HomeMy WebLinkAboutItm 6_SB 445 Regional Contamination Investigation Scheduled ActivitiesFrom:Cazier, Abby@Waterboards
To:Brooks, Jeff@Waterboards; Grey, Brian@Waterboards; Hutto, Chani; Beryt, Elizabeth@Waterboards;Kouyoumdjian, Patty@Waterboards; Scott Ferguson; Smith, Doug@Waterboards; Jennifer Lukins(jennifer@lukinswater.com); Ivo Bergsohn; Shelly Thomsen; DPeterson@tahoekeyspoa.org;kwooldridge@tahoekeyspoa.org; wjepson@trpa.org; jburke@cityofslt.us; rcarlson@cityofslt.us;cfiore@cityofslt.us; robert.lauritzen@edcgov.us; karen.bender@edcgov.us; Carroll, Scott@Tahoe;scott.reisch@hoganlovells.com; kflory@pesenv.com; Peter D. Gorman; phoffey@ekiconsult.com; Andy Safford;jfisch@mofo.com
Subject:SB 445 Regional Contamination Investigation Scheduled Activities
Date:Monday, June 17, 2019 3:24:58 PM
The purpose of this email is to inform interested parties that the SB 445 (Site Cleanup
Subaccount Program [SCAP]) regional contamination investigation activities commenced
the week of June 10, 2019 and drilling activities are scheduled to begin today June 17,
2019. Drilling activities will start near the “Y” and extend northward towards Lake Tahoe to
evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of PCE contamination in the South Y area.
Lahontan Water Board staff will be overseeing AECOM and their subcontractors (e.g.
Gregg Drilling). The typical working schedule will be 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through
Friday and drilling activities will not occur before 8:00 am.
Below is a brief summary of activities conducted last week and work scheduled for the
weeks of June 17, 2019 and June 24, 2019 by the Lahontan Water Board’s contractor,
AECOM and their subcontractors.
Week of June 10, 2019
Continued Reginal Plume Characterization Work Plan development;
Continued to mark proposed boring locations for utility clearance (USA and private
utility locating);
Finalized Health and Safety Plan (HASP), Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Quality
Assurance Project Plan; and
Mobilized equipment to staging area (including Sonic drill rig).
Work Scheduled for the Week of June 17, 2019
Project kickoff meeting (including HASP review) with AECOM, drilling contractor
Gregg Drilling, and Lahontan Water Board staff;
Prepare and distribute door-to-door notification form for businesses and residences in
proposed work areas;
Stage water storage container for decontamination and purge water at staging area;
Drill site setup (e.g. visqueen sheeting below drill rig, drop inlet protection BMPs, and
drill cutting (soil) disposal bin staging);
Mobilize Sonic drill rig and support truck to first boring location, Location ID: Sonic 1
(north of former TCI building on Fifth Street);
All Sonic borings will be advanced to approximately 300 feet below ground surface
(bgs), soil will be logged from ground surface to total depth; and up to ten (10) depth
discrete groundwater samples will be collected; and
Sonic 1 site demobilization and cleanup.
Work Scheduled for the Week of June 24, 2019
Finalize and distribute Reginal Plume Characterization Work Plan (to include Site
maps with proposed Sonic and CPT boring locations) to interested parties;
Mobilize Sonic drill rig to location Sonic 2 and begin drilling (north of Rockwater Well
on 10th Street);
Mobilize Cone Penetration Test (CPT) rig #1 and begin drilling at locations along the
western plume boundary north of Tucker Avenue working toward the eastern plume
boundary near Eloise Avenue and Dunlap Drive; and
All CPT borings will be advanced to approximately 80 feet bgs with up to ten (10)
depth discrete groundwater samples to be collected from each boring.
Lahontan Water Board staff will continue to provide schedule updates on Mondays to
interested parties that will describe the work completed the previous week and anticipated
work scheduled for the following week.
Contact me directly with any questions or comments. Please let me know if you would like
to be removed from the mailing list or add any additional contacts.
Thank you,
Abby Cazier, PE | Water Resource Control Engineer
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board
Cleanup Site Investigation & Enforcement Unit
2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 542-5429 | abby.cazier@waterboards.ca.gov
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