HomeMy WebLinkAboutSL0601754315_SIR_E2C_09.22.2008E2C Remediation Environmental Engineering, Consulting and Remediation, Inc . ~ .._ ______ r SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT OF FINDINGS Lake Tahoe Laundry Works 1024 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, California Project Number: 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 Prepared For: Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Attorneys At Law One Sansome Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, CA 94104 Prepared By: E2C Remediation Environmental/Engineering Consultants 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 5300 Woodmere Drive, Suite :105, Bakersfield, CA 93313 tel 661 .831 .6906 fax 661 .831 .6234 www.e2cr.net DISCUSSION OF SITE INVEST/GA TION FINDINGS This investigation evaluated conditions in two (2) water-bearing zones beneath and near the Site: 1) an upper Shallow Zone Aquifer (SZA); and 2) a Middle Zone Aquifer (MZA). 1 Stratigraphic Relationships Initial soils encountered in all soil borings advanced under this investigatiot:l initially encountered fill materials to depths ranging from 6-9 feet bgs, dependent upon location. Along Lake Tahoe Boulevard, fill generally was found to approximately eight (8) feet bgs with old road base materials encountered at approximately 5-6 feet bgs. Soils immediately underlying the fill materials generally consisted of unconsolidated sands with occasional gravel. The top of the SZA was generally encountered within the top few feet of these underlying sands. At five (5) of the locations (LW-MW-1, LW-MW-2, LW-MW-3, LW- MW-4, and LW-MW-5) the bottom of the was defined by a thin layer (one to 2.5 feet in thickness), or thin layers of silt alternating with sands (dependent upon location). At three (3) of the investigative locations (LW-MW-6, LW-MW-7 and LW-MW-8) no SZA bottom-defining silt layer was encountered. This indicates that the silt layer that defines the bottom of the SZA is laterally continuous in varying thickness across the western portion of the Site (see Figures 4 and 5); however, it is laterally discontinuous along the eastern portion of the Site (see Figures 4, 6 and 7). Underlying the silt at the of the SZA (where silt was encountered) were sands of varying coarseness and color to the bottom depths of the investigation. This zone has been classified as the MZA. The bottom of this zone was defined by a thin layer of silt at only four (4) of the investigative locations LW-MW-4 (MZA bottom-defining silt was 1.5 feet thick), LW-MW-6 (MZA bottom-defining silt was 0.3-foot thick), LW-MW-7 (MZA bottom-defining silt was one-foot thick) and LW-MW-8 (MZA bottom-defining silt was one-foot thick). No MZA bottom-defining silt was encountered at locations LW-MW-1, LW-MW-2, LW-MW-3, and LW-MW-5. A silty sand lense approximately two (2) feet in thickness was encountered near the bottom of LW-MW-1; however, this unit was saturated and 'flowed into the sampling drive rod when the sampling device was driven and, therefore, cannot be classified as the bottom-defining silt layer for the MZA at the LW-MW-1 D location. 3.2 Soil Chemical Conditions vinyl chloride (VC), Trans-1,2-DCE cis-1 and 1,2-DCA were reported in soil samples collected during this investigation (see Table 2 for summary of data). Note: Methylene chloride (MC) was reported in most of the soil samples; however, the MC is likely a lab artifact as MC is frequently used in the analytical extraction process. 3.2.1 Vadose Zone and SZA The contaminant concentrations reported were generally low, except at the LW-MW-1 S boring where was reported at a concentration of 410 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg) at the 7- foot depth, which indicates a zone of source material in that area. However, plots of in indicate that there likely two (2) soii source areas for the impact found in the SZA: 1) in the area of boring LW-MW-1 · and 2) northwest and north of the area encompassed by LW-MW-4, LW-MW-7 and LW-MW-8 (see Figures 4A, 48, 4C, 5A, 58, SC, 6A, 68, 6C, 7 A, 78, and for plots of TCE and cis ... 1 in cross-section). MZA Soils MZA soil samples were collected from saturated materials within the MZA. The reported contaminant concentrations in the MZA beneath the L TL W Site were generally low and reflective of the submerged conditions, as the concentrations were generally comparable with those of the MZA groundwater. This suggests that the concentrations reported in the MZA soils migrated into the LTLW area in the MZA water, which indicates an offsite source area for the impact to the MZA beneath the L TLW Site. The soil concentrations are roughly approximate to the concentrations reported in groundwater. This difference is likely due to the sorbed mass and grain coating of contaminants that are extracted during the analytical preparation process. For example, the PCE in the MZA groundwater sample from LW-MW-1 D was 137 µg/L (see Table 1A), whereas the from the 38-foot depth in LW-MW-1 D boring was mg/Kg (see Table 2). Using the 38-foot soil sample and the groundwater collected from the same interval in LW-MW- 1 D, a Sorption Coefficient (soil-water ratio) (Kp) can be calculated using the following formula: Kp(L/ == I IL) 2.41L/ Kg= I +0.l37mg/L The soil-water partitioning coefficient (Koc) is 1 for PCE 'Draft Groundwater Information Sheet, PCE', SWRCB-Division of Clean Water Programs Groundwater Special tsa~~ea on this PCE and the calculated above, we can then calculate the Carbon (Foe) that would be required within the soils to maintain equilibrium EPA, 1990, 'Basic Concepts of Contaminant Sorption at Hazardous Waste Sites', Ground Water Issue, EPA/540/4-90/053). The relationship of Foe to Koc is expressed in the following formula: Kp+FOC Therefore: 2.4 lL/ FOC = 2.41L/ The Foe for the subsurface materials from the 38-foot depth (soils within the MZA) would then be approximately 1 This percentage compares favorably with what would be reasonably expected at the Site. A world-wide study was conducted to evaluate Foe on a variety of soils from different areas in the United States and China. Foe ranged from 0.11 % to 4.1 Soil samples from the United States ranged from 1.03-2.25%, whereas bed-sediment samples from the United States ranged from 0.40-2.20% (Chiou, C.T. and Kile, 2000, 'Contaminant Sorption by Soil and Bed Sediment, Is There A Difference?', U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 087-00). Aiso supporting the offsite source scenario is the occurrence of chlorinated solvents and breakdown products in soil samples collected at depth in LW-MW-40 (0.713 µg/Kg PCE at 45.5 feet bgs) and LW-MW-70 (0.82 mg/Kg at 40.5 feet bgs) borings. It should be noted that the concentrations of PCE in these soil samples are up to an order of magnitude higher than the concentrations reported in groundwater samples from these wells. This clearly indicates the presence of an off site soil source to the north, because groundwater transport alone cannot account for this order of magnitude difference. 9 Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Figures FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2A Site Plan Figure 2B Site Plan with Cross-Section Transects Figure 3 SZA Groundwater Gradient Plot 8/13/08 Figure 3A SZA Groundwater Gradient Plot Figure 3AA SZA Groundwater Gradient Plot 9/9/08 Figure 3B MZA Groundwater Gradient Plot Figure 3BB MZA Groundwater Gradient Plot 9/14/08 Figure 3BC MZA Groundwater Gradient Plot 8/13/08 Figure 4 Cross-Section A-A’ Figure 4A Cross-Section A-A’ Soil PCE Figure 4B Cross-Section A-A’ Soil TCE Figure 4C Cross-Section A-A’ Soil cis-1,2-DCE Figure 5 Cross-Section B-B’ Figure 5A Cross-Section B-B’ Soil PCE Figure 5B Cross-Section B-B’ Soil TCE Figure 5C Cross-Section B-B’ Soil cis-1,2-DCE Figure 6 Cross-Section C-C’ Figure 6A Cross-Section C-C’ Soil PCE Figure 6B Cross-Section C-C’ Soil TCE Figure 6C Cross-Section C-C’ Soil cis-1,2-DCE Figure 7 Cross-Section D-C’ Figure 7A Cross-Section D-D’ Soil PCE Figure 7B Cross-Section D-D’ Soil TCE Figure 7C Cross-Section D-D’ Soil cis-1,2-DCE Figure 8A SZA PCE Isoconcentration Plot Figure 8B SZA TCE Isoconcentration Plot Figure 8C SZA cis-1,2-DCE Isoconcentration Plot Figure 9A MZA PCE Isoconcentration Plot Figure 9B MZA TCE Isoconcentration Plot Figure 9C MZA cis-1,2-DCE Isoconcentration Plot FIGURE 1Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 SITE SITE LOCATION MAP LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 2ASITE PLAN 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW-MW-3S LW--MW3D LW-MW-1S LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5S LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7S LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6S LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4S LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2S LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8S LW-MW-8D LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 2BSITE PLAN WITH CROSS-SECTION TRANSECTS 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-38M MW-45M LW-MW-3S LW--MW3D LW-MW-1S LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5S LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7S LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6S LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4S LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2S LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8S LW-MW-8D A A ’BB’C ’C D’ D LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 3AGROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT SHALLOW ZONE 9/9/08 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW-MW-3S LW-MW-1S LW-MW-5S LW-MW-7S LW-MW-6S LW-MW-4S LW-MW-2S LW-MW-8S 6255.17 6253.72 6253.59 6254.57 6252.74 6254.94 6255.13 6254.41 2564 62 53 ???2565 ??????? LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 3AAGROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT SHALLOW ZONE 9/14/08 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-38M MW-45M LW-MW-3S LW-MW-1S LW-MW-5S LW-MW-7S LW-MW-6S LW-MW-4S LW-MW-2S LW-MW-8S 6255.01 6253.52 6253.36 6254.39 6252.70 6255.03 6254.73 6254.18 2564 6 2 5 3 ? 6255 ????????? LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 3BGROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT MIDDLE ZONE 9/9/08 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW--MW3D LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8D 6248.11 6247.37 6245.59 6248.65 6245.40 6254.30 6250.79 6252.70 6246.15 6 25 06 2 4 8 6246 2625????? ??????? ELAK TA H O E B O U L E V A R DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 FIGURE 3BBGROUNDWATER GRADIENT PLOT MIDDLE ZONE 9/14/08 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D ? MW-45M MW-38M LW-MW-3D LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8D 6245.87 6247.09 6245.98 6248.34 6245.18 6254.07 6250.53 6252.49 6245.91 ? ? 6252 26 48 6246 4625?????2 5 06 ?? Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION A - A’ FIGURE 4 LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML AA A’A’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 L W-8D/8S W-M L W-8D/8S W-M LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) eLW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) e W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W / LW-M -1D 1 S W / LW-M -1D 1 S 8/1/08 7/29/08 8/1/08 7/24/08 7/30/08 8/4/08 7/28/08 7/11/08 7/15/08 7/17/08 ML FILLFILL FILL FILLFILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW1 ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3SP/SW3 ML ?? 9/9/08 9/9/08 (SZA)9/9/08 (SZA) 9/9/08 (SZA) 9/9/08 (SZA)9/9/08 (SZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) 9/9/08 (MZA) ?ML Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION A - A’ SOIL PCE FIGURE 4A LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML AA A’A’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 L W-8D/8S W-M L W-8D/8S W-M LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) eLW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) e W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W / LW-M -1D 1 S W / LW-M -1D 1 S 7/15/08 7/17/08 ML FILLFILL FILL FILLFILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW1 ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3SP/SW3 ML ?? 410 0.26 0.33 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.33 0.12 0.14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.272 0.106 ND 0.057 0.375 Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) ND ML? ? ? ? ? Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION A - A’ SOIL TCE FIGURE 4B LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML AA A’A’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 L W-8D/8S W-M L W-8D/8S W-M LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) eLW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) e W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W / LW-M -1D 1 S W / LW-M -1D 1 S ML FILLFILL FILL FILLFILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW1 ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3SP/SW3 ML ?? 17 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.35 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) ND ND ML? Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION A - A’ SOIL cis-1,2-DCE FIGURE 4C LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML AA A’A’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 L W-8D/8S W-M L W-8D/8S W-M LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 15 LW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) eLW-MW-5 D/5S (s t back 10’) e W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W 3 L -MW-3D/S b c 4 (set a k 5’)W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W W-/2 L -M 2D S b 5 ) (set ack 3 ’W / LW-M -1D 1 S W / LW-M -1D 1 S ML FILLFILL FILL FILLFILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW1 ? ? SP/SW2 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3SP/SW3 ML ?? 1.2 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.71 ND ND ND ND 0.51 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) ML? E C Remediation2 FIGURE 5Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION B - B’ LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 ? ? 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 W / LW-M -1D 1SW/ LW-M -1D 1S 7/15/08 FILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) 7/17/08 ? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 ML LW-MW-3D/3S LW-MW-3D/3S 8/1/08 7/29/08 W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )NORTHSOUTH 7/31/08 ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML ML ? ? ?? SP/SW3 SP/SW1 ML SM ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL FILL ML ? ?ML E C Remediation2 FIGURE 5APhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION B - B’ SOIL PCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 ? ? 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 W / LW-M -1D 1SW/ LW-M -1D 1S FILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) ? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 ML LW-MW-3D/3S LW-MW-3D/3S W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )NORTHSOUTH ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML ML ? ? ?? SP/SW3 SP/SW1 ML SM ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL FILL ML ? ND 0.33 0.12 0.14 410 0.26 0.33 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.713 ?ML?ML E C Remediation2 FIGURE 5BPhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION B - B’ SOIL TCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 ? ? 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 W / LW-M -1D 1SW/ LW-M -1D 1S FILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) ? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 ML LW-MW-3D/3S LW-MW-3D/3S W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )NORTHSOUTH ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML ML ? ? ?? SP/SW3 SP/SW1 ML SM ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL FILL ML ? ND 0.035 ND ND 17 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ?ML E C Remediation2 FIGURE 5CPhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION B - B’ SOIL cis-1,2-DCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 ? ? 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 W / LW-M -1D 1SW/ LW-M -1D 1S FILLFILL ML SM ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW1SP/SW1 SP/SW3 SP/SW4 LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) LW-MW-2D/2 S b 2 (set ack 1 ’) ? SP/SW2 SP/SW3 ML LW-MW-3D/3S LW-MW-3D/3S W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )W-W /4 L M -4 D S (s e ah ad 7 ’ t e )NORTHSOUTH ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML ML ? ? ?? SP/SW3 SP/SW1 ML SM ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL FILL ML ? ND ND ND ND 1.2 ND ND ND ND ND 0.71 ND ND ND ND ND ?ML Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION C - C’ FIGURE 6 LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML C’C’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’)W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’) W-MW-3 D/3S LW-MW-3 D/3S L W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’)W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’) 8/1/08 7/29/08 8/1/08 7/24/08 7/30/08 8/4/08 7/28/087/17/08 FILLFILLFILL ? ?? ?? SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1SP/SW1 ? SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3 ML ? W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’ 7/31/08 ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 SP/SW3 INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW3 ML ? ? ??? ? ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ML? ? SP/SW1 ? FILL FILL FILLFILL ? CC Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION C - C’ SOIL PCE FIGURE 6A LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML C’C’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’)W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’) W-MW-3 D/3S LW-MW-3 D/3S L W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’)W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’) FILLFILLFILL ? ?? ?? SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1SP/SW1 ? SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3 ML ? W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’ ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 SP/SW3 INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW3 ML ? ? ??? ? ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ML? ? SP/SW1 ? FILL FILL FILLFILL ? CC ND 0.33 0.12 0.14 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.713 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.272 0.106 ND 0.057 0.375 ND Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION C - C’ SOIL TCE FIGURE 6B LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML C’C’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’)W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’) W-MW-3 D/3S LW-MW-3 D/3S L W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’)W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’) FILLFILLFILL ? ?? ?? SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1SP/SW1 ? SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3 ML ? W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’ ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 SP/SW3 INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW3 ML ? ? ??? ? ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ML? ? SP/SW1 ? FILL FILL FILLFILL ? CC ND 0.035 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 CROSS SECTION C - C’ SOIL cis-1,2-DCE FIGURE 6C LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 SP/SW2 SP/SW3 SP/SW3 Horizontal Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Horizontal Scale Vertical Scale: 1.0-inch = 20 feet 0 20 FT Vertical Scale Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW3 MLML C’C’ 00 2020 4040 EASTWEST 6060 1010 3030 5050 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW-M W-8D/8S b (set ack 10’) LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 LW -6 S -MW D/6 t a e ’) (se h ad 20 W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’)W 5 L -MW-5D/S t e 5 (se a h ad 1 ’) W-MW-3 D/3S LW-MW-3 D/3S L W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’)W - L -MW 2D/2S t e (se ah ad 25 ’) FILLFILLFILL ? ?? ?? SP/SW1 SP/SW2 SP/SW1SP/SW1 ? SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand SP/SW3 ML ? W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’W-W /4 L M -4D S t b c k 2 ) (se a 5’ ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 SP/SW3 INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ SP/SW2 SP/SW2 ML SP/SW3 ML ? ? ??? ? ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ML? ? SP/SW1 ? FILL FILL FILLFILL ? CC ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.71 ND ND ND ND ND 0.51 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) E C Remediation2 FIGURE 7Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION D - D’ LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 EASTWEST ? ? ? W-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s hW-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s h 7/31/08 ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL 5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’)5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’) 8/1/08 7/24/08 ML SP/SW3 SP/SW3 MLML S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’)S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’) 8/4/08 FILL SP/SW3 ? SP/SW3 ? SP/SW2SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ? ? ? FILL FILL INTERSECT C-C’INTERSECT C-C’ INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ E C Remediation2 FIGURE 7APhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION D - D’ SOIL PCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 EASTWEST ? ? ? W-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s hW-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s h ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL 5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’)5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’) ML SP/SW3 SP/SW3 MLML S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’)S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’) FILL SP/SW3 ? SP/SW3 ? SP/SW2SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ? ? ? FILL FILL INTERSECT C-C’INTERSECT C-C’ INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ ND ND ND 0.713 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.272 0.106 Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) E C Remediation2 FIGURE 7BPhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION D - D’ SOIL TCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 EASTWEST ? ? ? W-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s hW-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s h ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL 5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’)5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’) ML SP/SW3 SP/SW3 MLML S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’)S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’) FILL SP/SW3 ? SP/SW3 ? SP/SW2SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ? ? ? FILL FILL INTERSECT C-C’INTERSECT C-C’ INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ? ? Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) E C Remediation2 FIGURE 7CPhone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Drive, Ste. 105 Bakersfield, California 93313 CROSS SECTION D - D’ SOIL cis-1,2-DCE LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA B’B’ 00 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 2020 Legend First Encountered Shallow Water ML - Silt; light gray and orange brown with Fe-staining in places SP/SW1 - SM - Silty Sand; reddish gray; generally very fine sands; non-plastic fines SP - Poorly-Graded Sand SW - Well-Graded Sand Shallow Water Table w/date measured Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper in color with occasional moderate yellow brown lenses SP/SW2 -Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; generally salt & pepper lenses with interbedded moderate yellow brown and gray lenses SP/SW3 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; salt and pepper, moderate yellow brown and gray SP/SW4 - Alternating lenses of poorly-graded and well-graded sands; interbedded lenses of gray and orange-brown with occasional Fe-staining; occasional lenses of reddish brown, very fine sand BB 00 2020 4040 6060 1010 3030 5050 EASTWEST ? ? ? W-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s hW-MW-4D/4S L et a ea d107 ’) (s h ML SP/SW3 SP/SW2 ML ? ? SP/SW1 SP/SW3 FILL 5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’)5 LW-MW-5D/S e 5 (set ah ad 2 ’) ML SP/SW3 SP/SW3 MLML S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’)S LW-MW-6 D /6 s a(et b ck 13’) FILL SP/SW3 ? SP/SW3 ? SP/SW2SP/SW2 ML SP/SW1 ? SP/SW1 SP/SW1 SP/SW2 ? ? ? ? FILL FILL INTERSECT C-C’INTERSECT C-C’ INTERSECT B-B’INTERSECT B-B’ INTERSECT A-A’INTERSECT A-A’ ND ND ND ND 0.51 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ? ? Analytical in mg/Kg” ND = Not detected at or above the Method Detection Limit (see Table 2) LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 8ASZA PCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW-MW-3S LW-MW-1S LW-MW-5S LW-MW-7S LW-MW-6S LW-MW-4S LW-MW-2S LW-MW-8S 706 3.00 4.04 24.5 85.1 45.3 85.3 78.4 20 ? ? ??2 0 2 0 0 ND ?? LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 8BSZA TCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW-MW-3S LW-MW-1S LW-MW-5S LW-MW-7S LW-MW-6S LW-MW-4S LW-MW-2S LW-MW-8S 2.52 74 3.50 1.60 11.0 32.8 7.50 ND ? ? N D ND 20 ???N D ND ??2 0 ? ? L A K E T A H O A R O E B U L E V D LOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 FIGURE 8CSZA cis-1,2-DCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT N SB-5 SB-15 SB-4 0 FT F50 T GW-8 MW-38M MW-45M SB-23 SB-8b*SB-8 SB-17 SB-16 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-11 SB-13 SB-14 SB-18 SB-12 SB-6 SB-6b SB-22 SB-10 SB-9 SB-5b SB-7 SB-21 SB-20 SB-19 GW-3 GW-4 GW-2 GW-1 Deep GW-5 GW-7 GW-6 GW-9 GW-1 LW-MW-3S LW-MW-1S LW-MW-5S LW-MW-7S LW-MW-6S LW-MW-4S LW-MW-2S LW-MW-8S 31.0 ND 0.60 2.00 8.04 7.00 24.0 41.3 ND ? ??? N D ND ND ?2 0 2 0 ? ? ? LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D SB-4 Soil Boring/Sampling Location Groundwater Sampling Location USA Site Groundwater Monitoring Well Location MW-38M GW-3 LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 9AMZA PCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW--MW3D LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8D 137 72.3 1.59 100 1.43 83.7 47.5 15.7 3.45 05 50100 ???? ? 10 ???1 0 ???????? LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 MZA TCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 9B 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW--MW3D LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8D 7.10 3.12 ND 5.28 2.6729.8 2.70 ND ND ? N D 2 5 ???ND ? ??? 1 0 ? LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 E C Remediation2 L A K E T A H B O A R O E U L E V DLOGRENEENU AVERALEYSAUTLNDROMAAUTLNDROMA FIGURE 9CMZA cis-1,2-DCE ISOCONCENTRATION PLOT 0 FT F50 T N LEGEND On-Site Dual-Zone Groundwater Monitoring Well Set Off-Site Dual-Zone Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Well Set LW-MW-1S/1D LW-MW-3S/3D MW-45M MW-38M LW--MW3D LW-MW-1D LW-MW-5D LW-MW-7D LW-MW-6D LW-MW-4D LW-MW-2D LW-MW-8D 6.10 ND 20.0 ND 17.0 2.31 4.44 7.10 ND DN ? ? N D N D ?5 ??5 1 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Tables TABLES Table 1A Summary of Site Investigation Groundwater Monitoring Data Table 1B Comparison of Groundwater Elevation Data Table 1C Summary of Site Investigation SZA Groundwater Analytical Data Table 1D Summary of Site Investigation MZA Groundwater Analytical Data Table 2 Summary of Site Investigation Soil Analytical Data Table 3 Summary of Well Construction Details Table 4 Summary of Flow Cell Monitoring Data – September 14, 2008 Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendices APPENDICES Appendix A EDCEM Drilling and Well Destruction Permits Appendix B City of South Lake Tahoe Encroachment Permit Appendix C Site Investigation Boring Logs Appendix D Monitoring Well As-Built Diagrams Appendix E Monitoring Well Development Documentation Appendix F Soil Sample Analytical Laboratory Reports Appendix G Groundwater Sampling Purge Data Sheets Appendix H Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Reports Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix A APPENDIX A EDCEM Drilling and Well Destruction Permits Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix B APPENDIX B City of South Lake Tahoe Encroachment Permit Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix C APPENDIX C Site Investigation Boring Logs Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix D APPENDIX D Monitoring Well As-Built Diagrams NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand in annulus as needed 57 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Hydrated Uncoated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Uncoated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-1 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 3 feet Lonestar #3 Sand in annulus as needed Middle Water-Bearing Zone Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (not found to 57 feet in this boring) Neat-Cement Grout ?? ?? Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing ZoneShallow Water-Bearing Zone 25 feet 1 foot 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 10 feet 14 feet 1 foot 11 feet MW-1D/1S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM 7 feet Uncoated Bentonite Pellets MW-2D/2S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 49.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-2 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 10 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout ?? Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing ZoneShallow Water-Bearing Zone 32.5 feet 1.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 10.5 feet 6.5 feet 1.5 feet 9 feet Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (not found to 49.5 feet in this boring) MW-3D/3S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 50.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-3 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 13 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout ?? Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing ZoneShallow Water-Bearing Zone 33.5 feet 2.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 15 feet 4 feet 2 feet 9 feet Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (not found to 50.5 feet in this boring) 1 foot MW-4D/4S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 45.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-4 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 10 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing ZoneShallow Water-Bearing Zone 30.5 feet 2 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 11 feet 1.5 feet 9 feet 1.3 feet 2.5 feet MW-5D/5S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 50.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-5 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 8 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing ZoneShallow Water-Bearing Zone 28 feet 1.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 12 feet 2 feet 9 feet 1.5 feet 11 feet Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (not found to 50.5 feet in this boring) ?? MW-6D/6S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 46.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-6 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 8 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing Zone (not found in this boring, no silt to 46 feet)Shallow Water-Bearing Zone 28 feet 1 foot 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 13 feet 2 feet 9 feet 1.5 feet 4 feet Native Material - Hole collapsed and could not clear Silt = 0.3 foot (3 1/2 inches thick) 42 feet MW-7D/7S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 46 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-7 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 9 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout Shallow Water-Bearing Zone 30 feet 1.5 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 14.5 feet 2 feet 9 feet 3 feet Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing Zone (not found in this boring, no silt to 43 feet) Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (silt at 43-44 feet) MW-8D/8S WELL CONSTRUCTION AS-BUILT DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Lonestar #3 Sand 43 feet 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) Steel Christy-Type Well Box Set in Concrete Lid bolts down Rubber Plug with locking hasp inside steel box Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 10 feet Hydrated Non-Coated Bentonite Pellets 8-in I.D Boring Phone: (661) 831-6906 Fax: (661) 831-6234 E C Remediation2 5300 Woodmere Dr., Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIGURE D-8 1 foot LAKE TAHOE LAUNDRY WORKS 1024 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 10 feet 9 feet Lonestar #3 Sand Middle Water-Bearing Zone Neat-Cement Grout Shallow Water-Bearing Zone 30 feet 1 foot 2-Inch I.D., Sch 40 PVC, 0.020-Inch slot size screen with pre-pack (#3 sand) 15-in I.D Boring 14.5 feet 2 feet 9 feet 2 feet Bottom of Shallow Water-Bearing Zone (not found in this boring, no silt to 42 feet) Bottom of Middle Water-Bearing Zone (silt at 42-43 feet) Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix E APPENDIX E Monitoring Well Development Documentation Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix F APPENDIX F Soil Sample Analytical Laboratory Reports Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix G APPENDIX G Groundwater Sampling Purge Data Sheets Project Number 1950BK43 September 22, 2008 E2C Remediation Appendix H APPENDIX H Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Reports