HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video SurveyFrom:Shannon Cotulla
To:"Kvistad, Gary"; Richard Solbrig; Chris Stanley
Cc:John Thiel; Ivo Bergsohn; Melonie Guttry; Shelly Thomsen; Robitaille, April
Subject:RE: South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video Survey
Date:Wednesday, December 12, 2018 10:49:42 AM
Chris pointed out that we have allowed third parties to cctv our system in the past. Here are some
possible edits.
Shannon Cotulla
Assistant General Manager
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Office: (530) 543-6206
Cell: (530) 208-8939
From: Kvistad, Gary [mailto:GKvistad@bhfs.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 9:54 AMTo: Richard Solbrig; Chris Stanley; Shannon CotullaCc: John Thiel; Ivo Bergsohn; Melonie Guttry; Shelly Thomsen; Robitaille, AprilSubject: RE: South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video Survey
All, below is the suggested response to Peter Gorman of PES. Please feel free to edit the draft
response, no pride in authorship. We are available if you would like to discuss.
Mr. Gorman,
The District has considered PES’ request to access certain wastewater collection pipelines owned by
the District. The access would be to perform a closed-circuit television (CCTV) video survey of the
sewer lines located in Tucker Avenue, Glorene Avenue, and Lake Tahoe Boulevard which would
require hydro-cleaning prior to performing the video survey. We understand from your
communications that the proposed work is required by the Responsible Parties work plan submitted
to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) pursuant to an order issued by the
Water Board (Cleanup and Abatement Order R6T-2017-0022). While the District supports of the
Regional Board’s efforts to obtain remediation of the PCE plume, the District cannot provide hydro-
cleaning services as that would be considered a gift of public funds which is prohibited by California
law. The District does not allow third party hydro-cleaning of it’s facilities for health and safety
reasons. As I am sure you are aware, CCTV’ing of sewer mains without hydro-cleaning in advance is
ineffective and occasionally leads to equipment being stuck in the sewer main. For these r3easons,
the District us unable to allow access to it’s facilities. the District does not allow third parties to
access it wastewater collection system for health and safety reasons. Further, even if the District
were to allow PES access to the wastewater collection system, the District could not provide the
requested assistance as that would be a gift of public funds which is prohibited by California law.
While the District is not inclined to allow PES access to its wastewater collection system, the District
can provide information to PES to satisfy the Regional Board’s request regarding preferential
pathways, at least with respect to the District’s wastewater collection system. In 1997, the District
retained Agra Earth and Environmental to perform an investigation in response to a Regional Board
request in the mid-1990s to determine if the District’s backfilled trenches for its wastewater
collection pipelines were acting as a conduit to spread PCE in the South Y area. A copy of the study
is attached to this email. As you will see, no PCE was detected in the backfill material around the
wastewater collection pipelines. As a result, NO PCE could be leaking into the wastewater collection
pipelines. This investigation was performed at a time when the PCE contamination was much more
localized and concentrated in the immediate South Y area as compared to the significantly enlarged
plume today. If the District’s backfilled trenches for its wastewater collection pipelines were acting
as a conduit to spread PCE, the higher localized concentrations of PCE would more likely have been
detected at that time due. However, no PCE was detected in the wastewater collection pipelines.
We believe that this information will satisfy the Regional Board’s request to investigate preferential
pathway at least with respect to the District’s wastewater collection system. The District is providing
a copy of the 1997 study to the Regional Board for their information and reference.
As to one other related matter, PES has contacted various individuals at the District with respect to
its PCE investigation efforts. The District requests that all future communications with the District be
directed to Ivo Bergsohn, the District hydrogeologist. He can be reached at (530)543-6204 or
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,
Chris Stanley
From: Richard Solbrig [mailto:rsolbrig@stpud.dst.ca.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 2:45 PMTo: Chris Stanley; Shannon Cotulla; Kvistad, GaryCc: John Thiel; Ivo Bergsohn; Melonie Guttry; Shelly ThomsenSubject: RE: South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video Survey
The District has a PDF file from an investigation that Ivo performed for the District while he was
employed at Agra Earth and Environmental in 1997. The purpose was to determine if the District’s
sewers were the source of spreading the PCE in the South Y area. No evidence was uncovered to
support this contention. This information should be shared with PES as part of their Public Record
Act request, as well as with the LRWQCB. The District performed the study in response to the
LRWQCB staff requesting this information back in the 1990’s. A PCE contamination case had
occurred in believe in Lodi where the Central Valley Regional Board held Lodi at least partially
responsible for the contamination due to PCE traveling along the sanitary sewer lines(despite what
Doug Smith said at our meeting last week).
Since the District determined that our sewers are not an issue, staff believes this is a wasted effort
for PES; we don’t want them in and around our sewer lines to begin with; and will allow the LRWQCB
staff to keep the focus on PCE cleanup rather than what role they can get the District to play in its
cleanup(I felt that Doug Smith’s answer was too quick in responding that the District had no liability).
From: Chris Stanley Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 2:24 PM
To: Shannon Cotulla; Richard Solbrig; Gary Kvistad (gkvistad@hatchparent.com)(gkvistad@hatchparent.com)Subject: FW: South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video Survey
I received this just now.
From: Peter D. Gorman [mailto:pgorman@pesenv.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 2:16 PMTo: Chris StanleyCc: Kyle S. Flory; Andy Safford; Grey, Brian@WaterboardsSubject: South Y Area - Access to Sanitary Sewer for CCTV Video Survey
Dear Mr. Stanley,
I am following up on previous conversations and a voice mail message regarding a request for access
to sanitary sewer pipelines owned by the Public Utility District. The access is for the purpose of
performing a closed-circuit television (CCTV) video survey of the sewer lines located in Tucker
Avenue, Glorene Avenue, and Lake Tahoe Boulevard. We spoke twice on November 14th regarding
PES’s request for access and I explained this proposed work is required by a work plan approved by
the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) pursuant to an order issued by the Water
Board (Cleanup and Abatement Order R6T-2017-0022). The Water Board is requesting we complete
this work as quickly as possible. Based on our initial conversations, I understood that there would
not be any issues in accessing these lines.
On November 16th, I received a voicemail from you indicating that STPUD had concerns regarding
access, and that we should expect a letter from STPUD shortly thereafter. As of today, we have not
received that letter. Could you please describe the concerns/questions and let me know when we
will be receiving the aforementioned letter? We would like to resolve any issues and continue with
the work required by the Water Board as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Peter D. Gorman, C.HG.
Associate Hydrogeologist
PES Environmental, Inc.
7665 Redwood Boulevard, Suite 200
Novato, California 94945
Office: 415.899.1600
Fax: 415.899.1601
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