HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlt 2 Concept_and_Costs_rev2PNCWA 2019Alternative 2 (Revised): Targeted Pumping•Project Elements•LBWC 5 and LBWC 4R Pumping to Maximize PCE Mass Removal•LBWC 4 re-drilled (LBWC 4R) and screened to remove PCE from groundwater above 150 feet below ground surface (BGS)•Install PCE Treatment at LBWC 4R•Pumping Assumptions•TKWC Wells Pumping to Meet Demand, Maintain Current Pumping Strategy•LBWC Wells Pumping to Meet Demand•Lead Well = LBWC 5•Lag Well = LBWC 1•PCE Extraction Only = LBWC 4R•District to continue to provide emergency water supply to TKWC and LBWC in accordance with Mutual Assistance Agreement•Assumes LBWC 5 will be equipped with GAC treatment funded through State Construction Grant funding•Alternative 2 is sized to meet 2009-2018 average annual demands•Existing Title 22 Source Water Capacity is reviewed but Alternative is not intended to meet requirement10/11/2019DRAFT1
PNCWA 2019Current CapacitiesWell CapacitiesCurrent Source Capacity to meet Title 22 MDD2TKWC 11,000 gpm1,550 gpmTKWC 2 (GAC)550 gpmTKWC 32,000 gpmLBWC 1720 gpm720 gpmLBWC 5 (GAC)1720 gpm1. Based on LBWC SWRCB Construction Grant to equip LBWC 5 with GAC treatment.2. Groundwater only systems must be able to meet maximum day demand (MDD) with largest well offline.10/11/2019DRAFT2
PNCWA 2019Notes:1. TKPOA 2018 PCE Facilities Plan (2008-2016 monthly data)2. LBWC 2015 Preliminary Engineering Report for Water System Improvements Related to PCE Contamination (2005-2014 data)3. Source Capacity Requirement - Groundwater only systems must be able to meet maximum day demand (MDD) with largest well offline and 4 hours of peak hour demand (PHD) through combination of any sources (including emergency).4. Assumed to be met using all groundwater wells and District intertie5. Assumes that LBWC 5 is online and equipped with GAC treatment. LBWC 4R is for PCE extraction only and not included in Title 22 Source Water Capacity calculationsTitle 22 Source Water Capacity Requirements for LBWC + TKWCEstimated DemandSources to MeetSource Capacity RequirementsSystemADUgpmMDD3gpmPHD4gpmgpmTKWC11,4172,1263,1891,550LBWC23675508257205Total1,7842,6764,0142,270Based on the past 10 years of production data, LBWC and TKWC have been able to meet demand with existing sources, but may require additional supply to meet California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 requirements for source water capacity and fire flow. 10/11/2019DRAFT3
PNCWA 2019Assumed Future Pumping Rates for Alternative 2Future Average Annual Pumping Rates1TKWC 198 gpm51 MGYTKWC 2 (GAC)224 gpm118 MGYTKWC 3242 gpm127 MGYLBWC 137 gpm19 MGYLBWC 5 (GAC)160 gpm84 MGYLBWC 4R2200 gpm105 MGY1. Future average annual pumping rates for individual wells are based on past use as a proportion of the total average annual water production for each water system over the past ten years (2009 - 2018). Future pumping rates derived by this approach were also used in fate and transport model simulations for Alternative 2A (Baseline)/2B (Conservative) Option 2 (DRI, 2019).2. LBWC 4R will only be pumped to disposal – therefore pumping is capped to capacity of sewer discharge.10/11/2019DRAFT4
PNCWA 2019LBWC 4R Site Plan•NEW WELL AND VOC TREATMENT FACILITY: •Well Pump and Motor (200 gpm capacity) located inside Building/Wellhouse•Treatment Options:•Packed Tower Aerator, Air Stripper Blowers, and Booster Pumps•GAC Vessels and Media•Location of Treatment Facilities approximate•Disposal of treated water to sanitary sewer. •Discharge to City of South Lake Tahoe stormwater drainage system that intersects the property during dry season (May – October) requires approval by Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, sampling and monitoring of discharge, as well as a formal Connection Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe 10/11/2019DRAFT5
PNCWA 2019LBWC 4R PCE Treatment Options•Option 1 – Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)•2 New GAC vessels (PEL2000 Liquid Phase)•Design Flow: <200 gpm•Design PCE Concentration: 250 µg/L•Option 2 – Packed Tower Aeration (PTA)•Option 2A: •Reuse District’s Clement Well PTA tower shell, aerator, blowers, and booster pumps•New packing material•Option 2B: •Reuse District’s Clement Well PTA tower shell•New aerator, blowers, booster pumps, and packing material sized for 200 gpm10/11/2019DRAFT6
PNCWA 2019LBWC 4R VOC TREATMENT SYSTEM FLOOR PLANTreatment Option 1. Granular Activated CarbonBased on PDI GAC Treatment for Investigation Derived Waste10/11/2019DRAFT7
PNCWA 2019LBWC 4R VOC TREATMENT SYSTEM FLOOR PLANTreatment Option 2. Packed Tower Aerator200 gpm Capacity10/11/2019DRAFT8
PNCWA 2019LBWC 4R PCE Treatment Options – Cost Comparison1Option 1GACOption 2APTA (Reuse)Option 2BPTA (New)Total Total TotalCapital Cost (2019)$158,000 $292,000 $820,000Annual O&M (2019)$45,000 $74,000 $74,000Net Present Value (2019)2$827,000 $1.7M $3.6M1. Annual 2019 Costs to implement/maintain treatment only. 2. Life-Cycle Cost Calculations:•Net Present Value (NPV) = Total of Capital Cost Recovery + Total Annual O&M Cost•Interest Rate = 4%, Discount Rate = 5%10/11/2019DRAFT9
LBWC 4R Conceptual
General Arrangement
Source: Ivo Bergsohn,
P.G., H.G.
PNCWA 2019PCE Removal Potential Based on Modeling1Baseline ConservativePCE Removal (2019 – 2068) 818 lbs 4,136 lbsYear of PCE Concentrations to < 4 µg/LAll TKWC Wells 2026 >2068All LBWC Wells 2033 20461. DRI Results for Model Alternative 2A (Baseline)/2B (Conservative) Option 2Source: Rybarski, Susan, et. al. Fate and Transport Modeling of the South Y PCE Groundwater Contamination Plume – Addendum. Desert Research Institute. September 5, 2019. 10/11/2019DRAFT11
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate -Assumptions•Estimate Classification Level 4: Schematic/Preliminary Design•Contingency = 25% of Construction and Operations & Maintenance Activities•Engineering/Construction Management = 20% of Implementation Costs•Accuracy Range = -30% to +50%•Based on 2019 Costs – Anticipate 2% to 5% escalation per year10/11/2019DRAFT12
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost EstimateGAC Treatment•Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost•Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs•Time to Implement = 3-5 YearsTotal -30%Total Estimated1(2019 $)Total +50%$623,000$890,000$1.3MTotal -30%Total Estimated2(2019 $)Total +50%$1.2M$1.7M$2.6M1. Does not include LBWC 5 GAC construction cost (estimated at $1.8M per LBWC SWRCB Construction Grant) 2. Includes LBWC 5 GAC O&M cost10/11/2019DRAFT13
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost EstimateNew PTA Treatment•Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost•Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs•Time to Implement = 3-5 YearsTotal -30%Total Estimated1(2019 $)Total +50%$1.9M$2.8M$4.2MTotal -30%Total Estimated2(2019 $)Total +50%$1.2M$1.8M$2.7M1. Does not include LBWC 5 GAC construction cost (estimated at $1.8M per LBWC SWRCB Construction Grant) 2. Includes LBWC 5 GAC O&M cost10/11/2019DRAFT14
PNCWA 2019Alternative 2 Cost Estimate Considerations•Estimates assume that the LBWC 5 GAC and site improvements have been completed previously•To be conservative, PTA cost estimate includes new air stripper, another option to be explored in predesign is reuse of District’s Clement Well air stripper tower•District’s air stripper will require new air stripper media, blowers, and booster pumps for 200 gpm•Connection fee for new sewer connection for treated water discharge included in cost estimate•Annual charge and volumetric charge pf $6.5/1,000 gallons10/11/2019DRAFT15
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit
Capital Cost
Direct Facility Costs
1.0 Permitting 8,235
1.1 Optional NPDES permit for stormwater discharge 0 LS 0 ‐
1.2 New STPUD Sewer Connection and Permit Fee 1 LS 8,235 8,235 STPUD ‐ minimum 3 sewer units @ $2745/ea
2.0 Replacement LBWC 4 (LBWC 4R) Well 756,989
2.1 Drill/Construct New Well to Zone 1 and 2 152 LF 3,419 519,637
2.2 Well Pump and Motor (200 gpm)1 LS 31,704 31,704
2.3 Discharge to Sewer Pipeline (6‐Inch Dia.)155 LF 350 54,250
2.4 Location Factor @ of Constructio 25%151,398
2.0 GAC Treatment Facility at LBWC 4R 530,746
4.2 Building Shell (24' x 24')576 SF 250 144,000
4.3 Equipment Pads (2‐Inch Thick)1 CY 626 556 TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan, escalated to 2019
Yard Piping 1 LS 12,506 12,506 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
Electrical/I&C and other 1 LS 50,022 50,022 20% of treatment/bldg Capital
Site Work General 1 LS 12,506 12,506 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
Mob/demob 1 LS 12,506 12,506 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
2.6 Granular Activated Carbon Treatment System 1 LS 105,556 105,556
4.7 Location Factor @ of Constructio 25%337,651
3.0 Discharge to Sewer Pipeline (6‐Inch Dia.)155 LF 350 54,250
Subtotal Direct Facility Costs 593,231
Contingency 148,308 25%
Engineering/Construction Management 148,308 20%
Subtotal Rounded 890,000
Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50%
$623,000 $890,000 $1,335,000
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total
Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs
1.0 Energy Costs 225,663
1.4 Energy (TKWC 1 Pumping)87,055 kWh 0.17 14,799
1.5 Energy (TKWC 2 Pumping)185,483 kWh 0.17 31,532
1.6 Energy (TKWC 3 Pumping)221,222 kWh 0.17 37,608
1.7 Energy (LBWC 1 Pumping)65,637 kWh 0.17 11,158
1.8 Energy (LBWC 5 Pumping)331,897 kWh 0.17 56,422
1.9 Energy (LBWC 4R Pumping)386,176 kWh 0.17 65,650
1.10 Energy (TKWC metering)3 ea.183.48 550
1.11 Energy (LBWC metering)2 ea.183.48 367
1.12 Energy (other)44,565 KWh 0.17$ 7,576
2.0 Labor Costs 260,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General
TKWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
LBWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
3.0 Chemicals 18,261
3.1 Sodium Hypochlorite (as in Alt 1)2,029 gal 9$ 18,261
4.0 Maintenance 885,643
4.1 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.2 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 84,100 1000 gal 0.34 28,594
4.3 LBWC 4R GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 105,000 1000 gal 0.34 35,700
4.4 Water Quality Monitoring
TKWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
LBWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
4.5 Maintenance ‐ New Pipelines @ %0.5%271
4.6 Maintenance ‐ LBWC 4R Facility @ %1.0%5,307
4.7 Maintenance ‐ General
TKWC @ %14.0%38,245
LBWC @ %14.0%44,061
4.8 STPUD Sewer Service Charge 1 LS 600 600
4.9 STPUD Sewer Volumetric Charge 105120 1000 gal 6.5 683,280
Subtotal O&M Costs 1,389,567
Contingency 347,392 25%
Total Rounded 1,737,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$1,216,000 $1,737,000 $2,606,000
Does not include permitting
Does not include permitting
Scaled based on LBWC Water System Improvement Plans for LBWC 5
Costs based on STPUD Special Discharge Permit
Unit costs from LBWC DWSRF Grant Application to equip LBWC 5 w/GAC
Same as Alt 1
Consists of contract O&M, transportation, and materials/supplies/parts
(LBWC 2015 5‐year budget). Consider general O+M to be 14% of O+M
Assume 8 hours/month WQ sampling for 1 staff and includes lab analysis
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
% of Direct Facility Costs
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for Budget Forecasting
(August 2018), includes trenching and location factor
% of Pipeline Facility Costs
Total O&M Costs ($/year)
5% of sum of treatment + pumping energy requirements
From Alt 1
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy
surcharges per kwh)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
PCE Extraction plus Meet Demand
Replace LBWC Well 4 and equip w/GAC, Equip LBWC 5 w/GAC
Alternative 2
Total Costs
If stormwater discharge, NPDES permit fee is $13,065 plus cost of
Well 1R drilling (TKPOA) cost/foot scaled to depth of LBWC 4R and
escalated to 2019
Costworks ‐ 33‐11‐13‐3100 (25' to 500' deep, 30 HP, 100‐300 GPM
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for Budget Forecasting
(August 2018), includes trenching and location factor
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit
Capital Cost
Direct Facility Costs
1.0 Permitting 18,235
1.1 Optional NPDES permit for stormwater discharge 0 LS 0 ‐
1.2 New STPUD Sewer Connection and Permit Fee 1 LS 8,235 8,235 STPUD ‐ minimum 3 sewer units @ $2745/ea
1.3 Air Resources Control Board Permit 1 LS 10,000 10,000
2.0 Replacement LBWC 4 (LBWC 4R) Well 385,255
2.1 Drill/Construct New Well to Zone 1 and 2 152 LF 1,462 222,250
2.2 Well Pump and Motor (200 gpm)1 LS 31,704 31,704
2.3 Discharge to Sewer Pipeline (6‐Inch Dia.)155 LF 350 54,250
2.4 Location Factor @ % of Construction 25%77,051
3.0 Install Air Stripper Treatment at LBWC 4R 408,480
3.1 Partial Demo and rebuild of clement tower 1 LS 65,000 65,000
3.2 Lift Out Tower, Transport and Set in Place 1 LS 41,600 41,600
3.3 Mechanical Work 1 LS 52,000 52,000
3.4 New Building for Tower at Lukins 1 LS 208,000 208,000
3.5 Electrical work 1 LS 15,600 15,600
3.6 New Packing Material 472 CY 30 14,160
3.7 Inspect/evaluate existing equipment for reuse 1 LS 12,120 12,120
Subtotal Direct Facility Costs 811,970
Contingency 202,992 25%
Engineering/Construction Management 202,992 20%
Subtotal Rounded 1,218,000
Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50%
$853,000 $1,218,000 $1,827,000
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total
Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs
1.0 Energy Costs 279,473
1.1 Energy (LBWC 4R Pumping)386,176 kWh 0.17 65,650
1.2 Energy (LBWC 4R Blowers)65,323 kWh 0.17 11,105 Operational Hours (hr/yr) @ (2
pumps each operating at half time)=
Total Horsepower (HP) =10
1.3 Energy (LBWC 4R Booster Pumps) 217,744 kWh 0.17 37,017 Operational Hours (hr/yr) @(2
pumps each operating at half time)
Total Horsepower (HP) =40
1.4 Energy (TKWC 1 Pumping) 87,055 kWh 0.17 14,799
1.5 Energy (TKWC 2 Pumping) 185,483 kWh 0.17 31,532
1.6 Energy (TKWC 3 Pumping) 221,222 kWh 0.17 37,608
1.7 Energy (LBWC 1 Pumping) 65,637 kWh 0.17 11,158
1.8 Energy (LBWC 5 Pumping) 331,897 kWh 0.17 56,422
1.9 Energy (TKWC metering) 3 ea. 183.48 550
1.10 Energy (LBWC metering) 2 ea. 183.48 367
1.11 Energy (other) 78,027 KWh 0.17 13,265
2.0 Labor Costs 260,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General
TKWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
LBWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
3.0 Chemicals 23,744
3.1 Sodium Hypochlorite (as in Alt 1)2,029 gal 9 18,261
3.2 Sodium Hypochlorite (upstream of air stripper)609 gal 9 5,483 Recommended residual = 0.5 mg/L
4.0 Maintenance 870,857
4.1 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Media Changeout ‐ Materials 24 CF/20 years 30 708
4.2 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Media Changeout ‐ Labor 1 labor hours/20
50 25 per Milt Larsen
4.2 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Equipment Maintenance @ % 5.0% 19,818
4.3 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.4 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 84,100 1000 gal 0.34 28,594
4.5 Water Quality Monitoring
TKWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
LBWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
4.6 Maintenance ‐ New Pipelines @ %0.5%271
4.7 Maintenance ‐ LBWC 4R @ %1.0%3,853
4.8 Maintenance ‐ General
TKWC @ %14.0%38,245
LBWC @ %14.0%45,880
4.8 STPUD Sewer Service Charge 1 LS 600 600
4.9 STPUD Sewer Volumetric Charge 105120 1000 gal 6.5 683,280
Subtotal O&M Costs 1,434,075
Contingency 358,519 25%
Total Rounded 1,793,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$1,256,000 $1,793,000 $2,690,000
Consists of contract O&M, transportation, and materials/supplies/parts
(LBWC 2015 5‐year budget). Consider general O+M to be 14% of O+M
Email from Jenn Lukins, 8/23/2019
% of Pipeline Facility Costs
% of Direct Facility Costs
Same as Alt 1
Total O&M Costs ($/year)
Costs based on STPUD Special Discharge Permit
Does not include permitting
Assume 1 structural engineer, 1 mechanical engineer, 3 days
US EPA Drinking Water Treatment Technology Unit Cost Models plus labor
and location factor of 25%
5% of air stripper equipment capital costs
Assume 8 hours/month WQ sampling for 1 staff and includes lab analysis
From Alt 1
US EPA Drinking Water Treatment Technology Unit Cost Models, inlcuding
location factor
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy
surcharges per kwh)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
5% of sum of treatment + pumping energy requirements
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
PCE Extraction plus Meet Demand
Well 1R drilling (TKPOA) cost/foot scaled to depth of LBWC 4R and
escalated to 2019
Costworks ‐ 33‐11‐13‐3100 (25' to 500' deep, 30 HP, 100‐300 GPM
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for Budget Forecasting
(August 2018), includes trenching and location factor
Total Costs
If stormwater discharge, NPDES permit fee is $13,065 plus cost of
application preparation
Replace LBWC Well 4 and equip w/air stripper (reuse District's), Equip LBWC 5 w/GAC
Alternative 2
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit
Capital Cost
Direct Facility Costs
1.0 Permitting 18,235
1.1 Optional NPDES permit for stormwater discharge 0 LS 0 ‐
1.2 New STPUD Sewer Connection and Permit Fee 1 LS 8,235 8,235 STPUD ‐ minimum 3 sewer units @ $2745/ea
1.3 Air Resources Control Board Permit 1 LS 10,000 10,000
2.0 Replacement LBWC 4 (LBWC 4R) Well 385,255
2.1 Drill/Construct New Well to Zone 1 and 2 152 LF 1,462 222,250
2.2 Well Pump and Motor (200 gpm)1 LS 31,704 31,704
2.3 Discharge to Sewer Pipeline (6‐Inch Dia.)155 LF 350 54,250
2.4 Location Factor @ % of Construction 25%77,051
3.0 Install Air Stripper Treatment at LBWC 4R 427,544
3.1 Transfer Air Stripper to LBWC 4R Site 1 LS 106,600 106,600
3.2 Install/Startup Air Stripper 1 LS 93,600 93,600
3.3 Packed Tower Aerator/Blowers 1 EA 139,702 139,702
3.4 Booster pumps 2 EA 43,821 87,642
3.7 New Packing Material 472 CY 30 14,160
3.6 Location Factor @ % of Construction 25%60,376
4.0 New LBWC 4R Building 1,022,394
4.1 Reuse Air Stripper Tower Shell 1 LS 106,600 106,600 Clement Well Air Stripper Specs
4.2 Well Building Shell (32' x 44')1,408 SF 250 352,000
4.3 Equipment Pads (2‐Inch Thick)3 CY 626 1,584 TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan, escalated to 2019
4.4 Air Stripper Tower Footing (3' Thick, 76" Diam)4 CY 626 2,191 TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan, escalated to 2019
4.5 Building Foundation 52 CY 626 32,643 TKPOA PCE Facilities Plan, escalated to 2019
4.6 Building General
Yard Piping 1 LS 46,128 46,128 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
Electrical/I&C and other 1 LS 184,512 184,512 20% of treatment/bldg Capital
Site Work General 1 LS 46,128 46,128 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
Mob/demob 1 LS 46,128 46,128 5% of treatment/bldg Capital
4.7 Location Factor @ % of Construction 25%204,479
Subtotal Direct Facility Costs 1,853,427
Contingency 463,357 25%
Engineering/Construction Management 463,357 20%
Subtotal Rounded 2,781,000
Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50%
$1,947,000 $2,781,000 $4,172,000
Does not include permitting
Does not include permitting
Does not include permitting
US EPA Drinking Water Treatment Technology Unit Cost Models plus labor
If stormwater discharge, NPDES permit fee is $13,065 plus cost of
application preparation
Replace LBWC Well 4 and equip w/air stripper (new), Equip LBWC 5 w/GA
Alternative 2
PCE Extraction plus Meet Demand
Total Costs
Well 1R drilling (TKPOA) cost/foot scaled to depth of LBWC 4R and
escalated to 2019
Costworks ‐ 33‐11‐13‐3100 (25' to 500' deep, 30 HP, 100‐300 GPM
Memo from STPUD: Waterline Construction Costs for Budget Forecasting
(August 2018), includes trenching and location factor
Email from Jenn Lukins, 8/23/2019
Scaled from STPUD South Upper Truckee Well No. 3 Corrosion Control
Study (2006) based on capacity and escalated to 2019
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 4 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
Replace LBWC Well 4 and equip w/air stripper (new), Equip LBWC 5 w/GA
Alternative 2
PCE Extraction plus Meet Demand
No. Description Qty Units $/Unit Total
Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs
1.0 Energy Costs 279,473
1.1 Energy (LBWC 4R Pumping)386,176 kWh 0.17 65,650
1.2 Energy (LBWC 4R Blowers)65,323 kWh 0.17 11,105 Operational Hours (hr/yr) @ (2
pumps each operating at half time)=
Total Horsepower (HP) =10
1.3 Energy (LBWC 4R Booster Pumps) 217,744 kWh 0.17 37,017 Operational Hours (hr/yr) @(2
pumps each operating at half time)
Total Horsepower (HP) =40
1.4 Energy (TKWC 1 Pumping) 87,055 kWh 0.17 14,799
1.5 Energy (TKWC 2 Pumping) 185,483 kWh 0.17 31,532
1.6 Energy (TKWC 3 Pumping) 221,222 kWh 0.17 37,608
1.7 Energy (LBWC 1 Pumping) 65,637 kWh 0.17 11,158
1.8 Energy (LBWC 5 Pumping) 331,897 kWh 0.17 56,422
1.9 Energy (TKWC metering) 3 ea. 183.48 550
1.10 Energy (LBWC metering) 2 ea. 183.48 367
1.11 Energy (other) 78,027 KWh 0.17 13,265
2.0 Labor Costs 260,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General
TKWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
LBWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
3.0 Chemicals 23,744
3.1 Sodium Hypochlorite (as in Alt 1)2,029 gal 9$ 18,261
3.2 Sodium Hypochlorite (upstream of air stripper)609 gal 9$ 5,483 Recommended residual = 0.5 mg/L
4.0 Maintenance 861,729
4.1 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Media Changeout ‐ Materials 24 CF/20 years 30 708
4.2 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Media Changeout ‐ Labor 1 labor hours/20
50 25 per Milt Larsen
4.2 LBWC 4R Air Stripper Equipment Maintenance @ % 5.0% 21,377
4.3 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.4 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Changeout) 84,100 1000 gal 0.34 28,594
4.5 Water Quality Monitoring
TKWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
LBWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
4.6 Maintenance ‐ New Pipelines @ %0.5%271
4.7 Maintenance ‐ LBWC 4R @ %1.0%3,853
4.8 Maintenance ‐ General
TKWC @ %14.0%38,245
LBWC @ %14.0%35,193
4.8 STPUD Sewer Service Charge 1 LS 600 600
4.9 STPUD Sewer Volumetric Charge 105120 1000 gal 6.5 683,280
Subtotal O&M Costs 1,424,947
Contingency 356,237 25%
Total Rounded 1,782,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$1,248,000 $1,782,000 $2,673,000
Costs based on STPUD Special Discharge Permit
Consists of contract O&M, transportation, and materials/supplies/parts
(LBWC 2015 5‐year budget). Consider general O+M to be 14% of O+M
5% of air stripper equipment capital costs
Assume 8 hours/month WQ sampling for 1 staff and includes lab analysis
% of Pipeline Facility Costs
% of Direct Facility Costs
Same as Alt 1
From Alt 1
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
5% of sum of treatment + pumping energy requirements
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
Total O&M Costs ($/year)
US EPA Drinking Water Treatment Technology Unit Cost Models, includes
location factor 25%
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy
surcharges per kwh)
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx