HomeMy WebLinkAboutTVSBasin Water System_Source Capacity_Water Demand Eval_WY2005_WY2016_FinalTVS Subbasin (6-5.01)
Analysis of Basin Conditions
Degraded Water Quality
TVSBasin Water System_Source Capacity_Water Demand Eval_WY2005_WY2016_FINAL.xls 2/1/2019Ca Water System No.Active WellsConnections1,4Population Served1,5Source Capacity (mgd)2Maximum Day Demand (mgd)3South Tahoe Public Utility District 910002 13 13,926 32,504 22.356 14.831
Tahoe Keys Water Company 910015 3 1,525 1,200 5.112 4.515
Lukins Brother Water Company 910007 1 952 3,000 1.296 1.358
TVS SUBBASIN (6-5.01) TOTALS 17 16,403 36,704 28.764 20.704
Degraded Water Quality Minimum Threshold (110% of MDD)22.775
Source: SWRCB Drinking Water Branch Drinking Water Watch (https://sdwis.waterboards.ca.gov/PDWW/).
10 Year (WY 2005 - WY 2016) Water System Maximum Day Demand, in million gallons per day (mgd), as per CA
Waterworks Standards (§ 64554).
Source capacity of active wells, in mgd (stand-by or offline sources not included).
Community Water System
Tahoe Key Water Company active connections.
Tahoe Key Water Company population increases to over 7,300 during the summer. Lukins Brothers Water Company
poulation estimate.
Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-5.01)
Community Water Sysem Well
Source Capacities
X:\Projects\General\GWMP\2016 GWMP\Alternative GSP\ABC Alternative\WQ THreshold\TVSBasin Water System_Source Capacity_Water Demand
Eval_WY2005_WY2016_FINAL.xls 2/1/2019
Well I.D.Latitude [N]Longitude [W]WATER SYSTEM (gpm)(mgd)STATUS
Al Tahoe Well #2 38.94080631 119.98343878 STPUD 2500 3.6000 Active
Bakersfield Well 38.86055725 120.02253523 STPUD 1500 2.1600 Active
Bayview Well 38.93986112 119.98991860 STPUD 3600 5.1840 Active
Blackrock Well #2 38.95675013 119.94887360 STPUD 90 0.1296 Active
Elks Club Well #2 38.87573686 120.00050616 STPUD 300 0.4320 Active
GlenWood Well #5 38.93038796 119.96298560 STPUD 1100 1.5840 Active
Helen Ave. Well #2 38.91887453 119.99313791 STPUD 260 0.3744 Active
Paloma Well 38.93541618 119.98379939 STPUD 2500 3.6000 Active
Sunset Well 38.92506438 119.99203400 STPUD 600 0.8640 Active
SUT No. 3 38.82228770 120.02176204 STPUD 1400 2.0160 Active
Valhalla Well 38.93578393 120.04383347 STPUD 675 0.9720 Active
Arrowhead Well #3 38.85460395 120.01943104 STPUD 1000 1.4400 Active - Treated
Airport Well 38.90284781 119.99489248 STPUD 500 0.7200 Active - Standby
College Well 38.92488680 119.97011193 STPUD 1100 1.5840 Active- Standby
Clement Well 38.91285268 120.01129282 STPUD 180 0.2592 Offline, Treated
Chris Ave. Well 38.92398508 119.98608569 STPUD 117 0.1685 Offline
Active 14,525 20.9160
Active - Treated 1000 1.4400
TOTAL 15,525 22.3560
TKWC No. 1 38.93320200 120.00357200 TKWC 1000 1.4400 Active
TKWC No. 3 38.93032600 120.02148900 TKWC 2000 2.8800 Active
TKWC No. 2 38.92813700 120.01059100 TKWC 550 0.7920 Active-Treated (LP GAC Limited)
Active 3000 4.3200
Active-Treated 550 0.7920
TOTAL 3,550 5.1120
LBWC No. 1 38.92303600 120.02138500 LBWC 900 1.2960 Active
LBWC No. 2 38.92494000 120.01295800 LBWC 290 0.4176 Offline-Impaired
LBWC No. 5 38.92503000 120.01296700 LBWC 720 1.0368 Offline-Impaired
LBWC No. 4 38.92051500 120.00738100 LBWC 0 0.0000 Offline -Abandoned
Active 900 1.2960
TOTAL 900 1.2960
15,525 22.3560
3,550 5.1120
900 1.2960
Tahoe Keys Water Co.
Lukins Brothers Water Co.
South Tahoe PUD
Tahoe Keys Water Co.
Lukins Brothers Water Co.
South Tahoe PUD
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WY 2005 -WY 2016
(mgd)AHF (mgh)PF10
SOUTH TAHOE PUD 8/2/2007 14.831 0.6180 2.15 1.3286 22,144
TAHOE KEYS WATER COMPANY July-05 4.515 0.1881 2.21 0.4158 6,930
LUKINS BROTHERS WATER COMPANY June-05 1.357 0.0565 1.99 0.1125 1,876
TOTALS 20.703 30,949
MDD Maximum day demand in millions gallons per day (mgd), based on daily water usage data,
as per CA Waterworks Standard (S64554)
MDDmonth Maximum day demand in millions gallons per day (mgd), based on monthly water usage data,
as per CA Waterworks Standard (S64554)
AHF Average hourly flow, in million gallons per hour (mgh) = MDD* 1/24 hrs
PHDmgh Peak hourly demand,in mgh = AHF x PF10
PHDgpm Peak hourly demand, in gallons per minute (gpm) = PHDmgh *(1,000,000/60)
PF10 Peaking Factor, 10-Year Average (WY 2005 - WY 2016)
South Tahoe PUD: PF10 derived from daily water system usage data.
Tahoe Keys Water Company: PF10 calculated from monthly water system usage data; using the maximum month average daily
water usage and annual average daily water usage values.
Lukins Brothers Water Company; PF10 calculated from monthly water system usage data; using the maximum month average daily
water usage and annual average daily water usage values.