HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlt 1 Concept_and_Costs_rev2PNCWA 2019Alternative 1: Base Treatment (Existing Condition)•Continue to Operate TKWC and LBWC Wells to meet existing demand•Maintain current levels of PCE treatment•District to continue to provide emergency water supply to TKWC and LBWC in accordance with Mutual Assistance Agreement•Assumes LBWC 5 will be equipped with GAC treatment funded through State Construction Grant funding•Alternative 1 is sized to meet 2009-2018 average annual demands•Existing Title 22 Source Water Capacity is reviewed but Alternative is not intended to meet requirement10/11/2019DRAFT1
PNCWA 2019Current CapacitiesWell CapacitiesCurrent Source Capacity to meet Title 22 MDD2TKWC 11,000 gpm1,550 gpmTKWC 2 (GAC)550 gpmTKWC 32,000 gpmLBWC 1720 gpm720 gpmLBWC 5 (GAC)1720 gpm1. Based on LBWC SWRCB Construction Grant to equip LBWC 5 with GAC treatment.2. Groundwater only systems must be able to meet maximum day demand (MDD) with largest well offline.10/11/2019DRAFT2
PNCWA 2019Notes:1. TKPOA 2018 PCE Facilities Plan (2008-2016 monthly data)2. LBWC 2015 Preliminary Engineering Report for Water System Improvements Related to PCE Contamination (2005-2014 data)3. Source Capacity Requirement - Groundwater only systems must be able to meet maximum day demand (MDD) with largest well offline and 4 hours of peak hour demand (PHD) through combination of any sources (including emergency).4. Assumed to be met using all groundwater wells and District intertie5. Assumes that LBWC 5 is online and equipped with GAC treatment. Title 22 Source Water Capacity Requirements for LBWC + TKWCEstimated DemandSources to MeetSource MDD Capacity RequirementsSystemADUgpmMDD3gpmPHD4gpmgpmTKWC11,4172,1263,1891,550LBWC23675508257205Total1,7842,6764,0142,270Conclusion: LBWC and TKWC have been able to meet demand with existing sources, but may require additional supply to fully meet California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 requirements for source water capacity and fire flow. This Alternative is not intended to meet CCR Title 22 Requirements. 10/11/2019DRAFT3
PNCWA 2019Assumed Future Pumping Rates for Alternative 1Future Average Annual Pumping Rates1TKWC 198 gpm51 MGYTKWC 2 (GAC)224 gpm118 MGYTKWC 3242 gpm127 MGYLBWC 1160 gpm84 MGYLBWC 5 (GAC)37 gpm19 MGY1. Future average annual pumping rates for individual wells are based on past use as a proportion of the total average annual water production for each water system over the past ten years (2009 - 2018). Future pumping rates derived by this approach were also used in fate and transport model simulations for Alternative 1A (Baseline)/1B (Conservative) (DRI, 2019).10/11/2019DRAFT4
PNCWA 2019PCE Removal Potential Based on Modeling1Baseline ConservativePCE Removal (2019 – 2068) 347 lbs 2,573 lbsYear of PCE Concentrations to < 4 µg/LAll TKWC Wells 2045 >2068All LBWC Wells 2040 20581. DRI Results for Model Alternative 1A (Baseline)/1B (Conservative)Source: Rybarski, Susan, et. al. Fate and Transport Modeling of the South Y PCE Groundwater Contamination Plume – Addendum. Desert Research Institute. September 5, 2019. 10/11/2019DRAFT5
PNCWA 2019Planning-Level Cost Estimate•Capital Costs $0 (No new infrastructure)•Existing Annual Operations & Maintenance Costs•Time to Implement = 0 (Continue Existing Conditions)Total -30% Total Estimated (2019 $) Total +50%$509K $726K $1.1M10/11/2019DRAFT6
Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs
South Tahoe PUD - South Y Feasibility Study Alternatives Analysis Construction and O&M Class 5 OPCC
Project Type:Prepared By:KY, JLL
Project Title:Date Prepared:Oct‐2019
Description K/J Proj. No. 1770027*00
ENR 12,354
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit
Capital Cost
Direct Facility Costs
1.0 Permitting ‐
Subtotal Direct Facility Costs ‐
Total ‐30% Total Construction Total +50%
$0 $0 $0
No.Description Qty Units $/Unit Total
Annual Operations and Maintenance Costs
1.0 Energy Costs 153,737
1.1 Energy (Treatment)‐
Energy (TKWC Well #2 treatment)0 KWh 0.17 ‐ Cost integrated in TKWC Well #2 Pumping Cost
Energy (LBWC Well #5 treatment) 0 KWh 0.17 ‐ Cost integrated in LBWC Well #5 Pumping Cost
1.2 Energy (TKWC 1 Pumping) 87,055 kWh 0.17 14,799
1.3 Energy (TKWC 2 Pumping) 185,483 kWh 0.17 31,532
1.4 Energy (TKWC 3 Pumping) 221,222 kWh 0.17 37,608
1.5 Energy (LBWC 1 Pumping) 286,014 kWh 0.17 48,622
1.6 Energy (LBWC 5 Pumping) 76,167 kWh 0.17 12,948
1.7 Energy (TKWC metering) 3 ea. 183.48 550
1.8 Energy (LBWC metering) 2 ea. 183.48 367
1.9 Energy (other) 43,000 KWh 0.17 7,310 5%of sum of treatment + pumping
energy requirements
2.0 Labor Costs 260,000
2.1 Labor ‐ General
TKWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
LBWC 1.25 No. of Staff 104,000 130,000
3.0 Chemicals 18,468
3.1 Sodium hypochlorite (TKWC) 1,764 gal 9 16,056
Sodium hypochlorite (LBWC) 265 gal 9 2,412
4.0 Maintenance 148,537
4.1 TKWC 2 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Media
117,600 1000 gal 0.34 39,984
4.2 LBWC 5 GAC Maintenance (Backwash/Media
84,100 1000 gal 0.34 28,594
4.3 Water Quality Monitoring
TKWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
LBWC 96 Hrs 50 4,800
4.4 Maintenance ‐ General
TKWC @ %14.0%38,245
LBWC @ %14.0%32,114
Subtotal O&M Costs 580,742
Contingency 145,185 25%
Total Rounded 726,000
Total ‐30% Total O&M Total +50%
$509,000 $726,000 $1,089,000
Total Costs
No new permitting unless PCE increases in existing wells
Total O&M Costs ($/year)
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy
surcharges per kwh)
2015 Energy Cost, Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy
charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
2015 Energy Cost, treatment and well pump intergrated, Liberty Utilities
South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy surcharges per
2015 Energy Cost, Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy
charges + energy surcharges per kwh)
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
$ 30/hr. for employee labor ‐‐> $50/hr to include benefits
Liberty Utilitles South Lake Tahoe Schedule No. A‐1, monthly customer
charge per meter (5 meters, 1 per well)
Liberty Utilities South Lake Tahoe Schedule A‐1 (energy charges + energy
surcharges per kwh)
Maintain pumping at wells sufficeint to meet LBWC and TKWC Demands
Alternative 1
Base Treatment
Chlorination at well 1 only
Unit costs from LBWC DWSRF Grant Application to equip LBWC 5 w/GAC
Consists of contract O&M, transportation, and materials/supplies/parts
(LBWC 2015 5‐year budget). Consider general O+M to be 14% of O+M for
each water company
Assume 8 hours/month WQ sampling for 1 staff and includes lab analysis
\\Sac1\job\2017\1770027.00_South Tahoe PUD‐South Y Feasiblity Study\10‐EngDesign\10.03‐CostEstimates\Alternatives Cost Estimate\2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx2019‐10‐02 Capital & OM cost comparison.xlsx