HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ Access Agreement Clement Wells - Working Parties Redline Edits 2From:Ivo Bergsohn
To:"Paul Hoffey"
Cc:Andy Safford
Bcc:gkvistad@bhfs.com; John Thiel
Subject:RE: Access Agreement Clement Wells - Working Parties Redline Edits
Date:Friday, February 1, 2019 7:59:47 AM
Hi Paul-
Attached is a final version of the Agreement assuming concurrence from SSLP. Please also work to
have the other requested endorsements to complete the Certificate of Insurance.
I don’t believe there will be any issue if you were to reschedule for next Wednesday. Attached are
site photos showing the CL-2 monitoring well. Both CL-1 and CL-2 locations are staked. Your crews
will be responsible for uncovering these wellheads for its sampling.
Ivo Bergsohn, PG, HG
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
From: Paul Hoffey [mailto:phoffey@ekiconsult.com] Sent: Friday, February 01, 2019 6:47 AMTo: Ivo BergsohnCc: Andy SaffordSubject: RE: Access Agreement Clement Wells - Working Parties Redline Edits
Hi Ivo,
The latest version of the AA from STPUD is acceptable to Fox and they are getting concurrence from
SSLP. We hope to get an executed AA back to you either by EOD today or Monday.
We are still planning to conduct the well sampling Tuesday am, however, there is a chance that we
might want to move it to Wednesday am. Let me know if Wednesday am would be an issue for
STPUD providing access.
Thank you, Paul
From: Ivo Bergsohn <Ibergsohn@stpud.dst.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:15 PM
To: Paul Hoffey <phoffey@ekiconsult.com>
Cc: Andy Safford <asafford@ekiconsult.com>
Subject: RE: Access Agreement Clement Wells - Working Parties Redline Edits
Importance: High
Hi Paul-
I received the attached version of the Access Agreement from our legal counsel this morning which
incorporates the revisions from the Working Parties provided in your redline(see attached). Let me
know if this is version of the Access Agreement is acceptable.
Thanks for also providing the Certificate of Insurance. If possible, can you also provide copies of the
cross liability and severability of interest endorsement and waiver of any and all transfer rights of
recovery against the additionally insured for all policies as requested under Item 5.4 of the
Agreement. These endorsements appear to be missing.
Ivo Bergsohn, PG, HG
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
From: Paul Hoffey [mailto:phoffey@ekiconsult.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12:20 PMTo: Ivo BergsohnCc: Andy SaffordSubject: Access Agreement Clement Wells - Working Parties Redline Edits
Hi Ivo,
As discussed yesterday, attached is a redline version of the Draft Access Agreement with Working
Parties’ suggested edits. We would like access to the wells for sampling starting around 7 am on
Tuesday, February 5, weather permitting.
Also attached is EKI’s Certificate of Insurance, as required by the Agreement.
Thank you for your assistance. -Paul
Paul B. Hoffey
Principal Environmental Scientist
(formerly known as Erler & Kalinowski, Inc.)Office: 720-200-3150 | Cell: 303-870-9821phoffey@ekiconsult.com www.ekiconsult.com
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