HomeMy WebLinkAboutItm 4_South Y PCE_Jun19_TAC_KJ-061819AGENDA ITEM 4. FEASIBILITY STUDY Infrastructure Needs Life-Cycle Costs Initial Study Checklists FEASIBILITY STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS CONSIDERATIONS •Sizing Based on Demands •Pipe Sizing to Convey Range of Estimated Pumping •Treatment Sizing to Meet Demands •Storage? •Location of New Facilities •Length of New Piping •Tie Into Distribution System •Other New Infrastructure •Raw/Treated Water Pump Stations •Electrical and Facility Piping •Structures/Building Tahoe Keys Well No. 1 STPUD – LBWC Intertie CONVERSION OF MODEL FLOWS TO INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS •Model Pumping Based on Pumping Data •Monthly Total System Pumping 2005 – 2018 •Annual Pumping by Well 2009 – 2018 •Infrastructure Sizing Process: •Identify Max Monthly Production per season •Summer = May through September •Winter = October through April •Calculate ADD, MDD, PHD Based on California Waterworks Standards •Distribute Pumping According to Portion of Historical Annual Pumping By Well •Fire Flow not Included – Assume Supplied by STPUD Intertie FEASIBILITY STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS BASE FLOW ASSUMPTIONS Summer ADD (MGD) MDD (MGD) PHD (MG/Hr) Max Month (MG) LBWC 1.0 1.4 0.09 28.5 (Sept 2010) TKWC 1.9 2.9 0.18 59.6 (July 2018) STPUD 11.0 16.5 1.03 329.5 (June 2009) Winter ADD (MGD) MDD (MGD) PHD (MG/Hr) Max Month (MG) LBWC 0.35 0.52 0.03 10.8 (Oct 2013) TKWC 0.90 1.35 0.08 28.0 (Oct 2011) STPUD 5.76 8.64 0.54 178.5 (Oct 2009) •Summer and Winter Base Flow Assumptions calculated using the method described in California Waterworks Standards, Chapter 16 §64554. New and Existing Source Capacity. •Assumed Peaking Factors: •MDD = 1.5 x ADD •PHD = 1.5 x MDD •ADD Based on 2014-2018 LBWC and 2009-2018 TKWC and STPUD South Y Pumping Data •Alternative 1 – Base Treatment •No new infrastructure •Alternative 2 – Targeted Pumping •New Piping Needed for increased pumping at TKWC 2 (with GAC) •Option 1 Install New 12” at TKWC 2/Abandon Existing 8” •Option 2 Install Parallel New 4” at TKWC 2 •Piping at LBWC 5 (with GAC) adequate Tahoe Keys Well No. 1 Upsize Piping for TKWC 2 FEASIBILITY STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS ALTERNATIVES 1 AND 2 Alternative 2 STPUD – LBWC Intertie FEASIBILITY STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS ALTERNATIVE 3 CONVERSION TO SURFACE WATER TREATMENT •Intake Structure on Lake Tahoe •Centralized Membrane Water Treatment Facility •New Raw Water/Treated Water Pipelines and Pump Stations •Electrical and Facility Piping •Storage? Tahoe Keys Well No. 1 STPUD – LBWC Intertie Potential WTP Locations Potential Lake Intake Location STPUD – LBWC Intertie FEASIBILITY STUDY LIFE-CYCLE COSTS – ALTERNATIVE 1 •Base Treatment •Existing GAC Change Out •Existing Chlorine •Existing Energy •Well Pumping •Associated Facilities •Existing Labor •Other Existing O&M •Cost of Water Purchased from STPUD FEASIBILITY STUDY LIFE-CYCLE COSTS – ALTERNATIVE 2 •Targeted Pumping •Additional GAC Change Out •Chlorine •Additional Energy •Well Pumping •Associated Facilities •Additional Labor •Other Additional O&M •Cost of Water Purchased from STPUD FEASIBILITY STUDY LIFE-CYCLE COSTS – ALTERNATIVE 3 •Conversion to Surface Water Treatment •Permitting •Energy •Treatment Process •Associated Facilities •Treatment •Chemicals/Membrane change out •Labor •Maintenance •Disposal •Other Additional O&M FEASIBILITY STUDY LIFE-CYCLE COSTS – REQUEST FOR INFORMATION •On an annual basis: •What is the existing cost for GAC change out at TKWC 2? •What is the existing cost for GAC backwash at TKWC 2? •What is the existing cost for chlorine? •What is the existing cost of labor? •What is the cost of energy for each well in 2018? •What is the miscellaneous cost of energy? (e.g. Buildings, etc.) •What is the cost of water purchased from STPUD? •What are the other costs for O&M? INITIAL STUDY CHECKLISTS •CEQA Initial Study Checklist and TRPA Initial Environmental Checklist (TRPA-IEC) •Air Quality •GHG Emissions •Hazards and Hazardous Materials •Hydrology and Water Quality •Noise •Utilities and Service Systems •Estimated Cost of Mitigation TAC DISCUSSION RE FEASIBILITY STUDY