HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlt 3 Concept 2019-09-30_rev2PNCWA 2019Alternative 3: Conversion to Surface Water Treatment Plant•Project Elements•Intake Pipeline and Pump Station•Raw Water Conveyance•Water Treatment Process•Filtration/Disinfection•Chlorine Contact/Clearwell•Treated Water Distribution Pump Station and Pipeline•Sizing Assumptions•Based on meeting Title 22 Source Water Capacity Requirements•Fire Flow to be met by District Interties 10/11/2019DRAFT1
PNCWA 2019•Based on Monthly Data:•WTP Operating Assumptions•Minimum Plant Production = 0.2 – 1.3 MGD (200 – 900 GPM)•Based on 10-year (2009-2018) Lowest and Highest Month Demand for Winter (October through April)•Design Maximum Average Plant Production = 4.4 MGD (3,100 GPM)•Meet Maximum Day Demand•Peak Hour Demand to be met by Clearwell Storage (360,000 gallons)Title 22 Source Capacity Requirements for LBWC + TKWC SystemMax MonthADUGPMMDDGPMPHDGPMLBWCSept 2010 7001,0001,500TKWCJuly 2018 1,4002,1003,100Total2,1003,1004,60010/11/2019DRAFT2
PNCWA 2019Overall Project SiteOverall Project Site•(N) Intake Pipeline and Pump Station at TKPOA Shoreline Property•(N) Raw Water Pipeline •(N) Surface Water Treatment Plant at Tahoe Keys Circulation Facility Lagoon Site•(N) Treated Water Pipelines to TKWC and LBWC Distribution10/11/2019DRAFT3
PNCWA 2019Intake Overview0510152025303505001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5004,000GROUND DEPTH (FT BELOW WATER SURFACE)Pipe Depth (FT BELOW WATER SURFACE)Pipe DaylightApproximation – Not to ScaleINTAKE END AND SUPPORTINTAKE PIPELINE ASSUMPTIONS:•Length dependent on depth of pipeline Below Water Surface (BWS) at lowest lake level1•Placement will use Horizontal Directional Drilling (conservative cost estimate given uncertainty in permitting) •Intake End (Daylight) portion of pipeline to be supported by concrete supports on bottom of lake1per NOAA map of Lake Tahoe Depths in meters (https://www.charts.noaa.gov/PDFs/18665.pdf)10/11/2019DRAFT4
PNCWA 2019INTAKE PUMP STATION OVERVIEW(N)INTAKE PUMP STATION ELEMENTS1:•CAPACITY: 200 – 3,100 GPM (0.2 – 4.4 MGD)•THREE (3) 1,100 GPM VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE PUMPS•2,000 GALLON SURGE TANK•STANDBY DIESEL GENERATOR•PUMP STATION MOTOR CONTROL CENTER1Pump Station location is approximate and can be moved on site as needed to accommodate other site uses. Raw Water Conveyance location based on pump station location10/11/2019DRAFT5
PNCWA 2019Surface Water Treatment Plant•Surface Water Treatment Plant (3,100 GPM/4.4 MGD)•Strainers (4 x 1,100 GPM)•Packaged Membrane Filtration System (MF) and Chemical System (4 x 1,100 GPM)•Ultra Violet Light (UV) Disinfection (for giardia inactivation) (4 x 1,100 GPM)•MF Backwash Handling via secondary MF filtration system•Chlorine Contactor + Clearwell (virus inactivation + chlorine residual) •Treated Water Pump Station (3 x 2,200 GPM) + Standby Generator10/11/2019DRAFT7
PNCWA 2019Surface Water Treatment Plant Lagoon Site PlanNote: WTP footprint location shown for size estimation purposes. WTP can be moved on site as needed to accommodate other site uses.10/11/2019DRAFT8
PNCWA 2019PCE Removal Potential Based on Modeling1Baseline ConservativePCE Removal (2019 – 2033)2232 lbs 1,418 lbsYear of PCE Concentrations to < 4 µg/L3All TKWC WellsN/AN/AAll LBWC WellsN/AN/A1. DRI Results for Model Alternative 3A (Baseline)/3B (Conservative)2. Assume 2034 – 2068 Total PCE Removal = 0 lbs (Total Conversion to Surface Water)3. Because PCE removal halted in 2033 due to conversion to surface water, the model does not show all TKWC/LBWC well PCE concentrations dropping below MCL within model timeframe (2019 – 2033)Source: Rybarski, Susan, et. al. Fate and Transport Modeling of the South Y PCE Groundwater Contamination Plume – Addendum. Desert Research Institute. September 5, 2019. 10/11/2019DRAFT10
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate -Assumptions•Estimate Classification Level 4: Schematic/Preliminary Design•Location Factor = 25% of Construction Activities•Contingency = 25% of Construction and Operations & Maintenance Activities•Engineering/Construction Management = 20% of Implementation Costs•Accuracy Range = -30% to +50%•Based on 2019 Costs – Anticipate 2% to 5% escalation per year10/11/2019DRAFT11
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate For Alternative 3•Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost•Annual Operations & Maintenance CostsPre-Implementation (10 to 15 Years)Post-ImplementationTotal -30% Total Estimated (2019 $) Total +50%$40.3M $57.6M $86.4MTotal -30% Total Estimated (2019 $) Total +50%$509K $726K $1.1KTotal -30% Total Estimated (2019 $) Total +50%$1.1M $1.6M $2.4M10/11/2019DRAFT12
PNCWA 2019Alternative 3 Cost Estimate Considerations•Pipeline sizes and pump station capacities are preliminary estimates and should be modeled as part of further design development•O&M costs assume TKWC/LBWC wells will operate according to Alternative 1 (Base Pumping) during the design and construction of the WTP – assume 15 years for implementation•Conservative cost approach used:•Intake pipeline assumes horizontal directional drilling to account for potential permitting issues•Assume WTP membrane solids disposal to STPUD sewer•Equipment layouts do not assume shared walkways/clearance (i.e. larger building footprint)10/11/2019DRAFT13
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit
Capital Cost
Direct Facility Costs
1.0 Permitting 170,496
1.1 New drinking water permitting for surface water WTP 1 LS 9,785 9,785
1.2 New STPUD Sewer Connection and Permit Fee 1 LS 8,235 8,235
1.3 Modification and processing of surface water rights
applications and agency approvals
1 LS 2,476 2,476
1.4 TRPA/CTC Access Agreements/Easements/Coverage
1 LS 150,000 150,000
2.0 Intake Pipeline (16 in diameter)5,625,300
2.1 16‐in HDPE DR 11 intake pipeline 3,400 LF 55 185,300
2.2 Horizontal Directional Drilling 3,400 LF 1,600 5,440,000
3.0 Intake Pump Station (4.4 MGD)1,239,949
3.1 Intake Pumps and Motors (1,100 GPM VFD)3 EA 35,036 105,108
3.2 Surge Tank System (2000 gal)1 EA 120,040 120,040
3.4 Kohler Natural Gas Genset (300 kW) ‐ inc. Sound
Enclosure, Start Up
1 EA 228,825 228,825
3.5 Pump Station Building Shell (51' x 30 ')1,530 SF 300 459,000
3.6 Equipment Pads (2‐Inch Thick)2 CY 626 1,522
3.7 Building Foundation 9 CY 626 5,912
3.8 Pump Station General
Yard Piping 1 LS 45,649 5% of Pump Station Capital
Electrical/I&C and other 1 LS 182,595 20% of Pump Station Capital
Site Work General 1 LS 45,649 5% of Pump Station Capital
Mob/demob 1 LS 45,649 5% of Pump Station Capital
4.0 Raw Water Pipeline 2,931,250
4.1 New 16‐in raw water pipeline 6,700 LF 350 2,931,250
5.0 Surface Water Treatment Plant (4.4 MGD)16,822,481
5.1 Membrane Fitration (MF) Process 4 EA 2,387,690 9,550,760
Strainers and MF Feed Pumps (1100 GPM)4 EA Included in total MF cost
Membrane Filtration Units (1100 GPM)4 EA Included in total MF cost
MF CIP (CIP Tank, Skid, Air Compressor, Air Receiver,
1 EA Included in total MF cost
5.2 Secondary MF (Backwash Filtration, Tank)1 EA 303,586 303,586
5.3 Ultraviolet Light (UV) Disinfection Process
UV Reactors (1100 GPM)4 EA 66,805 267,220
5.4 Chlorine Contact Chamber (360,000 gallons, 117' Dia.) 933 CY 626 583,731
5.5 Chemical Skids and Containment 1 LS 382,030 382,030
5.8 Appurtenances
Restroom 1 LS 8,454 8,454
Operations Room 1 LS 2,083 2,083 From TCPUD: Lab sink
Eye Wash Station 1 LS 6,433 6,433
5.9 WTP Building Shell (106' x 64')6,784 SF 200 1,356,800
5.1 WTP General
Yard Piping 1 LS 623,055 623,055 5% of WTP Capital
Electrical/I&C and other 1 LS 2,492,219 2,492,219 20% of WTP Capital
Site Work General 1 LS 623,055 623,055 5% of WTP Capital
Mob/demob 1 LS 623,055 623,055 5% of WTP Capital
6.0 Treated Water Pump Station 1,088,855
6.1 Treated Water Pumps and Motors (2,200 GPM VFD) 3 EA 39,578 118,734
6.2 Electrical and Instrumentation (From WTP)1 LS 0 0 Included in WTP electrical
6.3 Kohler Natural Gas Genset (300 kW) ‐ inc. Sound
Enclosure, Start Up
1 EA 228,825 228,825
6.4 Pump Station Building Shell (51' x 30 ')1,530 SF 300 459,000
6.5 Treated Water Pump Station General
Yard Piping 1 LS 40,328 40,328
Electrical/I&C and other 1 LS 161,312 161,312
Site Work General 1 LS 40,328 40,328
Mob/demob 1 LS 40,328 40,328
7.0 Treated Water Pipeline 2,800,000
7.2 TKWC Pipeline to District Intertie (12‐Inch Dia.)3,000 LF 350 1,312,500
7.3 TKWC Pipeline to Venice Drive (12‐Inch Dia.)1,900 LF 350 831,250
7.4 LBWC Pipeline to LBWC 5 (12‐Inch Dia.)1,500 LF 350 656,250
8.0 Well Abandonment 83,313
8.1 Destroy/Abandon LBWC 5 1 LS 41,657 41,657
8.2 Destroy/Abandon TKWC 2 1 LS 41,657 41,657
9.0 Location Factor @% of Construction 25%7,647,787
Subtotal Direct Facility Costs 38,409,431
Contingency 9,602,358 25%
Engineering/Construction Management 9,602,358 20%
Subtotal Rounded 57,615,000
Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50%
$40,331,000 $57,615,000 $86,423,000
Does not include permitting
From TKPOA Final Facility Plan, Alt 1, escalated to 2019
From TKPOA Final Facility Plan, Alt 1, escalated to 2019
Total Costs
Permit fees only in this category; technical support of
permits in Engineering/Construction Management
1563 connections, SWRCB:
Assume $100/Inch Dia Pipe/LF
Scaled by flow from TCPUD MF process + 10% (Nate Miller,
4% of membrane process, based on TCPUD WLTRWTP
From TCPUD: Water heater, Bathroom WC and LAV
common wall, mop sink
5% of Treated Water Pump Station Capital
20% of Treated Water Pump Station Capital
5% of Treated Water Pump Station Capital
5% of Treated Water Pump Station Capital
Tesoro Viejo Final Design, Mar 7 2016, escalated to 2019
Scaled from TCPUD Clearwell 50% Design
From TCPUD: Emergency eyewash/shower, floor drain
TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan Alt 2, escalated to 2019
TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan Alt 2, escalated to 2019
Conversion to Surface Water Supply
Convert from groundwater wells to surface water from Lake Tahoe
Alternative 3
Based on TCPUD WLTRWTP (1470010.00)
TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan Alt 2, escalated to 2019
TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan Alt 2, escalated to 2019
TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan, escalated to 2019
From TCPUD WLTRWTP 50% ‐ ENR 12047
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for
Budget Forecasting (August 2018). Assume includes
trenching and location factor
Costworks 2019 22 11 13 78 0114 16" diameter DR 11
Pure Water Monterey ‐ AWPF & Pump Station Project 60%
design, escalated to 2019
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for
Budget Forecasting (August 2018), Assume includes
trenching and location factor
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
Conversion to Surface Water Supply
Convert from groundwater wells to surface water from Lake Tahoe
Alternative 3
No. Description Qty Units $/Unit Total
Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs
Pre‐Implementation O+M Alternative 1 O&M
1.0 Energy Costs 153,737
1.1 Energy (Treatment)‐
Energy (TKWC Well #2 treatment) 0 kWh 0.17 ‐
Energy (LBWC Well #5 treatment) 0 kWh 0.17 ‐
1.2 Energy (TKWC 1 Pumping) 87,055 kWh 0.17 14,799
1.3 Energy (TKWC 2 Pumping) 185,483 kWh 0.17 31,532
1.4 Energy (TKWC 3 Pumping) 221,222 kWh 0.17 37,608
1.5 Energy (LBWC 1 Pumping) 286,014 kWh 0.17 48,622
1.6 Energy (LBWC 5 Pumping) 76,167 kWh 0.17 12,948
1.7 Energy (TKWC metering) 3 ea. 183.48 550
1.8 Energy (LBWC metering)2 ea.183.48 367
1.9 Energy (other)43,000 KWh 0.17 7,310 5%of sum of treatment +
pumping energy
2.0 Labor Costs 260,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General
TKWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
LBWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
3.0 Chemicals 18,468
3.1 Sodium hypochlorite (TKWC)1,764 gal 9 16,056
Sodium hypochlorite (LBWC)265 gal 9 2,412 Chlorination at well 1 only
4.0 Maintenance 148,537
4.1 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.2 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 84,100 1000 gal 0.34 28,594
4.3 Water Quality Monitoring
TKWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
LBWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
4.4 Maintenance ‐ General
TKWC @ %14.0%38,245 Same as Alt 1
LBWC @ %14.0%32,114
Post‐Implementation O&M
1.0 Energy Costs 85,201
1.2 Energy (Raw Water Pumping)151,060 KWh 0.17 25,680
1.1 Energy (Treatment Equipment)175,197 kWh 0.17 29,784 Operational Hours (hr/yr) = 8760
Operational Hours (months/yr12
Operational Hours (hours/day)24
Total Horsepower (HP) = 26.82
1.2 Energy (Treated Water Pumping)151,060 KWh 0.17 25,680 Operational Hours (hr/yr) =
1.5 Energy (other)23,866 KWh 0.17 4,057 5%of sum of treatment +
pumping energy
2.0 Labor Costs 208,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General 2.00 No. of Staff 104000 208,000
3.0 Chemicals 204,201
3.1 Sodium Hypochlorite 11,356 gal 9 102,205
3.2 Citric Acid 3,600 gal 20 73,580
3.3 Sodium Bisulfate 3,600 gal 7 26,836
3.4 Coagulant 2,074 lbs 1 1,579
4.0 Maintenance 805,637
4.1 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.2 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 19,300 1000 gal 0.34 6,562
4.3 UV/Membrane Maintenance @ %5.0%506,078 5% of UV, membrane components
4.4 Membrane replacement 4 EA/7 years 314 1,257 Nate Miller (Wedeco) Quote, 10/2/2019
4.5 Maintenance ‐ Intake, WTP, Pump Station @ %1.0%191,513
4.6 Maintenance ‐ New Pipelines @ %0.5%56,783
4.7 STPUD Sewer Service Charge 1 LS 600 600
4.10 STPUD Sewer Volumetric Charge 440 1000 gal 6.5 2,860
Subtotal O&M Costs (Pre‐Implementation)580,742
Contingency (Pre‐Implementation)145,185 25%
Total Rounded (Pre‐Implementation) 726,000
Subtotal O&M Costs (Post‐Implementation) 1,303,039
Contingency (Post‐Implementation) 325,760 25%
Total Rounded (Post‐Implementation) 1,629,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$509,000 $726,000 $1,089,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$1,141,000 $1,629,000 $2,444,000
Base salary from email from Jennifer Lukins, assumed to be
the same for TKWC
2015 Energy Cost, Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe
Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
2015 Energy Cost, treatment and well pump intergrated,
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy
charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
2015 Energy Cost, Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe
Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy
charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy
charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly
customer charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly
customer charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
Consider general O+M to be 14% of O+M for each water
Same as Alt 1
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
(per M. Larsen)
Assume 8 hours/month WQ sampling for 1 staff and includes lab analysis
% of Direct Facility Costs
% of Pipeline Facility Costs
Costs based on STPUD Special Discharge Permit, volume equivalent to
10% of flow
Total O&M Costs ($/year)
Cost integrated in TKWC Well #2 Pumping Cost
Cost integrated in LBWC Well #5 Pumping Cost
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx