose the [Documents & Attachments] tab to be sure you have downloaded all documents that are part of this bid. NOTE: If you have not already downloaded all bid documents, you must download them now, to submit your bid. The screen will indicate which documents you’ve already downloaded. 3. Choose the tab [Addenda & Emails] to be sure you have read and acknowledged all addenda that have been issued for this bid. NOTE: The screen will display “yes” or “no” next to each addendum (if applicable) to indicate whether you have viewed and acknowledged it. If you have not previously acknowledged an addendum, do so now by clicking on the addendum to open and read it, then click on the [Acknowledge] button on the lower left-hand corner of screen. PLACING an eBID 9 4 4. On the Bid Detail Page, the bid will state if the response format is Electronic, Electronic & Paper or Paper only. To place/upload a bid proposal electronically, click on [Place eBid] on the lower right corner of the screen. The bid “Terms and Conditions” will pop up with a button for you to click [Accept] to acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the bid. 5. Enter the Respondent information on the [Detail] tab. 6. Go to the [Attachments] tab and click the [ATTACH] button to upload your bid proposal. The District will provide a Response File to be used to submit a response (proposal) in a separate file. The District may add-on or allows General Attachments (often renamed to specifically request certain type(s) of information, i.e., cost proposal, marketing materials, etc.) Note: If only one Response File is offered, all requested information must be uploaded as one (1) document. It is not necessary to use all General Attachments that may be offered. 7. When you have finished uploading (eBid) your proposal, choose the [Save] button. This saves your bid proposal as a draft for you to review or revise as needed anytime up to the bid submittal deadline. When you are ready to submit your bid proposal, choose the [Submit] button. You will receive a confirming message that looks like this: Bid Successfully Submitted Thank You! Your bid has been successfully submitted to South Tahoe Public Utility District. Bid Confirmation #nnnnn (Date and Time) Your eBid can be edited or withdrawn at any time prior to bid Closing. [Summary] [OK] NOTE: E-Bids are sealed and cannot be viewed by the District until the closing date and time. As noted above, if you need to withdraw your bid, you may do so any time before the bid deadline by going back into the system and selecting [withdraw]. Please enter your bid proposal in sufficient time to complete and submit it prior to the stated deadline. The official closing time for the bid is determined, and controlled, by the electronic clock in the bid management system. Once the deadline is reached, the system will not allow any bids to be submitted, and any in processes that are not completed will be rejected. The amount of time required to enter and submit your bid depends on the complexity of the bid and the processing speed of your server and internet connections. Technical Support In the event you encounter technical difficulties during the uploading process, please contact the PlanetBids, Bids Online system team as shown below Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. support@planetbids.com or call (818) 992-1771 Ext. 0 - Monday - Friday, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Pacific), excluding statutory U.S. holidays. Bid prices must be entered and required documents uploaded to the PlanetBids system no later than the date and time indicated on the cover sheet of the Solicitation. No late bids will be accepted. No other method of bid submittal will be accepted. Request for Proposals South Tahoe Public Utility District 10 5 Information Technology Strategic Plan The South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is requesting proposals from qualified technology consulting firms to assist with the development of a 5-Year Information Technology Strategic Plan. This document outlines the scope of work for the consulting services. I. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND The South Tahoe Public Utility District, a public agency chartered in 1950, operates at the south shore of Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County, California. The District supplies drinking water and provides wastewater collection and treatment. The District recycles 100 percent of its wastewater to Alpine County where its application benefits agricultural land. In addition, the District recycles 100 percent of its biosolids with Bently Agrowdynamics in Douglas County, Nevada. Lake Tahoe’s seasonal tourism and the large number of part-time residents cause wide fluctuations in both daily water production and wastewater flows. The District serves water to approximately 14,100 homes and businesses. Annual water production is nearly 2.5 billion gallons. Twelve active wells, 18 water tanks, 16 booster stations, 29 pressure zones, and nearly 254 miles of water mains comprise the District's water system. The sewage collection system consists of more than 312 miles of gravity collection lines, 20 miles of pressure force mains, and 42 lift stations, providing service to more than 18,000 homes and businesses. The wastewater treatment plant dry weather permitted capacity is 7.7 million gallons per day. The design and operation of the wastewater treatment plant makes it possible to achieve water quality that allows water and biosolids recycling. Each year the plant treats and exports more than 1.6 billion gallons of recycled water that meets high-reuse standards. Under provisions of the 1968 Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, considered to be California’s premier water quality legislation, the District transports the recycled water nearly 26 miles out of the Tahoe Basin to the District-owned and operated Harvey Place Dam and Reservoir. The recycled water facilities, known as the Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR), are near Woodfords, California, in neighboring Alpine County. The District’s state- certified laboratory performs more than 30,000 tests annually to monitor a variety of chemicals and microorganisms in the drinking water, wastewater treatment, and recycled water export systems. These tests on groundwater, surface water, and soils safeguard District customers and the environment. Water is vital to our community. As part of providing a high-level of customer service, the District diligently alerts and educates customers on matters affecting their water supply and water quality. The District prepares an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) that easily explains critical drinking water information. Current and past CCR’s are available on the District’s web site at www.stpud.us. The Information Technology Department supports more than 120 staff. Helpdesk services (including enterprise software support such as utility billing, document management, financial management, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI), and more), Desktop, Server, and Network Administration, Telecom and Audio-Visual support are some of the services handled by the internal IT staff. The District’s Information Technology Network Infrastructure is segregated between the Business Network and the SCADA network. The District’s Data Center consists of 1 VMware Virtual Center Server managing a cluster of 4 ESXi Hosts and Nimble Storage Array for the business network infrastructure. The current Information Technology Strategic Plan was developed several years ago as a temporary plan with the primary purpose of providing IT with the guidelines for delivering quality Technology Service Management to its customers as well as equipping the District employees with innovative, secure, user friendly and cost-effective technologies to enable them to deliver customer-focused services to the community. With the vast changes in the District’s IT infrastructure, service management processes and procedures, the existing IT Strategic Plan is 11 6 no longer adequate to support the Information Technology goals and objectives of the District. II. SCOPE OF SERVICE The goal of the Information Technology Department is to proactively support, maintain, secure and enhance the District’s IT hardware, software and communication infrastructure in a responsive, cost effective and professional manner thereby enabling the District to continuously meet and exceed expectations for a friendly, customer-service oriented government. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified professionals with experience in Information Technology needs and operations involving local government to develop a formal 5- year Information Technology Strategic Plan for the District that will assess current IT operations and provide recommendations for future technology projects and operational changes, based on industry best practices. This includes technology systems, telecommunications, hardware, software, and human capital to support Information Technology use at the District. SCOPE OF SERVICE Perform a comprehensive assessment of the District’s existing technology environment: • Conduct a thorough analysis and provide recommendations on the District’s current technology operations and environment, including services, infrastructure, staffing, applications, security, funding, workflow processes and business systems. • Conduct an assessment of the District’s current IT Governance structure to ensure that it best supports the District’s technology needs through the most appropriate service provision agreements, policies, resource availability and reporting relationships. • Identify practical and relevant public sector industry standards for an IT Contingency Plan for Incident Response, Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity and Risk Management. Review and update the District’s IT Disaster Recovery Plan with current findings. • Identify the key internal and external factors; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis). • Identify existing and available outsourcing relationships and opportunities. • Conduct an internal and external penetration test. A summary of the results of the penetration test will be provided in a separate document. • Evaluate and identify means and approaches to accommodate current and emerging technology requirements, major trends and upgrades facing the District. • Assess internal customer needs by meeting with all levels of management and other key technology stakeholders. Produce a stakeholder survey results document. • Identify workflow processes to ensure efficient service management and delivery to business units and the public. • Evaluate and identify IT processes or staffing deficiencies based on a global view of the projects identified both in the updated IT Strategic Plan and the District’s ten-year Capital Improvement Plan. Provide an analysis on the expected additional workload and three cost based solutions (Low/Medium/High costs) to address any identified or projected deficiencies along with a pros and cons list for each of the proposals and a recommendation on the proposal the District should consider. III. DELIVERABLES Deliverables to be provided include a 5-year IT strategic plan addressing the topics listed herein and any others identified in the process. Draft Plan – A draft strategic plan, comprised of an executive summary, findings, and prioritized 12 7 recommendations shall be produced prior to being directed to proceed with a final plan. Final strategic plan. A final strategic plan will comprise of: 1. An executive summary that effectively communicates the information reviewed 2. A summary of findings and prioritized recommendations 3. A comprehensive document of findings and prioritized recommendations 4. A project plan outlining projects by priority that includes timelines and cost estimates 5. A Technology Stakeholder Survey outlining the findings from stakeholder interviews with satisfaction scores. 6. IT focused Disaster Recovery Plan 7. Executive summary and detailed findings documents from the penetration test Any documentation prepared by the Consultant shall be provided to the District in both hard copies and electronic format. A Final Report shall be issued following staff comments on the draft. In addition, District staff may require the Consultant to conduct a PowerPoint presentation to District officials and present the executive summary to the Board of Directors. The report should provide sufficient information for policy decisions regarding operational and service options. Eight (8) copies of the Final Report will be required along with an electronic copy. This project should be completed within 90 days of contract award. IV. CONSULTANT QUALIFICATIONS • Consulting company must have a minimum of five years’ experience developing IT Strategic Plans. • Consulting company must be 100% independent, defined as receiving no fees or commissions from any manufacturer, vendor or organization that could potentially be considered for the District as a qualified provider of hardware or software. • Consulting company must have prior experience with similar projects in the public sector. • Consulting company must maintain insurance and workman’s compensation policies that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the District. • Consulting company must obtain a City of South Lake Tahoe business license prior to execution of a contract. • Consulting company must be willing to accept the District’s Master Agreement for Consulting Services (Please see associated link for “Attachment A – Master Agreement for Consulting Services). V. SUBMISSIONS Please submit firm/organization, qualifications, identify key staff to be assigned to this project, provide resumes for each key staff member; provide at least three (3) professional references for work that was performed similar to that requested in this RFP, and provide a detailed description of your approach to the project, including key activities and tasks to complete to meet objectives outlined, estimated time schedule, and a “not to exceed” cost proposal that reflects the project phases and/or milestones, anticipated reimbursable expenses, and the rates of the people who would perform the work. VI. SELECTION CRITERIA The successful applicant must have public sector IT strategic plan experience. The successful firm will have demonstrated their ability to meet these requirements. Other criteria include: 13 8 1. Completeness of response to the RFP 2. Experience with similar projects at similar agencies and reference feedback 3. Ability to present technically complex concepts in a simple, comprehensible way 4. Cost 5. Oral communication skills 6. Writing and formatting skills VII. REQUIREMENTS OF PROPOSAL The following materials must be marked when submitted with the proposal. Proposal can include additional material; however, the length of the proposal should be kept to a minimum. 1. Cover Letter The cover letter should briefly state the consultant’s understanding of the work to be performed, the commitment to perform the work in the required timelines, and why the consultant believes it is best qualified to perform the duties and tasks outlined and described in scope of work contained in this request. It should be signed by an official with the legal authority to commit the resources of the firm. 2. Qualifications The proposal should include the following information and materials: a. Qualifications and Related Experience of Personnel Who Will Perform Work. Résumés of all personnel who are proposed to provide professional services to the District within the Scope of Work outlined and described in this request should be included. Résumés should include all relevant experience, education, and other qualifications over the past 3 years. b. Prior Relevant Experience. A description of prior work experience and projects relevant to the Scope of Work outlined and described in this request should be included. c. References of Local Government Clients. Please include a list of at least three (3) current and/or previous local government clients located in California for which a consultant assigned to the project has rendered professional services like the scope of work outlined and described in this request. 3. Approach, Scope, and Timelines Provide a proposed approach and projected timeline to conduct and complete each step in the Scope of Work 4. Cost a. Cost Estimate with justification b. Justification of hours and costs may be required prior to final selection and will be required prior to execution of a contract. c. Proposal shall include hourly rates for all personnel on the project. d. Proposal should include options for reducing or adding services. 14 9 VIII. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The South Tahoe Public Utility District reserves the exclusive right on its selection of a consultant. 2. All proposals submitted will be subject to public records laws. 3. The District reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFP or revise the timeline at any time. 4. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive minor irregularities in the proposal process. The District may accept any proposal if such action is believed to be in the best interest of the District. 5. The District is not liable for any cost incurred by the proposer prior to execution of a contract. 6. The District reserves the right to negotiate scope and cost with the consultant. 7. The project team shall be approved by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The District must approve any changes in the project team. IX. QUESTIONS DURING PROPOSAL PERIOD All questions, inquiries and comments regarding this solicitation must be submitted in writing via the PlanetBids (PB™) online system no later than Friday, March 11 by 5:00 p.m. at https://stpud.us using the “Questions and Answer” tab. Answers provided by the District will be answered using the PB™ online system as they are received. X. PROPOSAL TIME LINE Proposal must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2022 This project should be completed within 90 days of contract award. 15 Current 2018 10 ATTACHMENT A MASTER AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES ____________________________ THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of ______________2022 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" and ____________________, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". RECITALS A. DISTRICT periodically makes improvements to its water, wastewater and ancillary facilities, for which it may require the services of a consultant. B. DISTRICT proposes to provide a MASTER AGREEMENT for consulting services which will be required by DISTRICT in general support of projects under separate titles (Task Orders). The general scope of services outlined in this MASTER AGREEMENT will be further defined by a series of Task Orders which will set forth the services to be performed (detailed scope), costs, and time for completion. C. DISTRICT desires to secure professional consulting services for said projects and CONSULTANT represents that CONSULTANT possesses the professional qualifications to provide such consulting services. D. DISTRICT and CONSULTANT agree to enter into this MASTER AGREEMENT for the performance of consulting services on the terms and conditions stated in this MASTER AGREEMENT. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises and subject to the terms, provisions and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I. - CONSULTING SERVICES A. Upon execution of this agreement and subsequent Task Orders by both parties, and upon receipt of written authorization from DISTRICT, CONSULTANT at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense (to be reimbursed as outlined in ARTICLE IV) and to the satisfaction of DISTRICT, shall perform the services (Services) set forth in each Task Order and represented by a separate proposal for each Task Order. The Services shall be assigned to CONSULTANT by DISTRICT for the various projects as planned and developed by DISTRICT. Each Task Order shall specify the Services to be performed, the time schedules for completion of the Task Order and for completion of all tasks (Tasks) within the Task Order, and the cost (Cost Ceiling) including all fees, costs and expenses, both direct and indirect, of the Task Order, but shall otherwise be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as modified by the individual Task Orders. Task Orders shall be in writing, signed by both parties in advance, and shall be attached to this Agreement as consecutive exhibits beginning with Task Order 1. B. CONSULTANT agrees to comply with the schedule as set forth in each Task Order, and to provide 16 Current 2018 11 Services in a timely manner to allow DISTRICT’s project(s) to be constructed as planned by DISTRICT. In the event CONSULTANT is not able to comply with the project schedule, a written statement from CONSULTANT will be required showing CONSULTANT's plan to bring schedule back into compliance to meet completion date. In the event of delays due to causes beyond the control of CONSULTANT, an extension to the schedule for performance shall be negotiated. C. CONSULTANT shall provide DISTRICT with a review of the budget amount when 75% of the Cost Ceiling of each Task Order has been expended. CONSULTANT shall be entitled to reallocate costs among subtasks within a Task. DISTRICT shall have the right to transfer Tasks and costs within the same or other Task Order(s). CONSULTANT may request a revision in the Cost Ceiling for performance of the Task Order, and will relate the rationale for the revision to the specific basis of estimate. Such notification will be submitted to DISTRICT at the earliest possible date. The Cost Ceiling will not be exceeded without approval by DISTRICT and written amendment to the Task Order. D. In the case of changes affecting project scope resulting from new findings, unanticipated conditions, or other conflicts or discrepancies, CONSULTANT shall promptly notify the DISTRICT of the identified changes and advise the DISTRICT of a recommended solution. Additional Services shall not be performed without prior written authorization of DISTRICT. DISTRICT may order, via a written amendment signed by each party’s authorized representative, changes in scope or character of Services, either decreasing or increasing the amount of CONSULTANT’S services associated with a given Task Order. An order for additional services constitutes a change to the Task Order and shall be made in writing, dated, and appended to that Task Order. Compensation for Additional Services shall be on the basis of Time and Materials or Lump Sum, to be agreed upon at the time of request for Additional Services. The estimated amount of compensation for Additional Services will be determined at the time the Additional Services are requested. ARTICLE II. - RESPONSIBILITIES OF DISTRICT A. DISTRICT shall furnish to or make available for examination by CONSULTANT, as it may request, all data and information which DISTRICT may have available, and CONSULTANT may rely upon such data and information developed exclusively by DISTRICT in the performance of CONSULTANT's services. B. DISTRICT shall secure and pay for all permits and licenses (other than permits and licenses under any patent or invention) and furnish all deposits and bonds necessary in connection with the Projects, except licenses required to permit CONSULTANT to do business at the place where its services are to be performed. CONSULTANT will assist DISTRICT in procuring necessary licenses or permits if required by DISTRICT to do so. C. In order that DISTRICT may meet its obligations with respect to the technical quality of the services to be performed under this Master Agreement, the services performed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall be under the general supervision and direction of the DISTRICT’s General Manager/Engineer (DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE), who shall be Mr. John A. Thiel, P.E., M.B.A. CONSULTANT and its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, and subcontractors shall act in complete 17 Current 2018 12 harmony and coordination with the DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE. The DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE shall keep in touch with the CONSULTANT during the duration of the Task Orders and shall be the authorized medium of communication for and with District matters pertaining thereto. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE may from time to time delegate any or all of his supervisory responsibility to appropriate staff members, and the DISTRICT shall so inform CONSULTANT before the effective date of each such delegation. ARTICLE III. - RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSULTANT A. In rendering the professional services, CONSULTANT is an independent contractor, the DISTRICT being interested only in the result obtained, and the manner and means of conducting such professional services will be under the sole control of CONSULTANT, except that nothing herein shall be deemed to negate DISTRICT's right to direct the nature of the Services requested and to direct the work in terms of timing and coordination with the Projects. B. CONSULTANT shall secure approval of DISTRICT prior to executing contracts with subcontractors and prior to retaining subcontractors for any portion of services for DISTRICT. C. CONSULTANT shall be as fully responsible to DISTRICT for the negligent acts, errors, and/or omissions of its subcontractors, as it is for the negligent acts, errors and/or omissions of persons directly employed by it. CONSULTANT will be responsible for review and billing accuracy and for the direct payment for Services completed or equipment/materials supplied by all of its subcontractors. D. Nothing contained in the Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and DISTRICT. E. Indemnification 1. CONSULTANT shall perform Services in a manner commensurate with prevailing professional standards of qualified and experienced personnel in CONSULTANT’S field. 2. CONSULTANT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold DISTRICT and each of its officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any claims, damage, liability or costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of defense) stemming from Services under this Agreement to the extent such claims, damage, liability or costs are caused by CONSULTANT’S negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct or by the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT’S subconsultants, agents, or anyone acting on behalf of or at the direction of CONSULTANT. 3. DISTRICT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CONSULTANT and each of its officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any claims, damage, liability or costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of defense) stemming from Services under this Agreement to the extent such claims, damage, liability or costs are caused by DISTRICT’S negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct or by the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the DISTRICT’S subconsultants, agents, or anyone acting on behalf of or at the direction of the DISTRICT. 4. The provisions of this section survive the completion of services under or the termination of this Agreement. F. Insurance: The following are the basic requirements that CONSULTANT shall be responsible for at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, and for the full term of this Agreement and before commencement of services hereunder: 18 Current 2018 13 1. CONSULTANT shall carry or require that there be carried Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of its employees and those of its subcontractors in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 2. CONSULTANT shall carry or require that there be carried Commercial Liability Insurance including Automobile Coverage, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each person, in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 on account of one accident, and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance per occurrence. 3. CONSULTANT shall carry Errors and Omissions Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 with a deductible of not more than $100,000 for the life of the Agreement which shall include one year beyond completion of Services. 4. Before commencing services, CONSULTANT shall submit evidence of the coverage required to DISTRICT for review and approval. All such coverage shall be subject to approval by DISTRICT; approval of which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such insurance shall be carried with financially responsible insurance companies, licensed in the State of California, and approved by DISTRICT; approval of which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Evidence of coverage shall insure that such policies will not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice to DISTRICT. Commercial Liability policies, including Automobile Coverage and Property Damage Insurance, shall name DISTRICT, its officers, officials, volunteers, and employees as Additional Insured and as such persons, shall be Primary coverage. 5. It is the responsibility of the CONSULTANT to provide to the DISTRICT updated insurance certificates within 30 days after renewal or changes to insurance policies. 6. CONSULTANT shall grant to the DISTRICT a waiver of any right to subrogation which any insurer of said CONSULTANT may acquire against the DISTRICT by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. CONSULTANT agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies regardless of whether or not the DISTRICT has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. 7. CONSULTANT shall require and verify that all subcontractors maintain insurance meeting all the requirements stated herein, and the DISTRICT shall be named as an additional insured on insurance required from subcontractors. 8. The District reserves the right to modify insurance requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. G. CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the Federal, State of California, and local governments. CONSULTANT shall hold DISTRICT harmless with respect to any damages to the extent arising from any tort committed in the performance of any of the services embraced by this AGREEMENT due to CONSULTANT's negligence. H. CONSULTANT is responsible for the health and safety of its employees, subconsultants, agents or anyone working on behalf or direction of CONSULTANT in the course of Services. CONSULTANT shall ensure that its employees, subconsultants, agents or anyone working on behalf of or under the 19 Current 2018 14 direction of CONSULTANT shall have experience and knowledge of Federal, State and local Health and Safety regulations and requirements. I. CONSULTANT and its associates and employees involved in projects covered under this Master Agreement covenant that they presently have no interest and that they will not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, during the term of this Agreement which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required under this Agreement. J. CONSULTANT will name the supervisory and staffing levels in the performance of CONSULTANT's services for each Task Order. CONSULTANT shall not replace supervisory or staffing levels without the prior written consent of DISTRICT. In the event a change is required by reason of resignation or similar circumstance, DISTRICT shall not deny consent to a change, but shall have the right to review and approve or disapprove the particular person proposed as a replacement. Any proposed replacement shall have substantially the same experience and qualifications as the person being replaced. K. CONSULTANT shall furnish, at its own expense, all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and services necessary for the successful completion of the services to be performed under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall give its full attention and supervision to the fulfillment of the provisions of this Agreement and each Task Order by its employees and subcontractors and shall be responsible for the timely performance of the Services required by this Agreement. L. CONSULTANT shall furnish DISTRICT with reasonable opportunities from time to time to ascertain whether the Services of CONSULTANT are being performed in accordance with this Agreement. All work done and materials furnished shall be subject to final review and approval by DISTRICT. DISTRICT’s review and approval of the Services shall not, however, relieve CONSULTANT of any of its obligations under this Agreement. M. The DISTRICT participates in the CalPERS retirement system. It is the responsibility of CONSULTANT to ensure that staff working on DISTRICT projects and receiving CalPERS pension benefits do so in accordance with CalPERS rules and regulations. DISTRICT shall incur no cost associated with pension benefits of a person receiving pension benefits from CalPERS. 20 Current 2018 15 ARTICLE IV. - CONSULTANT'S FEES A. CONSULTANT is employed to render professional services only, and any payments made to it are compensation only for such Services as it may render and recommendations it may make in carrying out the Services. CONSULTANT shall submit to DISTRICT an estimate of costs for the authorized Task Order. Said estimate shall include a breakdown of estimated job classification with corresponding man hours, hourly rate, and estimated fee, together with estimated expenses. Upon approval by DISTRICT, said total estimate shall become a Cost Ceiling, and total compensation for said Services shall not exceed said amount without further authorization by DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall be obligated to pay only such hourly rates and expenses as are actually incurred by CONSULTANT subject to the Cost Ceiling. The rates of compensation in the Task Order are agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous progress of the Project through completion of the Services contained therein. CONSULTANT’S obligation to render services thereunder will extend for the period set forth in the associated schedule, and required extensions thereto. If such dates are exceeded through no fault of CONSULTANT, then all rates, measures and amounts of compensation provided in the Task Order shall be subject to equitable, negotiated adjustment, but not otherwise. B. DISTRICT agrees to pay CONSULTANT for and in consideration of the faithful performance of all services and duties set forth in this Master Agreement and subsequent Task Orders, and agreed to be performed by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT agrees to accept payment from DISTRICT as and for full compensation for the faithful performance of all said services and duties as the amount set forth for consulting services for each Task Order. C. The DISTRICT will not approve any additional compensation unless a change in the scope of the Services has occurred due to conditions that the parties could not have reasonably anticipated at the time entering into this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall notify DISTRICT immediately if the scope of services under the lump sum Task Order is changed substantially, as required in Article I, Paragraph D. D. CONSULTANT shall submit to DISTRICT a monthly, itemized invoice for services completed during the preceding month. The invoice should also include the purchase order number and task order number for each Task Order. Payment by DISTRICT to CONSULTANT shall be made within 45 days after receipt and approval by DISTRICT of CONSULTANT's hereinabove described invoice. E. Should the DISTRICT dispute any portion of any bill, the DISTRICT shall pay the undisputed portion within the time frame stated above and, at the same time, advise the CONSULTANT in writing of the disputed portion. The DISTRICT shall promptly notify CONSULTANT of the dispute and request clarification and/or remedial action. After any dispute has been settled, CONSULTANT shall provide a special invoice that accounts for the resolution of the disputed item. F. The costs for professional services and direct expenses shall be in accordance with the rates and amounts set forth in the applicable Task Order. In addition, the DISTRICT reserves the right to request from the CONSULTANT a breakdown of costs associated with the rates for professional services, including but not limited to direct salary, total overhead, and profit. G. CONSULTANT shall be solely responsible for the payment of all federal, state or local income tax, social security tax, worker's compensation insurance, state disability insurance and any other taxes or insurance which CONSULTANT is responsible for paying as an independent contractor under federal, state or local law. CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain all licenses necessary for the performance of the Services, all at the sole cost of CONSULTANT. All of the above shall not be 21 Current 2018 16 reimbursable under the Agreement. ARTICLE V. - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Any Services subcontracted hereunder shall be specified by written contract or agreement and shall be subject to each provision of this Agreement. B. Notice to Proceed - CONSULTANT will not begin services on any Task Order until DISTRICT directs it in writing to proceed. C. Submittal of Work Product and Written Notice - All reports and documents which CONSULTANT is required to furnish to DISTRICT (Work Product) and any other writing which CONSULTANT desires to give DISTRICT shall be delivered to DISTRICT or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to: General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Any legally operative documents shall be copied to: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLC 21 E. Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2782 Any notices or other writing which DISTRICT desires or is required to give or furnish to CONSULTANT shall be delivered to CONSULTANT by delivering in person or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ The effective date of such written notice shall be the date of personal delivery of such notice or the receipt of same in the United States mail. The address to which any notice or other writing may be delivered may be changed upon written notice by such party as above provided. D. Ownership of Documents - All documents prepared by CONSULTANT and required to be furnished to DISTRICT in electronic and hard copy format, shall be the property of DISTRICT after payment to CONSULTANT. All electronic documents shall be provided to the District in an editable format. Any use of Work Product for other projects and/or any use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization from CONSULTANT will be at DISTRICT's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT and DISTRICT shall indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. E. Audit of CONSULTANT's Records - The books, papers, records, and accounts of CONSULTANT or any other consultants retained by CONSULTANT insofar as they relate to charges for services, or are in any way connected with the work herein contemplated, shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection and audit by the agents and authorized representatives of DISTRICT. Said records shall be retained for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of services on the individual Task Orders. F. Discrimination - During the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT agrees in accordance with Section 1735 of the Labor Code of the State of California not to discriminate against any employee or 22 Current 2018 17 applicant for employment because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, sex, or marital status. CONSULTANT will take affirmative action to the limits prescribed by law to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, sex, or marital status. G. Assignment - Neither party shall assign any interest in this Agreement, nor transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due CONSULTANT from DISTRICT under this Agreement may be assigned to a bank, trust company or other financial institution without such approval. Notice of any such assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to DISTRICT. H. Attorney’s Fees - If any legal proceeding is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of the Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees and costs, which may be determined by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. The attorneys' fees award shall be made as to fully reimburse for all attorneys', paralegal and experts’ fees, costs and expenses actually incurred in good faith, regardless of the size of the judgment, it being the intention of the parties to fully compensate for all attorneys', paralegal and experts’ fees, costs and expenses paid or incurred in good faith. . I. Confidential Information - During and after the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall not, directly or indirectly, use, exploit, disclose or divulge to anyone, except appropriate representatives of DISTRICT, any of CONSULTANT’S engineering Work Product, except as otherwise authorized with DISTRICT’s express consent. J. Authorization - All officers and individuals executing this and other documents on behalf of the respective parties certify and warrant that they have the capacity and have been duly authorized to execute said documents on behalf of the entities indicated. K. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement and each Task Order. Any breach of any time deadline or schedule by CONSULTANT is agreed by the parties to be a material breach of this Agreement, providing DISTRICT with termination rights under this Agreement, in addition to its rights to recover damages, regular, consequential or otherwise. The failure on the part of CONSULTANT to perform the Services within such time deadline or schedule when such failure is caused by acts beyond the control of CONSULTANT shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement and CONSULTANT shall be entitled to an extension of such time deadline or schedule accordingly. ARTICLE VI. - CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT OR SUSPENSION OF WORK A. This Master Agreement and/or subsequent Task Orders may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party for any reason, providing that no such termination may be effected unless the other party is given not less than thirty (30) calendar days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate. B. This Master Agreement and/or subsequent Task Orders may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by DISTRICT for cause, effective immediately upon written notice of such termination to CONSULTANT, based upon the occurrence of any of the following events: 1) Material breach of this Agreement, Task Order or Task by CONSULTANT; 23 Current 2018 18 2) Cessation of CONSULTANT to be licensed, as required by law; 3) Failure of CONSULTANT to substantially comply with any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation; 4) Filing by or against CONSULTANT of any petition under any law for the relief of debtors; and, 5) Conviction of CONSULTANT's principal representative or personnel of any crime other than minor traffic offenses. C. In the event the Master Agreement or subsequent Task Order(s) are terminated in whole or in part, CONSULTANT is to be fairly compensated for all approved Services performed under the terminated Task Order as of the termination date, provided that the total amount of compensation paid to CONSULTANT does not exceed the Cost Ceiling set forth in the Task Order, and provided that the CONSULTANT delivers to the District all Work Product due for the Services completed through the termination date. D. Upon receipt of a Termination Notice by CONSULTANT from DISTRICT, an equitable adjustment shall be negotiated to provide payment to CONSULTANT for termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by CONSULTANT relating to obligations and commitments as a result of entering into this Master Agreement and the affected Task Order. E. Upon receipt of a Termination Notice, CONSULTANT shall (1) promptly discontinue all services affected (unless the Notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to DISTRICT, copies of data, design calculations, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by CONSULTANT in performing the services under the affected Task Order. ARTICLE VII. – DISPUTES A. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or subsequent Task Orders, or the professional services rendered hereunder, shall be determined by arbitration in El Dorado County, California, before a sole arbitrator, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. B. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS® pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. C. Costs and attorneys’ fees in said arbitration shall be borne in accordance with the terms set forth in Article V.H., above. ARTICLE VIII. – SEVERABILITY AND WAIVER A. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid and unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and binding upon the parties, provided that the remainder of the Agreement can be interpreted to give effect to the intentions of the parties. B. Any waiver at any time by either party hereto of its rights with respect to a breach or default, or any other matter arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not invalidate this Agreement or be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any subsequent breach, default or matter. ARTICLE IX. - ENTIRE AGREEMENT 24 Current 2018 19 A.This Master Agreement and the subsequent Task Orders contain the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. This Agreement may not be amended except pursuant to a written instrument signed by all parties. B.This Master Agreement is to be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto and is not to be assigned by either party without first obtaining the written consent of the other party, subject to the terms of Article V.G. C.The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date first written above and shall continue in full force and effect for a period no longer than 10 years, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. Any subsequent Task Orders that are scheduled to exceed the aforementioned duration shall require that this Agreement be renegotiated and executed prior to adoption of the Task Order. ARTICLE X. – EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in duplicate on the effective date first written above. _____________________________________________ John A. Thiel, P.E., M.B.A., General Manager/Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: _____________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of Board XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. By __________________________________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 25 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: February 17, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project, Phase 3 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for Phase 3 of the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project. DISCUSSION: The Keller-Heavenly Water System provides water to the area adjacent to and above the California Lodge at the Heavenly Ski Resort. The area is supplied by a high pressure main from the Keller Booster Pump Station that feeds two high elevation water tanks, before gravity feeding back into several subzones through a series of pressure reducing valves, with one subzone intertied to the adjacent Heavenly pressure zone. The service area includes both resort and residential properties within a wildland-urban interface area. The first phase of the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project (Project), consisting of waterline upsizing for fire-flow and tank site preparation, is currently under construction. The second phase is also under Contract to construct a replacement tank in 2022. The third and final phase of the Project will provide for additional waterline upsizing, pressure regulating valve replacements, and rehabilitation of the Keller Booster Station within the area served by the Keller Tank in 2022 and 2023. In addition to the Project work identified within the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan, the District has pending funding from FEMA for the purchase and installation of backup generators at the Paloma Well and Keller Booster Pump Station sites. Preparation work to prepare the sites in advance of the generators is being added to the Project scope. Two additional work items that are also being added include replacement of waterline on View Circle and an access road to the Lookout Water Tank. A catastrophic water leak occurred in 2021 on View Circle, undermining the roadway to the point that El Dorado County is requiring complete re-construction of the road. The District negotiated with El Dorado County and arranged to replace 300 linear feet of waterline before re-paving the General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 26 Trevor Coolidge Page 2 February 17, 2022 roadway to avoid future issues with the section of main. Lookout Tank is currently accessed via a dirt access road within an easement across multiple properties; the access route experienced major erosion issues following the Angora Fire, and again following dozer work around the tank during the Caldor Fire. The proposed access road will provide for a stable access route on the District’s tank parcel. The access road is being included as a bid- alternate which will be evaluated for award based on the bid(s) received and available funding at the time of award. Plans and specifications are currently being finalized by staff and the District’s project design consultant, Farr West Engineering. The Project will be funded by the DWSRF Loan Program ($3.5M remaining for Keller), water funds, and pending FEMA funding. The Engineer’s Estimate for the overall Project is $3,930,000. Staff recommends that the Board authorize staff to advertise for Phase 3 of the Keller- Heavenly Water System Improvements Project. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: To be determined ACCOUNT NO: Keller-Heavenly (2030-7022/15W007), Keller & Paloma Backup Generators (20.30.8369 & 20.30.8370), Lookout Tank Access Road View (20.30.7084), Circle Waterline 20.30.8376 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $1,602,475 (2021/22); $1,940,000 (2022/23); $1,690,000 (2023/24) ATTACHMENTS: None ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 27 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David Peterson, Vice President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, President Chris Cefalu, Director Shane Romsos, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 3, 2022 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:01 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Sheehan, Directors Romsos, Peterson Absent: Directors Cefalu, Exline Staff: John Thiel, Paul Hughes, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Chris Skelly, Jessica Henderson, Bren Borley, Julie Ryan, Shelly Thomsen, Tim Bledsoe, Ivo Bergsohn, Greg DuPree, Trevor Coolidge, Dan Arce, Stephen Caswell, Jamie from the lab, Kevin Uribe CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Peterson/Second Romsos/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Absent/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Absent to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 20, 2022 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved January 20, 2022, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Consider Virtual Board Meetings related to Assembly Bill 361 due to COVID-19 State of Emergency Proclamation (John Thiel, General Manager) – John Thiel provided details regarding AB 361 and the potential for virtual meetings. Chris Skelly provided further details regarding the support required to continue with virtual and hybrid Board meetings and addressed questions from the Board. Attorney Kvistad added that by adopting the Resolution, the Board is not mandated to use virtual meetings, but this provides some flexibility. 28 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2022 PAGE – 2 Moved Romsos/Second Peterson/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Absent/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Absent to approve Resolution No. 3205-22, allowing for South Tahoe Public Utility District to conduct virtual public meetings through March 3, 2022. Moved Sheehan/Second Peterson/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Absent/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Absent to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,414,859. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS: Director Romsos provided details regarding the Workforce Housing Committee Meeting held on January 20, 2022. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Romsos reported that he attended the Alpine County Biomass meeting on February 1, 2022, and provided details regarding their activities. EL DORADO WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Peterson reported that he attended the El Dorado Water Agency meeting on January 12, 2022, and the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 9, 2022. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Ivo Bergsohn provided a PowerPoint Presentation regarding the Alternative Plan for the Tahoe Valley South Subbasin Five Year Update and addressed questions from the Board. Attorney Kvistad provided some details regarding the foundation of this document and the work that Ivo Bergsohn has orchestrated and encouraged the Board to become familiar with the Executive Summary. The Board congratulated Ivo Bergsohn on his efforts and appreciate his work on behalf of the District. Stephen Caswell reported the first public virtual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8, 2022, to include an overview of the Recycled Water Strategic Plan. The Board is welcome to attend this first meeting, which will start the three-year process for this program. Regular updates will be provided to the Board as the process unfolds. The Board suggested a separate Board Workshop for this topic could be helpful in the future. Attorney Kvistad reported that CORE and Prostar submitted updated information yesterday regarding the solar program, which will be brought forward to the Ad-Hoc Solar and Community Power Committee at their next meeting. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: John Thiel reported on several items: • Provided a staffing update • Provided a COVID-19 update with one new staff case this week • Reviewed comments from Board Members for the 2022 General Manager Goals. He reviewed several goals in more detail including exploring alternatives for District Workforce Housing and Rebranding the District. The Board recommended the 2022 General Manager final Goals be brought back to the Board for formal approval. BREAK AND ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 3:07 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 3:29 p.m. 29 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2022 PAGE – 3 a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Yolo County Superior Court Case CV2021-1686, Alpine County vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District; et al. No reportable Board Action ADJOURNMENT: 3:30 p.m. _______________________________________ Kelly Sheehan, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ________________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 30 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: February 18, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2022 Bowers Pipeline Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award the 2022 Bowers Pipeline Replacement Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $2,476,460 and enter into a Road Repairs Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe in the amount of $216,562.50. DISCUSSION: On December 16, 2021, the Board authorized staff to advertise for the 2022 Bowers Waterline Replacement Project (Project). A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, and was attended by seven general contractors. The Project is located in the Bijou neighborhood within the City of South Lake Tahoe (City). It includes replacement of approximately 5,500 linear feet of small diameter waterline with an 8-inch waterline, installation of 12 fire hydrants, 99 water services, 4 water meters, trench patch and miscellaneous paving. An alternate bid item is included for pavement restoration (2-inch mill and overlay) where required by the City in accordance with their standards. The Project also includes line items for As-Needed Water and Sewer System Improvements, which will be performed at staff direction on a time-and-material basis to perform work on the District’s systems that were unknown at the time of bidding. Bids were opened on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. One bid was received from Vinciguerra Construction, Inc., for $2,649,710 which includes $173,250 for the paving alternate bid-item. The Engineer’s Estimate for the Project is $2,596,902. A breakdown of the Engineer’s Estimate is included in the attached Bid Tally. Staff is continuing to review the bids received for conformance with Contractual and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Good Faith Effort (GFE) requirements, in addition to determining if there are any bid irregularities. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 31 Adrian Combes Page 2 February 17, 2022 Staff will make a final recommendation for award excluding the alternative bid item, prior to the Board meeting, following a complete review of the bid documents and completion of the bid protest period. Instead of awarding the alternative bid item for paving, staff recommends that the Board enter into an Agreement for road repairs with the City of South Lake Tahoe in an amount not to exceed $216,562.50. By entering the Agreement, the City will accept payment of a fee by the District, in turn relieving the District of its obligation for performing pavement repairs on the Project (2-inch mill and overlay). The fee will be based on the bid price for the 2-inch mill and overlay and the square footage of paving that would have been required, as detailed in the Agreement. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: $2,276,460 (2030-8094); $100,000 (2030-2504); $100,000 (1030-2504) ACCOUNT NO: 2030-8094 (BOWERS); 2030-2504 (As-Needed Water Improvements); 1030-2504 (As-Needed Sewer Improvements) BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $1,348,304 (2021/22); $1,075,000 (2022/23) ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tally and Agreement for Road Repairs; Bid Summary to be provided prior to and at the Board meeting ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 32 Advertised on December 17, 2021 Bid Opening on February 08, 2022 2:00 PM (PST) Item Description Unit Quantity Vinciguerra Construction, Inc. Engineer's Estimate 1 Mobilzation/Demobilzation (Not to exceed 10% of Bid Schedule A, excluding this item)LS 1 $139,000.00 $176,000.00 2 Waterline Erosion Control LS 1 $20,000.00 $27,500.00 3 Groundwater Dewatering LS 1 $15,000.00 $55,000.00 4 Traffic Control LS 1 $40,000.00 $33,000.00 5 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing LS 1 $15,000.00 $16,500.00 6 Potholing LS 1 $25,000.00 $77,000.00 7 8-inch C900 DR18 Water Main LF 3667 $660,060.00 $645,392.00 8 8-inch C900 DR14 Restrained Water Main LF 1670 $334,000.00 $321,475.00 9 6-inch C900 Water Main LF 210 $33,600.00 $36,960.00 10 3/4-Inch Service EA 91 $291,200.00 $350,350.00 11 1-inch Service EA 9 $31,500.00 $42,075.00 12 1-inch Service for 3/4" Double EA 6 $21,600.00 $25,080.00 13 1-1/2" Water Service EA 1 $4,250.00 $4,400.00 14 2" Water Service (3609 Vanda Lee)EA 1 $8,500.00 $5,500.00 15 3/4" Meter Installation EA 3 $13,500.00 $6,600.00 16 Add for Traffic-rated meter installation EA 2 $1,000.00 $5,500.00 17 Fire Hydrants Installations EA 12 $192,000.00 $158,400.00 18 Tie-In #1 - Ham/Pioneer (Sheet P1)LS 1 $7,250.00 $5,500.00 19 Tie-In #2 - Herbert/Bill (Sheet P2)LS 1 $30,000.00 $5,500.00 20 Tie-In #3 - Herbert/Shirley (Sheet P2)LS 1 $30,000.00 $5,500.00 21 Tie-In #4 - Osgood/Maple (Sheet P7)LS 1 $4,000.00 $5,500.00 22 Tie-In #5 - Vanda Lee/Betty Rae (Sheet P6)LS 1 $18,500.00 $5,500.00 23 Tie-In #6 - Forest/Ski Run (Sheet P4)LS 1 $4,000.00 $5,500.00 24 Tie-In #7 - Bobby Grey/Bowers (Sheet P3)LS 1 $35,000.00 $5,500.00 25 Tie-In #8 - Larch (Sheet P5)LS 1 $7,500.00 $5,500.00 26 Tie-In #9 - Aspen/Bowers (Sheet P3)LS 1 $42,000.00 $5,500.00 27 Tie-In #10 - Alder/Bowers (Sheet P3)LS 1 $31,000.00 $7,150.00 28 Tie-In #11 - Forest/Bowers (Sheet P4)LS 1 $25,000.00 $5,500.00 29 Tie-In #12 - Shirley/Bowers (Sheet P4)LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,500.00 30 1" Base Water Meter Installation LS 1 $4,600.00 $5,500.00 31 Demolish Existing Fire Hydrants EA 4 $5,000.00 $6,600.00 32 Cut, Cap and Abandon in place water mains and valves EA 14 $14,000.00 $15,400.00 33 Fill Abandoned Lines 6-inch and Larger Waterlines with Slurry CY 12 $12,000.00 $1,320.00 34 Non-Excavatable Rock Removal CY 10 $1,000.00 $15,400.00 35 4-Inch Trench Patch SF 10000 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 36 3-Inch Miscellaneous Patch Paving SF 1600 $24,000.00 $26,400.00 37 Bowers Waterline Contingency Work LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 38 Additional 1-foot depth of excavation, backfill and vertical pipe and fittings LF 200 $1,400.00 $3,300.00 39 2-Inch Mill and Overlay (Alternate)SF 31500 $173,250.00 $138,600.00 Subtotal $2,449,710.00 $2,396,902.00 40 As-Needed Water System Improvements LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 41 As-Needed Sewer System Improvements LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Subtotal $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Total $2,649,710.00 $2,596,902.00 Bid Schedule A Bid Schedule B Bid Results for 2022 Bowers Waterline Replacement Project 33 17703707 Agreement for Road Repairs Between City of South Lake Tahoe & South Tahoe Public Utility District This Agreement is made and entered into as of _________________by and between the City of South Lake Tahoe, a municipal corporation ("City") and South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California Special District (“the District”). Recitals 1. In 2022, the District intends to replace waterlines and associated appurtenances as part of the 2022 Bowers Pipeline Replacement Project in the Bijou neighborhood of the City of South Lake Tahoe in accordance with plans and the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit “A” (“Project”). 2. The Project requires cutting the pavement surface to allow trenching and subsurface excavations within the City’ s public rights- of way. Accordingly, on February 7, 2022 the District applied for an Encroachment Permit with the City of South Lake Tahoe, so that its contractor can construct the Project (the “Permittee”). 3. As provided in the City’s Encroachment Permit, the Permittee is required to repair the section of the road impacted by the Project in accordance with the City’ s Public Improvements and Engineering Standards (PIES). 4. The City’ s PIES requires full-width traffic lane pavement surface grinding and asphalt concrete overlay, two inches in depth where trenching work extends 250 linear feet or more. In addition, transverse pavement trenching in excess of 3 road cuts within 250 lineal feet of roadway also require full-width traffic lane(s) of pavement surface grinding and asphalt concrete overlay, two inches in depth. 5. For the purpose of the Project, the District prefers to limit the extent of pavement repair work performed by the Permittee and the District prefers to compensate the City in the amount provided in Exhibit B for the cost of pavement grinding and overlay of City streets required in accordance with the City’ s PIES. 6. For the purpose of the Project, the City prefers receipt of payment from the District in lieu of Permittee performing the standard PIES required pavement grinding and overlay work. 7. The City has an annual pavement rehabilitation program that may involve grinding or pulverizing the full street width of existing pavement surfaces and paving streets with asphalt concrete pavement. 8. The City routinely enters into public works contracts to maintain City roads and may achieve economies of scale by including more road sections in future contracts. The parties desire to enter into this Reimbursement Agreement to achieve efficiencies and better service for their respective customers. I. DISTRICT Agrees: 1. Instead of repaving the City-maintained roads following the Project, the District agrees to make permanent trench repairs and compensate the City, in the amount provided in Exhibit B, to repave the sections of City-maintained roads, which is the amount the District would have paid its contractor for pavement surface grinding and asphalt concrete overlay under the PIES (“Repavement Work”). 34 17703707 2 2. For the purposes of this Agreement, the permanent trench repairs performed by the District in the Right-of-Way for the Project will be limited to repairing the pavement the width of the trench in accordance with the paving details presented in Exhibit A. 3. The District shall pay City for Repavement Work in the amount provided in Exhibit B, based on actual all-inclusive bid unit prices received by the District. The District’s payment shall be made in a lump sum amount within 30 days of receiving a written payment request from the City. 4. In no case shall the District be responsible for additional reimbursement to the City for Repavement Work associated with the Project, regardless of any price escalation or increased costs to the City for its future paving work including the Repavement Work. II. CITY Agrees: 1. City shall use the funds received for the Repavement Work towards repaving roads within the City of South Lake Tahoe. 2. All Repavement Work performed by the City shall be completed under a public works contract for road repair and be awarded through a competitive bid process in accordance with California Public Contract Code, section 22030 et seq. and all other applicable laws. City shall pay prevailing wage for the Repavement Work in accordance with California Labor Code section 1770 et seq. City shall require Payment and Performance Bonds in the amount of 100% of Repavement Work. 3. City will complete the paving of the Repavement Work at the appropriate time, in its sole discretion, based on the City’ s annual paving needs and priorities. III. General Provisions 1. Term/Time of Performance. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date written above, and shall terminate twelve (12) months after the effective date, or sooner if full payment has been made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 3. 2. Payment. The City will prepare a written invoice based on the unit price for Repavement Work as defined in Exhibit B and the actual area of Repavement Work as determined by the method detailed in Exhibit B after completion of the Project. The City will submit the invoice to the District for payment within thirty (30) days after completion of the Project. The District will issue payment within sixty (60) after receipt of invoice. 3. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by City or District for cause or without cause upon written notice of termination within thirty (30) days after Project bid opening. Termination, revocation, or expiration of this Agreement shall not release either party from liability resulting from an event which occurred prior to such termination, revocation or expiration. 4. Indemnity. The District shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless against and from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, and liability for damages of every name, kind, and description, including attorney’ s fees and costs incurred, brought for, on or account of, injuries or death to any person, including but not limited to workers, City employees, and the public, or damage to property, or any economic or consequential losses, which are claimed to or in any way arise out of the District’s performance under this Agreement, except for the sole or active negligence of the City, its officers and employees, or as expressly prescribed by statute. This duty of the District to indemnify and save City harmless includes the duties to defend set forth in California Civil Code section 2778. 35 17703707 3 City shall defend, indemnify, and hold the District, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless against and from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, and liability for damages of every name, kind, and description, including attorney’ s fees and costs incurred, brought for, on or account of, injuries or death to any person, including but not limited to workers, District employees, and the public, or damage to property, or any economic or consequential losses, which are claimed to or in any way arise out of City’ s performance under this Agreement, except for the sole or active negligence of the District, its officers and employees, or as expressly prescribed by statute. This duty of City to indemnify and save the District harmless includes the duties to defend set forth in California Civil Code section 2778. 5. Insurance Requirements. City and the District attest to having adequate insurance for General Liability and Automobile Liability, and in accordance with California Labor Code section 3700 for Workers’ Compensation and shall provide evidence of insurance if requested to do so by the other party. 6. Notices. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and either served personally or sent prepaid, first class mail. Any such notice shall be addressed to the other party at the address set forth below. Notice shall be deemed communicated within 48 hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. If to City: Public Works Director City of South Lake Tahoe 1740 D Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Provide a copy to: City Attorney’ s Office City of South Lake Tahoe 1901 Maloff Way, Suite 300 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 If to the District: General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 7. Assignment. Neither party shall assign this Agreement or any part thereof of any monies due hereunder. 8. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon any individual or entity which is not a party hereto, and the Parties hereto expressly disclaim any such third- party benefit. 9. Waiver. Waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision under this Agreement. 10. Dispute Resolution. The parties to this agreement hereby agree to meet and confer in good faith for the purposes of resolving any dispute under this agreement prior to bringing any action for enforcement. 11. Controlling Law Venue. This Agreement and all matters relating to it shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall be held exclusively in the Superior Courts in the County of El Dorado, South Lake Tahoe Division. 12. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both the District and City and approved as to form by the City Attorney. 13. Severability. If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall 36 17703707 4 continue in full force and effect. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of Agreement between City and the District. All prior written and oral communications, including correspondence, drafts, memoranda, and representations, are superseded in total by this Agreement. 15. Execution. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall become binding upon the Parties when at least one copy hereof shall have been signed by both Parties hereto. In approving this Agreement, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 16. Authority to Enter Agreement. The Parties have all requisite power and authority to conduct their business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and to bind each respective party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date first written above. CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Devin Middlebrook, Mayor Kelly Sheehan, Board President APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ Heather Stroud, City Attorney ATTEST: ATTEST: Susan Blankenship, City Clerk Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Project Plans and Schedule Exhibit B: Costs for Repavement Work 37 17703707 5 EXHIBIT A PLANS AND SCHEDULE Schedule Mobilization – May 1st, 2022 Demobilization – Oct 1st, 2022 38 U.S. HWY 501015SFD1048SFD1011MULTI1052SFD1046SFD1040SFD1034SFD1032SFD1028VAC1024SFD3542COMMERCIAL1025SFD1031SFD1041USFS1045SFD1053SFD3552COMMCOSFD1073SFDSFDHAM LANEGLENWOOD WAYKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.368.69370' x 12' = 4,440 SF2-inch Mill and Overlay Take-Off SummaryP1 - 4,440 SF P2 - 14,160 SF P3 - 8,904 SF P6 - 3,720 SF Total = 31,224 SF Round Off to 31,500 SF (for bidding purposes) 25% = 7,875 SF Total for CSLT Agreement (based on design) = 31,500+7,875 = 39,375 SF Actual Amount to be measured after construction is complete and billed based on actual construction 39 SHIRLEY AVE3599vACANT1031MULTI3577SFD3581TRIPLEX3587VACANT3591DUPLEX35953601SFD3607SFD36083604SFD3600SFD3594SFD3592SFD3590SFD3586SFD3580SFD3576SFD3572SFD1035MULTIVACANTVACANT3612SFDMULTI1042TRIPLEX10301TRIPLEX3613BILL AVEPARADISE AVBOWERS AVEBOWERS AVE1045 SFD 1051 SFD 1046SFD1048DUPLEX3575SFDCTC3582SFD3572SFD3581SFDSFD3589SFD3593SFD3599SFD3601SFD3605SFDVACANT3613TRIPLEX3580SFD3604SFD3606SFD3612SFD3616SFD3620SFD3598SFD3588SFD357719.57590' x 24' = 14,160 SF (24' used based on assumption that open cut may be needed resulting in 7 transverse cuts)Southwest Gas Company project planned for Bill Avenue during the same grading season. If both projects are constructed during the same grading season, a 50% reduction to the required paving will be applied to this street.40 Y CT 1121SFDSFD1114SFD11221126DUPLEXDUPLEX36011111SFDMULTI1133TRIPLEX1142EX1DUPLEX1152SFD1110SFD1106SFD1108SFD3556SFD3548SFD3542SFD3532SFD3569SFD3543SFD3541SFD3539SFD3537SFD3533SFD3529SFD3621SFD3569DUPLEX1086MULTI3583SF1080SFD1089BOWERS AVEBOWERS AVEBOBBY GREY CIRBOBBY GREY CIRMULTI3584MULTI1154WERNERSILAS DRKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.Length = 742' 742' x 12' = 8,904 SF41 3599vACANT3601SFDSFD3609SFD3621SFD3629SFD3633VACANT3637CTC3636SFD3632SFD3628SFD3626SFD3620SFD3616SFD3610SFD3606SFD3604SFD3600SFD1060COMMERCIAL1056COMMERCIAL1072COMMERCIAL1068DUPLEX8NT3612SFDSFD1081TRIPLEX3613BOWERS AVEFOREST AVESKI RUN BLVD620SFDKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.Southwest Gas Company project planned for Forest Avenue during the same grading season. Based on the design, no mill and overlay would be required, however if at the end of construction a mill and overlay would be required, if both projects are constructed during the same grading season, a 50% reduction to the required paving will be applied to this street.42 3613SFD3608SFD3610SFD3614SFD3620SFD36243628VACANTVACANT3609SFD3605SFD3617DUPLEX362136253629DUPLEXDUPLEXDUPLEXLARCH AVEKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.43 1105SFD3577SFD3610SFD3584SFD3577SFD1115SFD3593SFD3598SFD3610SFD3604USFS3587VACANT3601SFD3593SFD3609COMMERCIALVANDA LEE WAYHERBERT AVE.BETTY RAE LNKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.310' x 12' = 3720 SF307.4044 3609VACANT3611SFD3615SFD3621SFD3625VACANT3629SFD3628SFD3624DUPLEX3608SFD3604SFDOSGOOD AVEKnow what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.45 BETTY RAE LN1052SFD3573SFD3579SFD3585SFD3589SFD3583TRIPLEX3578SFD1077SFDHERBERT AVE.Know what'sbefore you dig.Callbelow.46 17703707 EXHIBIT B COSTS FOR REPAVEMENT WORK Item Value Mainline Trench Length (ft)* 2,625 Lane Width (ft) 12 Repavement Area (sf)* 31,500 Bid Unit Price ($/sf) $5.50 ** Total Anticipated Repavement Cost ($)* (Bid Unity Price x Repavement Area) $ 173,250 Maximum Authorized Repavement Cost ($) Total Repavement Cost + 25% $ 216,562.50 *Estimated value only. Actual Repavement Cost to be determined after construction, based on actual installed quantity of mainline trench in paved areas. ** Based on actual All-inclusive unit bid Items received by the District. 47 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7b TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 17, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2022 Board Goals for the General Manager REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the 2022 Board Goals for the General Manager DISCUSSION: The General Manager worked with the Board, counsel, and staff to develop the attached set of 2022 Goals presented for Board approval. The General Manager will work with the Board, staff and others to achieve these goals over the current calendar year, submit a mid-year progress report to the Board, and complete an end-of-year assessment in December 2022 as part of General Manager’s annual review process. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 2022 Goals for the General Manger ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 48 Proposed Final for Board Approval – 2/17/22 2022 Goals for the General Manager Structured within 12 Strategic Goals as follows: 1. Provide exemplary customer service: a) Develop a more equitable water and sewer connection fee billing structure which includes square footage for Board consideration. b) Expand paperless billing and email sign-ups by 10 percent. c) Provide COVID relief billing assistance to customers through the State-funded delinquency program. d) Evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of Customer Service department. Consider changes in organizational structure, division of labor, workflow processes, and physical work areas. e) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 2. Provide Support to the Board for Effective Decision Making: a) Provide necessary level of information and support to the Board in a timely manner. b) Facilitate effective Board and committee meetings. Investigate ways to reduce the number of Board Meetings. Manage agendas more effectively to balance meeting content and time. c) Submit a mid-year progress report on the status of 2022 goals and a final report in December. d) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 3. Support Community Relations and Initiatives: a) Support appropriate workforce and affordable housing initiatives, as directed, with community partners and developers including policy and/or code modifications to reduce connection fees, and investigate related state and federal grant opportunities. b) Work with the City and other community partners on energy efficiency and community renewable energy initiatives including solar and biomass. c) Work with the Tahoe Keys, Lukins, and Lakeside Park as a proactive community partner on issues of common interest. Consider including them in leak detection and other technology partnerships. d) Work with regional fire and water partners to develop and launch an “Adopt a Hydrant” program. e) Launch District sustainability webpage with dashboard that tracks key efficiency, conservation, and sustainability metrics. f) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 4. Promote Effective Legislative Advocacy: a) Work closely with State regulators and consultants on the practical implementation of recently passed water conservation regulations. b) Lead District-wide efforts to coordinate on legislative advocacy and regulatory activities, including funding opportunities, and connections with local, regional, state, and national associations. c) Provide leadership and direction for regional water coalition in state and federal advocacy efforts. d) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 5. Strategic and Long-Term Planning: a) Develop annual update of 10-year CIP for Board approval balancing water and wastewater system needs with customer rates and staff capacity. b) Implement Management Team goal setting and tracking processes. 49 Proposed Final for Board Approval – 2/17/22 c) Coordinate evaluation and completion of District-wide plans and reports. Seek timelier and more cost- effective implementation and production. d) Develop Recycled Water Strategic Plan. Host public and stakeholder meetings. Engage the Board on plan development and provide progress updates. Complete initial screening of alternatives. e) Update Emergency Response Plan. f) Complete Alternative Groundwater Management Plan 5-Year Update and begin project implementation. g) Explore potential alternatives for future District workforce housing. h) Expand asset management program and leverage it to inform the Capital Improvement Program. i) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 6. Provide reliable and safe water distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and recycled water land application systems: a) Complete City hydrant procurement agreement and begin ARPA hydrant installations. b) Meet with City and Lake Valley regarding District dispatch on 911 fire calls, information sharing, partnership opportunities. c) Replace 2 miles of undersized and leaking waterlines. d) Begin rehabilitation of Big 5 Pump Stations. Continue rehabilitation of Secondary Clarifiers. e) Complete electrical assessment at WWTP and field stations. Prioritize replacements and incorporate into the asset management program. f) Complete hazard assessment and resiliency plans at all District field stations. Apply for grant funding for implementation of identified actions. g) Update system-wide standby power assessment and critical element inventory. Prioritize and schedule improvements including spare parts, fuel storage and battery facilities. h) Pursue plant solar project and other renewable energy generation and storage alternatives to increase system reliability and reduce costs. i) Complete video inspection of sewer system at a 10% annual inspection rate. Identify priority rehabilitation and replacement projects and incorporate into the CIP program. j) Develop manhole accessibility improvement plan. k) Complete assessment of sewer and water crossings at water courses. Prioritize improvements. l) Complete system-wide fire hydrant assessment. Replace and repair faulty hydrants. m) Begin system-wide valve exercising and assessment. Identify critical valve replacements. n) Transition the District Laboratory’s certification from ELAP to TNI Accreditation. o) Review physical and cyber security needs across District facilities. Identify and prioritize needs and begin implementation. p) Complete and make available to customers and the Board the 2021 “Consumer Confidence Report.” Mitigate/correct any identified water quality issues in a timely manner. Consider including water quality data into sustainability dashboard. q) Repair sewer leaks and clogs in a timely manner to avoid impacts to the environment. r) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 7) Foster a culture of efficient water use in our community: a) Increase data collection and analysis to reduce water loss and improve water efficiency efforts. Seek grant funding and partnership to alleviate costs of data collection, analysis, and reporting. b) Update water conservation ordinance for drought resiliency. 50 Proposed Final for Board Approval – 2/17/22 c) Expand educational material on the water conservation benefits of native plant landscaping and the adverse impacts of turf grass. Utilize social media to expand messaging. d) Evaluate coordination of Water Wise House Calls with energy audits to improve customer service. e) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 8) Develop staff to ensure professionalism, continuity of organizational knowledge and succession planning: a) Seek efficiencies in the training process. Evaluate needs and costs of various training programs. Expand and promote online and virtual training and educational opportunities. b) Expand staff resource center for improved personal and professional performance. c) Develop interim and transitional staffing plan for Recycled Water program management. d) Succession and transition planning for the Engineering Hydrologist position and in the Customer Service, Accounting and Grants departments. e) Increase cross-training opportunities District-wide. f) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 9) Continue to be effective financial stewards: a) Develop responsible budget for Board approval. Monitor spending. Minimize overages. Seek efficiencies. Identify changes, trends, needs. b) Monitor and deliver cost-effective design and construction of approved 2022 projects. c) Seek additional EDWA funding for groundwater management activities, legislation and regulatory efforts, water efficiency and asset management projects and programs. d) Implement grant funded hazard assessment and fuels reduction projects. e) Seek a more cost-effective and reliable power supply including renewable energy generation and storage options. Evaluate system changes to facilitate time-of-use cost reductions. Advance energy management, billing, and measurement. Evaluate and implement opportunities to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and minimize costs system-wide. f) Expand in-house design capabilities and capacity in lieu of consultant work. g) Develop Engineering Manual to streamline project management and contracting processes. h) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 10) Provide a safe and harmonious work environment for our employees: a) Meet legal, staff, health, and system requirements relative to COVID. Help maintain staff unity amidst widely differing views and expectations. Update COVID policy as needed for a safe workplace. b) Promote an empowered, positive and productive District culture of excellence throughout all departments. c) Address any identified morale and respectful workplace issues in a timely manner. Complete timely conflict resolution actions. Develop and begin implementation of personal improvement plans as appropriate to address performance issues. d) Keep employees informed, engaged, and appreciated through multiple channels. e) Review and update safety policies. Expand access to on-line training alternatives. f) Improve building security, especially Board Room and Customer Service areas. Complete conceptual design and seek grant funding. Begin implementation of any identified high priority security improvements. g) Complete initial structural, safety, and needs assessment for Lower and Fountain Shop areas. 51 Proposed Final for Board Approval – 2/17/22 h) Develop standard and improved Onboarding (new staff) and Offboarding / Exit-Interview (departing staff) processes. i) Promote access to mental health offerings. j) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 11) Promote public awareness of all District activities and the value of District services: a) Complete multi-channel public outreach to support FY22-23 budget process and other District activities. Include website, print, social media, local TV and radio. Complete Board and public budget workshops. b) Promote the value of District services. Look for ways to remind customers that the District has the lowest combined water and sewer rates in the Tahoe area while providing a high quality of service. c) Expand social media presence to highlight District accomplishments, water conservation programs, outages, planned projects, and community events. d) Meet with at least 6 local area executives at least once per year. e) Communicate and celebrate accomplishments internally and externally. f) Evaluate feasibility, pros/cons, and cost of re-branding District name and logo. g) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 12) Maximize appropriate use of technology to improve operational efficiency and prioritize asset replacement: a) Expand communications capabilities in both stationary and mobile applications. Facilitate direct data transfer to asset management system. Utilize scheduling function for workload planning. b) Consider options for replacement of computerized maintenance management system. c) Establish a bi-annual leak detection and water loss monitoring program. d) Expand use of Laserfiche forms to streamline and digitize processes, including review process. e) Convert paper permit cards to electronic process. f) Track and report Vehicle Miles Traveled and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Develop goals. g) Other goals as directed by the Board or on an as-needed basis. 52 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 2/8/22 554,526.77 Total Payroll 554,526.77 ADP & Insight eTools 5,454.20 Prominence - health care payments 6,870.52 Total Vendor EFT 12,324.72 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 353,492.53 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 283,256.28 Total Accounts Payable Checks 636,748.81 Utility Management Refunds 17,260.12 Total Utility Management Checks 17,260.12 Grand Total 1,220,860.42 Payroll EFTs & Checks 2/8/2022 12/27/2021 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 24,176.63 0.00 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 117,485.67 0.00 EFT CalPERS Contributions 81,421.19 0.00 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 26,253.51 0.00 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,866.78 0.00 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)5,956.95 0.00 EFT Retirement Health Savings 15,728.08 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 21.00 0.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 280,225.58 0.00 CHK Employee Garnishments 391.38 0.00 CHK Employee Paychecks 0.00 0.00 Total 554,526.77 0.00 FOR APPROVAL February 17, 2022 53 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 42363 - A-1 CHEMICAL INC 7075388 Shop Supplies, Grounds & Maintenance Paid by Check #108580 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 518.74 7080483 Janitorial Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108580 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 618.68 Vendor 42363 - A-1 CHEMICAL INC Totals Invoices 2 $1,137.42 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC 970432 Insurance Supplement Payable Paid by Check #108581 01/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 951.46 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC Totals Invoices 1 $951.46 Vendor 48136 - AHERN RENTALS 24499060-001 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108582 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 173.42 Vendor 48136 - AHERN RENTALS Totals Invoices 1 $173.42 Vendor 48605 - AIRGAS USA LLC 9121356546 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108583 01/06/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,004.35 9121818611 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108583 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 68.06 9121818612 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108583 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 279.85 9122108652 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108583 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 592.11 Vendor 48605 - AIRGAS USA LLC Totals Invoices 4 $3,944.37 Vendor 48684 - ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC 9015644916 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108584 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,484.22 9015667687 Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by Check #108584 01/29/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 535.61 Vendor 48684 - ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC Totals Invoices 2 $2,019.83 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE 222128 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #108585 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 91.00 222129 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #108585 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 46.50 222294 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #108585 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 91.00 222295 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #108585 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 51.00 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE Totals Invoices 4 $279.50 Vendor 48601 - ALPINE SMITH INC 26992 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by Check #108586 12/14/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 94.92 27010 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108586 12/17/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 43.45 Vendor 48601 - ALPINE SMITH INC Totals Invoices 2 $138.37 Vendor 49650 - LEONIDA D ALVARADO 2715112 Toilet Rebate Program Paid by Check #108587 02/07/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 100.00 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 1 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 54 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49650 - LEONIDA D ALVARADO Totals Invoices 1 $100.00 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. 19JY-G3T6-4KGY Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by Check #108588 12/18/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 125.03 1F4D-NQGH-6XJY Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108588 12/21/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 216.51 1MHY-XKC7-HNTK Buildings Paid by Check #108588 01/03/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 212.60 1FXW-CGPT-GWGK Automotive Paid by Check #108588 01/24/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,805.16 1GFN-K3M1-4V6T Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108588 01/24/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 125.57 1WKX-TKTD-4DLL Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by Check #108588 02/03/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 113.23 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. Totals Invoices 6 $4,598.10 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 259000079117 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 83.03 259000079121 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 87.09 259000079129 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 87.78 259000079134 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 108.45 259000079139 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 50.36 259000079145 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 18.05 259000079147 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 4.49 259000079155 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 103.10 259000079160 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 8.36 259000079163 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 20.64 259000079167 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 15.14 259000079169 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 13.34 259000079171 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108589 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 29.23 259000082362 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 83.03 259000082365 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 87.09 259000082370 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 87.78 259000082373 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 108.45 259000082377 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 50.36 259000082380 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 18.05 259000082381 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 4.49 259000082386 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 103.10 259000082388 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 8.36 259000082391 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 20.64 259000082392 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 15.14 259000082395 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 13.34 259000082397 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #108590 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 29.23 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Totals Invoices 26 $1,258.12 Vendor 40521 - AT&T Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 2 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 55 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount FEBRUARY2022 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #108591 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 200.00 Vendor 40521 - AT&T Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY FEBRUARY2022 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #108592 01/19/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,093.25 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY Totals Invoices 1 $1,093.25 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 FEBRUARY2022 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #108593 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,543.15 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 Totals Invoices 1 $1,543.15 Vendor 48612 - AUTOMATION DIRECT 13129899 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108594 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 98.69 13145414 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108594 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 137.03 13150741 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108594 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 77.21 13176119 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108594 02/03/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 381.71 13179910 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108594 02/04/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 144.64 13187333 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108594 02/07/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 13.59 Vendor 48612 - AUTOMATION DIRECT Totals Invoices 6 $852.87 Vendor 49269 - BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 538833 Personnel Expense Paid by Check #108595 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 29.00 Vendor 49269 - BACKGROUNDS ONLINE Totals Invoices 1 $29.00 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 135-82716 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #108596 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 939.00 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Totals Invoices 1 $939.00 Vendor 44591 - BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS E07415 Luther Pass PS Tanks Rehab Paid by Check #108597 08/25/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 14,150.38 E07513 Luther Pass PS Tanks Rehab Paid by Check #108597 11/24/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 19,284.46 E07545 Luther Pass PS Tanks Rehab Paid by Check #108597 12/08/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 5,266.90 Vendor 44591 - BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS Totals Invoices 3 $38,701.74 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS 207807 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check #108598 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,539.30 207824 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check #108598 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,261.50 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Totals Invoices 2 $2,800.80 Vendor 12070 - BING MATERIALS 213666 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #108599 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 853.89 213667 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #108599 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 803.85 213668 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #108599 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 788.51 Vendor 12070 - BING MATERIALS Totals Invoices 3 $2,446.25 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 3 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 56 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49488 - BLAISDELLS BUSINESS PRODUCTS 1679088-0 Janitorial Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108600 01/19/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 339.19 Vendor 49488 - BLAISDELLS BUSINESS PRODUCTS Totals Invoices 1 $339.19 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 12546 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108601 01/21/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 687.40 12547 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108601 01/21/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 341.32 12602 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108601 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 687.40 12603 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108601 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 341.32 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL Totals Invoices 4 $2,057.44 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE 711585 Propane Paid by Check #108602 01/03/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,796.78 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE Totals Invoices 1 $1,796.78 Vendor 45076 - CARDNO ENTRIX INC 326661 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108603 02/04/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 12,026.25 Vendor 45076 - CARDNO ENTRIX INC Totals Invoices 1 $12,026.25 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP P667000 Backup Server Replacement Paid by Check #108604 12/11/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,358.96 R076373 Computer Purchases Paid by Check #108604 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,158.07 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP Totals Invoices 2 $5,517.03 Vendor 40343 - CHEMSEARCH INC 7657546 Service Contracts Paid by Check #108605 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 377.17 Vendor 40343 - CHEMSEARCH INC Totals Invoices 1 $377.17 Vendor 48672 - CINTAS CORP 5093764598 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #108606 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 219.89 Vendor 48672 - CINTAS CORP Totals Invoices 1 $219.89 Vendor 40512 - CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY S7622514.001 Luther Pass Pump Station Paid by Check #108607 12/21/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,241.34 Vendor 40512 - CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $1,241.34 Vendor 49559 - COMMUNICATION SQUARE LLC INV-001078 Service Contracts Paid by Check #108608 01/30/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 4,600.00 Vendor 49559 - COMMUNICATION SQUARE LLC Totals Invoices 1 $4,600.00 Vendor 44779 - CPI INTERNATIONAL 20054384 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #108609 11/19/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 371.45 Vendor 44779 - CPI INTERNATIONAL Totals Invoices 1 $371.45 Vendor 49049 - SIMON CUEVAS Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 4 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 57 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 6547 Safety Programs Paid by Check #108610 01/06/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 52.18 Vendor 49049 - SIMON CUEVAS Totals Invoices 1 $52.18 Vendor 42897 - CWEA 126399 2022 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108611 01/05/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 101.00 352568 2022 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108611 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 96.00 51384 2022 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108611 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 96.00 59976 2022 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108611 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 101.00 Poohachoff CSM 2 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108611 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 195.00 Vendor 42897 - CWEA Totals Invoices 5 $589.00 Vendor 49741 - JOANN & BRIAN EAKLE 2707609 Water Use Reduction Rebates Paid by Check #108612 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 500.00 Vendor 49741 - JOANN & BRIAN EAKLE Totals Invoices 1 $500.00 Vendor 44263 - ENS RESOURCES INC 3008 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108613 02/06/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 5,000.00 Vendor 44263 - ENS RESOURCES INC Totals Invoices 1 $5,000.00 Vendor 18550 - EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL LLC L0612285 Monitoring Paid by Check #108614 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 35.00 L0612477 Monitoring Paid by Check #108614 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 315.00 L0612660 Monitoring Paid by Check #108614 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 40.00 Vendor 18550 - EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL LLC Totals Invoices 3 $390.00 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 905236623 Service Contracts Paid by Check #108615 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 107.19 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Totals Invoices 1 $107.19 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX 7-629-33967 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #108616 01/14/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 60.96 7-637-02698 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #108616 01/21/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 45.18 7-644-40410 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #108616 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 33.64 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX Totals Invoices 3 $139.78 Vendor 41263 - FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC 9540648 Biosolids Equipment - Building Paid by Check #108617 10/14/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 41.63 9687163 Buildings Paid by Check #108617 01/04/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 124.85 Vendor 41263 - FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC Totals Invoices 2 $166.48 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 5 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 58 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 44934 - FLOWSERVE PUMP DIV 7268861 Paloma Well Rehabilitation 2021 Paid by Check #108618 12/28/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 71,417.78 Vendor 44934 - FLOWSERVE PUMP DIV Totals Invoices 1 $71,417.78 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC 21-417335 Gasoline & Diesel Expense Paid by Check #108619 11/03/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,498.02 22-465664 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check #108619 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,285.78 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC Totals Invoices 2 $3,783.80 Vendor 49721 - FREITAS FENCE 22-02A Fencing, Water Reuse Paid by Check #108620 02/03/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 23,656.85 Vendor 49721 - FREITAS FENCE Totals Invoices 1 $23,656.85 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS FEBRUARY2022 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #108621 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 733.10 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $733.10 Vendor 44684 - GEA WESTFALIA GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT US 1586518893 Centrifuge #2 Rebuild and Motor Replacement Paid by Check #108622 12/13/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 26,217.26 Vendor 44684 - GEA WESTFALIA GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT US Totals Invoices 1 $26,217.26 Vendor 43111 - GFS CHEMICALS INC CINV-089369 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #108623 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 334.57 Vendor 43111 - GFS CHEMICALS INC Totals Invoices 1 $334.57 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER 9146659942 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #108624 12/09/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 61.53 9185497345 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108624 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 25.04 9185721397 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108624 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,116.42 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER Totals Invoices 3 $1,202.99 Vendor 48814 - ANTHONY GREGORICH 2932258-906776 Small Tools Paid by Check #108625 01/22/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 109.24 Vendor 48814 - ANTHONY GREGORICH Totals Invoices 1 $109.24 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200390752 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108626 11/24/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 171.25 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC Totals Invoices 1 $171.25 Vendor 49740 - JED HIRSCHFELD 2531207 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #108627 02/07/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 200.00 Vendor 49740 - JED HIRSCHFELD Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 6 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 59 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49604 - HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES 6304 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108628 12/28/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 800.00 6330 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108628 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 800.00 Vendor 49604 - HOUSTON MAGNANI AND ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 2 $1,600.00 Vendor 40316 - JONES HALL 073021 Legal-Regular Paid by Check #108629 07/30/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 4,000.00 120721 Legal-Regular Paid by Check #108629 12/07/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,500.00 122921 Legal-Regular Paid by Check #108629 12/29/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,500.00 Vendor 40316 - JONES HALL Totals Invoices 3 $9,000.00 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 152373 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108630 01/21/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,371.20 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC Totals Invoices 1 $2,371.20 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST 9568834 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108631 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 49.36 9568958 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108631 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 86.05 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST Totals Invoices 2 $135.41 Vendor 17350 - LAKESIDE NAPA Dec 21 Stmt Automotive, Shop Supplies & Small Tools Paid by Check #108632 01/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,478.49 Vendor 17350 - LAKESIDE NAPA Totals Invoices 1 $3,478.49 Vendor 49725 - LAKESIDE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL 013771357 Buildings Paid by Check #108633 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 150.00 Vendor 49725 - LAKESIDE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL Totals Invoices 1 $150.00 Vendor 22200 - LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE Jan 22 Stmt Shop Supplies & Small Tools Paid by Check #108634 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 495.83 Vendor 22200 - LANGENFELD ACE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $495.83 Vendor 45135 - LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 6610040185 Lund Boat 14'Paid by Check #108635 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 114.84 71700397207 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by Check #108635 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 198.54 Vendor 45135 - LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Totals Invoices 2 $313.38 Vendor 49742 - DAVID LESAGE 3365204 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #108636 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 200.00 Vendor 49742 - DAVID LESAGE Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES FEBRUARY2022 ELECTRICITY Paid by Check #108637 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 53,484.37 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 7 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 60 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES Totals Invoices 1 $53,484.37 Vendor 49065 - Life Technologies Corporation 80457038 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #108638 12/02/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,864.26 Vendor 49065 - Life Technologies Corporation Totals Invoices 1 $2,864.26 Vendor 47903 - LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC 68426292 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108639 01/22/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 364.82 68541012 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108639 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 247.33 68542782 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108639 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 71.56 Vendor 47903 - LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC Totals Invoices 3 $683.71 Vendor 17900 - MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 72287906 Forest Mountain Tank Coating Paid by Check #108640 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 295.87 Vendor 17900 - MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 1 $295.87 Vendor 21701 - THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC 89312 Bijou #2 & #3 Waterline Replacement Paid by Check #108641 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,339.54 Vendor 21701 - THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC Totals Invoices 1 $2,339.54 Vendor 43123 - MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 23701354 Luther Pass Pump Station Paid by Check #108642 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,268.17 Vendor 43123 - MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 1 $1,268.17 Vendor 19200 - NELS TAHOE HARDWARE Dec 21 Stmt Shop Supplies & Small Tools Paid by Check #108643 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 405.42 Vendor 19200 - NELS TAHOE HARDWARE Totals Invoices 1 $405.42 Vendor 48813 - NORTH TAHOE PUD RTNGNTPUD84 NTPUD RELEASE RETENTION DWR PROP 84 Paid by Check #108644 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 3,549.58 Vendor 48813 - NORTH TAHOE PUD Totals Invoices 1 $3,549.58 Vendor 43796 - NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC 27379 Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Paid by Check #108645 11/11/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 275.49 Vendor 43796 - NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC Totals Invoices 1 $275.49 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Jan 22 Stmt Shop Supplies & Automotive Paid by Check #108646 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 232.13 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Totals Invoices 1 $232.13 Vendor 48306 - OUTSIDE INTEGRATED MEDIA LLC 28458 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108647 09/01/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,011.00 28879 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108647 10/05/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 2,011.00 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 8 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 61 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48306 - OUTSIDE INTEGRATED MEDIA LLC Totals Invoices 2 $4,022.00 Vendor 21116 - RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL 0004304277 Bowers, Bijou #2 & #3 Waterline Replacement Paid by Check #108648 12/17/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 806.00 Vendor 21116 - RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL Totals Invoices 1 $806.00 Vendor 49105 - Robotic Sewer Solutions Inc TAH003 Infiltration & Inflow Paid by Check #108649 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 48,600.00 Vendor 49105 - Robotic Sewer Solutions Inc Totals Invoices 1 $48,600.00 Vendor 44856 - SCIENTIFIC CONSUMABLES & INSTRUMENTATION 76614 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #108650 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 45.00 Vendor 44856 - SCIENTIFIC CONSUMABLES & INSTRUMENTATION Totals Invoices 1 $45.00 Vendor 49140 - SIERRA BUSINESS COUNCIL Jan 2022 Contractual Services Paid by Check #108651 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,000.00 Vendor 49140 - SIERRA BUSINESS COUNCIL Totals Invoices 1 $1,000.00 Vendor 48622 - SIERRA ECOTONE SOLUTIONS 1093 Pioneer Tr Waterline Golden Bear to Pine Valley Paid by Check #108652 02/03/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 4,705.00 Vendor 48622 - SIERRA ECOTONE SOLUTIONS Totals Invoices 1 $4,705.00 Vendor 44594 - SOLENIS LLC 131933681 Polymer Paid by Check #108653 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 27,095.28 Vendor 44594 - SOLENIS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $27,095.28 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC 220122-53 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108654 01/22/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 49.00 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC Totals Invoices 1 $49.00 Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Jan 22 Stmt Refuse Disposal Paid by Check #108655 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 3,455.02 Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Totals Invoices 1 $3,455.02 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS FEBRUARY2022 NATURAL GAS Paid by Check #108656 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 29,963.31 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS Totals Invoices 1 $29,963.31 Vendor 48774 - SQUAW VALLEY PUBLIC SER DIST RTNGSVPSD84 SVPSD RELEASE RETENTION DWR PROP 84 Paid by Check #108657 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,168.10 Vendor 48774 - SQUAW VALLEY PUBLIC SER DIST Totals Invoices 1 $1,168.10 Vendor 49064 - STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 9 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 62 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 3498804852 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #108658 01/29/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 202.54 Vendor 49064 - STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Totals Invoices 1 $202.54 Vendor 49576 - JOSEPH STUMPH 154640252 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108659 01/20/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 57.25 OP15417 Travel - Meetings - Education Paid by Check #108659 02/05/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 150.00 Vendor 49576 - JOSEPH STUMPH Totals Invoices 2 $207.25 Vendor 48218 - SUSAN LINDSTROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL 011422 Bijou, Herbert, Apache, Pioneer & LT Blvd Waterline Paid by Check #108660 01/14/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 9,993.00 Vendor 48218 - SUSAN LINDSTROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL Totals Invoices 1 $9,993.00 Vendor 48511 - SWRCB/DWOCP 49245 D3 2022 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #108661 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 130.00 Vendor 48511 - SWRCB/DWOCP Totals Invoices 1 $130.00 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Jan 22 Stmt Biosolid & Refuse Disposal Costs Paid by Check #108662 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 13,960.28 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Totals Invoices 1 $13,960.28 Vendor 49032 - TAHOE BEACH & SKI CLUB Jan 22 Stmt Standby Accommodations Paid by Check #108663 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 106.30 Vendor 49032 - TAHOE BEACH & SKI CLUB Totals Invoices 1 $106.30 Vendor 48886 - TAHOE CITY PUD RTNGTCPUD84 TCPUD RELEASE RETENTION DWR PROP 84 Paid by Check #108664 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 4,268.03 Vendor 48886 - TAHOE CITY PUD Totals Invoices 1 $4,268.03 Vendor 45148 - TAHOE EARTH DAY FOUNDATION 2022 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108665 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,500.00 Vendor 45148 - TAHOE EARTH DAY FOUNDATION Totals Invoices 1 $1,500.00 Vendor 47830 - TAHOE RESOURCE CONS DISTRICT RTNGTRCD84 TRCD RELEASE RETENTION DWR PROP 84 Paid by Check #108666 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 13,468.01 Vendor 47830 - TAHOE RESOURCE CONS DISTRICT Totals Invoices 1 $13,468.01 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE 1039 Standby Accommodations Paid by Check #108667 01/26/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,425.00 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE Totals Invoices 1 $1,425.00 Vendor 49731 - TANGENT INC Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 10 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 63 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount INV-02614-F2Q7R2 Service Contracts Paid by Check #108668 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 500.00 Vendor 49731 - TANGENT INC Totals Invoices 1 $500.00 Vendor 49343 - THE UNION IN8683 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 11/30/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 378.00 IN8684 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 11/30/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 298.00 IN8685 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108669 11/30/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 578.00 IN10130 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 468.00 IN10131 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108669 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 767.00 IN10132 Bijou #2 & #3 Waterline Replacement Paid by Check #108669 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 340.96 IN10133 Waterline, Bowers Paid by Check #108669 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 340.96 IN10134 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 12/31/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 136.97 IN16033 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #108669 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 767.00 IN16107 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 587.00 IN16108 Ads-Legal Notices Paid by Check #108669 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 150.39 Vendor 49343 - THE UNION Totals Invoices 11 $4,812.28 Vendor 48533 - TRUCKEE RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL RTNGTRWC84 TRWC RELEASE RETENTION DWR PROP 84 Paid by Check #108670 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 13,155.85 Vendor 48533 - TRUCKEE RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL Totals Invoices 1 $13,155.85 Vendor 49743 - JANET E TURK 3381202 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #108671 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 200.00 Vendor 49743 - JANET E TURK Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 43718 - USA BLUE BOOK 849271 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108672 01/18/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 805.29 854959 Secondary Equipment Paid by Check #108672 01/24/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 886.80 864222 Ponderosa Sewer Flow Meter Paid by Check #108672 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 5,674.48 Vendor 43718 - USA BLUE BOOK Totals Invoices 3 $7,366.57 Vendor 15155 - USDA FOREST SERVICE BF051900AC615 Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by Check #108673 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 29,808.95 Vendor 15155 - USDA FOREST SERVICE Totals Invoices 1 $29,808.95 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC 737763 Small Tools Paid by Check #108674 01/18/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 107.35 738481 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108674 01/21/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 882.61 740559 Buildings Paid by Check #108674 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 18.37 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC Totals Invoices 3 $1,008.33 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 11 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 64 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 19025830-1 Repair Clamps Inventory Paid by Check #108675 11/11/2021 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 1,476.99 39095227 Supplies Paid by Check #108675 01/03/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 94.48 39104444 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108675 01/10/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 249.31 39104445 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108675 01/10/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 31.16 39116944 Small Tools Paid by Check #108675 01/14/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 538.71 19103696 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #108675 01/18/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 4,190.79 19042594 Meters & Parts Inventory Paid by Check #108675 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 22,258.95 39125250 Replace Taylor Creek SPS Pump #2 Paid by Check #108675 01/25/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 552.30 19042594-1 Meters & Parts Inventory Paid by Check #108675 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 10,727.10 39132055 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108675 01/27/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 608.06 19129880 Biosolids Equipment - Building Paid by Check #108675 01/28/2022 02/17/2022 01/31/2022 02/17/2022 211.05 18915814-2 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by Check #108675 02/07/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,166.67 19043562-2 Saddles & Fittings Inventory Paid by Check #108675 02/07/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 583.34 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Totals Invoices 13 $42,688.91 Vendor 49744 - CHRISTOPHER WHATFORD 3337136 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #108676 02/01/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 200.00 Vendor 49744 - CHRISTOPHER WHATFORD Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 43555 - WONDERWARE CALIFORNIA 392614 Pump Stations Paid by Check #108677 02/02/2022 02/17/2022 02/28/2022 02/17/2022 1,773.54 Vendor 43555 - WONDERWARE CALIFORNIA Totals Invoices 1 $1,773.54 Grand Totals Invoices 197 $577,351.06 Run by Gregory Dupree on 02/09/2022 01:45:38 PM Page 12 of 12 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/17/22 - 02/17/22 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing Rebecca Diettinger void chk #106522 $(94.06) Rebecca Diettinger reissue chk #108533 $94.06 Duane Wallace void chk #1085541 $(101.03) Duane Wallace reissue chk #108534 $101.03 Cardno Entrix INC chk #108530 $58,093.75 Atticus Judd chk #108531 $115.08 UPS Freight chk #108532 $1,188.92 ________________________________________________ 02/17/2022 P.O.C Total $636,748.81 65 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 17, 2022 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Yolo County Superior Court Case CV 2021-1686, Alpine County vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District; et al. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John A. Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 66