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OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, May 13, 2019 3:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: Julie Ryan, John Thiel, Shannon Cotulla, Jim Jones, Nick Exline, Star Glaze, Doug Van Gorden, Jeremy Rutherdale, Mike Cheffo
• None b. Sewer Collection System
• None c. Wastewater Treatment Plant
• None d. Export System / Recycled Water Facilities
• On 5/9 we had a consultant (TIC) on site at the Luther Pass Pump Station to do a submersible and float raft camera inspection of the structural condition and coatings of Tank 2. Initial inspections by the District had found corrosion and degradation prompting us to bring in the consultant and accelerate the tank repairs and coatings to be completed in 2020.
• Corrosion had occurred at the base of the overflow pipe last summer causing seepage out of the tank. The issue was repaired and the tank was put back on line. There has not been an issue since.
• The tank had been filled to the overflow and isolated on 5/8 in preparation for the TIC inspection. When the Pumps Crew opened the tank on 5/9 for the inspection they found that the fluid level had dropped about a foot overnight.
• Inspection of the overflow pipe from the tanks found that recycled water was overflowing into the manhole pit. As the manhole filled, it discharged to drainage pipe, whose outlet is unknown.
• Crews used dye tabs in the pit attempting to verify where the water was running after leaving the pit. They also vacuumed the water from the pit to stop the flow out of the outfall pipe and with the assistance of Operations drained the tank.
• Recycled water did leak into the Grass Lake Creek from the drain pipe. Field crews posted warning signs along the creek and the lab collected water samples.
• It was determined that the overflow pipe in the tank was cracked. A pneumatic plug was installed and the tank has been taken out of service so that it can be evaluated for future repairs and or replacement options
• Lahontan and El Dorado County Health Department were advised of the issue and were kept up to date on progress. There is no action as this time.
• Lab results both upstream and downstream have shown negative for the presence of coliform and the signs at the creek are being removed today.
• Kudos to our crews and Operations for their quick and efficient efforts in resolving this issue.
• Having Tank 2 out of commission while we plan for repairs will not allow us to use it as ballast if there is a failure at the B-Line. It will also limit our ability to do time-of-use pumping which will increase energy costs.
• Jeremy will give a Staff Report at the Board Meeting on 5/16.
a) Plant Emergency Generator Replacement (Cal Electro Inc.)
• Cal Electro is back on site and working on the emergency generator building and duct banks.
• The switchgear has been delivered and a crane will be brought in to set the larger pieces of equipment inside of the building before the roof goes on.
• Mike Magee from Construction Management Engineers has been the backup inspector on site while Matt Mendoza has been doing double inspection duty on this project and Sierra Blvd.
• A tour will be scheduled of the construction site following the next Operations Committee Meeting. b) Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation/C Hydro (Thomas Haen Co)
• Julie will talk to Ivo and provide an update at the next meeting.
c) Water Meters Phase 5A (Vinciguerra)
• Vinciguerra Construction will be mobilizing this week and will get rolling full speed as of next week in the Meadow Lakes area finishing the remaining sites from last year’s project.
• The installs will then continue down Pioneer Trail toward Meyers. d) Marlette Waterline (Thomas Haen Co)
• The Marlette and Ponderosa water service line relocates will be done this construction season.
• Of the 80 contracts sent to homeowners only about 13 have not been returned. The majority of the homeowners have chosen to have the District’s contractor, Thomas Haen Company, perform the work; however, a handful of them will do the relocates themselves with a $5,000.00 cap for reimbursement from the District for the work.
e) 2018 Water and Sewer Systems Improvements (Thomas Haen Co)
Hydrants, Force Main By-pass, Apache Avenue Sewer
• The Ponderosa service line relocates are part of this project. See above.
• The Pine Valley PRV replacement originally required unidirectional flushing which would have caused water outages and a large amount of sediment to be stirred up causing dirty water.
• To avoid this we purchased a portable PRV that can be used to feed water back into our system using fire hydrants without flushing or water outages. This tool will also be useful for the replacement of future PRVs. Crews are working on the set up now. Rocky 2 Waterline Replacement Project
• This project is currently being updated by Brent so that we can advertise it for bid in three weeks.
• There is a possibility that we will be adding a PRV to the scope based on funding requirements that Lynn is following up on with the Bureau of Reclamation. We had requested a deferment but at first blush this has been denied. We will add an addendum to the project if needed.
Groundwater Management Planning
• South Y Plume
• John reported that mass extraction is the goal for the remediation of the PCE. Ivo is working on the cost analysis now. The next step will be the amount associated with each option. There is more State funding available for removing the mass rather than just mitigation.
• John went to the Lahontan meeting this morning at which the working parties and other water purveyors gave an update on what they are doing.
• Lahontan is utilizing the $4.6 million in funding that they just received to start collecting more information from all parties and for further characterizing of the plume to fill in the data gaps. They are looking at about 800 more site samples.
• The Big O and Herzl sites have now been cited as working parties.
• The District’s sewer lines at Glorene and Tucker were found to be in good
shape and not a source of preferential pathways.
• Groundwater Management Plan
• Shannon reported that it has been two years since Ivo submitted the two alternative plans and we are now expecting an answer within the month. It is important that one of the plans be approved or we will have to resubmit. c) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Improvements
• The in house design team has been working on alternatives for the main pump station so that we can decommission the vacuum system.
• Before we do that Trevor is working with the modeling consultant on pumping configurations. We need to make sure that the smaller pumps will not be overpowered by the larger pump at the main pump station. This will determine a more complex pumping sequence.
• We are also working to resolve I&I sources so that we make sure that we have an accurate design. d) Collection
• The bid opening for sewer spot repairs was held on 5/2. Heidi revamped the bid and it paid off with three great bids and better pricing.
• Brent has been working on an RFQ for a coating consultant to develop a qualified list. This will have to be back-burnered until Brent can finish getting Rocky II out to bid.
• Crews have started TVing again in Tahoe Keys. We want to get started back on enhanced cleaning locations so that we can determine the correct conditions. e) Big 5 Pump Stations • We just got back the modeling that incorporates the 18/19 winter I&I information this week. Steve is reviewing this now. f) Diamond Valley Ranch Improve- ment Projects
• No update.
g) Keller-Heavenly Improvements • We just received the 90% design plans and are circulating them to the staff for comments.
• We received the new proposal from the rockfall consultant on Friday. We had removed the original consultant due to costs and the information that they were providing being counterintuitive. i) Heavenly Tank – Recoat and Site Improvements
• We had 14 people at the Mandatory Pre-Bid that signed in as a prime.
• Some of the coating consultants had requested that they be considered for the prime on the contract, but after consulting our contract attorney it was determined that it is not in our best interest to do so. j) Luther Pass Tanks, Valving and Fuel Tank Roof
• See above.
l) Well and Pump Monitoring Program
• We had a standard operating procedure workshop with Wood Rodgers. Shannon attended and said that it went well and we are making progress. We are excited to see them test it with our crews.
• Our IT staff has been doing a great job of coordinating the database that will be used. m) Upper Montgomery Estates/H Street Zone Improvements
• We are finishing the draft of the RFP but will not advertise until we find out if we get the funding from El Dorado County.
• John said that we should know about the County funding by 6/12 when it goes to their Board. John is working with Lynn on re packaging the funding requests.
Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Project
• Steve is working on developing the RFP for the design. The design will need to be completed by the end of the calendar year so that we can start next season.
• We plan on doing one clarifier in 2020 and two, one after the other, in 2021. We will need to have two online at all times.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Improvements Projects
• The Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Audit is continuing.
• Aneta in Operations, who has taken the lead, said that it looks like there is quite a bit of opportunity for us to save energy by identifying issues. She is also analyzing the data to determine where we can make improvements to be more efficient.
• If her initial analysis is good then we can expect to see some good recommendations come out of Carollo in their report at the end of the year. Future Water System Projects Waterlines
• Paul has asked that we add another water line to the Loan Package that is being developed. Originally it included Rocky 1, Bowers, and Black Bart. It looks like we will add Bijou to be constructed with Bowers.
• We will be working on the environmental over the next couple of weeks and will redefine the project area boundaries so that they can have the completed application in by the Fall. Tanks Backup Power Project
• We did get funding from FEMA for installing backup power at 12 tank sites. Some sites are viable for backup battery possibly to add solar panels in the future, but FEMA won’t pay for that. Future Sewer System Projects
4. OTHER El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA)
• Julie is working on the project list for 2020 that is due by the end of March. The list will be similar to the prior list since a number of our projects from last year were not funded. a. El Dorado County Water Agency
• See above.
b. Sierra Blvd. Project, City of • The City omitted our bid item descriptions from their bid documents. The contractor wanted to charge extra for potholing saying that was the main omission.
• The contractor quoted approximately 340 potholes at $400.00 dollars each. We agreed to pay for some but we only see 80 that would affect District assets. Our inspectors have been monitoring the potholing and feel good about the progress so far. c) Recent Operational Issues
• No Report.
5. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday June 17, 2019, 3:30 pm.