HomeMy WebLinkAboutLFd 05142018 OPS 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, May 14, 2018 3:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: Richard Solbrig, John Thiel, Paul Hughes, Jim Jones, Kelly Sheehan, Heidi Baugh, Star Glaze Public: None A meeting was held to discuss the following: TOPICS DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. 2. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS a) Plant Emergency Generator Replacement (Cal Electro Inc.) • Cal Electro Inc. has mobilized and is starting to pull up pavement and potholing existing utilities. • News on the FEMA funding was not good for this project. They have more money coming in but it will take over six months before we know how much, if any, or possibly when we would receive the funds. FEMA is restarting the application process. Staff met a couple weeks ago to make some decisions regarding this potential funding and the project schedule. It was decided that if we received news that we would be awarded the $1.2 million by May 30 we would press them to speed up their Environmental review so we could start work by August 1. If it went beyond that, we would lose another construction season and risk another winter without the new generator, and incur substantial delay costs from the contractor who is already mobilized and working. As it currently stands we will not have the new generator in place until Fall of 2019. • We are in the process of determining if there are any other projects that would meet the criteria for FEMA funding, and possibly submit a new application. b) DVR Irrigation/ C Hydro (Thomas Haen Co) • We’ve worked through some of the shutdown issues and the C-Hydro is working well in “auto”. • We are working on controls and programming for the pivot rigs. • Soil samples have been collected and sent off to UC San Louis Obispo for testing, to assess and determine what enhancements we will need to added for example. • On Thursday’s Board Agenda there is a third party contract (proposal from Domenichelli and Associates) to satisfy the monitoring and reporting requirements for the discharge of recycled wastewater onto the Diamond Valley Ranch. c) Fallen Leaf Lake (District) • We received the new genset for FL4, to be installed at the fire station on a pad behind their building. The genset was ordered with a weather and sound proof structure. • Chris Stanley has been working with the Fire Chief on installation of a common structure to house both their generator and ours behind their fire station. We are currently working out an agreement so that they will have access to our generator. We are using the site at no cost to us. • We will be converting VV7 (FL8) and VV8 (FL9). At VV8 our crews have started the excavating and conduit runs. We will continue work out there over the next 2-3 weeks. We are looking into hiring Ebright to build a 3 foot rock retaining wall for the FL9 control panel. Ebright has done a lot of similar rock work out at FLL. • John was able to get the easement agreement at no cost by agreeing to some of the cosmetic requests by the owner. • That will leaves us with the VV7 conversion at FL8. We have been working with the property owner for the past few years on an easement agreement and are happy to report that it should be signed off in the next week or so. This will open the property so 2 we can complete conversion over to electric. • John is hopeful that we can get this accomplished by Memorial Day. d) Ponderosa Waterline (Sierra Nevada Construc-tion) • There are 22 customers who need their water services reconnected to the street. We have received a handful of estimates that are extremely overpriced. We plan to wait a couple more weeks and see what other estimates come in. • We may decide to go out to bid and do this work under a District contract. • The contractor will finish paving next week. • After meeting with the City it was determined that there was no real opportunity to modify the paving in this area. We will pave as per the plans and encroachment permit. • The City did indicate that they would be interested in this possibility in the future, but would like to start the discussion at the permitting stage if possible. • There is the opportunity for the District to make upgrades to our facilities on Third Street ahead of the City’s paving schedule. • We have had discussions about the gas company work schedule moving into the City limits. We will reach out to them in an effort to see what they have lined up as projects…maybe we can coordinate with installation of a gas lines and waterlines and paving. e) Water Meters Phase 4 • Vinciguerra Construction plans to start excavation on Monday if their Builder’s Risk and other key submittals are approved. • Planning to excavate and install an average of 20 meters per day for four months. Another very challenging project this summer. f) Marlette Waterline • The Notice to Proceed was issued today (May 14). • Staff is scheduling the preconstruction meeting. 3. PLANNING / DESIGN a) Fire Hydrants, Service Valves, Pine Valley PRV, and Forcemain Bypass Stations • These are being bid as 2018 Water and Sewer Systems Improvement Project. • It started advertising May 8th. Bids will be opened on June 22. We expect to bring our recommendation for award to the Board in July and begin work in August. The start of this work will coincide with the completion of the Marlette job so we can best utilize our limited in-house inspection resources. b) Sierra Blvd Waterline • City’s project is not out to bid yet so August is probably the early start if it goes this year. We are not sure what’s happening with the funding on that. • Our component of this work is finished and we have submitted our plans to the City’s consultant for inclusion in their plan set. c) Keller-Heavenly Improvements • We have received the 30% design. John presented some documentation/plans showing the rockfall mitigation as well as where the old tank is, where the new tank is proposed and walked us through the tentative plan for construction. • Staff is still reviewing life cycle cost analysis for the tank material, and we are seriously looking at concrete for this tank. Initially cost of steel tank would be about half what the concrete is, but the coatings and cathodic protection over time along with consideration of the inaccessibility of the site for contractors (which drives up cost), it is panning out to be feasible. • FEMA Application is submitted. SRF application nearing completion and will go out in June. We are finishing up working with Garth Alling of SES to complete the biological evaluation. Once this environmental work is complete we can package. SRF review is expected to take a year. • EDCWA grants continue to fund the design work by Farr-West. We are using staff time towards the match requirement. 3 d) Waterline Replacement /Fire Flow Projects • John displayed a map of the District’s water system, including data showing locations and varying degrees of deficiencies in our system. There was a map showing all the leaks in the past 9 years, most are located in the oldest parts of town and in the rockiest areas. • Variables being considered for new projects include fire flow, leak history, urban/forest interface, pipe age and material, etc. We think fire flow will be the main driver at this point and will bring this forward to the Board for funding decisions. • We have tentatively identified about 50 projects valued at $87M but John expects this number to be heavily revised as we go through and evaluate the details of each project and weight cost and benefit. • These projects will provide the basis for much of the next Water Prop 218. e) Groundwater Management Planning South Y Remediation • Work going on at the Y in the PCE Remediation project. • Ivo has been out there extensively for the past couple weeks. The contractor has completed test well borings on Eloise. Samples were sent to the CME lab for VOC analysis and grade size analysis in an effort to determine the viability of constructing the extraction well at this site. • In the next month we should have a good idea for how this will look for future remediation use. • No date has been set for the next public hearing. Probably not until later in June. • Richard reported that a couple people at Lahontan thought we should do another meeting at Tahoe Valley Elementary. f) Fallen Leaf Lake • Design on improvements for the main line continues – we are working with Carollo on the force main model. • We are looking for a simple and reliable pumping schematic – there will be 9 pump stations pumping to the same force main. Need to make sure they will be able to run together or in some control sequence. g) Big 5 Pump Stations • Working on the seismic analysis and hydraulic deficiencies assessments. • Starting to develop alternative projects based on results of the condition assessments. h) Sewer Collection System Assessment • Flow monitoring continues. We will monitor and collect data and use it to populate the model and identify problem areas when flows spike during storm events for example • We are working on a system-wide, representative pipe list of 368 pipes – these were identified as a representative cross section of different pipe sizes, materials, locations, etc., that occur throughout our system. Brent set up the project areas and is moving crews through this on the new camera truck. 4. OTHER a) AMI Towers • Sensus installed 3 additional towers and are still not getting the reads they are requied to – while they have increased from 60% to 80%, they need 98.5%. b) Luther Pass Pump Station – 700hp pump • Marteck still doing some testing on Pump 3. We need additional run time before making a decision on a new 700. c) Recent Operational Issues • No news. 5. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee meeting will be held on Monday, June 18, 2018, 3:30 p.m. 4